I Oh, Yes, Oyster Bay Is on r sn r G'Jta ALU w(lT rhb K(, Out now i t think, vm arc OMTrU WR.ON& RorxDi WATER SYSTEM PUIS IF "An Mnltonl ilml'ir t mi It l i II llll llll' llll Hull till .Mlllflllll Wilier ayU'iu win turned mi," iim )r. (Niiiruv, "I'iixmhinI.v, nil iloolor woie kept lniy with typhoid iiml iu Itwliiiiil liulililw. riiueu hhiu liiuu liioti u.iiiK I lie grnwl) wiiler Htipply, however, .MrilfiTil m heoumo one of ln' htllliiit nlit'H in llm 'imiilr, ;iinl lliirn in hllUi fur tin ImitnrH lo tin. I loalty lu'licvi' (IihI In miii'Ii a .lu-nllliy ntliwiio ii Im, Unit il" the Kiiin imiIi iHi iniMrl. limy wmiM liuvo (lit) iliicliir nlHrUiit; to ilcalh." Olliwr ilixiliu'ii n ifntu Unit llio lmitiwl (lilnu llmt i'mt liiiii'iii'il In ,Mi ilfunl In tint Him of lu'iillli irinltK' li'Hi, In 111 xnnlly uutor tciii, mill IIihI, If liiiiniiii lilV h Mur(li any tiling Hip cralt witter fsnli'iu i far Im .Miinl llic imcr uf fnliiiitttiini in Milne, , E Tim Wl.l. Ho Triln cuiitaiiiii (ho nillowliiK nKHnlliiK tin' ilmitli of n lin'kgiuivillu iiimievr: D. V. (.'nml.y, oi Hold li'iilillo, ro rrivvil lliu mil iiotvs lat Tluimlio 'HlillK of tliy ili-nlll of liirt niollinr, MrM. .Miin,-vt rru-ltv of Wnlln Wnllii, iiml k'ft Unit iiImIiI lo iillmul I lu funuriil, wliii'li va hold in Iiml I'ily. Mr. Cnixliy uiik H" .m'iii-h of uku mnl vim tiatixc of lidnml. Klio uim llm wiilou uf llm lulu Wllliniif Ucuilil'i wh rooiilnl nt .lavUonillu in I liin rliiti- iiinny M'Iiim mo, mnl wlm iliiil iiml wan luiiiril Uivri'. llnlix I). V. ('nHi.v, llm lU-iMuini'tl is mir iril by i ituihliT, Mm. I I-'. Kool, of W'ullii Wnllii. who with llioir fiiui ilii'H in,, dm oiil 111111' tvliiliM'rt, Mr. ( riili, H rii'rli'i linini' loilny, 10 IDGE , Tim I'nrliipinil IiiiiIki' I'ilil wliU'U IniX lici'ii in ii-oxii'NH nl Kosrlniij,' fur tfi'vi'inl iiioiiIIih ti'imiiuili'ii when Julian Ciilltins of Mcilfoiil, IimiiiIimI ilown n ili'i'ifiuii yi'Hlcnliiy in wli'mli Im ilcnli'il llm n'tlll(iii for un oiilur H'liiiinin llm Donulim I'uiiuly ruliil from pi-iiiTi'iliiiK with llm I'niislmv (ion of a Hptiii iiuiohh llm UiiiMUii nv nt lliu foot of Oak Htiri't, In hin ili'i'Uiou Jiulii Culkins lii'M (lint if llm i'iniity,(!iMiit wiiw in any wuy liniiiiil lo loi'iilo llm liriilKu at u tK)(i"UI Mlill Hlll'll ohli).'ntiiu wiuilil i im I wild llm cily of Kicolnir mnl nol willi I ho iililioniir. Tliu injuim tioii wtiri Uhl.nl liy IIioku npiuhi'i (o flm iiiiiovnl of llio liiiilu fiom l.miu to Oak Hlii'ul. , :iTV 'I'HIMHiritDlt'H NOTICI1 Nollio In Imioliy kIvoii tlint llm i (Illy of Mcitroril, JihIikoii county, 6ri)i;nii, will luki ii ami ciiiicol tlm follow'liiK lnniilHi " No. lllir,, ilaloil Hopl. Int. mil, , No, JOUH, iliilml Hoit. lut, 1UII. Noh, 1187 mnl HKS, iliitoil Hopl. i, mm. luluinht uu tliu alum minimi liomltt will ri'iiuo at llm inm I imiiil.miiiiiiil lnliiri'nl ni)lni porlodi t)ni(i'iiilMii' 1, mi;i. HUH II. UAMIIICI.H, , (ill)" Tiriidiiror. Ia(vt! Aiiiu( 1, ifl'J, laftM'MffeVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV t I V