:; v ", " A, . : i pxgeidtju. MEPPOCT MATT TRIBUNE, arTCDFOTlP, P'REflON, TUESDAY, .TITLV SD. Iflia. v- 7 toi . I" I : V IOCAL AND L PERSONAL O, M. Tyson nml family of Anto lopo county, Nebraska, havo arrived to tako charge of tlio Swlnglo ranch near Phoenix, where they oxpoct to mnko their liomo for Fovcral years having leased tho property. Frank Burgess nml family of Mcilford spont Sunday at tho homo of It. J. nurnotte. Tho seat salo for "Evorywomnn" opons Wednesday nt 10 n. m. nt ihe box office. Sc'curo your onts early. Tho ladles nt tho Christian church will hold an Ico cream social at tho homo of Mrs. WUor, second door north of tho Christian church on North Oakdale avenue, on Wed nesday. evening. Every ono Invited. MIrb Clara Klmcr, who has been teaching during tho past three years in public schools of Jacksonville, Or., and who g raduatcd in May, 1013, from tho Santa Barbara, Cab, normal school of homo economics, haa ncccpted n position ns teacher of homo economics at Klamnth Palls, Or. Ltngorlo dresses, one-half price. Ahrcn's. 110 Tho Ollvo Iteboknh lodgo will havo a children's social tonight. All Odd Fellows end Ilcbckahs cordially Invited. Dr. Clancy, Dr. Lockwood, Wlll lam Oftutt and Brooks Spencer left this morning for n trip to Crescent City and Eureka, Cal. Fred II. Hopkins and family and F. II. Madden and family leavo Wed nesday on an auto trip to Crate. Lnko and Bend. Producers Fruit tt. aas Just re ceived a largo shipment of 1 lb. and & lb. tin top berry baskets, and can fill orders In any quantity. Wo also havo on hand a largo supply of tho celebrated "Security," orchard lad dcrs In all sires. F. It. Norton of Corvdllls a for mor resident of Mcdford, who left hero six years ago, is visiting hli father-in-law, Darby O'Toolo. Mr. and Mrs. Jloraco Polton of Sam 8 Valley spent a few hours i.t Mcdford Monday. Screen doors Mcdford Lbr. Co. A. T. Lundgrcn, tho miner, was down from Jacksonville Monday. Ho recently returned from tho Siskiyou copper belt, where ho is developing bis mlno. Charles A. Pruett of Eagle Point district transacted business in Mcd ford Monday afternoon. $3,000 accident and life InsHranco rer 14; IS2C0 for fl?.G0. Sec Holmes, tho insurance mn. Mrs. Hazel Rowo Wllmlck of Port land is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Gua Samuels. O. O. Taylor mado a professional trip to Jacksonville Monday after noon. Burlap Backs wanted at tho Ruts Mill. . Tom Moffat, superintendent of tho Medford Sash & Door Co., has returned from a trip to Coos county. George II. Fltzglbbon of Portland is In Mcdford making tho valley bis usual visit. Fruit treo props Medford Lbr. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Watt Mrs. Rosclla Harvey and Mrs. L. A. King mo tored from Phoenix to Medford on Monday afternoon. J. B. Spcnca of Wellen and Spraguo Rlegel of Gold Hill wcro of tho horticulturists in Mcdford Mon day. Burlap sacks wanted at tho Rubs Mill. Mrs. I). R. Parker tarried a few hours in Jacksonville Monday after noon, her former homo. County Recorder and his family, Mr. and Mrs. U K. Hannn, of Jack sonville, havo gono to Evans creek to spend a fow weeks. Orchard, bunting, ashing and Crater Lake scenes for sale at Ger- klng & Harmon's studio. Negatives made any place, kodak finishing. 128 East Main street. Phone 216 R. Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Lumsden, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Watt and Mr. and Mrs, C. A. KnUht havo returned from their auto trip to Modoc coun ty, California, via Klamath Falls. They wont as far as Adln. Henry Knutzcn has returned from Baker county and Is improving his property located in Thompson creek district. , Kodak finishing, best in town, at Weston's. Lawronco Cnrdwell, Mr. ond Mrs. W. II. Whyhark motored to Medford from Gold Hill Monday nftornoon. Mrs. Ruby Fox and Mrs. K, Welch, who hnvo been visiting in Jacksonville, havo returned to San Francisco. Tailored Suits one-half prlco. Ahren's. ho Weeks k McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS UY Da PhoM 9K7 WoM V, W. Weeks 10-J-S Mwaasj A. K. Onr 07H-M Mr. and Mrs. Martin