iM ) AT .! v Maybe Jeff ewraj ti-t aa ur.ivu'wj.thu wpNoriyr ' ON l) WilX GUOLV CiPJfc VCJ(TAMUi.-fcV'rinM tut:, lowt.K bf VVM(tM 0M(. nit ,won'-' v'nniN Mib f'owiSN. iJG5 NOCW CAM WI'NOTlie " V.M.Ul I Cmixrw YMd in op vi OH, V MIIMiTnN, .lui :il. "Th I'ltilitimU nwtutlniii tlml nl iiM'iit tilt')' lir lll(ll(T)till Iit nt leiinl .flV (100,111)11 or )'(nr, Their oiimpluiiit in mil mm lout llii) MtHiitutnl of ihcum h fin It rmrii limit f'rli'f ni In pniil for, but Mint h very Imic" ninuunt ol Mfrvi' it iImiiwikIixI fur which Hie Hftli'HI niolil III" HIMIII'M whatever." Kmh U Um imrp.irl of it Klttloiiioiit ImU) liv lli IImiUh) Mtul I'u.v Cmiii iitHtrf iif lln 'Jill irini'iml AiintHi'itn mllnHMlx Mith upt .'IH.OOlt llll(M lit nf. TIiih 'iiMtiitHw wim niMiiHtml Ity I In- iHitwnyn u ri'i'iit llimr iIhii fur iiit-nmiwil crtiniMtiHulliiii to tint iHiKii'FhHMl iMdHiniltiMi if iininiry of ului'lr fWiucr Hitimliir Juimllinu 1'). ItoiiniM or'(ritni Ih rlminiiHii. St)tirnl lifMiinrH Imvw lit'i-n IipIiI lv 11 citnftilti'i. TIim imh ofrn'ii ll iwtmmt mm ivpniiimti'il liv Sim it4 Atiitiiiit 1'iMtliiiHNtnr (ItMirnil MlHwnrl, tnl tint lnlcrwtntH I'oiti-iiffn-o ('iiiiiiniitii liv I'mf. Mnv ). I.ftrii, ninit( !ntlllplnu. Tin1 nllnuU Imvf iiuw .hhiu'iI to plurr iWr i'iiw littftiri' lh imlilli'. mid i( Is ifl HfMtllllll. Willi tliRt plllll llllll' llii? titfiitint i iuoi tiitluy hy lln'lr iHnntlUt. Tim KlHli'iiH'iit fnllinvMS "Tn ciiiry ttw propleV ninll iiiiol,lj Mfol.v Mini rnHHtmtly U n mmliil olili KtMin uliii'li tin rnilMmU frri'ly i-omril. ll In it Mcrrii'ii uliiiiliuilv IMrfniinril, fn iiii Inw ciiiiiM'Ih a itiHiiNitl 'i)uHtnv In t'lirry urnlU un x ii mnl rat-t In iln no. Tiro oourtu lull. I, Ihiw.'mt, I lint if llii' rHilriPiiiU mi I'diiiiiici, liny iiint ilii po ihi lvrui- iiiiMMil Ity lliu tTttnu'ti t." OIXIC MOTHER A HIT AT STAR THEATER Tim iilnr iliiHitro off "lit for to il.iy ami tnnlKtit n xiinrltil pro Krtint, nil tlio pliotoplnyM Imlun livmN llnom. fontnrliiK "A I'lxlo .Motlior,' n wdiiilorfnl Mtory of n inolhor'K do vtillun ulilrli wu'iw her hihi from A illnhoiioroit I'.rnvo. nwluioH hU ruin ni!o nml 1'iiiuoii hint (o illo llko it lioro. Ill ii lie hV llm vrnrii of liU warrior fUlliHr, nml hihhml hy lint mnrniinn of li Iw nwi'iilhoiiit, Dirk, a wonlcllnu ami lilx inolhor'H lUtrlliiK. oullxtH In I ho nrmy. Tho ciI(uIIiik kIii'IIh nnl I hit Morion of ilonlh alt nroiiml lilm lomplololy tinncrv'o lilm, ami ho riiiiH nwny, nhot In tho Imrl; hy an offlror who wIlnrjiHiKt hU towiinl Iro. A miiintl Im Hunt to IiIh homo, ami tho hntvo inothnr liiirrhutly wrlliM a nolo whlrli kIio pinion In tho liny'H vo0,il. wrookH tho homi linlil furniture, ami hIiooIh hoiof lliroiiuh tho arm. Tlio nolo lit nn nn r.iilxliHil ( vi 1 1 for liolp, affonlliiK o Innimllni; rlrmimHtmu-oH for tho ilo noil Ion. With lilHinunhnml iiiiiiihoiI liy hln hrnvn inothnr, Dirk piovoh hlnmolf n Imi'o wlion r,iioi'lllnn ronlly nrrlvo, hut Ih hot hy iiihitnlio by li tn own fathtir, who nt I'lrnl hpuiiih Hut OylniT hoy, thinking hint a cow n nl, Tho othor immlmrH tut tho program nro "h'orKlvo tin Our TrcupiiHuoH," a womlorfiil titory of tlio wljo nml roll that will 1 1 ii 1(0 you nit up HtrulKUt In our mint, amlyoli