Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 24, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    .f "?-" rtrfNn'ir;
Forty-third Yenr,
Dully IIIhIiIIi yrr.
President to Summon Lenders to
White Huuso After Ambassador
Lino Arrives and Announco Plans
ns Mediator In Mexico.
WAHIIINGTON, July 21. Confl
limit (lint mi real effort nvnr tuia
Imch iiimiIii to reroucllo Hid differ
ences between tlio federal govern
intuit of Mexico mill the lountltutlon
nllNtu, President Wnodrow Wilson
today plmm to nrl In Hid roln an
poiidtmnkor. Afttir tho cchoduloil
i-oiifcroncn Ktit unlity with lloury
I.1IIHI Wilson, Ainiirlrnii ninhnssadiir
to Mexico, mill Horrntnry of Htalo
llryuii, President Wllnon will mini
mull nciiiiIo mill lioiinn li'iulorn to tho
White House, mitiotinri) hl plan
mill ask their support.
Tim president, It wum learned to
liny. Ik unalterably oppoimd to inter
vt'iitloit oiropt an u lint rcnort. Id
bellmen tlio dlfforonrtm In tlm
Miutliurn republic nro reconcilable,
mill hopes to purmiailu tho elements
behind Provisional President Hunrtii
mul Uoiiornl Oarrniua to unite, ollm
Initio brigandage mul ronloro oritur.
All Infortunium received itt tlio ex
ecutive office, It wax until, Indlcnteti
Hint tint rnnk nml flln of McxIraiiH
nro weary of bloodshed, mul tlio
president liolluvc thorn h u splendid
chanco to nrraugu n settlement.
.Situation I'm liniigcil
l)lnintrlum received nt tlio statu
department loilny liutlcato Hint tlm
ultuntlou In Mexico lit titichuiir.od.
wltli llttln Infoi iiiatlon nviillnlilo im
to which aide In winning.
President Wilson linn Informed
tlio leaders In liotli tlio homo nml
tho puunto that until hn gets mora
ilnflnlto Inforuintlon ho want tint
debating on tliu Mexican question to
ntoi. Ilo thinks thorn In too much
politic In tho ilnhato nml nrnmrtH
Hint tho crltlclnui In congress of
Mexico In increasing tlm nutl-Amor-lean
It In unlit hero that If tlio lluerta
government In thrown over, tho
coimtttutlonnllntH plan to nniio
I'raiuUco Do I. a Barn provisional
president, with (lovernor Carrmirn
of Honors, lender of tho prcout ro
IiiiIIIoii, nn their candidal" for pre
lileut at tho Urtnhor election.
W'INuu'n lli-porl Awullcl
Following n conference with
President Wilson, Roiintor Ilacon of
Georgia thin afternoon couf'.iii.oil it
report Hint no iluflulto announce
iiiout of tho iiiliiiluUlmtlon'H policy
would Im uiiiili) until after Aiub;ti
ilur WIIhoii reports ,
Anked regarding reports Hint
America would offer to reconcile tliu
two fncttonn ami might forbid tho
Importing of arms, Hountor Macon
mild that hoth plana Imd heeii sug
geslod, uitdliiK!
IHM'tlHftloil VHIm1
"Tho mediation proposition romoH
from iiiatiy sources. Ainnrlca doon
not ilculro to Inlerveno uhIohh It Ih
iilmolutoly necessary mid wnntH to
hark any plan whereby poaco may
Im restored without ndilltlonal
Houator Horn, Bwnnsou, Mnrtlu,
Tillman nml Hhlnliln iiIho called at
tho Wlilto Home thin aftomoon, It
Ih uuilorntood they wora Informed
Hint public. iIIhoiibhIoii of tho Mexi
can Hltuntlon at thin tlmo In liollovod
uiiwlnn by tho proBldout, who fenrn
Karhlud rimortn may ho neat out,
Tho war dopurtmont donlod today
that .It wiih projiarliiK to moblllio
tho army, ActliiK Hecretary of War
llreukoiirlilRo uald ho know iiolhlm;
of inuHKaneu rQportod to havo been
mint to tho National (luard ImiulrliiK
whether It wan prepared for action.
