PACITCTWO. MRDFORT) MATTJ TRTBUNTK, MlWF01r, ORWCION. MONDAY, .lUrV 1!!, mm. ti 7.wKu7t:i"tVtvinTiTriNvrt7'rrrrWiWitKfiT M t JlBDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE aU'.yRiJcs'saisr.s'TT. .AN OtePUNnKNT m.whpapuu WJiii.irtnnit inn ArXilltNOON j JtovCJU'tf. KP.IT HONDAS HV TIM. MRDKOIU) PltlNTJNO CO. Th J)ciiocrllO Time, Tito Medonl Mfnll. Ths Mwtfnrrt Tribune, Tln Houth ern OicRonUth TJie .Aslilsnil Trllumo. Ofrlcn Mftll Trillium itnlMiii. ib-21-2 Norm rifjitrnti tclcphoni) 76. Official Pnpr of tlio City of Mo.lforU. umcmi j-npr ot jocmou iohiuj-. UKOIUlH XUTKAM,Hvll"r and MftiinRM . MMlfprd, Oregon, under the act of March.'S. X',. I ' Bsacjurnon hates. On yriir, y mall 15.00 Ono man Hi. I)V mull ,tv I'oryiioDlli, dollvtirtM by carrier In MrUiu"i, JorksnnvlUa ami Con trol t'olpt. - r .T... PnlimtAi? Milr lir mall, iwr inr 80 S.00 ,VVkly, 'jxir ysar - ..- - - .- t.&n EWORW OXRCUZVATXOIT. Dally avnrnftp for lcvn months end lug November 30. 18 Jl 8SI Tho Mull Trllui'io Is on ssto at tlio lrrr iit-wn Miami. Son rranoleeo IMriUna iloti-i Ncw sinmi. Portland. IMrttniiil News Co l'qrtlnml. Ore. VOj Nviilltit. KcnttW. Wih I H PLAY EXPLAINED Sonio of tho in stars tit ,lohu Mn ton's mart cry or ills role in "At a Main Think." at tho llelllp thin wpi'k, Iim bqon dispelled, hays tho Portland QreRonlnn. An Interview wjtli tho nslojv who 1ms bocomo one of tho fomubst 'stars on tho A inert can sfaKo, reveals (he fact that his ahnrnctor, Dr. Seol'8. in Aupusliis Thomas' play. U really only nn oill (Ion do lu'xa iff John Ms son himself rtinphtiukod, mi doubt, but nftor nil, .ltlhn Mon. And this do; not tiiMn to fiske away any ot the actor's inidttpiifofl talent In portraying elmmrtem. Whether It ts wrtial Mr. Mason roiys or the way he any it doesn't nettle 5 on. Hot yati do Ikivo to keep on coaxing yourself to rottUm that it In John Mwkiii, ami wit Dr. Bed Ik. Mr. Mason's grii on life Is tromon donu. Y et it Iown In your hook cr (WnitH lenrnml that Mr. Thonm tofflc what hd knew of one fllde of John Mao anil created a Dr. Ki-o-lfgJt ohArarttr that haa in a riy inarmed nn' opocli in tho career of Mr. Allison n an netor. It la llttlo NVoiiUor that tlio character hits be come an attainment. As Dr. SeollK, Mr. Maaen Roes' nlionUin "An a Man Thinks," spread ing a philosophy that takes the kinks out of disordered minds, readjusts (.onfllctliiR ideas of religion nnd morals, nnd yes, raco prejudice. His persuasive eleganeo is n mnstcr plero. Mr. Mnson will ho seen nt tho I'jgo Wednesday evening. E WUtftJuu Churchill, the uou'Iihi, and life wife of (V)nuli, N. II.. ulmso rojitlonoii is Imuh' oucupiul thin 8iim mor by i'rcii)uit ViUon and fnmily, ilr. nnd AfrK. R V. I.(adl)e(tcr mill tliuir tlnugUter and .Mwjj Jtuliliii of J'ortlmitl, urn uiainban. of u i;irt) vlio viBltad Crater Jjike. They nrrived in .Mrdford Kumlny oWiIfig mill MpjiJay morning iiteil ttitv INfjjiio ili fimueli il' H(euli:enl irimU ir. v fuiri'jiiii wna cnniuaniMiie in bw pruisut of tho Jake ami if Booth 'Ui Prtuii ;ih a iMtniiq uoiulurlaiid. $2 BECAUSE OMENS GOT OUT A dog broko tho ehick(-u nutting onrroiindliiK tho poultry yard of Win. Hulmltz, tho barber, nnd somo or his ililrkuna got out Into tho fctreot. Suhulte wns urrosted for vlolntlng tho ordlnanco coiiiiolliug poultry ownorti to koop their flocks at homo, nnd fined $9 by Mayor Ulfort, al though ho oxplulnod Hint ho did not iuako'a prnclieo of letting his Uiltlc- ona out and that It occurred during his ttbticnto. 