PAGE TWO. MEDFORP MAID TftTBtTNR HrEDFOftT), ORKCION", SATURDAY. AUGUST 2, WW. 4'jv ' t s IOCAL AND $ L. PEftSOML Mrrf. , Josonhlno 11. Itlco of Vic toria, 11. C, Is vlHltlnj; lior daughter, Mm. J. 11. Lyoira. 3. II. Lyons has returned from a four irionthp' visit nt Nc' York City. vHo niid hi family will, loavo Sopt?nili'or 1 for l'rcsno, Cat., whpro Mr.. I.yoni wjll, pecomo musical di rector 01 mrt -pumic bcuoois. Hotter ntork tin on niito minidloa n roflj wlillo our clearance Is on- racirio. Motor, .Supply Co. oMr.jimiUairv. Ilurnco Peltnn of finnw Vallny .were of Uio ninny who caTiio to MedrnrV Krldny ovnlns to attend tho thontor, ,P. 8, atcpiiEtrpn p( ,Uio Pacific Motor Stipply Co. linn returned from RflmFrjos8 trip; to Portland. William Nollla, who has l.wii nt lila;ranch in npptjr ltoftuo t IviV- dt trlctlp In Mrdford again. producers Fruit Ou. ji'as Just re coil od a largo shipment of 1 lb. and ajt lhv tin top borry baskets, and can fill orders In any quantity. Wo also hayoon.bandtn largo supnly of tlio celobraW "Security" orchard lad ders In all. Rites. W. C. Allawny of thn Koguo Klvcr Valley Abstract Co. left Frldn for Portland, and will visit Jils fount" homo nt Trout lake beforo retiini ln. ; John K. Pelton 'or Itojoburp. a we)l-known stock buyer. Is making tlmjVuUey n bttslncw. vnlt, ., 1 3.000 accident and. lito Insuranco for' i 10; jcffo" for ?l'7.r6'. Sc iioinics. ino iiinurnuco man. Mrs. Jt K. Doswoll of Point visited Medford friends Fri day. C C. Call, a southern Oregon pio neer, passed through Medford Fri day, er routo from Ashland to Cold JIIU. .. Mr);. V. Opdyko and Mlfii Fannie llorcKcrtrof Grants Pass spent Fri day .In "Med font Mauy, ..household necessities at cost durjng. clearance sale of Pacific Motor Supnly Co. , , .MIm Amanda Hclmn. Mrs. ,G. V.. Neither and Miss Laura N'eubcr of Jacksonville, ,wero In Medford Fri day. . , i Clyde Barnutn nnd J. Gamlll were up from Phoenix one day during the , Sheriff, Slnglcr,and, L W. Wilson, his jdeputy, tarried n ,fW hours In Medford, Friday evening. . ,t , .Purla'p sacks wanted nt tho Ruse Mil), Mr. nn(w3Irs. Cordon Jacobs werq of, thoso who caroo from Ashland Friday to neo "Evorywornan" at tho Tago theater. Mrs. A, Koso nnd Mm. W. C. Don eff of Jacksonville wcro Medford visitors Friday. Charles t Kay, Stqwart Tornoy and Carl Dennett aro nt homo again nf- ten.a week's sojqurn at Colcstln. .Screen .doors Medford Lbr. Co. Miss flraYo. Colby litis been visit ing In nrowusboro district, her for mer homo. Mm. J. .Greaves of JnckEonvilfo has returned from a visit with friends living on Sardlno creek. Paul and John Coodwyn hava gone' to me mils io rusticate n while. .Burlap sacks wanted at tho Runs Mill. A. 11. Gunncll and Thomas Galvln of Grants Pass spent Friday night In 'Medford . Mrs. II. E. Foster and Mary Allca Foster have gono o Klamath Falls to. spend tho. summer with relatives . Mlwes Mclntyro and Dowen were over from Jacksonville Friday aft ernpon ,., Fruit trcbjirops Medford Lbr, Co Ii. A. Urako and I. P, Anderson, yjho arj) .farming pouthqubt of Mcd- Wi.'jpweactcd business hi the city this week, , Dr. mid Mrs. h. A. Saladp of 8gvnrpaks wcro recent. visitors In Medford. , Kodak finishing, best In town, n wraion's, .