I'OllTJiANI), Or,, July a. Tho
hlKherit nrlco reached for Iiokh In
tlm IMilflc count marketH for novernl
yearn at tlilo puiiod wiih paid today
when ouo carlund of Idaho wtock
wan mild at $10 pur hundied poumlH,
A fiimlliu In loportod In Iiok offer
Iiihh all aloni; the I'aelflo count, ami
fiiilhiii' Nuimutlonul advuiKuiH aro ex
peeled, Todiiy'H pico hero U f0
iuiiIm uliuvo nny oilier marlai In Iho
Dnlluil HUtm,
Iowa Senator Indlnnantly Denies
Statement liy Sclf-Coiifcsscil Lob
byist Denies Aliened Mcctlnn In
Dolllvcr's Room.
WAHIIINflTON, July 21. Tho
monotony of tlm lobby probo wan
broken thin afternoon by a Hplrlloi!
rlanh between Mulhall and Knnntor
('uiiiiiiliiri of Iowa, It rnmo after a
letter wan read In which Mulhall de
clared ho hml conferred with Cum
ml iih or a Hpieeh Kountor Kouyoii
Hindu on tho Inw,
"Thal'u a Ilo, and you know It,"
nluiuU'd Ht'imtor Cummlnit,
Mullinll IiihIhIi'iI that every word
In tho letter wan trim, mu'.rlly nbout
liii; Hint ho wan tired of hearlm: do-
nlnln of tho truth of hln lettorn.
"It maken no dlfforonco to mo
whether )ou an tired or not." wih
(!umiiilun' roiiietiiirk. "You do not
toll the truth."
"I never met thin uinu Mulhnll bo-
fore ho niipeared huro. I novor In-
lted him to coino to Benntor Dolll
vor'n room for n rouference. I
could not linvo, tipcntnto Dolllver did
not havo n irlvato office."
Tho trouble wan canned by n Ioiik
report which Mulhall In nlleKod to
hnvo written Jnmen Klrby, prenldent
or tho N. A M.. on May 1, 1910, It
wild Mulhall had railed on Senator
Ciimmlun, who wan mont ntiKry be
en u mi foriuor Kpeaker Cannon had
been tho principal npenkcr at a N
A. M bnmiuet hold In Now York
Mulhall fnld ho ca lined Ciimmlun by
nayliiK ho (Cummin) probably
would bo lnlted to tho next ban
quet. Otimmlim flatly denied tho nlleKn
tlonn In tho report mid Mulhall tried
to rnfrenh hn memory.
"Thoro U no need for you to try
and refrenh my inoiuory." nnld Cum
mliin, "Tho uVentu you reviled nuvor
WASHINGTON, July 'Jl.-Tlio
firht of what threatens to bo her
ies of hints iiaiiiMt metroolitnii
uewhia)urs fur eauilie eomuient on
officials of the National Awhoeiation
( f .Mauiifaeturers, iih n direct reHtilt
of Martin M. MiiUiiiII'h testimony be
fore tlio Hcnuto "iiiMiliotm lohliy"
proberrt was iroini"ed hero today by
Atloruey I'arlier Kevin.
Sliiu by eilitorial erilicixm ap
lieiuinj,' in the Koilh American, n
I'liiltulelpliiu newspaper, offieialH uf
(lie K. A. M., IIiioukIi Kevin, nn-
iM.iincc.l today thai hiiit for $riOII,0()U
would lid lnoue.lil nuaitif-t tho l'hila
ileliliia pulilicaliou tomorrow. Kuin
iihHcited that Iho Koilh Auieriean on
.Munila, referred eililoiially to offi
eiiilx of the K. A. M. iih "criminal
conHpiralors." lie also threatened lo
iiiHlHulo irocee(liiif;ri ne,uiiiHt oilier
new'spaperrt wliieli ho ilechued were
"exeeeilin tliu latitude of prcxri fice
ilonv "
1.0H ANOKMOS, Cal July 24.
That ho him duvelopod u nerum that
In a euro for lufautllo paralynlH and
that ho lum alroady HticcuHufiilly
treated Hlxtvou ciiboh, In tho claim
advanced today by Dr. Irwin MiiHeo
of Vonlco, Cal, Dr. Miikoo'h treat
ment, ho Hiild, conalHtH of tho Hiibcu
taiieomi Injection of a glycorluo
uiiiiiIhIoii from tho coIU ot tho an
terior horn ot tho marrow of tliu
Mplmit column of a healthy animal,
Tho treatment, ho explained, iiliut
bo islvon boforo parnlynlH ho(h In,
i.oh AN(iiJi.i":ruarrJuly 24
To arqiiiilut hluiHolf In detail with
tho fiicllltleu offered by tho l.oa An
KoIkh haibor at Hun Pedro an a
naval Ihiho, and to Ingulio Into tho
neeiU of Iho I. oh AiiKelen mid I.imik
llranch haiborn, Hccretury uf tliu
Navy Jonophim Diinleln mmln a tour
of Hill l.on Aiiuidim rniiulv unliir.