'rrn rr-i r l HATTy iALDWIN HAKES GOOD PROGRESS TRAINING W).S ANCIIJMW, Cnl., July Ul. Is AiikoIo-i IkIiI l'niih tiro will niiJ iaJIcd willi the cliuwiu of. Malty H.iMwin in IiIh first workout liere. Iiero; Tim Itoaton IoiItvii;ht, wio luhjl Jiiaeli Crow nt Vornon July Ull, jHirforfut'il to u lnro pillory nt Hie Ht. JfjiiuUiii oluli yiMffinluy. 1'onr Hjmiriuj,' pjirtmM fiimiHlioil two ruiijiJs of ivildrlftJumciit mmli, i!U! IbilJJu wdiii nt Un work wllli tiiiMM'uli'l tyh Oivm tflil UkU UuUHujf tbHuy, . MASON'S MAS m WINSTON CHURCHILL VISITS CRATER LAK eWliiKON P4JILDING Rita TO CRESCENT CITY Dr. .1. V. KciWy nnd Franklin Helm nC Fun lVnueiseo, who nre en KHUihI in piomolinp the Urniitf l'nss (Verfoent Cily rnilmml iHnl Suinlny in Medfunl mnl nnuounocil the coii slruetion work would be started Alop ilay on the lailmml, Saturday n eontxnel 'was iiIpo oh trrl into betuecn the eity nnd the Califoniin sjinlicato npn!!entoil by Helms proMilinp for the snlo of the inniiieiiuilly-owiieil portion of tlio road to the" California, Oregon ec Kastern niiliiitnl eompnuy by (lie end of three ,ear from ilnte, at which lime tho latter company eonlraels to have Hie line completed through to the coiwt nt Crccent City. Indcr the tenu of the ngretment, the constniolion couipany is to pro secute the work of liuittlitu? with dili lience, and n1 directed by the eity of Grants 1'nss, tlio engineer employed by the cily to hne charge of the en gineering work. Kundh hao already been made nvailable by tlio California people, nnd Monday tennis mid men will be put on the job. Mr. Helm slat ing it will require from DO to 120 dny for the completion of the line to Wildcnillo, the time being deter mined b. the expediency with which the mils can be obtained, lie is now negotiating with tho btccl mill for the mils, and will have the road bed graded ami the ties ready us &oou us the jails can arrive. May I' Itiggn Uo.ul NogotiulioiiH nre uNo iiouding for Iho purchnse of tho "Kiggs" road, wluuli inelildcs whnt there was con strue! cd of tho proposed Williams alley line two jean ago. Four thousand feet of mil nro already laid on thi, coniieotiou made with the Southern Pacific main line, nnd n tcmixirnrj- bridge built crorf the Ifogue. The right-of-way of this line parallels the right-of-way owned by the citj from the S. 1. track to the river, and no change would be ncces nry in the courso of tho line. 1'lnim lire nlrcady drawn by which tho old bridge could bo rccoiihtmetetl into a i-pan bridge in iniieh log time aiwl with Kv o.hsikc than would be jiecowary for the building of au en tirely new bridge, thus greatly ex pediting the road building. The loco motive is also included in the nego tiation mid the council by itmiIu ton niilhorired Iho railroad commfc siiii lo investigate tho property, mid to purchnse it if it saw Tit at a price not to exceed $7f00. To Kcrhy iu J'Jflecu Mouths Thai the line shall be built to Kcrby wiihin fifteen mouths is a pro viMon of tho contract, the biiilderx to prohccuto the work conliniioiislv till the interior at UrantH 1'iikh nnd the sea nt Orescent Cily nre unitiil by the twin bnnds of steel. A thrce- jenr limit is set iimhi tho time when the road shall bo completed to the coast, though Mr. Helm stales that he expects it will bo Jjubdici mill in oporalion long before that date, this being determined by the length ol time nceehsiiry for the driving nt the longest tunnel on the route. The building of the rond from the end of that portion coiiMruclfd by the city will