K , - 9 2A&&$W0. medford matt; trtbunk medford, orison, frtday, avcutst s, mm. - ' i ? B If IOCAL AND . t PERSONAL The Catholic Ladles' Altar society Will hold a sale of picnic dainties, bread, pies and cakes, at tlio public market Saturday morning. B, H, tlraham ban leased the prom ises at KIkIiL and Oakdale and now occupies tho wimo, D. I). Boylo, tlio Christian mlnU tor has moved to Eluht and Oakdale. All parasol one-half price. Ahrens. 113 Drs. A. It. and LoUlsa K. IlcdKes. clllropwtcWs and mechana-thoraplsts are now located over Deuel & Co. l'Bona'170. Lavvrcnr.o Rkikcs left this morning for Butto Kalis whoro ho will Join II. II. Ilowoil and Wilson Walt and they will camp servoral days In the sur rounding hills. Producers Trim c. tias just rc eclrcd'a largo shipment of 1 lb. and lb. tin top berry baskets, and can till orders In any quantity. Wo also have- on haniT a largo supply of tha celebrated "Security" orchard lad ders In all sizes, Sheriff Slngler was over from Jacksonville Thursday afternoon on' , official business. Mrs. Emma Thompson was the guest of friends living at Ashland on Wednesday. Home of La Greeqno corsoU. AhMiis. 119 Harry Foster, civil engineer, went to Gold Hill on Friday evening's train. Mrs. A. T. Anderson of Portland was a recent visitor at tho homo of It. L. Ewtng. Mrs. E. Kllppcl and her daughter, Miss Alice, aro guests of friends on upper Rogue river. 3,000 accident and life Insurance for $10: J5250 for J17.50. See Holmes, the Insurance man. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schmltt, plo neers of Jacksonville, wilt celebrate their golden wedding August lGth. Born, at Jacksonville, August 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stansell, a son. Kabo front laco corsets $2.00, $2.50 and $3. CO. Ahnms. 119 Max Krledonthal ot Portland, the veteran commercial traveler, Is mak ing tha valley his usual visit. W. J. Mclntyre, the Jacksonville horticulturist,, a made a business trip to Medford Thursday afternoon. K. P. Bower, who went to Chlco, Cal., sometime ago, returned to Jacjct sonvlllo Thursday evening. Screen doors Medford Lbr. Co. Pearl Bean of Willow Springs diss trlct, who went to Fort Klamath tot Felton brothers last spring, returned this week. Robert McGuire and C. Coffman ot Josephlna county are among tho recent' arrivals In Medford. Brooms Ask your dealer for tho product of tho Ashland factory. Allen McDonatd ot Butte Falla and Hoary H. Taylor of Applegatn transacted business In Medford on Thursday. New fall satin hats at Ahrcns. 119" Mr. and Mrs. T. Albardo and Miss Ruth Benton were ot the visitors in Medford from Seattlo during the weeki W. II. "Whyburk, and It. Wilson were down from Gold Hill the foro part ot the week. Fruit tree props Medford Lbr. Co. Mrs. Fred Schneider Is iu(to 111 at Iter residence near tho Lincoln school on1 North Bartlett. Muslin underwear sale 20 to 33 1-3 per cent discount, Ahrenfl, 119 Assessor Grlevo and his family left Jacksonville Thursday for up per Rogue river on a camping trip. Mr. and Mrs. I',1 K. Deuel, who went to New York several w'noks since, aro expected to return next week. M. Maulo arrived from Southern California during the. wc.uk, and may remain some time In Medford. Kodak finishing, best In town, at Weston's. Samuel Richardson and his family left for Colestln Thursday afternoon and will camp a few weeks. MY. and Mrtf J. It. nay of Cen tral Point) wero guests of their son, Charles' J. Gay and his wife Thurs day. Their health Is considerably improved. Every spring and summer tallorel suit In stock ono-hulf price. Ahrens. 