-lMrt,un,l Mrs. J, V, Reed Ic.ft.for to?4.l,e t"elr, former homo, Friday evening. Thoy will bo gono several weeks. Mrs. J, Jl. .SIpciiiii, who has beon visiting her brothers, Fort, Asabol, A, and ptls imiilmrd, nca;mjian lod y her,.dauiter lq(t f9r h,er Home. Ju.owa Friday evoning. .? ? WcstQnf.4commercUl pbotog. t.l?l!l.or,0?atlTca ml 8Dr -time pr lilftca by . appoint, wont. Phono M. 1471. Ray Buckingham or fialom and Frod Mclutyrp of JoHephluq county aro recent urrlvals In Medord. w. T. uurch itiid w. A. Burr of & Gold UIII tMDHuctml Medford Friday. urn jim in I Mil Ji business In m.ii ;i l i rn Weeks I Mcfiowan Co. UNbluVwAKlUKS kVABV AMMVAkV Itsy Vh mi MM V, W. ,Wh IW-J-'i A, k. Orr f7N-M Tho finest studio In southern Ore gpn has been opened by tforklng & llnrmou nt 2SS llimt Main utrcct, first stnlrwny east of J$tnr theater. Our work Is always tho best, views of all kinds ,for sale. Tho bent or kodak finishing. Kcgn'ttxe mndo any llmo or place. Phono 3201. tt Crntcr I.ako plrtures ,a book or 12 pictures, hand colored, tho finest over mnde of thq lake, tor sale .at Gcrklng & Harmon's studio. Call nnd seo them. 22S Fast Main street, phono 3 20-J, Mrs. J. II. Jnrobson of Coos tin; Is visiting her son, J. W. Jneohsou, of this city. Dr. Klrchgcssnor will be at Hotel .Vasb every Sittfrdny from 111 a. ra to, 3 p. in. on and after May 24. Fraht( Parker atid wlfo ofi.Granti . ' Pass camo down to tcq "Hverywo m." 'JR. J. Kaiser has returned from Crater I.nki whom lie has made his flnt visit. rM. K. Root was among the horti culturists who saw "Kxory woman" nt tho Page Friday night. Brooms Ask your denier Tor tho product ot tho Ashland factor)'. Mr. Crnndall, who Is looking af ter tho Carpenter estate in Kagle Point district, tarried a few hours Ik Medford Friday. Douglas Wood of Grants Pass and A. J. Spring of Central Point wcro recent business visitors tu Medford. General J. B. I.nnck of Ban Fran cisco, special passenger agent or tho Southern Pacific, was In Medford Friday, lie was in chnrgq of tho Garrison party whl!o en routo to' Porltand from San Francisco. You will probably ncVer hao an other chance -to buy automobile, sup plies, at cost In Medford. Better look up our rlearanco sale prices, .Pacific Motor Supply Co. v Doc liorton, Charles A. Caldwell, U. W. Want. Kcnno Snlto, O. U Springer and Frank Klllott left for Crater Lake by auto Saturday noon and will return Sunday evoning. .. Mm. J. Horton nnd her daughter. Miss Jean, wcro with Medford friends Thursday and attended tho theater nt night. J. J. Skinner and William Sellable of Grlfflu creek transacted business In Medrbrd Friday. Mr. nnd Mra. J. II. Cochran aro spending their vacation In Custom Oregon. . A. K. Ware, who resigned tho po sition or secretary or tto Medford Commercial club. this week, lofl for Chicago Friday evening. Ho will re turn In a lew weeks. Mr. and Mm. W. Ij. Bonchlcy or Fullcrton. Cal., and Miss Veda Gross of-Kalem arrived in Medford "th'o forepart of tho week. Thoy were on their way to Crater Lake. , O. H. BruniLige, a friend of Jap Andrews, passed through Medford Thursday evening en routo to Gosh en, Ind or which ho is a prominent business man. Ashland has Invested In a combi nation ato hoso truck and chem ical engine. It will bo given quar ters in tho city ball building when It Is enlarged, which will not be long. Colonel R. II. Rosa or Bandnn, n pioneer or Coos county, accompan ied by his son nnd daughter, scnt Friday night In Medford and left ror Crater Lake next morning. A. W. McKay and II. II. Pratt or Washington, D. C who aro con nected with tho IJ. 8. department ol agriculture, arrived in Medford on Thursday. They aro spreading much valuablo Information among horticulturists ns well us agricultur ists. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mnriiuls or Los Angeles, who havo been visiting A. Marquis and his family at North RIvcmIiIo during tho past fortnight, loft for their homo Saturday morn lutf. . James Owens of Antelope, former county commissioner, has gouo to Idaho to visit his brother, Calvin Owens. Ho will bo accompanied by Ids wlfo and thoy will tour tho Vel- lowstono iark boforo returning. qitarlos F, loung has returned rrom.a hunting trip or nevpral weeks to, different jiortlpns of ,tho Pacific nprtuwest. He was accompanied by John B. Hammers!)' of Gold Hill, and thoy went, as far us Idaho, j.-ct ting considerable big gamo. Judge and Mrs. M, Purdln bnvo returned from an uuto trip to Pprt land and eastern Oregon. They came back by way of Bend and Cra ter JnKo una covered .mnpy hundred inlleu In tho fortnight they wcro gone. Tho picnic at Colcstln planned by tho Sunday schools of Medford wll bo hold Wnducsday, August U, tho ditto originally set, 8peclil rales will bo given by tho Southern I'u liflc cqmpniiy, and several hundred children and tholr oldors aro expect ed to purtlclpdto In tho outing. Phil LooHloy or Tolo district is ut tho Kucrod Heart hoHjiltal Imlig treated by Dr. It, C. Conway forln rnwi or blood poison. Wlillo ougiig- od In ImyltiK lust week u liniln (if outs worliad Into lili foot und cam ed a wound Jhut muy provo vorlous us his leg Is budly swollon, K, C, (IiiddlM mn family are vlwll lug Crater I.akn, "Dee" II. N, Duller loft Halurdy for Cratvr l.uUu, i H. J. Kaiser of Atdilnnd, tho vol eran JourunllRt, was In Medford Frl day on tits return from his first trli to Crater liko. lib states that there Is a great deal ot travel to I ho park, tho roads thither troiii every direc tion being lined w'lth conveyances carrying tourists. Dr. Frederick I. Pagp has return ed rrom a business trip to Loo An geles. E. J. L MIR OF "52, DEAD mi M. J. itthgloy died t Watklna nt tho home of Wlltnrd ", Moses at 7 p. m Friday, August 1, ol old age Mr. Lnngle) was Si )oars r ago nnd into of tho pioneers of O lo gon. He crossed the plains In IS.2 nnd M'ttled In Portland for a row ycara nnd then moved to southern Oregon, where he engaged In mill, lug. Ho owned and oierated min ing claims on tho ramous Jacksoa crock, lie inmctl to tho upitor Ajt plcgato In IS" I whero ho took up i homstend and also engaged lu mile, ing. whero ho had remained until tho present time. Ho leaves n daughter. Mrs. Martha Vatkln, of Watklna, and a son, C, Langley, or Keswick, Cal. Mr. Langley was well known In tsottll'crn Oregon. LARGE CROWD ENJOYS EVERYWOMAN AT PAGE A crow ded houxc saw nnd licnrd the allegorical scenic production of "Ker.vwoiimn" nt Iho Page Friday evening and tho nudieuco evidcullv was greatly pleased, tiiero were many pretty girls on the singe, the sellings mid costumes wera tin borate, tho momls Unit adortied Iho talc oh- xious. The principals runted nlnng the lines tC the hinge trumpeters ot a gcuerntion ago, and sokc their parts, with nil Iho fervor of a so phomore declaiming rhetorical won tier of the world. Hut the crforrani;ce was highly entertaining and enjoyable to the mul titude. The people liked it and the pcpilc "wy the freight." BINSON SEASON'S FIRST DEER Charles Roblusou had tho honor of getting tho first deer or the sea son, bringing In n flvo-prong 200 pound buck from Griffin creek Kit- day morning. Doc Helms nnd A. W. Walker were alo among tho lucky ones, so curing n flno animal. Ouo of tho Itanium boys got a flno buck near tho Blue Lcdu mine. northwest and of others who aro un decided. Boforo tending mtrh names In will, from tho number allowed us, send n Jackson county book to each one. at our expense. "Wo do mil hcsllnlo to elan that wo havo as nearly perfected com munity ndvurtlslng and publicity us Is possible. As proof of our suc cess, wo can pont (o inlnlVi'erltWs cases whero communities adopting our plan havo traced a