Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 09, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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n7 r wW p )ITWI.m , , ,. i. i '7!jfMWHgfc f. TV
. .- -
HI UVlffll ll iji.iirs"i If mr
Address nil miiiiniiiilrntlniin for
IIiIh iiik tn (luridly IMIior, Mull
Tribune office, or telephone 82-J.
I.nst Wednesday, AiikhhI flth,
Chester A. Arthur Holler Corp. No.
:H, of Mmirord, Oregon, outorlnluod
it largo delegation of tho member"
or otlinr corps of Hoiitliiirn Oregon
district, lit their lorul hondiiiinrtont
nt Itodmiiun' Wigwam, on North Ap
pin street In the rlty of Medford, nntl
It In needles lo tiny Hint n must on
Joynhlo (lino wns hnd !y overy one
who hml tint good forliiiin to ho pros
i'iit nl thin gathering.
Thin In tlio first mooting of It
Kind over hold by the lorn) rorp nml
thn Kriuiil success Hint It was so
licited llm prnlmi from every vlsltoii
present, Tim ladles of tlio rorp In.
mini liivllnlloim to thn ulster lodged
to moot with tliniii on thht orcnslou
Hint they might spent n pliniinnt ilny
together nml hot'otiiit hnttir nc
qualtitod with thorni who nro of the
olhiir lodges of thin district, nml (hi
visitors In response (o Invllntlon from
thn lornl rorp, riimn In crowd from
Omuls 1'nNn, Coutrnl Point nml Ash
Intnl. All nrrlvml on thn mornliiK Irnln
nml morn thnn eighty visitor wore
greeted hy thn lornl reception com
mittee, consisting of llosslo Miller,
llosln llnrt nml Mercy Unit, nt thn
depot nml Hid entire dolcR-ntlnu,
hi'niloil hy Mr. Mohr, proprietor of
thn Hotel Medford, marched to thn
hotnl whore limy worn entertained
for n tlmn. All of thn company were
taken hy nlnvntor to thn top of Hotel
Medford, nml for soinii tlmn enjoyed
thn magnificent view to lin obtained
from till plum of thn rlty of Moil
ford, nml n targe surrounding pur.
tlmi of llm ItoKim rlvnr vnllny.
Aflnr thin nil repaired to thn Mod
tnnn Wlgwnm, whom thn refreshment
committee consisting of Mr. KIUn
both Knhlor, Maggie Noble, l.oonlo
Hull, Frances Mots nml Killth llrnd
hury, hml awnltttiK thorn onn of thn
finest lmniiiol dinners, Hint wnn ovet
nerved In thn rlty of Mcilfonl, nml lo
which thn vlnltom nml ini'inhnrri of
thn lornl rorp nml V. It, C, did nm
pin jiiHtlrn nml thu illnnnr In onn Hint
will leut: hn remembered In ennnee
tlnn with this entertainment,
Thu guests before nml after illn
nnr worn royally entertained hy thu
romiulttoo hnvliiK HiIn part In rhnrKn
worn Mm. Vloln Alhlnr, chnlrmnii,
Kllen Hulllvnn, Mary Itosoburry nml
liln Mny Norrli. Tlmrn wan music
furnished hy lornl talent nml after
thn sumptuous dlnunr a short nil
ilreitn wnn Hindu hy Attorney It. A.
Cminilny, of Meilforil, who poke
ntoiiK thn Hun of patriotism for thn
roinhiK generations, ami that by the
example of thu tnnn who had risked
thnlr all ami life Itself lo nnvo HiIn
nation of our, Hint them resented
upon thu present ami coming genera
tloim thu responsibility or preserving
ami kuop of that untlon whlrli hntt
been Inimluil down to iin. hy thotn
who saved It In thu llmu of peril.
After thu.ndilremi n mentliiK of the
rorp wan hulil nml thn cIohIiik of thin
nieetlnK conclmleil thu ilay'n ontnr
tnliimunt. At till inuotliiK Rovurnt
of tlio vIhIHuk Inilli'i Kuvo nhort tnlkn
nml tlio ineotliiK wnu closoil with tho
flag naluto.
