T This Has f CAV Mi l W NGVCR TOLD you -THAT X V3 A ' " CRCATi SWWpp0Ajctl.'DtD I? "I 3(ijcr UuhbTU Wattid Clc-i.tt. I v:cass -me cnGuV chanmcl owce ;Cy' res; Ni:V Vi:.STMINHT!:i, ll. , July 'J,'), .lullll McN'llllllllll, IlliUtf "Allfillll- liim Muck," ii fowier Hiilooukcrpec of Sun I'liiiwlhcii, today Simula con xicli'il of llu theft of tin niiloinubllo mi tin- itiotiiiiiK or tlm i'.' 7 1,0 III I mb liny ut Hi" liriuii'li llmil. of Montreal hmo. Si'iilriHii wu. n'Kum'il until (lie cud uf tin' mudrtw. The mui- iiimiii m'mii It - is moo .cnm linpriMiu mmil. ' .Mi'Niiiimru ui urnw-lcil in NVu Viuk I'T nlli'Hi'il isiiuiiciy in tlio IiiiiiL inlilM-ry liul miih 1 1 ii'il Hint mi llto iitiliiiniililli: iht'fl I'linrc. Tin' I mil nl' CltniliM Dfini, cluiifji'il uilli fiinilnil in llu' roliliirs uf llu1 linnl.i in ki liciliiti'tl to hlnrl luiiiorrow. TOURI TRAVERSE NEVADA (ioi.i)i'ii:i.i), nv July u:i. 1'iilfiui; iiitdhn cuiiiitry on llu'ir lu-illiiiiii.ln-llii'-l'iu'ilii! lour, lint ciirx nf llir liuliiiiiii .uliiiiiiliilit(.Miiiiuriii' luii'in' AHMii'iiiliiui l'fl hum Itnliiy lliuir Ijii N'i'mmIii run livfnro inliir in ('iilifornui. Al'lrr ii Mpcuiitl mult 'f liiilluui nl llio (I.il.lfi.'l.l C.in-.ili.liiU-.l .Mill tmliiy 111 iltlIHkl'i I In' Mxituo, llll (lie fiiiH, ni''iiiiiiuuiril liv (JiiMTimr Oil- illi', tiirli'l tor llio hlnli' line, hcn' lino lii'on will lio mruil, A IiIk op"11 uir Hiitiir ix to Im' iri'i lliin nvi'ii iitK ut Mil: I'iik'i I'"' firxt Inwu on llio .Miilliiinl (mil in C.ilifumiii, mill lo nilit n ho will In iiiikIi ut Ilixliop, vii' to n linger wclcouu' liy llio dill til cit of tin' pliin' Iiiih lu'i'ii pri'imrvil. OFFICCn CRAWFORD HURT WHILE CHASING DRUNK I'nllrcuinu Wllllnin Cruwfonl ro rclvod u lirotti'ii kiici'iMp uml 111 Im ((infliiiiil ut Inmiii nuonil wimiUh uh n rcnlilt of n rliitio nil or nn litloxtr.iU'il iiiiiii on North Ivy lnl iiIkIU, Thu mini hud iiimlo ihliiKK uiiiloaiiiit Tot miMTiil ptoilo IhliiK nloiiK thu ulrout mill ut olio IioiikO wliouilio hud licoii cMiH'cliilly offmiHhu In hU Iiiiikiihk mill roinliirt llio pnllio worn Hunt (or. AriiT nniiu out or thoir mitoiupiiiiu, l'ollt onion Oriiwfonl uml Cjuriulu I r lull lo crontt (ho law n lo roach tha iiiiiii mill Cniwforil ntuiuhluil nor n wlro. llu Htrui'k tho pinuiuuiit lircak. Im; HU kuounip. POPE CANS MUTINOUS MEMBERS OF SWISS GUARD ItOMH, July J:i. Tho throo Swi- (IiiiiiiIh who cmiM'il llio icconl iiiutiuy ut tho vntienn uim ilischurKVil toiluy l,V I'opu Pint niiil onli'it'il to Iruvo iiiinu'iliiiU'ly. Thu otlwi' Ht'Vi'ii khuhIh wcii) j;iv(!ii lliuir cliuii'o ol' IciiviiiK ut' it'iiiuiiiliiK uiiilcr old couditioiiij. RIVERSIDE RIPPLES. Mr. niiud Mu, linker mmlo an olKht-ilwy trip ovoiluiul from thoir homo In California to vUlt thoir daiiHhlor, Mm. Hhuiiiiihuri;, for u fovv wcokH. I. II. Porter wiih ipilto Hovyroly 'injured Monday whllu ilthlntt Iho hiiim lo haul ,up hay. The nlu;ltrco 'binko, IiIIIIiik'IiIiii In thu uroln, miik llll! iiillo a kiihIi, Ills ninny fileniU iiiipo ho will woon ho about iikuIii, ( Mm, II. II. M)ur, Mm, W, (I, l.'aily mnl Mhmrn Anna MclCouwfH sou .o duly nuro ImihIiiiihh WhIIoih In Mci. fold Hut ill day. tfl'M flHiitu ' l.nowiii' l linifllHMI n vUll nidi 1'jyf. uuvl Mi. ilvidJ Nothing to Do With the Weather, NO, ONCC X ' srrsRxeD n Dive To C46WVOKK ' THfvr YHG YOU GMCfc- ADC? r V -. uml nlmi cottliiK a r.ooil rout or tun In tho Imyflohl, Mrri, lli'iitnn ot Mmironl iimilii u wok-inil lnlt with Mr. mnl Mr, . ii, aii'iui. Mr, l.'ltlcil of Honn O.ikM Hlnppcil III IhU Iclult y Muiuluy (o ih:o llio IrrlcutliiK plpo IiuIiik imcil hy Mi'vurn. Hli-nil nuil Alilun, whllo on IiIh Hny lo (IrmilH I'ikh (o purchimo plpu for uno on Ills ranch. 