Anyway, the Higher Berths -if . --rrar. - r J tSitAU,i TSttSMWi ., rne' 1 1 r YlAS, TM1 IJ. UvJIl, 3CCtOM ttl&MY HCttlT. SOMBCKVVl To .J I! l t ai .a 7 El -"! icu "' , r" .' 1 iittww.'fM ' ST ji'W j'S&ii k v SW I ai-iiw . . mllhk 4s' ' - USE BAnLESHIPS . ItOMi:, .Inly ::'.- Ily uu iinlr fur luiilly iiliniMiliri'il loility by llin M lu Ixttn of Miirlnn, Itiily imvi;x tlio tioliltii nf uhiil In do nlth illnninU i'il liatlliwlili, ami alio pomillily, what In 1I0 lth Hut I'lillro tuny, kIiuiiIiI unrlil'Wlilo illiMriiiaiiioiit owr ciuiif. An flint in llin wirlil ho riinut loo iintliiiiiliil (nr tiuiilurn im iil hid, limy will liiiitxifliir ln kIvcm ii I In' N11II111111I llorliii) Tor llin ('uro nf 'I'lilicrriilnr I'lilliltmi nf Italy ami ItH inloiiliit. 'I'liK mirli'ty pliuiK to ruflt Hit war irMi Into liiwiiltiiU ami kIw iIiimii I'lirtiiamuit niirluniiKu nut only aliotit (liif iiMint of Hal), lint utf Hid ioiinI In ivluttowr part or tlio worlit ItaN Ihii ioIoiiIiw ar to ! fniiml. Oilier will ho iim'i) an iriilnliiK holtalri for thom of I ho InvalhU who ni-i'il Mich (iriiihiiint. Tho iirtlnil loilny of tlui Hallaii I'.oviiriiiiH-nt In i'.Miik Itn roimont U Um nmilt of a iroiaKimtu In that vtiil hi'Kiin at Hut Inti'rnatlntiht Con ;ri'M of v;lvne lii'lil at Itoino taut " . . 1 . . NEW BUNCO GRAFT HAN rilANCIHCO, Cl , July 22. Alluituil iiullro iirotuctlon of a im nnil liiiiuii rliii:, icimrtucl In i'rci'i In vrlonNiiiNH tlio :iiiU,onn Italian :uiik rrrnully lupoiii'il, In to ho nmiln tlm Hiilijftt of a Mi'iirclitiiK Iiim'uIIkh tlon. It wim iiiuimiiirml hern toilii), hy llin Kruiiil Jury, tho pullt'o rom iiiIhuIoii ami Nlmrlrt Altoinuy Cliun. M. IMflnTt. l-'li'lii'rt ami IiIm uIiIoh otartcil worKIni; on tlio ciuu )o(oriluy. iiml K!ilii(ii'iuiH will Im unrx'il loilny on ixChlir or rollco Martin ami Mill ard Dnxhury, an ullimu iihhiiIioi' of MU'wl KiiinhllnK ttliilm. t'li'ltort oiwnly rharKi'H Hint tho Waldorf dub In tho haiiKont for a hiiuk or hiuiro nnil, JiimI an tho mIooii at X, 1 1 llroiuhvay hero wim tlm rcmluzvoiiri of Mlku (lullo, IViiITk Dnholrt and Miiiirlrn Do Martini nnil thulr iihmo clHtoM. Dnxliury. DUlrlct Attorney I'U'ki'it nii)H. Iia adiultlml that tho Itatohllni; ilulm pay a fixed amount rueli mouth to tho polko for pro tt'VjIon. . KNOCKS AnANT DOWN AND OUT WITH WngNCH ( H KLAMATH I'AM.H, July 'i'i -Tho Intent dovnlopiuiiul In tlio Aranl Hlmilu Cralur lak ouihriiKllo wait a porttonul ourouutor hatwoou Mr, A runt iiml Mr. I'urUiurat ot tliu (Vator Lko nnvolopiiiout roinpiiny ut Fort Klnin nth thin nrtiTiHiiin which omlud wlioit thu, Inttnr ntniok tlio forinur suporln taudout of tlm national purlc nvor tho hend wllli u wrotirh liifllctliiK a unr Iiiiih Hcnlp wound nnil for which lin will luivo to nimwur in tho noxt ueu iiliiu of (ho fmloial court. According to tho report brought liino touluht tho two 1111111 K)t Into uu urguimiut ovor tho ujoolloii of Arnut from tho national park hy U. H, Muri Khul J.omIIo Krott and whim A rant warmly uphrnldm! both Hcott nml Htculo ParUhumt onruKud Hprani; up on liliu. In tho inltlHt nf tho conflict l'aililiiirul Holzud an auto wrouoli and nl ni i!k hht oipoii(int down, Park IniiHt cliiliiiH llin blow wuv Htruolc In Holf'diifoiiHo wlillo Arnut ilooUron ( win aiHnult wllh atliiiiipt o hill, HlinrlaloiH of tlio affray look I'nrk litirnt nwoy and a warrant fur IiIh ar rent vll probably by ugd (vmorruw, F HOSPTALS 1 BE N D WW i w ?'