I'Ly BUSNESS REFUSES cWvAVTO, OTiYep, llrYT. Could you cnugmtcn . AS to 1-m 6 GoURliCT Moure? A I. I'nrMiiiiit, iii.iiuiKir of tliu fritter l.alm uiiinin, li-ft Tliiirmlay wllli u i row of limn lo work on liiillillm; lliu Inn lu utatwi lliut tliu lourlMt IriiM'l U miii'Ii lii'iivliT lliau u )cnr iiko mnl Hint lliurn In cti'ry liiillciitlmi Hint llilrt onr will hrunk rci'orilH In tlm nnniliur of iiooplu vIh- IIIiik Hid Inko, ('oiiririiliiK lil roporli'il flcht wllli W. I. Arniil, nliortly aftur tin lut Iit'h iiji'ctlnii from tlm park nit imp. crliitiiiiilciit, .Mr. I'arkliurrl n.iht: "Tlio pnlillnlmil ivport wan crron con. illil nut ntliirk Aratit Imt Im nttmki'il niu. Ho at ruck nm twliu liuforii I atti'inptuil to ilnfuml mynulf, lilurkrnliiK my cyo. Tlmu I look u turn at tlio ptindilm;. Ho uttoiiiptcil to niciiiint for hi coiiilltlon liy nay Inn that I imcil a iiiiinki'j-wri'iicli on him. but tlioru w'iim no wrench tmcil. I ulinply ilcfi'iiJuil niyM'ir " Of S.l,i:.M, (ii'(, Auk. J. Itrl4trtri$ lluil llm muuly uVpottitnty law hlioulil Inn i' hi'vn olinuni'd immediately iinih its lii'i'ouiiiiK l,lw t'10 Ktipreiiiu court loday, )iiliiu McN'nry wrilinj; tlio Kpiuiiui, ilnciilcl in fax or of llm pluin Hfr in tim uuil or llm I'irxl National Haul; of KlaiuuUi Fall aiiiMt tlio county 1 1 cannier of Klauialli uoiiii- ty. Tlm aul flM'd lliu fiml Mtuidny iir Juno of i'ik'Ii M'ar uu tlio day llm (uuiHiirurri of lliu I'ouiitiuM hhall dc kiKiialo luiiikH or I rust compauiurt iik dcpo-ilorioH of county funds. Ilnw i'M'1', llm IcuiNlaluru did not iidjouru uulil Mulch - mid Hio act did not lie ociuiu cffcoliMi until Tui'xday follow iiiU tlit fiidt Muiidiiy in .Iu nl. Mi-n. Sliaipu of 'J:il UumI .N'in Hi -I reel in uioiiiuiuK llm Ion of her nliicKi'iiH, Sonm ehinheii 111101' on U'cduomlii.v nielli hioko into her coop mid Htole uiim full hloodcd OrpiiiK- (nun, lea vi nj,' only two miuii It ouch. Twenty other eliiokeim were also tdulcti, Shr in luneli dincouiiiccd iih alio depended upuu thu hiiIo of vh to help her make u livelihood. Theru ill o'tu' clous to tlm thief. ASHLAND HUNTEflS OUT AFTEn THE DEER Aiihiiik huntorri from AhIiIuiuI nut lifter thu door uru tho fiillowluij, nay thu TIiIIiikh: Dan Applonato anil (loort;o (lan K'lo uxpitet to luivvu Uiout Krlday for a hunt south of Auhlaud In Urn Itcd mountain country, Jack 1'eohhir, Carl U. wonton and Kd HIouIh left NVeduomlay iiierulni: about 7 o'eluek for tlm Orator l.ako country, cxpoclliiK'to rump en route. IJJg.'l'J.U. Worth While 1I,IUIAIN KOH OAHII 1(J0 iutcm (liiliur, !l iuIIoj from Hold llll, et tlinatoil !, to 'J iiillllou foot waw lliuher mid 0000 cnriU hardwood. I'rlcu nil Iu 1 SOD fur iilcl( netloni eMHlly worth Ulrn (lliu nniount. iiK.v.viirr IXVIMTMIiNT CO, craterTake season 10 be mo breaker mm THIEVES ROB ROOST OF 29 HENS MEmronr) MAm TftimrNra, the Old Shell Road SDRl'l YauCo STfiMCHVAHtMD ON TMU OLE) 3MtlLL ROAD Vltt. YOW COfAG. Ttvo 51GNS' mnl loiiiiuuiicu liuiillin; at 12.01 a. in. Aiiitiikl I. Tlioy will Im ijuiiu Ion ilayii, U. .1. Mahau