i." ' 'it! Vf. W IMEDITORD IMAHJ TRIBUim MT3PFORD, ORTCClO'yr, TFTCSTOAY, AITCRTgvT 5, 10W, v t r w? i h i i ir r l Ik" U 5 m 4y j ' Hmdpord Mail tribuni K?rNWon0N ffftfibiH OT kiT'-tzvrr T1p0ortlo Times, Tim Medford a. VM Mpdfor.i TrHmne. Tii south- rn OrASMtan.Tli Ashland Tilbuno. IV TIM Trib orriM jbm Trunin nuiuiine. Wla irtr trt: Ulephono ?6. :s-17-j OMMftl Vw of tha Cltr of Medford. Ofnetat lper or Jsckson County. MOMM frUTNAM, Kflltor and lUnaser Natr4 ipeoii1M . roatttr Mai rstd, OrPEOti under lh tot ma larefc a, W. VMOuvvioir BATXB. On rrj .16.00 On mmih. fey mull Per inawMu tMlrrersd ibjni oarrlsr In Mim&wA Jaokaonvlil and Cn- tral V Point , Miirdsr only, by mall, pr yr Wepkly,- par rr. w ... .00 .SO 1.00 t.so j. v i iwm cxbovultiok. Dally a.vra..fer eleven month end tar November SO, Wll Ktl COOPER UNDER 5T FOR LIBEL J MAUYSVILLE, Cul., Aug. C On a complaint issued out of Justice Morrissey's court nt the. instanco of Everc-lt Barr, of Ynbn City, George Cooper, baseball pitcher, formerly of $lcfonl, Orchil, was arrested by Constable Tyrrell on a chargo of criminal jiuci. Barr nctionB are based on news paper articles Tvhtcli Cooper caused to bo printed in tho Maryavillo Demo crat and Sacramento Bee, alleging that Barr and Juck Walace, both of YoiuTcUy, wrecked bis homo nnd tlio homo of K. Wilson, n Marysville butcher, by alienating tho affections of the Cooper and Wilson women and causing them to flee to Sacramento. Cooper and Wilson represented that Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Wilson met Barr and Wilson clandestinely, nnd by prcarrangemont nnd went for a boat ride on Feather river with the Yuba City men, when, it is now claimed, (hero were in reality a third woman and n boy of 3 years in the party with Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Wil fon. Barr alleges that Cooper had pome ulterior motive in tun misrepresent ing bint. ITo charges that Mrs. Cooper was justified in leaving Cooper on account of blows which Cooper administered nt tho Yuba City boat Wdinjr on tho return of the boating party. P fflS $2000 SALEM, qr., Aug. G, Tho federal forestry department has apportioned $10,910. which Is 10 per cent of the lncomo from timber sales in national forests, for Improving various roads In the national forests In this stato. This apportionment hi made on the recommendation or Governor West. The apportionment Is as follews: The Prinevllle-Mltchell wagon read In Creole county, $1000; Gates- Qusxtzvlllo road, In Marion county, f 500; Cape Perpetua road, I1b coin bounty, $2090; Lehman Sprisgs road. Umatilla county; 7S0; tiree different yoads in the Umpqua forest, in Denton county. $1700; Grouse creek road, Wallowa county, $1000; Desolation road, Baker coun ty, $2,090; r!8ley-hewaucan road, from raislcy Into tho Chewaucan valley, J7C0; Murderer's creek Sproul ranch road, Malheur county, 11280; Coye-Mlnam road, Union county, $900; McKeuzie road, which I tho only road connecting the cen tral part of eastern Orfgou with the Willamette jralley. $5000; Cook and Green road, which Is a link In tho highway between Oregon and Cali fornia, $2000; Bend-Sparks Lake road, Crook county, $1000. In efery instance there Is to be co-operation In thd building or im proving of the roads On the part of the counties 6r clteen. MARSH MS WANT '"- AD TO FIND WIFE "WANTED Lena Marsh. Place all pad for, Iteturn at once. Henry Marsli." The above wajlt ad In Los Angeles papers is occasioned by tho dlsap yraneo of Lena Mareb, wjfo of H. M. Marsh, tha drayman, who ro- '1 nnrr i m I turnd from Coos Hay to find a note - telling htm of the doparture of his wire. f)b stated she had f 20 and ( would ge as far south as sho could " gt' on the money. Despondency r 'or the prospective loss of tbolr ,v, fciu aud hoaie Is said to be tho cause u M (he woman's becoming unbalanced. "jw husband also flames gossips for fgsftlMg