Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 15, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kennies loft
Tuesday (or an nvilo trip to tho
Waldo placer mine, of which Mo
Hoamcn In n part owner.
Aulo excursions to Crescent City
nro tno nrucr or mo nay. mcnih.
(laddls, Dixon nmt CnrtrlRht return
ed Monday. Miwsrs. 8am Ulclinrd
son, 8. T, Upward, William Anglo
and Hal'I'lftttwho left Saturday, nro
duo' homo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrp.
V. P, Isaac and Bon, Mm. J6c Drown
nnd.MIe Drown left Monday.
rroflucers- Fruit v?v. was Just re
ceived a" laruoshijimcnt of 1 lb. and
i ih,'ln trip horry baskets, and eau
fill orders In any quantity. Wo also
havo en hand a larpo Biipply of. tho
colobratqd "Security" orchard lad
ders In all lzoi.
T. K. OsKOod loaves Tuesday on a
business trip to Portland.
.teff-Drophy of Upper Kopuo river
district npont Monday In Mtdford.
On Tuesday oventnp. July 15. at
tho M. K. pawonnRO. 502 North Illv
crslde, tho ladles of tho Loyalty Cir
cle of M. E. chnrch tlt rIvo an J
Ico cream, soclrtl. Ico cream and
cako will bo served for 15c. Krory-
body InTHW- luslc by Dr. Marlon's
orchestra, OS
Claudo"Mcts of tho Allen Grocery
company mado the record stecllwad
catch 'of tho season Sunday when he
securcdnlne flail, tho record brcikc
being ono that dressed 10 1-1 po'inds.
Fred Single or CoQtillle motored
to Mcdford during 'bo. past week and
with his wlfo Is paying thlo section
a visit. They were former residents
of tho valley.
Luke Kyan of Jacksonville tarried
a few hours In Medford Monday aft
ernoon. "A. H. McGrath of Ashland was
among his Medford friends Monda
John Hurling mado a business trip
to Jacksonville Monday aftcmoop.
$3,000 accident and life Insurance
for $10: $5250 for $17.50. Sec
Holmes, tho lnnuranco man.
Gcorgo Dutz, Jr., left for Yrclca.
Cat.. Monday and will nssumo tho
tuanagement of ono of tho principal
hotels of that -town.
John Matncy and Herman Offon
baeckcr wcro over from Applegatc
Dr. J. F. Ucddy Is at Pprtland in
the interest of the California, Oregon
& Eastern railroad.
V. E. Kcntly of Applegatc drove
to MSoTorrf iff ntlaV oh business;
Orchard, feasting, rttMn and
CraUrjLak accnea for Mle at Ger-
klog ft Hmjbob'i studio. NeptiTes
made any place, kodak nnisnmg. izs
East Mala street. Phone 315 R.
John Watklns. chief Justico of
Baglo Point district, made n trip to
Medford and Jacksonville Monday
!!. D. Mills of Dutto Falls is mak
ing Medford a business visit.
Al Turpln and I. A. Pruett, who
live northeast of Medford, wero of
thoRi in tho city duriug tho week.
Charles V. Young Is In Medford
again after au absence of several
weeks In different parts of southern
Kodak finishing, best In town, at
Mrs. George Darnum and Mix
Dowers of Jacksonville were anion;;
their Medford friends Mouday after
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Otteuhciinor of
Portland aro visiting In Medford.
E. II. Hillings. S. P. conductor,
was on the northbound train Mon
day en routo from San Francisco to
lloscburg. -.
E. D, Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
placo by appointment. Pbone M.
1471. '
Mr. and Mrs. George K. I'ox uS
Central Point drove to Medford Mou
day ovculng.
Professor Harrington 'of Jackson
ville mado Medford a short business
visit Monday evening.
T, W. Illclmrdson was In Medford
Monday on his return to Gold Hill
from a visit with his daughter, Mrr.
Dlgham. of Thompson creek.
Dr. Klrcbgessner will be at Hotel
Nash overy Saturday from 10 a. m,
to 3 p. in. on and after May 24.
J. H. lloenutii of Gold Mill bpoot
Monday afterooon in Medford.
Dr. H. D. Seolp and his family
nro pccupylug their now bungalow
at 'Nyo1 Beach, Newport
Mr. and Mrs.' J. T. Gagnon return.
ed1 Monday from a short trip to
Vapor hatha and aelentiflo aaai-
mm or anon and women. Dr. R.
3. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Oar-aett-Corey
blag. Phone 14C.