ami Unhurt CaKoy aru ruiiorlinl an uiiiouk tlmwi who will Mtrlko out for tlm happy hiintliiK KrouiuU Iu tlmu to Im ready for tlm oK)iiltiK of thu koacoii. Ilpn llowurrt mnl I J. It. Crimen tuft Wuilunxd.iy noon for Hilt, O.il., and will (urn north fiom Hmro ami hunt In north of thu California lino. Thuy liuvo no iloflnltu may iluturuilueo upon, hut oxpuct to kuI thu limit he torn returning. I.. I). McKee mnl (i. A. Mulouo left thU iiiurnlui; fur Clliuax, wburn thoy will Kpciiil n fuw du8 In thu foput lool.ltu; for iluor. SAGLE POINT EAGLETS. Ily A. C. Ilowlett. Henry Town and Thotnan IConny of l.ako Creek wore out rupalrliif; tliu Iclopliouo lino holweon hero nml Uihu Crook taut Saturday, upending thu iiIbIi'i with lit. I.aiit Uuuday thu ICinlo l'olnt Buu day Kchuol pamiod a rekolutlou to try lo raUn fiiiulu to purolmeo n library for tho Kumlay ncliool, o hu uanied tho Cooluy Hitnday Hcliool library, Iu honor of tho lato Iluwr J. Cooloy. an for Home tlmu ho was nupoilu(cn deut mid necrotury of tlm cluol and dootinl n lart; opart of IiIh tlnto to udvaiico thu lnerit of thu kcliool. Or. K. (J. Tlni)ur aud wlfo of MeU fonl nnino out lt Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrn. Dozter, who aru titoiw pliiK at tho Stinnynliln. William von dor llelloii and fam ily , who have been upending a few dan at Newport, rolurned to thel homo Hnnday uinrnlUK. l.oNt A Kohl chain and pcudaii. Itolnru to l-'red L. Heath and iccolvo roward. While on my rouniU I learned that ux-ComiiihiMlouor Jniueii Owuiim ami wife expected to Htarl for Idaho thin week to vlult hta brvthur Cahlu uul luteudoil to llt thu Yellowstoiio p.uk whllu i;one. r. J. Ayrea and wife wpro lu town hiHt .Vouday and whlto hero wcro II(Iiik their children, Mr. mid Mm. Ml mi Martin ot Trail aud Mtsa Nora Daley of Medford eiiinu out on thu ear tlio flrtit of tho week, took tho BttiKo for Trail, whero MIem Nora lutemlu lo ieud n whllu roaiuluK tho I'lllH. Mr. Ilemiett mid family, who havo been llvlui; on tho Uuiiek plaeo for aoiiio tlmo, havo moed Into tlio floo. llariutt plaeo, near Medford. Mliw Ornro Colby, formerly of lirowiiHboro, hill uow of Medford, eamo down from her lornuir homo on WHY? BECAUSE Wo Ijuvo u heurlng jicnr orchard, ono of thu heqt In tho valloy, must ho soil. 10, 20, 30 ncKii. An In conui propuHltlun, Suu mo. J. O. HAltNKS. l'lr K NntJonal Hank UulltlltiK'. N TOPAY AUGUST IS SUN VACA TION MONTH. Yuu will nut riiul my uJd in Augiisi, C. D. HOON llpoin 12 Jurkson County Dank bld. Tvlvpbuuo 1037'J Mrcrwonn, oriwon, iwmmv, Auawi1 1, nm 1 I f. ... II I I I ' r OW.tj.SlCN IS I (iGU Ar4D,TMlJ I O arHeR.Buue- p ! YOU Go fittS ' WfVt THC IBuUC POINTS 7 - ,. ' ' ' - Ofc ho-ho-ho $ GoTMewfty w? """"' .wf v GCO s Tuoxdny aud look the afteruyon ear for Medford. Joo Mooinaw, ono of our hiMtlon, Iiiih huun hhlppliu; atrawbcriieii tu Ilutto 1'uIIh. JmueH Jurditu, oitu of our promi nent cltlzmiH, went tu Mudford lint TuiHfday, the timt Hum hu has been Iu Medford for out a ear mid a hair. Thuro la quite, u number of people