tev -r ,, "'Xj ' I il) 22VIHI HUt. 1 '7 D.-,,"rWM 'l Sinct9 Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fair tonight anil WruM. toy; Mai. W, Mln. 47. SECOND EDITION Knrlr-lMril Yr. tinlly KIhIiIIi Vfiir. BY MOTION TO DELAY IN Tl JmlflR Vnn Fieri Overrules Motion (or Clmiifio of Vrmic In Cases of Dions nml CnmlnctllAcctiscil of Violation tho While Slave Law. SAN FRANCISCO. C,.l Aug. fi. Hill, denial of lln ili'O'imn motion for ili'lnv r chimm' nf vi mu in cither Iho eases or Mimry I. His or Prow Ciiinliieltl. licensed of vlti-' latlou of Urn whltu sluvo Inw, cnni" hero loilnv In Ihe trial of Din.. when United Slates Judgo Vim I l.'el denied n request o tlint end liv At torney Woodworlh for Dig?, vim spoke iiIho for Cimiiuolll. Judge. Vim FIccI'm deeUIon enr-m Jimt before tho noon recess inn', while expected, It wiih mi ."mull blow III lllO niCk'H llcfl'IISO. l'i l tlmt tlmo Hie court liiul hcnul Hie e cuhch of 11I1011I hWIv lnlcnincii who, for one renhott or nnolhcr, iliil no', wih to nerve. Twenty-five tnlos. IIIIMI UlTo Rtlll left Of tl"' milU'l M'll'll their examination for bins nml fit iichh hi-gnii. Their iifHlIoiiiiitr will III' enilllllUt-ll this nfllTIHUIH wlli'll court resumes ilH Hitting. Neither MiH'i Warrington nor MUh Karris, iho two girl who went with Diggs nml CntnlnelH on (heir wen ftntlo lo Reno, wcro In court. Thev nut ill ,nn iinternom nwiilllii" ihplr luriiH In IpII tho nlnrv which Hip gov ernment iixmpIh will bring heavy fti-nli-ticr lo tin iiipii who nn nlle' piI to Iiiivp IpiI IIipiii astray. Diairn, with I'. Drew ('iiiiiinplli, deserted their wives in Sncrumciito nml fled lo Reno with Iwn pretty high hpIiiioI girln, Mnohn Warring Ion nml Iilfi Norri. Mnlt I. Sulli miii mill Theodore Roche, special iih hUIiiiiIh In Allnmcv Mineral Mo IfpynohN, nro prosecutors. MURDER BY GREEK SANTA CK17 Cnl., Aug. fi. Charged with lint murder of M-s. DiiIhv Wnlt i'f Sim rriiui'lHPo, Nirli oIiih TnikoiuiH, n Orepk, who wiih foiiinl hi'iulliit; owr Iho woniiin mnl wi'i'iiinu, id hnlil hi'tp loihiy withoiu hull. TmkoniiH, who hIiowpiI ii l'ht Imlli't w'omul ill thn clirM, .ihoiIh Alrn. Walt firxt xlmt him mnl then I'lllllllliltl'll Hiilciilc. Tim coiiplo HtopiH'il nt Iho I loli! Del Mar Inst nllil, rPKisloriiic im iniiii ami wifo. Ahoul 710 v"hn-k hhotH with hi'iuil in iho room. Shi-riff I low art! Triiflon lucko into (ho room mnl hii.vh ho foitml Trnkoiri. hrnilinu' avur AfiH. Wall with n hinokiuu' rnvolvor in IiIh IiiiuI. Mm. Walt wn Iho wifo of J. (I. S. Wall of San Krmuihcrt, inmiiiKor of tin) Itailiiim MnnnfiiDliiriiiR (umi jumy. Tniloniirt lived In tlm V. M. C. A. hulhllim in San l-'riuuiUro TntkoniiH wiih i fmnily frimul of Iho WnltH. Mm. Watt left Sun KrniHiiKeo for San Join to Fpoml two iln.VH. Shu, wiih horn in flreeeo ami was tnlPliloil mnl well eilneateil. Shu Hpoko eluht Iiiiikiwkiw. PELKEY MATCHED 10 FIGHT MILLER I.OH ANORLBfl. Cnl., Aiij,'. fi. Arlii'leH cnlliiiK for u twenty-ronnil nieellnu nt Vernon liotweon Arthur l'elkey anil Chnrllo Miller prohnhly will ho hIkhoiI hefiiro iiIkIiI. l'elkoy Iiiih pruolloally mjreeil to tho teuim offcreil hv promoter MeCarey ami Iho match In looked upon iih virtu ally Hctlled for an Oelohor dato. i'plkov In out with u Htutoiiumt lo ll y that ho will tako on tho white) lumvvwokr h h nt tho ra o ol ono u inoiilli until ho hits cleaned out Iho iHiIrIoii