1.. J. Mlllur In i'IiJojInk a vlnll from liU pnnititN who llvo In Iowa Thuy will ri'innln about n inontli. Tho uro wiry jilcuhi'd with llio Kiikiiu rtvor tnllcy mnl wouhl llko lo ro iimln pvrmiimiully. Mm Chniupllu urrhdl froin Clil unto lint Inllor purl of tho wrok ami In liltliu; ut thy homo or Mr, mnl Mn. CIiiih. Chmiipllii. A party or Ithomtilo untplo nro plniiiiluK it trip to Crntcr l.uko lo itnrt TJuirioluy foruniMiu. 'II mo i-omprliilm; tho purtv nro Mr. an I Mr II. II. N)o. Mr nml Mm It. C. Hli'iul. Mr uml Mm. W J. Kiiry, .Mr. mnl Mm. (I, I) AIJou, Mr. uml Mn. l W. Wohcrtou Thi-y plan to ill he mnl lump iiIkIiIm. WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLET8 Clurnu'K Ivurn uiolortil IlirgiiKh Willow SpmiKM liiht Thurriiliiy omii- liik'. It. V. Klih'ii piirt'hiibi'd u motor cyclo Ihi.s punt week. .Mr. MtCuinlior mnl family were in M fd find IiihI wi'ck. Tln Kiuith hiiult'r from Tolo is in thin dit i if! mnl will lie for hcvcnil Wl'I'kH. J'rom Hid pronpority of our in'ili hotiuj; low iix, duo lo cnnni-rioi', lot nn mil forget for u moment In work for Hint ohji'it in this immrdiiilo vi inlty. Wo uro not pniKn'ixiiiK fl oiioiikIi, mi wo nuiht urt liiiny, mil only (! huny, Imt krrp bun,v. TliunU lo Mr. Hull of Out nil Point for llio rouiplimniitiiry cnU'r tmumt'iil isi'ii hint Friday oMMiiii. llu; hliow Ik morally Inuli rlunrt f wi'H ti8 iiihlnu;lio mnl hlmuld ho well alli'iidi'd. Mr. mnl Mm. Hoy Niiduds mnl Mr. mn Mm, Karl lloft motori'il lo tin' in- ci cam fc-lixul in (.Vntnil Point Ktiilay ovcuini,'. Mr. Aikiu wax inspect inu orchards livro mnl Iiiih ii fiivoruhlu rcpoit to make. A pally of frjondx called on Mr. mnl Mm. K, P. Demi lant Sunday nf (cruooii mnl enjoyed tho cool rdiudu on lln'ii' lawn. Tho electric liht eomuiny has hud II H'plCM'llllllivO in thin dintiicl K dfaw ii locution map of thoir pro petty. Mr. Wclcher 'm uiiliiiviiiK Iho otil vurtH on Hcfiiio uvruuk EDEN PRECINCT Mr. mid Mjf P (; Huimer "f thy Tuleiil experiment htulion weie in Med ford Moudiiy, Waley Ikill and vif0 of Talent worn trailing in Medfoul Salmday. l'Ved Kapp of Talent motored to M ml ford Monday ovcuing. Minn Mupd Nuwhiiiy i vMlinn her unlit, Mm. Jim Under, this week. Mr. uud Mm. A. S. Furry went out to their Dead Indian rai'lj Jaht Fri day In iiimiln foiv diiyn.. Mii. Chillies liiiw of Klamatli Fuljrt in viwitiiij,' vx cmhisIiih, Mi. J vim (Iroffuri uml Mi-h. W, Ji. Amlur moii of Nui Hi Phoenix. Mm. James Cusiok up fiom DiiiiKinuir, fill., visiliiiK her father, I). OToohi of Mcdford mid vioilini; old fiieiids- in Phoenix. Your ciinchpniidi'lil had intended lo (fy lo k'" llm mimes of nil who went fiom Phoenix mnl Tnlenl Ktui; ilny on (In ijxi'iirlmi lu CoMlne, hut lime ileclileil llinl loo murli npacc would lio iiwpilii'il, liinvcver, IIhmc wrie oyer imiy Ikuii J'lioriilx mill tvH'Jily, luur Um Tulviit, 4 .J . OTFQnP' MATH VnWXTm, I DID Yovl PlDXAVKGiY? MAKe ITf WHY SiYf. 1 OSMG V J K"(tl KANSANCIVY ! " '' JST K . sxngMimm Fon iif;u housia FOIl IlKNT 219 OlKeu atrcut. t, loouiH uud Imth, 12. 