Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 04, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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l'W Htw.
W Sficofl,, ,fj
Medford Mail Tribune
1'n I r olnlght anil Tuesday.
Max. W, mln. Dg
Forly-llilru Yonr.
l)nlly.-l;iMlilli YiAr.
NO. 115.
Frlcml o( Hucrtn Retires an Account
of Dls.ijirccmcnt With Administra
tion's Pulley In Mexico Rcslnna
tlon Accepted.
WASHINGTON, Auk. 4. Hern
iary of Main llryiin minoiincod Hits
if titration Unit Iik IiiiiI net opted tho
roslguutloii or Henry Lnuo Wllmn,
United Hlnttm nmhnsiuiilor to Mux
leu. Nu ntiitumuiit was Issued mi to tho
iitnct fiiuiHi of Aiulmnnuilnr WIImmi's
prat-tlral dliimlnnul, Imt thero la no
iloulit It wun ilini to liln iiltuoiit open
nntlpitthy to thu government's
ion mo In Mexico, to his closo rela
tion with lliiurin mill to thu hittiil
hn h believed to hnvo pin) ml during
tint iln)K whim thu force of Hunrtn
mill Dliu imntisiilnnted President Mn
ilnro. Later Ambassador Wilson unlit:
"I Imvn no litforinntloti regarding
the president's proponed plan for tho
solution of tint troubles In .Mexico,
Imt I nm suro that ho nnd Hcrrrtitry
llrynn uro net tinted tty tho bent nml
moHt pntrlotlo motives nml Imvn In
lnw only whnt they deem best tor
hoih countries."
Tint niiilmnjiilor Insisted Hint lit
rociimmtindutlons represent tho view
of US per rent o( Aiiiiirlnin ami for
Hkii iMipuhttlon of Mexico nml tho
entire, diplomatic rnrpn tlmr. Ilu
km lil tin hoped tho president's plnn
, would ho Micri-xnftil In solving tho
ni:v oulhanh, La., Auk. 4 -Flat
chnrKoH that Henry l.uuo Wll
von, Aiuorlcnit niuluunndiir to Moxlco
City. In hnek of tho onlor Untied by
Attorney (Jouornl Mcltoynotd for his
arrest, worn voiced hero today hy
General Kmniitiol Ilrlto, former Mex
ican mho! lender, ami former govor-
nor of tho statu of Oniiipcchu, Mex
"Wilson," mild General Ilrlto," Is
tho right-hand limn of I'rovUlonnl
President lluerlu of Moxlco, nml ho
In reaponnlblo for my trouble, llo
engineered my on mi absurd
cliurKu of murder, something lluortn
was uunhlo to iireompllsh when I
wus on llrltlsh noil,
"I admit klllliiK Captullt llonllln,
nit 1 noted In my official cupnclty
mi n ruhul lender, llonlllii'u sword
wiih drawn to nttack mo. Il wiih
war not unit dor. I felt Hafu In
America, hut I did not count on
Ambassador WIIhou'h activities."
SALHM, Oro., Auk. -I. In n stutti
intuit Otivornor Wont denounces tho
conduct of tlioHo connected with tho
I, W, V. notation at Maruhflulil,
tloiiouncos tho deportation of Dr.
Loach from IlHtulon, tho molt rulo
ami tho Inactivity or tho Hhorlft nml
other official, uml Htatoa ho will di
rect tho attorney gonornl to present
tho oiillro matter to to court uo tho
law violators wluithor thoy uro I. W.
W.'h or Dr. Lenoh, or thoso In tho
nioli, or tho officials who fulled to
suppress tho mob, may ho pttnlahod.
CHICAGO, Aug. 4. Tho contlu
timl drouth In tho mlddlu wont today
caimed additional advancoH In tho
prlco of corn. Tho Hoptombcr op
tion puHsod 70 eontH una Docoinbor
touched 0VA
Speculators ostlmnto that tho corn
crop lias boon damaged 200,000,000
bushols, poi'hapii more
President to Issue Statement Endlnu
Irresponsible Stories of Armed In
terference Mediation to Prohahly
Be Offered Public to Know All.