would rutlior ho thoro tlimi lu Hint iIIvIhIoii miporlu tonilnut h pluco. Tho hill t'hiHOH with "ItiiBtim anil tho dfiluiToi'k," ono of tlioso n tromoly funny KoyHlono foniotlyji. Thin plrturo wah ininlo for liuii;hlnu purposoa only. BINGHAM AND ROOT ARE WINDERS IN TENNIS TOURNEY II. W, llliiKltuiil and Mnloolnt ltooti woio tho wluiiui'H In tho tounlH tour iimuoul at tho Mod font (loir and Country dull yoalonlny aftornooii. Didn't Hold' His TMUSLV. THEN CAM rA I'lN&CKS RAPIDLY AND NO HVJMfeV RGSliY. OWlis- NOM.NVL Cpfftfr To SLGCP. ''.? P.6se ' . " '" V . . . PIN&T"" tlui:fiiim ilt-fiiilcil I.Iih'oIii, Jr , I il, till, i;-l, unit .MiiUoliii Knot ilcfi'iiti'il A. ti. V. t.'nrpDiitor 0-:i, n.:i. I'. V, MiimiIII won from Hiu;lniiM I'liiwimi hy itufiiult, mnl Hlritlnlm; n toiiilon nfior mitt itiiiim In IiIh inulrli wlih M.m;. r-Swun. . Vllun lii'diwltlt WAX fin coil III llllflllllt. Ill lllit lltllln' nllllclM Mll!t Mnlilil Mm ko Hiirprln'il Um Kullory ty tin fiMttltu; MIki (Joniwir In nlrnlxlit ixitrf, I ', ti-.l. Iloth yoniiK Inilh-u pluyct woll Imt .MIm lliirko wan sttporlnr In nnrv.lri mnl court lovnrliiK. Tito iimitrutii for tmlny'N piny will tin -nt :t.:in lllimliiun v. llmnlll, ICann v. Dlntturt PiittorHon; nl (i.30 M. Knot mi. Hon Clink, C. Konloy vn. Conro I'loro. 'i'li In inornltiK nt in. 30 Mr. Ktqwnrt I'nttoninn will piny MUn Klulior Thorn la r.ront lntorot In llm toiirmi Imrnt nml n InrKii KnUory Ih uxpoctiid tli In iiflorntiiin. Aftor tlio (oiirnn mnnt toillil iiiiiinliom nt tint nlnu will ho ontorlaliioil nt n illminr Ii)' Mr. nml Mrn. 8. VHiih llocKwIlli. YOUNG GIRL IS BITTEN BY RATTLESNAKE HhowltiK ouo of I ho prrfort ronV noun nml ooinpoiiiio (lint illitliiRiiUh ml hor inothor durltrn lior trlnl for iitti'inptoil uitirdvr, flftoon inr old Iolilo Knciitzrti, I ho dniiKhtvr of Jix roh Knnulion of Tlioituon crcol; wn hlttnu on Hid rlKht liuiul hy a rattle Hinil.o TiinHdny whllo workliiK tho enr don, and calmly killing Ihi rupllle, hIio wiiIUoiI to tlio liouro whoro the wouud twin tro.ilnd. A doctor wnt lullod mid wlion ho nrrlvod found hor tu n HorloiiH roudltlou, liur nrm hnv liitt h!"H itwollon to tho dhow. With quirk action ho was ulilu to vnvu hor llfo. Tho iiul(o wan a gmall ono hnvlnjt lint throo ratlloM. MUh ICnoutioii rcnrliHd lo tho ground for Boututhln.t hIio hnd droppod mid tho itnako Htrur.'c hnr from holilnd a rock. Slio drncrlh ml tho )ouml ah not hohu; very pain ful at firm. l.ottlo In tho dniitihtor of Mm. Knoiilrou who waH kIvoii a prolluilu ary hoarliiK for nttuuiptod Jiiurdor of .Mrn.'llllvou rocoutly. DOCTOR PORTER TO TALK SUBJECT OF HEALTH Ordors linvluit bron rrcolved by Dr, K. II, I'ortor.-wlio Inn inmnbor of tlu modlcal Htaff of tlio Coant Artlllory C'orpri lo dolivor u koiIcb of InMruo tlomt to I ho molt of tlio Seventh conn puny upon tho pornoutil rnro and diet In forolun rountrlo, Dr, l'ortor linn jtoloctod Mouilay ovonluu, AtiKiiHt ttli for tho fli'Ht talk to tho inon. RADER MAKING GOOD .IN FAST COMPANY Tho fhlniKO Trlbuuo of Jtily ar hitH tho followlut; fiivorahln ooiumont on I'liikcy Untlor who rocoutly Jolnod tho Whllo Kox In Ilostoni ' "Tho turnout .rocrttlt, yottnit Don woitiii whim: (;ur.i:i)(ji; iit,ocic id tfliitwnoo, Oltla. (pop. 22,000), rou (rally located, paved utrcot, wlilto proRHPd brlrk, pinto kUibh front, U Htory nml baMuinuut, Ti Htoro roouiH with offlrort nhovo, Htrlrtly inodnrn, routnl mm $125 por mouth; Wild, TUADH FOR AOHKAdK. 