, - it a - ' t . Vi ' j ' ' filpWJnHfi.i.,'M'7JU'lL - 'ik'Mrtw i V i -V v S'H nvn.HVi 'V' V I l,J ... 4 PXOEFOUR. M(kkfordMail tribune $p PENDENT N12W8PAlnU KVRIlY AFTKrtNOON RtlNIlAV I1T TIIK MWUFOUU PltlNTINO CO. Tha Democratic Times Th MrJforJ Mull The Meilfnrd Tribune, The Botith ern Off eonlnn, The Ashlntul TriMinn. Office Mall Tribune llitllnlnir. 2l-27- North rir utreet; telephone 75. Official roper of the City of Medford. Official Paper of Jnckion County. tJJf,OHUH I'UTNAM, Clltor ana Mnnnmr Rntered na aecond-olaaj matter nt Medfonl, Oregon, under the act of March J. 1879. TTBSCBIPTIOS AATES. One yritr, by mall - 5.C0 One month, by null . ,M Per month, delivered by earrlor In Aieuiorn, jarxionvui ana ucn trml l'O! Int . RO k'atiiriUy only, by mall, per yr. $.00 weeKiy, per year... .. i.gn Tall Xieaifd Wlta United Preea Sllipatchea. SWORN CXRCU&ATXOir. Dally average for elevnn month end trtR November 30, 1911. 37S1. The Mall Tribune la on sale At the Ccrrr News titanri. Pan Krnnclsco. Portland Hotel Nous Rtnml. Portland. Portland Katvn Co., rortlaml. Ore, V. O. Whitney, Seattle. Wh. MsoroBs, osxaon. Metropolis of Houthern Oregon and Northern California, and the Utteal Browtnp city In Orecon. I'apulnUoti U. R. cenaua 1910 SS40; rntlmaird. 191S lo.COO. Five hundred thousand dollar Grnvlty Water tiystem completed, kIvIiir flneat aupply puro mountain water and K.J miles of streets paveiU roatortlce reeelpla for year ending November 30, 191, show lncre of IV per cent. Ilanner fruit city In Oreiron Hotrue Mvrr splticnbcrr apples won awei'p. atakea itrlxe and title of "Apple xtnff of the World" at the National Applo Show, fctwikane, 1803, and a car of Nowtovn won rtrst Prlsa la 1910 at Canadian International Apple Show, Vancouver, n. C. SEATTLE, Wn-di., July i:.. -With between J00 nml f00 members pres ent, the second fossidii of the Pncifiu Const Kmployine Printers' Congress opened hero today. At the meeting Mondny tlio work of establish!";: n permanent orgnnizntion rns com menced nnd tho nniuo changed from the Commihsimi to Congress. Tro fentnro of today's program wnx nn address by Frank I. Ellik, inuimgcr of tho Omnhn I'rintini: com pany, on printing cnts. The IndicH visited the Washington nrt galleries th'iH morning und were entertained in tho afternoon with nu automobile ride. No contest for president of tlio con gress is expected, as the place is generally concede to Joseph M. An derson of Sncnnncnto, Cnl. It is probable that Vnnconver, U. C, will ho selected as the place of meeting in 191-1, ns tho IOITi sessions will bo lieltl in Snn Francisco. T NOUTH ADAMS, Mass., July 15. Itofuslng to toll tho police where ho had hidden tho money, Drayton Gardner, a boy IS years old, main tained today that ho would turn over to tho rightful owner $35,000 which ho found In a leather bag on tho lloston & Maine railroad tracks near hero. Ho said ho had put tho money In a safo placo, and would produce it at once If claimed by tho owner. DINNER TO .BE GIVEN IN HONOR OF H. C. EGAH In honor of II. Chandler KGan, for mer amateur golf champion of the Unltod States and-representative ot tho Mcdfo'rd Golf and Country club In tho recent matches on tho coast with a picked team of middle won; golfers, a stag dinner will bo given at tho club houno Trlday night. Although ho had had llttlo or no practice for two years Mr. Egan was tho star player on tho coast team, do-, fontlng Warren Wood in tho singles and Champion Chick Evans In tho foursomes nnd It Is in appreciation of his effectlvo representation of tha local club that tho dinner will be Blvon, It. II. Parsons, president ot tho Medford Golf nnd Country club will presldo and an Interesting program lias been arranged. OPERATIONS IN MINING HUMMING AT GOLD HILL A 29-ton mill is being erected at tho Nelllo Wright initio, In tho Cold Hill dlBtrlct. It will bo driven by electric power. Tho oro Is worth from VJ to 1S per ton, Tho Illojuoin mint, in tho sumo district, Is opening well. The Cinnabar has been oponod by two adits, driven to depths of 320 and 180 ft., respectively. Drifts from tit am have oponod u lurKU orobody, asMying high lu mercury, Tho prop, wly U hwlHK examined by two ougl , After mh Idleness of 30 years iU ld Alice Htltio, on Kuneu crook, ) MK rnworld'd, PRINTERS im CONGRESS NSESS ON MTCDFORT? 