MlflDFOttP MATr; TRTttTTTO Ml')lFOftD, OKWIOtf. RATITNHAY, .IWW IP. 1!)lh. .... PAGE TWO. V f'VI IOCALAND ! L PERSONAL Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. 13. HoUsa or KhrIoI ProfofAor L. V, l.nrrlniore, ph.vB- 0. K. Mct.onti or l'hoonlx wns or tlio tnnny' who cnmo to Medford Fri day. .1. 'I. Oodfco cjf Afchlnnd wns In Medford Krldny nttbrnoon, on his re turn fjront1 Jacksonville. A. I). Cornell ot Grnnta Vara, In Btirn'nco nfient, hmi liccn BpoudliiK the wcclt In MciUoril. Vrco'for hniillnR, pood, ilcli creek liottom dirt. SIS 10. Mnln, right on imvomcnt.' J. J, Courtntiy nrrlvodln- Medford diirliiK1 (ho woofc, nccomp.intcd by hln wife, who recently underwent an operation In California hoapltnl nnd cnmo hero for tlio benefit of her health. Mr. nnil Mrs. Joseph Olnot and Nelson Piirscl of Sterling precinct woro In1 Medford Friday. Producers Fruit in. Tins Just re ceived a Inrgo shipment ot 1 lb. nnd 9i lb. tin top berry baskets, nnd can flit orders In nny quantity.. Wo also hnvo on hand a largo supply of thd rolobrntod-"Security" orchard lad ders in nil ulies. D. It. Morrison and F. Merrill of JoRenhlno county transacted bust Hess In Medford Frldny. A D. Owenn of Cottngo Grove la n rpctfnt' nrrlvnl-ln MHlford. ' "W. F. Itced went north the fore part of tho week on a short business trip. $3,000 nccldent nnd life Insurance for' $10 S2r.O for 117.50. Sec Holmes,' tlio insurance man. Mlwr O. TtflVyo; who has hedn north for BOhid tlhio phst, returned dnrlng tho week. Mrs. S. C. Carroll nnd her daugh ter, Miss Ifornlrt. of Koguo River, hnvo been visiting In Medford. 11. H'. Iowtg lms returned to his homo oil upper lingua river after a trip to" Medford nnd JnckBomlllc. Don't' forgot tho Klka picnic at Colcstln Sunday. Orchard, hunting, mnlug" and Crater Lake scenes for aalo at Cor king & Harmon's studio. Negatives mado any place, kodak finishing; 128 Bast Main street. Phono 21S It Ocorgo B. llbo's, Panama exposi tion commUsdoner, spent Friday ar tornoon at Ashland. Mrs. Kllner Hlglnbnthnm of Knnes creek has' ben visiting In Medford. Mrs. M. rtdlllnger and Mrt. Slo vcr spent Thursday and Friday at tho Ashland Chautauqua. Kodak' finishing, best In town, at Weston's;.' Professor Conklln of tho Unler slty of Oregon will speak" In tho" Presbyterian churrh at S p. m. oh Tho Ideals of Llfo nnd How? Psy chology AldB In Their Realization." All should hear him, especially the young" people. Tickets for tho Klks excursion to Colcstln caq bo obtained from the Elks committee. Sunday Is flower day In tho Prcs byterinn church. Tho theso Is "Na ture's Glory." All nro requested to bring flowers In tho morning. Tho wealth of Itoguu Itlvcr valley In her flowers' will bo gathered Into tho church. Drlng overy variety. Scrv ico at 11 n. m. Frank Dudley and his family are at amuts Pass visiting relatives and friends. Salter I.ako was down from Grants Pass Friday. Ha may be como a resident of Medford again. K. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives mado any time or placo by appointment. Phone M. 1471. Austin Cnrbln, who owns a flno orchard In Urownsboro district, has left for Now York on a business visit. 