10 noroH lit Mldilgan, 110 In tliu hor, to In RniRH, good soil; will trado for property lioro. l'rlco on 10 luros, fllOOO. llAUOAIN KOIt OA8H 100 acroil tlinbor, II tnlloH from Hold Hill, oa tlnmtod 1 Vj to 2 ltillllon foot saw tlmbor and 0000 cords hardwood, l'llco rut to $1200 for uulck action r oitHlly worth twlco thin amount. , HliNNKTl'' INVIOST.MIINT CO, '2Cf9"'"' frr-xttrrrr ilia trf STrK eo :' ' OTDFORTJ 'MATT) TRrHTTNTC, Thumb Right VlliUMC TUII rt5 X AW UOVfe, H(?(N& CAN YOU AUG CVJOVV Itnilor, nn InfldiJor Ih with tlm loam nml oiiKiT to khI u try with tho bis follow. Ilo Ih only 20 yoarH old but wnn doiitlui; tho ball ko hard out lu OroKou that a friond of Cnllahan'i roooiiiiiioiidod tho boy mid Cal pur- cIihmxI him. Ilo nhowoil nklll lu ban illlm: Mound ha I In In pniKtlco on Winlui'uday and both Callahan and CIoomiii liko tlio wny bo hlu." I CENTRAL POINT JOINTERS .Mr-. (Iiillialii'r of Itnt'k Point wi it looont nut nl' t w 1 1 vinitor in Ihi" oily. Tlin Miwiw IMitli nml (Voilo Kmr- noii irlunioil tlio flmt of tin weok frnin it wi'ukV onlinsc'ut Hulto WiH- .Mr. nml Mrn. .1. O. lninmiw nro hnmdiiiK lliix inoiilli tit ('olwlin. .Iiidjen (Inrvin nml wifo of Huci'in nrrivi'il Intro .Mrtinlity ovon'iug mid nro iitinK nnioiiK tlidr tunny frirnds. .luilico nnd Mm. (Inrvin foimoriy rt nitlfil lioro nml lmp It Itont of friend in tlio oily. Itev. nml Mr. .!. F. Vornoit nml .ii nro unjnyHK thin vrt'ol; finnpinK lit lll wnntl. Mr. and Sim. K. M. Hilmtw trini irrtl n ifffptiott to Miv Siuitlt of .Siiorninotn, MUh Clirw of t'otlapt lmvi nml Mr. Moore of 1'itislcv, Tiiondiiy evmiluu' at tlii'tr Home in tlii eity. Thooo tlino yonitt; pt-oplf for wlmm Hie reception wits pvou worn former (Vnlral Potnl youiiKpeo jili' nml they linve a lurxo droit ot friend hero. A roimI hifl erowd til jolly yottnu petiple were there mid tlio nu'iiiiitj wn immt I'lijtiynjilv xpent. Vitriuiix (.union, HiitKiuR nml oilier umiiKt'iueut were iudulced in mid nt the uiiduiclit Innir n very e.xeellent liini'h wjih nerved. All in ntlemlaut'i lioHt of linviitp the time of their liven nml tlfeo youuc lnuor jjuont't find Hint nfter till there in nolin that fitit ipiilo eonjnro to thi-i beau tiful Kosue river vnllcy. Miin Myrtle Wtinton relurnitl tlte firnt of the wool; front n mx weeU'n with Suit 1'raiifiM'o nml othet Culiforuiii frieuiN. Mi. MiirKiietite Uidmos fKUit Hie week nl Tnlent. Mr. nml Mm. K. II. UopkiiiH ami hons neeoiupanieil by Mr. nml Mm. Mnddon'iiml tlu'ir juo-U lelt etlne. tlny tuiiruiup for Critter Lake nml Hit-tern Oronon. The Indite of tho W. II. C. met nl WHY? BECAUSE Wo lirvft a bonrl'njT pear orchard, ono of tho bent In tho valley, tniiHt ho Hold. 10, 20, 30 acro. An In conio propoaltlon. Keo me. .1. O. ItAHNKS, 1'liNt National ltank ItuiltlliiR. NEW TODAY 220 ncrea of tlmbor, only twolvo nillort from a town on tlio S, I. lu lJoiiKiiiBu county, near Kosuouri;. Tho tract rmlBOH six million foot of Hitw tlmbor mid In for trado for Medford property at $20.00 por ttrre. Will ittwutno Home lioro for tho right stttrr. Tlkv land lit clear. . , ion iictim iimptovott, an sot to trees and horrlou; lirlgatlon from Itomiolnud ditch, very cIobo to a I, & K. stop, and In fact n good placo for aiiyouo wanting a borry and fruit propomuoii, ttoi ao mitt cow ro- uinlulng with placo. Will oxcliaugo for a liouso lit MotUord. $5000,00, CD. HOON Uoom 12 dncksou County Dank bldg. Toluphouo 1037-J MRDFORD, OHF.nON, Tm'RSDAY. .TTLY 31, 1013. 