41 STEAL" YOUTHFUL RUSTLER l.cfitor lllcksou, tlio you'bful horsn rustlor, tins born paroled ihmhIIiip Reed behavior by Juvenile Judgo Ton Velio. Ho has boon, placed lu c:vro of hl father, who la foreman of tlu Illshop ranch on Koruc river, wllo promises to look ntter tlio youth liorcnttcr. The boy has to report regularly to tho Juvcnilo eourt. " 'Taint no mro for anyone to try to steal," aaya Lester, "they'll always get yon. What with telephones nnd tolcgrnphs nml police and phorlffs, no mntter where yon got to, they'll find you." SEAHLE THREATENED BY TEAMSTER STRIKE SEATTLE, Wash., July 15. A general Btrlko of union teamsters against tho members of tho Seattle Team Owners' association Is Immi nent today as n result of tho associa tion's refusal to rccognlzo tho union. Tho first movo toward n strike was mado by tho union Monday ' after noon In calling out twenty-two driv ers of the Lloyd Transfer company and five of Georgetown Transfer company. The strike will not sf feet a largo number of firms who arc already signed up with tho union. FAIRBANKS, Alaska, duly la Only through the use of dyunmite, by miners, tho town of Fox nine miles north of here was saved from destruction Inst night when the Mctz- gnr warehouse nnd several adjoining cabins were burned. Sparks from a locomotivo caused tho fire. Every inhabitant in the town, numbering about 000 turned out to fight the blare, lluckct brigades were formed but tho fire gained such headway that it was necessary to blow up sev eral cabins in its path. M'CABE ALLEGES T SALEM, Or., July 1G. Attorney D. It. McCabe has today asked tho supremo court to reverse tho Judg ment of death In tho caso of Frank Seymour, alleging that treatment far worso than tho cruelties of tho Spanish Inquisition or the Now York "third dqgreo" wero used to securo a contosslon from tho condemned man nt Jacksonville. FOUR JOYRIDERS HURT IN AUTOMOBILE SMASH SAN FItANCIaQO. .Cal., July 15, Four persons are suffering today from Injuries received in an automo bllo smash on tho Ocean highway here. Hllnded by tho lights of an oncoming car, V. L. Marshall mado a swift turn to get out of harm's way and throw his car on a rockplle, turning tho machine completely ovor. Miss L. C. Craig, who wns sitting on tho front seat bcsldo Marshall, was tho most seriously Injured. Sho was pinioned under tlio car and por. haps fatally hurt. Ju,ck Courtney ot Los Angoles and Miss Mny Ilarii'.-s wero loss seriously Injured. Marsh all's left hip was wrenched. BELL BOY SUSPECTED OF BOBBING APARTMENTS i t. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 15. Petor Narro, alias Honnlx, a bolj boy, 20 years of age, Is suspected by tho police today of having robbM tho apartmouts ot Frank A. Dilling ham, proprietress of a patent, modl clno, of Jowolry and money amount ing to $1400. Tho thlnf in his hasto left hohlnd other Jewelry and orna ments worth $2O,QO0. Tolegrams have been sent to Los Angoles ta arrest tho youth, who 1b bolloved to bo In that city. Mrs. Dillingham snld alio left her room In tho Alexan der hotel, forgetting to lock tho safa. Whan sho returned tho val i ublcs wcio gone. Tonight ut It Tlivng'iV. "Lovo mid War In Mexico," two rcol special. "Ilutlor'a Secrat." "Out Hlch-Qiilck Illlllugton." C nnd 10c. Every touth ticket u double-header. "It Tlioulni." Wnst Main," Iho wft light, with no oyu Ntinlii, Try It. VU 1N0U 0 DECLARES TRTBTTNT, The New The rcvNcd oniTcnoy bill provides for the establishment of 15 regional district.