trouble by scandal monger- OKLAHOMA NH IS ' H. fii X I V The Oklahoma ltnneh Wild WVM show is coining to Med ford. Thrt dtito hns Leon definitely fixed for Wednesday, August 111, and ono of iho most picturesquely interesting exhibition of iIr kind ever seen in this oily may be looked for wilh con fidence. The OKlnhonm Kaueh Wild West show, it is niinouiU'cd, htm nil the. best feature of the mot famous among the old-limo border exhibi tions, together with ninny nnveftte that cio it n chnrneter dislinellvc ly its own. It illustrnles the old life on the plains with a wealth of detail and with whnt i declared to bo absolute fidelity to historic truth; its Iudians nro real Indian, nnd they hnvc been selected from the great Biouv, Chev enne, Arraphoo nnd other tribes that have figured so thrillingly in the frontier hitorv of the I'qited Slates; its old scout nnd Irnppcr hne net nnllv lived the live which thev tc prodncti in the arena; tho singe conch drivers nro among tho Inst nf that recklessly daring race of men who crossed the nlnin nnd moun tain with the reins in one hand nnd a six-sbooter in tho other; tho row boys are the real chap wearing, short-vamp, high-heeled roper? of tho cattle ranges: the cowgirl are to the manner bom; tho Mexican have been recruited from the great Snnnish ranches in Central Mexico or from the hull ring of tho oldest of rebellion swept Old Mexico; and even tho troupe of Cossack, under Priueo Lucca, who contrast lite rid ing of the Russian sfenpes with that of the American cattle ranch, nro declared to be among tho raot clev erly daring of their race. ' FOR. IP'SIM WASHINGTON, Aug. C Tho first government forest to be ac quired upon the watershed of the Ohio river has Just been approved for purchase by tho national forejt reservation commission. This pur chase Is included In what Is known as the Mouogahela area, and tho commission considers it an Important one tlnco tho Ohio is ono of tho most navlgablo streams of tho country. Last year the Pittsburgh flood commission mado a special study of reforestation at Its headwaters. Four areas In all are approved, In cluding the Monogahcla, and making up tho largest set of purchases passed upon at any ono tlmo by the commission. They aggregate 113. 209 acres, and bring the total of all the national forcsta In tho cast up to 713,415 acres. Of this amount, about 300,000 acres wcro acquired during the fiscal year ending Juno 30. 1912, and 400,000 acres during tho fiscal year ending June 30, 1913. D. D. BOYLE RESIGNS CHURCH PASTORATE D. D. Boyle, who has been pastor of tho Christian church for about two cars, gave his resignation to tho church Sunday to tako effect September 1. After a short Test Mr. Boylo will tako up ovangollstlc work in which ho was formerly engaged Tho official board at Its regular meeting Monday night accepted tho resignation and, passed a resolution commending Mr. Boyle for his excel lent work for tho church hero, for his splendid Christian life and wish ing him success wherever ho goes. During bis pastorate tho beautiful bungalow church was built and ho is entitled to a great deal of tho credit .for Its erection. Tho church has also mado splendid progress, spiritually and financially during bis pastorate. Ho has mado many warm friends during his stay hero who will regret his departure. FOUR FEATURES ON PAGE VAUDEVILLE Four features will appear at tho Page Wednpsday afternoon and even ing and according to nil roports where they havo previously "been pro duced, they are up to tho high stan dard of l'antagcs vnudovlllo that the managora of tho Page present. Their headllner la the "Troubadours" con sisting of thrco "classy" college boys. Maldlo DeLong is tho singing com edienne and is trald to be a great laugh producer. La Volas has a wire act and tho Page has secured a splen did extra number in Charles Konna, who will presont his