WASHINGTON, Auk. -I.-To end
irresponsible xlornm that armed in
lerxi'iilioit in Mexico impends, I'reni
ileiit WiIhoii U itepiircil Imliiy to
I a lie I lit) imlillii 'into IiIh coiinilniice.
Aflur Hit) prehlilfiit ronferretl with
Kei'ii'liiry llrynn luilay it wiih made
kiiouii in iiilmiiiiHtrnliou olrt'lvx Hint
(lit) rlili'l' t'xi'cutivo t'ltiihltlerH inter
M'lilioii in Mexii'o not only iiiohI im
probable hut an hcarcely even retuotc
ly Hmihlc.
AciMiriltiiK' l' rvory ni'coiiiit reaeli
iiiK tlie wliitu lioiiHn tlio .Mexican hit-
nation Ik elearinc. uml the pri'Mileut
lliiiikM llio time Iiiik iirriuil uhen Im
ran toll Home or liM pluux to rcMort'
peace. Ilirt entire plan Iiiih ooiiMiil
I'ti'tl uml proiiIiil for it eoinprelieii
xive HiiKwtiuu of mciiiation, further
fit h! -IiuiiiI !nventle,nlinii im to llio
eaiitet heliiml the rt'Milulioim in
.Mexico, uml, MiM.ilily an it fiuul rc
iort, icmiiMil of llio prohibition
nj.'nliit MupplliiK with urnm tho Con
htitutiiualiHtH of tho mirth.
.Mediation PniUildo
Mow far (lit prt'Hiilent Im prepared
to k aloiiu iltirt lino nwim not indicated
becaiiie bctueeu now ami llio Ihhiiiiih'i)
of hU titiittiiiiuit Kumt'lliiuK mij;!il
urine to eniiKo its imulificutioii. It
uiim iiiude plain when tho prenldeul
talked to tho iicwKpapcr fitrrcf nnul
cutrt tliin moriiiiiK t lux t he ex pec In the
co-operation of both (hi) Iioiisu ami
tho senato foreign eoiumlltveii. lloth
I'liuiriuau Ilaeon of (ho hcuiiIo com
inllteo uml Flood of the houtfo com
mittee hnvo been In clone touch with
thu prcniilcnl.
Tho plan to hear tho Countitu
tionalihth' hide of llio Mexican trou
ble, especially a prefixed audieuco
for Colonel I'tlurado Hay head of (ho
nbel junta, watt decided umiu only
after Senator Macon had nnkci tho
protuilciit'M niKice.
I'ciirti l'lnii Approxetl
l'ri'niilcul WiUon nml Heerelury
llrynn ut thia imiruiiiK'H conforeneo
fonnally approved tho preiidential
Mexican peace plan, which pmhahly
will ho outlined xiimetimo this after
noon. Thoy ulxo ilihcnshcd Hie ntatm
of AmhaxKailor Henry I.ane Wilnon,
who wailed In thu outer office. Uo
did not hcc tho prcxldciit hut li.ul nu
appointment with Sceretury llrynn,
tendered liix lehiiiation, which waa
(1IIANTS PASH, Oro., Auk. ,!.
Tho MitiiMon for commercial flitlitni; In
lliq upper Itouu rlvur cloned tit
mlilulKhl Thursday uml will remain
cloned till Juno 7, 10U, only two
montlia holtiK allowed in tho (Iruntts
l'aHH illutrlct.
During tho season Jiut cloBcd n
total of 18U,78U pouuiln of chluook
Biilmon waa cntiKht nml uhtpped
throiiKh thu Houuo lllvor Kluhor
iiiou'b union, nu hli;h n -fi houtu bo
Iiik operated by union flahurmon ilur
liiK thu iKirlotl, Tho avcraKo prlco
received for tho catch was 8 centx,
tho roturiiB fur tho two moiitliu helug
Only firtoen mllea of tho upper
ItoKUo was opuu to commercial fluh
IiiKi thu opuu wntor eommuncluK a
mllo below tho stool bridge In (IrautK
1'ana nml contlnulUK tp tho mouth of
.lump-Orf-Joo creek, Drift neta of
SVii-lnch moBh only wuro allowed.