-, the nsoofiniinnst of national banks in these districts to be known in the federal reserve bank, the mini mum capital stock of which cannot be les (bun $5,000,000. The central control of the reserve banks will be vested in n board of directors consisting of three cabinet officers, three men elected by tho re serve banks nnd three men appointed by the president. This central control e.vteniN even to the requiring of one resorvo nsso cinlion to lend money to another. The now currency to he provided U limited to $500,000,000. This is to be known ns federal reserve notes and is to be loaned to the reserve hnnks whenever deemed neoesn,ry. The security for these notes mny be goverusont or slate bonds or ap proved commercial paper. The rato of intertlst is to be established by the central bnnrd. Every federal reserve bnuk must at nil time have in its own vaults in pild or lawful money n stun equal to 113 1-IJ per cent of it outstanding federal reserve notes. National banks depositaries are to ho superceded bv the reserve bank. Ammonia" Bombs Fmnucs has spent $.15,000,000 in planting trees on the watersheds of important streams. According to the Cnnndion fores try association 50 per cont of Cami lla is capable of growing nothing but timber crops. Ammonia bombs arc being tried out on some of the nntiounl forests for tho purpose of extinguishing forest fires. They uro said to have worked well in tho case of brush fires where the fire-righters find difficulty in getting near enough to the biirnin;; nrca to beat out the flames. Each bomb exploded will extinguish fire in n circle of about Ave yards in dia meter. The Western Pacific railway has instructed its engineers to report- POLICE OUTWITTED W T LONDON, July 15. Scotland Yard detectives wero forced to ad mit today that they blundered In tholr suffrngctto raid hero yesterd-i" on tho i.ondon pavilion. Despite tho announcement that Mrs. Emmcllno Pankhurst, tho noted militant lcadc, was arrosted. It dorelocd today that sho escaped whllo other suffragettes were resisting tho police. WEDDING BELLS 'I Lewis Christian and Maud House wero united in rpnrringe by llov. W. F. Shields nt tho homo of' J, F. Ilnle, comer Oakdnle and Ninth streets Monday nt 4:30 p. in. Mr. Christian is in business in Duusmuir, Cttl., where lie will take his brido. Dig Show at Star An extra good snow was tho vcr dlctyof tho largo crowd present nt tho Star theater last night. Uencdlct and BcVan mado an Instant hit with their clover playlet. Miss HoVan wbb received heartily as sho was formerly with tho Olograph company, and Is ono of tho prettiest llttlo ladles play ing vaudeville. Mr. Iloncdlct Is a Jewish comedian ot more than tho usuul ability and a very clovor singer. Tho photoplays on this bill are all good, featuring a two roelor entitled "Tho Chlldron ot St. Annco," a Crc olo lovo story ot southern Louisiana, magnificently staged and perfectly photqgraplmd. Tho other numbers Include "Tho Lost Combination," a gripping Thanhausor, and tho pro gram closes with "Not For Mlno," n cla,S3y comedy. The program will bo on for tho last tlmo tonight. Special Train to C'baulainpm Tho Southern Pacific will run a special train to Afthland Thursday, J illy 17, leaving Medford ut 7 p, m to enable Medford pcoplo to attend Chautauqua. Dr. Matt S. Hughes who has a national reputation as a speaker of great ability, speaks tint night. Special returning will loavo Ashland nt 10:15 p. m. Faro for round trip, 65 cents. Thoso who prefor to go to Ashland on ono of tho earlier trains can return on thin special train ut tho s.tino rato, John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant, SJK H. UAUTLKVr I'hoic M, 17 Mm) '17-J-a Ambulance Hcrtko Deputy Coroner MATT! MTCDFOPD. VZTl Currency Bill Tlio headquarters of the federal re serve