HlllMlHll TV , til ,', i ,k-K i ' . -Vi-" r ; !MEDFORD MATTJ TRTBTOTC, MEDFORD, OKFOOX, "SVEDNIWOAY, .TVTjV 211, 101.'). J r i i . Medford Mail Tribune yyy,1 iVMh'V"' u """ AN tfTfiBPKNPrcNT NEWRPAI'KU miBUHIIUIJ KVKIIY AFTKllNOON XGIJI'T HUNDAY 11Y TUB MKDFOIlD l'MNTINQ CO. . Th Democratic. Times, Thn MciHord Hall. The Medford Trlhune. The Houth rn OrcRonUin, The AslilAml Trlhumv, OfflCM Mail Trlbunn IIulMInc, 35.J7-M North Fir streets telephone 75. Official Vnpft ot the City of Mciltord. Official i'apcr ot Jnckiion Count)-. QROR013 PUTNAM, Editor and Manager A NEGLECTED RESOURCE. Entered nil necand-clngs matter nt Ifeitfnrd, Oregon, undor the act ot Mnrch Z, 1BT9. tTBSCRUTIOH XA.TEB. One your, by m.ill 5,00 On month, by mall, .(0 Per month, delivered by carrier In AifHiioriL dacKiunvin anu v.cn- Poll trat Int. Pnturdiw onlv. liv mall, tier yer. Weekly, per ycr 1.60 .Efl S.co MIS HOLDS A E ON MTTl.K ROCK, Ark., July 23. Arkansas is today holding n special election to dcct n governor to servo Uio unexpired term of Governor Joo T. Robinson, recently elected United States senator. Judge George W. llnys of Camden is tlio democratic llomlneo niul his election was gen or ally conceded aa Arkansas Is strong ly democratic. Harry II. Myers Is Uio republican nominee and George V. Murphy, former attorney general and democratic leader. Is Uio pro- grcsslvo candidate. Today's election brings to an end ono of Uio most remarkable political periods In Uio history of Uio state. In tho last six months Arkansas has had flvo I'liltcd States senators and four governors. Tho death of Unit ed States Senator Jeff DAtIs last January caused It nil. J. N. Hciskell was appointed by Governor Donng hoy to succeed Davis. V. M. Kav annugh was then elected by the leg islature to serve out tho unexpired term of Davis and finally Joe T. Robinson, who had Just been oletod governor and had entered upon his term of office was clctcd United States senator for the six year term Davis had been tho primary nomi nee to succeed himself and his death left tho assembly freo to act. RECORDS of (ho Growers' association at Hood "Rivoi; show that 105) carloads of strawberries wore shipped from Hood "River this spring, and twelve carloads of cher ries, all of which realized good prices. Records of t eliRnllatup Co-operative Exchange show hundreds of carloads of berries, principally logan berries, profitably handled, mostly canned or dried. So do the books of the Cqi'vallis and numerous other fruit associa tions. Records of tho "Puyallup Co-operative Exchange show loads of berries or cherries shipped, scarcely enough raised to supply local demands, and yet the valley is admirably equipped by nature for berry culture and as fine fruit raised here as anywhere on the globe.. Rerries are one of many crops local producers are ne glecting, to their own and the country's loss. ' There are ahout 7UUU acres of so-called desert, land, on which any kind of a berry yields abundantly, which is supplied by "water and yet which is untouched. The resources and possibilities of the valley will never bo realized until this land and other land is under profit able cultivation. Any crop must be raised in quantity M mako its marketing possible and profitable and the land aim water are here in any quantity. HOMEPARTICIPATION IN FOREST CtyiL Herry culture means work and there are too many people hero who don't like work or rather it is so easy to make a living that they won't work more than thev have towhich is mighty little. The vcxt of the f iim tlmv loat, talk hard times and euss the country in village fash ion. The valley needs a colony of Italian-Swiss or other peo ple who are not afraid of labor to make neglected regions bloom with the flower of industrv that fruits into prosperity. 