J?? Wlforfoif tilf . Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair and warmer Ma. 4j Mlw. nil. 1 if; .41 I'lirly-llilnt Year. Dnllf. .I'.lwlilli Year. MEDFORD. OREOON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 0, 19.13. NO. 120. r RESIGNATION OF l US SULTZER ASKED BY SOS Guvrrnor of New York Will Reply to Accusations Next Week Expects linpcnclimcnt Procecdliius to Be Brounht by Prolilnu Committee. DGGS CASE NKW YOIUC, Aug. I. Governor William Kulrer r New Y.uk will ni il v early next wick tit lit" charges nt' iiinll'citHaiicit in office, according In his elnuoHl ndvUfrs hero toiluy. Tln governor iiiIiiiIIh llutl tin expects lint IVnwIcy luvcMipilliig committee in iiiNliliilji Impeachment proceedings when it finlhlieM llH probe now in piouicH Iiiti'. Senator l'riiwliy says sufficient evidence nltcnily has hccii iutrodiic til mi which In Iiiinii proceedings. "I sec no loiiHiiii," hit hiiIiI tmliiy, 'Tiir hearing morn with tlm ilrliiy. W'.i Iuim' tln good mi him mill his iliiMinliiiii'ilt in certain." SIiiiiii 1'ilitnriiil comment is voiced liy New York newapnpers today on evidence- iilri'iulv adduced, tint New York Wmld ami the. New York Tillies, two of III" IrililillL' publico- liniiH here, demanding SnUor'n res Iguntion. POPE CELEBRATES 1 OTH. ANNIVERSARY TALKS TUESDAY HAN J'HANCIKCO, Cnl., Auk. H. Acting on llm theory (hut counter testimony limes tin (diutterlng force uguliiHt evidence fri'Hli jn llm minds nf Jnryiiit'ii, Hpcijlul Prosecutors Mull I. Hiilllviin mill Tln'oilori) Uoelm for Hut government will withhold Miirshii Warrington mul Loin N'nrriH from tin' witiii'M Htmul in llm Diggs white uluvn Itiiil until close to the conclusion of thn pronecution's enso Tim nthu will not Imi resumed until Tuesday. According to lloehe, (tin two girls limhiilily will ho called Tursdnv nft eriunm to tell in ili'lnil llm Htory of Ihn flight of lhu four from Kiicra metilo In Iti'iio mul lhu lifn of the 'lupine iuirlrl for M'vcrnl days in a cabin whi'ri' thi'V lived us IiiihImiiiIm mn wives lie foiu being located mul nrri'Hli'il. In Hi' roll' of mi avenger, Martin Hcnsley, clnxn frirnil of llm War ringtail fa mil V. who took the trail of the niggs-fuiniuctti parly from Sai'niiiii'iitn mul wiih instrumental in lornti'il llii'iu lit Iti'iio. also will ap pear Tuesday wilh what tlm prone I'litiou declares in damaging tcsli-niony. BUMES LOBBY FOR NFLUENC NG MOO AN CRISIS Senator Smith of Mlchlfian Charges In Senate That a Madcrlsta Junta Influenced State Department to Dismiss Ambassador Wilson. KENYON OF 01 PROMISES SUPPOR KO.MK. Auk. l. Pope Pius was In receipt toilav of tclcgriims of cou- ijratulutioii from practically everv king, nuri'ii anil president of the "vwlrld on thn oemnimi of Ihn truth uiinivcrsury of hit I'lironiitiou as u prrnm (Minllff of I ln Catholic church. All of (ho military corps nt the Vatican worn In full dress uniforms for tlio day. Tim haml of llm pan lifit'itl gourds scrciindcil Dm pope from the cniirtvnrd of San DanuiMi ami all llm Icmliiit; prclati'H of Itoinc, UN well as llm mahaNHiiihirM necrril Itcil lo tlm holy , calh'il pcrnonal lv iliirinu tlm ilay on Canlinul Mcrr.v ilcl Vnl, Hccrcliiry of htiitc, In leave thi'ir rniiKnttiilatioim In porxou. Tim crcnloMl intiTCxt ntlachril to I lie report that tho pop" wnuhl take tmlav to iflfcim his pica for iiilorun tioiial pciici', Ihn most imporlmit cu cvi'lii'iil of his rcicn. Tim inipo has lii'i'ii worklii'r on llm cimycllcal for iiiauv weeks, contains mi iircou! plea to llm Catholic churcli every where lo work for worhUwnle pence ami penmiurul kohiI will iiiiiouk mi- lions. It was caik'cIciI lo urve llm arcliliihliops ami hisliops to heiiu prnnairanila luiiiieilintelv to Hpreiul the Kospel of pennmicnt iutermt tiniial peace, mul lo instruct IcumiIcs lo those iiicrmueutH iliplonuitieally