I'"' I ' : ' VKOE SIX MEDPOKD MATT) TRIBUNE, MlinFORT), OREGON, .FRIDAY, 'AUOUST 1, 10111. ; ! - H " i; EXTRA RANGERS TO FIGHT FOREST FIRES NACKSON COUNTY KING OF SIAM RETS WIVES KEEPS BUT ONE MOSTSPECTACULAR RODU I V Although Ilio rccont rnlna soaked everything qtillo thoroughly llio ircs out vnrm weather nnil high wlnilb" lmvo combined to dry everything out iiRnlu tiiilto ns thoroughly, Tlio open I nt; of the hunting season with Its consequent carelessness on tho part of huntcra and campers makes It necessary to tako extra precaution to prevent largo forest fires by dis covering smnll ones. To this end the Btnto of Oregon wilt put on tour doputy stato flro wardens August 1. ticorgo Lowd will patrol tho coun try from Itoguo Itlver north to tho hea'd of Pleasant creek nml Oravea creek, and from Tablo Hock west to tho county lino. Mr. Lowd's address Is lloguo Itlver, Oregon. Anyone discovering rarest tires In his district will confer n favor by notifying him nt that place, Tlio rntrolmcn I). W. Sturgcss will patrol from Ilcnglo north to tho head of the cast and west forks or Evans creek. Mr. Sturgcss can bo notified at Beagle, Oregon. V. O. Kenny will patrol from An derson crcok north to Roguo Itlver, and from tho foothills west of the valley to Applcgate river. Ho can bo notified at Jacksonville J. W. Kershaw will patrol from Ltttlo nutto crook south to tho Dead Indian road, along Frog creek. No tlco of flro sent to Wcllon, Oregon, will bo given to Mr. Kershaw. Thcso mon aro all authorized to Issue permits to burn brush, slashing, etc. What tol) o In caso you discover a flro and cannot locato any of tho flro war dens without dolay plcaeo notify Su pervising Warden B. I. Shannon by phono, collect, at number 23C, Med ford. To assUt thcso stato patrolmen tho Jackson County Firo Patrol associa tion has a force of twenty-four men patrolling tho entire county. Each Irs: has been assigned to n particu lar district. Tbo association has headquarters at Butto Falls, tele phone 9-F11. They will pay all tolo phono calls notifying thorn of forest fires, County Well Covered Tho stato, association and forest scrvlco havo so arranged their patrol districts that tboro Is no duplication of patrol; thus each district will bo looked after In a thorough manner. So no .matter whero you live, hunt or camp, you will find a flro warden near you whom you can notify in caso of flro. It is hoped that ovcryono, whllo In tho woods, will bo careful where they empty jilpo ashes, throw cigars, cigarettes, and matches, and particu larly careful not to lcavo camp fires unextinguished. Thero is a law against leaving camp, fires before they nro entirely out; also against building them bcsldo logs, stumps, and In any Bort of Utter without first clearing tho ground all around suf ficient to keep It from spreading. With tho hearty co-operation of evoryouo Jackson county should have the smallest flro loss in tho stato this season. SEEN ME Tho dramatic spectacle, "Kvery woman,' which Henry W. Snvngn will offer nt the Page tonight, rep resoiitH tho very lust word In amuse ment. Patrons nro requested to ho In their seats Parly, ns no ono will bo rented between acts. Tho play Is designed to please tho most ct- ncllnB, offer diversion to tho most Jaded taste. Thero la nothing about It to remind tho spectator of any other dramatic or musical produc tion he has seen, it proves a do- LONDON, Aug. 1. Dispatches from Bangkok, capital of Slam, car ry tho report that tho present king will shatter all traditions o( his an cestors and havo only ono wife. Left n legacy of GOO widows nudthe right ns heir to the throno to havo ns many wives ns his father before him had, tho present king, who was edu cated nt Oxford, Knuland, will not Indulge In that doubtful pleasure of having more than ono helpmeet. Slam, tho dispatches tell. Is experi encing n radical change In govern- hRht both for tho eyo nml tho ear. ment and social life. The young king jt s a feast for tho lover of luxury, tins inaugurated at least ono custom that is making n great hit with his subjects in building theatres in sev eral large cities of his kingdom, which nro being run by tho govern ment. No attempt will be made to mnko money on tho project, tho cost of admissions being kept nt a flguro which will assure tho perma nency of tho drama. Tho king has ndaptcd a number or English nud French plays and operas to Slam. Ono or tho king's theatrical compan ies Is now rehearsing a Siamese translation or ono of Gcorgo Ber nard Shaw's plays. Later on tho king Intends to open negotiations with several French and American moving picture concerns with the Idea of establishing a moving pic ture thcatro circuit through his kingdom. Tho king believes tho moving picture