At thin gnthnrlng wero prcnent
Indlen or tho great orgnnUatlon of
tho Womeirn llollnf Corp, or our
country, nnd anany or thono present
on tnlH occamon, navo iiumvut"
mnmnrlfli of tho dni'H or tho Mxtlon,
when tho war cloud wan cntitlng lt
blnekota nhndowa over our land, ami ,.,!,' fron, tlio '.Messinli." Dr. Hill,
whllo mnny of thorn, nml mont of n fnner pnntor of tlio ehureli,
thorn now havo tho crowim or whllo preuelieil tho Hermnn, nml Hie ilou
upon tholr heiulH, ami thnlr Htep, a;i,o uttriietlou ilrew u I'oiigrejjntioit
woll an that of tho old soldiers In bo-'
coming feohlu, yot thoro lu within
them today an grout ami strong n
patriotism, oh thoro wan In tho ilnyn
or thn rublllon, and It can bu truly
nutd again, Hint thn hand that roclul
thu cradlo ruloH thn world.
Tho liidlon or tho local corp wish
to thank all thoso who took part tin
thlH occasion and iisslutod In making
tho mooting a success.
A buffet mippor will ho given by
thu ladles of thu (loir nnd Country
rluh this evening to rnlso rundH for
needed Improvement! lit tho club,
Tho finals of tho touuln toiiruamuut
will bu played this afloruoon nml a
lirlilgu toiiruuinunt will bo on,
Miss Murln Motsehun of (IrnnU
I'iinh unit her KUi't, Mlsn Anna llm
non or Portland worn visiting friends
In ll.iilf.iril llilu uiilil
Onn of tho iiiohI lieniitlful 'iHhow
ii r I'urllmt" of tho ncunoii wnn Hint
Kl vim hy MIhh llnliui Dulil on Tlmrn
ilny nftnrnoon of thin wenk for Mlmi
(Inrnldlun Mllmulm, u Heptuinhnr bride
Tho rooinn worn honutlfiilly tlurnr
uliid, pink nml while ImiIiik thu roloi'
Hi'hmiiu, Tho IIvIiik room In pink ami
wlilht Mweut P'tih, triimpnt vluen ami
fir boiiKhH ami thn iIIiiIiik room In
vluen, rerun nml pink rotten, u lurK"
rut KlttMH howl rilled with Amerlrun
llenuty ronen fornwMl thn router plvvu
on thu illnliiK tnhlo wheru nu ulnhor
nle three roiirno luncheon wnn nurveil
jit 4! 30 o'rlock.
Thu plnrn curiln worn imuii union
photon or thn brldii and thu lulllnl
or thu ruturu hnppy cotipln wnn rar-
rind out III Kreen on the renter plum.
Thn HUi'Mt of honor'n chair wnn dec
ornted with pink nweet penn, vlnei
ami pink tullu. Imuirdlntely nftei
liimhnon Minn Mlknchu wan taken h
iirprlnn by llttln l.uurii Nell York
lookliiK Mku n llttln fairy all In whltu
punhliiK hur doll hiiKKV all Inter
twined with vluen ami whltu ronen up
lo her clmlr loaded with tunny beau
ttrul and itnluty linmlmiidn KlHn from
hur many friend,
Thn Invited r.tientn were: The
Mliuen Dora and Irani Hulllvnn, lite
nml Ivn Coffin, llertha Wnlch, lonu
I'lvim. I.oralun Hilton, neraldlno
Mlknrhn, Jiuiiiunnn lliillur, l.oln KiteN,
AKlien Inanrn, KlUnbeth Kellnhor, Inn
Corhran. Mnudn Newbury, Opal
Dnlly, llnrlhn llrnndeubiiri;. Mrn. Kr
nent MrKeu, Mrn. Alllnon Jordnti.
Thn flnnU In thn mixed iloublen
ami luon'n iloublen will bn playnil at
thn Country club thin nfternoou nml
thu two v.eekn tourney will rlomj with
n burret nuppor and lirblBo tournn
tnetit tonlKbt thn proceodn or which
will ko townnl hulldliu: an addition
to thu club hotinn.
