f&' PAGE TWO. IMEDFORD MATJJ TRTBUNR. MEDFORD, OKIWON, VIUDAY, .TULY 18, 1010. iv -t v I i , a 1 IOCAL AND 1 PERSONAL H!i it -ou wnnt to help our city kov- ernwpnl plenn t Mrdforil, read tho mlvortlfif-moiit In this Ishiio "B Cents Howard." It'J-oit want to help our city gov ernment clenn up MnMortl. read tho lulvoriiiloment (il tjitA lnmo 'T. CeMs IlownM."' ' ' ' i Vrm for fiolillntf, Reed, rich croeK toUom' dlrt.tel8''t:. Mnln, right on iuStfoRJcnt. J' ; ' . 'VfU vVllson vu'ilcd drknls Vnss Thursday. Mm. C Clark of Grants Pas In'Wfcrjdlns f!w ''"J"8 n -Mptjtonl. ylka joatt Ahnorwin nnd Mlt Mil drcd Antlo nro spending tho week end nt Grants Pass visiting Miss Ev elyn Conklln. rroaurers Fruit e&. was just re ceived a 'largo shipment of 1 In. nnd ?i lb. tin top berry baskets, and can fill orders In nny quantity. Wo also havo on hand n largo supply of tho celebrated "Security" orchard lad dors In nil sties. Tor camping, khaki dresses, skirts, linen conts, outing bats. Ahrcns. Miss Hazel Orr. of Kugeno Is vis iting 3trs. f. B. Orr of this city. TKeywIll attend tho Chautauqua nt Ashland today. Judgo Stephen Jewell nnd his family of Grants Pass are camping nt Hjbco's Springs. 13,00b accident and llfo Insurance Tor $10: $5250 for $17.50. See Holmes, tho Insuranco man. ' Karl lllgelow was In Mod ford Thursday on his way from Dunsmuli1 to Grants Pass. Senator II. von dcr Hellcn left for Salem Thursday evening nnd will bo gone soveral days. Don't forget tho Klks picnic at Colcstln Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Owens of An tolopo camo to Med ford Thursday to meet William Drown of New York a cousin of tho latter, who will pay them a short visit. I). Terrltt of Grand Forks, X. D., Is visiting In Mcdford. Ho was for merly connected with tho First Na tional bank. Orchard, hunting, mhlng and Crater Lake scene for sale at Ger king & Harmon's studio. Negatives made any place, kodak finishing. 1S8 Bast Main street Phone SIC IL Mrs. h. Mortenson of Portland, who has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wilson, left for her homo on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Walker, who havo been visiting In Lane county, their former home, returned tho foropart of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stono and Mrs. I.. M. Fosg of Willow Springs district wre recent visitors in Med ford. Kodak finishing, host In town, at Weston's. ClaraMaglll was granted a di vorce from Archfo Maglll by Judge Calkins at tho session of tho circuit court for Josephine county, held this week. Joseph Skcetcrs. who has been a resident of Medford during tho past two years, has resumed possession of his farm In tho southern part of Jo- seplilno county. His family wont with him, as also his mother. .Tickets for tho Elks excursion to Colcstln can bo obtained from tho Klks committee. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln McCorraick nro being visited by their son. Lin coln McCormlck, Jr., of Portland. Alfred Weeks has been at Itlo Doll orchard, In Hock Point district, this week. , J. Nlghbor of Grants Pass was of the many who camo to Mcdford dur ing tho week. B. D. Weston, commercial photog rapher, negatives made any time or place by appointment. Phone M. 1471. A. J. Dnloy nnd O. Wnlmsy, busi nons men of Eagio Point, tarried awhllo In Mcdford Thursday. Misses IbbIq McCully and Molllo Jlrltt of- Jacksonville woro among Medford's visitors Thursday. Thero will be great doings at Colcstln Sunday when tho Elks ex curslon