bo continued by tho Jnlerstnte OotiKtruclioii Co. thin compnny lim ing Imsji'i orgnnicd for the building of the California, Oregon cc Faxtorn load. The officers of this comnanv are Win. Loftus, the millionaire oil operator, president; O. C. Ib-ckmnu, nunc operator, iee prcsnlenl, mij .John Shcperd, of bton, treaburcr. This cimpany representH uulimiteo capital, utid its iiii'inbcr.s arc men who have been iul crested in big building opciuuouri in other projects. T .7a coli Jensen, foreman of Jucob-oii-lSado company, came down frdm Portland ii-ccutly mid hud the big ex cavating machine that has been fclaiiiliug near Lincoln acli'ool for over ii j ear removed to Central l'oint, where it will bo operated u slioit lime. It may bo used in digging nn irrigating canal u tlio valley later. i i pi ' TWO FATALITIES OCCUR AT SEATTLE SUNDAY "WTTIJJ, Wash., July 21. Two inlaliliea by drouning owuned heie yeslerduy, the hccoiul hottest day of tho jenr, tho iiieieury j-ihing to tifi (legmen. Aiihur Anderson, 1(1, son of A. (I. Ajidoreuu, wilX dioniicd in Hllloi Luke, near the CounOy dub whcie lie vu inlilijg Willi seicial oilier 1103jPE0PLE M SUNDAY k ON ELKS' PICNIC The itrcitesl plcutc cemaIon ever given out of Medford that U what all pmuouueo tho KIKs plculo to Colestln Sunday. Tho attendance was HOP., 700 ot which Wore IriMn Medford. 1'Torjbody had n good Hmo and enjojed themxelvcB, Tho kmignroo court was kopt busy working over time. , Fifteen hundred Ico cream cones were sold. AU tho concessions were well pntronlred and n neat sum realised by Lodge HG8 toward Ita new building. Tho following nro tho results In tho cohtcstsr i;irls' race. 15 oara and under, flfty-jard dash, won by Normallo Norman of Talent; prlxe. $n pair shoes rrom Sclimltx shoo store. Ladles' free-tor-all- f.O ards, won by Agnes Salter of Phoenix; prlie. $18 cut-glass berry bowl, donated by nn unknown Klk. Undies' nail driving contest, won by Mrs. Harry Warren of Hilt. Cat ; price, an electric toaster y Cnllfor-nla-Oregon Power company. l.adlos lMSeball throwing contest. won by Anglo ltell of Tutnt; iirUc, mission electric lamp, by Weeks & Mrfinvvnn. Hoys' riiuulug race, 15 je.vrs and underr won by Thomas Mathews, Medferd: prlie, hat from Model Clothing company. Iliiuning race for men, 40 years and over, won by A. S. Iteseiib.ium: prlie. bath mirror donated by (bir-nett-Corey. Tho tallest lady on the ground. Mrs. Jonas Wold, pair of silk htue by Hutchison & htimsdcu. The shortest lady on tho grounds, Mrs. W. T. Hoverldge, pair gauntlet gloves, Medford Harnes company. Tho fattest lady, Mrs. IlenJ. Col lins. Jacksonville, Jewel box, Martin Kcddy. Itomcllcst man on tho grounds, won by (Jus Newbury, as Judge Koll) nan colli feet and did not show- up, nnd there was no other possibility; ticket to .Mason's play, Page theater. Tho tallest i:ik Sydney llrown, caso Colestln water, Medford Soda Works. The shortest Klk. Tcdily Provost, Ashland; hat, Daniels for Duds. The fattost i;ik. John A. Wester liiud; cigar case. Tim Quiz. Tho oldest Klk, Mr. Provost of Ashland; pipe, lir awn & Hall mil- lard parlors. The $2T. linen bedspread went to J. It. Kelly, Bportlug editor of tho Mall Tribune. L T Tho police mndo a round-up of n gang of ouug hoodlums Monday ac cased by neighbors of unruly acts uinl audallsui. They wero turned over to the Jiivcnllo court, which considered their cases Monday after noon. , James Medley, living on tho oast side; Stuart McArthur of drupe street, Julius Adolph mid John Wat