relaleil lo the Vatican to uiukn for mal rcprcNeiilalions lo llm Niivereiuus of those nalioiiH uriiut; their par ticipation in thu movement for uni versal peiieo. CARL BROWN SEEKS FRESNO LODGE WINS I WAHIIINOTON, Alii?. 0. Cnrl llrown, u (orinur Callforulan ami second In cnmmnml of (louornl C'oxey's army mi Its famoiiH tramp to WashliiKton In 1801, npponnnl nt tlm citiltol today to iitko iiiiionilinunU to tho iiilmlnlHtrnllmi'ti propiiHoil cur rency lfll. Ha seeks support of tho hill Introduced liy Huuutor Miles l'olmlnxter of WiiHliliiKton, orsunlz- Iiik mi "Inilimtilal army" of iinnin ployed to cuiistrurt all rerluimitlon wo r It ii mul river Improvomontn, llrown lived In Ciillfuiulii nliioteou yunr. POUT-LAN'!), Or.. Auk. O.-Uy win nun; for the third time, the Acacia IoiIkd of Presiio, Cat., hecomcH llm I'l'mianciit holder of tlm silwr lov iiiK cup awarded llm victors in the competitive team drills held in con nection with tlm annual convention of tlm Pmtifin coast division, Wom en of Wooilcraft, in pnKresn In re today. Tlm second prlie, in cash, wa won liv tlm Kntivnlo Circlo of Kau .lose. Tlm third mul fourth awards, also cash, went to tlm Sa lem mul ItelliiiKlimii teams, respectively. JAPS HASIEN TO RECORD LAND DEALS LOS ANOI'LKS. Cnl.. Aiir. 8. -Los Anuclcs comity .InpancNO arc hnstcnliiK to rcconl ileeils, -UKrce incuts of sale ami other rent estate instruments heforo llm mili-alicu law Im'cohii'k effective next Moiulav. Various papers am hriiiK filed at tlm office of tho county recorder nl tlm rato of from seven to ten a lay, whereas in llm past hut two a day was tlm average. Much of thu property iiolcil is valuable farm land, itrt total value hciui; many thousands of dollars. L NKW YOl'K, Auk. .- .Most of llm speculative, issues wero lower when tlm slock market openeil today. Un ion Pacific) was down u point ami other stocks iivoriiKeil half below yosltinhiy'H close. American Kx press dropped 'J 1-1 ami Interna tional Paper "referred a point, llouds wero irreular. Tlm market closed dull. DIAZ' SON ATTENDS CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY lll-:i(KKIKviTiil., Auk. l. H1 I'liKUO. Dlnr, son of (leimral I'elix Din, of Mexico. Is to lie n student nl lhu University of California af ter tin Kiiidiiates Ibis year I'lom the IiIkIi school III Mexlen City, neeoiil ln In iiiiiimuiKciiiijiil limo today, Tlm iiiiimiiiieeiiienl IoIIiiwh lhu ie rent visit of (leiienil DIiik In (lie Jletki'luy umiiiii4, AT WASIIINOTOK, Auk- Snmtor Rmitli of MicIiIkiiii in llm senaln to day openly charKcd that a Madcristn jiinla, headed by Sherburii Kopkins, it local lawyer, had influenced the slale ilepartiiient to dismiss Auihas salor Wilson, I In iiIIckciI that this lohhy is motdiiiK ptihlin opinion mid is infltieiiciiiK tlm Kuveruniont in its attitude toward Iluerta. Detnocrats In llm seuatn Keucrallv protcsled nKiiinst Smith's statement, ami Senator Jumes demmidi'd proof. Smith promised that it would be forlheouiiiiK. I!" ""id. Arriie Iililiy "I say Hint tlm Mnderistn juntn which invested HI Paso in the late war, and who made mid timnndn Mexican Kcucrnls, arc hero now nnd have the cur of tho stalo department mid aided larvelv in xociirinir thu dismissal of Amhnssadnr Wilson." "Will you appear before the lohhv committee and make this charge. T" asked Senator Overman. "N'o. I won't," said Smith. "I will make my rcsrt to the senate. The lohhv committee has no riijlit to order mo to apiwar heforn it." Smith continued that ho did not Know wiietiier Inn junta hail ever tried to influence congress, nddinc: "Hut it's HiKnificmit that Hopkins k'ot .'