Mr. nnd. Mj;e. L. Christian aud M.
S. Uoiiso of Uunsuiulr, C'al., aro luto
itrrlvnla In Med ford
iHJ-i- 4a JU!.-t.lRJ.' mi... .
Weeks k McGowan Co.
bT AHMCiln
UT I'buiM) 9K!7
KlajM V. W. Weeks 1WW.S
A. K. Orr K7H-M
Mrs. K. K. Kubll of Portland and
her younger daughter arrived In
Jarkaonvlllo Monday and will visit
Ihorc several weeks.
C, II. Murrny nnd his family aou
spending tho summer at Newport.
For best quality homo grown
moats, go to Stall 12, Public Mar
ket, J. U. Tyrrell.
E. W. Jonas, tho mining tunti,
spent a few hours nt Jacksonville
Monday afternoon.
Gcorgo I.aldloy has returned' from
a trip Into tho tall timber of tho
Evans crrok section.
Polk Hull and William Schebln
Wero down from Griffin creek dis
trict tho foro part of tho week.
Summer slnb wood $2.00 a tier.
Valloy Fuel Co.. Tel 7(5. v
Sheriff Slngler was over from
Jacksonville Monday on ottlrial btis
Inrss. Mrs. T P. Doss ot Central Point
was n Medford visitor Monday after
noon, W. P. Wetherlll of Itoreburg Is a
recent arrival In Medford.
Tho finest studio In Southern Ore
gon has been opened by Gorklng &
Harmon, nt 22S East Main St., first
stairway cast of Star theatre. Our
work Is always tho bfcsU Views of
all kinds for sale Thabcst ot Ko
dak finishing. Negatives mado any
time or placo. Phono 320-J.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. 11. Harnish of
Eagle Point wero ot tho many In
Medford Monday.
J. J. Drophy of upper Itoguo river
"is lii Medford and Jacksonville on
Jnmes Garvin of Tnlcnt made Med
ford n business visit Monday morn
Pictorial Review patterns now In
stock at Moo & Co. - .10G
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Kuutzen of
Steamboat wero In Medford nnd
Jacksonville Monday.
Senator Von dor Hcllen was over
from Wellen Monday.
Mrs. Charles Prim and Miss Mol
llo Dritt ot Jacksonville wero in
Medford Monday afternoon on their
return from Ashland.
Privato music lessons from CO
cents upward to Thrco dollars per
lesson, according o subject and
teacher chosen. Medford Conserva
tory; open all . summer. College
I. A.. Roblo,. of Grants Paju trans,
acted bnslncM jn Mcdrortl Monday.
Mr, anilOfrd II. D. 2Cyo of Rock
Point dVtrlct fpent Monday In Med
ford. Mr nnd Mrs. Lewis Ulrtch or Jack
sonville motored to Medford Mondu;
Talk with Tnmyln tha Garnctt
Coroy DIdg.. about tho low cost or
accident Insurance. In tho Travelers
Jnsuranco company. 101
E. W. Wilson, chief deputy Micr
Iff, will quit that position Snturd.iv
nnd leave- next morning for Susan
vllle, Cal., to expert the books or tho
officers of Larson county. .Mo will
bo accompanied by his family aud
they will make tho trip In tholr ncv
Tho numerous subscribers In th's
section of Tho Commoner, William
J. Bryan's paper, have been notfflod
that t will bo printed monthly In
stead of weekly hereafter. It will
be doubled In size.
Now green pasture with shade and
running water to let. Isaacs, phono
Fred W. Lcadbctter of Portland,
who recently returned from a trip
to Now York with Winston Churchill,
tho well-known author, will comn to
Roguo River to fish, nnd later go to
Crater lake.
Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Havens and
their daughter. .Miss Helen, of Berk
eley, Cal.. arrived In .Medford Mon
day evening. Mr. II. is a prominent
business mnn or'fian Francisco.
The Loyalty Clrclo of tho M. E.
chinch will give a lawn oclnI at tho
parsoungo Tupsduy evening at H
o'clock. Ico rrcam and rako will Lo
served nd a rhnrge of 15 cents.