toiibiirg of South Central awuuo nre incused of stealing chickens and other acts of depredations. James Parker and Homer ltonold.s o( tho cast bldo uro accused of iihooting a cat. Young Medley and tho Wutton- burg boys are old offenders and are out now on parole. I I TT HNEOMWS FOR WING GUN Glib Lawrence, who rclcbrnted too much Jast week and spent ono iilght Ju tho city bastUo, resumed his cclo hratlon as soon us released and pur chutud au automatic revolver to go hunting with. Ho vvnu rearrested, charged with carrying a conicalcd weapon and fined ?C0 by May6r JJJf ert. Showers Prctllctetl. I'OJTUND, Ore., July 21. J-'oni-cat, Oregen: Showerrf west, show ers mid thunder sIoiioh e.'ibt jiortion tonight or Tuuduy; oooler Tuesday ovcept near coast; soulhwestcily winds. ' " John A. Perl UndrlKr Lady AtlUut. W H, IIAHTLIfPf J'boucs M. 17 luid HJa Auibulaiico Hcrrlco Dcpuly Uviouw YOUNG HOOD UMS UNDER ARRES Loganberry the Finest of Fruit Juices Tho finest of nil unrmentod mil Juices can bo Vaslly and tiheuply mndu In tho lloiiiiu llvur valb-. It 's well Known that cuormoua iiutiutltlcs ot grape Julro nro nhlpped aerois tho entire continent every year to be purchased at good prices and con sumed hv our people. Orape Julio Is a good fruit Juice and souto people prefer It to unj other. U Is a d(nu oustrated fact, however, that prac tically eveiybody who has tested vyell made Longiiboi-ry Juice considers It as supetlor to any other ft tilt Juice. Last summer tho writer called at tention to this valuable Juloo In the local pres, ud u number of People mltdn iv small ituiiutlty of the Julio ns an experleiueut. Theso people In every Instance, so far as l can learn, were well pleased with It. One good lady mndo what she considered a supply for tho entlie oar, hut her husband, son and friends drank It all In one week. These people will put up a largo uunutlty this jonr. t wish that every family In the vnllc) would put up a goodlv quan tity ot this Juice this otir. Tho Lo berry crop is now- In Its prime and the fruit can be purchased for a voiV reasonable price. At tho present time It Is difficult for the growers to sell tho comparatively small output of Loganberries at low prices, t wish to state that as soon as It U known what a delicious drink can be mnde from this fruit there will be a good demand for all the Loganber ries grown in the vnllc). 1'ivp.irlng i bo Juice. Any one who Is able to can fruit will have no trouble In making Lo gnnberr Jirtce The round ripe fruit IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW What ii Heap of llnppini'4N It Would Hi lug to Mcdforil Homes. Hard to do housework with mi aching Imck. Ilrlugs you hours of misery at lei sure or at work. If women only knew tlio onuso that Uaukachn imliis often come from won I; kldnos. 'Twould save much nnedlewi woo. Dean's Kidney Pills arc for weak kldni'js. Head whnt a Medford citizen says:' Mrs. Mary Wintorhahlcr, near V. Jackson St., Med ford. Ore., snja: "I used Pone's KMncj Jills with bene ficial results when buffering from kidney trouble mid I know of other persons who hmo taken them with sin cess. Slnco I used I Juan's Kid ney Pills about a jour ago, 1 have not had the least trouble from my kidneys. This remedy deserves my hearty endorsement.'' "When Your Hack Is Ijinid Ko moniher tho. Name." Don't (.Imply ask for a kidney reined) ask dis tinctly for Doau s Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Wiutorhnhlor had tho ruuiedy hacked by homo test I moil). ri'i- all