119 Miss Anna Dlcdan or Portland and her cousin, Miss Marie Motschau ot Grants Pass, whom uhu has been vis iting, w,era recent vlsltom In Med fiord , "V. II. Movvatt, who Is connected with tho Postal Telegraph company at Ashland, was In Medford Thurs day. IB.-k .-! ! S Weeks k McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS &AV tMHfllf Itor I'lMMtt SMt7 IgMtt V. W. W4 IWt-J-a fVmmt A. K, Orr K7H-M Tho distributing car Rainbow ot tho state fish and game department, arrived at Grants Pass Wednesday with 180,000 trout fry for placing In different streams ot Josephine coun ty. Trucks and nutos had boon put In readiness by the fish and game protect ho association ot that county and thore was no delay In liberating tho try. Another shipment Is ex pected next week. Tho poeuplno captured by Carl Tongwald at the Presbyterian church has been glvun temporary o.uar(ors in tho show windows ot Ajdlott & Cholgren's factory. Ho Ib n hlg sjiocl men ofMn Animal rarely seen In this section, nnd whoro ho caiuo from la a mystery. Porcupines aro said to bo numerous In Tablo Hock district, whore they do considerable damage to )dung trees. C J. Holt of Klamath Falls ami R. E. Ncal of Hoseburg are among those transacting business In Medford. K. L. Markell and II. S. Bird ot Washington, D. C, who are in the service of tho U, 8, government, ar rived here Thursday. W. II. Jenkins ot Portland travel ing passenger agent ot tho Southern Pnclflq lines In Oregon, Is making the valley a business visit. Crater Lake pictures ,a book if 12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest ever mado of tho lake, for salo at Gerking & Harmon's studio. Call and sco them. 22S East Mnlu street, phono 320-J. tf It will soon bo In order for tho county court to appoint n sealer ot weights and sneasures for Jackson county, under the law enacted by the Inst legislature. Tho equipment for tho statu offlco Is being received and within a short time Frank Btichtol, state deputy, will be ready to begin checking up scales and measures In this state. He has received word tliat tho weights sent to tho bureau ot standards at Washington, D. C, havo been gold-plated and tested twice and will soon bo shipped to Salem. John McXulty, who has been a resi dent of Jncksou county for a long time, has gono to Eureka, Cal., his former home. Harry S. Harrison ot Ashland and Androw Heaver of Phoenix were of tho many who spent several hours lu Medford Thursday. Lingerie dresses one-halt prlca. Ahrens. 119 Willlmn II. Johnson and his famll) will return from Salem soon and mako Jacksonville their permanent home. E. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher,, negatives made any time or place' by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Helms, Mark Finney and others have gone to thu hills In Steamboat district and will bo gono several weeks. Tho finest studio in southern Ore gon has been opened by Gerking & Harmon at 223 East Main street, first stairway cast of Star theater. Our work is always the best, views of all kinds for sale. Tho best of kodak finishing. Negatives mado any timo or place. Phono 320-J. tt Martin Marshall, R. B. Beanie and L. A. Williams aro ot tho many front Central Point district who wero in Medford during tho week. Fresh, ripe Figs for sale, home grown, 10c per pound delivered. Cdll It 13 W. 122 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caddis and Mr. and Mrs. Volney Dixon, who have, been making a trip to Crater Lakrt and Klamath county, aro at homo again. You will bo surprised to find how little it costs to havo tho Southorn Oregon Electric company