' PAGE SIX 3rRDFORD MATH TRTBUNE, MEDFORD. . ORlWOtf, SATUKlVAY, ATTCmST 3, tOlH. -.i t-i I DONALD HE ND BUD UE HERE TOMORROW "Looking like nn.vthhg bill Io itiiiiingcr of n locr, Dick Donald, c nrwnipnuiod liy his nlct ltopod off No. CUl IhhI night niul ivm greeted eordinlly liy n nuinlior of tfedford boxing oiitliuHinsls. Dunn.il give n gi-nphv i!c:rrJ lion ir I ho Fourth of July fight in whioh "Kid Appendicitis" nnd Lcnvti Cron Knocked tlio "Pride of Modfnrd" cold. Doiinld nsscrls that the Los Angeles btixliif funs regard tho Cross-Anderson nffnir ns n "no con- tout" fight niul tlio promoters nro. notions to huvo Hud tnrt ngnins ns wun ns Ins Manager thinks lie hns regained his old-timo strength. lick contrndiclcd tlio stntcnipuls npiicnring in I'ortlnnd papers that Croi?R mid his mumper pot tho hest of him In the arrangements for the neiglit niul milliner of fighting in the riini'liM.- Donnld asserted tlint tlio inrit fought r.lmight Afaniuis of (Jneensliury rules ns hus been tho rule in till of llndVi fonncr fights. Tho weight was cnSireJj satisfactory to Hud mnl nil in a'! tho nrrnnge inoil? were ns ,-ood f Donnld could Inivc mode lir.J I.o been given carte Llniii'hi) in the matter. Hud will nrrivc Sunday nnd will be met by n l'irgo crowd of tho "Pride's" backers who nro unanimous n voi. ing th-'ir cwfidcnpo tho Ander-on can benl Cross before the year has passed. N CHARLES 1. BLAMED FDR LACK OF AIRSHIP LAWS SHOT BY RIMES KU I'ASO, Tex., Aug. 2. A lead ing Kl Paso nowspapcr today prints n telegram from General Villa of Mexico reporting the execution of "Kl Mocho'' Monero, tho notorious outlaw, who terrorized American lumber camps In Chihuahua in July, killing Hen Griffin and Bcrlously wounding Alfred Parks. Colonel Juan Medina, a former mayor of Juarez, commanded tho firing squad. LONDON, Aug. 2. The failure of King Cliniled 1 to foresee nnd legis late for the ndvent of aeroplanes hns enabled some C000 residents of Hull nnd district to give tho police and the local authorities the hore laugh. Ineidentally scores of police note books were waited in taking the names and addresses of people who could not ho prosecuted. When Aviator liohert Whitehouse niniouuced that ho would give flying exhibitions nt tho local aerodrome on Sunday, the "unco pud" of Hull raised their hands in horror nnd put up such a squeal that the police noti fied the nintor and possible spec tators that they would be liable to prosecution under tho Lord's Day ob servation act, nn ancient statute of Clinrles I, framed to prevent the ir reverent from indulging in cock fighting, bull baiting and kindrtd sports on the Sabbath. Whitchotiso declared he would fly, prosecution or nor prosecution, and some fiOOO sicetntors patronized the aerodrome despite tho warnings of the police, who took tho names nnd addresses of all present. On apply ing for summonses, however the po lice were told by the magistrates that flying was neither a sport nor a pastime within the meaning of the law, nnd that prosecutions must fail. Strict Sabbatarians nro wroth with' the "martyr king" for overlooking such nn obvious form of desecrating tho Sabbath, but they rcnlizo that there is no chance of emending the law row. BLUE LEDGE SALE CONFRMED SAYS MR A ,YKKKA, Aug. il. Thai tho deal for the groat Hlue Ledgo copper mines, on the upper Applcgato river, has been practically consummated is eon firmed by private advices from Hluo Ledgo camp. The coterie of Michi gan people who have been examining the mines for several weeks has de cided to tnko thorn over. It is stated that the first payment will bo made at an early date. Under tlio ownership of h'obert S. Towne and associates of New York, over two miles of underground do- uiloptncnls have been accomplished. and nn enormous tonnage of high ipinlity