50, including water. Phono 029 or H'JO-L. 105 FOIl IlKNT 3-rmiuiyd modern bun r.iilow, never occupied, nil con venience!, close In. a-rooiueil hoiue, clovo lu. J. T. Hums. -117 Jay St., phono 1C1-U. Off B. Oak dulo. FOIl 1U:NT Ono uiifnrnlahod C room modern bmiKalow, onu r room fiirulNhed huiiKalow, ono I room hoiiiio, rent cheap. Phono 111 IS-J 2. 107 FOU HUNT-Nlcoly furn.heil ;ivo r'ooni lninnalow. riuo neighbor liiHid, on cant alilo, $13. CO. Pliono 10I.S-.M, 101 WHY? BECAUSE Wo huvq u bcarlut; icar orchard, onu of thu beiit In tho valley, muni bo hold. 10, 20, yo iwrus. An lu como proposition, Suo me. j. u. ii.vum:h, I'lrnt .Valloual Hank Itiiltdlni;. NEW TODAY An S0-acro homestond, about 20 nilleB from Medford, hut much near er otlmr towns; all koo1 freo noil, and u lo of It Kood farm laud; Kood lurKo box Iioumo, burn, chicken lioimea mid water piped from Kood ujirliiK mid arraiu;cd with hos,o for upiiiyluc uud IrrliiatluK; four acres lu crop at present; lots ot Kood tim ber; ,Junt what you want uml offered vory clump, (lood ho u bo on tho cant aldo lot lillxllOO, nil kinds or youni; fruit, mid Kardon utuff; n very nood buy ut $2Q00; teruiH on most ot It. Boiuu splnudld offerliiKH for trado. Ono cBpcclully consists ot two clear, Well built houses in Mcdford, which tho owner will uxchmiKu for a furm of about SO acros, with not too Iuiko an lucumhrmico. Piopoity lu southern California Hint cimtern Oiokoii to vxcIiuiiko for propoily huru, C. D. HOON Kooiu J 2 Jurksuu County ilatib blJy. Tvlvuhuuu 137'J MWDFOttP, OHKOOK, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, but Isn't It Warm? p ?, 'P FOK ltlCXT FUKXISlinn KOOMH FOU HK.NT -Furnlbhed rootua. ColtaKo. C01 V. 10th St. Tho 117 FOU HUNT -NIco cool rooms ut tbo 'Colemau, 1005 W. Main. Phone 0CI J. 120 FOH HUNT I-nrKO slecpInK rooms, and modern housekeeping apart tueuts, prlcca very rcasouablo. Phono 102C-L. 222 South Holly nttcot. FOU HUNT lUHtrilSKtiUI'INQ KOO.MB i-biruWNT Hulto br nicely" fur nlshed huiiiickcepluK rooms; bath; Kas; lowur floor. 729 V. 1Kb. 1'"lt- 1":N1'rTI-tVt-ft.IK''ll':1' A1'rs- FOH HUNT Furnished up.irtmonts. Tho Ucrbcn, 10 Quluco bt. 1X)U IIH.M KOTUT.8 FOU It K.ST Larue, cotnfortnblo ot flro rooms with elevator bervlco, steam heat, hot and cold wator. Low rates. Apply Medford Furnl turo & lldw. Co. run HKr ahsci;m.xi;ous FOh"kinT- (lood stock" raiiclirUsJO ncros to loasu.for term of years. In il a I ro of Clurl: llcalty Co., Med foul, Ore. FOU SAI.K MODSICS FOU SALII $1,000 cash buys mod urn 0 room house, coat J1.S00. Address Mull Trluuno, "X M." 112 FOU SALE lleontlful nine-room bungalow on corner llartlett and Jackson, tor $30,00 per month without Interest. For Information call at 430 North llartlett St FOH SALE Homestead relinquish ment lu Jackson county. Hox SS, Tribune. 104 FOU SALE Homestond Improve mont ,ot 40 acres woll underlaid wlti water, i;ood crops, vory cbenp John Tin rill, lle.igle, Oro, 10G FOR SALE 20 acres nnd liberty; 20-auio farm, lt, acres lu alfalfa, 1 Vj acres mo.ulow, rest in Um ber, house, barn, two fiosb springs, excellent soil, I'H miles from JucksouvJIU. Or.;, $C75, Seo at once Thus. II, E, Hutnnwny. 217 W. Miitn st. 103 I'OlTHALIV-MIKCKI.LANlMiUH FOU HALE fladdlo. comlltlon. i'hono lu first-class C7-J3. 107 FOU BALE- Wo liavo fine boiuo bold goods biuugbt from thu oust nnd do not want to inovo (hum ugulu; jmrlor ruriiltiiiu. grmid fnllipr's clock, fine Hlii-mlon din ing loom t-ol. hediooni nml kitch en fuiiiliuioi or will i rud fur un miloiiioblle. I'hono Ml Hhcvilu,1 FOR SALE UAND3 v t BWaiE5 , I ijpBlEiHinpib ' l'Olt HMM MIHCKMiANKOUH I'Oll BAM; On fimy lunnu, rtvo room nioilcrn 'ooiiko, au raiiRD. CUD W. Jacknon. I'hono 394-J. 1IC KOIl 8AM-: ilcllvcrcil. yG-II. -Apricot., fie per lb., IJ. J. IJratney, phono 109 KOIl BALi: Horrlca for cannlnc Call 10C0-M. or ISooth 7, I'ubllc Market. 110 KOIt HAI.K Morne, can ho driven HliiKlo or double; iilno mule. In qulro 1053 Court fit. 10C FOH BALK Loose leaf ledger in tern, any itylo or made to order by the Mall Trlbuoo blnderr. JAPANESE I'llKSBINQ rAULOnf Btoam and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction Runruulucd on nil work. Cents' cutta urcsied. Spcclnl attention to ladlrj' allka, laces nnd cloves. Goods called for and delivered. Ill N. Front St. Phono l-'G. Ill FOU BALE Span iniilca, hnrnesa and waxon. Quo hundred dollars Phono 1CF11. Addrcu C. Carey, Talent. FOH BALK Three ru;tterod A. J Kradu Jersey cows. John IJ. Hair. Koruo Itlver, Or. 124 FOIl BALK Furnlturo ror ulx-room hotuc, cemplete: only ued five vtcckh. riiouo 703. 10 FOIl SALi: Order your nprlcoU now from J. w. Klrkpatrlch. l'liono 6'J1-JL'. 101 roil BALK Ono 10 horsepower pas ollno engine. International make) been used about ono month; good as new; for sale at a bargain. WP'lam Ulrlch, Medford. Or. FOIl SALi:Thrco registered A. J. U. C. Jersey cowa and two high grade Jcmcy cows. John 11. Hair. Itoguo Illver, Oro. 124 FOU BALL ISC tiers of dry plno wood; price $1.75 por tier if 20 tier or more uro tukeu; single tier, $2 per tier. Mrs. W. A. Jones. Mcdford. It. F. U. Nd. 2. or J. M. Under, Phoeiilx, Or. IOC FOU 8ALK--Motorcclo, Indian. 2 speed, well cqulpied. extra tires. $225. Jordan Uros., Ashland. 12S .-Oil BALK AH my thoroughbred Jomey cows. M. Walsh, 11th and Holly. Phono 312. IOC FOU SALK Lcttor heads and rancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish st the Malt Trlb'ino. FOU SALK Puro bred Jersoy cow, 3 curs old, gciitlu and good milk er, J linen Tiros., Capital 11111. near reservoir. Phono 01S-X. FOU SALK Cheap. Imported Per choron btulllon, can bo seou at K. F. Smith's stables, Ashlund, Or. 12S FOH SALE Plrst-clnss nlfnUu hay, freo from woods; price $10 per ton. Phono 403-R2. 105 FOU SALE Young cow. 3-4 Jersoy. $05, on ranch near Phoenix sta tion. John ll. Lyons, Phoeiilx, Or. HELP WAXTEI VKMAT.K WANTED A woman for general bousowoik In country; good plnco mid regular. Address Hox 44. Mull Tribune. 104 WANTED Elderly lady to caro for tbreo children through the day. Address Mrs. 0, C. Heard. It. P. 1). No. 1, box 122. 10G WANTED Girl gor general house work. Mrs. T. W. Hanunll, pliono CU-Ill. 104 HELP VAXTKD MAMS WANTED Two boys to pick apri cots. 305 Portland nvo. 1013-X. WANTED A good, rollublo man to hulp with chores around small furm; one who is not uhlo to do day's work; will pay well for such korvlco. Address Hox 29, It. F D. No. 2, Central ol'lnt. 107 WANTED -25 inuu for work on ' louds lu Crater Luke national park, 8 hours day, pay $2.50 a day. Apply ut park to Will (1. Bteel, superintendent. Auto btuiio loaves Frlduy. WANTED SITUATIONH WANTED-Hy lady with two chll ilitn, intuition ns lioiuekeoper. J'cr piitlculiirs mldrcss Mis. K llommr, (Hunts Puss. Or. Itoiilo 1, Uvi 03, m 1013, '" "I ' ''" '-vfc f I , -t "" - I ' WA.vri;i MiHCKi.iiA.-inouB WANTKO To buy n good fecoud bund Ford car. K. J. Homier, euro Malt Tribune. 105 WANTKD To cxcliango big hay mare for cow. Phono C91-H2. 110 WAKTHD Position on small ranch for man anil wlfo. Address C, euro Mali Vrlbunc. JO 1 WANTED A nicely furnished bouse, must have four or flvo bedrooms. Geo. A. Mausflcld, Prospect, Or. 110 WANTED To buy a sccond-hnnil safe. Address P. O. Hox C78. WANTED To bny a 2 3-1 or 3-Inch wagon. A. Myers, 822 South Oak dale. 101 WANTED Standard upright piano. Address Hox 122, care Mull Trib une. 10S WANTED Good team horses must bo - gentle, sound and young, weight 2C00 to 2300. E. F. Guth rie. It. F. J). No. 2. Medford. or phono 232, Jacksonville. JX)ST LOST At Isis theater or on way homo on South Central avenue, Friday night, ladles' gold watch wlth name "Dora" on Insldo of case. Holttrn to Isis theater and got reward. 105 LOST A baby's wbl'o crcalo hat, octweon micm ami ucuroru. Mall to 522 W. 1th St. 102 LOST II row n curly pup, 2 months old, vicinity of St. Mary's acad-t-m, children's pet; reward. Phono 915-J. 105 LOST From Sterling. July 6, ono bay horse, weight 1.100; 1 dark bay mare, weight 1000; branded "F. S." left shoulder. A suitable reward for Information that will lead to tho recovery of same. I. H. Hamilton, Central Point, Or. 104 FOIl KXCIIAMF. FOU TUADE Unincumbered real , estate in Klamath Fulls and vi cinity to trado for u mercantile buslucss in Modferd: block must bo clean nnd desirable and can rup up to $20,000. Address P. O. Hox 317, Klamath Falls, Or. 107 FOIl SALE Oil THADK Small fruit, garden and berry tract to real farmer or gardener; might take lot or small prorty for part. Also pear tract for close in bungalow. 11. 11. II. FOR SALE Oil TRADE Ono Thom as CO, 4-c) Under 7-Kisseuger unto, I cualn drive, new tires all areund: A No. 1 car for livery or Crater "Lake route; or will leaso to ro sponsible party to run on livery No. C09 10th st. MONEY TO IOXH MONEY TO LOAN On city ud closo In ranch proporty. C. A. McArtbur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C8. HUS1NKSS DIUECTOltY Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AH 8TRACT CO., No. C South CentraL Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornojs-rt-Law. Rooms 8 uud 9, Medford National Hunk bldg. A. E. REAMES, h YER Corey bldg. -Garnott- W. J. CANTON Attomoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main uruet, Medford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg Gcorgo M. RoborU COLVIO & UOllEUTS. LAWYERS Medford National Hank HuIIiIIuk. Accotiuums D. R. WOOD Ooneral Accountant Your books audited and kept tor a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Tribune bldg; pbouo GG1; real (lonco phono 594. -,-;.