13. It. Jtosner of I ho Regno Itlvcr bank transacted business in Mod ford and Jacksonville Friday afternoon. Thco will bo great doings nt Colcstln Sunday when tho Klks ex cursion arrives. You cannot afford to miss it. ; Dr. It. O. Kolsny nud William lilackcrt Qt Gold Hill spout Friday afternoon In Mod ford. . J. J. Skinner mid William bchoulo wero down from Griffin' crook ThurMiny, Dr. Klrehgcbsnur will be at Hotel Nash every Saturday from 10 a, in. to 3 p. in. on arid after May 24. Itov. Mr. Gurdnor of Maxwell, Cal., arrived In Medford Frlduy eve ning nud will go to Grants Pass, whoro ho' formerly resided, before returning homo. F. H, IlnrrlB of Ldng Uoach, Cnl.. Wlio has boon stopping In Medford for Home llmo, will leuvo for Klam ath Falls soon. Tho greatest plcnlo oxctuulon ever KlVen In Hiiutlioni Oregon will ho tho Klks plrrile nt Colostlii Sunday. Weeks k MfcGowan Co. UNJ)KHTAKJSR8 AHimn IMy rkouo SU7 HUM V, W. Weeks 1WW.2 Umt A, K, Orr K7H-M ,1'olnt district liavo been visiting In 'Medford. Mrs. .Martin McDnnnugh, wtto was cnlled to Cholmlls, ,WnBh., by tho fntnl .nccldtnt which befell her father, Hov. Mr. llnskel), returned Friday afternoon. Summer slab wood $2.00 n tlor. Valley Fuel Co., Tol 70. It. N Hunch went to Jacksonville Frldny to visit his son, Hay, and his family. Thoiuns 0. Gaines ot Trail trans acted' business In Medford' Friday. uoorgo w, Kinrniit or upper !UogiiQ river Is making Medford a vIMt; Kvcryhody Is going to Colcstln Sunday nn tho Klka excursion. MIm Itertha Dollnrhldo has been appointed postmistress nt Klamath- on, Cal., n fourth-class office. Mrs. F. II. Hopkins of Central Point wns a Medford visitor Friday afternoon. Vapor baths nnd scientific man ago for men and women. Dr. K. J. Lockwood, chiropractor. 203 Gar-nett-Coroy bldg. Phono 145. Mr. nnd Mrs. George H. Cnrien tor, Miss Dorothy Connor. J. Drooko Spencer nnil Carl Mlddtcburgor have gone on n rntuplng trip to Fish Iike. A. S. Mover, n former eontrnptor ot Medford. Is located nt Yreka, Cal. You can't nfford to miss tho fun nt tho Klks Sunday excursion to Colcstln. S. Kosenhorg of Seattle, owner of Hear Creek orchard, was n business visitor In Medford Friday Mrs. P. Loosley of Tolo district Is In Medford visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Schneider. For best quality homo grown meats, go to Stall 12, Public Mar ket. J. It. Tyrrell. Thomas Fulton of tho Jackson ville Post made Medford a business visit Friday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Millar nnd Itny Millar, relatives of Councilman Mlllnr. hnvo gono to Dayton, O. Corltln Kdgcll, who has been at his orchard in nrownsboro district, Is stopplig In "Medford for a faw day. Tho finest studio In Southern Ore gon has been opened by Gcrking & Harmon, nt 22S Kast Main SU, first stairway east of-Star theatre. Our work is always tho best. Vlows of all kinds for sale. Tho best ot Ko dak finishing. Negatives mado any Umc or place. Phone 320-J. Charles .M. Kngllsh has returned fiom n business trip to Portland. Mrs. H. I Wnlthcr M at Yreka. v..i., whimiik .lira. Harris, Her mother, who bus been nt tho Mount Shasta hospital for treatment. Mrs. W. A. Altkcn left for Ash- isnu iriuay afternoon to visit her mother. Mrs. L. Mlngus. Pictorial Hovlcw patterns now In stock at Moo & Co. 10G Carl von dor Hellen ot Wellen spent a Tow hours In .Medford Friday. It. 1,. Dodge arrived In Medford from his' Ilhxrdalo