. Khr, & COURT HOUSE NEWS .MnrrhiKt Mii'iixifi. ft I', IIiiiiiiiiiiihI ami I'liiii'liii I'luki. Kail H v ami Mao Coriiiu. W, It Nyiiwaiur ami l.l..lo WorkH, I.kwIh ('IiiIhHiiii ami Maudo Itiinmi. HifiirKo IMward Hiaham ami All mi r. Hrako. dim N'lrlmU nml I'imrl ilmlth. Mlkn Ktittfii ami I'lorouco Hinlth. ('. J. Ilrowu ami Marrh Klunild. Havld A. Hmltli ami Mary Admin. N'l'W t'llM'K. Ann. i Cola (it nl n. T. A HinwN, il al. Acllini at law. Mat-Coin- plaint Mini. Hniiiniuiin. I'. M. Amy . 1'oru 15. Oardur, it nl. Ailloii ut law. Complaint (Hud: iiiiiiiiioiirt IhniilmI. A. fi. Vrotuaii mi. Dulln H. Cluiu out. Artlou In riM'ovnr monoy. Com plaint (lli'il; nfflilinlt am) umlorlak Iiik (or atlarhuiKiiti inrtlflrnto filed. Martha J. Muldoou vn, J. It. Wrlitht, ot al. Hull to forcoluto morlnaito; rumpUInt filed, I'rnlmti! Omrt. Ill tho mattiir or tho cut ate nml KiinnllniiHlilp or HoIdii M. Hrott. (liorj;u W. Scott, Jr.. I'lto II. Soll. and Idn Nolo Ki-ott, inlnorri. Order nppolutliiK Ceorr.' W. Kcotl in Kuardlau. lit tho matter of, tho fHtato of John Mi'Ardlo, ilrnmoil. Inventory nml npprnlHMiiunl (lied and approv ed. In tho iiiattur of tlm ol:ilo of Au Kuntiirt Mooro, deretiMcd. Imetitor) nml iippralKemeut filed. In tho mutter of thu Medford hum- her coiupiiuy, a corporation, vh. (1. V. Tiidkur. no Ike of lieu filed. lit tho mutter ot tho ratnto nml KiiardlniiNhlp of William Willis, an Incompetent. Citation to allow why a Kunrdlan nhould not ho nnnolntoil. In tho mattor of the enlnte of liuln K, I'arkhumt, dereaKed. Order alJiuirnliiK hoarliiK n UUchargo or niliiiliilHtrator until "AiiKiint 10. In tho mutter of tho pontine of cm Iray hy llentou HnworH. Trnimerlpt from Jiutlru'H docket, i:nt;lo Point dlbtrlct, IIiiihI of W. II. (lore iih (rviuiirur of county fair hoard, filed, cxauilu- ed ami uppnived, PINK RADER ENDS DUSH LEAGUE WITH HONOR Tho Pendleton Knut Orogoulau kIvch nu account nf Plnklo Itador'ri hngohall career that end ml In hht ao curliiK a poult Ion with tlio Chicago Whlto Scix. A portion ot tlio nrllclo Is na follewn: Don llndor, Pomlloton hoy who for tlio pnht two years has boon plnyliiR Inriotd poHltloiiH on tho local team of llin Wi'Htorn Trl-Htato IcnKiio, will loavu this ovouIiik for Chicago to Join tho Whlto Hox toam ot that city, a toloKram from O, A. Comlskoy nrg liiK that ho ho Kent Immndlatoly, Ha dor playtnl his Inat ttamo for Pondlo Ion ycHlonlay ami brought his local careor to a fltllm; coiicIuhIoii hy hat tlnir out a homoriin nu his Inst trip to tho plato. in addition ho dullvor od two nthor hlla ilurliiK tho Kanio. llndor's aliHouco from tho llmi-up will ho folt for ho hnu boon tho londliiK lilttor and run-Kottor of tlio Pontile ton club, llo Ih fast, 1ms a wonderful nyo both In tlm flqld and at hat nml Ih endowed with all tlio natural ro UiiUltcu of a hall player. In addition bo Is ii clean llvur and his friends prodlct that