or until ho to ilofouleil. Ills iiimiMi!i)i,I Toauiiy HnriiK, mhulttiuB Hint Iuh own porooiml roKroin mm iiiiu'Ii lo do with tho iloeiKlon.furthnr uxjilainod that tylkoy will noyor tuout u neuro. RIAL OF Dffi REELS SCANDAL PROMINENT OREGON POLITICIAN PASSES AWAY AT PORTLAND IHrRRt flRP .RRRRRRRH Willi H. Pmilwny SIATE PRINTER Y PORTLAND, Or., Anjr. :. Willin Scott Diuiiwiiy, need Ml, xtiilo prin ter for Ihe pnxl six years, died here loihiy after heliit; ill ill-henltli for two venrM, IIi iviim n Hon of Mm. Ahiu'iil Seotl Duniwny, iiffeetion ntelv known in the "mother of wom an Hiiffritci1 in the went," mid wiih ii nephew of tho lute Money W. Seotl, editor of the Portland Orcgonum. Ileforo heceiiiint: Htnto printer ho wiih prtvato HPcrelary lo (lovernor Ionl of Oregon, mid preioiiH to that wiih in turn a uewHpapi'r eoinpoMilor and proprietor of u priullut; exiiih liHlniirnt in Portland, lie wiih prom inentlv mentioned nn n emididaio for Kovernor two yeiiM 110 on the ie 'tihlieiin (ieket, hut wiih uuiihlo to iniiko iho men on iieeomit of his health. Duniwny wiih n memher of tho Typo!niphieal union for yearn. Ilo Ih Miirvived hy 11 widow. ( E TELLS TO SHOOT HUSBAND OAKLAND, Cnl, Anir. Ii. "I nd in von to htiv a hhotKim, load it with hueliHliot nml then nhoot your hiiHhniiil dead if he makes any moro IhreatH on voiir life," wan tho nd ieo that .Indtro II. II. Tappati cave Mm. Minnlo A. Howo today when slio had her hmdmml in eoitrt for Ihrenteuiui; her life. ''If moro women would kill their lirulnl hiihhnudrt thin eonnlrv would he heller off," ennlimied .Iiidco Tap pan. "I do not favor murder, hut when it 1 1 Ik', hiilkim; hrute uImisoh ii woman who U tryliu; to inako a home for him il iri tlmo for HlreuuoiiH nioiimiroH." Howe wan placed nuder homta (o keep (ho peace. QUIET RESTORED IN WIIUATLANI), Cal., Auk. C "I emi mi'ii 110 further niuul of thn Na tlonnl (lunrd In tiiul ubout Wheat Iiiih!. To nil upiionruncoH tho trou tilo In which four limit IohI tliotr Uvea by rioting Sumlay la at mi oml." This wuh tho Htntoinont horo toiluy of Ailjiitnnt (lonorul A. B. Forhoi who wiih sunt horo In contiimml of nix coiiiimnlea by tho National (luard tiy (luvoruur Hiram W. JoIiiihou, fol lowing thu clash hotwoon strlklim hop-plckcM 11ml thu comity ofticlnla. This llttlo town In quint today, fol IowIiik thu bloody rlotlnu o( Sumlay, nml neither tho National (iiiardmium nor tho local oifleura autlclpntu fur ther dlbordore. MARYLAND SUMMER RESORT HOTEL BURNS UALTIMOUH, Mil., Auk. r.-Moro thmi 200 KiioHtH hint (lieu- olotlniiK and jowelH worth moro than tj?7f,000 when iho HI110 Mnunlaiii house, 11 Hummer hotel ut Pennuir, liurneil eiulv today. Tho hotel loss will reach $'.100,000. Two of tho ruobIs wcro Injured and many hud narrow OHoapi'H an ho i'lamcH licked up thu Ki-oal ImiluniK ho nmuuiy us nearly to OUt Oil' CtiOUPU. DUNIVVA DEAD MRDFOIID, LIND TO PROBE SITUATION IN OLD MEXICO Former Governor of Minnesota to Be Personal Representative of Presi dent In Canital of Distracted Re public and Seek to Brian Peace WASIIINOTON, Aue. r.. I'ollow- iiik the Hi-Ieetion of fonaer (lovenior John Liml of MiuneHola In ho Preni dent WiIhoIi'h pi-Monnl repreHi'iitii lie in Mexico City, the inltniiiiHtrn- tlou liero In confident Hint pencil Hoon will come in Mexico, it heiiiK heliei'd Hint l.lild ii thn IicmI r.vail nhlo it in ti lo reconcile