r i 'As vrH'? J--"- -- .i-J-'Hr .'. '' WEKOESIX. p.n. MEDFORTl MATG TTCTBUNK MTCDFORD. OT?F,GON. THURSDAY, JULY M. 1913. w 4M$MtMgH$4gMM22MgM I. k " J J. :k Y Y I , K Y $ f i i T ' V Y Y T ? Y Y Y X X Y Y Y X Y Y Y t Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X . i y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T t f Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y ? Y t ! r 1 " f, hi s: -J T MEDFORD'S Big New Clothing Store! Store Closed All Day Thursday to Arrange Stock $20,000.00 Stock Going to be Reduced Regardless of Col Store Closed All Day Thursday to Arrange Stock Sale Starts Friday, Aug. 1, Closing Sat. Aug. 9 Spring & Summer Suits $35.00, $.10.00, $27.50 and $25.00 suits, all go at $1G.75 $20.00 ami $18.50 Suits all goat 911.95 $15.00 and $12.50 Suits all go at $8.75 Stouts and longs included in tho above. Blue Serges,Cheviots and Black Suits $35.00 blue and black Suits goat $24.75 $30.00 blue and black Suits go at. $22.75 goat $18.75 $22.50 blue and black Suits goat $16.75 $20.00 blue and black Suits goat $14.75 $10.50 blue and Black Suits go at $12.95 $12.50 blue and black Suits go at $10.25 Longs included. mm 1 1 19 A m EMMMKm n liMtttcm Garnents l Troi users Five hundred pairs of $7.00, $6.50, $6.00 and $5.50 Pants GO AT $3.95 Lot 1 Dutchess Pants, in cludes Pants up to $2.50, all go at $1.35 Lot 2 Dutchess Pants, in cludes Pants up to $4.50, all go at $2.45 We expect to sell every pair of pants in the house at these prices. f,qgB ( lSj&S NK-L , w V E v' Vi sai Neckwear Lot 1 consists of $1.00 Ties, going at 55 Lot 2 consists of 50c Tics, f going at $2!QQ ?' This Sale is strictly FOR CASH ONLY 1 r On nil ITnts, Shirts, Night Robes, Pajamas, Coo por'u Underwear, irosinry, Neckwear, Caps, the prico cutting goes rcelclcwriy on. At Least $5,000 Worth of Goods Must Be Sold In Eight Days! The Time Is Short, Hence Prices Will Be Extremely Low! You have the word of The Toggery that this is something more than an ordinary sale. The reason for reducing the stock in quick order is that it enables us to carry out some contemplat ed changes in our business without delay. The time is short quick action is what we want and must have hence prices will be extremely low probably the lowest you have known in years. Don't doubt; investigate the truth of this statement. Don't hesitate; come quick and find out that this is the Greatest Money Saving Opportun ity of the Time ! ! The store will be closed all day Thursday, July 31st, to enable us to get the goods all marked down to bargain prices and rearrange the stock. When the Sale opens at 9:00 a. m. Friday, August 1st, everything that could be done to make the prompt and satisfactory handling of the crowds possible, will be done. We'll have plenty of good, competent, trustworthy clerks, who will take pains to see that you are satis factorily served. Everything will bear a ticket with the sale price marked in plain figures and this will be the lowest price ever quoted on an article of equal worth. $5,000 worth of goods must be sold in eight days. We know there is only one way to do it make the prices so ridiculously low that people will come from far and near and supply not only their immediate needs, but future needs for many months to come, as well. Medford's Greatest Clothing Store The Toggery ii P anama Hats $8.00, $7.00 ami $0.00 Panamas, your choice, all go ill ......... . .. H pt9t9 Straws $5.00 Straws, going at $2.95 $1.00 Straws, going at $2.25 $:t.50 and $:t.()0 Straws, going at $1.75 $2.50 and $2.00 Straws, going at $1.35 ICvcry body can afford a now straw at thoso prices Felt Hats L,k .11 Lot. consists of $1.00, $.'1.50 and $U.OO world fam ous No Nan io Hats going at .'. $1.85 $2.50 and $2.00 Hats, going at $1,115 You can't, afford to woar thai old hat. whon you can buy a now one at theso prices. GOLF SHIRTS Toggery .Shirts worn by half tho people of Mcdford With French Cuffs and Soft Collars to match, $2.00 Shirts going at $1.55 $1.50 Shirts going at $1.15 $1.25 Shirts going at , 95 NEGLIGEE'SHIRTS 75c Shirts going at 55 $1.25 and $1.00 Shirts going at 75 $1.50 Shirts going at .- $1.15 $2.00 Shirts going at '..:.'. 91.35 $:U)0 Shirts going at $2.25 Underwear Special lino Union Suits, $1 value, going at tt5 Voros Knit two-piece Gar. nients, 50c value going at35 Genuine Mlood Ribs, pink and ecru going at 35 Silk Stripe Lislo all going at 55 Gotham While Lisle Netting a beautiful $1.25 garment go ing at 75 While Gauze Silk Lislo $1.25 garment going at 75 II. V. J), two-piece garment, highly mercerized, regular Jil .00 garment going at....70 7i. V. I). Silk Lislo, ii hand sonio $1.50 garment, going at 95$S i . IB .Jhn Ask about any of our previous Sales On all Dusters, Trunks, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, Trousers, Suils, Work Gloves, etc, tho prJco (ling goea j-eeklessly on. A 4 T t f Y t ? T ? ? ? ? ? y t ? r ? ? T T ? ? ? X t Y T Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T t Y T T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y T OF COURSE . -'a Vfcr