uudor export tutoliiKo ha will develop Into a player who will ho a crodlt to tlio compiuulty in which ho was raised. ALONG ROGUE RIVER There wan a ilniini at the Dclien Mcr (lni iiiiii'Ii Kaliiriliiy ulftlit. MIkh llnlthi I'l'iuio iviih vixiliui; nt lliitlo Fulls this week. (Iriiiiiliiin I'vucy ul' Klk otviU iiunt lWIliil-totefl0V"J " . w vufflar l'.i - a i ib- . l j j ivr t7 f II IV I. 1 iMH J ST , ' c.MKJ , 'Wfll u mmroRTJ math trtbunis, mpidfoup, omcnox, Tuesday, jltivV". 22, joi. Are Lower Ar-10 CKriTTo SttOH YOU Vv nn mu kid I'LL Lf?T Vmi slcci'on mg Uiwea (JGfCm I'D OVLU tMOUiH '- H 11 I 111 7 A, mm Yil J A x 77 yilili u eotiple of iIiiih with .Mr4, V. P. .Mnru'ini Ihiri weel,. Mr. ami Srn. .Iiidt KIimw-11 urn oicr fiion Fort Klamalli maklii; Iih'IhIh nml lelnliiiw i nlmrt iin!l. ' Mifhi'M Violii nml TIiiiinkii IVneu were KiieoU of Mioii Kulii nml libi HoiinIoii n few iIii.vm iifjo. loliu IIimikIiiii iiimlu it hip to tlm valley the first of tho week. .Mr. nml ,Mr. Klmer l)awnu were I'lriiiiint JHilnrM nl lux MHter'x, MrK. .Iiti KnjfKiliile of upper Trail. .Mo". Ililiam ami Klipi'l of Mcdfiinl are enjoying the kiml lio pilality pi' Mr. nml Mm, Cliatlex Hlierinau of upper Trail. Robert l.oni iiml ilauuhter. Mi I lleuttiee were in t'unlrnl Point IiihL eilllemluy. Horn .Inly !l to Mr. itiul Mix. Jolui WiiiniiiKliiiiii, uu eight pouml hoii. Air. ami "Mw. Clint Itii Fry of .Med foul are Mxmliiig u few tiny with Iht purenlH, .Mr. nml Alr. Warner nl Tntil. Mr. nml Mi'h. II. French ami iIiuil-Ii- tern Minhcit May ami Cora ealk'il nt II. Minler'n Moiiilny. Kumlav tlierv were mole riliiTineii tlilili llxlial on the river. It wiu Litliei the fine btcelheiul in Kwing's wimlnw in .li:ilfonl or tlio lovely iluv tlmt nniilii people (IhIi hungry, . K. lliiinintl nml iiuut. Mis. Sliiiriniin. W. 11. Cramlall nml him- tem, .Mi-h. Iliirrin nml Minx Ciamlall weie pionieking on (lit iier Suniluy. Robert .Minter hauled u ruttlvHiiaku in on hi first load of hay. Mr. Jaier lliiiiiinli iiml .Mrs. Tim Daily were pleawant eallern on Mix. Clnirlox Slierimm .Momlay muhl. Mr. nml Mrn. Frank Ca-tor, .Mar xlial mid Mi-H Myrtle Miuter hao (.'one to Hit' uioiuilaiiiK nliove I'nik Kie( to hKind (lie xuuiiuer. .Mid draco .ShoultH of Med furl weiil lip to Trail .Monday ! hpeml n few weeks. wild her aunt, Mrs .Mao Daw. .Mrs. W. CiinIiiiiiiii ami il.uibler Miss Kinmii of upper Trnil wero tiad iniriii IMliIif Point Tlinidiiv. I'muiiiirtioiiiiiT Smilli nml Mr. Chap- WHY? BECAUSE Wo havo n hearing orchard, ouo or tho best In tho valloy, must bo nold. 10, -0, ;iu acres. An lu como proposition. Soo mo. J. V. UAHN'KS, I'lrjt Xational ltank IIiiIMIuk. NEW TODAY An RO-auro hoiuostund, about l!0 ijilles from Medford, hut much n u ar il r other towns; all Kood frco boII, nml a lot of It tuiod farm laud: kooiI largo box hnuio, barn, chicken Iioiikoh and water piped from good Hprlnu: and urrniiRod with boso for spnoliiK and IrrlKiitliiK; four items lu crop ut prchont; lots ot kooiI tliu bor; just what you want and offered very elionp. Hood Iioiilo on tho east sltln lot (ilixaOO, nil kinds of youitit fruit, ami Kiinlou Htufr; if dry Bend buy ut jaooo; tonus on most or it. Home upIondlU offering for trade. Ouo tmpeclally consists of two clonr, woll built houses In Medford,' which tho nwuot' will oxcIiuiiko for a farm of about SO acres, with not too largo nu Inciiiiibrauco, i Property In southern California ami eastern )ieon to oxcIiuiiko for properly 'here. ' ' C. D. HOON Itnnm 13 Jncksnn County UinW bldg. 