orchard Friday and loft In tho afternoon for Port land, to bo gono n few dnys. Dr. K. II. PIckel, who went to San Francisco this week on professional business. Is expected to return this evening. Prlvato music lessons from CO .v.,u-UiniU m iiirco aonars por lesson, according to subject and tcaclier chosen. Medford Conserva tory; open all summer. Colleso IUdg. It. If. Nelll of Spokane, president or thd Itoguo Itlvcr Canal company. is maKiiig this section a business visit. It. L. MeUrido returned Thursday from n trip to Ashland. Mrs. W. S. Stone, who Is well known to' tho early residents of the Itoguo Itlvor valley, has been critic ally III with pneumonia at her homo In Yreka. Cal. Tfiero is troubfo between resi dents of Hnschurg ovnr building a steel bridgo neross tho Hinnuun river, nnd Judgo Calkins will gd to ItoBoburg- noxt wcok to sit In a suit orougni ror nn Inliinetlon. Talk with Turny, In tho Onrnott Coroy Illdg., itbout the low cost of accident Insurance In tho Travelers Insiiraucd company. 101 If. 11. McCabo uud Hugh Do Ar mond, who ImVo been nt Salem argu-Ipg.- tho Spnnos and Soyinour cisei In, tho tiiireino court, aro at homo again. Miss Kmlly Kaiser and hor niece, Miss Lillian Kaisor, nftor nn nb sc'nco of nearly n year, havo return. ed to Ashland from Sun Joso, Cal. Tho lattor graduated from tho slate normal at that city and will teach Kngllsh and geography nt Paso Ito hies, Oil. NW green paslu'ro with shade and running water to let. Isaacs, phono OlM-H-l. Mr. uud Mrs. J. 15. Ilarkdull, CnrJ Hansen, Mletes Anna and Jomilu Huusen nro inuklng an uuto, trip to umormit points In uillfornlu. K. W. Wilson, deputy sheriff, and K, K. Oman loft for Halum Friday, liuvlng n ehurgo K. D. HmUli, who plcuded guilty to kidnaping u child and wus given an ludutormlimto nuntiiiiro of fioni one to twenty year' luiprlkoiiiiibiit In tho uliilu peiiltenlliiry hy JihIko Uulklns, I lent Instructor of tho Y. M. C. A. nt San Diego, Cnl., who luxa bueu lec turing nt Ashland during tho Chnu tauqtm session, is mnklng Medford n short visit, tho guest ot Mr. nnd .Mrs. A. V, Jordan. On July 27, 13. It. Mnrtln, super intendent of the upper coast dis trict with tho American tiunO.iy School Union, will talk on tho Sun day sohmil' work In thb morning nt tt o'clock nt tho lt.iptlst church, subject. "Chnllengn of tho Farm," and nt the Christian' thureh nt X p. nt., subject. "Our. Neighbor of To morrow." Good gmln hay jfor'sale, $t0 In tho field, $12 delivered: alfalfa, $8 in Hold. $10 delivered. 11. Kvor hard. 10t0 Ninth, t'hono Rfi7-.1. D rooms Ask your denier for the product of the Ashland factory. SEATTLE RIOT. (Continued from Page 1) to further riot, destruction of prop erty and danger to human life." Itlettieu jmx'Km Injunction Colonel A. J. Ulethen, edltor-ln-chief of thn Times, announce that he will have nn injunction nerved mi Mayor Cotterlll to prevent him froi exercising censorship, lief ore noon today. Later Mayor Cotterlll notlflod the socialist nnd 1; W. officials to mako an Inventory of nil property destroyed and send It to him nt once. "All losses resulting from last night's riots will bo pnld for by either tho federal government" or the city," ho said. ROAD 10 COAST- FROM GRANTS PS SOON A REALTY BOGGS TO .ARGUE CASE IN f AIVI3llTIS1IK.Vr t'DII