ore exposed. It is stated Hint tho gold and silver values dis closed nro nearly sufficient to defray operating costs. The great handicap under which t tlio Hlue Ledgo district hns always labored has been tho nbsenco of ade quate transportation facilities. To remedy this, it is proposed to build a railroad from tho field to Mnl ford or some other Oregon town, to on able tho company to ship in supplies nnd send out matter nt nominal costs. There are several other extensively developed properties in the district besides tho Hluo Ledgo group, with much Senltle, Portland and Spoknno capital interested. Tho building ol a railroad menus that practically nil these mines would bo operated along broad lines. BRITISH PUBLIC WANTS E IBIT AI SO A 10 LEASL EMBASSY BEHLIX, Aug. 2. Ambassador Gerhard, tho now American diplomat accredited to tho German court, ar rived hero today for a preliminary survey of his field of labor. Ho sought to securo a houso to rent, hu,t was unsuccessful, feeling unablo to pay tho tremendous rentals asked. Ambassador Gerhard will sail for Now York next Thursday. CHICHESTER S PILLS W- THE MAMO.IU IIRAIr A, v m IJlf.l Aik,MrniilikA kl-.k-lra !!.. Rr4V IMIU It. 4 U.I U.M MUlkW horn, Mfeil a Mm KUt. Y r - trtchl Aitlf 'MI-4 HKlsTRBIi UIAau.MJ IIIUNU I'lLLK,! wtl Innu Dot. Si Int. linn K.iUU SOU) BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWKRE Draperies ffa carry ' very complete Una of drapcrlea. lace curtain, fixture, eta. nil do all clim.vn of upholaterlnc A pedal man to look after thla work exclualvcly and will give- aa koihI aervlce an la nonalble to gat In oven the largcat cltlea. Week3 & McGowan Co. LONDON', Aug. 2. There Is ov ory oldonro hero today thai tho British public docs not sympnthUo with the goNernmoat's tentative do cIkIoii not to p.irtlelpnto In the Pan mini 1'aelTlc exposition at San Kran- elseo In HUB. lltisiuess and proles si oiud men generally coiiiuieut tin- fnornhly on tho action of tho Lou don board of trade, ami bollovo It would bo a reflection on tho llrltlxh nation should It not take part In tho fair. Many bollovo that tho decls ton is far from final and that tho Union Jack wilt no ocr a great exhibit when tho cxpoltlou opeim Its doors to tho world. Most of tho nowapapem of London today publish editorials of tho same general tenor us that of tho Pall Mall Gazette, explaining that tho Panama tolls controversy has had nothing to do with tho decision of tho board of trade. SEEKS INJUNCTION 10 N VII OF MOTHER-IN-LAW Margaret illlngtou Is utnrrlug In 'Within tho Law." OMAHA. Neb., Aug. a.--An ill Junction rcHtratulug his inotlier-ln-law, Mrs. Levi A. third it or, of Harv ard, HI., from vlaltlng his homo Is granted hero today to I.ohIIo A, King, n wealthy wool buyer. King naort Mis. Gardner mine to his homo and rofuxod to luave. "I could bo arrested for what I think every ttmo 1 turn that woman," said King today. "Mho ciiiimch trou bio between Mrs, King and myself and Is tho most mcildlliiK person In tho world. I offered her tt a day to keep away from my homo, but she only turned up her nose." The temporary order will come nt this afternoon for a hearing on tho il ilea 1 1 on of permanency. .y,ll wsfla ivs; - ".TJ '-. !-..". IW5C IMPHt'4.,A'.l,.Ji!elMllliW Protect ilffc. Youraclf Ak for ORIGINAL GENUINE $& The Food Drink For All Arcs Highly Nutritious and Convenient Rich milk, with malted jrniln extinct, in powder form-dlflHolvcH in wntor moru Iti'iilthuil than ton or coll'co. Uued in training nthlotea. Tho lieatdlot for InfantH, Growinjr Children, Invalidii, and tho Aged. It UKrooti witlt tlio woakottt diiruHtion. A9kfor"HOnUOK'S,-Htllotolm, Rantaurmnt; Fotmtmkwm Don't triisol without It. AIhi keep It ul hottin. A lunch In it inluuto. In Lunch Tublut furni, ulno, icudy tu uuU Cimvimlent iiutrltluun. Fair Weather Predicted. l'OUTLAND, Ore., Aug. 