Homer of Cottago Grove who have boon visit ing H. H. Fox nml his family of I.ako Crcok, loft for homo Monday. Mr. Fox accompanied them to Mcd ford. Mrs. P. S. Bandy and her daugh ter, of Jncksonvlllo, havo gono to Alameda, Cal., tn spend tho summer with relatives. Rov. Handy la spend ing his vacation at Salem. E. D. Wcatnn, commercial photog rapher, negatives mado any tlmo or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Frank Bcrdan loft for Coos coun ty Monday on a visit to relative living at Bandon. Mrs. Marshall of Spokane, who hnR been visiting her Blslcr, Mrs. G. Newbury", left for homo Monday evening. Dr. Kirchgessner will be at Hotol Nash ovcry Saturday from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. on and after May 24. W. B. nnd Ralph Plttock of Applo gato transacted business In Mcdford Monday. O. Duntnp and A. II. Houston wcro up from Phoenix Monday af ternoon. Parasols one-halt price. Ahrons. Gcorgo Butz, Sr mndo a trip to tho southern part of tho valloy on Monday. Dr. C. R. Rn was in Gold Hill district Monday looking after his mining and real cstato interests. New Btylcs rntino lints. Ahrons. 110 Guy Thrasher of Phoenix was a business visitor In Phoenix Monday. Dr. R. E. Golden nnd Harry L.uy of Jacksonville mado a trip to Coos county lately. Harry Silver of Ashland was In Mcdford and Jacksonville Monday. Fashion says satin hats newest Btylcs just In at Ahrcns. 110 Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourko of British Columbia are recent arrivals in Med ford. Miss Echo Gaddls has mado final proof on her homestead claim In tho southern part of Josephlno county. Sho Is n sister of E. C. Ga.ddls of Mcdford. For that outing trip, khaki dresses, skirts, waists, linen coats. Ahrcns. , 110 B. M. Colllnr, M. M. Taylor and Fred Owens were over from Jack sonvlllo Monday afternoon. William Lewis of Knno's crek mo tored to Mcdford Monday morning. John Pearson and E. P. Hughes of Ashland wcro business visitors in Mcdford Monday. Mrs. P. M. Klncaid of Rogue River is tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. Gcorgo Howard. Alfred Weeks was at tho Rio Dol orchard, Rock Point district, in which ho Is Interested, Monday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee Bradshaw of Brownsboro district mado Mcdforo a visit Monday. J. M. Rador, former sheriff of Jackson county, transacted busi ness in Mcdford Monday afternoon. Frank Robinson of Oregon City, who has been visiting W. R. Garrett and family of Buncom, was in Mcd ford tho forepart of tho week, en routo to Alaska. Mrs. L. E. Griffin is a recent ar rival in Mcdford. A monster turnip and other vege tables of largo proportions aro on display in tho show window of the Roguo River Canal company. They wcro raised on desert land with ir rigation, and lllustrato what can bo dono with plenty of water. Sheriff Smith of Josephine county wan in Medford nml Jacksonville on official business Monday nfternoon. Luke Ryan of Jacksonville was in Medford recently, en roulo to his farm near Derby. Misses Anna and Mnttie Horsey of North Jacksonville hnvo returned from Salem, whither they were called by the serious illness of their father, W. J. IJoosey. Dr. J. E. Shearer of Glcndnlo tar ried a fcliort time in Medford Monday. The hospital being built at that place by him and his associates will bo ready for occupancy soon. Mrs. D. T. Andrus left for Astoria, Monday evening and will bo the guest of her sons, Orin and Olin Whitman, and their families for a few weeks. Tho 50 horse power engine and boiler which, was formerly used by tho Grants Pass Laundry has been hauled to the Sterling district and will furnish power for tho sawmill tho Sterling Mining company, is in stalling. Those who have business with tho postal savings system will not find it necessary hereafter to make and withdraw deposits in person.' "Bank ing by mail" is ono of tho innova tions inaugurated by tho Wilson ad ministration. Gcorgo M. Bordcau, a .former resi dent of Mcdford, has retired from tho Hotel St. Elmo nt Vancouver, Wash., which ho conducted for some time. Judgment against him and tho