H. D. Scudder, prdfessor of agron
omy at tho Oregon -grlcultural col
lege, advises farmers who havo suf
fered an apparent loss of clover aud
aKnlfa from rains that every ton of
spoiled hay which Is worked luto the
toll Is approximately equal to four
tons of fresh mantiro In plant food
Thomas E. Hamuicrsly, who Is ii
detective sergeant of Portland, was
In Medford Monday with his brother,
JoHpli L. Haiumersly, deputy dli
Irlct attorney of MuUnoinaji, count)
Doth Were former residents of Gold
Hill nnd nro visiting their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George It. Hammersly,
who still Jive at that place,
Rev, J, E. Squires of San Fran
cisco, s(ato superintendent of Inter
national Reform Dureau, who baa
been making Orogon an official visit,
returned south Monday. Ho Ipcturod
n$ tho 'larger 'cities of Roguo River
vaiiey recently.
Frank Landcn and Harry Stono,
who attempted to ford Williamson,
rivor, in Klamath county, on Hie
lltli with a team and wagon, havo
not boon heard of since. Tim water
is forty fuet deep where they drovo
Into It uml tho horses wore drowiinl.
The hud of (ho wtreuiu was dragged
for tho bodlna of the tnnii, without
succesjt, end by some It Is bullevod
tlmt limy lime skipped to waw puy.
Ii if tor iho team,
Your hay will hum. Insure It
ngnlnst fire whllo in stacks or In a
bnrn for ono month or longer. Low
est rales and best companies. Phono
064 and Talk with Tinny. 101
For saleTwo fresh cows, .good
milkers, and also twn-horso F. M. gns
engine. Answer to Do O, Mull Trib
une. ny
Henry Jennings of tho firm of
Jennings & Sous, furniture dealvis
of Portland, Is visiting Medford.
(Continued from Page 1)
established, then our power for good
will grow right along, and next y v,
during tho prvtdmitlitl campaign, no
will bo a factor of national linpoo1
anco that cauuiiL ho qverlonkvd,"
Kiumu liy KimilH'i-s
Mulhnll testified that whllo Cii'di
lug was secretary of the association
hu was very secretive and Hint no
names wero mentioned.
"Wo woro known by numbers
then," added Mulhnll. "Vice-President
Sherman was No. S, Congress
man Llttlotleld waa No. P aud 1
myself-was Io. 11."
Much of today's testimony was
tiresome, tho letters telling princi
pally of the operations In Mnlno In
behalf of Congressman I.lttleftotd.
Senator Hood naiiiu led Mujliiitl
baok to t'.io alleged ilnn f the Xa
tionnl AcMxyiitiou of Manufacturers
to lui'io Samuel (Jomiwrs, iireiilenl
of tlio Amerienii VVtlerntinn of Labor,
lint ileXorrctl ,uvin; into the mutter.
KtpcnM Acctmntn
Miilhull fCeulificil o.ensn n-
eonntu Mhowiuc moneys paid fo
strikiuir shocworkei-rt in SI. Louih in
HHC in efforts to hrciik Hie strike
"I lind been given $:i00," Mulliiill
snM, "to pay the strike Header if he
wcidd agree to enll off the strike
within a certain period, it took two
(i'.v longer limn I lie association nail
I iimiied to act the men hack to vork
nnd the N-. A. M. refused to pay th'w
mun n cent. They certainly gave him
a lonpli deal."
jrulhall iiNo said Hint in Oetohcr,
1I107, Srhwcdtmnn pent him to se
CousieKsmnu IturlltoMt iu St. I.oui.
lid said lie met Ihtrthnldt and they
discus'ed mitiounl inilitics.
(Continued from paga t.)
Pull mt m
OAKLAND, Cal, July IT. - After
pulling Mlm Martha Stuuoy, a school
tiHicher.iti'ui; ii' lit Bantu Cnit
wlit'n,io'"vnsfnhiul to sink fdr''lhr'
third 'time, Gilbert ti 'I'm ley, 'score
tnry or tho Commercial club, tmved
her ashore nud then presented her
with Ids enfd.
Today ho received a message from
the onu woman, Inclosing his card
mnl asking him not to consider the
nioro fact of wiving her llTo s
grounds for an Introduction
"I noticed tho joung woninn got i
down off tho Santa t'rus shore," said
Farley today "I reallred vim was
In distress nud I went In after her
I svlxed her by tho hair aud pulled
her aboard n raft.
"When I got her high and dry she
turned to me nnd said: 'How dare
you pull my hair like that?'
"About an hour later I uiut her
with some friends nud they thanked
mo for saving her lire nud toM'u.t
her name. She appeared pleased
and, us a mutter of formality, I ten
dercd my card. Today I got ll hack
again with n curt little nolo.''