OMAHA, Ncli. Aug. 4. Two bul
1u(h were l'iiod today by im unknown
ponton ut Chief of Detectives Stccu
Malonoy us ho aat at work In his of
fice hero, llnth fdiotfl niisHod their
murk. Tho Bhnolinc enmn from ho
hind u box cur. Tho would-bo nssusvl
Indlanlan Refuses to Apptar Before
Coinmlllcc Which He Silnulnrjly
Condemns and Drands Mulhall as
Perjurer Makes no Defense.
WAHIIINOTON, Aiir. . Htlni;
I iik condemnation or tho nenato
lobby luvuHtlKittliiK coinmttteu waa
voiced hero totlny by former Con
KrcHHiuan Jmncn WntHou of Intllnun,
In a letter wlthdruuliiK bin re(uent
to appear befuro tho probom.
"I hnvo decided to tnku my r.iio
to another tribunal, where tho law
will ho Impartially welched," wrote
WatRUii did not appear at toilay'H
hcarlnc. but In bin letter bitterly
denounced Mntomcntn ituinniliiK up
tho lobby totlmony which appeared
In a Now Vork nownpupor Hnttirdny
hIkuciI hy SenatorH Overman, Iteetl
uml Wnlih.
ClaliiM 1'rejiidlro
"Themi Btntomeutii plainly vliow,"
wroto W'utnon, "that ii majority of
the committee, without waltltiR to
formally report, voluntarily rimh
Into print ami render u derision nml
pronouncn JtulKiiiont before a hIukIo
tleftuiio wltncnH ban been hoard or
a nyllablo of tcstltiuouy In rebuttal
"I mibmlt that you hnvo prejudic
ed my evidence. You hnvo panned on
Km character ami nufflrleucy without
hnvliiR heard It, for while )ou tin
not Mpeclflcnlly mention n name, yet
)ou hnvo prlvntoly determined nml
publicly announced that Mulhnll hnn
nintlo out bin enno.
Appenrnuro n I'nrca
'! hnvo no connections with tho
National Association of Manufactur
ers, hut theno HlnteiuentB make It
clear that even If I prove Mulhnll n
perjurer tho enso will not bo heljMnl.
Therefore, senators, In my JihIk-
meat, Il would bo merely u furco for
mo to nppenr before tho committee,
for nu matter wtint cvldenco Is
Klvon, you hnvo so ntrongly foro
nhntlowetl your report nml bo uner-
rlunly forecnstetl your decision that
I-could not hope to chniiKo either or
iiiako any Impression whatever on
your minds."
Benntor Towuseuil of Mlchlcan
appeared before tho conunlttco today
ut his own retiuent nml brnndod
.Mulhall aa n "liar and corruption-
According to tho predietiuua of tho
attorneys nu both ttiilcs, polities wilt
piny little purl, n fur uh tho jury u
concerned, in tho trial of tho Diggs
Caininctti white slave cases, tho first
of which, (hut HKiiiiLst Mnury I. Digga
charged with violation of tho Maun
not in taking Marnlia Warrington, 20,
from Sacramento to Iteuo, will begin
before United Stales Judgo Vim Flout
hero tomorrow.
Tho DiggK case is to be tried first
boonuHo It in declared by Spcouil Pro.
M'cutors Mutt I. Sullivan and Thou
dtiro Kuoho to bo thu stronger, Diggs
being alleged In hayo financed tho
elopement of Mian Warrington nud
himself, Drew Cnmiuotli and Loin
Norris to n bungalow nenr Heno;
whero they wnro nrrested.
Digg will ho defended by Attor
ueyH Itohert T. Devlin nud Murslmll
II. Woodworth, bntli fonnor United
Htnteu district nttornoys; Nnto Cogh
lun uml S. Luke How.
