Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 18, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
I'm I r tonight mid HatHnmy.
Mat. 1)1, mlii. n:i.
' v1
Pnrly-thlrd Yimr,
Dully--KImIiIIi Yrnr.
Special Session of Gratul Jury Re
turns Four Indictments, Accused
arc Tried, Plead Guilty, Three
Paroled, One nets Lllit Senlencc.
Coprlaml, Mnqulrc and Keller Forged
Checks, Siihth Slolo Chltil Parole
System Working Will.
A rpoelnl iionhliiM f the grand Jury
wiih convened I hlii morning and con
cluded lln labors liefnro I lie iiiion
hour. leturnlug trilo bill nr.ltt
l.o Hoy ('upland. Wllllniu Keller mid
C. I Mi'dulrn Tor utteilitg fnii;ed
checks unit u (run bill ngiiluM IJ, I.
Hinlth fur I'Mlil Mealing. All of tho
ili'fi'iiiliiiiln appeared before lb"
grand Jury mnl Milorod plea of
guilty mnl upon arraignment before
Judge CnlkliiH each entered iiti'iiM of
guilty ami waived Iho Hunt for sen
tence, Copland. Msgulro mnl Keller worn
each gUiui lud'itormlmitit Hi'iil"iic'y
of from two to twenty )enro In the
Mate penitentiary, lint upon lln ree
otuiui'iulmlon of llm district nttur
my mnl others wero placed upon
pmoli, conditioned upon good !
huvlor nml (heir totul nlmtlm-iiro
from Intoxicating liquor. Hinlth wax
given n Henlonrn of from mm to
(wonty yi'tirM, with (ho rcrouimciiiln
Hon Hint llm prison authorities In
mImIi hi mental rouitltlou.
Judge- Calkins Mated Hint there,
liiul mi fur been tint on violation of
his pm-oto mnl Hint In Unit rami llio
pmly lut il been npprehended mnl
wan now nerving liU full ontntico.
In every oilier InMmirn the parole
granted were working mil satlsfac
lorlly mill llio persons on pnrole
vi'n eiirneitly tr)lug to become line
fill cltlteliH.
Tim grand Jury wiih niljoiinieil
uuill October 20, there being no
oilier pursuit confined In Jnll to
itwnlt (heir action.
WASHINGTON, July .18. -Piosi-dent
Wilson m'ik to llie seniito tmliiy
llio follow lii immimitioiiH;
fnnunissinnor of Meiliiitimi nml
Couolliulinii Willimn L. ( 'handlers',
of the lltsliict of Columbia.
Ahihtiiul ('(iiniiiihuiiuu'r of Med
iitliim mnl Ooiiciliulion (I. Y. V.
Hunger, of the District of Colmnliin.
I'nileil Slules .luilj-e for (lie Norlli
ei'u Dirtlili'l of Cnllfoinlii Mmirieo
T. DiioliiiK.
Unllnl SlnlcH Miulml for (lie DiK
liielof Oii'koii John .Monliij?.
tfiiilftl Slnlcrt l)iilrict Attorney
for the Kmitli Dintrict of ('iiliforum
- Alherl Selioonover.
I'OWTMNI), Ore., July 18.-At
eleven thirty todivy lh jiivy which
lit'iml ovliluiicn in the Irinl of Kilmuiiil
K. II. Von Kloln, elinr(,'itil with lir-I'l-ny
of JhwoIh vidiiml lit .":iri)U from
Mhh Mllii'l N'mvi'diiili, wiih kIIII ilu
lilieiiiliuK. 'i'hti eimo wiih Kiven to
llu jury ill 3:110 yi-Hlurduy. 1'rmlie
liopH of ii Iiiiiik Jury mo hoiiiK freely
muile. ,
N'KW YOHIf, July 1tt.- DireeloM
of llie.Minv Yolk, Now lluveii mid
lliirlfiiiil inllrniiil loiluy ititeepled IliO
ichIkiiiiIIiiii of Pii'slili'iit (!, H. Melleo
In hei'onuvffeiillvtt when IiIh hiki.
ci'iiMir In uiioiilod. Melleii tiid
neil liix n'hluliiillnii ycMleidiiy.
Maiiufaclurers Wrolc That Speaker's
District Would Bo Given Considera
tion Ahead ol Everyllilnii Else
Drwers Asked to Favor Watson.
Qarlholdt's and Con drey's Election In
1 90U Due to Manufacturers Aid
Declared Former Lobbyist.
Iiik IiIh tenllmouy Unlay liefore the
Heuiilo "IiihIiIIiiiih Inliliy" proherH,
Martin M. Mulluill or lliilllmoro il
Hi'rllieil IiIh uiovimieiitH III tlio full of
IDliS whllo UHHlnllniv In tlm re-elee-I
Colt of cmiKroHHiiifU fuvoretl Ity the
National AiMorliitlou of .Maiiiifartiir
erw. "I wm onlered to Bleep In my
elothfM," nli Mullmll, "nml ilhl no.
Wo Nlmply had to put lm repuhlU
enn lli'het acroHn, nml wo illil."
Miillnill ilerlnreil he nml other
employeii of Urn N. A. M. workeil
ilny mnl iiIkIiI lit Imllmm In mi ef
fort to Hiive former t'ouKreiwiiuin
JiimeN WiiIhoii, who In l0K wiih ile
feiited for Kvernor.
Irfllem AKiiluot Mullmll
Twenty-three thomtmnl leltcrH, tie
hIhiii'iI to illnrreillt Mullmll, will he
lutroilureil hy tlm H. A. M,
I' chnrr.eH thnf the ilemoerntM
were inmilpulntltiK the Mulliall In
quiry for polltlml purpoien were
mailo ilurltiR tlm inoriiltiK hy Keniilor
Kuiito N'elnou of Mliint'Kotti, n re
puhllenu metuhor ut tlm Overmuu
rommltlee. They were vulroil when
Hetiutor Cuiuiulun luterrupteil the
prorreHH of Mullmll s testimony to
exhibit n teleKrmn from Wood Me
Chive of New Jerney. nxkliiK imtiuIi-
nIoii to teMIfy before the probem.
NdIkoii ilemmnleil Hint McClave be
permltleil to tentUy. Thero wnB no
objection nml McClnve will nppenr
before tlm proborH tomorrow, Mc
Clnve In the republican raiullilate for
roncreim from lh Mxth illKtrlct of
New Jerney. a itperliil elertlon Ii
to bo hehl next TueKilii)' to fill the
To KxpoMt MrCtitto
DurliiK Mulluill'H exmnlimtlon yen
lertliiy Seuntor lleeil Juiupeil the
ImiirhiK two year out ot Itn rliron
oIokIi'iiI onler ho Mulliall mlnlit tell
or the N. A. M. h operutloiin In KUO
In helmir of Mi'Clave.
In .September, tUOO, Mulliall alil
he reported leiiKthlly to heutlquiir
tom ri'KardhiK a trip to Cincinnati
in nil e at the icquett, ho mild, of Hcn
ntor Toraker. lie mild ho conferred
thero with Arthur Voryu, former
1'reiddeul TaftV campaign mmitiKer
In UMlIt.
ltooeel( Hurt Ticket
"I Kovii Voryn to uiulertnml,"
MulhnH'K report read, "that a large
number of our people would vote
the republican ticket, but wore, not
active for the ticket bocmiHo of Colo
nel Konevell'H work upon coitKrenn
Inxt winter In Heekluc cIiikk leKlnla
Hon for unloiiH. Voryu wiih more
than mixloiiA to cot our people to
nee Tuft mid net our people actively
worklm; In tlio Htato and tlirougli
out tlio country.
"1 told VoryH to have Judge Taft
rouimuulcato with Van Cleave,
1'mry, Klrhy, rlchwedtman mid other
hmdorH of our organization. VoryH
promlHcd ho would."
(Continued on Tago )
claring that tlio Hountu finance coin
mltteo'H downward revision of tlm
tariff will "further carry out and
perfect tlm theory of odtiihlUhlng u
revenue producing tnrlff upon llio
IiiihIh of compotltlvn rates iih u JiihI
and fair liitorpretatlou In tlm light
of exlHtlng condltloim of llm latent
mithmitatlvo utleranccH of tlm party
In power upon Hint Hiihjert,'' Chair
man HIiniumiH reported to the veil
utn tnday'oii 171 nmomliueutH to tlm
Underwood hill tin panned by tlm
Coutliiuliiif, tlm report Haym
"Tlm rouiinllten now huIiiiiIU Hid
ri'HiillH of IIh lalmi'H, coiifldenlly be
lluvluu that tlio eimutiuuiit of houmi
lllulH of the uuiinppy lomlltlon of
tlm Utile cnniwltrli, the heir to tlio
throim of tbo ItonuiuoffH, are borne
out by Hie lutein pliturcH received
In llm Culled BtateK. They dhow
him to be ii very unhappy mid pa
thetic little figure Whether IIiIh In
due In the iiOiHerloim attack on Mm
a ear ago when he wan ho badly
wounded Hint It wait doubtful If he
would refiner. Ih not known, The
ernr him never permltleil tlm real
Hlory of that attack mid the Injury
douo the child to be made public.
Iteccntly w li-ii Dm boy attended the
Itomauoff leicfiileuary (elebrallou
In MoHcow' he lud to be rnrrled hy
a giant officer
t'nltPd Hlnton Mnmlmll LeMlo M.
Kcott nrrltcd In Medford Prlday and
left nl oiuo for Crater I a l.o. Mr,
Hcott roftiK'il to state IiIh iiiIkhIoii,
hut II Ih reported to bo In connec
tion with tlm deadlock existing over
(ho pnrk lupnriutenilency between
W. !', Arant, who wn removed July
1 by Secretnry of tlio Interior Lane,
but refuneH to Hiirrender poBneRslou
of government hcadqunrtorn, nl
nltliougli bin pay linn stopped, and
Will (1. Steel, who wiih appointed su
perintendent. Secretary I-nno turn
ed Hie matter over to tlio department
of JtiBtlre to enforce tbo authority
of Hie federal government.
Mr, Arant rlaliiiR the office In un
der civil KiTvleo and that lie cannot
lut removed. Attorney (icimrnl Mc
IteyuoIdH held Hint It wiih within tlm
province of the xecrutary of the In
terior to remove mid appoint, Ar
ant threatens an appeal to tlio courts
to maintain himself In office.
SHAWM!, Wiii-li., July lS. Kml-
inp of u Ki'iiiul Jury rt'imrt filed No-
vemher 'Jl, 11)11, in which Mayor
Hiiiim dill nml Iiik friemls were lis-
eiiMsed ami eoulaiuiut; n elmwo eon-
ilciiiniiiu' Ihc Itnliau Amerienu club,
of whicli Allien J. Illellieu puliliher
of llm Seuttlo Timed, wiih n member,
wiih ordered stricken from tlio report
this morning hy Judge John K. Hum
phries of llio superior court.
Thin wiih done in ttponsc to n po
litiou of eleven men who were mem
bei'ri of tlio chili nt that time, nml
who wciii involved in ',1m expose.
hill as amended will result In a more
equitable dlHtrlhutlon of tlio burdeiiH
mid iiIho tlm Incidental benefits of
our nyBtom of ciiHtonm taxation;
that It will tend to disintegrate
inonopollert built up under tlio pres
ent Hyntum, and that It will enlarge
the opportunity for Individual '-
fort, reduce the com of living ant
relievo tlm people from tlio bunion of
(ho protective tiyHtom tiu Htrongly u-
empllfled In tbo I'ayno law,"
According to tlm report of tlio
committee, reiluctloiiH In tlm uvorani
ml valorem rat en on all ImportH are
mailo by llm mmato atueudmeut
7 . I per rent from llm oxIhHii';
rateH, nml of .'i'l per cent from llm
riitcM of llio Iiuiihu hill,
French Representatives Visit Devas
tated Districts Thirty Thousand
Mussclmen Massacred nt Dolrau
and Bodies Horribly Mutilated.
Foreign Property Destroyed at Seres
Guns Turned on all Foreign Pro
perty. SOFIA, July 18. Counter charges
of iiltocilifH iigiiiunl (Ircck troop-i
voiced in un offielnl Mnleiiicnt ihiieil
from ihu war office here today. II
alleged flrcrl: noldii'm ignored red
croKH mnl foreign fliiu'f. nml Mhelled
a lio.-pitnl u( Dcutir Hinr, killing
iiiohI of the uure nml patient, 't
iiIkh allegcM the (In-ckx pilliigeil ;i
eliureh u( Kjlkihh, imirdering heeral
ATIIi:NS, July IS -I'r'ihahlllO-of
Immediate lutnrvetiiUiu by '.bo
power (o bring mi end to ntnultm
charged to Unitarian troops by K'ng
Contitantliio of Oreece Ih Been here
today to tlm departure of (ho si-v
tary of tlio Kronch legntlon hero foi
llio devnutated district for n ientonnl
Tlm Creek war office, bnflng Its
nllegatloiiH on tlio pertonhl reportn
of King CouBtantlnc, charges Hint
uIvck and daughterii were outraged
hy retreating Hulg.irlaiiH before thi
cyi-H of liUKbnndB mid parents nml
their bodies cremated.
Thirty tliniiBand MiiBBolman in
liabltaiitB, tl Ih alleged, were massa
cred at Dolrau and tbo bodlctl lmr
rlbly mutilated. Nobcb nml cam, t!m
reportB ny, wore removed Irom ily
lug victims and thousands of homo
burned. Tlio path of tlm rel renting
army, It I charged, Is marked .vltb
hundreds of corpses.
ThouBands of dollnrs' worth of
foreign proporty Ib roported to have
been destroyed nt Scren, the Uulgar
laim turning their guns on all for
eign buildings there.. Tlio ware
house of tho American Tobacco com
pany, at Seres, wan fired, hut Man
agers Harrington mid Mooro escaped.
The Austrian and Italian vlco
cnnsulH worn captured, but tlm lat
ter was ransomed. Thousands of
residents. It Is charged, were killed
when tho Uulgar guns swept tho city.
KVnitHTT, Wash., July IS. Jos
eph Anthony, who was arrested at
Index last night on suspicion that
ho was Jomlulk I'lttorl, tho Ic-per,
who cscaiH'd from tho Diamond
Point quarantine station a week ago,
Ih being held hero today ponding a
conference between tho sheriff and
county health officers. Anthony Is
Buffering from some disease of tho
skin and Is In a pitiful condition, his
face being a mass of sores.
Past Assistant Surgeon ICarlo
camo hero from Port Townsond as
8ooti as tho report was sont out that
tho leper had been caught and ex
amined Anthony. Ho snld tho ills
enso was not leprosy, Anthony will
probably bo treated nt tho county
hospital. Ho Bald ho tins been beat
ing his way toward tho coast from
ney (lenernl MeUeynolils today ap
pointed Willimn Dcimmn, of San
r'rnnoiM'o, us hpccinl prosecutor ' lu
tho gdvcruiucnt suitK lo recover, tillo
to oil liiuils in Culiforniii mid other
Hlules. Millions of dollars' w'oiili of
lands mo Involved In Iho proceed
ings. President Taft withdraw theso
lauds In IDOll nml tho legality of the
net ton Is ipii'Hliuncil. Two suits nl
icmly luivo been begun In l.os An-
' right or get off tho throne!"
That wuh the order a mere prlmo
minister gave him tho other day,
I'rlnio Minister Titus Mujoresco of
Itoummilu wan talking to King
Charles, whoso Hiipino attitude In the
new situation has shamed IiIh sub
jects. Tlm king at onco signed the
ordor for catling out the army and
Itoiimmila placed herself lu an atti
tude of defense.
:r- - - sr-?.-
PORTLAND, Ore, July 18. Ful
lowing the riotous dixtiirlmuctM here
lif-t night in which deputy, sheriffs
mid police cleared Ihc Mrectfl of In
dust rial Workers of the World, their
sympathizers nml citiren, after
nearly u hundred persons were struck
with cIiiIm and many knocked down
by llio officers, Slic-nfC Totg.Word
tun Chief of Police Clark today h--ucd
order. to nrrot nil of the I. W.
W. agitators (hut could he found in
the city mid charge them with vn-
grancy. Four nrrcats were made bc-
lore noon today in the vicinity of
i he plant of the Oregon Packing com
pany, where a strike of girl and wom
en employes lias been in progress
for some time.
Dr. Mnrie Kqui, one of the leaders
of the hand of women who attempted
to epenk on the streets Inst night who
was placed in tho county jail, will
lcuc the state before midnight, in
stead of facing trial on n charge of
n spit id t with a deadly weapon. Sher
iff Word nml Chief of Police Clark
npreed lo Ibis today when friends of
Dr. Kqui iiskcd that tlicv bo allowed
to Inke the woman either to Seuttlo or
Mayor Albee today Usttcd an np
pcal to the cilzetis of Portland to
keep off of the streets ut night dur
ing the present disturbances.
Kennet Hotel Burned.
KKNNKT, Cnl., July 18. The Com
mercial Hotel, a three story frame
structure, was destroyed by firo hero
enrly today. One hundred lodgers
escaped in their night dollies. The
loss is estimated nt .flS,000.
NEW YORK, July 18. Tho dead
lock between tho railroad managers
mid tho committee of 100 represent
ing 80,000 trainmen and conductors
of eastern Hues, over tho question of
submitting "all grievances" to tho
federal mediation commission, pro
vided for In tho Newlmuls amend
ment to tho Krdmnn arbitration act,
continued today with both sides ap
parently determined not to recede
from tholr positions.
Tho railroad managers denied Hint
they hnd practiced trickery In fram
ing Monday's lettor and declare that
tho word "all" In tho agreement to
arbitrate was not Intended us a
"Joker." They nro ready to fight to
maintain the stnml thoy hnvo taken,
It Is assorted.
Tho trnlnmon's committee expect
that tho railroads will capitulate,
following tho receipt of tho ulti
matum tiom their employes that the
railroads must withdraw the eight
demands which tho iiinniiKora pro
pose to submit to arbitration, or
thero will ho u strike, Tho railroads,
according to tho trainmen's commit
ito, could have selected no surer Way
of drlvliiK tho inun from tho norvlcu
Secretary Amused at Wall Street
Rumors Townsend and Brlstow
Grill Nehraskan for Leciurlnrj for
Money During Vacation Period.
Commoner Declared to Be Delinquent
In Duties to People and Government
of Which He Is Premier.
WABIIINC.TON. July 18. Secre
tary of Statu Ilrynn wan amused this
anernoon at reporu current on tlio
New York Htock exebnngo that he
was about to resign. At tho White
House II was stated that thero was
absolutely no truth In such rumor.
Senator Townifnil of Michigan
criticised Hryan's statement of tho
reasons for supplementing his sal
ary delivering lectures. Ho snld
that If Hryan's example wore carried
to Its logical conclusion It 'would
permit the small salaried govern
ment employe to "re-Bell a portion
of his time already sold to tho gov
ernment." Towncnil Orlllii Ilrynn
"For fifteen years," Townsend
said, "Ilrynn has posed as a public
censor of men and measures. Ho
has preached about tho duties of
citizenship and assumed to establish
standards for public service.
"Ilrynn says ho Is selling his time,
energies and talents to private Indi
viduals and organizations been u so
his official salary Is not enough up
on which to live."
Townsend rocltetf a list of theMpij
imrium pruuiums now jiuuuing ue
foro tho stato department and as?
sorted that Itryan's action "comes as
a shock to all thoughtful people."
Ho added:
Kntlrcljr llicxcuonblo
"It Is even moro Inexcusable In
view of tho fact that Bryan cannot
possibly havo becomo familiar with
tho duties of his office. The secre
tary of state Is regarded ns tho most
Important executive officer of tho
government below tho president. Ho
Is tho premier of tho cabinet and
should bo the first to sot an exam
plo of faithful and Intelligent devo
tion to duty."
Senator Brlstow attempted to de
bate his resolution calling upon tho
president for an opinion as to what
ho considers an adequato salary for
tho present secretary of state. Tho
resolution was lnld on tho table, but
nrlstow Insisted on speaking.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 18. Firo
starting from mi unknown source did
damage today estimated nt 40,000
(o the building occupied by the Fisher
Thorsen company, paint and oil deal
ers. On nceoiml of Iho inflnmmnble
stored in the building the fire was
prevented from spreading with great
than by Insisting on arbitration of
their own grievances at this time.
Tho railroad managers held a
session this morning, at which It was
oxpected Soth Low. president of tho
National Civic Federation, would
present medlatlvo suggestions con
cerning tho questions to bo submit
ted to arbitration. Beforo tho meet
ing Low pointed out that tho present
attitude of tho railroads wus adopt
ed aftor tho Whllo Houso confer
ence. Tho employes' committee main
tains Huit when tho railroads agreed
to Join tho conference with Presi
dent Wilson, tho only quostion
pending wus the dispute ovor the
tralnmou's wage demand.
Presidents I.eo and OarrotBon of
tho tralnmou's mid conductors' or
ganization, rospoctlvoly, Joined In u
declaration that tho employes would
watt until tho eouato had conflrmod
President Wilson's appointments of
mediation commissioners, nnd then
If Iho rnllronds Insisted on submit
ting their grievances to tho federal
board, the men would refuse lo sign
(ho stipulation for arbitration mid
would strike.
NO. 104.
Boston Terrior Belonglnq to .Mrs.
Bob Fitzslmmons who Is Filling a
Theatrical Enrjarjcment Herb, Found
Suffering From Hydrophobia.
All Dogs in City Ordered Muzzled or
Kept Tied up by Mayor as Other
Dogs May Have Become Affected.
To Hie Public:
Notlco In'hereby given that
nil dogfl In Medford must 4.
wear muzzles or bo kept tied
nt home, on account of dan-
gcr from rabies.
W. W. EIFEFtT, Mayor.
A Boston terrier belonging
Mrs. Bob Fitzslmmons, wlfo of the
pugilist, who Ih filling a theatrical
engagement hero, was killed Friday,
by Dr. J. L. Helms, city veterinary
Ian, after observation had convinced
him that It was afflicted with rall
ies. Tho animal, which was highly
pedigreed and a valiiahlo animal,
was brought down with tho troupe
from Portland Wednesday. Thurs
day It began snapping at people and
showing other suspicious symptoms. '
Dr. Helms was called, confined tho
dog, found It suffering from rabies
and' killed It. --
This Is tho first caso of rabies lu
southern Oregon. Tho dog had'
been kept In tho rear of ono of tho'
hotels nnd so- far ns known had not
bitten any other animal. The Infec
tion probably occurred in Portland,
whero two men died this week from
rabies and several dogs havo been
found afflicted.
Mayor Elfcrt nt onco ordered that
nil dogs In the city be kept muzzled
or tied up nt home, na It Is not
known whether tho nffectcd animal'
bit other dogs or not.
WASHINGTON, July 18. Tho
controversy ovor the postponement
of tho whlto slave case against F.
Drew Curmlnettl Jn Ban Francisco,
which culminated In the resignation
of John L. McNnb as United States)
district attorney for North Califor
nia, was aired In tho houso today.
ltopresentutlvo Clayton of Ala
bama, chairman of tho Judiciary
committee, called up tho report of
that committee recommending that
the Kahu resolution calling upon tho
attorney general to submit to tho
houso all correspondence In regard
to McNab's charges bo tabled. This
brought partisan criticism from
several republican membors, to
which vigorous defense was made by
tho democrats.
OAKLAND, Cnl., July 18. Jnok
London, novelist nnd adventurer,
who was taken to n hospital bero
Tuesday . for nn appendicitis opera
tion, proveiT very rofractory pa
tient. Smashing all tho rulcH of
benltb, ho declared today thut hU
constitution nml tho California ell
uiuto would pull him through.
Wednesday night bo tried to go to H
prize fight; ycstorcluy he had a slinye
mid Ids hair cut nt a downtown bar
borshnp, and in tho evening took din
ner with Mrs. London and' mend
friends at ii cafe, Today he planned
n busy day of wprk and an Htilowio.
bile ride, mid tomorrow fexplH to
leitvu for Lou Angela. ,
, 1