original charac ter, tho Street Fakir. Popular prices: Mattnco, 25c, box seats, GOc. Evening, 2Gc and 3Gc, box seats, GOc. Thrco allows ono day only, Wednesday, August Cth. Cil orum MORE FORESTS BRITISH ARMING III 1 ULSTER1TES a LONDON, Aug. n.Antl-Homo Uulo Unionist In Knglnnd nro quietly organizing ro-onforccmonts on this sldo of tho Irish sea to go to tho assistance of tho "army of Ul ster," which Is now being drilled nnd equipped to resist by forco of arms tho authority of tho Dublin l'nrlla' ment whenacr It shall bo created In tho past six months, slnco tho t'llrltlsh League for the support of Ulster and tho Union" was formed, several thousand Kngllsh Unionists havo pledged thcuueUos to lospond whenever cnllcd. "We aro preparing for tho worst," today declared ono of the offlclnls of tho League. "Tho Parliamentary situation Is hopoless. Tho tlmo for speaking Is past. What wo want now Is not tho men who will speak for us, but who will shoot for us. Wc have 1R0 army agents scattered about Knglnnd who nro cnrolllug men to stand by Ulster, whatever the consequences. Ulster Is facing tho situation with dauntless ceurage: so aro wo English Unionists. In every case, tho men enrolled havo prom ised their services without any re-' servatlon. Within thrco months wo shall havo 10,000 men capnblo of bearing arms, and well organized, each with his heart nnd soul in tho cause." MILWAUKEE, Wi., Aug. fi. Wisconsin today tnkes her place n n "fight slate." The new Inw leg alizing boxing under the nitperiWon of three commissioners who are em powered to enforce tho new law, goes into effect today. Tho new law follows clocly tho provision of the Frnwley law in New York. ITrnvv infinities nro prouded for in fractions of any section of the law, Somo of tho provisions of the new btntute provide fer: A commission of three members, two to be appointed by the gover nor, nnd these two to nppoiut a "secretary,'' who will bo a member of the commission. A license feo of $3000 for nil box ing clubs. Each club must employ a licensed referee. The building in wliich the fights (nice place in 11 ft be leased for nt least ono year. All bouts nrc limited to ten rounds. Fivo ounces is iho minimum weight of the gloves used. All fighters must bo nt lenst IS years of age. Fightern must be examined by n physician and the re force before nil bout. In enso of accident tho pbysicinii and referee will bo held nceoiintable. AUTO SIAGE TO Now Is tho tlmo to seo Crater Lake and ono of tho most beautiful scenic routes In tho west. Tako ad vantage of the low rates this reason. Already fifty-four tourists havo gono to Crater Lake by auto stago this season. Each and every ono has exclaimed that Crater Lake Is tho most beautiful natural wonder they havo over seen. Stops nro mado go ing up nt Mill Creek falls and the natural brjdgo. Wo sent two cars, consisting of ten tourists, to Crater Lake yesterday. Wo hnvo four raoro booked for Monday. Send In your seat orders In advance so wo can tako caro of you with comfort. Auto stago leaves Medford hotel at 8 a. in. and Nash hotel nt 8:05 a. m. Remember, tho auto stage leaves on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Wo also send special cars wbonovor necessary to accommodate tho pub lic. Wo havo oxperlenccd mountain chauffeurs. Special trips arranged to Crescent City, n three days' trip for $20 for each person. HALL TAXI CO. (Advcrtisoment) Australian Statesman Dead SYI)NKV. N. S. W Aug. B.