do your electric wiring and repairing. Phono 926, John Maulo, who went north sev eral years ago, Is visiting In Med ford, his natlvo town. He holda a good position In a leading business house of Tacotna, Wash, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Plekott ot Spi rit lake, Iowa, who hnvii been via Itlug C. W. McDonald, cashier of the Jackson County Bank, and his fam ily, loft for homo Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wakcmun and their guest, Miss Van der Sluls ot Talent, havo rot u rued from a trip to Crater Lake. George? W. Stephenson of Ashland, a woll-kuown pioneer of Rogue river valley, mado Medford a visit Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs, E. B. JIunloy and their family of 'North Jacksonville precinct motored to Medford Thurs day uftornuon. Col, it, II. Rosa and his son and daughter, who havo been making u trip to Medford and Crater Lake, aro en route to Bnndon, their homo. Miss Cora Linn of Jacksonville has gono to Han Francisco, where she will bo joined by her sister, Miss Mar gurel Unit of Los Angeles, and thoy will muko u trip to Honolulu and the Orient. Thu Medford Commercial club wUlics samples of fruit, vegetables, Kralu and grasses for its exhibit room, A Urge iiuuiliitr of tourists ur now lulling Medford and It Is Important (but u good display be made, PHOTOGRAPH FOR THE Tho grand Jury ot Amplioe coun ty, lu which tho Denver Rocky Motintnlit News Is published, did not llko this photograph. Tho Jurors Registration for the special elec tion to Im held Nov. th, wluMi the bills passed by tho last legislature that aro held up by tho referendum wilt be voted on, will tint close until October. Everybody who wishes to vote must register under tho new law. There will bo no swearing In on election day. Mls Mamie Barnes, cashier of the local excliaugo of the Pacific Tele phono company nt Ashlaudt and younger daughter of A. S. Barnes, former sheriff of Jackson county, was united In matrimony to F. C. Bout ledge, August C. Tho groom, who has been connected with tho West ern t'nlon tolegraph office at Ash land, was lately promoted to a posi tion at headquarters lu Ashtand. POTATOES PROMISED I'OUTIiAND, Aup S.-1'otalocs promifrt li sell lit extremely good prices nil over the country this o:i bon. Henl low prices will in nil probability be foreiitu to the present ro now beiiiK dujr, iiiul it in more than likely that "-.pu.ln" will be considered more in the luxury elncn than ns ii neeeiMty diirimr the .en- bOll. Kvervwlierc in Hie United Stales there is n very serioim tleereii'-e in the planting of potatoes this m'Iihiui. This, together'witli the generally poorer crop proipeetfi than last mwi son, will combine to ltriiitr out a j-lmrt crop uuil loin; price. Alow; the I'aeifie const the mol i-erioiiH hliorlase will lie shown iik compared with the output of n year nuo. While 'other seelions of the United States will not have ns liii; n crop ns it enr ngo, the deerense will be far less sensational than on the const. The principal reason for this is that the coast states practically doubled their ucrenue in initntoes lasl sen-on, white this frnsou scnrcelv more than the normal nere age was planted. California shows the urenlesl de crease, in pliiutint; of potatoes this season. SK'cial impiirv nmoiu; the Ieadiw; polalo interests of the south discloses the very interest inj; iufor- mulion that in the "river" seetion alone lliero is n deorease of fully 2.r,000 acres from that shown u year ago. There is nmplo reason for this when it is known that fully half of (he crop of the south was never placed