the warring fnetioiiH Iherc. Liml will endeavor lo kpI Influen tial McxicmiH to force lluertn lo re Htoro order. Ilo nlno will IiivchII- j,'ati) the (iicHtion n lo wheiher raininc (he inilmrno on imporliition of American 11 nun and miimunitiou would help the Hiltuitlon, It !h rumored hero today that the prcHidenl mid John HiiHet Moore, comiHcllor of iho hIiiIp department, i!iMUTce on a Holnllon of iho Mexi can problem. Moore, it in naid, hiiIck with AmhiiHHinlor Wilnon mid favorH rpcngfilniig lluertn iih prcil dent nnd Hint lie hhoiild he held re Hiinnwililo for eonditiotiH in Mexico. Thin plan was opposed hy the preni ilenl. Liml wnn named wilhoiit eon Hiillinu Moore In Hie matter. An nttempt to form I'renldent Wllnon'i hand In denllnr; with tho Mexican tltuatlou enmc In tho homo today when ConKrcjutmnn Stephen o', Toxnn Introduced n resolution pro ponlai; repeal or the neutrality law In order that tho Muxlcan rebclH may procure aruiH. Ho dououncod llunr In na an mnrper. RITCHIE LIKELY TO MEEThWELSH SAX ritANCIBCO, Cal.. Auk. C Willie Hltciiln, IlKbtwelKlit champion, thin nlteruoon poHltlvoly accepted an offer to flKlit Freddlo WcIhIi, cham pion of KitKland, twenty roiindn In tho Hrlr,!itiiso arena at Vitncoiivor, II, C. on Septemher 1. It I under Htood Illtchlo Ifl Kiinranteed $10,000 for tho bout. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Aiir. .ri. UnlesH Williu Illteliio receives 11 heller offer front Hilly (libnoii of New York, the lightweight ehnin piou'H next linitlo will ho fottghl in Vnneonver with Freddin Walsh ns Iiin opponent on September 1. While Hilchie did nut admit thin in ho many words, he nlronglv inti imttcd today (hat there no longer Ih any doubt of hit nceeptaiicu of tin Vancouver offer. Despite his keen dctdro lo perform lie foio his fellow townsmen, Hitch. 0 could not nee his wny clear to ac cepting Jim Coffroth'n offer to meet Tommy Murphy horo on Labor day, nnd while he promised Coffroth Hint ho would tako n few days to cou Hlder iho suggestion Hint ho' ncccpl both (ho Sun Frnuoixcn mid Vancou ver offern, tho chnmpinu has prac tically eliminated San FrmiciHco ho far iih 11 September dato is con corucd, MARKET ERISCO BONDS AMONG THE PEOPLE SAN I-'ItANCISCO, Cal., Auk. G. Turned down by banks nml big In veutoru who will not purcluiao tho clty'H Imprnyomont bonds In 1000 blockB and lurgor, San Francisco's supervisors today tiro cohnUlorliiK tho Usunnco of ununlclpnl bonds in S10, $25 and $50 denominations, tho bumlH to entry (Ivo por cent. Work hero has stoppod on throa big municipal bulldliifja bocauso tho city can't got rondy ciibIi. Supervi sor McLiiron mado tho proposal for small bonds for tho small Investors, "llosldoB," Bald ho, "tho contractors on tho work ot tho city will bo glad to tako thoso bonds ami tisn thorn In payment of material aud lubor." ORMON, THHSDAY, AUflUR'l! 5, 3913. FORAKER TELLS 0 Ohio Statesman Affects tp Be Much Amused hy Assertions of Lobby ist Confirms Statements of David Lamar ncjjartltrifi U. P. Litigation. WASIIINOTON, Aiij;, fi,-Mm-Ihth of the Hciinte "iiiHidiuiiH lobby" cominiltcn were Ihihv today Hurting udilitionul letlcM Hiibmiltcd hy Mar tin Miilhnll of Ilallimorc, former fii'lf-Htyled lobbyist. Fonncr Senator, Fornker npiwnred before the inveHtigatoru today. lie related lii ncMitaiiitauce with Mill hull, hut denied lie ever had been