arrives. You cannot afford to miss It. J. M. Whlpplo and Ocorgo Londoa of Itoguo nivor transactod business In MedfdTd' Thursday, Flotcher Linn, a prominent busi ness nlan of Portland, Is at Jack sonville 'looking after his orchard. Dr. KlrchgcBsner will be at Hotel Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m. to 3 "p. m. on and after May 24. TIiq Valley Prldo croamory of Ap plegulo, which disposes of somo of Its product In 'Medford, manufactur ed 1700 pounds of buttor during tho month of Juno. Weeks ft McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS KJkY iWIITAW Day Phono 227 Nlht V, W. Weeks 10.1-J.2 Wkhm A, k. Orr U78-M - W 1. Hnlley was nt Grants Pass Thursday adjusting tho loss of. U. Wrlght'ii residents top tho Oregon Flro Relief association. Mr. William ltnmllu Is visiting at Grants Pass, tho guest of hor daughter, Mrs. Amort Smith. The greatest picnic excursion ever ghen In southern Oregon will bo tho Elks picnic nt Colcstln Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. Wobor of Med ford nnd Mrs. Weber of Portland, who have been nt Shasta Springs for somo time, returned this week. Judgo Calkins adjourned circuit court for Joscnhlne county until tho jlrArwcpk In September; nfter n ses 'slon" of 'oen day, burins which con siderable business was tllsposed of Summer slab wood $2.00 n tier. Volley Fuel Co., Tel 76. P. 1 Swayno and Ed Saltmarsli of Wtffklns precinct were In Medford and Jacksonville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A, H. 1. oiler and Mrs. M. A. Kemp of Grants Pass nro attending tho Seventh Day Advon tist camp meeting. Everbody Is going to Colcstln Sunday on tho F.Iks excursion. H. A. Canaday, the attorney, has Bono to Josephine county to trans act somo legal business. Tho northbound trains were de layed several hour Thursday even ing by a water tank south of tho Siskiyou mountain falling onto tho track. Vapor baths and scientific mas sage for men and women. Dr. R. J. Lockwood, chiropractor. 203 Gar-uett-Coroy bldg. Phono 145. Professor John Norllug, tho band master, was nt Ashland Thursduy, nsslstlng In the observance of Grants Pass day at Chautauqua. Mrs. T. W. Miles and Mrs. D. B. Sollss went to Ashland Thursday to attend thu Chautauqua session. You can't afford to miss tho fun at tho Elks Sunday excursion to Colcstln. C. C. Pun?cl. W. O. Garrett and A. Strand of Applegate transacted business In Mcdford Thursday. Miss E. Nethcrland went to Talent Thursday afternoon to visit relatives and friends. or uost quality nomo grown meats, go to Stall 12, Public Mar ket, J. H. Tyrrell. A. T. Bates of Grants Pass ami C. T. Brown of Roseburg were busi ness visitors in Medford this week, O. Wakefield of Phoenix made a trip fo Mcdford Thursday afternoon W. Ballard of Washington, D. Cv, Is In this section on official business, John, G. Townsend. X.. C, Marls arid W. A. WoodWard of Portland aro business visitors In Mcdford. Tho finest studio In Southern Ore gon has been opened by Gcrklng & Harmon, at 22$ East Main St., first stairway cast of Star theatre. Our work Is always tho best. Views of all kinds for salo. Tho best of Ko dak finishing. Negatives made any timo or place. Phpne 320-J. Mrs. H. Wittenberg and her son, Ralph, and A. Nlcolal of Portland, arrived in .Medford-Thursday. Burrell Miller has'gone to Steam boat district on n prospecting trip. George X. Lewis was over from Jacksonville Thursday afternoon. II. A. Lowrer of Prospect nnd J. S. Bailey of Ashland tarried in Med ford