(O.nno front tho Mjtderistn treasure chest for bis services." Senator Swnnson limn hroko into tho iliscussion with: "Tho senator (Smith) In n mrmher of the forcien committee. I nm sunriseil thnl be mnkes n rhnrKO on tlm floor of the senate which bo did not make in the forriKii committor. Tho nerretnry of state attended tho foreign commit- too meetinirs ami could bnvo been questioned there." Doesn't Arcuso Itrynn "I lid not snv the prcretnry of state," said Smith. "I said the htnto department. Tho constitution alist lohhy also tried In influence mo when they were vvorkiiiK on tho bor der eight montht nco. I nm in os session nf information which I in tend to civo thu 8ennte, iR'rhnps on Srondny." Senator Vail said his information vvns Hint Hopkins' testimony was taken Inst winter. Ho said bo did no helievo that Hopkins now influ ences tho state department. KcplvitiK to Senator Smith, who, wilh Senator Fall of New Mexico and Senator Jones of Washington investigated nlleged violation of neiitrulitv laws along tlm border, henntor Crawford of South Dakota pleaded (hat patriotism rcplnco par tisanship in the consideration nf tho Mexican situation. Ho ilcnniincod tho republicans for their stand. I 10 TARIFF BILL WAHIIINOTON, Auk. 9. Support of tho Underwood tariff Mil wni promised In tho senate this afternoon by Kcaator Kenyon If amendments to frco list trust mudo commodltlei In aluminum proilucln aro adopted. "Thu Tnyno rntfts nro too IiIrIi and I fear thoso In tho Underwood Mil nro too low," nahl Bonntor Konyon "I am anxious ami stand remly to do ftomellilnK to rodiice exlutlng raton." Bonntor JConyon nlno bitterly de nnuncod Henntor Oeort;n I'erklns ot tho llnrvcstor trust, snylnR: "A reformer Is bolter entitled to inspect if ho roturtnt stolon goods." Tnls btarted a Konoral debate OUT ISSUES ELECTION CALL FOR ROAD BONDS September 9 Named and Judges at Last General Election to Serve- Form of Ballot Prescribed and Route of Road Outlined. NEW STEAMER FR OA ST TRAFF LOS ANGELES, Cnl.. A 115. 0. Announcement Is tr.ndo hero today by tho American Castlu Steamship company thnt three Tirst-clasH ocean-KoiiiK passenger ships will ho delivered hero in 1911 for n San Di- cgo-Ios AiiKclcH-Viclorin run. San Francisco nnd Seattle also will he scheduled iortM for the new line. Tho ships, it is said, will ho tho latest word in construction nud will bo capable of making twenty-three to twenty-fivo knots. They will be built in Glasgow. E ATTEMPTS SUICIDE NKW YOIUC, Aug. 0. Llttlo liopo la hold out horo today for tho recov ery ot Dr. Oliver L. Jonos, fntlior ot "Oonoral" Ilosallo Jonos, loader ot tho HuffniKo army In Its rocont hlkos to Albany anil Waahlueton, -who at tomptod sulcldo horo yesterday by shootliiB hluiBolt twlco In tho head, KallliiK health Is gtvon as tho motive for tho physician's attompt at sulcldo. Dr. Jonos whb C3 yearn ot ago and vvoalthy. E TO BE HEAD F W.C.T.U. At the annual election of officers in tho W. C. T. U., Mrs. S. A. God- lovo was elected president for the coming yenr, Mrs. T. A. Howell sec retary and Mrs. N. L. Townsend trriuiurcr. Tho reports showed more work dono tho past year than liny previous yenr. Total meetings held durinc tho year, fifty-one, with nn average attendance of thirteen. Twenty-eight thousand fivo hun dred and ninety pages of literatim' was distrieutcd, $141.50 was kivcii for charitahlo panoses; nn nverago of 0110 loaf of bread n week was given to the jsior, eighty-six gor iiipntH of clothing wero given to tlm needy nnd two stoves nud two mat tresses, 130 sick calls made, 103 bourn spent in nursing tho sick, 508 hounuctu woro sent In the sick, nud a balance of $15.03 in the treasury lo start tho new yenr. Tho county convention will be held in Phoenix, August 20. REAL BOMB TO KILL LLOYD GEORGE LONDON, Aug. 9. What Is bo llovod horo to liavo boon a dollborato attompt to accomplish tho doath ot Chancollor Lloyd-GoorKo ot England was frustrated horo tonight whoa a real bomb, loaded with doaly ex plosives, was found In tho Sutton high school just a tow minutes