-;gr,v7.r-T Tmssos Aulo ftuppllr. LAHER AUTO BPR1NU CO. Our big secret in making springs Is the (oiuperlug. We Are operating tbo larpwt, oldest ami bust equipped plant In the I'urlflo northwl, Use our sprlutss when other fall, Hold under giiuruutw, no North Flf Iwuth H., Portluud, ore. PATrE JflVW.' r .0 m0 By "Bud" Fishci '4H eopeAfir to sreift JIU.SI.NKSH DIUKOTOltY Auctioneers WILLIAM ULIIICII Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 1C1-J. Office Jack son County Hank building. - - Chiropractor OIL It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor,' ncrvo specialist. Itooms 203-204-205 Garnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massago given: nccdla spray, bead nnd shoulder shower lu connection; adv'co lit dietetics, medical gymnastics, bydropthcrapy. Lndr ntteudnnt. Phono, office- 94C, rcsldenco 571-U hit. A. It HEDGES. Dr. Louisa E. Hedges Mcchanq-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylotboraplsts. These systems, including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, bydro-tberaphy, etc., produco results in both acute and cbronlu diseases. Consulta tion freo. 230 North Dartiott St., next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other bears by appointment. Phon il7-J. i 1- -' ' ' Garbage GARDAGE Get your promisee cleaned up for tbo winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service Phone C25-L. F. Y. Allen. Dentist DR. W. M. VAN SCO Yob DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnctt-Corey bid?., suite 310, Mcdford. Ore. Phone 856. Notary I'ubllc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Drlng your work to me at the sign of the Mall Tribune. 1'rJuters uml I'ubllaDcrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped prlutlns offico in Eouthern Oregon; book binding, looso lent ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland pricos. 27 North Fir St. l'lisiclans and Rurgvoua DR. P. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic ph)!cians, 41C-417 Garnott-Coroy bldg.. pbouo 103C-L. llcsldonce 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE B. LOCKWOOD, M. D Practlco limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, office S14-J-2; ros., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested nud glasses supplied Offico 228 East Main Bt.. Hours 8:30 a. ni. to 8 p, in, Phone, E. 11. riCKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Hank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone C8-R. DR. MARION PJiyalclati nnd aur gcou. Stewart bldg., cornor Main and llartlett sts.; offico pbone 27, resldenco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. DARHER Physi cian end surgeon. Office Pains block, opposite Nash IIolol. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phoue 110-J, DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon, phonos, offico 30, resl denco 721-J, Offico hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. V. W HOWARD Ostooputblo physician, 303 Oarnott - Corey building. Phone 904-M. It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Over Hutchison & Luins den, 215 E. Main St. Phoue 77. Stenocruplurs ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work douo quickly and woll. TraHfrfer EADB TRANSFER & HTOUAOK CO. Office 10 South Fir St. Pfcoe Sic. Prices right- iVvryle Kur snteed, i. , ii,, .-.i t ', ,v : h,.: jirxsamemmmim ' Veterinary Hurt DR. MUKJI A V? VMTKK1KARY WtfR.' OEU.N, KidHte at the AhmkUs Vfterlnnry C . T, QRy, Offl Nk Urwy IW. fUm n i . r