Thursday. Pictorial Review patterns now In stock at Moo & Co. 10C Will H. Wilson spent Thursday at Grants Pass on business. Mrs. W. C. Halo of Grants Pass Is at Portland visiting her parents, Air. and Mrs, ,X. Lourgeil, formerly of Jacksonville. Clyde Barnum of Phoenix nnd J. C. Aitkin of Rogue River, county fruit Inspectors, were In Mcdford tho forepart of tho wcok. Prlvato music lessons from 50 cents upwnrd to Three dollars per lesson, according to subject and teacnor chosen. Mcdford Conserva tory; open all summer. College Bldg. air. nnu Mrs. Fred Slaglo and Claudo Moon of Coquille, Coos coun ty, who have been visiting In Med ford. left for homo Thursday even ing. il. IJ. Howard, II. A. Gray and Wllmor Cartwright aro In Siedford again after an automobile trip to crescent City. Talk "with Tumy, In tho Garnett Coroy DIdg., about tho low cost of accident Insurauco in tho Travelers Insuranco company, 101 j;r. uuorgo u ueims was over from his ranch, located southeast of Medford, Thursday. Walter Mnhony, Southern Pacific agent at Grants Posh, spent a fow hours nt Medford Thursday. Now green pasture with shado and running water to let. Isaacs, phono 501-H.4. Mr. und Mrs. II. Ellison of Merlin district have returned homo after a visit with relatives living In Med ford, Brooms Ask your dealer for tho product of tho Ashland factory, A large number of Seventh Day Adventlsts from different parts of Oregon uro camping ntar tho big tent that has been cicctcd at Ed ward and Buatty streets for tho meoting now progressing, Hovcrul prominent jiroitcliors are holding thu services, which uro well attended, .tallies Cnhc-il of Wlmor district wits of thoso who camo to Medford Thursday. Hay Satchwoll spent Thursday af ternoon nt Ashland, his 'former home. ills Einiiin'Armslroiig left for Talent Thursday to visit her ulster, .Mrs. A. J. Carpenter. Mrs. Fred Honor of Grants Pass was the guest of Mrs, Orln Ihwls on Thursday. They visited Ashland In In tho afternoon. Tli ladles of tho Altar society of tho Catholic church will lme nil kinds of homo cooking, pies, cook ie!, cakes, salads, cold intuits, dough mils, etc. Special ordora taken by calling 110G-J, at tho public market on Saturday. Svith "See Portland First" as Its slogal, a parly of Snlom boosters, numbering eighteen, nro en route to Crater t.ako In five automobiles. In tho party nro Mr. and Mrs. F. M Brown. Mr. and Mm. H. E. Downing. Clhudo Downing, Mr. mid Mrs. M E. Hartley, Paul J. Fry and his fam llj'. Miss Klttlo llnrhord. Mm. John Craig nnd her daughter. Mrs, J. It. Williamson, a former resident of Central Point, died nt Grants Pass of Brlght's dlsoaso on July t2, aged t5 years, She came to Oregon from Missouri twenty years ngo and Is survived by her husband and three mnrrlod daugh ters. Dr. J. F. Reddy and Franklin Uelm, who returned from Crescent City Wednesday, state that tho peo plo of that town are makliV excel lent headway In raising their part of the fund needed to build tho fall road from Grants Pass. Judge Chtlds, who has the matter In hand, has pledges for nearly $150,000 nl ready. Judgo W. M. Colvlg returned Frl day from n trip to Portland. A. E. Rcamos and Mrs. Kennies havo returned from an auto trip to Wntdo. Eddie Burgess loaves Sunday for n two months' business trip to Now York City. FRANCE LEADS I PARIS. July IS. According to tho International Aeronautical Fed eration statistics Just published, Franco has '.5c lkcnscd aeroplane pilots, as against Groat Britain's 37C, Germany's 333, United