'olopliouo 103T-J VJ MOT'S --, ''V$ GET 'K-VO 7 ' .."Vf&J TO SL6CP f I'jr V yhJTof 'rfl '7-1 A T'4 l"''z?tfa 4 . ',.4 mail were tuterviutvmg Davo Peueo on Tliiirmluy. Tho mail ttnrk of dis tiii'lrt J'J nml 11 cIoiji thin week. Dale Peiioe has dour homo good iiml iiiiii'Ii needed work near Delieu fivr rreek. Wowill reini'iiiber .Mr. Peueo III! winter when wo liaiu u pniil roipl to trai el nodi-nd of the hlieky roud of the IiihI yenrf. Dr. Kinliedsncr miih calli'd t Ciuioiern near the Ferry 'Salurdn from Medfynj. BUTTE FALLS CarM'iiliirs WheeU-r mid Powers Hie bnildiiiK u nice new hotic foi Mr. Htetv.'irl wliieh he iutomls tuov iug into nt mioii us it ih completed. .Mr. nml Mt. Merle ltriiiuurd re turned from ('iillfornia, Satuiduy, oix or right month. .Mr. MeFnramll it friend of Ray Pnrker uiik hero viiliii'.' him last week. , Rov. I.iiiillilnil of Asliliinil Im-. been hero for tliu pii-d week lioldiut herviccH in the iicmhly hall. There is alwaxs it good crowd from town ami ThurMluy about all of Derby mine up to henr liliu. Ray Parker wlnhus been nt l.odgo Polo with l-A.-Vnjht"eaiiio down for it frw daw !nfil'week. W. S. Morrix mid fnmilv nnd Mr. nod .Mrs. H. F. MorriH Hitent Suniluy with Ihe Fii'U AimilV of Medford who nre camped nt Cnuip Hoyt .Mi'sh Rigius of F.tiglc Point U Nciiiling tho week with the Patten family mid helping Rev. Limllilml with his work here.' Mr. (Jallop who is nutting wood Miutli of tow iieamc In' Saturday to meet his wife. Nile-iiitcmK Kpeiidin the Miniinor here with him. Mrs. .lad. Doubleday cnute up Sat uiduy to stay with her Iiu.xlitiiul u few dnyu. KOIl ItlwYl UOUHIOl FOR HUNT 2 U "''Olson street, ?, looms and bntti, $12.50. Including water. Phono fi20 or uuo-h. I0.'i FOU KKNT S-riMiuicif modern bun galow, uoier occupied, all cou venluitceA. close in. 3-roomcd house, cluso In. J. T. Ilurus, 117 Jay St., phono 1C1-U. Off H. Oak dale. FOU IJKNT Ouo iiufurnlshed 0 room modem bungalow, ouo C room furnished bungalow, ouo 4 room house, rent cheap. Phono 104S-JU. 107 FOIt JtKNT Nicely ftirnlbhed five room bungalow, (no neighbor hood, on east side. ?1U,50. Phono 1018-51. "10-t lH)lt HKVi' FUK.virmm xioo.MH TOUUKNT FuVnlsliod woilis!" Vlio Cottage. CIH W. 10th St. 117 FOU HUNT Nlco cool rooms at thu "Coleiuau, 1005 W. Mulu. Phono, VCI-J, 120 FOU HKNT 1-nrgo sleeping rooms, nnd modern ltousokooplng apart ments, prices vory reasonable. Phono 102C-U 5(22 outh Holly street. . KOU ItKNT UOUSKKlCW'lNa ltOOMH FOu'"lti':NT SuihT'o't "nlcoiy fur ulslied homekcopluK rooms; bath; gas; lower floor, 759 AV. 11th. FOU ItKNVVUUNlHIIKIl AITS. FOUUHNT Furnlshod luiartmonts! Tho Ilurbon, 10 Qulnco st. TOU KUN't OKFlWa FOUMCNT LutrV, " coratQrtttble'oN flco rooms with olovator sorvlce, Btoam bout, hot and cnld water. Low rates. Anply Medford Furni ture & lldw, Co, FOU NA!,K HOUHKH FOU HAM-: 1,000 cash buys mod oru C room house, cost $1,800. Address Mull Tribune, "X M." 1X3 FOU 8AI.K llenullful nine-room bungalow nu corner It.irtlott and Jackson, for $30,00 per month without Interest, For Information call ut 430 North UurtloU tit ?"" ' " ..',. ,.3- I'OK ItKNT .MISCKMjAMIOUH KtHMd?NT"Ooo"a stock raticlu 2l0 acres to leaso for term of years. Inrpilro of Clark Itcalty Co., Mod ford. Oru. FPU HALK-UVNDB FOIt HAI.II- Homestead relinquish ment In Jacktoti county, liox 88, Trlh ii no. 101 FOIt SAM: lloinchteai! Improve ment, of 10 acres well underlaid with wntcr, Reed, crops, very cheap John Turrlll, Ilcagle, Ore. IOC FOIt SAM-; 20 neri-s nnd liberty; 20avre farm, 1 '4 acres lu alfalfa, 1 ',( neros meadow, rest lu tim ber, house, barn, two freili springs, oxclleul soil, 2 miles from Jacksonville. Or.; fCTK. Beo nt once Thos. II. H. llatnaway, 217 W. Main sL 103 I'on ham-: mikci-:m.ankouk Voir SAM: "t)iT "easy"" tefinsVfivo roiim modern liouse. gas range. C09 W. Jackfon. Phono .".'Jl-J. llii FOIt SAM-: Apricots. Be per lb., dollvored. I-:. J. llratney, phone !25-H. 109 POIt SAM-IJcrrlcs for canning. Call'lOCO-M, or Hooth 7, Public Market. 110 FOIt HAM: Horse, rail bo driven single nr double; nlto mule. In tjulro 1053 Court tt. 100 FOIl SAM: Looso leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo ot made to order by the Mall Trlbuue bindery. JAPANKSB PUKSSINC, PAHM)lt Stcnin and dry cleaning and dye work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Cants' suits pronwl. Special nttentlou to ladles' silks, lares and glovos. Goods called for nnd delivered. 114 N. Front St. Phono 12C. 114 FOU SAM: Span mules, harness and wagon. Ouo hundred dollars. Phono 1CF11. Address C. Carey. Talent. FOU SALE Thrco registered A. J. grade Jersey cows. John 11. Hair. Itoguo Itlvor, Or. 124 FOU SAM-: Furniture for slx-room house, cemplete: only used tlio weeks. Phono 7C3. 105 FOU SAM-; Order your apricots now from J. W. Klrkpatrlck Phono 501-J2. 101 FOU SAM: Ono 10 horsepower gas oline engine. International make; boon used about ono month; good ns nuw; (or sale nt a bnrguln. William Ulrlch. Jlodford. Oil. FOU RAM-:.Thrco registered A. J. C. C. Jersey cows nnd two high grade Jersey cows. John II. Hair, Hoguo Ulvor, Ore. 121 FOU SALK lStTtlers oV dry plno wood; price $1.75 per Her It 20 tier nr more tiro taken: sluglo tier, $2 per tier. Mrs. W. A. Jones, Medford. 11. F. 1). No. 2, or J. M. Under, Phoenix. Or. 100 FOU SALK Motorcycle. Indian. 2- Y speed, well equipped, extra tires, $225. Jordan llros.. Ashland. 128 .Oil SALK All my thoroughbred Jersey cows. M. Walsh, 11th and Holly. Phono 342. 10U FOU SALK Letter heads ana fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune. FOU SALK Pure bred Jersoy cow, it years uld, geutlo tind good milk er. Janes Ilroa,, Capital Hill, near reservoir. Phono 018-X. FOIt SALK Cheap. Imported Per eliorou stallion, can bo soon ut K. F. Smith's stables, Ashland, Or. 12S FOU SALK KirBt-clasa alfalfa liny, ft eo from weeds; price $10 per ton. Phono 403rll3. 