lontddWablo number of fntullios coming to Hud' locality directly as a result ot out ro-oporatlvo community plan. tho enso not for retrial Monday, Four stood for a veidlct or guilt' und two for acquittal. No nvldcitcri was Huuniltlcd by tho ttoftintto. Prow editor Kelly reptemmted tho tdutc, und wilt also ugnlu proNccnto Uu case Monday. "Ouo (food Joke I son c Aitotliet;" Ouo or tho funniest "Bunny" com edies Hint has m or been released by tho Vltngroph ro'mpnny lit "One Good Joke Deserves Another," to bo tdiiiwu next Sunday and Monday I nights at thn It theater, and n't the "Tho total cost or tuts eatnpainn Stiudiiy niutluop, 2:30 p. in. Bunny Is approximately 1000, of whlc'U plays it Jolto on his friend, who ro- tho Southorn Pacific company agree.1 tutus It with Interest. Tho second to stand $2100, ptoldlng tho cdtiu- ty court, will pay J 1000." t DSAGREES Joko Is carefully planned aiul leadH fits ilottm Into all kinds of trouhlo. dummy bnby Is throw n from a brldgo Into thu water and Bunny In I gl on the credit for tht hoa by the j Irate fisherman who drago tho ilo. for tho "corpse." Bunny thlnlo' It a very poor kind ot it Joko, but iho I magistrate cttjova It and ndds n lit . i jj0 0X(ru imluter of hli liwn. It H The trial or Cal Allen, Charles a screaming farro which should mil Mocs und Walhtco l.o Clair, Grants j bo missed. With this Is a two-roel Pass fishermen, nrrested for fls't-j special feitluto (Patho), "tlovev lug with nets under tho Anient dan. nor's Douhlo"; (Kdlsoti), "Clvle I'n at Grants Pass Frlda). resulted lu .v rado of Now York City." "Ho Would hung Jury. Tho jury wits dlseharg- Fix Things." Tho host possible for ed. after being. put se,ural hours, itfil 10. cents only. . .. . ., CASE SiskiyOu Heiinfe T(W i ih (U(s lo innlco Holootlort rtl IM'a aViW tracts in this ninunifii'ont rosiiloiifu tliHlricl. SEE JOHN A. TOKNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK (fVStJviXJtfiiirA. SHOOTS GOES THROUGH CITY Secretary ot War Garrison nnd party passed through Medford Fri day evening en routo to , Portland Irom San Francisco, in tho party wcre: Llndlcy M. Garrison, secretary or war; General Leonard Wood, chief of staff; General J. I). Alslilr?, quartermaster general; General K M. Weaver, chief coast artillery; General Andrews, adjutant general. il J A . . CONTRAC T LET TO (Continued from Page 1) Hon to tho Medford agent, Mr Rot enluium. Wo will stand ho entire cost ot tho preserving, exhibit care,' glasses mid Jars and maintenance. "It Is understood that tho dis tribution of tho booklets will bo In your hands, hut we will place our distributing facilities at .your dis posal und would urgo that oiio-thlrd or olio-fourth of tho edition be al lotted to us. With such distribution wp will seo that thoy aro placed in tlQ hands of tho Southern Pacific instructions to muko curufq dlstrib agencies all over tho country, with muko careful distri bution. All tho cost or such ship ment or booklets will ho bornu by us. "Wo will glvo Jackson county the' full bunoflt Of purtlylputlqii In tho rcKiill of such advertising; as ) done by Sunset Mnifiixluo lu eastern qiugiulncs and newspapers, minding yl punios qf those whom wn tinvo liitod,Jp ygur .sfctUmopf (Ik; TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY von JIKNT-I'unilsnd room. 231 t(. Hull)', in 'V ii .ft (?) s U) A' $ WOOD For Sale In any size and quantity that you may want it Frank H. Ray . piieni: "6o.ii ci Ynrd at Sixth and Fir Sts. University ot Southern Oregon Tlinso who roistpr IIhmi1 iiunics holwooii Hip ftuirlli .Hid Iwoiity-ril'lli of MMprospoclivpsliidt'iiis in tho Collto of ltht'rnl Ai'Ih t'tm