Thn rinaln In tho mixed double
will ho between Mr. ami Mrn. 11. C.
Kran nnd II. W. llltiRlinin and MIm
llltiKham, In thn tuen'n iloublen Kgan
nml lllnKbnm will play lleckwltl and
Clark lor thn Hrnt bonorn.
Yenturdny before a Ibtku gallory.
Mr. ami Mrn. i:kmi dufcated Mr. nnd
Mm. Htnwnrt l'nttemou, Kroii ami
llliiKham dofeatpit Konley and Hoot
nnd Ik-ckwlth ami Clnrk defentud
I'amonn nnd II. Cnrpontcr.
I.nnt Tuendny at a luncheon behl
at tint Mei'Uord Hotel by tho chair
men or tho dirferent ainunementn and
boothn, arratiKemiintn nnd plnnn wore
attain dlnrunned and porfected for thu
Indoor carnival which will take place
Septumber 0 and 10 at the Natator
luui under tho patromiKo of tho wlvos
of thn IJIkn of MmUoril, lh proceodn
or which will bn appropriated toward
thu bulldlnr; fund lor tho Klkn" homo
which will bu erected In tho very near
A very nttrnctlvo program hnn been
nrrntiKed ror both nlKbtn and a cor-
dlnl Invitation U extended to tho pub
At thn regular meeting or tho exo
rtitlvn lionnl ol thn (Ireater MeiUord
club 'which took plnco lant Momla)'.
nt tho MeiHonl Hotel, prececded by
lunrheon. thu nubjertn under dlnrun
nlou Included tho work of tho do-
...rtinnnlu nnd llm 11(1 V I M II til I It V ol
market Innpectlon, nlno It wnn ar
ranged that thn club nhould co-opor-
utn with thn medlrnl fraternity ol
Medford to nimlnt lu eiitortalnlm? thn
Statu Medical aiwoclaHoii which ineot:!
hern Sutitumliur ID ami 20.
xt-, Vloreuen Hiilllilny-IIniRliI.
roirili0, 0f IIiIh eity, nppenreil h
....i.,!,,! ,.i hih'cIiiI Herviee nt tun
yu. Pifhliyleriiiit eliureh of I'ort-
inn.i nHt Siimlii.V moiuiUKi reuuenu
iii.'Vl, iintli Not Seen." from "Thu
niv CilVi" i'l "H W DeHpix-
that completely filled the mro
Mm. Frod II. HopkliiH loft Thum
day for Portland, whom hIio will moot
Mr. and Mm. Franklin K. l.ano, with
whom Hho wll return to Medford.
Mrs. I.tino and Mm. Hopkins nro
Mm, J. 10. Btnwart was ugreonbly
surprlseil ono day this week, by ti
visit from hor mother, Mm. llehecea
Bcofluld ami hor nlecu, Miss (lortrudo
Moylan of Cuiido, N, D.
Mr, and Mm. (loorgo II. Cnrpontor,
Mr. Jnek Morrell nml Mr. Hprngtio
Helgel nro taking n' motor trip to
Cnlirornlu, whom thuy will go
through Yosomltu valley.
Mr. nml Mrs, John Duller nml fntu
lly havo loliirintd from trip to Cra
tur I.ako,
Mln .lean llorton nulortalnnd
Thurndny evening with h dnuco nt
her hoino nt I'hoeiilx, Hur Kimati'
worn Mr, mid Mrn. Middle, Mr. nml.
Mm, llnrry LlmlHny, MInHen Jonephln
Itoot, Mvclyn Caroy, Mnymo Douel
nml Ida Ketitnor, MemrH. Dciiol,
I. on Itoot, I.oiiIh Hulailo, I, eon Kpettk,
Curtln Amlcrnon and K. K. Tinny.
,.Mm, Duulop of Hlnklyou llulghtn en-
tertalniid thn Hoyal Auction Hrldgu
club Thurnday afternoon of thin week,
wlirn Mm. Vawtor won the club prize
and Mrn, Htoken tint guent prlzu.