- Sir William John Lyuu, former treasurer of tho Australian commonwealth nnd former premier of Now Bonth Wales, is dead at his homo hero to dnv. lie woh fU) years of age. John A. Perl Undertaker ' Lady Assistant. ' tf S. JMKTLKTr J'boHox M. 47 aiul 47-T-3 AtnbulAuctf Service Deputy Coroner BOXING BOUTS R WISCONSIN CRATER LAKE PARK OF "S I SAN KRANCISCO, Cnl Aug. R. Senor ltomcro, prlvnto bccrotnry to General folk Was. today character ized ns fantastic a despatch from Yokohnnu that Porlflro l)lnr, for mer president of Mexico luH sailed from KouMmmpton for tho Orient to meet his nephew 'ami return with htm to Mexico. General Dins Is now heio on routo to Japan to carry tlio thanks of Mol co for participation In tho Independ ence Contounury of 1910. "Tlio last word wo luul from Gen eral Porlflro Diaz," said Homoro. "was that ho had gone to Switzer land to spend tho summer, hnlng suffered nn nttnrk of malaria " PAGE THEATRE . Vavdkvim.i: VKD.T.SD.Y NIGHT (l.NI.Y AUGUST OTH "TruulmdourV Consisting of throo '(clnss" College Hoy J MAIDIK DEMKNG Tho Singing Comcdlonno (A laugh Producer) LA YOIiAS In a Wlro Act CIIAUUX KKN.VA Who will present hla original char acter Tin:sTiti:i;r imkiii imgi-scopi: Latest Moving Plcturoi Tintin: snows daily Matinee. iSsUO: Ktculng 7::io, !:IO Popular prices Matinee, 2Ge; box feats, 50c: evening. 25c nnd 3Cc, box seats, GOc. GIN CHUNG CHINA HKIIII HTOItt: These herbs aro a blood tonic. A posltlvo cure for Liver, Lung, Hoart, Kidney, Stomach nnd How el troubles. Cures Malaria, Chills nnd Foor and Rheumatism. A guaranteed euro for Piles. No surgical, operation re quired. TESTIMONIALS I had hlimmrli Inmlilo for year, raining Irn!cnl cnuilltloii. After taking right ducs of Dr. Glut Chung's ntcdlrltto I wan rt'llcrl of nil trou ble. MILS. It. M. HEUHIEIt. This Is to certify that Dim Chung cured mo of tho piles uftcr IT. j cars' standing and can recommend him to anyono afflicted with them. G. M. Dalrymple, Chlco, Cal. 211 S. I'ront Mi:iroui, om:. PLEASANT BAKING DAYS when tho cakes and bread-stuffs turn out "Jiibt right" aro an every day oc curence when )ou use CRESCENT BAKING POWDER Its action is sure and uniform. It does not cuuso tho dougli to rnlso up suddenly nnd fall, but works surely nnd evenly until tho food Ih baked, lc PLR Lit. ASIC YOUU GROCRH Crescent Matkufartiirliig Company rM-ottle, Viuliliigtni. Sfork and Cupid 6nnniHt PitHtrs Many a New Home will Havo a LRUs Sunbeam to Brighten It Thr Is some drrad In every womsn's mind ns to tho probable pnln, dhitniM and dimmer of clilbl-blrtli. jjul timnku to a ru- mnrKaiiio re mod known ns Mot)ini Vrlerii), tho period Is ono of M'ful antici pation. f Mother's Friend Is a penetrating, exter nal application. 1 1 makes tlio muscles of the stQiimcli anil ab domen pliant so they cxixiud imally nnd naturally without pa In, anl with ponv of that peculiar tinusea, iicrymiauwm and othT symptoms that tend to wrniccn tlio prospective mother. Thus jf'upld and tliu stork nrc rnted as cunning plottvru to her ald tho roiiiln' of a little sunbeam to glad den ihc bcnrls nnd homo, Thousands of women know from experi ence Mothers Friend Is 0110 of our greatest contributions to happy "motherhood. Hold by nil druggists nt f l.QQ per bottle. Fnpec fully recDinuanded us u preventive of cuV Ins l(,faut. Write to Rradfield Utgulator Co.. JSU i.uii.ir iiim., iviiuniu, 1 j II., lur luisr ui- uublj book to cxjiccUiut wothera. N RUMOR PRIFIR RETURN wMk WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE 1 m I M" !' TODAY if 4 t t Rosemary Thcby Supported by a Stioug Cant, In The Tangled Web A powerful drama of loi hntrod and Roveugo 3 Reels 79 Scenes ".MISS Misciiicr" Clcvor Thuiihoiiser Comedy WOOLWOUTH .V. WOOLWORTII Music and Ktfocts Always 10c ISIS THEATRE Photoplays Tueiday mid Wiliuday A IIROTHI.'H'S LOYALTY Featuring Francos X. llusliman S Reel Ii.aeimy Feat u ru thi: LION'S iihidi: Featuring Julia Suayno Gordon TIIK PYRAMIDS AND THHSI'HNIX A TASTi: Olt HIS OWN ML'DU'IM: Kdlson Comedy Coming MARY HTl'AUT in 3 Reds Matlueo Dally IT THEATRE TOMGUT Tho .Mont of iho Soason N'ATIIIJ WRKKLY" Of Iho World'n Kvouts "RIVAL RAILROAD JINGINIXHS" (CJiiub) Two full reels, full or thrills, special fcaturo "IIOII IUIYS AN AUTO" (Lublii) "Till: IIKAUT J'HOJI HUTTi:" It's only 10c, nro you lucky? Tho 10th