botoro Lloyd-doorgo was scheduled to spoak. Suffragettes aro suspected. A pollcoman cut tho fuso ot sputtering bomb with n knlfo. Tho order cnllinc a special ejec tion for road bonds made by the county court reads in part as fol fel fol eows: "It is hereby ordered that a spe cial election of the legn! voters of Jackson county, Oregon, be, and tho same hereby is, called lo bo held in said county, for tho purpose as specified in snid petition, on Tues day, the 0th day of September, 1013. "Jl is furthered ordered that said bonds, if voted, shall ho issued nnd used, or tho proceeds thereof tiscd for the building and improving of one road in said county, described ns follows, to-wit: "Heginning nl tho corner between fractional sections thirteen (13) nnd fourteen (11) in township forty eight (-18) north of rnngo seven (7) west of the Mount Diablo Meridian, California, connecting with tho sur vey of the slnto highway of Califor nia, thence northerly along the route an now staked out to tho present county rond; thenco following ns nenr ns practical the main county road into nnd through the city of Ashland, n municipal corporation of Jackson county, Oregon; thenco fol lowing the mnin traveled county rond through tho towns of Tnlont, Phoenix, Medford nnd Ccntrnl Point in a northwesterly direction; thence following, ns nenr ns practical, the county rond in n northwesterly di rection to n point at or near tho stream known an Rogue river; thenco following tho nlniu traveled eounly rond along naid stream in n westerly direction nnd terminating at tho point where the innin traveled county rond on tho south sido of Rogue river crosses tho county line between tho counties of Jackson nnd Josephine. Oregon, and nt or nenr snid stream known ns Ihe Rogue river. Tho termini of snid road, ns herein directed, is definito nnd per manent. Tho lino nbovo described between tho termini thereof shall be ns herein ordered, nnd shall follow tho most practical route for n per manent rond, nnd snid rond shall be n permanent rond nnd highway through said eounly. "II is further ordered thnl tho election shall he conducted nud the votes canvassed in tho same mannc- ns nt n general election, nnd Ikol tho judges nnd elerkn appointed for the Inst preceding general election shall be tho judges nnd clerks for snid special election. "It is further ordered Hint tlm ballot shall bo substantially in tho following fenn: " 'Shnll Ibem bo issued bonds of Jnckson county, Oregon, lo Iho nmoiint of fivo hundred thousand ($500,000.00) dotlnrs, duo $100,000 in en venrs from tho dnto thereof; $100,000 in fifteen yenre from tho dnto thereof; $100,000 in twenty yenrs from tho dnlo horcof; $100, 000 In twentv-fivo years from the dnto hereof; $100,000 in thirty ..venrs from tlm dnlo thereof? Wilh inter est nt Iho rnlo of fivo nor cont per annum to provide for permanent rond construction.' " LOCAL GRANITE HIGHLY PRAISED BY STATE GEOLOGIST Dr. Wjnchcll nnd party of survey ors who nrc mnking a lour of tho stnto in tho interest of i'10 Oregon bureau of mines, have been investi gating Iho resources of Iho county for the past two weeks nnd reports that tho granite, found in this val ley compares most favorably ns a whole, nnd some of it far surpasses any he has found in tho United States for durability nnd building purposes. Ho nlso states that tho mining resources of the vnlley nnd county possesses much richer ore nnd were hetttcr prospects thnn tho owners or residents of the vnlley an ticipated. Hids nrc nsked for to build tho poitoffice building in Portland nnd the snmplcs of granite from Jackson county nro to be classed first in Dr, Winchcll's opinion for Iho building material lo ho used in this building, Altogether the reports compiled from dntn gathered by this able corps of engineers for tho Oregon bureau of mines will bo