. Thu KUustn of thn club went Mrn,
Dmtliiln, Mm. Htoken nml Mrn. Mo
Thu annual summer picnic wan held
Wednesday by tho membern of the
ChrUtlau church Httnday school, nU
Colentln. There won a good attend
ance and nil hail a most unjoyabla
Mr. and Mrn. K. II. Davln nml Mr.
nml Mrn. Mnnti left Hnturdny on n
motor trip lo Crater' Lake. They will
return hy way of I'ellcnn Huy.
wheru Mm. Davis will remain diirlnit
Mr, and Mrn. Delroy Cetchnll, Minn
Hobortn or Ki'ttttle, Judgo and Mrn
Cruwen and Mlsn Wright returned
Thursday from a trip through Booth
urn Oregon and Northern Cnllfornln.
Judge and Mrn. Htorny or Halt
liku City, aro thu gitestn or their
daughter, Mrs. Nnwhnll, at tho Now
hall orchard on thu upper Jacksonville-Central
I'olnt road.
Mlin Htelln Fording or Hortland
who held thn statu teiinln champion
ship ror women hnn been thn guest
or Mm. McNnlr or Ashland and Mrs.
H. C. (laddln.
,Mr. Wiley llarer who has been vis
iting bin brother Mr. IMgar llarer,
Inn Tuesday lor his homo In Council
llluffH, Iowa.
Mis Ixiulio llrury who has been
visiting Mr. nnd Mrn. Allen II. Drtiry
or l.rury l.ann Orchard ban left for
lluronado lleacb, Cal.
Mr. nml Mrs. Hlnghnm who are
occupying tip) Kostur homo on Siski
you Heights entertained Sunday oven-
lug with n tea nnd musical.
Mr. nml Mrn. II. C. Harnett nnd
children and Mm. Hratnny nnd daugh
ter left Thursday on a trip to Cres
cent City.
Mr. and Mrs. Caddis and Mr. nnd
Mrn. Dixon hnvn returned from nn
auto trip to Crater likn ami Kla
math Falls.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Antlo and (laughter,
Mr. Frud Weeks. Miss Weoks, Mrs.
Orr and Miss I'lckons returned Tues
day from a trip to Crater I.ako.
Mr. nml Mm. l'otor Ahlefluld or
Cleveland nro thn guests or Mr. and
Mm. J, A. I'. Andrews. Mr. Able
feld In a sister of Mr. Andrews.
Miss Hobortn or Seattle who has
been tho guest of Mm. Heglnnld Par
entis loft for nor homo Friday after
noon. Mm. IMgar Ilafor entertained
Infoimally Thursday evening ror Miss.
Jeanetto Saladn and Mr. Louis Salado.
Mm. Kdgnr llafcr will havo as hoi
guest this summer Mrs, llonry Whitt
le)' or Sun Frni)clsco.
Mr. and Mrs, Smytho nnd Mr. and
Mm. Cornelius leavo Saturday ror a
month's camping trip near Trail.
Miss Chnnco or Portland will nr
rlvo In Medford Sunday and will bo
thu guest ot Mrs, C. I, Hutchison,
Miss Jeanettn Salado and Mr. Louis
Salado loft Friday ror tholr homo In
CutrtHauqun, Peon.
Mr. and Mrs. Potor Steenstrup and
Mr. and Mrs. Shuplolgh left Friday on
a camping trip to tho Utua Ledge.
Mr, and Mm. II, T. Flndloy and
party returned Thursday from a trip
to Crater Lnko,
Miss I net! Coffin loft Wodnosday
ror Chicago where sho will study
Mr. nml Mm, Mou and Dr. nnd Mm.
Itlddull hnvn returned from n camp
ing trip to Crater I.ako.