nins. Sealed proiosu1s will bo received by tho undersigned county clerk up to 10 o'clock n. m., July 21st. 1013, for tho purposo of determining tho lowest bid for the construction of n one story hospital nt tho county poor farm near Talent. Jackson county, Oregon. Plana uud specifications may bo Inspected at this office but same win not no tunned or taKon away. A certified check of 5 por cent of tho bid must accompany tho bid. Illds will bo opened by tho county court nt the court house In Jnirkson vlllo In the office ot tho county Judg'i on dnto.'ubovc mentioned. All bids should bo addressed to tho county clerk, Jacksonville. Ore gon, aud'vmnrkud "Sealed Did'' for Hospital." fc Tho county court resemts,(ho right to reject nny orAill bids.' G. A. GAItDNKIt, County Clerk. 7- T r-rr . .. TO CItATKIt LAKH Crater I.ako stago will leavo Mid ford Monday morning for Crater Uiko nt 7J-IC n. m. Stago leaves for Crater I.ako on Monday,, Tuesday and Friday. Special trip of four or more can bo nrranged to IcaVo tut day, 12.a centa per ittUn to nil pas sengers going to Intermodlato points. Itcscrro your seatH n fow ilnys In ad vance; round trip, $U,; faro ono way. $y. Hall Taxi Co. Phone 110U. , Git ANTS PASS, Or., July U,- -That tho Grants Puss Crescent jClty railroad ,1a soon to beconm it Irenllly is tJto usurtlim'of Frnnklln llelni, -thu Snn Francisco promoter, "who represents tho California flnhu elern Interested by Dr. J. F. lloddy In the project. The Collfornht'Oregon .i Nnsteru Js tlio uamo of I ho no,w link of steel which will connect Grants Paw and Crosront City and develop inland hud coast nmplro. . InuMiiuch us tho road Is ono doing Interstate busi ness, It hft boon nucttwiry to effect Incorporation In both California nnd Orogon, which has. taken soino con sldernhlo time. Conotrurtlon Company Heady A construction company, ntld to represent o-r $(5,000,000, hnH been orgnnlrcd to build the road, with William Lottus, oil oixinUor, as president; George C. Hoekmun. mine owner, as vice-president, and John O. Shepherd, a merchant of Huston, Mas., and I'nsadetin, Cnl., ni Irons iror. Offlcos for tho eonipany wore rent ed yestonlny in tho Conklln build ing nud sonstrucllon has nrtunlly commenced. The first work will ho on tho teu-mlle unit .from Grants Pass to Wlldervlllo, spanning both tho llogiio nnd Applegate rllers. The right of way. a inllo of track, pre liminary trostlo attdrolllug stock of the Klggs railway has been bought, It Is announced, for carrMng con struction materiuls from Grants Pass ami across Koguo river and n crow of men will begin throwing dirt on tho grade this week. Grants Pu Vote llomN The city of Grants Pass has Noted bonds to tho oxtont ot $ 200.0in to build the first unit of tho road and those bonds will be taken over by the new comintny ns Vrnon as their legality In iKissod npo't by MnsisllMi & Heed of Now. York' City, their de cision hinging only on ft friendly suit now under consideration by (ho stnto supremo court; from which n. fuvorablo ilcolilon Is expected nfiin early date. Ten luttas of right of way have already been cleared by thn city for lermluftli nnd switches nnd twenty nilhx of rlnht of. way nnj owned by the city.. f. Timber uud (Vtpjwf Opetuil Money is on hand. It Is auiiounred, rrom the solo of a block of