W. J. Van Schuyver compnny of Portland for $4705 was recently rendered in favor of tho Ira P. Powers Fumituro compuny. John Ilighnra of Anlioch district was in Medford Monday nftornoon on his way to Colo's, a railroad station near the stato line, He had received M'ord that three of tho horses stolen .i Agustus Cnvney, Alkali Iko nnd the Hypnotist. by the IliekonWyntt gnuir had been located in that vicinity nnd his trip there was to recover them. Henry Minikin of l'oonnnti'.s crock district mndo n trip to Medford Mon day. He says that the storm of last week was probably more severe there titan nnywhero else. Tho rain felt in sheets nnd with great force for some time, flooding tho surrounding country with water to n considerable depth. The blight which destroyed so many thousand pear trees in Cnlifornin seems to bo playing Iiavoo in many orchnnR Advices from Shast.i county stale: "There is no disguis ing the fact that the blight has lint been conquered. It will bo only n mntter of n few years until pears will be abandoned nnd tho trees grubbed out. Last year Anderson shipped 100 carload of Ilarietts. This year's shipment will not exceed 30 cars." OBITUARY The funeral of Mrs. Corn 11. Dent wife of John B. Dent who died July Si nt Calgary, Alberta, Cannda, was field Monday from tho residence of her son, J. K. Dent, in this city. In terment in I. O. O. P. cemetery. Mrs. Dent lived in Medford many venrs and was born in Cndez, Harri son county, Ohio, Dec. 23, lSot), be ing 51 years old. She i survived by a hubnnd and the following chil dren: John E. Dent, of Medfonl; Bessie if. Dent, of San Francisco; Mrs. Grace M. Defoe, of Tacomn, and Ralph F. Dent of Calgary, all of wiiom nt tended the last sad rites. TARIFF ANGLES GROW WHEN BULL MOOSE LEADERS FIGHT WASHINGTON. July 29. Division of republican ranks ovor tho rovlslon of tho tariff becamo apparent today when nearly a dozen progressive re publican senators began a series of conferences to perfect substitute schedules that will bo offered to tho tariff bill under tho leadership of La Folletto and Cummlngs. Tho progressive republican movo grew out of tho belief of tho leading senators Identified with that faction that they would bo unablo to support Senator S moot's substituto for tha wool schedule Tho Smoot substituto aws prcparod somo tlmo ago and was introduced when tho democratic bill camo back from tho flnanco commit tee Tho progressive republicans prac tlcally havo agreed to center their fight about tho La Folletto substituto In tho hopo thoy can carry tho re maining republicans and somo demo crats. Progress on tho tariff bill was slow' today. TAKER OF CHILD STILL DODGES THE POLICE That John Wagner with his two year old daughter whom ho kidnap ped from his wlfo at Medford Sunday has successfully escaped arrest Is tho opinion of tho officials hero as no traco can bo found of tho man In California. Ho loft on train No. 13 Sunday and a telegram was sent Im mediately to Red Dluff but tho man was not found on tho train. Hawthorn, sweet peas nnd hedgo roses aro reported as being Jn favor In ParlB for summer millinery. NOTICE. This In to certify that O. V. My ers Is in no way connected with tho Hall Taxi Co., ond Is not author ized to do any business in any form whatovor for us, Court Mall & Son being solo owners of tho Hall Taxi Co. Tho following contract was signed by O. V. Myers upon tho salo of his intercal to tho Hdll Taxi Co., Octo ber 1st, 1912: "In furthor consider ation of tho payment abovo men tioned, tho undersigned oxpressly agrees that ho will not, for a porlod of ono year from tho dato hereof, establlHh nor maintain nor oporato a livery business in tho city of Med ford, Oregon, nor will ho placo or koop any car or cars on uny stand in said city, nor maintain any offlco or headquarters for lira in connec tion with tho llvory business, "Dated at Medford, Oregon, Oct. 1, 1912, (Sinned.) "O. V. Myers." HALL TAXI CO. AT THE ISIS. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBLTlflLBBBBBBl TICKET SALE EVERYWOMAN OPENS W A Tho extraordinary bucccsh of tho dramatto spectacle, "Kvorywotnaii," In England gives fresh Interest to tho nuuouncemont that Henry W. Savago will offer his production ut tho Page, August 1, ticket snlu for which opens tomorrow. "Hvi'ry wo man" In an absolutely now Idea In theatricals and la dltffcult of class ification. It Is not, properly apeak, lug, drama, itlthnugh It contains the elements of drama tenso sltuaUonfc with powerful dramatto scone i! It is not opera, though In Its texture there aro twenty-six musical num bers of n serious nnd dignified char acter, and It In not wholly spectacle, though In recent yonra no other pro duction haa been mounted bo InvlSh- ly and with such utter disregard of cost. It ban been largely n labor of lovo on tho port of tho producer, Henry W. Savago, for astute mat', era could not boo, during tho Ijtig months of preparation preceding the first performance, how ono with such unerring judgment could risk an outlay of upward of $00,000 on on experiment for "Kvorywomnn'' was entirely without precedent. That Mr. Savago'a judgment was correct has been proven by tho enormous success which has been achieved by "Kvorywomnn." It Is safo to assert that no other production within the memory of tho present-day theater goer has aroused such Interest or has earned so much written or spo ken approval. Tho pages, of tho magazines havo for months been filled with reviews nnd critical esti mates of tho work; ministers, rab bis and priests havo chosen It as tho subject of their discourses, and tho theaters whero it haa "been played havo been ongulfed by humanity rushing to sco tho extraordinary play. SHAKK IXTO YOt'K SIIOIIS Allen's Foot-Kasc, tho antiseptic powder. It relieves painful, smart ing, tender, nervous feet, nnd In stantly takes tho sting out of corns and bunions. Itn tho greatest com fort discovery of tho age.' Allen's Foot-Kaso makes tight or now shoes feci easy. It Is a certain relief for sweating, callous, Swollen, tired, aching feet. Always tiso It to Ilreak In Now Shoes. Try It today. Sold everywhere, 5 cents. Don't accept any substitute. For FIIKK trial packngo, address Allen S. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. Miihir's Frimd inEvtry. Hint Comfort and Safety Assured Before the Arrival of tho Stork. In thousand of American hnmci tliTfl Is a bottle of Mother's Frlrnd that has ntil- cl many n woman through tlio trying onlenl. anvt-d her f mm sufferlnc ond pain, kept her In health In ndvnnco o f Imliy' coming, mid had a wonderful Inllumoj In developing a love ly rilipoaitlou iu thu CIllllI. There Is no other remedy so truly n help to nature. It relieve tho pain and dincoui fort canned by the utraln ou tho llyumentu, siakes pliant tlio? fibre bii J munch- which nature is expanding and soothes tho in flammation uf brvait gland. Mother's Friend In on external remedy, and not only banlnhes all dlitreiti In ad vance, hut aMiirefl a speedy recovery for the mother. TIiiih iIio become a healthy woman with nil her strength prewrviil to thoroughly enjoy tha rearing of her child. Mother's Friend can be had at any drug more nt $1.00 a bottle. Writ to IlrnilNVM Itegulator Co.. 1TJ.8 fimar Tlldg.. Atlanta, (la., for their fret book. Write to-day. It U inont liwtructlve. SSGMBiSSSS&S BBISbTw Tup BH V - -Br Ac.9BSSl In any size and quantity that you may want it Frank Yard at Sixth and Kir Sts. GGSi2's)iXi!X3 Siskiyou Heights Now is the time to miikc selection of lots and tracts in this magnificent residence district. SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK WOMAN'S ILLS DISAPPEARED Liko Magicnftcr taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgctablo Compound. North Bangor, N. Y. "As 1 havo used Lydhi K. Pink hatn's Vegelnhlo Compound with great lienellt 1 feel it my duty to wrlto nnd tell you about IL I was ailing from To mato weakness and hud hciuhtcho nml imckarho nearly alt yVf-SYi the time, twin later r xsciw m'ry monlh ,,m" l K 1 should lmvo boon nnd so sick that I had to go to bed. "Lydin Pinkhnm'n Vegetable Com pound has mndo mo well and these trou bles havo disappeared liko magic. I havo recommended tlio ComHiund to many women who havo used It miccem fully. "-Mrs. Jamius J. STACY, K.F.I). No, 3, North Hanger, N. Y. Another Mittlo Well. Ann Arbor, Mich. "Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has dono wonders for mo. For years 1 Biitrored terribly with hemorrhages nnd hnd pnlnft so Intense Hint sometimes I would faint nwny. I hnd female weakness so bad that I hnd to doctor nil the time nnd never found relief until I took your remedies to pluaso my Inmlmml. 