a vnlunble piece of information for Jnckson county nnd one thnt will nid greatly tho Commercial club in giving infor mation on tbo rcbourcea of tho county. HOLD HUERTA RESPONSIBLE IF UNO INSULTED Mexico Informed That Attack on President's Representative Will Regarded as Insult to Friendly Na tionPreparations Mad6 for War. BUD OFF TO T V RELATIVES Satisfied that the Medford lovers ot boxing aro still confident In bis ability to win tho championship ot tho lightweight division, Bud Ander son and his manager Dick Donald left yesterday for Vancouver, Wash., where Bud will spend some tlmo od a seventeen aero farm, near his home city. Bud spent a couple of days on tho Kershaw ranch hunting and tho strenuous work did not affect him In tho least, so It is safe to say that Bud will be ready to go 20 rounds with ono ot tho topnotchers Thanks giving day. As near as can bo fig ured out now, Harlom Tommy Mur phy will be Bud's opponent In San Francisco on that date, although Don aid has promised Promoter McCarey of Los Angeles that ha will giro him first chanco at Bud's services whon ho has fully recovered from tbo ap pendicitis operation. Thursday even ing Bud was initiated Into the Mod ford lodgo of Elks. CROSSES GREAT DIVIDE tho CALUMKT, Mich., Aug. 0.- Com plelo rout of thu Western Federation of Miners wiih cluiincd hero toiluy by officials of tho Caliunel-llecla Mining company, whoso 10,000 em ployes nro out on wliiko in llm cop per district. They claim .'1000 men now me ut work In (heir mines nnd llinl a thousand olhurs lutvu applied for employment, Officials of Ihn uiiimra' ingaiilfit' II1111 denied (hit nlli'Kiitloii, Tlm fiifct ileliinlimeiit of tinop cnt heiu In uiiiinl Hiiiirly mid pi ccivn order when llm slilkers walked out will It'iivu I'm' their liunu' Monday, 1 ANNA HELD SAILS WITH DIAMOND STOCKINGS LONDON, Aug. I). With her oyes niisht'liitviiig uu badly us ever, Anna Hold, who has ebon appearing hero in it Loudon miislo hull wearing n pair of diamond studded blockings, sitiled today for New York. Tlm actress didn't wear cither 11 split skirt nor a (runspaiciit gown when slio hipped Inuiii'd thu hteiiinnr, so lhu ship news repnrleis hud to link her if him vturu Iho illiiinoiid utuck inuHi "Theie's no safer pliu'u to cany Iheiu, Hint I know of," lm iv illicit Mullliiuly, SEEKS COOPERATION IN MINE EXPLOITATION II. N. Lawric, of Portland, chair man of tho Oregon bureau of mines nud geology, spent Saturday in Med ford in nil effort lo seen re local co operation in llm work of tho bureau in attracting nttention to tlm min ing resources of southern Oregon. Ho mum 11 hii 1 I'd of iiKHUtiiiii'o and nl its nmi'liiig Tuemliiy evening Pri'kiileut Perry of Iho ('imimeroial club will bring up lhu Hiiiijeel mul appoint 11 ijommll leu lo wuik with lhu biiH'iui. COMMERCIAL CLOD TO MEET TUESDAY An important meeting will bo held Tuesday evening by Ihn Commoroial club nt tbo city hall and a full at tondaiico is desired. Plans for 11 campaign for tlm rond bonds will bo dismissed mid tbo matter of enter taining Secretary Lane discussed Many other important subjects nro tu bo considered. Good Pictures at the Isis "In God Wo Trusl" is Hie (itlo of 11 photoplay shown at Iho IhU the- ater Hint every 0110 should see. "Her Mothei'n Oath," it Hiograph drama, U nbovo (ho usual one. reel subject, A Pa I ho tfcoiiio and Kdiwon comedy eoiiL'liidt's thu bill. TIimui picture will bo khuwu luiilubl for the lat Ihutf. Gcorgo W. Albright died nt Iho home of his daughter, Mrs. It. II. Monro, of Gold Hill, August 0, of heart failure, aged S3 years. Ho retired tho night before in bis usual good health, but was discovered early tho next morning gasping for breath by his daughter, whom bo bnd nvvnkoncd, and passed away in 11 short time. Mr. Albright, who vvns n native of Wnshingtonville, Pa., wns an