Ilueho wiib in eonferouco today
with Miss Wurrington nud Miss Nor
ris, both of whom woro by him do-
elnred to ho willing witnesses ngninst
tho tWo mou, Diggs nud Cumlncttt
uro also in Sim Franuiseo, but. re
main in close seclusion.
Tho defense, it is believed, will rest
largely mi nu nttauk upon tho char
acter of tho two gills, although
under tlm Mnnn not sueh testimony
would bo absolutely imtnutoriul,
WASHINGTON', Aug. !. The rebel
niilc of the disturbance in Mexico nml
nu niihwer to Ambassador Wilhon'tf
pleii for Amerleui) recognition of the
adininihlriilioii of Provisional Presi
dent lliiertu will be jiivcn before thu
MMiiili" foreigii rtlatioiH committee
hero next WeilncMlny liy Colonel
lluardo Hay. chief of staff of the
coustitiitlumillbt tiuta- here.
Colonel Hay wit ure the Uniteil
States, promixiii); if this is dour that
the rebel army will deHise lluertn
nml restore order in Mexico within
nix weeks.
Muuy of llio committeemen nro
known to look with favor on this plan,
hut it U doubtful if tho administration
will permit Mich action.
GALUMirr, Mich., Aug. 4. A cull
for nu Immediate conforeneo of tho
heads of all unions nfflllnted with
tho American Federation or Labor
with tho vlow of rctiuestlni; moral
nud financial support for tho coppor
strikers was Issued today by offlc
InU hero of tho Western Federation
of Miners. This Indicates that tho
strike Is to bo a long-drawn-out af
fair and Hint tho miners nro prepar
ing for it finish fight.
It was comparatively qulot
throughout last night nud today.
Guarda nt tho lied Jncket mlno fired
nt three foreigners who refused to
novo on when ordered, one of tho
foreigners being slightly wounded.
CUNTUAlilA, Wash., Aug. 4.
Two violent deaths, otto nn acciden
tal shooting, tho other a sulcldu and
tho discovery ot a second autelde,
trniibformcd thu Snbbath quiet ot
Lincoln creek, a vlllugo olght mllea
west ot this city, Into u day ot ox
cltonioiit. Al Kmipp, ngotl 18, wits shut mid
Instantly killed whllo playng with
Joseph Mnlucrlch, Tho boys woro
on n hunting trip and It Is said bo
gnn shooting toward each other to
boo how fnr away olthor could got
nud still hoar tho sound ot tho shot
A bullet struck tho Knnpp boy lu
tho nock mid killed him.
Adolph Mnuormmiu, n plonoor of
Lincoln creok, ended hls llfo by
shooting himself nml thou" leaping
Into tho rlvor. Ho hud hocomo de
spondent over financial uffulrs,
John Suiter, nged 00, despondent
aftor being nrrestotl for Intoxication,
leaped from tho ChohulU rlvor
bridge and' drowned. '
.sssssHPSA Jl
isssssssssssssssssssssl 'ssH
ssssssssssBslL tB S
Inter-State Commerce Commission
Orders Swccplnn. Reductions In
Prevailing Rates New Rates
Cheaper Than Parcel Post.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. Follow
ing tho lead of llio statu railroad
commission of California In the
Wells I'nrgo express company decis
ion, tho Interstate commerce com
mission ordered today sweeping re
ductions In exproHS rates for parcels
nil over tho country. Tho cut ,w
rniiRo from 10 to 00 per cent and
will become etfectlvo October IP.
In a stntcment the commission de
clared that for two years thu rates
will bo "experimental," when, unless
th" companies lose too much, they
will become permanent.
When a proposal was first made
to redtico express rates all tho com
panics vigorously opposed It, and In
June, 1912, tho proposed rates were
suspended, pending an Investigation
Today they were ordered Into effect,
following admissions by tho compan
ies Hint tho cut, which they origin
ally claimed would reduco their rev
enues thirty per cent, really would
cut them only 15 per cent.
I'nrrel 1'ont Competitor
Today's order will rnrccloso com
petition between tho express com
panies and tho parcel post. In many
Instances tho new express rates will
bo lower than tho postal rates. Prac
tically nil rates on parcels undor
fifty pounds In weight nro radically
lowered. On small packages carried
moro than 200 anil less than 3000
miles tho rates will bo nearly atl
lowor than tho parcel post rates.