puiMliiK through bore now koIuk to mid (rum Crater l.aku and aloiiK thu routo. Wcdnrwdh)' Mr Hoot aud wlfu uud another family from .Mcdfonl eamo In from thu lake, and tlioy re port bavins had a Yry flue time, and nt ulKht Mc nnd Mm. C. I). Iloou and q. i: HtlliM. wlfo and ion, Carl, itopiwil hero for Hupper on tholr way from thu natural brlilnu. Thoy re port thu road n'flne condition. Liint nlKht (WiMlncudny) thu ladlos of thu Hapllst church gavo an lie cream i-oclal nnd at tho naino tlmu thu mudaU wero prcfontoil to tho winners In thu athletic contest. They w-ern a warded an follews: Cold modal to MIh Carrlo OwIiirs aud silver medal to Minn Clara Imniorinan, and tho cold medal for tho men wax Riven to Itnlph OwIiirs nnd thu silver ono to Kuv. I.. Ii. Simmons. Thoy wore presented liy Mr. Hess. Theru wa.1 no HpccchmakltiR. Tlio receipts of tho ovenliiK from the leu cream, eako and coffee was J1C.C0. Tlioy had a very pleasant time, but npt bo largo a crowd as was expected. Tho pro ceeds went to Itov. L. L. Sluiiuons and family. U .. i m-i sej-: i-oit ni:.NT ruitsisnnu uqosih KOH ItKNT Mco eool rooms nt tho Coleman.' 1005 W. Main. I'hono DGW. 125 KOH ItKNT l.arge Klceplng rooms, and modem housekeeping apart ments, prlcca very reasonable Phono 102G-L. 222 South Holly drool. I'OH ItKNT 1'UltNlaitKn ltOOMS KOIt lU:NTFurnlsm Cottage. CO I V. 10th St. 117 l'Olt ItKNT I'UltMHIIi:!! AITS. KOIt ItKNT Kiirulshed npartuieuts. TUu Uerbuu, IU Quluco st. hm ltK.M rnitiMa Fo7MtKl?lW)mTmiH7r ro(iui huiiguUiw with Hleepliig porch, two four-room liuuses, rent cbeap. l'bouu 1U4S-J2. IU KOIt ItKNT- -Kivo-room furnlahed hiincalow In flno neighborhood on c.tst Bldo, JU.60. l'liouo 101S-M. lia KOH HKNJ .l-roomod inodorii bun galow, never occupied, all cuii vvuleuceH, closo Iu. 3-roomcd hoiiho, cltibo Iu, J. T. Hums, 417 Jay St., phono 1C1-U. Oft S. Oak dalo. ' FOK ItKNT IlOUftKHKKi'lNO ltOOMS KoTTltKNT KiiVHishipirii'piiwtwoiiw lug rooms, light, gus. 224 Kutit Ninth Bt. 137 KOIt ItKNT Sulto ot nicely fur- nlahud housekeeping roQiua; hath; gas; lower floor, 729 W.' 11th. l'Olt Ki;.M )vnejKS KOIt ItKNT Lurgo, comfortablu pf tlco rooum with eluvator servtcu, Bieam uoui, uoi nu com wnier, Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl- tiiro Huw. up. l'Olt ItKNT MLSCKIitiANKOUK KOH "aM i"NT Oooll "i tockT ranchV 2 9 0 ucrea to lunso for term u( years, luuulro ot Ulark Heuly Co., Med fqr.d. Ore. l'Olt SALK iaNH.1 KOU HALK-100 m'rei, 7t ' ' eiiltlvutlon, 25 ucrea, cuiuuieriiul puiira ltl ypur, K ucrea Nuwtnwii apples with peach flllurtf, 2.0 ierei uUaK.i, Ii rluulluH aystuui, watyr piped to homo uud burn, K-roum iiuusii, hunia mid oulbiillillUK, nli'CHio lliihls, toleplunin, H. F, II., 2 iiiIIihi from low ii, For pin Hon iara millions owner, L, , cum Mull Tl'lbuuu, 114 I'Ult mMi 'UPVHVJi KOIt HUNT Oil SAI.K -Koiir-room ho into uud kooi Kiirdcn trad, now In truck aud fruit. M. A. Jtadur. KOIt BAM Hcautlful nine-room hiiUKtilow on corner Itartlett mid JackKon, for $30.00 icr month without interest. For Information call at 43G North Uartlott St. .. KOI I HALKKurnlshed homo. Threo loom uoimo witn jioreiies uud ctnsctu, kooiI outhulldliiKS and larco poultry houno. Lot 00x3-7 feet, (lnu soil, lota ot bearing small fruit uud young fruit trees; sidewalks and water piped en tiro lenKth of pruinlM.'