board will be located In Wash ington. Provision is to bo mado lu give authority to what me now known ns country banks in lend money on fanning luutl. The introduction to tlio bill reads: "A hill to provide for (ho oslahlish mont of federal reserve banks, for furnishing elastic currency, ul'fordlng a means of redlseouuting commercial paper and to establish a more effec iivo supervision of . banking in tlio United Stales and for other pur poses." The hill provides Hint within (10 days after passage of this act, llio secretary of the treasury, the secre tary of agriculture nnd Iho comptrol ler of the eurieuey, acting as a re serve bank urguhijuition committee, shall designate among the reserve cities now nnthorixod bv law n num ber of such cities to be known ns fed eral reserve cities and lit which fed eral recrve banks will bo estnblishetl. Everv uatjoual bank within u given district shall bo tcquirod to subscribe to the capital stock of the federal re serve bank of that district a sum equal to Ufl per font of its unimpaired capital. to Extinguish Fires fires nlttug the right-of-wav whore it traverses the Plumas national for est, California. Tho location ot files is indicated oil u card dropped by the engineer or fireman to the next section crew met nfter the fire is discovered. It is limit the duly ot part of the section crew to go back on haiulcnrs or speeders and put tint the blaze. Mure pepMtiiH initk" u-e of the na tional forests in Utah limit in any other state. Nearly J7 jwr cent of nil the permits for wlieen and cattle gruxing on the forests arc taken out in this state. This does not mean, however, that Ftah carries one-fourth of nil the nntiounl forest cattle ami sheep; it happens 'that ninny small grsmiig interests make ue of the forc-ts there; and individual flocks nnd herds arc lorgor elsewhere. TO FIGHT MATTY BALDWIN LOS ANGELES, Oil.. July V -After holding out for two days fjr better terms. Loach Cross tuts con sented today to a twenty-round meet ing with Matty llaldvvln at Vcrmn on tho owning of July 29. llaldvvln already is en route to Los Angeles. Cross will go Into training SuntUv. TOYING WITH REVOLVER SHE SHOOTS HER SISTER LA OUANDE, Or. Jul)' 15. With a revolver wound In ono of her lungs nnd In a very serious condi tion, MIsh Flora McShnln, n school teacher, Is In u hoipltnl here todi), whllo her sister, Miss OIlvo Mc Shaln, In whoso hniitU tho weapon was when It was accidentally (IH charged, Is In constant attendance, almost dlstractod with grief, Tho accident occurrod on n home stead tvvonty-flvu mllox from '.a Urnudo. OIlvo McShaln was toying with tho revolver when In some way site touched tho trigger. The biillnt wont entirely through tho unfortun ate girl's body. Can't Help M ' Adiurt Babies Every Womnn Casts Loving Glance at tho Nestling Cuddled In Its UonncL A woman's heart ittitomU to tho swcit- nets of a pretty child, and more so to-day luau evrr lcioru sinco tho advent of Moth er's FrltnJ. This Is a woadcrf"! external help to tho muK'Ics and Undoa?. It penetrutes tlw tis sues, ma Lei them readily yield to nat ure's dinnnd for ex naniloD. so there Is no period of pjln, discomfort, stralnlcx, mm rca or other symptom so often dlstrcwdiig dtirluc Iho anxious weeks of oxpectcacr, Mather's lfrhntl tburouxhly lulnlcatci every nerve, t"iidoii and mtuclo Involved nnd I a sure prcvcalho for caking of too brtaxts. And particularly to young mothers Is this famous ron.fily of InentlainMo value. It enable them to preserve, their health and strength, and lltcy rernulu pretty by bavin,? avoided nil llu imirc ring nnd danger tint would otliervi Ise accompany such nn. occa sion. You will And this splendid remedy en ealn nt all dnn; storm tit $1,00 a bottle. Write Ilrmlfleld JtfKuntor Co,, SSH La mar nidir.. Atlanta, On., for tlwlr InntrucO iro lywl; fpr eii(Y'ni)t molliers. Draperies m w