00 AUA
I front tuduy.
Simple Justice Wanted Says Califor
nia Senator Who Asks for tax on
Ninety Millions of People to Sub
sidize a few Lemon Growers'.
itpeclnl coimlderatlou for tho pcoplu
of California, dimply JiiHtlco," wan
tho (lomiiud of Keniitor John IJ.
Workn of California on tho floor of
tlio Hciialo today whim ho dUcunited
tho Underwood tariff bill.
Workn declared tho lemon Indiin
try of bin nlato uiunt havo protection
If It In to Hiirvlvii. Ilo claimed that
California produces -r,00,000 boxen
of lemonn annually and- cnilly can
develop u crop of 10,000,000 boxen
a yenr.
Ilo produced KtatlntlcH to nhow
that IcmutiH cunt tho grower, deliv
ered at vnnteru markets, $2.72 iter
box, whllo Italian lemonn can bo de
livered In the Knmo market nt f 1.21.
Workn ntno dlicunned the effect of
tho proponed tariff reductions on
ollvo oil, walnuts and other Califor
nia prodmtn.
DlKrernltiK then from bin examin
ation of tho tariff schedules. Heun
tor Workn entered on n Ioiik speech
reKardlnn tho part President Wilson
linn played In Iho preparation of tlio
Underwood bill. Ho Rnvo tho pres
ident credit for Reed Intention-, but
strotiKly deplored executive Influ
ence on cotiRrenn In frnmlni; u meas
ure f tho sort.
rOIITLAKI), Ore., July 21. Tho
government filed suit hero today, un
der the terms of the Sjliennnu auti
trust law, iiKiiiiist tho American Tele
graph and Telephone company and its
subsidiaries in Oregon, Washington,
Montana mid Idaho, charging conspi
racy to monopolize telephone com
munication between Pacific north
western hllllCH.
The ease hart been pending since
early in December, when it was first
mentioned that tho government wan
lo conduct a grand jury iiivcxtigiitiou
of Iho activities of the alleged tele
phone 'trust" in Seattle.
Constantino J, Smlhe, former at
torney general of Kebraska mid re
cently appointed special assistant to
the attorney general to handle (his
case, filed the bill of complaint after
it had been certified to before Clar
ence L. Kennies, United Slates attor
ney for Oregon.
The suit is (liicctcil nguiust the
American Telephone and Telegraph
Company mid some thirty-nine other
(lefcnilnis, Tho hill denominates the
Pncifiu Telephone mid Telegraph
Company, Iho Sunset Telephone mid
Telegraph Company; Iho I'aeifio
Stales Telephone and Telegraph Com
pany, as liell companies, mul tho
ones mentioned nro iucliHied among
the (lefeuihiulH.
NUW YORK, July 21. Talk bus
iness quick or flgh. Is tho stand
taken huro this afternoon by repre
sentatives ot employes of enatern
railroads to compromUu differences
with eastern railroads through tho
niudlum of tho Hovoruiiout media
tion board.
"Wn'vo been hero threo days,"
nay tho leaders of tliu trainmen mid
conductors, "anil It In coatliiK us
IK000 dally. Wo aro tired ot tho
dilatory tactlcn of tho railroad offl
claln." Tho trainmen Intend to Insist on
an early uKmumeut to arbitration
terms or to call off till iieuotlntlou
and order u strlku, It In reported
Ihut tho tralnmeirn lenders pluu lo
lutiiu uu iilllmuliiui.sooit to tho rail
loud ihlufn.