105 FOU SALK Young cow, 3-1 Jersoy, $05, on ranch near Phoenix star Hon, John H, Lyons, - Phoenix, Or 1 1 KM WANTKI) FKM.YLH WANTKD- A woman for gcnornl housework lu ceuntry: good plnco nml rogiilar. Address Dux 4 1, Mnll Tribune. 104 WANTKI) -Kldorly ludy to earo for three children through tho day. Address Mrs. C. C. heard, It. F. 1). No. 1, hox is;. too WANTKI) (llrl Kor general houie work. Mrs. T. W. Hanimll, phono 01MU. W fVrr- WANTKI) SITUATIONS WAN'nili- IlV lady wit It Uo chll dron, position us housekeeper. For partlculant address Mru. K. Honner, HrantH Pass, Or. Iloulo 1, Hox 03. 110 WANTKI) mihci:i,?,.Vm.oijh WANTKI) To buy n good second hand Ford car. L J. Honner, care Mnll Tribune. 105 WANTKI) Position on smalt ranch for man and wife. Address C, care Mnll Tribune. 104 WANTKI) A nicely furnished house, iniirt havo four nr fivo bedrooms. Occ A. Mnnsfield, Prosicct, Or. 110 WANTKI) To buy u second-hand safe. Address P. O. liox G7S. WANTKI) To buy n 2 3-1 or 3-Inch wngon. A. Myers, 822 South Oak dale. 101 WANTKI) Stnndnrd upright piano. Address liox 122, care Mull. Trib une. 108 WANTKI) Good team horses must be gentle, sound nml young, weight 2C00 to 2800. K. F. Guth rie. It. F. D. No. 2. Medford. or phono 232, JacksonIllc. liOST LOST At IsIs theater or on way home on South Control avenue. Friday night, ladles' gold watch with name. "Horn" ou Inside, ut case. Heturn to IsIs theater nnd get reward. 15 LOST A baby's white pcrcalo hat. between Talent nnd Medford. Mall to 522 W. 4th st. 102 LOST From Sterling, July C, ouo bay horse, weight 1200; 1 dark bay marc, weight 1000; branded "F. S." loft shoulder. A. suitable reward for Information that will lead to tho recovery nt same. I. It. Hamilton, Qoutral Point. Or. 101 FOU raGITAMK FCMT TirAnl-Fnlncunibcrcd real estate In Klamath Falls and vl clulty to trade for u mercantile business In Medford; stock must bo clean nnd drslrubto and can nip up to $20,000. Address P. O. Hox 317, Klamalli Falls. Or. 107 FOU SALK OU TUAHK Small fruit, garden und hern' tract to real farmer or gardener; might take lot or small property for part. Also pear tnict lor closo lu bungalow. 1L II. II. FOU SALK OU TUAUK One Thom as 00, 4-cyllndor "-passenger auto, chain drive, now tires all around; A No. 1 car for livery or Crater Lake reute: or will lease to re sponsible party to run ou livery. No. 009 10th st. MON13Y TO liOAH MONKV TO LOAN On city and closo lu ranch property. O. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 3 US. miSl.NllSS IHHKCIOUV Abstracts ueaui: RivKii vallky ah- STUACT CO.. No. C South Central. Attorneys 1'OUTKU J. NKFF. VM. P. 51KALKY Attorueys-nt-l,aw, HOoms b and 9, Medford National Hunk bids. A. B. UKAMKS, LAWYKU Garuott Coroy hldg. W. J. CANTON Attornoy and Coun-. sellor at Law. 123 East Main streot, Medford, Ore. Win. 51. Colvlg George M. Uoborts COLVIG & HOUKUTS, LAWYKUS Medford Nutlou'al Hank Ilulldlng. Accouiitania D. It. WOOD rtenornl Accountant Your books audited nnd kept for a reasonable- figure; your business solicited. Otflco, Medford Mall Tribune bide; nliouo 0C1; resi dence phone 53 1. Auto Hupplle. LAIIKU AUTO SPIUNO CO. Our big secrot in making springs Is tho lemiHirJua. We are, operating the lafKOit, oldest and best equipped plant lu tho Pnplfla nortfiwest. Ilea our springs whon othors full, Bold under guarantee. 