oxpert miller nnd enmo from Iown tbirty-ono years ngo to tnko charge of tho flouring mill nt Phoo uir, later going to Jacksonville to conduct the mill founded by E. 1). Foudrity nud T. T. McKcnzio, and afterward acquired by tho Into G. Kurowski. Ho returned to Iown when tho mill nt tho county sent ceased operations, nfterward going to Snu Jose, Cnl.,. where two of his sous reside, nnd whero his wifo sub sequently died. Tho remains were sent to Sun Joso for interment be faidu those of bis wife. STEAJIPUARENAI iRECKEDltALlOSS HAN KKANOIBCO, Cl Aug, U l)osiatrlms hero today suy that tho ktomnor Point Arena, hound from Hun Pedro, went juhuru lit Pigeon Point today and will be a totul low. The uti'uuier piled up high oh tlm rocks. All lhu crew wer rescued, WASHINGTON, Aug. 9, While tho speed of tho battleship No Hampshire Is slowed down so that John Llnd, President Wilson's emis sary to Molco. will not reach Vera Cruz until tonight, Nelson O'Shaugh nosiiy, in chargo of tho American le gation In Mexico City, Is actively pro paring for Llnd's arrival. Ho hat. notified General Hucrta. that his at tack on Llnd and his mission is f. affront to a peaceful sistor nation am. that Iluerta will bo held responsible for any porsonnl Insult to the presi dent's representative. Ever slnco It loft Galveston foi Vera Crux tho New Hampshire has been In wireless touch with tho Ar lington station, and Llnd baa boon fully advised of tho developments In tho Mexican situation. President Wilson Jb conrlncod that Llnd's cour- ago is equal to Hucrta's and Llnd will go to Moxlco City tomorrow or Mon day. Wilson Kxprct RucceM Both President Wilson and Secre tary Bryan expect that Llnd's mis sion to Mexico will succeed, but senators familiar with tbo president's plan are skeptical and officialdom hcro generally believes that war is imminent. Both tho army and navy are ready for tho expected clash, and exper ienced officers who are opposed to a war with Me'xlco admit they tear the worst. A studied attempt has been made to fulfill tho president's orders and to prevent oven a show ot war llko preparation, but orders for troop and ships aro all ready for signature. Administration Criticised Both Bryan and tho president are being criticised becauso ot the secre tary's actions In tho Mexican situa tion. Republicans and some demo crats say the administration is try ing to make a patriotic question out of a party matter, and some demo crats say the administration has raado a mistake by not consulting with Senators Lodgo, Root, JJorah and other loaders ot tho republican, minority. All these men are com pletely In tho dark. Borah espec ially Is outspoken In bis criticism saying that Secretary Bryan has fur nished Iluerta with n formidable weapon. Members ot tho senato foreign committee secretly considered the situation this morning. Tho major ity ot thorn favor tho lifting ot the embargo against Mexican Importation ot arms. The president so far has been, able to keep a resolution to this end oft tho calendar, but each day. his task bocomes moro difficult. AH E FELT FOR LINO'S SAFETY IN MEXICO MEXICO CITY, Aug. 9. No ap prehension is foil boro tor tho safety of John Llnd, apodal omlssary ot President Wilson. Tho populace ol tho city huvo mado no threats against Llnd nnd General Huorta says ha will do everything posslblo to safe guard tho American representative. Ho will tront Llnd exactly as ha vould any other Aomrlcan citizen tail cxpoctu no demonstration. MKXICO CITY, Aug. 0.Ds putches rocolvod hero today nay con. stlutlouiiltst forcos huvo captured Agnus Cullontes after two days -ol dosporatu fighting. Hebol forces under five different leaders eomi blued. The lootf on both Ide were heavy. Pencil iHiiiiufMcturertf Mr buyjtijr up old rod cvilur fvnee ruttn in Ttm. iiPNMco nud nib ward l b Into ItiutJ u'ik Y A a