StatoV 193. lull's 1S9. Russia's 1C2. Aus tria's Si, Belgium's GS, Switzer land's 27, Holland's 2C, Argentine's IS, Spain's 15, Sweden's 10, Den mark's S, X6rway's C, ad Egypt's 1. Germany has moro spherical bal loon pilots, with 900, with Franco following with 201, Austria with C4, Italy G7, Belgium 56, United States 32. QUARTER MILLION LOSS YAKIMA HOP FIELDS NORTH YAKIMA, Wa-h., July 18. Hop grower in this alloy otiinatc that the late spring, nnd dninngo to tho hopyards by wind will cause a loss of :?2"jO,000 on this yenr's crop. It wns estimated early in the season that the crop from this section would total thirty thousand bales but p rec ent estimates put it lit between 20, 000 und '22,000 bales. LANGFORD BACK FROM AUSTRALIAN BATTLES SAN FRANCISCO, Chi., July 18. Knm Lungford, negro heavyweight, was n passenger on the Htonmer So noma, which iirrivcd here shortly bo fore noon todnv from Australia. The negro wns met nt tho station by Charlio Miller, the San Francisco fighter, who is anxious to meet lungford in eithor n four, ten ot twenty round contest here next month. EIGHTY-FOUR AT ASHLAND ON GRANTS PASS DAY . 1 The special Ablilnml ('hmilnuqtin excursion train left Gniutu 1'u.sa Tlmrediiy bearing 81 pnwngorrt, who hpent the tiny lit Ashland, returning homo nt midnight. This it not ih largo a number us it wns hoped would go, but it in nn inorenso over lent yeiir, -OimitH J'uhs Courier. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR HALE OR TRADE -Ono Thom as (JO, t'oyllnder 7-pasHengor auto, chain drive, new tires ull around; A No. 1 car for II cry op Orator Lake route; or will Icneo to ru spoiislliJo party to run on llvory. No. COO lQth ut. JOBT Pedal, crank nnd sprocket, from Indian inotorode. Finder pleaso return to this office 103 .OR HALE Ml my thoroughbred Jersey cows, M. Walsh, Jlth and Holly, Phono 312. '100 LOST Small fox torflor dog, ono black anil ono white our; has had left leg brokon; name Bubbles, Return to Iko Burnett, Nash ho tel, und rovolvo reward. 102 AV UPWARD MOVE S in ti NW YORK, .Inly t8. Tim up wiml ininenuMit In ftlocki which ho uun on Momtnv wns resumed today, DCK MMFT following yoslertlny's letictloii. Motfi. of the impoitnut imu-h (tinned ono to two points, The only exception to the general mlviuiee were tho oir slocks which led ji -tcnlny slump. rnliPorina Petroleum ilioppetl lliiee polntn mul Medium Petroleum 1! Vi: Hot It later rebounded l'a. United Staler Steel wim the mot buoyant toelj in tlie Ht, riMng two point on buying by shorlx. JCew Haven rose two points in tho eurlv trailing, fol lowing the iiiiiinuiu'etiieiit of the re- oigimtioit of l'roMilent Mullen. Af terf noon trailing liecitmu very iluil mul general ileellnei of a fraction were rocotdeil. California Petroleum reneheil n new low record price Homli were firm. The market closed sleadv. PUGET NAVY YARD BREMERTON', Wash., July IS Secretary of tho Xuxy Jox'ophus Dan iels Is Inspecting the Piigel Sound ii i nay yard In detail here today. II arrived from Seattle at 10 13 nn nfter formal grouting by Rear Ad miral Cottmnii, commander of tho post, commenced to Inspect tho yard and equipment. During thu aftn noou the secretary will hear com plaints nmiliist the present umthods of rating nnd tho wago scale systo l now In oguo In nnv) srds. Secretary Daniels' most Importn'it inUsloii hero Is to decide on tho availability of Keoport as a place for tho got eminent' Pacific coast tor pedo station. This will bo taken up with Admiral Cottmnii ot