'i r Iho home of Uov. II. .V. AMrioh on Wfilmwilhy ovoiiTiik nml tiKnioiihly Hiirprinid Sir. wMdridi ami Aimily. Tlioy niil u niont ilclightfiil even iiiR mid uii.jnyi'il it ilolioioim liiuoli I'niiHJKtiiiR of enke. ion eroiiin mnl Sunilvtii'liofi. Born. At Trail, July 2U, ltlKI, lo Mr. nml Sim. JoHiiO Itnt-mliile, n nine jmnud ttirli linlil inothor and balio nre iln in niei'ly nnd fntlier n fprling very pnnid. I'lrM llitpll-i CIiiikIi. Iter. Itohort William McCiillough, I'll. P., paHtor. Thursday evening will bo prnyor and rovonsnt meetlug; 7:5(1, teaohors" Htndy olnwt.Sthlialli morning, communion and reception ot now uiomberH. Snbbntli morning tho pitHtor will begin n terleii of mt iiioik on "In My Hlblo Trtto?',' ami continuing through August. Bobbntlt morning. Augtiat 3. "Tlio Wonderful Hoob"; ovenlng, "Drift Ing From Truth;" August 10, morn ing, "Tlio Now Teitamont In tho Light of tlio Twentieth ("entry:" ev ening, "Tho Spirit and tho Word;" AugtiHt 17, niornlnrc, "Tho llllilo nnd ItH Crlllc:" evening. "Tho Hlblo and tho Furnished Llfo;" AuRunt 21, morning, "Tho Hlblo .My Critic." owning. 'Tho WhJo and Rclonco;' Augtut .11. morning, "The Hlblo nnd DremiiH," ovenlng. "Jonah and the Wlmlo." Tho nion'H orcbotttrn will piny Sab bath ovonlng. Strange welcome to thero liervlcea. 1'OU ltj:.NT Fl'HNISllKl) KOO.MS FOU KKNT Nlco rool rooms nt tho "Coleman, 1005 W. Main. I'hono itCl-J. 5 FOU HUNT Lnrgo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping npart ruonta. prices very rcosonnblo. I'hono 102C-U 222 South Holly fctrcet. FOH IIK.VT l-'l'llKHUKn KOOMS FOU Hi:NT FumUhod rooms. Tho Cottage, C01 W. 10th St. 117 FPU ItFXT FUlCyiHllKD AITS. FOU UK NT Furnished nparttnents. Tho Uorhon, 10 Quince t-U ' Wit KM ItOlTMh Foil"1 "KKNT -- Ono ut"rurn!ihcdfive room bungalow with sleeping porch, two four-room houses, rent cheap. I'hono 10IS.J2. IH FOU KKNT Now five-room strictly modern bungalow, screened porch, laundry trns. fireplace, flno lawn, beM location In city. 113 Gon ova nve. 112 FOU KKNT Five-room furnished bungalow In flno neighborhood on east sido, $13.50. I'hono 101S-M. 113 FOU KKNTNow five-room strictly modorn bungalow. screened porch, laundry trnys. Nroplaro, flno lawn; best location in city. 113 (leucvn nve, 112 FOU KKNT 3-roomed modorn bun galow, never occupied, all con veniences, cloto in. 3-roomed house, closo In. J. T. Hums, 417 Jay St.. phono 1C1-U. Off S. Oak- dale. fou kknt iu)trsi:ui:t:i'iNO KOO.MS FO?rTlKNT Sulto" oTtkeTy" nibbed housekeeping roems: bath; gas; lower floor. 