20 North Flf teviitU ax., Portland, Ore. . PffGlBJTOB..- By "Bud" Fisher rr:3K? - ?3S2l ' v ., d'V .' IIUHIN1H DIHKCIOUY Auctioneers WII,L1AM tILUICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. HeJ.1 donco phono 1C1-J. Offlco Jnck snn Caimtv Imttitltic ClilriTfltr DH. H. J. LOCKWOOI), Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Itooms 203-201-205 Garnott-Corcy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific mnss,ge given; nccdlo spray, head and shouldor Bliower In connection; advlco In dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthcrnpy. lmly attendant. Phone, offlco 915, restdenco 571-U UU. A. It. llKDOES. Dr. Loulso E. Hodges Mochauo-Thernplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcrapists. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc., produco results In both acuta nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free, 230 North Uartlett St., next door to 51. K. church. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. ni. Other hours by appointment. Phone tl7-J. Gnrbngo GAHHAGK Get your promises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city sarbngo wagons for good service. Phono C25-L. F. Y. Allen. ' DenthU I)U. W. M. VAN SCOYOG DK C. C. VAN SCOYOG Dentists Garnctt-Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford, Ore. Phono 856. Notary Public HKLEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Drlng your work to me at the sign of tho 5lal! Tribune. Printers and PublLiiirrs MEDFORD PuiNTLNO CO. has "the best equipped printing offlco In southern Oregon; book ' binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 27 North FIrSt. Physicians anil Surgeons DR. P. O. CAuXowT DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathia physicians. 410-417 Garuett-Coroy bldg.. phone I030-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. JIYUTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, offlco 814-J-2; roo., 814. DU. J, J. KMMK.NS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, car, noso nnd throat. Kyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 u. m. to 8 p. in. Phono, E. D. PICKEL, M, D. Offlco Jack son Cdunty Dank bldg. Office phono 43-U; residence phone 58-U. DR. MARION lny8lclun and aur goou, Stewart bldg., corner Main and Uartlett sis.; offlco phono 27, resldooco phono 27-J-2, DR. MARTIN O. DAHDER Physi cian uud surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. It. V. CLAN0Y Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 2 to C. DR. "W. W. HOWARD Ostoopathlo physician, 303 Onrnott-Corey building. Phono 904-M, R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 K. Mutn St. l'hooo 77. Stcnoginpticra ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palra block. Btonographlo work done quickly nnd well, Truustet EADS TUAN8KHK ft HTOUAOH CO. Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Vcterlnnry 4rjjeH r DR. MURRAY, VBTMUlNfUV fUfc (IKON, gradustA of the AmrtanM Veterinary ColU). N, Y, OKy, ortliM Naslt Livery ItaUie. FkMf 173, . , . fl.s "" iJl! Ill -. .. i, 1- I'J ,i V ii t