. Klrst-elaiMt houiohold furniture, practically now. Half casb. time on balance. Call at 1014 Hast Klou'nth or phrtuo 1073-X. rou SAM'-JMsenMiAMiops l'Olt 8AM3 I.-Dlnt; hens, White OrpliiRtons, Whlto Leghorns ami Ilarrcd Hocks; tho right hatch at tho rlRht price. J. 11. Lyons, l'nocnlx. Or. KOIl SALK Horse, pood driver. also for work. 1'bono Allen H. Drury. CI 1-112. IU KOH SALH Upright Kimball piano In fine condition nt a bargain on account of mevlnc: also ono bod. Must bo sold by August 2nd. J. C. Harrington, Jacksonville. ur. iu WANTKIJ Harbor at tho Cott.-rgo Harbor shep: good money for good man; steady Job. l-'QIl SALK On easy terms, flvo room modern Iioiihq, gas ranrre 009 W. Jackson, l'lmno 391-J. 11C KOH SALK Loose leaf ledger sys terns, any stylo ot tnado to order by tho Mail TribuDO blnderr. JAKANKSK PUKSSINO PAHLOItS Steam and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Genta nulla pressed. Special attention to ladles' silks, luces and ghes. Goods called (or nnd delivered. 114 N. Front St. Phono 125. Ill KOH SALK Threw registered A. J. grade Jersey cows. Johu U. Hair, Huguo lyver. Or. 124 KOH SALK Motorcycle, Indian. 2 ppced, well equipped, extra tires, $225. Jordan Uros., Ashland. 12$ KOH 8ALK Letter heads and rancy stationery, printed, engr&ToC or ouibocsed, as you wish at tho Mall Trlbuuo. KOH SALK Cheap, lmportod Pcr- cliuron Bialllou, can bo been at K. F. SmUh'a stables, Ashland, Or. 12S KOH SALK lluffet, gasoline stovo upd ovvu, fruit Jaru. l'liouo 91-K. 113 KOH SALK Young Jersey cow, producing nuon galloim milk per day. M. Walsh. 11th uud Holly st a. Phono 312. 114' l'Olt SALK Pulr of mules, young, extra geutie. Vincent a Feed Sta ble. 114 HCSINKKS OPPOHTU.MT1ICS KOH RALK All established bUJlties.3 that U a liioueymaker, llttlo coin petltlou, Kelliug a product that ul- nuiat oery family In Jledford iisoh; about $4000, part time. Ad dress A. , Mall Tribune. KOIt SALK Clgnr and confoctlonory w(th hllllnrd and pool tables, Iu auiall couutry town with good fu ture, doing a good cash buslnoku; At opportunity for good llo man: good reasons for soiling; $1450 will handle. It. Address K. Y. euro of Medford Mall Tribune. 117 WANTtfl) SITUATIONS WANTKO Houbowork by dy or hour. GO I W. xoth at. IU WANTKH Hood Jnpaii9S0 boy wuuts stiutlyn to do hoiuowoik by thu hour. Phuuu 125, US WANTKD A poKltJon. by an exper ienced orfliunlUt ua Mupurluleud out nt n largo orchard, eight ra. iixperluiico tu orcharding in Colo rado; run glvt good reference. A. II, NlehnU. (li'iind Jnnrtlon. Colo.. It. It. No. 3. llf. WANTl;i)--Pnidlnil uiim') wUlma niuli'inlt)' cuH'ti. I'lionu Mr Ulturt', 717-lt, Hi V IIKLP WANTKI MALIJ FOH8iUxllTh7cc"rcKlstereii A. J, C. C. Jersey cows mid two blgh grade Jersey cows. John U. I