720 W. 11th. I"X)K KKN1 OKFIURH FOR KKNT Largo, comfortable of flco rooms with elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold wator. Low ratos. Apply Medford Furul turo & Ildw. Co. KOU KKNT MISCUlitiANKOUS FO UKKNT- Reed "stocit" ranch" 20 0 acres to lease fbr term of years. Inqiilro of Clark Roalty Co., Mod ford. Ore, VO SAliK-HOUNKS FOuTtKNT"ou"SA?.KrFoi houso and good garden tract, now lu 'truck mid frulu SI,' A. Under. ,''f I to suvitW ) ,; ' V ; f J' is- ." V. h. I T7" ZOVJit.: you FOIl HAM'- IIOUHILS FOU HALK FurnUhed homo. Threo loom Iioiiho with porrhoM and rloJotH, good oiilbiilldlugH and largo poultry Iioiiho. Lot 50x327 foot, fine noil. loU of bearing huioII fruit and young fruit trcoH; nlduwalkH and water piped entlro length of premUos. Flrat-clnM lioutehnld furniture, practically now. Half cahIi, time on balance. Call at ion Kant Kluvehtlt or phono 107S-X. FOIt SALK Deautlful nine-room bunralow on corner nnrtlett nnd Jacknon, for $30.00 iwr month without Interest. For information rail at 42C North Uartlctt St. ..' FOU HAM: -$1,000 canh buys mod urn C room bongo, cost $1,800. Address Mall Tribune, "X M." 112 FOU S.VLi: liNI)3 FOU SAL!-: 100 acre, 75 acres In cultivation, 25 acres commercial rears -Itli year, 8 acres Newtown apples with peach fillers, 20 acres alfalfa. Irrigation system, water piped to lioiifo and barn. S-room bonne, barns and outbuilding, elpctric lights, telephone. II. F. 1).. 2 miles from town. For partlctt lnrn address owner, L. W., care Malt Tribune. IH fou sai.b Miscni,i,.xi-:ocs FOU SALK UnylnR hens, Whlto Orpingtons, ttlto Leghorns anu Harred Itocks; the rip lit hatch at the right prices. J. H. Lyons, Hioenix, Or. FOU SALK Horse, good driver, also for work. I'hono Allen II. Drury. C11-H2. Ill FOU SALK upright Kimball piano In flue condition at a bargain on account ot moving; also one bed. Must be old by August 2nd. J. C. llnrrlngton, Jacksonville, Or. 113 FOU SALK dood fount worn, horses. James Campbell. I'hono 311-U. 112 WANTKD Hnrlier at tho Cottage Harbor shep: good money for good man; steady job. FOU SALK On easy terms, five room modem house, gas range. COO W. Jackson. Phono 394-J. 11G FOH SALK I.OOSO loaf ledger sys tems, any style or uindo to ordor by tho Mall TrlbtiDO bindery. JAI'ANKSK I'HKSSINO PAJILOHS Steam and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction cuurantced on nil work. Cents' stills pressed. Special attention to ladles' silks, Inceti and gloves. Goods called for aud delivered. IH N. Front St. I'hono 125. 114 FOH SALK Three registered A. J. grade Jersey cows. John U. Hair, Hogtio Klver, Or. 121 FOK SALK Motorcycle, Indian. 2 specd, well equipped, extra tires, $225. Jordan Dros., Ashland. 12S FOR SALK Letter hearts una fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossod, as you -wish at the Mall Tribune. FOU SALK Cheap, Imported Per cherou stallion, can bo seen at 12. F. Smith's stables, Ashland, Or. 12S FOU SALKHuffot. gasoline stovo nnd oven, fruit jars. Phono 91-U. 113 FOU SALK Ono chair barber shop and pool tnblo tu now growing town; will glvo ensy tortus. F. F. Stotio, ownor, Alpiuo. Or. 112 FOH SALK Ono Ford touring cnr.' been run two summers, been all overhauled ami la lu first-class order; will soil for less than half price. Address A, J. Daley, Kaglo Point, Or. 112 FOU SALK Yojmir Jersey cow, producing seven gallons milk per tiny, M. Walsh, llth and Holly sts. Phono 342. 