16,000 to 18,000 Less Cars of Apples This Year Than Last ALASKA RAILROAD BILL IN HOUSE WASHINGTON, July 23. Repre sentative llryan of Washington In troduced In tho hotiso. today Sena tor I'oludoxtcr's bill providing for tho government ownership and op eration of the railroads and coal mines of Alaska. Us features in cludes a regulation of the hours of labor and profit-sharing plans for employes in tho mines and drastic regulations to prevent private Inter ests gaining uuduo ndvantago in the o'ovclopment of tho mineral resources of tho territory. PORTLAND. Or., July 1C There in going to bo a largo applo crop not as largo as 1912, but considerably larger than 1911. An analysis of the reports at hand shows a prospect of 9 1.10 per cent less of an apple Total crop this season than last, or 10,000 to 155,000 cars below 1912. A summary ot the condition In tho Pacific or "box applo" states shows a decrease In every state except New Mexico. Colorado ..., Utah ,. J'lilUU 'a California rt.........w Washington 10,095 Cars Cars 1912. 1913. 3,100 2.300 S00 G00 1,200 900 . -ICO 300 -l,060 1,200 2.10 1,810 0095 S.27S P.C. 1912 73 73 7f. 10 SI Cars de- . urease. S00 S00 300 ISO 2.S0O filO 1,917 New Mexico In. f.777 fiOO 1,200 200cr'soC00 '2.79.-1 1C.C1SAV.73 C.177 4.. ...(. .f 4 4 "An Unnamed Topic" SHOWN IN MOVIES PAWS, July 2.'1. Parliamentary lifo in Paris is to lie shown on tlio "movies" ns tho result ot successful negotiations between n lending firm of film makers nutl the French gov ernment. Permission was todny of ficially given for tlio Inking of ft f?eiios of piofures hliowing tlio vnr iitiis stages of debates in (Bo Cham ber of Deputies and tho Senate, mid tho'U'gMalors displayed much nnxicty to figure on tlio films. Tho pictures hIiow thu empty benches in tho morn ings, the nrriva1 of the legislators, a Onxuii or so deputies, discussing lnws rtffecliug the whole of France, tbu Holemn nrrivnl of tlio president, lifo in tlio lobbies, a stormy nfleniooii session, and tho thronged refresh ment bar, (Prom the Ashland Tiillngu.) Wc aro reminded by an cdltorhl in ono of tho vnlley papers tinder dalfl of tho 17th Inst, of a subject which wo purposely avoided under the topic, "What tho Matter With the noguo Illver Valley?" In our edi torial series Just completed. Wo wroto broadly of tho wholo valloy, not of a particular and infinitesi mal spot. In tho discussion wo. han dled only subjects of a somewhat ex tended Influenco and scopo, and tried to arold small and narrow topics. Had wo written on "What's tho Mat ter With Fir Street, or a Fractional Lot Hetwcen tho Alloy and tho Hotel on Fir Street?" wo could havo Just ly stated, "Tho Tribune, That'o What's tho Matter With Fir Street," but In discussing broad topics, to In; Joct pinched and narrow thing, not understood beyond tho bcok of Its immediate presence coutd havo but the effect of confusing. Hnd wo written on tho tplc, "What's tho Matter With tho Tri bune?" wo could havo rightly said, "Putnam, that's what's tho mattor with tho Tribune," but In writing on a subject as broad as (ho Itogiio rivor valley, or ao tho city of Medford. or aa tho newspapent of the valley, or on nny topic broad enough lo extend beyond tho four walls of tho Tribune building, to mention