lair, Itogiio Itiver, Ore. 121 WANTKIJ Flrst-clawi liraaj molder. first-clasM wagea to the man that can do tho work. Apply Whltc Dia.il Mfg. Co., Valley Garage. Ill WANTKIi MISCKIiLA.r.tlUH WANTKD Hunting and camping parties taken to tho hills; prices reasonable. Address K. A. Ilcf Icr. Urownsboro, Or. Ill WANTKIJ To trado housa and lot for Ktock, preferable liogs, team and cow; nlso Implement. Ad dress L, caro Tribune. lit WANTKD Cord or tier wood tp cut. in Southern Oregon; must be long Job; give full particulars In first letter. D. E. Davis, Hood Itlvor, Or. 113 LOST LOST An automobllo tiro 34x3, mounted on demountable rim, with tire Irons. Finder please notify S. V. lleckwlth pr Hear Creek Garage. Sultnblo reward. MONKY TO I-OA MONHY TO LOAN City nnd country loans. Clark Itcnity Co., 20t Phlpps bldg. MONKY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3GS. KOIl EXCTIAMin FOlt TRADK Will trado a four paskcugcr automobile, in good condition, for a lot In Medford. Phono C64, or aco G. a Tuuiy, Garnett-Corey blk. KOIt KXCHANGK JGiiOO, clear city for acrcago; $13,000 improved ranch for acreage. Clark Itealty Co., 20G Phlpps bldg. FOIl SALK Oil TKADK 120-ucru ranch (or Medford property, Ilox H. G., Tribune. 114 FOIl KXCHANGK City and rancl property In Itoswcll, New Mcxlcq for projierty In Huguo Itiver val ley. Address llox NX, caro Mail Tribune. US KOH SALK OH THADK Small fruit, garden uud berry tract to real farmer or gardener; might tuku lot or small property (or wr. Also pear tract tor clone lu bungalow. II. II. II. FOIl KXCHANGK FIvo good east irotit lots, closo In. uulucumbar- ed. uud some cash for automobile, SO acres timber, best and moat accePblblo woqd land Jackson county; good Income, proposition; (or city property. lC-lnrh (Ir wood tp exehunRq (or bicycle, borso uud buggy, fur niture, etc J. C. Panics, First National Hank bldg. 111 liU-SINKSS DUIKCTOUY Accountants U. It. WOOD Gouoral Accountant Your books audited mid kept (or a reasonable (Iguro; your business solicited. 0((lco. Medford Mall Tribune bldg.: phono GG1; resi dence phono 53 1. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULHICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City or Medford, Oregon. Terms reusonublo. Rest dopco phono 1G1-J. Ottlro Jack sun County Hank building. Clilropranur PH. K. J. LQCKWQOn, Chiropractor, nerve specialist, nooinn 203-204-205 Garnett-Corey bldg. Vapor batliB and sclontlflo massago given; jieedlo spray, head and ahouldor shower lu connection; ndvlco in dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthempy. ldy attoudant. I'hono, officii 945, rcsldoucu G71-H 11. A. H. UKUUKS. Dr. Louise K. lludgca Mcchaiia-Thoraplsti, Chiro practors, SpundyluthurapUtu, Theso syutuma, Intiudlng dlutetlea, cura ttvo gymuastlci, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce results in both acute uud chronlo dUvasra, Connullu. thin free. 230 North llurth'tt Hi., next dour tn M. K. chu'ch. Hours V u. in. to C p. in. Other ljou by ap'0luwui. Pliuuo 17, m ,T " PXCJ19FIYH. Ely "Bu.T Fisher j ,, .' N"V CoP-Kr jvj. O'Smti Co, HUHINKHH DIItKCIOUY AliatractM HOnUB niVKH VALLKY AB 8TIIACT CO., No. G SoiHh Central. A Homey s IPOHTBIt J. NKFF, WM. P. MKALKY Attornoya-at-Law. Hootna S and 9, Medford National Hank bldg. A. K. HKAMKS, LAW YKIt Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 133 East Mala street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George 51. Roberts COLVIO & ROIIEUTS. LAWYKH8 Medford National Bank HulldlnK. Gnrli.ie OAHUAaK Got your premlsea cleaned up for the winter. Call on tho cily garbage, wagons tor good service. Phono 025-L. F. Y. Allen. Auto Supplier. LAHER ACTO SPRING CO. Our big secret In malting springs Is the tempering. We are operating the largest, oldest and best ecpilpjmd. plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others (all. Sold under guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth SL. Portland. Ore. -' ' IJentlxU DR. WrMVNSCOYOC Dll C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnctt-Coror bide., suite 310, Medford, Oro. Phono 856. ' Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Oring your work to tu9 at th'a aign of the Mall Tribune. Printers anil Publlners MUDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing of.'o in southern Oregon; book blading, loose leaf ledsorj. billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir SL PhytdclMRS ond Surgvoas DIL F. O. CARLO W," DR? " EVi? MAINS CARI.OW Ostoopathle phyulchitis, 41G-417 Garnott-Coroy bldg;.. phono 103G-L. Ilenldunc 420 South Laui'o) st. DR. S. A. LOOKWOOD Phyalclaa aud surgeon. MYRTLK S. LOCKWOOD. M. XX. Pructlco limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 K Main. Phones, office 814-J-2; res., ?H, DR. 4. J. EMMKNS-r-PhysIcIan; arid surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noho, oipl throat Kypa spleu tKlcally tested aud glasses aupplled Offlco 228 Kast Main, St.. Hours 8:30 u. ui. to 8 p. ni. Phone. K. Ii. P1CICKL, M. D. Offico Jack son County Rank bids, Office phono 43-R; rcsldoncq phono 58.lt, DR, MARION Pnyslclau and syir gvou. Steward bldg., corner Main, and Hartlctt ats.; offlco phone 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. I?AmiEH Physl clan aud surgeon. Office Palm block, oppotilto Nash Hotel. Houra 10 tu 13, 1 to 4., Phono 110. J. DR. R. W. CLANCY PhysKisn nnd aurgepn. Phonea, offlco 3C, real denco 724-J. Offlco 'hours J,0 ta 12, 2 to 5. DR. . y?, HOWAJIP Osteopalp physician, 303 Unrnett-Corey building. Phone 904.-M. " R. J. CONROY, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Luma d.on, 216 K. Main St. Pho.up 77, , ' fitciiogrHpiiem ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block,' Htouograprtlo work done quickly nd vyoll, Transfer HADS THANHKKR HTORAQH CO. OttIC0 IGBoutli Fir t. Phone 315. Prices right, Hervlei gHr a n tend. ' T ' fitiiMury MMvKf, Dlt. MUltKAY, VKTKKWAlin UlUHi IHIMUIIH (H IMM- A Off! Kwk Us'Hr fUM ilt) yw . .1 li U HI r M l i H in i i '., '! 1 H 1 ir 1 i f t ! 111 I I J A t , i n a- ' i I i.).i ihim, 4ni-".-4 "itnf,''r,i: vi.