shows, If given un der his personal supervision, will do more than anything else toward ed ucating his. subjects. MITCHELL FSON CHOICE FOR MAYOR John Drew Is to appear in London next season in "Much Ado About Nothing." beautiful gowns upon tho forms of fair women, artistic designs In cos tumes and draperies, sumptuous stago settings, evidencing a wiz ardry of light and color efrccts, tho highest nchlovement of tho special ist. For tho lover of excellent music there Is an orchestra of sym phonic capabilities to render n score composed by Cleorgo Whltcflold Chadwlck, ono of tho foremost Amer ican composers ono whoso works nrc not only played in nls own country, hut by the best orchestras abroad. For tho ndmlrcr of fine acting, Mr. Snvaga has assembled a cast with fully a score of names which are well and favorably known to ovcryono who follows tho nnnals of tho stnge. Tho leading femnlo rolo is played by n beautiful young woman, Adelo Blood, who Is said to visualize this difficult character. Her beauty enhances tho valuo of her performance, for tho "Hverywoman" of tho play must bo beautiful. Barely If ever has thero been found such a combination of beauty and talent as Miss Blood possesses, for sho Is a wonderfully talented actress., NEW YORK CITY NKW YOltlC, AUK. I.FoIIowIiir reports that tho republican party Is dissatisfied with nomination on u P. Mitchell, York, for mayor of this city, It was an nounced today that District Attorney Charles S. Whitman will run on an Independent ticket. Mitchell received forty-flvo votes against forty-three, for Whitman. Tho fusion committee of 1 07 selected Mitchell at 11:20 o'clock this morning after nn all-night wrangle. fusion ticket of John collector of the fynrt of New UNCLE SAM TO Ml CROP WITH CASH THE DEER SEASON OPENS TODAY BUT THAT DON'T EFFECT THE PRICES ON Cooler Weather Predicted. POHTI.AND, Ore., Aiijj. 1. Ore Ore eon: Fair tonight and Sntunlny, continued warm east portion; pooler interior western portion Saturday; westerly winds. Alfonso Leaves England ' LONDON, Aug. 1. -King Alfonso and Queen Victoria of Spain ended their week's visit In England today and departed for their summer homo nt San Sebastian. Whether In comedy or somhro trng cdy her methods nro skillful, clean cut nud sure, and sho displays an Intelligence which has won for her such enviable cconlums from tho best Amorlcan critics. Others In tho cast aro Nestor I-en-nnn, Mrs. Clay Clement, Marlon Dcnttcr.jLydla Crane, Lea I.ature, Itttby llothnour, Betty Marsden, John Thomas, Maurjco Drew, John McKee, Luko Lorlug and T. Jerouio Lawler. Tho company Includes over 1D0 peo ple nud moves from city to city by special train. WASlllNtlTON, Aug. I. Tvou ty-flvo to fifty million dollars of gov. eniment funds will be deposited In tho national banks of tho south and west Immediately by Secrelnry Mc Adoo to facilitate tho crop movement. Federal, state, and municipal hands nud prime coinmerrltil paper will bo nceoptert as security for money on which tho hanks will pay two per cent Interest. This Is tho first tlmn In history that tho government has accepted prlmo mercantile paper ns security. This privilege Is granted, McAdoo announced, to mnko these special tl" Joslts nvallahlo to banks on security readily within reach. It was not announced what amounts would bo delegated to Oregon It any, but tho Pacific states In general will probably secure from five to ten mil lion dollars. Tho main amount of government funds will ho given to tho great corn and grain producing states of tho middle west whero In spite of recent unfavorable weather thero will bo ono of thu largest crops In recent years. This now .novo by Secrelnry Mc Adoo has mot with general commen dation on nil sides nud It Is bellnved to establish n precedent which will eventually bring tho government Into such close financial relations with national banks that whether tho cur rency reform contemplated Is brought about nt this session or not, tho llkll hood of such panics ns have visited tho United States In recent years will bo greatly lessened. With Medford trade Is Medford mndo S3 SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE SALE SPECIAL SHOW Al PAGE A special attraction has boon nr ranged for tho Page thcatro Satur day ovoutngs. Lamb, Bates & Clarli company will present an up-to-dato vaudevlllo sketch entitled "Wo Threo," a comody drama running twenty-flvo minutes. Sunday ovonlng tho saino vaudo vlllo company will present "A Ringer for Dugar," a laughable comedy. A highly interesting chungo of picture! will bo presented ouch evening. $2.00 Wash Skirts 98c Saturday we place on sale 23 Wash Skirts up to $2.00 QO values, sale price, each vOC AT- MANN'S Central Ave., Near P. O. $2.00 Waists 98c 98c Saturday wo place on sale 100 new Lingerie "Waists, up QO. to .