connected with thn X. A. M. He heemed niniiHcd throughout his ex amination. Fornker enlh-d Miilhnll "an ex ceedingly soeinl chap who wroie ar dent lettcM nud who really thought hiliiMctf grcnier than anybody eln did." Fornker referred contemptuously to Miilhnll. He denied that Miilhnll ever attended n f-ret conferenco of Hcuiilot-H nt his home in HIOO, nud iiIho denied Hint Mulhnll ever went (o Ciiieinunti lo cnuvnsH Ienditn! politlciiuiH (here. Fornker nIo de nied ho over favored or helped the X. A. M. Relating Iiih connection with Da vid Lnmnr. n Xew York slock bro ker, regarding Union Pacific litiga tion in 1002. Fornker corroborated Lamar's statement tlmt Fornker nnd IiIh ntloniev in 1002 tried to prevent Union Pacific nlockholdeM from voting' Southern 1'neific Htnek. He testified that it) 1897, when the Union Pacific wns nhout to ho Hold for $28,000,000, he refined to net iih Lnmnr'rt counsel in forcing n reor ganisation nnd selling nt n higher figure. He i.nid Hint he cnlled At torney Oeneml McKcnnn'R attention to the matter nnd tho hitter forced its snle for $.ri8,000,000. READY TO NAME WASHINGTON, Aug. C Senator Hoke Smith of (icorgla, chairman ol tho sonnto commit teo on education and labor, announced today that the. committee Is ready to consider nomi nations to tho national Industrial commission. Tho nominations have. boon held up for threo weekB. Sena tor Smith favored appointing a far mer to membership on tho commis sion aud Is disappointed bccaiisu nono was nominated. TO' BITS BY DYNAMITE KKLI.OO, Idaho. Aur. Ti. Their Imdics literally blown to bits, Romeo Albumin nud C. P. Martin, employed tit tho Nabob initio, nro today dead ns tho result of nu o.xploison of dyn amite in tho initio sliuft. Tho men, who wcro lighting fuses, remained in Iho shaft too lone;, de splto tho wnraings of their compan ions, who esenped Injury. Fivo men have been killed in mines in this sec tion in tho past woek. MOTHER JONES GETS AT CAI.UMKT, Mich., Aug. C "Motbor" Jones, tho colobrntod wo man strlko loader, was given an ova tion upon her arrival horo today to aid tho coppor strikers to victory. Despite n hoavy rainstorm, hundreds. ot minora mot hor at tho dopot nnd oscortod hor to a hotol. Hetch-Hetchy Bill August 15 WASIIINOTON, Aug, fi. House lenders this afternoon tigrced to Iho eoiihiderntiou of Itepro.MUitittivo Ru- kur'd Hutuh-IIetchy hill August 15, MONS W H 1 HA TWO MEDIATORS TRYING TO SETTLE I . VIPpftPPPPPPPPxrVrlJPJI'4PPpHpPBPJE Juilgo William I-on Chambers Judgo William Lea Chambers, u. W. W. Hanccr of tho department of labor and Judge Knapp slnco their appolntninnt under tho Newlnnds act as mediators by President Wil son In tho threatened strike of tho trainmen and conductors Qf eastern railroads havo been hard at work to settle tho difficulties. They hold SEATTLE FISHERS! TACOMA, Wash., Aug. 0 With pcorcH of Seattle fishermen sweep ing down on the hanks of the Oreen river nhovo the Tneomn water sys tem intake, the work of (ho water shed patrol is being doubled, 'ac cording lo C. R. Fos, chief ins)cc lor, who came into the city today for a conferenco wiih Mayor Sey mour mid city health officials. Fos dcclnre.s ho had to stop a dozen or moro men from fishing in the river ye.iterdny. In some cases tho jwrsons wanted away wcro in clined ',i doubt iho authority of the inspector nnd declared Hint tho btnte