1 recommend your wonderful rnvdlcimi to all sufferers ns I think It Isn blosulng for all women." Mrs. U li Wyckoit, 112 S. Ashley St., Ann Arbor, Mich. There need lo no doubt nbout tho nbillty of thW grand old remedy, made from tlio roots mid herbs of our Held, to remedy woman's dUeuses, W ptsrsH volumes of proof of this fact, enounh to convince tho most skeptical. Why don't you try ItT Grace Josephine Brown Tho Art of Singing AtiUlnblo for Concert nnd Church IlcMdcnro Studio 1207 West Main Ku Phono 4KI wraic mis That lead eventually tn Asthen opia can ho strengthened nud belli ed by wearing tho proper glnssrd. To prcscrlho tha pmixir glnsfoii to rellovo Asthenopia requires the tuoMt careful attention and (kill, ho If your ot'B aro weak and you want roller, reck It nt the offlco of Dr. Rickert Hycdght KpcclnllxL Over Deuel & Co. Crisp Cookies Aro tho only kind worth eating In making your next batch, try CRESCENT BAKING POWDER nnd nolo how real ly good and crisp thoy aro. IKc PKit Ml. Ask Your (Irofor. Crescent Manufacturing Co., Seattle, Wiu.li. f:, - .. a?w :'V" ? Wr Ken I 111 I bbbbbbbbMbbbbbTT(I r I II " T 0m& WOOD I For Sale I H. Ray PHONfi 7r,0-Il Sunday School Excursion Pacific & OSnstorn Railway Wednesday August 6,-1913 At Butte Falls Ore. l.onvoiMetlPord 8:00 A.M. jij Hom-h Mt'illonl 0:15 l. M. is; Six Houra in Butto Falla Ijj $1.00 ROUND TRIP $1.00 Chihlron ovor five and undor 12 yoara 50 conts. Rcmomuor our Sunday Excursion August 10th $ Catch Nature's ?harms With a Camera During thn mimmnr senium tho world la filled with beauty, .which )ou can catch nud keep by menus of n camera, You will find thn purrhniio of n camera one of thn bout Invent up'tits you over mndo. It will yield enjoyment now and for years to como. , W-fl oitlt I.lNi: OF CAMKKAH maken selection nn easy matter and wo can Inmiro rmtlitfnctlou In the use of It by tho aid nud suKKeHtlous mo give. CntiiernN nt nil Price ' . Wo nlso carry everything In Photo Supplied. .. MEDFORD PHARMACY NHAU POSTOFFICi:. g Why Not Do This You who aro spollng your temper nud your health Jimt now with tho mercury fooling nrouud tho 100 mark, why not hnvo a little bungalow ns a summer homo on tho ocean Bhoro whero you can. havo tho revivifying uffcctn of tho tien breexo to blow tho rot, webs from your brnln nud mlc robes from your system Kveu now. in your onr, you rnn run over to Creiiceiil City for a week-end nud gut remits, hut with tho building of our railroad It Vilt bo still eaulcr. WJfl! Iluy mi ocean frnntngo tot now and build your homo. You will then bo ready when thu trniupnrtntlou fnrlllilnn aro belter. Wo ran noil n lot facing tho ocean near thn famous "Pehblo lleach," for ILTiO, and ono block back from the beach for $76. 00, Thero aro only n fow of thoiui nnd thn prlco will bo advanced nhortly. Wo havo other deslrahlo property however In thn I.auff nud other ad- For turms, prices nud other Information, call on or wrlto E, L. Kendall viiici:nt city, cai.iiouma &3SJXlSW?iTOTS7 COLESTIN EXCURSION SUNDAY Aug. 3rd Another popular excurrion will ho run tn cool, delightful ColoHtln (In tha Siskiyou Mountnlns) via tho II0SUN31T S1 I IocoihbwustaI I Low Round Tlip Fares including admission to tho Picnic O rounds and all tho cool froth mineral wator you can drink. Prom Medford $1.10. kcmmdum: vo hpkoiai tuain . I.onvo Grants Pass , 7:00 A'. M,' (lold Hill ..., f...., 7:lir. Central Point :.... K : 1 Q Medford 8:G ' Phonnlx 0:00 " Ashland 0:30 " ' Arrlvo Colostln 10:40 t' ItKTUKMNO Leavo Colcstln 5:00 P. M. TusIjyIentral point band y Ask tho noaroHt Southern Paclflu Agont JOHN M. SCOTT, Oonural PriBBoiigor Agent PIIONH 10. J! Mjr Tl (D (.1 (!) '! i.i 'A' (4) i.i s I '3 3