Mail Tribune
Crushlnu Defeat of Federal Troops
and Capture of City Governor
Carranra of Sonora Leads Consti-tutlonallsts-Alvarez
MKXICO CITY, July IM. -Crushing
defeat of federal troops nml (ho
capture of Torrcon by rehel forces,
led b Uoveruor Cnrrnnr..n of Honorn,
wcio I !n lni"k( reporli recused here
today frnir. the front. O'Micral Al
vnn't, fedenil cmiininndcr. tl.e ilen
pulclieH say, wu killed early in !!.(
A thousand govcrumciP. trocps
w'Mi canon were enptured, nearly nil
I ie lovnl govermncnt holiliem Inter
beng slain. The r'hel victvy, it i
sai.l. wnn nmdo AiHsihIo by rpyolt in
tliu fc'ornl riiukH. Nearly half of
the federal soldiers rebelled and aided
the rcbe,s to victory.
It was reMrted this afternoon that
f000 rebels nrn nihaiiciiig on San
Luis Polon und u dceisve cltsh is
e.vpected ll'i re soon. If the rebels
nre vielorious there Ihcy iiiidonhledly
will eoulinue their march to Mexico
The government has employed 20,
0110 dNclinrgcri employes to repair
the niilrond tracks between tho cap
ital mid San Luis Polosi.
Minister of finnnec Obrciron an
uoiinccd this ufternism that the gov
ernment had succeeded in borrow
ing 20,000,000 ik'sih from a Paris
With only six bodies of those who
perished hero in the fire ut the Ding
Ininton Clothing; Company factory
identified, the estimate ot lite fatal
ities to.lav is sixty-fivo deaths. Only
charred piece. of bodies fie in the
morgue ud tho nulhorilies nro eol
leeling tinkcls from Pie ruins jn
Impo of settling definitely tho ident
ity of th.'.so consumed in the flames.
A great imhlia funeral of tho
eliiiyed icmains of tho duid will bo
held and so far ns may bu each
(orpsu will he buried in it t'eparnto
grave. Subscriptions for the inter
ments a'icaily aro pouring in ami tho
mayor has announced that no outside
aid is needed, Unit tho city will inter
its own dead.
rive tcriirato investigations of tlio
(lisaslc. arc under way, tlio firo mar
shal, Iho f'rt iut-pector, the labor
coinniHMOucr, tho facto v commis
sion mil Aeling Coroner Seymour nil
tiro cordueling ti,robes.
At noon today twcnlv-nino bodies
had been iceovered. Tho official
list of know u dead is now II, but it
is believed tho actual fatalities when
nil information U gathered will be
abiul sixty-five.
HAYMONl), Was., July IM. Tho
annual Pacific Indiana trap shoot
ing tournament opened lioro Monday
afternoon with a practlco shout. Tho
following scores woro mudo out of
100 pessible:
F. O. Klohl, U 8; W. W. Caldwell,
90; It. II, Welch 94; J. K. Held 91;
A. lllalr, 91; K. II. Norrls, 93; C.
K, Pel for, Nil; tleorgo Garrison, 89;
IIukIi Fleming, 87; (luy Wentwurth,
70; P. J. Ilololmn, 94; V. II. Fran
eU, 9tij 10. A. Iloan, 84; 8. M. Day,
90; FwO. Joy, 73; h. 11, Held, 90; K.
Humniir, 93; 13. W. Cooper, 04; Pld
Cooper, 87; J. Cooper, 91; L. Held,
M; L. H. Ferris 73; J. Troeh, US;
I). Ilutrhur, 90; It. Frost, 73; (loo,
HambilKht. 94; I, It. PUher, 90;
W. W. Koulu. 33 out of 40; A. illchl.
44 out of 00; Diiryctt, 14 out of 20;
W. J. Ilolsfor.l. 18 nut of SC; 12.
Tyler, U out of 30,
JULY 24, 1913.
Commoner Suggested as Head of an
American Commission Sceklmj
Peace Among Warring Factions
Demands Enormous Damage Sum.
WASIIIKOTON, July 21. That
William J. Hryan may go to Mexico
ns head of an Aineriev.'i cotrmission
seeking to mediate bet wren the fac
tions there is tho report here today.
It has been learned that Chairman
Ilacon of the senate committee on
foreign relations hat dis.iusscd Iho
advisability of such a move.
Ilacon would not deny that he had
1'i'iird of such a plan, nor would ho
deny that u long U'lemin Ins been
sent to Hrvan on the matter. It is
luderstood that Flood urged tho
I'riui plan. He refused, however to
discuss it, saving:
"1 cannot nny that affairs in Mcxt
eo nre more serious than fiev were
n f?w days ago. A fev'T r'irt
( sctiicly be wocj-j or better in
any iU;'ee from nour ti limir."