law is invalid. Fo believes nu nt tempt is being made to force tin (piesliou io nn immedinlo issue so tho constitutionality nf the law may ho tested in tho courts. iap warIogey WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Tho Japancso war bugaboo reared Its head in tbo liouso again today whoa Congressman llrltton of Illinois In troduced n resqltitlon proposing an emergency appropriation for three drendiinughts to copu with Japan's shipbuilding plans. Drltton, ex plained as a reason for his action, "that at n recent mooting, Admiral Takarabo of Japan said It was pro posed to form n fleet strong enough to bent tho floet ot a 'certain na tion." EXODUS OF FROM UNITED STATES PORTLAND, Or., Aug. fi. Heliov ing that they ciin find some country in which they nro moio welcome than in thu United States, twenty fivo Hindus sailed today on tho steamer Hear for San Francisco, from whenco they will embark for their native laud. According to an interpreter, this is hut tho beginning of nn exodus of Hindus from tho United States. TRAVELS AROUND WORLD IN THIRTY-FIVE DAYS NBW YORK, Aug. 5. John Henry Mears, n rcpreseutntivo of tho Now York Sun, is scheduled to nr rivo hero nt 10 o'clook tomorrow night, concluding his gloho-eireling trip in thirly-fivo days, four days ahead of tho former record. Meuvs left St. Piutl this morning. TA MA STOPS HOUSE AGAIN THREATENED STRIKE OF TRAINMEN ?& O. V. W. Hanger several sessions In Now York City, whero thoy listenod to argument and presentation of facts from both sides and they considered tho situation in Washington. A strlko of tho men would mean If thoy wcro anywhere near successful that most eastern cities would bo seriously embarrass ed for food. ITARIFF BILL FINDS SENATE DEFENDER - , WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Defense 'of tho Underwood tariff bill was ' voiced In tho scnato hero this aftor jnoon by Senator Saulsbury of Dcla 1 ware. l "Tbo prcsont high tarifr," said Senator Saulsbury, "Is dividing the American peoplu Into two hostile camps thoso who haven't against thoso who have." Senotor Saulsbury characterized socialism and protection as Mwln evils nnd ill-omened birds, hatched In a nest by business and political vultures, and preying upon political llfo." Ituislan Aviator Killed. ST. PKTEItSnUUO, Aug. C Llou tenant Pollarpoff and his mechani cian wero Instantly, killed whllo ao roplanlng at Krasnoyo Solo camp. Tho aeroplano turned turtlo when one of Its wing broko. I SKATTLR, Wash., Aug. 5. Judge Jeremiah Nclcrer, in thu United States district court horo today de nied tho application of -tho Seattle Drayago & Storage company for nn order enjoining uiembcra of tho striking Teamsters' union from in terfering with strikebreakers. Jndgo Xeterer found that his court was without jurisdiction. According to Thomas i. MncMnhnn, attorneys for the sinking teamsters, this is tho first time in tho histrv of labor dis putes in tho United States in which nu attorney for the labor unions has raised tho question of tho jurisdic tion of tho United States court. Judge Nctorer found that tho drnynRo company nsking (he injum--(iou wns not within tho meaning of tho statutes regulating common car riers, i r LONDON, Aug, 5. Mrs. Emma- lino Pankhurst, tho uuconquorod. militant suffragette leader, at tondod tho wookly suftrago meotlng In Klngsway Hall horo today. She was