havo Iho ooiirso for twonly-fivo tlollni'rt por .sohool .voar. JS'nio mioiiIIim ooni-so in law forty tlollavs. I lygiorio with HiVofal in si ruction in niirsini;, Iwonly-fivc tlollai's. JloHioul' tni'o, Iwonty-fivo tlollaVs. jMusionl nmi'Mo in ('onsor vatoiy f Music, Iwonty-fivo tlollai's por school torin. Coninioroial cotu'so in Jhisinoss Colloo sily tlollai-s. Now is tho tinio lo i;oglsloi'youi' naino and rocoiVo tlio Ktrat ntlvantao of a hitfh-elass colloo IrainiiiK at tho smallest post. This opportunity is yours only tint ill August Iwonly-fiflh. Prospective. si udonls in those depart incuts will write lo Iho h'ev. H. V. Mao Citllough IMt. !., Prosidcnl, Medford, Oregon. Prospective .students for Iho College of Musie'and Vine Arts vyill write lo Professor (Icranl Taillandier, Dean of Iho ('nsorva(ory of Music, Medford, Oregon. ttlrdenls oul tf llit eily can secure board and room al low rales in Christian homes. One large furnished house of feu rooms can ho occupied by voung men for twenty dollars" per month'. h'oV information write to W. T. D. MACCULLOUGH, A. B..REGISTRAK. A4 4N 44 NOW IS THE TIME To build a homo Lfilior. building material and choice building sites will never be as cheap again. Yon can buy a largo lol with BEATJf IFUL VIEW of VALLEY on the East Side in best residence district with build nig restriction, gootl roads, close to city water, low te.Jes for small payment down, easy terms on balance. Tins Is one of the best building sites in" the Valley. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 207 MEDFORD, OREGON. r- oquibbs opiees ABSOLUTELY PURE, EiCEPTIofrAALY STRONG, ECONOMICAL TO USE Allspice Mace. Cinnamon (Cassia) Mustard (English) Ceylon Cinnamon Nutmeg CloVes Pcpiior (Black, Ked and Ginger " . "NVhitc) Snuibb's Olivo Oil. B"e (ualify "virgin" oil of most pleasant taste, and free from adulterants so common to flic regular riiiu'kcl oil. Our Prescription' Work Ts Porfect. MEftFftRD PHARMACY NKAIl POSTOFFICK. aJunj.f..ii.aj.uA..fn.i. j.nii.m.d . piieni: 10. eefa Se:dson Opens Hunters report deer most plentiful in the hills Anglers are tlail v returning with record catches Vf trout. Now is (he time io take vour summer vacation and enjoy the hunting and fishing while it is good. We carry the most complete stock of guns, ammu nition and hunting equipment, and the best assort ment of fishing tackle in Southern Oregon, iueliid' ig (he celebrated Hackus Koguo Uiver Flics, which alone will hold the King of the ftoguc. EWINGS GUN STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN. A uto S tu ; ' ' ' ation i. All the necessities for the auto We accommodate our customers.- Once u custo mer always a customer. When in need ot.Hupplfes and cannot find it elsewhere, call on me. If jl is to bo had vl can get it for you, Goodrich, XJiulcit f&thltM, iVlicholiii an'd Lee Tires- in stock. . , i " if ttl ... C.E. GATES. 132 SOUTH RIVERS'lbi, THE OtUlMAk . i i COLESTIN EXCURSION SUNDAY Aug. 3rd Anntlior popular (ixcurduii will do rtitt to cool, didlchtftil Colostln (In tlio Rlslclyou Mounlulnu) via thu W sun a st XmX I l-wouTca f I V "-A M-. .A. I Low Round Tlip Faros Incltidlni; ndiuliialoti to tlio PlunU; Oroitndu nnd till tlio cool frouli in I ii era I wntur you can drink. From Mod ford $1.10, ' fiClltilMJMi FOU KI'OAIj TltAIV Lvuvo (IrnntH I'uhh 7:00 A, M, oojii hiii .., 7s an " Con'lral Point :15 " Moilford 8:15 " Pioonlx UjOO " AhIiIi'mhi : ; 9:30 " Arrlvo CoIuhIIi'i 7...v 10:40 (' ' it'iVnjit.NJNO Lcavii foifoufln ; fy i...U.!... FiitfU', M. MUSIC BY CENTRAL POINT BAND Auk tho nun root Southern PuclUa AkuiU JOHN M. SCOTT, (lonornl PnMonRor ARon't J