upon the market Inst season. and maiiv of the producers who are merely renters were tumble to con tinue except op n very liiiieil fcnle. OE KLAJrATII FALLS, Or., Aujr. 8. - I'oVtniusti'r ('. IC. HramlenliiiiK hits u (lifficull ti;ne, much "charges werp prefeired ngiiiitst .him liy Itirinec Chief Clurl; J. It. MeAlliht.;r uud lu speclor II. S. Duraml is mtikinu mi iuvestit;n(,iou. Kecently HiaiMleir hiir ilihcliurKciT .MeAHihlur, Imrj; int; Hint the clerl; was not servimr tho host inlcresls of the pit Irons of the office, MAHihler in turn cliaj;; eil Ilrandunlinr' with tfueral incom petence mid partiality in the ilirf cliuigo of his official ulies. llrandcnliuri; is it repliblicmi mid Mill has two .cnrs to servo befoio his commission expires, while .Mi' A I lister is it demociat ami has lieen mi aspirant for the Kluiiintli Falls post office since the presidential election Ho has been in KlamiitH Fulls nliout ouo enr, liniiit come hero as u civil service cmplove. There lire al ready several local dcinonnils nspir iui; to (lie pONlmiisterliip mnl It is eerliiii Hint HiHro m ill lot fevcrul mom Jipplltimilx If llrandeiibiirg -IjouIi bv iciiiOvrJ, 6, FlM j,v jI,1 4 ' MMS Jut h Kr Nli9fi" Jbn AtfKL UH jf ILmIbBBb f " MMjJMlBBBflBBIv7 POSTMASTER KLAMATH D D PUBLICATION OF WHICH AN EDITOR OF DENVER ROCKY MOUNTAIN thought It should not be published there, so when tho Uocky Mountain Newn did so, tho editor responsible for it was indicted Ml of tho young women belong In lVnir mid were AT l'OHTLANI), Am;. S. That the installation of public markets in cit ies reduces the cost ot nil foodstuffs nnd especially frtllt. teluhls mid meat from -" to HO per cent, was the statement niatle ln'fore the coun cil h William I.. Ta.vler, runner city attorney of liidiiiiinixdU. who is spending u few weeks in this oily. Not only is n public market oper aled on the basis of the one in In dinnnpolU a reducer in the cost of liviwr. but it also is a soitreo of con siderable revenue to (lis city, Ac cordiui; to his sluterumt, a revenue from .:i0,tHI0 to $.10.0110 a year was obtained from the rental of stulN. "Our tniirhel is loeoled in the cen ter of the city," he said, "on a liiru'C block of ground deilienlod fur public market purposes vvhen t)ie city was laid out 100 enrt a to. It is with in easy access of nil Ihe street cur lines, on which n I -feat fare is charged. walfitilt in tlin'e units to meet deninndsfroni time to time and is now '4110 feet low mnl 1(H) feet wide, one story hfali, of steel mnl concrete. At one cud of the market is a Inrue assembly hall for nil public irnlherins. So great is Ihe demand for additional booths that the city is now contemphitinc; addinu' another unit to the huildiiu;. "The space in the Inutttin-r is di vided into booths and these uro rent ed by the 'vcar at the nvcrage chnrue of about ,?I0I). About IIK) of these booths nre occupied by butchers nnd .'100 bv dealers in other pioiluco. In addition, curb stands at fl'J a year where farmers back up their villous nnd sell their produce direct to the consumers. A central refrigerating plant supplicrt all tho separate ie friucraloix in the main huildjotf. "The city absolutely mH supervis ion over all slalls nnd has the power to revoke a penniL when it is discov ered that n renter is mil conducting his husiiidtt in a sanitary manner or is uticmpliiij; lo overcharge. In this manner the municipality con trols ihe price of foodstuffs in the cilv. "The cost of liWiitr in Tmlinuiipolis is from !2." to 110 per cent Jovvcr op account of our public mnrkci Ihau it is in other cities uhern there nre