not molostod. by tho police, Tho militant sneakors bitterly de nounced tho govornmont and urged tho suffragottes to start a demon stration at Albort Hall tomorrow. whero tbo International congress oj medlclno meets, as a protest to the methods employed by tho doctors at Ilolloway prison, i . NO. 116. MMf Brother of Attorney In District At torney Whitman's Office Riddled With Bullets In Much the Same Manner as Rosenthal Was Killed. , NEW YORK, Aug. fi. Fuipoctcd of furnishing New Work nuthoriticn with information ngninst gangsters, William Lustig, n brother of ono of tho nttorneys in District Attorney Whitman's office, wns shot down hero early (odny in much tho snmo rnnnncr (lint Herman Rosenthal, tho gambler, met dealh before the Hotel Metro pole. Shortly nfter midnight Lnstig, ac companied by n young woman, ap peared nt "Humpty" Jackson's res taurant. The couple hcsitnltcd be fore entering, but iho girl finally look Lustig by Iho arm nml led him to n table near tho door. Tho girl sat facing tho door nnd nfter en gaging Lustig in convcrention for n few minutes, excused hcMelf nnd disappeared. Later a black automobile stopped nt the cnrlj nnd four men emerged, nil firing at Lustig as he sat on tho steps nt the back door. Threo bul lets took effect, tho four men drop ped their revolvcre, entered tho au tomobilo nnd disappeared boforc a policeman appeared. Waiters nt Jackson's restaurant wcro unnblo (0 furnish tho police cither with n description of tbo irirl or tho four men. It is believed the shooting had been planned for some time. The polico suspect members of "Dopey Benny's" gnng had some thing to do with iho affair, Lustig will recover. JOY RIDERS AT El I nOSEnURO, Oro., Ang. G. Mrs. Helen Wllbunlcs was probably fatal ly Injured and Herman Marks and Fendcl Sutbcrlln wero seriously In jured early today when a touring car, carrying nine persons turned turtle and crashed into a fence. Others la tho party wero badly bruised. A largo silver passed entirely through Mrs. Wllbanks' lungs. Marks suffered probably internal In juries and Suthorlln's Jaw and col-' larbono wero broken, The party had left Roseburg early in tho evening for Oakland, and wero returning when the accident oc curred. When within two miles ot Rose burg tho car struck a dog which caused tho drlvor, James Hlldeburn, (who owned tho car, to loao control. The machine sworvod from ono Bids of tho road to tho othor for a cou ple of hundred yards and then over turned as It struck tho tenco. AWAKENS FROM SLEEP THAT LASTS A MONTH LOS ANOELF.S, Cal., Aur. 4. Frank Crawford, 35, is awnko todav after n mtp of n month. Ho went to sleep in his rupin on tho evening of July 3 nud wakened n month Inter iu n hospital. According to tho hospital physio inn, Crawford was tho victim of a kind of paralysis which they have been (readng. Thoy do not believe ho will suffer another lupo of con sciousness. Crawford experienced no distrww from his long snooze, and waked believing thu dato to be July 4, PABL0T WINS tRAND PRIX DBIVIMQ DELAiE CAR PARIS, Auk. fi. Lemans Pablot, driving a Pclago oar,, won the gra4; rrix nutomohjlu race here today. Pnhlot covered the 337 wiWtl la 4:2 1. -50. Ouyot, drivim a pet' car. wna second, mnkipg the distaw in 4:2U-;i0, Salzer, In a Mwe4 was third. Ilbv time wait 4 -MM- WILUAM LUSTIG IS SHOT DOWN m BURG HR l. V ) ' . 01 1 i- J 7 ' M J "-i