CUIOA(U), duly I ri. Severe i-loo-trienl
storms lliioiiuliout Noillicru
"luioiH, Indiana and Ohio enrlv odnv
mued iiijuiv to nemo of persona
and Mlnrled several fires, A lienw
rain in , etuised a msi
of wiltctx mid eoiisldoruldo iliojuiity
(limmmi w'lii- iulllittvtl'ill N'otllierit In
'ltnu eilies; Tih eleulrieul stonit
t1o wnH followed liy dowupouf in
' I'
A New
. i i.n
HO I '
of Baking
WASHINGTON, July Id. -Secretary
of Stuto Ilrytui refused today to
confirm or deny a persi-leut reixirt
tlmt the repreientative here of one
of the great power hud made u do-i
mnnd Unit the Tinted States either!
reeoguiro the Iliiertn gtixerniuent or.
if-iinic reiponsibilitv for ending the
eriis in Mexico.' The report Hinted
that representatives of Imth (Ireut
Hrituii) nud Geniiuuv hud hrpuuht up
the mutter. It jxpccled tlnt Sio
relary'Hoiiirwfll dWciHs the mat-'
ter thw nftcriuou with President
SAN FRANl'ISft). t'ul.. Julv n
Dr. Juielii So)ed.i and Tudtio, viivo.vh sent to this country
by the Assoeinled Cliumhors of I'mi
uieree of dapiiu to iuyestinle eociidl
(ions whieli leil to the pnssnee of the
uiiti-ulien laud hill hv the I'ulifoiiiin
logialnliuv, lime lelunied to Sntt
Fnumsrp ufter u si weeks lour of
Hie eonntry. '
Thev stale that with the eceptio i
of t'nliforuiu they found that nnlv
the friendliest feelinir lowiud Japiw
nesi prevails throughout I lie nation.
The most sturtliin; usxerlion Hint
lliev mude was that lliev will tirgo
their goveriiuieut to otitaiii for .liipu-
iiene Hie right of becoiuiug eituens
of this eouutrv.
Thev believe war is very uiillKelv,
hut niltuit thnt the situation is iUIi
eate, nud miuht he strained to the
hienking point if it eutiie to n lines
lion of uatiouiil honor for Japan.
Mrs. Nevada Briggs, the baking expert, says:
' "Tlii'M la Jiltnnn vrny to mnKo our rnkft rlne lil(ti nd evenly
' give Ilium t Inin tn rim) In' f tiro it rruit Irt fiitmml nml tlio Iwltir Ii
KtllVi'iipil liy ruuklng."
"Ifunlnijn B'tm,Ktt'li"r ullnliiv, tlulityiniroyuu nrlmnynn put
thocnVe hi iiftil Vvt tlio llnnio low until tlio I'udo li doiilihxl In liiilk)
iliwi Infrrfui Iho lioat until II U vvnnty liriiwinl nml will riWuml In
t'llin irrriiim if lm fliitiur. If utlngnrimt or ihhI rnnin', Ivavn Dm
nrniliHi(Vl)vvlititll lli cku In ln llicn turn uii lliu ilmfu ami liy
llie tlnm tlni nvi-n U nt Uikliitf lvinrutute, lliu takii will linvn
mlmtl nullll'li'tillj."
For rich, niolstlfcuthi.M'lycnla,s Mrs. Hritnrti ulwnyu rouoinmoiulrt
M Baking Powder
It is (Imtblo actinij find nutninn the nilMc.
You can onon and closo tho oven door, turn tlio
tin minind in tlio ovun or do nuylliinj oIho
nocosiuiry, without tiny danjtor of innliinjf tho
cko fall.
Try your favorite cake nuxt tlnut with K C lUklnn
Powder nud see how much higher it will rle. Make it
jut n you uhvaya do, with the natmi ounutlty of Imklnif
iKiwder. While KCU lenn ekienlvo thun the old funic
ioneil baking iMiwdcrs, It hurt oven greater leaveulii:
strength and it guaruutmnl pure ami houlthful.
Try a can and be convinced
Presidents Crcgg nnd Mclnlyro and
General Chairman K. A. l.aruo of
tho n. It. T. and General Chalrmnn
Sam Ycatch of tho O. It. C. came to
Sair Francisco with n delegation of
general committeemen
Strike Voto Follow
Tho strlko voto followed within
twcnt-foiir hours after a conference
wth Calvin. The railroad eiuplo)cs
declare their determination to get n
vatUfnctory settlement.