city war rant to tho California builders to finance the first unit and the whole const run Ion will m pushed without delay. It Is estimated tho road will cost In tho neighborhood of $.000,- 000 and will open up over 30.000,- COUR T AUGUST 1 The case of George II. Millar vn, ho, City of Medford was continued until the 1st day of Annual,, this morning, when Attorney p, C. Hoggs appeared in court with u lequost to bo hoard on tho case, Mr. Hoggn nt tlio Uine of (ho fhst iireueiitatlou of tho cafe lo Jlulgo CiilMns iippenred In court without authority from the city or request front City Attorney McCabo uud Insisted to tho court that tho service ot tho writ of re view wns not good nnd nrgiied that question to the court. Tho ivity made Its answer nud filed It In the court, which cured any defects of service, when Judge Calkins lilt 'louurcu ius intention to leuoor a decision In favor of tho plaintiff Mlllnr. Hogga roqnoated time lit which to presunt I ho ease lit tho court uud tho tltuo was granted until Monday of this week. No prosentntlou of the rnso was mado nnd the court stated that unless the city attorney or Mr, Hoggs appeared this morning to show tho court wherein It wns In error In Ks nniftiiiurpd opinion there would bo u decision of tho enso made today. Hut at tho oppmtuuo time Mr. Hoggs appeared and requested permission to argue tho rave to tho court. Some comment wus cnused as to why tho city In this case should be represented by .Mr. Hoggs, when It has a.clty attorney lo appear for It. MlMtl.Y tlllll-.MI'NT, . ilf Nliiu Now Sly".!!!! IN Wi:.s"h HII0IIH Ht)hrt Unit' 'wjli njilponl lbr" iienrly IJoV ' lo i?!.! Bchlings We lake To III 111 Slum Sloie The Ilur.1 To III zxz DEBATE ON TARIFF For yoliv Tiiifiu, J Phono 213 J TJIE PAINT SHOP Paints, Oils, Vnrniahos and Wall Papor Painliiij and I'apor llaninij 8t!tj H. F1KES Propriotor 32 S. Oontral AVo. WASHINGTON', July lt The delmtn on tho Underwood tariff hill wns opened In tho sennto this nfter noon by Senator F, M. Simmons of North Carolina, chairman of the fonato riiiauco lotumltteo. The do- Isito Is expected to continue for sov eral weeks. Slinmoils asserted tlio measure was fair, a Just Interpreta tion of tliu wilt of tho iH'ople nnd n j fiiltlllmont of doiuoeratlv pledges. nnd redwood timber Jj America, as lor districts. Vint lino Will be v. IiiIIsm long and will ovdiitunlly be pushed to an oHsteru connection. A siibsidlury company has been organized to develop n harbiir at Crescent City second to nouu on Hie coast, while an IndiistrlHl dopHrtmeut for tho promulgntlou of new Indus tries In also plantid. Tho Illinois 000 feot of tho finest sugar pine, fir valley of Hi.oot) senm of Irrlgnled lands Hot along tho proponed route well as develop copper belt rival-nnd v. HI bo opened to thn develop ing the famous Annrnnda uud Super- mcnl of coiniiiune Come In and See The Special Offer Until August 1st. S . JOHN DEERE SPREADER I Homesteads Land as level as a flour, ever acre I illaMe, ean lahit .'J'.'O aei'es in each hoiiu'slead. iMan ami wife can lake Oil) acres wilhonl reKitleiiee. This is (he last level piece tr land in (he Tnilcd Sin ten. We will lahu yon (o the lantl hy aitloinohile, conveyance machines leaving daily. This land is firsl class niralla land, also grain and every kind of vegeiahlert. Km full in formation call and see A. M. Haling, mum 121 .Jackson County Hank Building. FT '!' iwaw i-.. w i fmmmmm mc, cixcr,o-.s'.