stores. I'Vister-MII-litirn,Cii. Props, Huffalo. N Y. Gome In Offer LfllDM! JOHN The TT- C! S Ifa? m - ssi- v 1 jw Jtasv so loaa H3 AtVi I r irJr r j fc K Mrnfr 1- Entirely New Tlin JOHN DECRR Tho Spreader with the Ikater on the Axle is tm much of nn Imnrovo rnont In spreader manufacturing aa tho self-binder wau over tho old xoaptr. It la nuulo alonif entirely ww ami dluurcnt 11 m-J from tho ordinary upri-ador. Tho first manuro apreadM: evor mada win built in 1878 by tho Komp ft nurpoo Aranufaclurlng Company. Up to the timo xif thu John J)ooro bprulcr.vnryiipro.-.dur hua Iwcn mndo ulong tho same general lltu-a as this first machine. Power was taken frora ono end of tlio main azlo and tram.nlttod, elthor tliroaeh chnlnn or Kaw to the Jioutor, mounted above nnd In tho rear of tho uxle. Heretofore tho only improvement Iu manuro apruadcniBlnce too first ono was made In W73 lias bowi In tho refinement id lutuif. The, John Decro Soroadcr Is a radical departuro from Hut old method of construction. It Is mndo along entirely now lines and is a great; Jinnrovejncnt over tho old lylo npnynjur. Cotno In id luxiitidno tlio ToMilno nnd you w ill readily bco why the John Decro Spreader U bo far superior to any spreader hcrotoioru coiiatructod. Eveti if You Don't Need a New Spreader Now Si" "ity V3l0UarBumi!" of urtlclea on why farm manure should bo used on tho land, linwltnl)oubl bo uppllcd, how It should boatoreil, the vnluo and iiect of ualng H In various ways. In addition thoro Is u doli.ll duacriptloii of the Jobu IMxo fcpxtsdtr viUi iUuetrutlona in coloni of thU bjiroadcr working In tho Held. , BefterJtiqe$lljMlq .. It'sJVorth Yotfr While ; HUBBARD BROTHERS, Medford piirairL'wiiiirriv hi placed iu a fruit plcus uiut Ihu Juloo Ih otracled, mid then rnrorully attained. A munll fruit press may ho puiehased fioin almost any haul ware, tilore. Ono holding four to six quints In a convenient sle. Where no fruit pi ess Is used place tho Trull with a munll quantity of water hi a vessel on the atdv'u and boat gently, nt tho santo tlmu mashing the fruit with a largo spoon to ex t nut the Juice, it should ho strained. To every three quails of Juloo add nno ipiait (by mWilio) or sugar. Place on a stove mid ileal gently un til tho Juloo begins to iilmmer. It should bn temdved from utovo ut onto mid put Iu bottles or fiillt Ju-s and sealed. Tho bottles and Jaw must first he sleiillxcd Iu bulling water Jusl before lining -Just nu they me prepared In cunning fruit. It should bo stated with all nip. phtiHls that the Jlilso must not bo holbul, as boiling dewtto) tho pe culiar, i hh Loguuhcrn flavor The Juice uia U itseit us soon as It becomes cool, or ll mu he ic,it BUY dfjeimxctt LWW i 'Good AT "RIGHT PRICES" ALWAYS. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WEAR PAGE THEATRE, WED., JULY 23 Tito Alossrs. Shubcii I.iji pliMsurc initl pritlo in s tV'-fS? (by Ati'.-iutipMiiiMiL wiih Charlt's I-'niluiiini) In August TIkhiu'is' iri.'isU.'rdr.'iina of broail luiiiianily nnd iho tloiiblo siiiiiil.'ird of iiuiraliiv "Oivalcr than 'The WitrhiiiK Hour1 "Alan Dale "A Iromt'JKlou.s llu'iiip." Chieak'" liilou-Occan. "A lift for tlio Aj.K'i'icau tiioator." Cliirao I'lNaJiiiiKT "Uit'sl drama of (hi' season." Chicjio Anu'riran "(Jroat supporiini; fnuj;niy ninm lljo cslor Wal lack days." Now York .Sun. A Year and a Half in Now York Every deiail of Hie original o.)lh SI. production. Mr. Allison makes his appearance siniulUtneoiisly with the rise of the curtain. fc?oal sale opens at box office Monday, .'Inly 21st. '"" Prices' -50 Cents to $2.00. and See The Special Until August 1st. DEERE SPREADER I Spreader tolth the Heater on the Axle K 1 t. C 1 1TJ Esx rt 1 ne oiiiiryiusi ijpjruciucx iviuue . 77.1 "I - I I . Nothing h . a 1 1 ! for jo'M's, It should tut neivml ruld. Just lllio other fiult Juices. The Jnlco Is uithcr ul long so -that ft Is better when diluted with tin en pailii of water to'oiui ot MtllcoV jilst lipfuto using. An iuiioi(aiit Industry. Tim witter wishes to predict that Home day the luiiuufnctuin ot loguu heiry Juice will bo tin Industry of conshlerahlo Importance In western Oiegou, Thin fiillt' oivlipot ho silc- i essf ully groM .'list' of 'the llitcky mouiitalus, nnd nowhei-o east of the Cascade mountains does It thilvo as ll does hei along tlio const, lleuco the Puclflu const will' always have a iiiiuiopoly ut Iho ludusliy. Am one desiring fuitlier Ititorma- lion on this subject mily obtain It h) writing qt tolo'tiiouliig to tlio wilier, V C. iti:i.Mi:it, 12perlment Hlntlon, Talent, Or. CHICHESTER S PILLS Vr. INK lllVVIII"ll IIIIVNII, A ' 7ti IwlUI Al ' OrMrlil ("f A hlk.lPB lllaM Ma Ilrtti. lIIU tH 11.4 l tlM n.ltllKX w I n, t.l liti.M- IUH-ii. llrJi.i.l. M"fi III i m x.Trns l kL. tetf j.fkr. IIh. .r ftM ..,nt.,. .. .na. , ,., . w-w mm tll,k.IIMlmi.Ulttl.AlMrM.UtlU SOID BV DRLG01ST3 lAXKHUU k'E Shoes" M ? 3 A f$ liri'Si'iiliii "AMERICA'S FOREMOST ACTOR" JOHN MASON ir Jz? Holler Iicarinus . riLt n v rKSI fH Else Lilce It m WHERE TO GO TONIGHT ISI$ THEATRE Pliotilphi) Today Only A 'J'lMCI.Y LNTIMtCKPIION IIOW IT ALL ILirPKM.IM Oil, Tin: uAcuia.oit'H nMtv IlltOt'Olli' TO HAY KuVnl Wiifltwhi Hloi-y "ui'jna.Mi" in .le.Nitsviiii.i: IMImitt Comvdy. MUSIC. Hi'j'uors. Ceuilin: 'I bo Aii lining 1 1 ii od" Grace Josephine Brown Tho Ait of Singing Available tin- t'oiuect nml Cbuicli ttcslilcnm Htmllo I'JOT West Main HI. Pboiin JHII WOOD lly Hi" Tin, ord and Cartots. lAI.LI'V PI I'll IdMPA.N Telephone Ti I'll- anil Wcl Sisoiul Siici-l. Draperies W curry v. ry ciunplrin liiu nf lrnMiri.. fur.i oirlui i' fixluri, Miv, nml tin sit ut iijii oi-i. rintf A spnilnl in ii In lonk rur IliM work CllllVaJr Slut V.III KIVI KIMIll H-n.ifi iin In mmti tu K.t iu uviin tlin UrRrKt iMIImi Wooks & McGowan Co. Willi Mcdforil Trade Ii Miilfutil Mndo Phono us jour orders fur Milk, Cream, Butter, and v Buttermilk, Ot It MiltlCJLV IKIlSlI llUj'. o-.c i'i:it mvuahi: Our I1UIII (.llDi: be erenm will plcnso )ou. So)d In qusiililles of 3 gallons and up, Wo have utir own twlro-n-day de livery. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY Phone -HM With .M.ilfonl Tni.Io in MislforU Madn E. D. Weston Official Photographer of the Medford Commercial Club 'Amateur Finishing PoM. Cards Panoramic Work ' Portraits Interior and oNtorior vicwo inaoh lights Negatives niado auv tinio and any place by apj-obit-tnent. 308 E. Main Phono 1471 WFPillfire i ' -tijiife! Bail located and in out f o p u 1 n f lolcl in the tts MiilMfctiiiOa City. RunninR ditftillcd Jcj wulcr in each room. European Plan, a lu Cnrto Gtfc. , Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms 60 rooms . ttO rooms GO roorni uilb pihiU lilh fill -monn hb (.ilnlt WlH )0ecJi 1.50 each 2.00 each 2.00 each 2.50 oath 'JO ultni, btdtuotn. not- lor and bath 3.00 uch For raoc than cuut uucit iwld tlJOO pr to the above rate fur each additional uucil. R duclioti by Woi-k er moiitli. Mnitnrnnt Chttltr W, Ktltty uciaiacsjouoKci.Tai F.G.ANDREWS H hinmiu ut UrlU uud Vlulim JUiyiu. M V )