Mm, I'M Andrews nml Miss Jose
phine Andrew leavo Monday for A
two weuk visit ut Colvillu,
Mr. Fred Alton Jlniulit, while in
I'ortlniul Innt week, won offered Ilia
Vonitioii of ort'iinlHt of the First
McllioitlHt church of Hint city, but
1 If I not accept, preferring Medford
n h n iilnro In live,
Mr. and Mm. Fred Hopkins nml
family, Mr. nnd Mrn. F. Madden and
Mis J milliard nnvo returned from n
two week's motor trip through Con'
tral Oregon, via Crater Lake.
Mr. nml Mrn. A. C. Alton and chil
dren loft thin week on n motor trill
to lon Angeles nml will hn nway sev
eral weokn.
Mrn. Florence llnlliilny-Htiiglit
will niuir (JiioiioiI'k "Ifepeutniice" nt
the mornini! Herviee tomorrow in lite
Fiml McllioiliMt church of IIiIh city.
Mlsn Knthor Arnell wan given a
most eujuyabln surprise party at her
homo on Holly street Mondny even
ing by n number of her friends,
Mr. and Mrs. ll'Tt Anderson havo
had an tholr guestn this week Mr. O.
K. Detwller or Los Angeles and H. K.
Detwller of Toledo, Ohio.
Mr. Arthur Henry, who ban been
spending some tlmo on bin (IrUfln
creek ranch, has returned to Port
land. Mr. and Mrn. J. II. Hay who have,
been "Isltlng their soq, Mr. Charlcn
Hay havo returned to tholr homo In
Central Point.
L. F. Pickett and family or Spirit
Lake, Iowa, have left ror their homo
artnr n visit with Mr. and Mm. C. W.
Mrs. J. II. Wood nnd Mrs. Truo Cox
returned Wednesday from a visit
with their sister, Mrn. II. II. Nye
of Hock I'olnt.
Mr. ami Mm. John Hrownleo havo
gone to their '801)8 In Knrampmcnt,
Wyo and expect to return In Sep
tember. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Schafcr and Mr.
and Mm. K. Nixon of Ilakorsflold,
Cal., aro visiting In Medford.
Dr. and Mrs. Frod Tebhs havo re
turned to their homo In Weed atter a
short visit In Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Folger. Mln
Joy Folger and Mrn. J. J. Dodge have
returned from a trip to Crater lake.'
Mlsn Mablo Could has returned
from Rogue River, whore sho baa
been visiting frlonds.
Mr. and Mrn. J. M. Hader of
Phoenix and Miss Maud Nowbury are
camping at Dead Indian.
Mr. George A. Ilutx, Jr., who has
been visiting In Medford returned thlb
week to Yrcka, Cal. ,
A. B. Hilton ban returned from
Springfield, Ore., where ho has been
for so mo tlmn.
Mr. K. D. Klwood and ramlly have,
returned from nu auto trip to Cratoi'
Mrs. F. K. Wood of Roguo River
has been tho guest of Mrs. II. C. Hon-
ney. ,
Mrs. Will Plymalu and children of
Yruka, are spending soveral weoks In
Mrs. II. K. Foster and Miss Mary
Alfeo leavo Tuesday for Klamath'
Dr. and Mrs. French loft this wook
for a trip to Crator I-nko.
Mrs. L. J. Searlos ban returned
from a visit lu Ashland.
Miss Shlnn of Omnia Pass has boon
vIsltluK friends lu Medford.
Mlsa Ione Flynn has roturnod from
a six weeks visit In Albany.
Dr. J. J. Murray loH hls week for
tho north, on a vacation. ,
Mrs. W. T. Kontner has roturnod
from n stay at Colestlu.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Seo are vlslttim in
Mrs. I.. R. F.nyart Is visiting frlouds
In California.
Mr. and Mrs. K. R, Oatman havo
roturnod from u visit nt Yroka, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Douol aro ox
peeled homo next wook from Chicago.
Mm. Ponrl Hauling or Olomlalo Is
thu giiost or Mr. and Mm. Jacobson,
Mrs. (leo, T. Foyos Is expected
homo from n visit In Cincinnati.
Mm. W. P. Hhlolds Is tuijoylni! an
outluif at Colcitln.
Quito n Jolly party or Medford glrhf
aro enjoying an outing at Colentln,
where they expect to remnln for sov
eral weeks. Thoxo In tho party nni
Mlssen Froncen Kenney, Helen I'll
nicker, Jean lluilgo, Leah Walther,
Umlso Williamson nnd Vmn Olio
ntcad. Mrn. T, J, Kenney Is chap
eroning thu party,
Mlsn Cora Linn of .Inrksonvlllo
vlnlted friends In Medford tliU week
en route to Honolulu ami Japan, Her
slstor, Mlsn Mnrgaret Linn, of Loh
Angeleri, will Join her nnd they will
make the trip together.
Mr. K. F. Oiilhrlfs loft Friday for
Portland where he will ineot Mm.
Outhrle who has been visiting her
mother nt Victoria for soveral weokn.
They will return Sunday.
Mr. and Mm. Lewis K. Wakemnn
and daughter, Miss Annette and Miss
Alice Van dor Sluln'of Talent have
been on a camping trip, near Pro
spect. Mr. (Juy Cronemlller lint returned
from tho agricultural collego at
Corvallln, whero ho has boon attend
ing college.
Col. It. II. Rose and son of Han
don, have been upending several day.l
In Medford, on their return from a
trip to Crater Lake.
Mr. and Mm. Charles Young and
Mr. Robert Hammond and family
started on an auto trip to Crator
Lake Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrn. T. T. Shaw, who have
been visiting In Salem havo returned
to Medford.
Mrs. Mears of Hckoloy, Cal., Is
tho guest of her bod, Mr. Fred W.
Mr. and Mm. rMson L. Aouklo and
Mm. K. D. Whllo of (Jazelie, Cal.,
are visiting friends In Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. W. Davey nnd
family havo gono to Pasadena, Cal.,
whore they will reside.
Mm. A. 7.. Seam has returned from
a visit In Portland and Vancouver,
U. C.
Mr. and Mm. Will Goro nnd fam
ily motored to Colentln this week,
whero they will camp for a time.
Messrs'. Ned and Ceorgo Vilas left
this week on n hunting trip to Squaw
Lnko. j;
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richardson and
family are enjoying an outing at
Mr. and Mm. Martin McDanough,
havo returned from a camping trip
at Dead Indian.
Mm. J. A. Elmhurst of Calgary.
Canada, who formerly lived In Med
ford Is now visiting hor sitter, Mm.
A. W. Walker.
A. W. Walker. '
- T. am TTkrH
i iEi " 1
m r n rih
M paiiiiiiiiiHJ iiiiiiiiiH liliiiiiH isiiiiH fi saiiiiiiH iisliiiiiii aiiiiiiiiiiHi aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHssiiiH siliiiiiiH
m B111111111111111111111H B111111111H B111111111H aiiiiiiiiiB 9 iiiiiiiiiiH i siiiiiiiiiH L B111111111111111111111H aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH B1111111111111111111H
m I lililll II W.
mtmWmM. iMsw IMHf M m mm
Rf We have yUfcV 2
ImKI studied JBMl IJfcflS
M v-rr-N Ky ijmwkT lubrication for m :SU
,iw.'V Mm:f years, both in the Y9lii ill
. v T Slrf 'aDoratory an n wjl 1
' Jy the road' and offer K 1
$WI ZEROLENE as the best IBt ?V I
w " we mow how to make 9h il a
fll' nKiIa anm'na - XffRf IT 1
i MmmfM w.. w..K...w. ,.wcftvw lSMI. ft t
J$mi & w r 3a
aV.vlraSsaWaV T 17 T T I T st T? ail 1 . nt Xm. vlUmtmmm.
M3mWi c.vi4Cic uie carDon rfcfcr) lan
IMI proof oil. WLW K
:feTaiBPa7 Sot J hv dealmrm eumrvwhere and -tv,,..THi ...-Ai VIHHvm
MimWBm at all agencies of the ..m" VlsiiHm -f
Smw Standard Oil Company vBX
Mr. and Mm. F. M. Wilson nnd
family nro spondlng soveral weoks
camping on Roguu river.
Mr. nnd -Mm, M. F. Canon and fam
ily have returned from a camping
Mlsnen Allc'o nnd Mnrlan Pnlmor
havo returned from n visit In tho Ap-:
Mlsn Nana Matney has been vis
iting her sister' nt Hrnntn Pass.
Mr, H. J. Root of Minneapolis
visiting In Medford.
Mrn. Hert Harmon has been spend
ing tho week nt Hrnntn Pass.
Grandma Talks
About Babies
Ha a Urea Circlo of Litteneri Who Prof
it by Her W!dom and Experience.
In nlmont any 'ttlnt community thirr'
a nrtmluis who know Mother's KrltmL
Not only U ib rfmlnlncrot nf hr own
experience, tmt It w through ber reeom
mentation tint to many joung. expectant
lucttiers derived the CMnfort and btrulng
of llilii fiimiui remedy. ,
Moltier Friend l applied externally to
the abdomen, Stomach and hreaiti, allay
all pain, avoid all natma, aad prevent
cakliiK ot the breaits.
It U quickly and wonderfully penetratlnc,
permit the mnnclea to eipand without lb
train on the IIk itxitnu, and prepare the y
titn o thoroughly that the crUli la pained
Almuit without the atlxhtent dUlrPM. Thus
there need lie no such thing ai dread or fear.
No better nor more cheering; adflce can
be Elrrn the expectant mother than to tat
Kwit the use of Mother1 Krlrad. Hhe will
take rmiraxe from the beginning. The day
will he cheerful, the night reitful. Thu
the health la preierreil, the mind Is In
repot and the perlfxl la an unending ono
of quiet. Joyful anticipation.
You ran retain Mother' Prlend nf any
dmgtl't at 11.00 a bottle. I) not forget
nor neglect to bo cupplled with tbl greatet
remedy erer derUed for motherhood. It U
unfilllng. Write at once to Ilrailfleld tlegii.
latrM- (V... l.Tt Imar Illdg., AtUnta, tin.,
for their very Interesting and Inn true lire
book of ad Ice for expectant mothers.
University of Southern Oregon
Those who register their names between thn fourth
nnd twenty-fifth of August as prospective students in
the College of Liberal Arts can havo the course for
twenty-five dollars per school year. Nine months
course in law forty dollars. Hygiene with special in
struction in nursing, twenty-five dollars. Horticul
ture, twenty-five dollars. Musical course in Conser
vatory of Music, twenty-five dollars per school term.
Commercial course in Business College sixty dollars.
Now is the. time to register your name and receive
the great advantage of a high-class college training
at the smallest cost. This opportunity is yours only
untill August twenty-fifth. Prospective students in
these departments will write to tho Rev. R.-W. Mac
Cullough Ph. D., President, Medford, Oregon.
Prospective students for the College of Music and
Pine Arts will write to Professor Gerard Taillnndier,
Dean of the Conservatory of Music, Medford, Oregon.
Students out of tho city can secure board and room
at low rates in Christian homes. One large furnished
house of ten rooms can be occupied by young men for
twenty dollars per month. For information write to
Jwmw f or lubrication of the auto- ifi :w
Mr. Frank Ray and Mr. Home
llromtoy hnvo rotiiruoil from nn out
ing nt Cotostlti.
Mlsn Ilena Senmnu who lind beeri
visiting Mrn, 0. Dufriold hnn returned
to her homo lit Rogun Rlvnr,
when the enkon nnd hroad-stuffn turn
out "Jiint right" nro an very day oc
curanco when you 110
Its nctlon Is, sure
nnd uniform. It
doofi not cnuso tho
dough lo ralno up
suddenly and fall,
hut works surely
nml evenly until
tho food Is baked.
a-.c pint Ti?:.
Crescent fiiniifnctiiriiiR Compnny
Seattle, Wnnliliigton.
N. Florence Clark
.Studio 11IO Went ltd Street
Wear tho Nu Ilono Guaranteed Cor
set, For Solo Ur
It 1(1 We t I th Street