Ilacon on Saturdnv v. iM make n fu'l
report i.n the Mexican situation to
the se'nitc foreign committee
Senator Hitchcock of Nebnwkn to
day opened up n new plan for a set
tlement of the Mexican matter when
he suggested the ttossibility that n
fccessiou of a sirtion of northwestern
Mexico to America might satisfy the
enormous claims of Americans to
damages arising out of the Mexican
disorders. He said:
"Tho Mexican people will be un
able to meet our fair claims for dam
ages with n ca-h payment. It is pos
sible they might agree to give us
Sonora, Chihuahua mid lhc- north
western region in partial MitisfnctFon.
Then mi American protectorate
might be formed for another zone. I
do not think that any mediation com
mission sent to Mexico now would
accomplish much., We must let events
take their course."
WASHINGTON, July 24. Why
ho considers tho Underwood tariff
bill a poor substltuto for tho Payno
tariff law was told In tho senato to
day by Senator Weeks ot Massa
chusetts. Wcoks doclarcd that a reduction
In tho tariff would not reduco tho
cost of living; that it would not
curb tho trusts, rostoro competition
or cause- a fairer distribution ot
"Tho Increased cost ot living."
said Wcoks, "is duo to tho growing
density of our population. The
American worklngman can buy twice
ns much with ono hours' wngo today
ns could bo bought u coutury ago.
Hrltlsh workmen can buy loss than
tho American workman and tho Gor
man workman less than tho nrltlsh
Wcoks Insisted that tho proposed
reduction In tho tariff would curtail
tho running tlmo of tho mills and
reduce tho Income of worklngmen.
Souator Weeks suggested that Sec
retary of Commerce, Hodflcld Inves
tigate tho reported Intention ot Gov
ernor Foss to move his Industrial
plant to Canada,
ITIICAdO, July SI. At tho end of
(ho morning play in tho Western
Amateur (lolf championship over tho
llomowood course, K. 1'. Allis of Mil
waukee was !! up mi Chick Hvans uf
Chicago, the western champion. The
second eight holes will bo played thU
At tlio end of Iho morning round
lhc play in Iho louninmi'iil
Wood U up on llnle; ilanlimr ;J up on
Perry, and Ja'Jiiu S up ou Lwkoll.
ffnrgon HIl''onl SoeUfy
07 Second Street
News That Porte Marches on Jumboll
Followed by Mobilization of Czar's
Army (or Immediate Action Bal
kans Hasten Peace to Fight Turk.
VIENNA, July 24. Dispatches
received hero that tho Turks havo
Invaded llulgarlan proper and aro
marching toward Jnmboll, dlvldo In
terest hero today with reports that
u great movement of troops has be
gun In southern Russia, obviously
Intended for tho coercion of Turkey,
and tho expectation is general that
before many hours a now conflict
will huvo begun in tho Balkans
which may havo tho most serious
consequences on tho pcaco of Cur
ope. It Is believed hero that should
Russia actually deliver nn attack
agalnrt tho Moslem forces without
havlng"tho deflnlto warrant of tho
powers for so doing, a situation will
arlso which may mean tho activo in
terposition ot both Austria and Ger
many, and perhaps Italy. So far
It has been Impoxslblo hero to. gain
any official expression as to whether
Austria agrees with tho Russian
movement, but considerable activity
Is evident In tho government depart
ments, and It is believed that Rus
sia in this move has acted by her
own band.
Bucharest dispatches Indicato that
Roumanla will stand with Russia
against Turkish aggression. King
Charles today telegraphed the kings
of Scrvla, Greece and Bulgaria urg
ing a quick acceptance of tho Rou
manian proposals to end tho conflict
between tho allies.
LONDON, July 24. TottcrinK with
feebleness, Mrs. Emmahno Pauk
hurst wns released today from IIol
lowuy jail mid taken in un ambulnneo
to n hospital. Her condition is her
Premier Abouitlt today visited Mor
Icy, his borthplace, und received the
freedom of the city. At the town
lutll women pelted him with papers,
screnniinj "atop torturing women, you
seouudrel." The jwlico arrested sev
eral of the women who took part in
tho demonstration.
Suffragettes also caused trouhlo
in the house of commons today wheu
Mrs. Pathriek Lawrence led u delega
tion of militants there to protest
iiKiiiust tho "cut and mouse" net.
Tho party entered tho visitors g"'
lery nnd refused to leave. Mrs.
Lawrence, Lady Sybil Smith and
Evelyn Shnrpo were arrested.
I.OS ANGKLES, Cal., July 24.
Uccaiibo ho is Buffering from an op
eration on hla nose, necessitated by
an Injur)' reputed to havo been sus
tained In nu automobile accident,
George It. Blxby, multl-mllllonalro
ot Long Beach, rested at his home
today Instead ot going to court to
faco trial on a chargo ot contribut
ing to tho delinquency ot Irouo.
Mario Brown-La woy, 18 years old,
mid Cleo Holou Barker, 19 years of
uge, who aro minors under tho Cal
lfornla law.
Tho trial now Is scheduled to bo
gin September 11.
LITTLI-: HOCK, Alk., July JJ.
IfepoiU received hum (oduy from
sixty out of (.evcnly-five counties In
illeules thut (Ji'oiku llaycn, a demo
unit, hits brvii Heeled uoyernor of
AiLuiihu by u nmjoillv of 'J3,G00, I
Hhoweni. Max. 73, mlit.
O'A lUlnfnli, l.M.
NO. ,1(XJ.
Prospects for Continued Rains Sea
gulls Make Their Appearance In
Bear Creek Rain Extends Along
Coast From San Dlefo to Alaska.
All records for July rainfall wero
broken Thursday noon when a total
precipitation of 2.60 inches for tho
presont storm, or 2.G0 for tho month,
had been recorded, as against tho
normal ot .19-inch. During tho
night and until noon It rained stead
ly, with one and a halt Inches of
molsturo falling. Prospects nro for
contlnuod rain for at least another
twonty-four hours, as the rain la a
general ono, extending on the coast
from Son Diego to Alaska and
through tho eastern states. It In
probablo tho storm will total threo
Flvo seagulls, tho first seen In tho
valloy for years, wero blown in from
tbo coast and found shelter In Bear
creek at tho Medford Concrete Con
struction company's pond Thursday
Bear Crook, Applcgato, LIttIo
Butto and all other streams aro on
tho rampage. Roguo river la from
threo to four feet high.
No damage Is reported except to
hay, grain nnd somo corn.
Tho effect of tho unusual storm
on fruit wilt bo, according to Pro
fessor O'Gara, to split tho early
peaches yet unpicked, to advance
pear picking ten days or two weeka
and to slzo tho apples. A heavy
fruit setting for next year la as
sured. In gonorol, the gain much
mora than offsets tho losa. ,
Damage from the storm, especial
ly from the cloudburst at Griffin
creek, proves to hare beea greatly
overestimated. Mr. Bonar and other
farmora report their loss only nom
inal. Whllo many previous Julys have
received no rain wbatevor, tho larg
est amount for this month recorded
horetoforo was in 1904, when .92
fell. In July, 1889. the next larg
est amount, .CS-lnch, toll.
DETROIT, Mich., July 21. Two
battalions of the First Michigun In
fantry, under command of Lieutenant
Colonel Harlow are ordered this kr
tcruoon to be in readiucas to leave at
7 o'clock tonight for tho copper coun.
try in upper Michigan, whero rioting
is reported in progress.
LANSINO, Mich., July 24. De
spite ndvices that Calumet is reported
in the hands of uu armed mob of 500
men and that deputy sheriffs havo
been divested of stars by striking
copper miners, Governor Ferris, tele
phoning from liny City, thin after
noon decided to withhold troops from
the disturbed city.
Adjutant General Vandercook, how
ever, was ordered to instruct all mi
litia coniuimulens to hold their troop
in readinesa to move nt a uioraent'a
noticu and to notify division com
ninudorii to remain in touch with telo
graph offices.
Governor Ferris' decision to with
hold the troop cumo ns a great sur
prise here, especially oh Sheriff
Cruuo of Houghton county had anked
for immediate- help asserting he was
entirely unable to copu with tho situa
tion. .t.Bi
HKItMOBILLO, July it. Au
othor rebel victory ,wu rr"tfti4
huro today In dlipnUbwi r4vi4
from lisinim, Iletwn thirty u4
forty federals, It wu mUi, mm
killed Ih ah wgu-wmt tUtnit, lit
robuls rupturing mvwkI U
round ef mmmuhI(Ii,
i I