no itch upirkcls. I'rii'cs in I'orlland are nt least Hint much higher than iji my city," f OR STERLING MINE Tho largest pump of Its kind In Oregon urrlvcd lu Medford Friday consigned to MiiIIIh K. Hour for iih! op tho .Sterling mine, it Is an H00 homo power leutrlfugal pump anil will he, used to throw streams of water on tho high bankunt tli'i big placer mine, .It vvllfnlso bo usod td Hoist tho water lu tho present ditch lo a much higher elevation, saving tho construction of many jitllcs of new ditch, Tho pump Itf an Imiiienso of fair and coiiiplolnly filled a frolght car. CHARLEY PALM GETS DEER IN KLAMATH hVr, mnl .Mt. Churhis i'alni mnl Deputy CiiiiiiIv Clerl; Charles Ho Lap mid wife ictiirucd Tuesday from ii Meek' diiiiip on Cheiry urccli. U'liilu'llicni I'Jllin liiiK''l ,,Hjr' All iciHiit llio Cherry creek Hliin lln fJml (ireri 'Kluiiintli Jlemld, PUBLIC MARKET CUTS LIVING COST HUMMUS GIGANTIC PUMP photographer whlln In tho hunt; lu bathing (UStUmoK nenr h Tho Fiuno grand Jury IndUted two persoiiH for iuhllshlng ' Seileiuliir Mont.' by Paul ('helms, to whli h QUAKER CITY IN OF l'llll.AnnUMIIA, Aug. S'- vim dolphin has been called a lot of iianio comidlmeutary and otherwise. The very latest, however, that could hi applied to the qunltor (My of "Ob steorleal I'raclluimr." riillmlulphiu as a inuulelpnlit) Iiiih branched out Into the ancient and honorable pro ftnwlou of mld-vvlfery and thero lire no charged for servbos. On tho tlieorj that a cltlsou saved Is a iltl sou earned. Philadelphia has gone in to the business of saving Its tubleo by not only looking after their health, and welfare after the) arrive on this mundane sphere but aUo by arrang ing for the arrival or Old Doc .Stork the minute they sou Mm fljlng Phil adelphia way. This comparative!) new departure Is three )ears old, but tit" city Is JuhL beginning to renlUo what an nscet the miiiilclp.il nurse department ot the Child ll)glemt Bateau Is to tho clt), and many Phllndclphlanu aro this summer, rcnlUIng for thu first time that Philadelphia hi success fully tietltt; tho role of it time to tho poor mid needy. Miss Churlotto 1'irkliiH Is uhlef of the Child Uiglouo Bureau of tho department of health. She explained through tho United Proas what her staff of n nines doeii and how they do It. Tlio first mid most Important thing Is mltmitlnu of tho mother, according to Miss Port kins. "Tho most effective method Hint can bo omplo)cd to ruduco ihe alarm ing totals of Infiiul mortality In big cltlos," said M!s PerMm" Is edit latlon ot the mother both before mid after childbirth. Next In Impoitnuro Is enro or tho child's food. .Milk, of course holds first place as'thti foot! which must be most closely watched. .Mothers cannot bo too caro'ul In pre paring It for tho little ones. Thou comes education of tho mother as to what she should and should not o.iL It is real!) astonishing hinv tunny mothers and tnothcrs-to-bo do not know t lint they must oxorciju ion slant care lu choosing their own fond TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTKD At onco 70 corda ot dry fir body wood delivered lo prune dryer In orchard home, olio mile from .Medford, Phono 7-'-l m write (Jeorgo II. Young, It. It. No. 1 , box C!. FRECKLES V ' , i I i I Don't 1 1 lil.t 'litem Willi a Veil; Itc. move Tiicin Willi thtt Oltilno Pi cm rip- lion This proscription for thu removal or freckles was will tun by n promi nent physician and Is. usunlly so successful In removing freckles- mid giving, a clpnr, beautiful complexion that It Is sold by your druggist under an absoluto giiaiantco to refund, the money If It