carry u very compUts tins or druiiurlfM. Ism cumdIiin, fxturn, etc. sml do sll c'laf nt uiJlioUUrloK. A pn'lul wuu lo look iirur this work kxoluilv'vly und will xlvfl us Kood rvlco us I poslila tu ct In won Uiu lurstst nlllt's. Wook & McOowan Co, U, win. rw I EXCURSION COLESTiNE. SUNDAY The big excursion and plcule given by the EIUh at Cotentlno Bniuliy promltioft to ho tho otithiK tcxtlvnl of tho season. Two hautlH, Including the celebrated Elks' Itiuoo band, will furnish muslu for tlio occasion. Tlumi will bo dancing nml many comic and novel sporting events. Tim fat In dies' raco nlono will ho worth tho! pilco ot tlio trip. v A ktuignroo court with n lady jitdrco nnd a maximum fine of two- bits will also bo a feature of tho duy. Tho exeuulnn Is nut confined n tho members ot tho Elks lodge, but over) body Is cordially Invited to come along and enjoy the fun. A special train will leave llrnnts Pass Huudny murulug. stopping at nil lutormadlnto stations. An nr rangoiuont has also been effected en abling thnta who doslro to return curlier than the special, to return on No. HI nnd tho excursion tlckota vv'll bo honored on this train. August Schrcllicr Dead. SALEM, Or, July 15. August Schrtilbor, one of the wealthiest men lu this oil j, U dentl after n long I'l ncss. lie Is survived bv a widow. THREE WOMEN ' TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia E, Pink. Iiam'u Vcgctnblo Com pound during Change of Life. Streator, III. -"I shall always pralso Lydia E. 1'inkhnm'a Vegetable Com- iwuntl wherever I go. It has done mo so much good nt Cliange of Life, ami Ithnsuhto helped my daughter. It Is one of tho grnnilest REA CROWD KS ty'lCT, ' metllclnes for wo men that enn ho bought, I shall try to Induce others to try II. "-Mr. J. H. CamI'Iikm ttXl N. Second St., W. S., Streator, Illinois. rhllodelphin, 1'n. " It was at tho 'Change of Life' that I turned to Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a Vegotaolo Comiwund, using it m n tonic to bulhl up nty sys tem, with beneficlnl n'sults." Mm. Saha HaywaiH), 1825 W. Venango St, (Tioga) I'hila., Fa. Snn Francisco, Cal." I havo taken Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com-I jiound for many years whenever l' would feel bed. I have gone through thu Change of Life without any troub'os und thank tha Comxuntl for IL I rec ommend It to young girls und to women of, all wcus.7 Mrs. C Uaiiiiil', 3052 25th St., Sun Francisco, Cal. The success of Lydia L Plnkham'a Vegetable Comiwund, mado from roots and hvtu, Is unpurululled. If you want special ndvlrcurlto to Ljdla V. I'lukham Mcdlrlno Co. (ronll de utlal) Lynn, Masj. Your letter nlll be opoued, read and answered by a lTOmau aud held In strict confidence. The Children's Lunch Cake Khotiltl Ho Light ituil WhnlcMiiuc, Yet ICcoiioinlinl tmSStSte: CRESCENT BAKING POWDEK Makes Jiint such rKnkes to perfec lrriufiiT3'F! tion Its rich qual A'ILWA ity naves on eggs, nnd produces good wholesome cakes nnd bread stuffs, iKe I'Ell I,U, Ask Your (Jrocer Ciehctuit .Manufacturing Co,, Heat lie, Wash. ASTROLOGY LOUIE. RAM0LA, PH. D. (AMroiiomcr, IfnynJ University of l'n dun) Kclonllfio AMlrologur PALMISTRY mdme. Anurm ramqla, d. s. f'ehihnifeil I'nyelilo-I'nlmlHt (Full Life Keudliig I.0) Five Language Hpoldii THE OXFOfiD, 223 W. MAIN ST. Medford, Uro, , v VffTTTT For SALE Dy Owner, 30-Acro Ranch U!l unit's In Nowlnwn nppliin and llaitlclt pours in hearing. It ucres young pciir und W nurott alfalfa, flood rt-iiiniu house, barn anil out buildings. d'umpiug plant, witter piped hotlBO, bai u nnd gurdoii. in Finest rich blnek soil in vnllcy, mill Iriigutctl. Located in nu eM'ellenl iieiKhbnr litiod nml ulose to .Mctironl. l'liteu will pay u good dividend this yenr. Address A. H. C, caro Mall Trllnmo. Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau FOIt SALE Stiiuo flue alfalfa nnd stock ranches lu tho valley, nlttn lu tho A; plegnto, with Irrigation. Hargalus for cash, or terms. 