tho nftet noon couferenn. Full sets of bluo prints, speilflcntlons mid costs uro nn hand for consideration. Fair Weather Pretliclctl. PORTLAND, Ore., July 18. Fore ent: Oregon mid Washington, fnir tonight nnd Batiirdav; eoiitinucd warm; northen-iterK wimN. With Mcdford trndo Is Medford made. NSPECTING Stupendous Unloading' Sale of the Entire Stock of Newest Spring and Summer Tailored Suits, Long Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Shirtwaists, Millinery & Furnishings. TJNRESISTABLE VALUES, AN OPPORTUNITY YOU SHOULD NOT MISS TO REPLENISH YOUR WARDROBE, OUR SOLE AIM IS TO TURN THE STOCK INTO DOLLARS AN DCENTS. YOURS IS THE SAV ING. REDUCTIONS 20 TO 50'?, AND MORE. Tailored Suits V2 Price Your unrestricted choice of. the en tire stock including all navy 1j1ii serges, while serges and mixtures, all sizes, at exactly one-half off. $18.50 Tailored Suits $9.25 $25.00 Tailored Suits $12.50 $.'J5.00 Tailored Suits .17.50 SILK DRESSES Ono lot of Silk Dresses in pongees, foulards, niessalines and fabric silk, pretty colorings, sizes 14 to 40, aetnal values to $29.50, unloading salo price at $11.95 ! 7 "Wash Dresses specially priced $1.39 $1.89, $2.69, $4.50 and up. Children's Dresses to eloso out tho en tire line at very, special prices, (ha better malce 98fr $1.19, $1.58 and $2.19. Vnu.,' "JVf f ?.4 tu mtiZitX&r' , j )a MINERS FLOCK TOCORUMSMELTER ' t I ' " A number of tho residents of the Itoguo lllvor valley havo gono to Simula county, California, to assist In tho overhauling and operation of tho Biilnklula Copper eonipunv's WEAR "Goob A "FIT OR NO SALE" EVERY TIME. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE THIL PAINT SHOP Paints, Oils, Vriniisho3 nnd Wall Papor For your Tinlincr, Painting ami Paper Hanging Sou J. H. FIRES Propriotor Phono 243 J FIR WOOD SLAB WOOD W O OD Dry Wood in iior, cord ami carload lots. 'Pry a tier of my slab wood Tor cooking. Tl's cheap and I will guarantee .safisladion. FRANK H. RAY Yard at Gth and Fir. OAK WOOD i Lingerie Dsesses J2 Price The cream of tho stock just when you want them for the hot weather. All our white voile, marquisette lawn and mull Dresses at exactly one-half off. $8.50 Dresses $-1.25 $10.00 Dresses $5.00 '11.50 Dresses $5.75 $1 0.50 Dresses $9.75 $.'15.00 Dresses...., $17.50 PARASOLS ONE-HALF PRICE Including many protty green, red, champagne in India and Paragop frame, regular $1.50 to $5,50 makes, sale price 75 to $2.75 Many other special values that1 space will not permit to enumerate, Cloves, Shirt Waists, Muslin Under wear, etc. I I sineltor at Oiniiin, which wan closed boeausi! Its f nines destroyed wtgolit tton for miles urouiid, Tills diffi culty hns hen oVPicoino, however, mul smutting will bo resumed us soon nu a now MiitdlieMlncIt can bo built, Tho old Httuik, which mt 27fi feet high, was iiindo useless by n oraeli I nut extended nearly Its whole length. In raxing It 'J7u sticks of dyuamltii woio placed In holes mound tho luino nnd ttiuchod off by electricity, .'.i . ; . . i . i ''. Shoes' 32 S. Central Avo. Phono 7G0-R LAUREL WOOD We w Selling Out We Are Not Stripping Our Walls But we are sell ing New Stiff Hats, the kind that sell in other stores for $3.00 and $400, for 25c All Straw Hats go nt 25i 'A lot or Hoys' New Caps special at IO$? New high-grade Whip Cord Suil.s, while they last, to he sacrificed at per suit $2.50 One lot of now Pants, very special at 75 It pays to trade at the "Cheapest Store in the West" W. H. Wilson Phono 1103 120 N. FRONT ST. 'i : f