olthor Putnam pr tho Tribune would havo been but to deal with mntters foreign to In-, telllgcnt readers, except It bo to thoso who go always armed with a microscope, for Its Influenco Is pos sible of rovclatlon only within the field of such n glass. However, had wo Intended to deal with' a loplc as wldo and high as Its egotism, wo shoilbl havo been forced to ndvert to empires, spheres, planets, worlds, yea, even of tho universe, and (hat topic was too big for tho occasion. Could sonio things bo bought, for what thoy nro worth and sold for what they think they aro worth, coast land exploiters could bo mado to look llko thirty cents. Indeed, tht most flagrant nnd brazen graft In comparison would look llko n phi lanthropic donation. Hut they can not, nnd so tho matter drops. However, was Putnam's and tho Trlbuno's sphcro of influonco wider than It Is it would Indeed amount to a calamity. For what petty Jealousy ever wrankles In his bosom that ho docs not attempt to turn Into n corn- unity feud? Or what xchcino In thero, dark and rank enough to pon otrato his calloused brain, that ho does not clotho with glory and on duo with artificial light to mako tho worst appear tho hotter part? And It must bo admitted ho has ability In (hat lino, oven though ho acts so much a borrowed part, for half those golden sentences "that jilay such wanton gambol with tho wind" were formed in older pates that now llo mouldnrlng In the sepukber. DANGEROUS FIRES ARE CHECKED BY THE RAIN 1 " Tho rain Tuosday evening mado an nnd to flvo forest fires near Medford that threatened to bo destructive Ono of tho fires, tho most dangorous, was In Ashland canyon and was re ported at headquarters at Medford Tuesday by Forest Itangor S. A. Mooro who with a number of Ashland moil fought the firo. Tho others wore near tho Crater Laka forest, about rosjH'ci near 1110 wn; crcoi; nnicnory Jnd received the attention of tho ackson County Flro l'atrol associa tion. Kovcral othur small fires wore ty'ported on tho east sldo of tho Can-. Mile) near Pelican Hay, Tlio fires nro (N first of the sciuott am) wont slurU JA by I ho (ilettrlcul storm Monday mi In , 1 E LATEST INVENTION LONDON, July 23. A telcphono for lovers, called the Wliisperplione, was grunted n patent here todny. In appearance it resembles tho oidiiutry 'phone, but the mouthpiece is dcqici' nud tho bashful lover who formerly ii.ireu not iisi; 11 Angelina loved mm its much us oyer, for fear of tho ridi ojilo of his office colleagues, run now snfcly whisper sweet nothings, know ing thai, in the cup there is 11 little spiral coil which will iiivr lo his most subdued tones, fuejilciiliilly (liu Instrument will ho valuable 'for liusi. hush men tho Hud themselves com pelled to iHmuihk confidential nallcr-i In jiubUn 1 linens, With Medfoid trudo la Medford made. PACIFIC MAIL SUES NEW YOItK, July 23. A suit to recover 800,00u damages by tho Pacific Mall Htcnmshlp company from tho Panama Hallroad company Is on fllo In tho United States dis trict court hero today. Tho petition alleges two lingo cranes belonging to tho defendant collapsed and wrecked tho steamer Newport, owned by tho plaintiff. John A. Perl Undertaker iM&y Assistant. 2 h, nMtTMrrr I'Iioiicn l, -17 Mini 'I7.J.'J AiuhulitnM) HcrrJu Deputy (Jorouur WAtMUNUTON, July i!:.