ticket tolls tho Into nt tho It, Try It. COMING Tho world's famous dotectlvo Win. J. Hums, In tho oxposurn of "The Land Swindlers" In thrco (rcoln) parts, nnd Premier Motion Plrturn Actress Allco Joyco for Friday anil Saturday. "Nuf Hod" With Mniford Tiiiiia Is Medford Made Phono 11a your orders for Milk, Cream, Butter, and Buttermilk. OVll STRJCTLy FHl':SII HUT- ti:r 700 i'J:ii HguAJtM Our HIGH aRADM leo cronm will pleuso you, Sold lu qiiantltlej if 2 gallons aud up. Wo havQ our own twlco-a-day de livery. ROGUE RIVEi) CREAMERY Phono JJ08 With Medford Trudo Is Modfonl Mado The Oemt Footi-Drtnk Lunch nt F"omtlnm rWi--.' ORIGINAL UADI ll&f 'C GENUINE riUHLiillVm 9 AvtiM imitations Tnko tip Substitute Rich milk, mailed gr-un, in iniwdrrlfoiin. Moto '"healthful lliati Ira or cnltcc. For infants, invalid! and gfowing clnldicti. Aurccs with lllO'Wckct diRctlloii, Purcnutntioii,upl)uJdingtlowliolclH)dy. Keep it on your sidrlhwiitl nl lioma Imujortitcs nuruniuiotlicaud tliu o&cd, A ijuiuk lundi prcpaicd in n ininutr. Tl IMIONi: , JIAIN ttTeA Your'Dru, t t! During warm weather Inn gond timo to oulthaln IJio phono linhlt. When joii think of Houmthlng you tired fioiu a drug storo, 110 miitlnr bow smtill the Item, step nt unco to tho photiu a'ud ask us to ilolhur it. Yon nro not asking a special fnor when you ask 'us to deliver goods. Wo lmo a tpilck, freu dullvary sorvlmi nnd nro glad to got telophono ordurs. Next ttnio you ncod something In our linn try tho toluphoii" method or ordering, for wo want you to mi: how mtlaiiiHtnry our s rvlcn Is. Our Prescription Work Is Psrfcct. frki: Dr.l.lVIIRY SHItYHM: Medford Pharmacy NIMH POST OKI'IFI! University of Southern Oregon Those who register theii1 imnuvs hlween the fourth and twenty-fifth of Augustus prospeftiYestntleiifs in the College of liihernl Arts ean htivo the course for tweiity-fiYo dollars )er school year. Nine liionths eoui'se in law forty dollars. Hygiene with special in struct ion in nursing, twenty-five dollars, llorlicul lure, twenty-five dollars. Musical course in Conser vatory of Alusie, twenty-fivo dollars per school term. Commercial course in tlusincHS College sixty dollars.. Xow is tho time to register your name and receive the great advantage of a high-class college training at the smallest cost. This opportunity is yours only untill August twenty-fifth. Prospective slndents in these departments will write to tho Hev. IT. AV. jMae Cullough Ph. )., rresident, Medford, Oregon. Prosjiective students fori he College ol Music and vKino Arts will write to "Professor Gerard Taillandior, )ean of the Conservatory of Music, Medford, Oregon. Students out of the city can secure board and room at low rates in Christian homes. One large furnished house of ten rooms ean he occupied by young men for twenty dollars per mouth. .For information write to W. T. D. MAOCULLOUGH, A. B. REGISTRAR. Rociun itivnit vallry SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCURSION COLESTIN AND RETURN VIA $5S O SUNSET OGDEM&SHASTA ROUTES aV "Tho F.xposltlijn .Ino 10 ID' Wednesday, HPKCIAL TRAIN St'lll.lH'LK 7.00 n. 7:20 7: an 7:18 H: in H;r, !l:00 jijno io:i(i nt. LV ....-Grants Roipio River KM)0 Gold Hill 7: IT. .- Ray Gold Vi.'IO Central Point .... ... 7: 10 Medford ,.... 7:00 - Vorhles .....'..... fi: in Talent 0:in Ar ColoHlIn fLv. Y.Mll) ROUND TRIP FAIlH (Ineliidlnt: udnilsulon to Park) FROM MUDFORD, J1.10 (CorreHpondliiK Low Farofl Othor Points) Muslo by tho llaptlut church orcluatia of la plrcon, lawn tounlH court, hwIiibh, oxcollont mineral water, purn inouiitiilu wiitor, iiniplo uhndo, cool tnounlalu nlr nnd 1 11 onjoyabla rldo ovor tliu Slsklyous, Call on nenreiit B, P. AKnt for further pnrtlcuhira, JOHN M. BC'OTT, aonorul Pussonuor Audit :iSiSEJBi3n insist Ifptm - Phone,, Store Nefeds pheni: MAIN 10 1'RRi: dri.iyi'.ry mjryici: TO Till! cV August 6tli Pans ' Ar. 8:20 p. m. oMvtr