full". . Don't lildo jour fret.lilcji under u veil; got an ounce of othluo mid ie ihovir thonl. Kvcii the- first fow np pllratlons should ahdw a wondiirfiil liuproveiuout, somo of tho llghtet freckles vaillMhlng entirely, Bit sure to usk tho druggist for the double strength nUiluo; It In tills that Is sold on the moncy-bacli guar antee. WOOD By thu Tier, Cord iiiul Car Lots Under Big Khed VAIXKV 1'IIKIi CO., 'VV.h. 7l W, Ojtujlo, Prop. HncicsMir lo Kohihstnlii, I'll- mol U'l Kriouil Hl, NURSE NEWS WAS INDICTED Ahthouv Comstock objected In New orl, and for with It Mr ("helms in (clved tho tneilul of honor lust yeat, tho highest reiognltlou which an ar tist can attain lu I'tatice Many babies aro killed outright bv ih mother Innocently eating food that ugteiM with her all right, but which, when in.ido Into milk b) mi ture, for the baby, will make, tho Ifv tlo one III ' SAI.C.M, Or.. Aw?. . Oal one forest fire wlnn nuv ilaiueue at all wns siiHtmucil bus been icpnrled thus fiir to the stale lorcslcr. This was a hiiihII fire in Crook county, when .iil duuiHne wns sulnltid. With the fret fire protection foices ii the nIhIc well ontuuiM'd, the slale fole-ler is cH-clUlK '" K lhrillh Ihe seaou with vnv light lo-ie. With Medford trade Is Medford m.i.lo PAGE THEATRE svnmii.w ami sif.i.v HMNt'USS IN'DlFrAS' Ml'SMMI, HAWAIIAN'S ProicutliiR An "ItVII.NINO AT WAIKIKI HIMCII" IMOC-SCOI'i: .MOTION I'lOTI'llltS Prbcs: Lower flisir, -'c; lialconj', l.'.e; ibllilicii, Die. E.D.Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Ainatuiu 'Finishing Post Cards Panoramic! Work Portrait"! Interior and exterior view- Flaph lights Negatives made anv tlnif and any place by appoint inent. 2d8 E. Main Phona 1471 With .Medfonl Tiailn In .Medford Made Phono us your orders for Milk, Cream, Butter, and Buttermilk. OUIt HTUICTI.V FltKMII HIIT TlCIt 7le I'CIt KgiMIII Our 111(111 OltADI) Ice cream will plcaso )ou, Hold lu liiinutltlus if ' gnlloim and up, Wo havo our own twlco-a-day do ll very, ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY I'liomi 'Mm Willi Medfonl 'Jiniu s Mislfonl Miidu WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE TODAY The IE Throo Reel Kuy-Bco A wonderful war drama with awo-iiiKpirtnjr, nnd son- salioiutl hi'iiik of liiilfili;. (Md'lVKIv roMW)y. (1001) Aiusro. rooh norsK. Always 10c WoiIiI'n I'aoiiOK lleleilive Win. J. Burnt mid llio Jupn Slur Ac- ICC III III) ItvpotUMI lif TJie Land Jj Swindlers One whole y at i'onumed In Ink ing this (powerful it Pur I Diaina Kceties In 1'lorlda, North Ctrollun and WaohliiHtou, D. C. nt tlio. IT THEATRE I'lbhiy ami Satin day 7t:in P. ,M. Sal onlay .Matltice H::t(i P. M. MuhIc by Prof. Beudi uuil MIm Deltoll 111 KNIN IIM.V ISIS TtEATRE Photo Plajn 1'ililny mid Saliirday mat .MoTitim's oath IV ODD WIJ TUIIKT A Talo of the Yulolldo Booiiierai KPOITBD i:u;PII..NT HAWK T .MOTH 1 ATIII-JXS ( KlMllllll ' HOW DID IT CIMSIl 1 IMIiion Comedy ' CbintiiK Kunilay .MAIIV HTCAItT An I'ntiHtial Pholo PtodiKitlon 'Uh All Ktar Caul St. Helens Hall I'llMTl ANII, (lHHl() Hcililent nnd Day School for Glrli In rliurpier Hl-tvia ( KUIaliu lUiilUl (I'l U.i.l Cilliculf, A4dtKilii nil llnurir liifArimvtif, MkOr, Ail, LIM4IIM. nailU All, lj.,illg kil.ai,. UjrfcfetiUu, fr(irriliilnifiM 'i ill) sit i im HiU'i'ition, (jiii..u.i SI, II. tin. Mull Draperies Wu entry vnry comiilelu tin of riruprlei I neu iMirtuins, futurcx. iio mill ilu ull i'IAkh.ih of iiiiliniNliiiliiKi A nriil iiiiin pi IdiiU nficr this work ri'luwlVily suit will ulvu un uunil htvIiu li Is lUIHItlbU to k'kt lu nysu till) liUKIHt UlllvM. Week.? Si McCJowan Co. M t