-To glvo settler and other local timers Jnrgcroice in notional forest nd niinistrnlinn, Secretary of Agricul ture Houston has just promutgatcd 0 new regulation which goes into effect at once, providing 0 menus ly which the forest riorvlco may s.viteniatlc nlly t'twopertltn with dnlv orgnnked nsMiclnttoiK of such uirs. Any iti.xoelattim -whoMC members include 0 majority of the local resi dent making itt of the iinlionul fur cs(s may get together and "elect 11 committee, to meet with the loeul for est officers. This, committee will he recognised in an ndvisorv capacity ill settling nneMioiw which may ntise between the forest service and the puhlio in the e of the foteiK Nothv. To members ot Crysnnthomnm Cir cle, o. 81, W. ofW.: You nro re quested to pay your dues not latnr than Mondnyt July 23th, as I leave for Portland on the 29th. KATIH'ltlNH WAITK. Clork ot W. of W. St, Helens Hall I'llllTI.AM", OhkIon Koitdnt)!ind Diy ddhool for Girls r,.i In rtmn-por HMfm ft HI,.toliii 1UI, ir.nitil IMIIijUJ.. Alt'Wnl' nJ Xliinlrr liilmimn Wml. Atl, Wil(n, vn.il j Atl,U,illi Iclinx, ilnlituiu, 1 VfMUIiMii Wrt" itirisKMit tJri'infiol!,otfi.2l Sfl.ll.lWU ui , ' . 'DOW DID 'Tllll ntltl) TliAT" ICN)V Ppou tho decision of tho publisher rests tho success of this store. It has umpired wlthunt Tutor foi' yearn. ,rn WX)OD 11)' the Tier, Cotl dud" Uarlnln. VAI.I.IJV FHKIi POMPANV Tolopliono 7(h Fie niul West Hmmul Hiicflt. JH" ,m"i"".to With Medford trado Is Medford ma do. Willi Mcrifonl Trado H McIfonI .Made Phono us your orders for Milk, Cream, Butter, and Buttermilk. OL'U STMOTfY Flll-II IIUT TICIl IITk: PHU KQPAltH Our 111011 CIIADK Ico cream will plcaso )ou. Sold In iiuuntlttcs f 2 gallons nnd up. Wo have our own twlco-a-day de livery. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY Phono 208 Willi Medford Trade ti Medfnn! Mail-1 4,.. ,!- A UlTl a i)KCini:i) urn t'o In Hn.'ip tint lilulmeut. It "scores'' Tor stiff Jolnlii nnd muscles, and Is giving every other remedy a "run for tho ninioyri0c. Witch Hiunl makes a "homo run" ror hard Mocks and Humps. Cotton limiting-. (Snuro "Tlio MwectnesB of low prlcn sel dom cijuals tho bltterilp.ni of poor quality." HASKINS FOR HEALTH Mcdfrtrd, Ore. f, ciiiMitttr. "ml5rt)tijdTA(6. INSEPARABLE! Jt you wiui t tho bread oti luiku to bo the. iiinsl dollclouit nud iiumt wliolesiinin of any, Just remember thnt for good bread ou should uso Drifted Snow Flour The two aro lnnepnrable. Tho uio of Drifted Hnow luenAn eoiitdutcd ilC(Hss with jour baking It means (IPAIIANTICI'I) HITCCCHH. Any tlmo .ou aro displeased with tho results obtained rrotit Drilled Hnow Flour. Just iiend tlio sack hack to your grornr and rorMvo buck tho full purchase price. Wo stand be hind him. Ailc for Drifted' 8nnw when ynu order ngalii. Spcrry Flour Co. Tncoma, Wash. 4llWMtWIMIW WHERE TO GO TONIGHT THE, PAINT SHOP Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Wall Papor For your Tinling, Painting and Paper Hanging Seo J. H. FIRES I'll 11 I 1 ill mi tmMtmmm ilSTHOTRE IMirtteJ l'la Vlusdrti' mid Wellli'pHihty PATH II WMKICIiV NO. ttl , Tllll WIJMi lllogmph Drama HWHH.MIV AND. 'tllll I'AIUV Hullg Comedy ItKAU (llt'.MMIJIi AND HIM llltllll! IMUon Comedy Coining Tluirsiluy Tllll .WVININO HAND Coining Pihlay Tin: Tit.wmnv ot. mo kaoi.ii min'i: An Indian CIiihnIo In Two Iteobi STAR THEATRE TODAY aETTYSKURG REUNION PICTURES THE QUICKSANDS Two-IiVi1 hoaturu Propriotor Phono 243 J 32 S. Central Avo. .v5& v r 1 iiv . Bfr(l,j AX IXVKST.Mr.XT IX A DIAMOND Iteqtilres careful though nnd tho proper roufldenco In firm, to warrant nhxoluto satisfaction. To unto tho proper comparison you iniibt Inspect them from a Inrno and well selected stork, such as I am ablo lo show. In thU way you becomo thoroughly fa miliar with values and fool assured of safo and economical buy ItiB throuch my binding Kuarnnteo. .. '.jj( J I'luo Watch and Jen dry llopalrln. .MKDIOIH), OKKCOX MARTIN J. REDDY THK JI'WKMT. Dlitiiiiind KelHui: and I'll KrnvliiK Done Hero Xcac I'oslnfflfo MODERN LOOIIINVAR 'rilMllllOUHPI' Cniiil'ilv WOOLWORTII Si WOOLWORTH .Music and KflVels Admission Always 10 Conts Grace Josephine Brown Tho Art of Hlnulinc Unliable for Concert niul Church Ilcnldenro Ktmllo fjor W.-.1 .Main Ht. Phono IK.I Come In and See TheSpecial Offer Until August 1st. miniHBi;B0imiiffiartfl?sffis!iffiffiffita JOHN DEERE SPREADER The Spreader with the Beater on thA Axle l The Simplest Spreader Made PF jS& B f fT. v-pTo Clutches No Chains AimOWmi g ij!&pf 1 yur'TcM, i, J totter Bearings i W g -5S- LA PaSy t0 LOaa Ught Draft g jtun utm jmm n-i M I Draperies W. carry a vnrr rnmnlptn tin of ilrnpcTli'ii, lp eurlnliia. fUlurfji, nln.. suit iln h1 cliinMi nt tiiiliulnUrlMH A htIa tri.tli to look Mflrr IIiIm work eiolimlvrly and will kivo rm irood itvIi' urn nnmillila lo Kt In aynn Ida lti-t clllm. Woolen & McQowan Co. E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commorciai Club 'Amatoni' I.iiiiHli iiiR Post Cai'dn Panoramic Vork Portraits Iitoriorand oxturior viewn Flash lightn i j m Nuirativcs mado anv timo and any placo by appoint-mont. Entirely New . . Nothing Else Like It TnE JOHN DERRE SPREADER Tho Hprcader urtlh the Heater, on the Axle 1 an much of an' Improve ment in unreadur mnnufactUrins as tho aclf-blndcr waa over thd old reaper. It la mado along entirely new and different linen from tho ordinary Hprcadcr. Tho first manure aprcader over made wan built In 1878 by tho Kemp & Ilurpoo Manufacturing Company. Up to tho tlmo of tho John Deero Spreader every spreader has been mado oloni the mmo tionernl linen un this first machine. Power wan takon from ono ond ot tho main axlo and tranHinlttod, either through chiilnn or t'ears, to tho boater, mounted abovo und lit tho rear of tho axle. Heretofore tho only Improvement In manure spreaders elnco tho first onft was mado in 1878 haa been In tho refinement of dotalw. Tho John Doero Spreader In n radical departure fr6m tho old method p( conutructlotr. It l:i mndo nlon entirely new linen and ia a Breatjmnrovcmcnt ovur1 tho old Htyjo spreader. Como In nnd oxamlno tho mnchlno and you will readily boo why tho John Dcero Spreader hi bo for sujwrlor to any spreader horetoforo constructed. Even if You Don't Need a New Spreader Now S!n "rfe0 conuh" '"B5;? of articles on why farm manuro should bo usod on tho land, how It should ho applied, how It should ho stored, tho value and effect of using it In varlotw wsyrf. In addition thero In n detail description of tho John Dceru Spreudcr with iUustrutlons In color 61 this 'spreader working In tho field. Better Investigate .. It's Worth Your While HUBBARD BROTHERS, Medf ord A. W J . Jt JU, i i mwnmm)immmmmwmmwmm!BmmMmm 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Hill' 'll'!itll n n I mnf mmwm 1"'t:: M$& hotc in the Citv. RunniriH drilled ice water in each room. European Plan, a la Curio Cnfc. i Tariff on Room 12 rooms - $1.00 each GO rooms . 1.80 each fiO rooms 2.00 each CO rooms frtih ftlnto lilti 2.00 oaeh BO room with wiitit bath 2.60 each 30 lultef, bedroom, par. lor and bath 3.00 each For more thin one uuoit add $1.00 intra to the abovo ratss for each additional guett. Reduction by wecU or month.' Mannjtmint Clifll' Y, Kullty mrjm-KmvHrirrMznirM F.G.ANDREWS , lmu of drill uud Hlulug Uouuk fy