114 FOH SALK Pair of mules, young, extra gentle, Vincent's Feed Sta blo. 114 KUSINKSS Ol'l'OUTUMTlKS FOU SALK Cigar nnd confectionery with billiard and "pool tables, lu small country town with good fu ture, doing a good cash business; Al opportunity for good llvo man; good reasons for selling; $1450 will bandlo It. AddresH K, Y.. euro of .Medford Mall Trlbuuo, 117 f Tei, amjsy Be. IT ISN'T HE SGLDOWDRtNKS HUM' WAXTKIl SIAM2 FOHXLKThtiiijs'tOTeilX'X C. (V Jersey cows and two hlgh grado Jersey rows. John It. I lair, Hoguo Klvor. Ore. 124 WANTKD SITUATIONS WANTKD Housework by day or hour. r,0l W. uth it. 113 WANTKD Good Japanese boy wants situation to ilo housework by tho hour. Phono 125. 138 WANTKD A position by an exper ienced orch.trdlst as superintend ent of a lnrgo orchard, eight yrs. oxperlenco In orcharding In Colo Celo Cole rado: Kin glvo good referenced. A. It. Nichols. (Irand Junction, Colo., K. It. No. 3, 115 wantkd misckmia:; nous WANTKD Hunting and camping parties Taken to the hills; prices reasonable. Address K A- Hef ler, Orownsboro, Or. lit WANTKD To trado houso and lot for stock, prefcrablo hogs, team aud cow; alto Implements. Ad dress h, care Tribune. 114 WANTKD Cord or tier wood lo cut, in Southern Oregon; must he long Job; give full particulars In first letter. 1). 12. Davis, Hood Klvor. Or. 113 WANTED To buy a second-hand rate. Address P. O. nox C7S LOST LOST An nntomobllo tiro 34x3. mounted on demountable rim, with tire Irons. Finder pleaso notify S. V. ncckuilh or Hoar Creek Garage: '' Suitable roward. MONEY TO UOX MNEY'TOLOAN-On .'city and closo In' -ranch property. C. A. McArthijr. room 3, P. O. block, phono 2GS. r FOK KXCItAMiE FOU SALE OK TRADE 120-acro ranch for-'Madrord properly, llox It. O., Tribune. 114 FOU EXCHANGE City and ranch property In Hoswell, New Mexico for property ltr- Rogue Klver val ley. Address Hox XX, care Mall Tribune. . US FOK SALtt OR TRADE Small fruit, garden and berry tract to real farmer or gardener; might tako lot' or email property for part. Also' pear trad for close in bungalow. II. II. H. FOU EXCHANGE Flvo good east front JoU,- closo In, unincumber ed, nnd ioiiio cash for automobile. ijO acres timber, best and most, accessible wood land Jackson county; good Income proposition; for city property. lC-luch fir wood to exchange for bicycle, horso and buggy, fur niture, etc, J. C. names, First National Hank bldg. ih KUSINKSS DIRECTORY Accountants w D. K. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited aud kept for a reasonable figure; your solicited. Offlco. Mcdford Mall Trlbuuo bldg.: phono CGI; resi dence ptiono 531. Auctioneer WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Slodford, Orcgoti. Terms reasonnblo. Kosl deuce phoue 161-J. Offlco Jack sou County Hattk building. Clilroprncuira DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor; nervo specialist. Rooms 203-204 , 205 Gnrnott-Corey bldp. Vapor baths and scientific, mnssago given: n cod I o spray, head aud shoulder shqwor lu connection; advice In dlototlcs. medical gymnastics, hydropthorapy. Lady attendant. Phono, offlco 915, residence 571-K AH. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louleo B. Hedges Mochano-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors, SpoudylothoraplstB. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, bydro-thcrnphy, etc.. produco results lu both ucuto and clironlu diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North Hurtlett St., next door to M. K, chtfch. J (ours 0 a. in. to 5 p, in. Other Hours by ppolutiueut. Phoue U7-J, pxaEFim .? n By "Bud" Fishter V ooc,IIwh! " thq hcciv NO T He CABBIES, lil'SLVKHH DIHKCTOHY Alts tracts KOOUK KIVKR VALLBY AU BTUACT COVyo. C South Central. Attorneyn i'OItTKtt JrNKFF. WSL PMKALKY Attornoyvat-faw. Rooms 8 and 9, Mcdford National Hank bldg. A. E. UKAMES, LAWYER anrnott Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and CoUn sellor at Law. 121 East Mala street. Mcdford, Ore: Wm. M. Colviff George Roberts COLVIQ & ROHKRTS LAWYERS Medford National Hank Ilulldlnif. OarlKige GARDAGE Get your promises cleaned up Tor tlM winter. Call on the city garbage wagons far good service. Phone 625-L. V. Y. Allen. Auto Bupplira, LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Our biff. secret ia maklaic springs is tho temperlaif. Wo are osenttlng tha Inrgest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs- when others faH. Sotd under guarantee. 26 North Flf teonth SL. Portland. Ore. Dcntlt.t DR. W. SI. VAN SCOYOd ' DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Onrnott - Corey bldg.. suite 318, Slcdtord, Oro. Phone 85C. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Drlng your work to me at the sign of the Mall Tribune. Printers and Publlxttera MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has. the best equipped prlntlug offlco In southern Oregen: book binding, looso loaf ledgers, billing systoma, etc.- Portland prices. 27 North Kir SL I'liynlilaiiH nnd Attrgoons OIL F. G. CARLOV, Oil. EVA SIAINS CARLOW Osteopathic, physicians, 41C-U7 Gnrnott-Corey bldg.. phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Latirol st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nml surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D . Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Slain. J'hones, offlco 814-J-S; res., 811. DR. J. J. RMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically testod and glasses supplied Offlco 228 Enst Slain St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Phono. E. B. PICKEL. SL D. Offlco Jack son. County Hunk bldg. Office phone 43-K; resldenco phono 5S-R. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stewart bldg.. corner Main and Hartlett sts.; offlco phone 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN O. HARHEU Physi cian and surgeon, Offlco Palm block, opposlto NaBh Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 721-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Gnrnott - Corey building. Phono 904-SL R. J, CON ROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums don, 215 E. Slain St. Phono'(77. Rtenogrnpliem ELL A SL "OAN YAW Palm" block? Stenographic work dono quickly and well. Transfer BADSTRANSFEir&'sTORaiBO? Office 10 South Fir Bt. Phone 315. Prices right. Borvloe guar uuteed. Veterinary Hurt; eon mCTiTuHlAY.1 VKTEKINXTtYliN (IKON, gradual of tki A(HrliwM Vetminary Colloi, N, Y, 'City, Office Nush Llvwy 0lb, PIwnm 1 in j