For distances over 8000" miles tho
express and parcol post rates will bs
about equal Tho ordor reduces tho
rates on all nrtlclcs of food and
drink to 75 per cent of first-class
rates. It says In part:
SALKM, Ore, Aug. 4. Attorney
I'. It. Hlngo. special prosecutor ap
pointed by Governor West, an
nounced today that there Is to bo uo
leniency shown saloonkeepers here
after convicted of violating tho laws.
"Hereafter, when a saloonkeeper
Is convicted wo Intend to follow It
up by bringing suits to hnvo his li
cense, forfeited and to collect on his
$1000 bond," said Attornoy lttngo.
"Wo hnvo not dono this In tho past,
but future offenders may tuko warn
ing." This wcok Hlngo socurcd tho con
viction ot two druggists in Sllvortou
for bootleggiug, and threo saloon
mon lu Mount Angel pleaded guilty
to selling liquor to minora aud, each
paid $100 fine
Nowspapor mou woro given tho slip
hero today by Geuoral Follx Diaz,
who loft his hotel at an early hour
this morning on nn nutomobllo trip.
Ho loft no word nt tho hotel regard
ing his destination or when ho would
return. It Is bellovcd ho Is making
n tour ot tho bay cities. Dlus ar
rived horo Sunday morning from Los
Augoles, en routo for Vancouver, B.
C, whenco ho will sail for Japan.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 4.
Tho iniinugcmcut of tho Chautauqua
eirouit was notified that Secretary
of Stnto lU-yan will as unable to keep
nu engagement to deliver a lecture
here tomorrow evening beeuuse of
pressing official business in Washing
ton, Other eugiigementa m Kansas
ulbo have becu cancelled,
Attempt to Aresst Strike Hop-pickers
Leaders Ends In Free for All Flflht
District Attorney of Yuba Among
Slain Militia In Control. '
WHKATLAND, Cnl., Aug. !.
Four men, including District Attor
ney .11. T. Miinwcll of Yuba county,
nrc dead here today; four moro are
seriously injured; scores nrc nurs
ing broken heads; '.'000 hop pfekers,
sullen uml idle, have left their work,
uml six companies of tho California
militia nrc patrolling the streets of
Wheatland as the result of a pitched
battle between ten officers and two
hundred and fifty workers, on the
jjrent Durst rancli here Into yesterday
Militia In Control
Hack nud forth between the squalid
tents of the workers the uniformed
soldiers are murciiin, while county of
ficers nrc trying to place responsi
bility for the death of two public of
ficers mid two hoppickers who fell,
riddled by bullets, on a rude dance
plntfonn in the midst of hoppickers'
en in p.
mat more wcro not killed or
wounded is considered miraculous.
Firing wns general and bullets flew
everywhere. Scores wero injured in
n rush to lenvo the place nud bends
were buttered oil all sides.
Protest Meeting Called
A protest meeting wns called Sun
day liy tho hoppickers employed on
the Durst brothers' much. Tho
meeting wns caled by a committe
composed of representatives of seven
races' employed in the hop fields. Ar
ticles of agreement, containing seven
grievances, were drawn up and pre
sented to It. II. Durst. Epitomized,
thoy follow;
A price of $1.25 per hundred
pounds for picking hops instead of
tho ninety cent rale, better sanitary
conditions, drinking water in the
fields, fresh twice daily, moro toilet
room with separate lavatories for
women nud other minor improvements
for the welfare of the workers.
Itlot Follows Arret
The trouble wns precipitated by nn
attempt to arrest somo of tho strik
ers. Guns, knives and clubs were
used promiscuously. One of the first
shots fired struck District Attorney
Mauwell and ho fell, mortally wound
ed. A mad stnmpedo followed, and
after somo semblance of order bad
been restored it wns found that Rcnr
don, Voss Hrudshnw mid Anderson
wero lying on tho cround.
Telephone messnges wcro at onco
sent to SBirysville, near tho scene of
tho riot, and tho coroner hurried to
Wheatland with additional deputies.
Tho dead mid injured woro removed
to Mnrysville, nud Superior Judge
MeDaniels appealed to Governor
Johnson for troops.
UUCIIAKEST. Aiur. !. Penco in
tho llnlknns is believed to bo in sight
toiluv us a result of representatives
hero of llulgnrin, Greece, Sorvia and
Montenegro signing an agreement to
extend the present nrmistico throe
days. It is expected the representa
tives will I'greo on terms of peace
within this time.
NEW YORK, Aug. 4. Dullness
ehurnuterized tho opening of tho stock"
market today, most of tho active lead-
era showing anything but a tondenoy
to rise. 11. & O., Erie, Reading nnd
Norfolk nnd Western wero firm.
Steel, Amnlgnmuted uiul Copper eased
off. Virginia, Curolina Chemical
rose and cotton oil 1.
Ponds woro stendy.
Tho market closed strong. I
Petition tn Circulation Calls for $500,
000 Five Per Cent Bonds to Ma
ture Every Five Years After First
Ten Years.
Petitions having the npprovni of the)
county court, calling for n rond bond
election nro now in cirnulntion. They
cnll for tho Issuance of $500,000
bonds hearing interest at five per
cent, and wcro drawn to meet objec
tions of tho court to the former peti
tion, which asked for .$700,000 thirty
year bonds, nnd provides for tho re
tirement of $"100,000 in ten years and
n similar amount every five years
"This retirement provision will en
able the county to find a ready pur
chaser for the bonds," stnto Judge
Ton Vcllc, "as this is tho class of
bond sought by insurance companies.
If tho bonds carry, it will mean tho
expenditure of $300,000 of new money
nmong our own peoplo nnd give Jnck
son county tho first paved highwny
in Oregon, materially convcnicncinc;
nnd benefitting tho cntiro county, and
plnce it in the lend of highway con
struction in the northwest, as well as
make it the mccca of all auto tour
ists on tho coast."
The petition reads ns follews:
,"Wo tho undersigned registered vot
ers of Jackson -county, Oregon, ro
spectfullly petition,
Tlmt you call a special election for
purposo of submitting to tho voters
of Jackson county, Oregon, tho ques
tion of issuing bonds to rovido for
the construction of permanent Toads
in said county, the amount of nai,
bonds to be tho, sum of o00;'0end
tho time for which they are (o run to
bo respectively as follews:
$100,000 to mature ten years from
the date thereof.
$100,000 to maturo 15 years from
tho date thereof.
$100,000 to mature 20 years from
the date thereof.
$10p,000 to rnuluro 25 years from
the dale thereof.
$100,000 to maturo 30 years frore
the date thereof.
"The bonds aforesaid to bear in
terest nt the rato of fivo per cent per
WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. There Is
no oxcltemeut evident in administra
tion circles hero today over Great
Drltala'a reported lntontloa to Im
prove Its naval baso at Bermuda. la
talking to newspuper correspondents
tbo president Indicated ho did not
bollovo there Is any chance ot con
necting tbo Improvomoa's with any
vlolatlou of the Monroe doctrine or
that It would In any way affect the
Panama canal.
At tho executive offices tho report
that tho president has closed tho
doors of tho whlto houso to thoso
uomocrats who oppose tbo currency
bill was declared baseless, us Is also
a report that tho president will tako
tho stump for that tnoasuro. Ho ex
pects quick action ot bath tho tariff
and tho currency bills In both
houses of congress.
Tho Whlto Houso also accepts tha
explanation that Groat Ilrltaln and
Germany will not participate In the
San Frauclsco exposition from mot
ives ot economy, Tho administra
tion, however, will urgo reconsider
ation upon both countrlos.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4,-Sw.ret
tury of Labor Wilson today detaiM
Walter Palmer, of the, titireau &t
labor statistics to go to MiehigHH Hd
assist in settling the coper wlif
strike in that state. "'
,t '
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