'J.- Koro cast: Oregen: Fair soiith, show ers north portion tonight and Sun day; cooler east niitiou Sunday; wirinhlo winds, mostly westerly. The stronger and rougher whiskey tastes the more harm it will do. Why take chances with your nerves, your stomach, your general health. Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable I' Hottled .it drinking strength. Sold all over the world. JW". J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., .General Agents Portland, Oregon FIRST NATIONAL BANK lltM.t ..J'-J "A.B.A." JsM Cheques tl"1j"'i iJUi for travel In nny rm wft-i ', i( tho clvlU.ed woiM. iWai j These $ IU,$ Jo, J5llnd JEwUri UHI Cheipirs ate the tfKaflK.i aatrit, ntot conveoltnt &7JPm1R5i klmtof'travelmoney." 'ivlamJB'1'' ? Thete U no rciMape In tf'Wf ,, their oiei no vexatlnin w "''-.vt delay en emtiairaument t jCmitl you simply tlfiii one K t 'I sj i1 ' ofthetnaiKl rwy ymii XisL.J bill. Your algnaiuie jyAV-V? J litentineayou. Ak for Slry.' '; booklet. ""fiiaW -KWL. JWaWataWLr 1 tiivJf4VijaiK,kil II i jt V . . . mmam mmm -a....,.-.., Jm t f f t t t f t t t t t T f f f T ? T Y t f t t f T" t y y t i Summer Clearance Sale of Shoes KIDD'S 221 East Main KIDD'S THE GREATEST MONEY SAVING EVENT OF THE YEAR. NEW, CLEAN, SEASONABLE SHOE3 AT COST OR LESS. THIS SALE WILL MAKE YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY. THE SEASON HAS BEEN BACKWARD AND RATHER THAN CARRY OVER ANY SUMMER SHOES WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLOSE THEM ALL OUT AT COST AND LESS TH AN COST. THIS MEANS THAT YOU WILL . BUY HIGH GRADE, SEASONABLE SHOES FOR LESS MONEY THAN THE SAME SHOES COST TODAY AT WHOLESALE. ALL MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND LOW SHOES OFFERED ON THIS SALE WILL BE JUST AS GOOD A YEAR FROM NOW AS THEY ARE TODAY. BUT IT WILL BE BETTER FOR US TO SACRIFICE OUR PROFIT, TH AN TO CARRY OVER FOR ANOTHER SEA. SON. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY SHOES AT THESE PRICES EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY N OT NEED THEM NOW. PUT THEM AWAY AND USE THEM LATER. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED. Sale Starts Monday, August 4th, Closes August 1 6. Men's Oxfords at loss than post. Hunan's Oxfords in patent, gun "Women's Oxfords and While Billion Shoes at cost. $1.00 Wom- iriclal and tan leathers. $G.G0 very latest up-lo-llic-mimito stylo en's Oxfords and Pumps, patent, white nubuclc, tan and gun molal at ?4'05 calf, the latest styles $2.5 Howard & Foster company's Oxfords in all leathers and all tho ', You rehoico of $3.00 and $3.rj0 Button and Laco Oxfords in all latest styles including the now English lasts in black and tan, also t leathers . i.ai. the now high, broad toes. .$5.00 all leathers, tan and black $tf.65 P $2.0O Button and Laco Oxfords in patent, gun metal and glazed J. E. Tilt, Howard & Faster $4.00 Oxfords in velour, gun metal y kid, to bo closed out at $1.95 ,. -: calf and genuine Russian calf leather, both button and lace, all this (" 200 pairs Oxfords and Pumps, good styles, all leathers, button and ' $f . ' season's latest styles and patterns to select from $2.95 ir. lace, worth np to $4.00, youi' choico $1.95 " 200 pairs Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Oxfords in broken si.es, both hut- 25' reduction on all Children's Button and Laco Oxfords, toil and lace in all leathers, every pair will wear like iron....$1.95 ohq and two strap Sandals, all loalhors. Two Weeks Beginning' Aug'. 4. First Come First Served KIDDS 221 East Main Street MEDFORD, Ore. ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? T y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 7 y y y y y y y y f T y y y y .K &,. -;rW ,.v-.l. JH ftefrefTejt.y.frAfr'