-,Liv.,.ji a lj 1st R?rlancl Famous Ho(cl( Nolctl for (he Excellence of lis Cui5mc.Eurf5peaR plarj Sltiintet In, Hie Hub of tile I'rliiclpal Tliejiti'r and Shopping Hhtriit Hcceiilly Itederoratcil nnil HcltiniMnil 'riirmigbout, nud Metier l.iiiliptil 't'oduy Ihnii Hter llefmo KtiiotM'iui einu Itooniw ulllioui li.illt, KI.IIO per day nud op Itouni.i wills balli, i' per day uud up (1. J. K.M'l'.MAN'N', Manager. .V. K. CliAltKi:, A-t. .Mgr. The Spreader with the Heater on the Axlo The Simplest Spreader Made J& Sfe. No Clutches NnChnnit ..i . - ... CS No Adhiilients " WOM JWl S j&'Il NiS. S-tt!i. A7., Af V..-... . M KjZViiiX:&Z Zf I j r vkJL ,fw f?.. I r Roller Marines iuyy (.u IUUM Lisht Draft ,-7VHi7nT .I t f Entirely New , . Nothing Else Like It ""$ min: JOHN DRnnn SVnnVpTlThc dreader with tho Healer on the Axle to ivj much of nn-lmprovo- J- llownnd Afferent iKRrKS'tlS T!.lSSS&r," W l,W Wtt reUPC'r " " U'ng CnUr"ly i lift I Hn i Ihn S 0,VslijB.r vr ,na'L waa,hmi ln 1873 hy t3 Komp & Hurpco Manufacturing Company. tv,?, flVr mninSs, v ,Cn proad,r 0Vf,fy WM-drr hun Iwcn rcudo along tho uamo i-noral linen n.i ; J.5 iJTTt. I -T. ""'.Ti vnuui too muin nnu iranamHiflq, cjtncri inroueh elialtw S or Ecanf, t0 tjio better, mounted abovn and in tho r-ar of tho axlo. Hcrctoforo'tho only rtinrovomcnt in ninnurOB, readeraHinco tho first pnd xtmmwlaln WH limrliecn.In tho refinement, of iletMlk ' R. A'"J .Jolm ')w,r0 Pro,ic' h 4 rudlcnl departure from tho will method of construction. It iu mu.Io idomr 3 " L'm?;i f?.n ;' Wr improwuncnt ov r tlio old tylo pprdndcr. Como In-ntM oxrfmlno tho n.uchlnb nnd you will readily cec why tho John Duorc reader toLofurnuporJor to any uproadcr licrutoforo cowlrtictcil. ' Get this idea of rough, high- proof, strong whiskey out of your head or it will get you play the devil with your nerves-.-ruin your digestion. Why punish yourself? Cyrtu Nfthlc, pure, old and palatable llnttli-d nt driukiui; Mrrimlh. .Solil everywhere and cojits no more tlnn , any other i;ood whiskey, ,W. J. Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon rmni imnnifi rTn ! Miwiwr ? i-JT S7...k r J 177tJ7TA Z - )' ..!. '.'Nkl'"' -. .W.-V"" '- " SSSS' "t,l1 i.ViiC-yfv.H Get tho WXLL'KNOWH mount iaohak I Even if You Don't Need a New Spreader Now S!RUKmJtrt 1 uKhtettK Sjircadcr with JUtutrutloiu In colwu ol thli spwador wurliinit In tho field. Better Investigate ., It's Vorth Yotjr While g HUBBARD BROTHERS, Medford 1 mmtmmmmmm)mmmnKmmmupmmmmmmnmimm lSi I IH) W KSmm!1) ' VATO mwfwxv ics IibT?" tiai iii. i,jOT5r...M,A4 1 .'...-"Mil r.i'-'Tj, tt trt..r-"&M"..-i0 JS? MAUI HVV, Orlgtnxl-Gwnutna Piire full-cream milk and tho ex- , tract of selected mnlted grain, reduced to powder forrii. ' , Dilicious, Invioratint; Hourishiilt Best Food-drink for all agat.v IjUiuim i ina. rtnltan. rtnnnm- Abk for Kenlek'a nt all fountains. A quick lunch dlgoutud by tho wenlrcBt fjtomucli; proimrod in a moment by briskly stirring tho poMerlnJiotor cold water. Keep at home or when traveling. Ask for HORLICK'S Othmrm Aro hnlimtlmnm J M IMIIIIHilllllUIIIllUHUIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIINIIIlliRMHMlUll? i'