Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 16, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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A letter from Kennotli "Dinky"'!
William, Uio GrnntB Pass ImBobnll
jdaVombw with ltoglna In Uio Can
adian league, to his nnronts, Mr. and
MnilJrlttou A. WllllamB of tho city.
1sintPBvtnit lie. lias hctrn sold to tho
, Detroit American, league club for
$1GOO, to report M Detroit In Sen
totnber. Today's Oregonlaii ron
rirlui Jlio utateinc'nl. CI rants Pa
Frartk llrowit, Elmer Wlmbcrly
mml W l Chnpinnn lcavo Tuesday
. uiornlnsr on nn extended automohllo
1 tpjir.'i They ko to Grants- VM. Ora
' tcjikk, Klamath kail. th&co to
(JrcictuU City, Cat., and un'tho toast
ny uoiu licacu nnu unnuun. i nuj-
vlll ld Bbho.two or thrca week.
DurliiR thotr nbtscneo Mrs. Wlmberly
, nnd llttlo son will visit In Grants
I'.ifis and Mrs. ChApiuuti And two
sons will visit with her mother nt
Mill City. ItoseburR Hcvlcw.
roauccrs Fruit Oi. Tms Just re
ceived a larcq shipment of 1 lb. and
2 lb. tin top berry baskets, nnd can
fill orders In any quantity. Wo nlso
have on hand n largo supply of the
celebrated "Security" orchard lad
dors In all sizes.
, Mr. and Mrs. A. H."Vcbor and son
of King street, accompanied by Mr.
Weber's mother from Portland, re
turned Saturday from a weok'a vaca
tion spent nt Shasta Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. A'. K. Ia Ponte of
Central Point spent Tuesday morn
ing Jn Mcdrord.
$3,000 accident fiud life Insurance
for J10: $5250 for. $17.50. Sec
Holmes, tho insurance man. "
JtidRo J. It. Nell of Jacksontlile
was n Med ford visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Nickel! and her
daughter visited In Medford Tuesday
Don't forget tho Elks picnic at
Colestln Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Foss are re
ceiving cfagratulatlons upon the ar
rival or t. daughter at their home
July H.
Mrs. C. F. Young, "who has been
vlnltlbg al Ashland for several days,
Is In Medford again.
Orchard, hunting, mhlnjc snd
Crater Lake scenes for tale at Ocr
klng ft Harmon's studio. Negatives
made any place, kodak finishing. 128
Bast Main street. Phono 215 R.
Simeon FarJow, one of tho earli
est pioneers of Oregon, was down
from his homo In Lak'e Creek district
Mrs. M. Cameron, who has been
attending Chautauqua, returned
from Ashland Tuesday evening.
, Kodak finishing, best .In town, at
' Weston's.
Mrs. J. J. Kunzman is the guest of
. frlonds living at Ashland.
Don Cameron, who was a member
of tho engineering corps that local
. ed a railroad In Linn county for Por
ter Bros., has returned to Jackson
Tickets for tho Elks excursion to
Colestln can bo obtained from tho
Elks committee.
Gcorgo F. Dyer went to Gold Hill
Tuesday evening to Instruct the band
at that placo, of which ho is leader.
Mrs. C. B. Stout and her daughter
of Jacksonville visited in Mcdrord
Flrmln Zana or Gold Hill trans
acted business In Medrord Tuesday
iE. D. Weston, commercial photog
. rapber, negatives made any time or
. place by appointment. Phone M.
M. Williams of San Jose spent sev
eral days in Iloguo River valley dur
ing tho week.
Miss Hubbard of Central Point
was with her Medford friends Tues
ijiero will De great doings nt
Colestln Sundny when tho Elks ex
cursion arrives. You cannot afford
to miss It,
Joseph Martin, foreman of tho
Mansfield ranch on upper Roguo
river, is making Medford a business
Mr. and Mrs. E. Conzer of Jack
sonville drove to Medford Tuesday
afternoon. ,
Dr. Klrcugessnor will be nt Hotol
Nash evory Saturday from 10 a. m.
to 3 p. m. on and after May 24.
11. C. Tabor. J. D. rtniiMiAnvh i
J. Ilurnctto nnd C. T. Simpson were
up from .Ashland during tho week,
u.v M. Mnthes of Ashland, a pio
neer of Jackson county, is convalose.
Ing-from uu oporaion foV tho re-
"niovnl of n prostrnto gland.
Tho greatest picnic excursion over
.glyon In southern Oregon will be tho
fciKs picnic nt Colestln Sunday. '
K. L. Hurdle of Ashland is mak
ing a business trip to Mexico,
Weeks & HcGowan Co.
Day Phono 227
Nlglit P. W. Week J Da-La
rbom A. K. Orr B78-M
It. 11. Ucaine, H. Slmpklim niUI J.
8. March of Central Point were re
cent business visitors In Medford. f'i
David Duncan f North Jackson
ville was nf those who cntno to Mod-
ford Tuesday;
Everybody Is going to Colestln
Sunday on the Elks excursion.
Mr. and Mrs J. Syd. McNnlr of
Ashland wero guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
E. C. Onddls Tuesday.
Miss Mlnnlo Ireland of Grants
Pass passed through Medford Tues
day afternoon, en route to Ashtnud.
Vapor baths nnd scientific nisi
tngo for men nnd women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor. SOS Gar
nnlt.PnrAtf Milif Phrtnn 1iK.
Mrs. Pert Dysert of Grants Pass
has joined her husband, who Is In
charge of the street improvement
work being done at Medford by
Schell &. Schell.
Mrs. Johu Vincent of North Jack
sonville wns In Medford Tuesday on
her way homo from n visit nt Ash
land. You can't afford to miss tho fun
at the Elks Sunday excursion to
James McDonngh of Applegnte
mndo n trip to Medford Tuesday.
J. W. Mltclell, city councilman,
wont north on a bustm:? trip Tues
day evening.
For best quality homo grown
meats, go to Stall 12, Public Mar
ket, J. R. Tyrrell.
C. M. Warren and W. Williams of
Rogue River transacted business In
Medford tho forepart of tho week.
H. Piatt. Sam Richardson. Will
lam Angle nnd S. T. Howard have
returned from an auto trip to Cres
cent City.
Tnnrsdny bargains sowing bas
kets at the Wonder Store.
Mrs. Gilbert ClarJ: of Hilt. Cal
Is :t Into arrival In Medford.
Ij. W. Whiting, mining engineer.
and John Torney have returned from
a trip to Joo Bar, where tho latter
Is operating the Harrcll plaror mine,
A considerable area of ground has
already been moved.
Summer slab wood $2.00 a tier.
Valloy Fuel Co., Tel 7C.
Nort Eddlngs, Mrs. J. 11. Bccman
and J. W. Has or Gold Hill wero of
those who camo to Medford to attend
tho funeral of tho lato Isaac Wright
E. D. Shook, who drove his auto-
mobllo to Crescent City during the
week, made tho return trip to
Grants Pass in eight hours nnd fif
teen minutes. Including all stops.
The rinest studlovln Southern Ore
gon nas been opened by Gerklng &
Harmon, at 22S East Main St, Hrst
stairway east of Star theatre. Our
work is always tho best. Views or
all kinds for sale. Tho best or Ko
dak finishing. Negatives mado any
tlmo or place. Phono 320-J.
Charles Bedford, the grorcr, was
down from Ashland tho forepart of
tho week looking nfter his business
Arthur Gearhart or Evans crook
mado a business trip to Medrord on
Just received another shipment or
those extra quality 10c ribbons nt
tho Wonder Store.
George McClendon. Mrs. W. M.
Whybark, Mrs. Janlo Learned. Mrs.
Nora Eastman and Mrs. Lilllo Mcin
tosh aro up from California, having
been called to Gold Hill by tho seri
ous condition of their father, C. C.
McClendon, n well known plonker
or Jackson county.
Dotectlvo Kelly or tho Southern
i-aciiic company's special sorvlco
passod through Mcdrord Tuesday af
Pictorial Roviow patterns now In
stock at Moe & Co. ioc
Mrs. W. E. Dudgo was nt Ashland
this weok attending Chautauqua.
D. Pcrozzl or Ashland was a
northbound passenger Tuesday eve
Have you seen the new water sots
at tho Wonder Store?
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carroll of
Davenport, Ir relatives of c. J.
Carstens or Medrord, passed through
the city Tuesday en routo to Seattle.
Mrs. H. E. Foster waB tho guest
or frlonds living nt Jacksonville on
Tuesday afternoon.
Privato music lessons from 50
cents upward to Three dollars per
lesson, according lo subject and
teacher chosen. Medford Conserva
tory; open oil summer. Colleco
Dr. F. G. Swodenburg, who has
beon attending a meeting of tho
American Medical society, Is nt Ash
land ngaln. His famllv nwrnv,.,....-
- "" VM11JI
uu mm on nis trip to tho oast.
Isaac Wright died nt his rcsldonco
at Itoguo River Monday morning of
dropsy, after a protracted Illness. Ho
was a resident of southern Oregon
for many years and In his 7Uh year.
Tho remains wero Interred in thn r.
O. O. F, comotcry at Medrord, Tucs-
uy anornoon. Jnmos AVrJght or
lUueburg nnd R. Wright, brothor
and slater or tho deceased, and a
uumbor or rrionds from dlfforent
parts of tho valloy woro In attend
ance. Mr. Wright is survived by
several children, who with his for
mer wife rcsldo in tho east.
Talk with Tumy, in the Oarnott
Coroy Bldg., about tho low cost or
aculdunt Insuranco In tho Travelers
Insurnnco company, 101
R.S. Dnhlberg of AnptegnU', who
Is developing ono of tho finest herds
of dairy cattle in Ort'go, recently re
ceived n shipment, of young rows
from Califernia: also "Sir Nntulft
Korudykn Alcnrtrn," two-year-old
luill of tho famed Holsteln-Krloslnn
breed, wtinto nncrstory traces back
to the chntnplon milkers or tho coun
try, Tho too cream social held nt the
M, K, parsonage by tho ladles of the
Loynl Clrclo Tuesday night wns a
success. Dr. Marlon's orchestra fur
nished music The attendance was
good nnd alt enjoyed theinsolves.
Oct n Clyde paring knife for only
10c nt tho Wonder Store.
J. E. Watt and hts family, Mrs. It.
V. Lumsilcn, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. E.
Knight loft Wednesday morning on
an automobile trip through south
eastern Oregon and northeastern
Mrs. M. D. Jones nnd her son of
Jacksonville spent Tuesday evening
In Medford.
Now green pasture with shade and
running water to lot. Isancs, phone
Judge Calkins has been holding nn
adjourned term of circuit court for
Josephine county. Tho caso Involv
ing tho validity of tho $200,000
bonds Issued by tho municipality of
Grants Pass to nsslst In the build
ing of a railroad to Crescent City was
argued and submitted Monday aft
ernoon. Judge Calkins will render
his decision In a few dnys, when nn
appeal to tho supreme court will bo
taken nnd tho matter disposed of as
soon as possible. The suit was Insti
tuted nt the request or parties wish
ing to buy the bonds nnd Is n friend
ly one.
For sale Two rresh cows, good
.milkers, nnd also two-horso F. M. gas
engine. Answer to Box O, Mall Trib
une, jig
Tho Infant child or Mr. nnd Mrs.
Irwin or 1C0 N. Mnln street, Ash
land, was seriously burned whllo Its
parents wero picnicking on Little
Butte creek Sunday. Tho mother
was rilling the alcohol lamp to warm
the baby's milk when tho wind blow
tho riamo Into tho alcohol, causing it
to explode. Tho child was taken to
the Sacred Heart hospital for treat
ment and Dr. Conroy reports that It
U badly burned about the faco nnd
Tho baby wns ono or tho prize
winners nt tho stato baby chow nt
Salem last rail.
GOLDENDALE, Wash., July 1C -Residents
of this district aro In a
quandary as to how to relievo thorn
selves of grasshoppers which hnvo
collected In such swarms thnt a
train on tho Goldendalo branch or
tho Spokane, Portland & Soattlo
railroad was delayed an hour In
Swalo canyonon account or the ln
socts covering tho (racks. Tho grass
hoppers covered tho rails for a dis
tance of ono half mile and wero so
thick that tho drlvowhcols of tho
cnglno spun around as though tho
track had been heavily o'lled.
I-'luo Watch and Jeuelry
"1 -
rssVX-MV rs.
The present soiwon will lirenk nil
records for louriit travel to Mcdfowi
nnd Crater l.nke, dl-elnroH Coiut
tin!!, who U Itpernlinir lliti Crater
Lake nuto ttigo.
"1 hnvn lttimirciN of Inquiries nml
rpqiuMa for hooking.'' Said Jtr. ltnll
"nnd It ljesliw to ''k in if wo eoul I
not hnmlle nil the Imsiuons offerotl.
Two ears nn filled for Thursday and
the jirosjiools nro Hint wo will linvf
nil we em i handle."
SInny tourini; oar nro arriving
duilv both from California mid I'oit
iniul. Tho road to tho rim of tin
Inku will ho opened Sntunlny.
SALONIKA, July 10.-Krtrther
startling charges against Bulgarian
troops aro mado In dispatches receiv
ed trow Dolran, forty miles from
Salonika, whoro It Is alleged 30.000
Moslems were massacred.
Consul General August Krat of
Austro-llungriry, verified tho ehorgo.
He has Just returned from Dolran,
saying that many of tho victims woro
either crucified, mutilated or burled
WASHINGTON', July 10. -Score,
tnry of the Interior Franklin K.
I.nne prcculed to the ntuto of Cali
fornia today patents lo 1(10 notes
of oehool lands now occupied by the
Oregon-California Power company.
(Continued from Page 1)
Bryan that Ambassador Wilson had
been summoned to Washington.
Brynn refused to affirm or deny the
report that Gormany hhd formally
requested the United States to In
torvene In Moxlcn.
Iluertn Xcur Downfall
Senora Madcro, widow of thn mar
tyred presldcntiof Mexico, Francisco
I. Madcro, believes tho Iluertn gov
eminent Is Hearing Its end. In ar
riving hero, shd said: "I do not be
llova tho government or the traitors
can long survive. I have not been
following tho political situation In
Mexico slnro I left there. I have
been living quietly In tho United
Statps slnco my husband's execution.
Whon I nrrlted In Now York I said
my husband was murdered In cold
blood, nnd I stand by that claim
Senator Fall of New Moxlro Is np
prohcnslvo or n military outhronk In
Mexico City against tho American
"Huerta ofldently has concluded
thnt It ho Is overthrown," snld Fall
this aftomoou, "it might as well bo
by tho Americans as tho Mexicans.
Ha tins novcr controlled mora than
two states In Mexico, except Insofar
as- ho has hold garrisons In cities.
Tho situation of Amoricau citizens in
Mexico now I consider to bo moxt
Outdoors Boots
Tho iinio lias come for it trip to Uio hills, you'll want a
pair of good hoots to protect your feat against rooks, hrush
and rattlesnakes.
Wo of for you that kind of a hoot made of good sofb.ealf
skin, with good solid, well sowed soles, which will hold hoh
nails. Price $5.50 a pair. Parcel Post charges paid to
out-of-town customers. Ifoh nailing 25c extra.
"Gooft Snots"
Rcqulros careful though nnd tho propor confidence In firm, to
warrant absoluto satisfaction. To noto tho propor comparison
you must Inspoct them from a largo and well soloctod stock, such
as I am able to show. In this way you becomo thoroughly fa
miliar with values and fcol assured of safe and economical buy
lug through my binding guaronloo,
Mrs, Bob Klttslmmou will nppoitr
nt tho Pngo theater this afternoon
hhll evening, supported by a com
pnny of sixteen members.
It will bb remolnbnred Hint there
Is to bo but two portormitiu'os of
vnudovlllo this week, and tonight
will end tho cungomoiit.
Mrs. FlttHlnunoiis and her com
pany are to bo given nil automobile
ride over tho valley Visiting some of
tho principal orchards. Tho tilp
will Include an Inspection of tho
Monitor orchnnl, whore a beautiful
view of the valloy can bo had.
Tim vaudeville till afternoon and
this evening Is unusually nttrartlve
and there Is no doubt that tho S. 11,
O. sign will bo hung out early In tho
IMTTSIU'IKI, ln., July lit. Oa
the ground of dori'lion, n divorce
is on record here today in fnor of
Brisbane J. Carnegie junior nohow of
Andrew Carnegie, tho uleol king.
Mrs. Carnegie lesNlvil tho suit, wlileli
was filed u year ago, liling counter
charges of desertion against ltr
liUhtiatol, ami ttllfpnir (hat lie hail
boon uipluly intimate with JoutiCtto
MoICeag, a noted Pittsburg licuuly.
UOSEIlimo, Ore.. July. lC.-.llny
Diamond, tho youthful Ulendnto hnnk
robber, wns sentenced to 10 years Im
prisonment today. Tho Indictment
charging assault with a deadly weap
on was returned at four o'clock. Ten
minutes later Diamond threw himself
on tho mercy of tho court. lid ngod
mother offered to mortgage her homo
to defend tho lad but this ho spurn
ed. I. W. W. ORATORS.
.- - ,
(Continued from Page 1)
the huiuc renter nud thou only
when moderate language was ummI.
This order, however, Iom not apply
to religious bodie.
The arrests last night nro Iho di
rect outgrowth of activities on the
part of members of the I. W. W. in
behalf of several hundred girls ami
women who have been on strike
against the Oregon Canning compan
for1 two weeks. Tho striking em
ployes demand higher wages and bet
ter working conditions.
Members of tho I. V. V. lodny ex
pressed their tUierminntion lo renew
their efforts nt street speaking to
night nud the authorities are just as
determined that thev sliall not. Fur
ther disorders nro utiticiimtciL
FOR RENT Nicely furnished five
room bungalow, fine neighbor
hood, on east side, 11.1.50. Phone
10IK-M. . 10 1
FOB EXCHANGE Residence prop
erty, clear, $1000, trade for good
vacant lot or part pnymout on
c!osn-lu residence. Clark ltoalty
WANTED Six ranch hands, Imme
diately. Apply Ira J. Dodge, care
Korlnok Veterinary Remedy Co.
WANTED Position on small ranch
for man and wlfo. Address C,
enro Mull Tribune. 104
for Women
Dluiuonil Hotlltig and En
graving Done Hero
Near 1'oslorrica
HAN FRANCISCO. Cab, July ttl.
8ocioljry Kloment of thii Nan
l-'ranclsco local of Iho I. W. V., slat,
oil today Mini 100 hinmboni of tho
local orgiuilxritlnn stand ready o go
lo Porland, If their services m
needed thoio,hut that tree Mpccch
will not bo mndo tho main Isntio la
tho fight.
"Tho Portland fight has nmuuiiod
li throo-corliored aspect," nnld Hlo
mcul "Tho soclullstti, socliillst-htbOr
parly and a httulhnr of Industilal
Workers aro giving moral support
to tho Portland strikers and this1 Is
tho basis that should bo lunlntttliiod.
it l wtjra solely a free speech
fight of tho I. V. V It woiild bo
a dlfforent matter. Wo Intend to
stnnd alone In tho future. Tho Han
tllogo affair taught us not to com
hi mi with other orgaultntloim In a
Iron speech right."
Everything in
Clrowlilg ViwSll'
TJug JmhhI
.Scrateh lAiod
leef Scraps
.V! . 1 , ,' 220 EAST MAIN
Paint3, Oils, Varni3ho3 and Wall Papor
Vov youi' Tinting, Painting and Paper .Hanging See
Phono 213 J
To huild a home
Lahof. huildiug material and choice hiijldiugmlcs will
never he as cheap again. You can huy a large lot with
on the 1'iiiHt Side in heat residence district, with huild
iug restriction, good roads, close to city witter, low
texe.s foi'Hinall payment down, easy terms on halaitee.
Tin's is one oft he hest huilding sites in the valley.
When you tire of
rough, strong,
proof whiskey try
the new Gyrus Noble.
pure, mild
JV. J. Von Schuyvcr &
tilniDFrT Pom
iin. tfillni mill
Ask tor
big free
from ,
Intld WII
V liaiH
ti m
Ul w.)'
PROVIDENCE, II. 1., July lrt.A
pitiful slory of blighted hopo and
dlnappolntiiiotil In Uio uuest for
health camo to light hoio today whou
it was li'itriitu! Hint four oiiihnit ehIN
ikon mill several oilier rolatlveii of
Alee Wltlluuimii of l.ou Angeles,
Cab, who traveled 1 0 0 0 miles to io
wilvM tho Friedman tulioiculosln euro
aro aiixloitM to leluiu homo, tln-lr
lulsstou a fallliro. Wlllliu'iiKOii illml
last l-'Hilny. '
Home of tho clililron tiro Allomly
afrtlctiid with tlilicrculoslH, iiim. It Is
llouhtful )f Ihey ill i- nliVo i( stand
tho long liolhowanl Journey,
The mntlior or the chlldioii dlod
last April. It was thou llin't tho trip
to I'rovldoiico wns derided upon In
tho hope of saving the little oiioit
from Iho won't white plauiio.
Willi Medford tra is Medford made.
the Poultry Line
Cracked Corn
Cracked Wheat.
Itlnckleal MiddlingH
32 S. Contral Avo.
and mature
Co., General Agents
Our Own
and DOORS iIhiimiuU of rti
t-tury ir. tli )ir
alum nil liicli-dM. (tier lltft
tui. UmiLl II.U lt Irili Ifitlir
ilitfirt, Willi imI III l.icilclll fltlftllll-f
'lk fiiltmlne riii- fruui vur tuUlug tkuulil
lulrrnal you I
n4r, lni;coti4, 19 fl.W
tiunt DvMt ,,.. ... ,3.(0 to 1 3. 1 4
uunjuow uaori, inntwr,...., .i.i
a lily 1 ir Vnar Diwrl, uiruU.a, I'l"
ft", Mi" M.7S
Craflimtb I'rsnt Uuiii, 10 Uutlful tunvt.
low diitn(, up I torn . .,.., 5.u
nun, iv anigni, in iui, vi
...,. i,, i ..,,,.. .. ,9 (-. ,
- 40W Trim, III Mil V .sv
room inA Wln.Iaw Rtru la Btoch ,
vur inin mill u-n! ull illnvt lu
mill i-ticca. w ftu I'll Ml
oni- llilrii. CUli-i No. x
'II lf i .HjifJUTi BUT
,MV T.,1, .VI t
V 9