$2.00 values, each ALL SUMMER GOODS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE L The TbIs ling nn extraordinary bill for Friday nml Suturilny, "Alono in tlio Jungle," Belig'H wild animal sen Billion liomls (liu bill, Tiliw in an uii iimiiiI photoplay whero leopard play ii most Important part. It is full of lluillu nud kliowg Kcencw (lint will in U'rost every ono. It J a photoplay without n iminllel, Tlireo other photoplays iiitilH'H one of tho ninny hltfli cIhnh proKt'uin Hint this popu hr piny liiuiHo H8 been furiiMiliif,' l thrir lrp)i. 'J.? irk'tutf will b yhnwn JVi -Any nml HtMrJiiy, Hfliyiiiioiii run) Wash Goods Must Go 2000 yards pood Dress and Shirting r Prints on stile Saturday, a yard wl 3000 yards Scotch Ginghams in faiu'y plaids, cheeks and phiin colors up fOl a to 20c values, Saturday, a yard -2 2000 yards new Outing Flannels, in all colors, up to i2yi values, a yard. 8c 38-inch Colored Voiles, veiy fine 00c grade, Saturday, a yard , 25c Hot Weather Underwear 'All 12i.(; Vests now lOfr All 1: Vests now 12' All 20c Vests now 15S All 25c Vests now 191 AH. flop Vests now 25 Parasols Every One In The House 1-2 Price Saturday Specials Colgate's 25c Talcum Powder, special Of a can &' Best quality Darning Cotton, special a Or hall t Summer Hosery Women's Kast Black J lose, all sizes Saturday, a pair Women's Thin Lisle Hose, black only, a pair v Women's Lace Hose,!).' values, Sat urday, a pair ...9c 15c 15c Best Sewing Needles, special a paper Mp Saturday " Good Hair Nets, with' rubber, special on A Saturday, each , ..."' Women's 13c Hand kerchiefs, special Op Saturday, each .. ..fll Women's 2Hc Wash Belts, each 5c Wash Dresses Must Go 100 new Wash Dresses, many styles U choose from, all sizes up to $2.00 (jjTOC values, Saturday, each $lfliJ All of our white and colored Presses, coil; sisfing of ratines, voiles, ging- O" MtV hams and challies, Saturday " "" Long Glove Sale 2."5 dozen "Kayscr's" Hi button Chamois elle Gloves in white, grey, pongee Mo and chamois colors, 75c grade, pair... Ow Fancy Aprons 25 dozen fancy Kmbroideried Aprons, 50c values, Saturday, each.... 25c Women's 'Peter Pan' 25c Collars, A Saturday, each -l-"v Shadow Laces, 25c quality, Salur- iK day, a yard 19C All over Laces, $1.00 grade, a yard Sliadqw 69c CJark's 0. N, 'J.', Cot (on 7F0R2fty Special Sale of 'Bedding 72x00 Bleached Sheets, grtod COc MO grade, Saturday, each "OU J2 and 15-inch Pillow Slips, 18c 4 lr grade, Saturday, each l2v Full size, 1 Toney Combed Bed QO Spreads, $1.25 quality, each wOl 25 dozen good Truck Towels on salq r Mil L 11 J Mil J I (fil'il'MfftMf(lflOllflltflllllfllfM'f W :10 dozen good sized Bleached lOlr Turkish Bath Towels, each lt 100 grey Cotton Blankets, good Q nizo, special Saturday, a pair., v5FG fSgAffcieltZb "Good Shoes' WHERE "RIGHT PRICES" PREVAIL OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Mr. Hunter and Camper We sell good feed in any quantity you may wish. We also have a good supply of reliable Kly Killers in $1.00 and J10c cans. Try us on your next order. MONARCH SEED & FEED CO. 220 EAST MAIN CrXivXvnjvA. 11 0 0 0 ! (.1 Ynnl itt Sixth iiikI I'lr Stn. IMIONIJ 760.11 (I) WOOD For Sale In any size and quantity .that you may want it Frank H. Ray Siskiyou Heights Now is the lime to make selection of lots and tracts in this magnificent residence district. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK NOW IS THE TIME To build a home K-ibot'. building material and choice building sites will never be as cheap again. You can buy a large lot with BEAUTIFUL VIEW of VALLEY on the East Side in best residence district with build, ing restriction, good roads, close to city water, low texes for small payment down, easy terms on balance This is one of the best building sites in tho valley. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 207 MEDFORD, OREGON. COLESTIN EXCURSION SUNDAY Aug. 3rd Another popular oxcurdori will ho run to cool, dullghUul L'oloutln (In tho Sluklyuti .Mouiitnltin) via tho W u -x W2T7r iOrttr WUlNCVUttTAI MOtiTCS lvOj XClf Low Round Tlip Fares itiL'liiilliiK uiIiiiIhhIoii to tho I'lcnlu (Iroiiniln nml all tho cool troth inlnunil wiitor you can drink, Krom Mcxlfunl 11.10. " ' .'" h;iii:ium: fou hi'i;oiaI( Tit.m Loavo (Irunlii I'nmi 7;00 A. M, (lohl IIIll 7i35 " Contrul Point 8:15 " Moilfonl 84C " J'houuU 0:00 " AhIiIhiiiI ; 0:30 " Arrlvo (Joloitllii 10:40 ' nr.TUHM.vo I.oavo ColoHtln C00 1, M. MUSIC BY CENTRAL POINT BAND Auk tho iionrimt Hon I hum 1'utlflu Aplit JOUN il, HUOTV, (luiiornl l'M0iiKe'r AfcOiit B 0' ( $ 0 i.) ( i.i i.i i.i (Ii 0 to ! I.) dl 0 ,4. frll .. ,-, 'iM,Vri'i'i'-ff-" f'l "f f--f"t t I "t Ht-f-0l ' I I i ' r r-tttre mor .- u'- jnwt'j-J Ut. rJ ?