40 acres, nil In cultivation, fenced, fine C room house, largo barn, other outbuildings, rloHo to Mtidford. I'rlco i IO0U, will tnko stimo city pioperty. Somo flue propoHltlous lu liny nml grain ranches In custom Oregon to exchange for 11. It. Valley pioperty. (loot! I acre tract, cloao In, fine S room bungalow, plarn well Im proved. All kinds of berries, I'rlco fUSOO; tcrniH. Very nice 5 room, modem hotmo, lot (iOxI'.'O, some outbtilldlux. lawn nnd gNrdeu, fenced, I'rlco $I70. 5 room motteru hiiuin, lot 50x100, on iHtvomi'iit, grimt bargain, flO&o. Lot 50xlG:t, ulcoly I oca led on W 11th St., MOD, I'luo piano for soli choap or trade for good lut. Cow unit calf J70. Good cow $:o. Team, wngou, luirnoM, hark, hoiisu furniture, Qhlukeus, turkeys, $375. EMPLOYMENT liny hands, liny pross feeder. Unnch hands. Olrl for general housework. Cook In ffno homo In country. Wood ruttrrs.tt! . iri Men to cut anil peel telephone polcrf. MES. EMMA BITTNER Itet. Phono lOIMNX Pltono N.1H, Oppokllo Nnsh Hotel Itno.MK if Mill 7. VMM IILOOIC. wljlch wo nro woiTt to do lu'tliu cf fort wo uro making to KICLL Ol'll (JOOD.S TO YOU Wo would not bo too Insistent For that would not be nhe, Hut wo know If you're n patron onco You'll bo n patron twice, MEDFORD BAKERY & DELICATESSEN II! Koulti Coutinl. OREGON AGRICULnTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS it forty fifth school year ECPTCMBCn IS. 1013. DEGRCB COURSES 'n many phasesol AonicutTunc. rNoirireniNn, homk economics, Miniiiq, rontuntr, COM. MERCt, PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES In aquicuu rune. Homc Economics, mcchanic ARTB, rontOTnY. COMMCriCC, PMAHMACV TEACHER'S COURSES In muuual training, agriculture, domestic science and art. MUSIC, including piano, t ring, baud instruments nud voice culture, A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET cntlttrd "This I'.nuiciimunt op Kuhai. Lint" and a CATAi.ec.in: will be nut i led free on application, Adilrckx II. M. Tknnant, Ucgistrnr, (twl.umoe) CorvalJIs, Oregon. FIRE INSURANCE I), 11. WOOD H CO. Offlcn Upulalrs, Medford Mull Trlbuiiu llulldliig. I'liouom Offlto, 0)1, Itcxldeiito C3t THT Irf I w-mtifc WW J ft to MPfnH W.KIIB.5 ..T.O.OQ. TONIGHT SfcAtS OLEVEIl VAUDEVILLE Milton Benedict lm!u War riiit'ORO J-'olly Co. Mild Maraget Be Van Until I'cctMilly wilh Iho liio- graph Co,, pi'Ptonintr llusir liiinini'ou.s skoicli THE COMMANDMENT Photoplays CHILDREN OP ST ANNE Two Ki'iJb . ., THE LOST COMBINA TION lOxccllciit Tliniilioii.soi' NOT FOR MINE CIiihhv Coiiit'dv Always 5 and 10 Conts ISIS THEATRE TTKHOAY AMI VIUNl'.HUAY I'ltOdltA.M I'ATIIi: WKKKLY NO. UJ tiik iirsiA.v vi'irtfiti; I'n'tbo Hpwlnl lu Two Parts. III'N.NY AS A ItUI'OHTim LaiiKbablu lltmti)Kntili. 'iiu;i:i 'kmim: Farv Coiinoly. Coming Thursday, One Day Only: Wild Auimnl t3t)n.illon lu Two I'arU. Grace Josephine Brown The Art of Singing Available for Contort and Church Itcxltlciico Ktiullo Wfht Mitlu HI. I'liono 1U07 ih:i E. D. Weston orficitil Fliotogiaplior of tho Medford Commorciaj Club 'Amnions.' Iini.shiuj Post Curds Panontiniti Work Porli'niLn- Inlcrioi'uiitl cttn'ior views laali HkIiIs, . . j Notfativos mado any time and any plaoo by appoint; mont. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 Wm v re nn" mo8t HU popular ViJlBW-' hotel in the City, Runniug cJilillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, a In Carle Cnfc. Tariff on. Rooms 12 room (10 rooms 60 roonft - OO rooms Dill (out tiili 60 rooms v.iA pdfiti bits $1.00 evh 1.50 each 2,00 ech 2.00 each GO.oscU 30 iuilni. bedroom, nar- lor ttnd bath 3.00 e'scli Por more thin noauucitsddf LOO klr to tho abovo rtt for ocH ndiUpJ nusit, rtcducllon by wbU or month. Mnuuntiiiiit C,httltr ty, AVv wssaaatsamasMsixat F, G.ANDREWS Lcssvu of drill und I)iiIuk Ilooi, ,1