"Killing tho Oakland. Itorkcley
nnd Alameda electric system ns an
Independent concern simply means a
change In tho schedule or employ
ment nnd a division or tho commit
tees, leaving tho employed In n help
less condition," said Gregg, who ad
mitted that'tho situation Is extremely
grave. Ho added that other rail
roads or tho country whnu parts or
their lines wcro electrified had al
lowed the employes every right and
privilege of tho men on the steam
(Continued from Page 1)
commissioner, an assistant comml"
Eloncr and not more than two other
government nfficinls, to bo designat
ed by-the president, whose offlcea In
mediation may bo Invoked by ono
party to a dispute.
Provlxlon of Imw
Controversies which cannot bo de
cided by tho mediation boird mav
bo referred to an arbitration board
of either threo or six members, ir
u board or threo members la decided
upon, ono o these members Is to rop
resent tho employers, ono tho em
ployes and these two shall select tho
third member. If a board or six
members I selected, each sldo shall
havo two members, these four to
chooso thn remaining two membors.
Doth parties to a dispute aro re
quired to agree In writing to abide
by the decision or thn arbitrator,
whoso decision Is to bo mude a Judg
ment by tho federal courts.
Tho arbitrators selected to settlo
'any dispute uro to receive u compen
sation fixed by tho permanent medi
ation hoard. An annual appropria
tion or 2C,000 U mado to defray tho
expense or mediation.
(Continued from Page 1)
feiil of .Mel tveiipuril in
uille rice. IVerTeV Mel
Heirntlt Conijutny; Attention'
Captain It. V. Collins, Inspector
Instructor, U. 8. A Is In Medford
for the purpose or Instruction on the
range and plotting board. Thn com
pany will assemble ut the armory In
O. J), uniform on Wednesday oven
lug promptly at V o'clock for Inflec
tion mnl Instruction. Uy order of
Cuptulu CoiUluuudlUK,
First BnrKeunt.
With Medford IrflCf Si Medford ihhJo,
the half-
1'wns Mrd
home bv Homer linker, u -Mrooklyii
youth who Martcdni enreer ns n hiyh
jumper hut is now one if the great
et half milerp in -Aincrien. Shrp'
pnrd lias started iu Hie national halt
mile ehnnipiousliip siwen times, tak
ing five firsts, n second, nnd n third
altogether u niot reiniirknlilo rec
ord. I'eerlesri Mel ih just shaking
off tlio effects of n tniiu wreck lit"
wns in lit full and he will prob
ably "come hack" beloro the yenr is
Another cliiiinpion who met his
Waterloo n( t'hicngti wns Tom Hat
pin, Iho fleet Huston Alhletio Asso-
cintiou sprinler, who won the ipinr
ter mile nulioiinl title in 1PTJ. Ilulpin
ran gamely, but nt the finish Cap
tain Iloff of the University of Michi
gan I en m was half n stiule uheuil o(
Iho lankv Ileaneatcr.
After winning the national mile
title iu J Ul fund. 1012 Abel Kivint
of Xcw York vfa jolted trf IiIh pin
nacle nt the Chiitago games by Nor
man Tuber of iRrpwn ruiversily.
Tuber nnd Kivi.'it finished so close
in the I'lOO-melrr rhiimpioiisliii ul
Slockhulin tlmt the officials refused
to make it decision iis'to which had
finished second to Jackson of Kng-
luiid until the oificial phiilographer'ri
piclure of Iho finish wits developed.
At Cliic' it was not o elose, Tuber
reversing (he fesult gf io, Slockhplm
race with somethiiiL' to snare.
IIOSTO.V, dulv lo.-Au tirdinurv
seiliunn was scaedetl (o dentil uud the
ehief fleotrifian of the buUlcsltiit
Nebraska was badlv injured about
the shoulders uud anus by lite ex
plosion loduv ol u steam valve iu
the dviiumo room. The seaman sin1
cumbed lifter his removal to the
'iiiatiue hospital.
HA.MItriin, July 15,- Twenty
thousiiiid men me now involved iu
thn strike with Ii slutted iu llie ship
hitildiiig works here. The walkout
extended to several other trades
todav, with no Imtiicdiate pro-peet id
for Infants and Invalids
If your hair la too dry brittle -color-Icstt
thin stringy or falling out tue
ParUian Sage now- at once.
It stops itching rcalp, clcantca the hair
of dust uml excessive, oils, rcmuveu dand
ruff with ono application, and make the
hair doubly Ucnutlful ayft ffuffy
abundant, Try n Mc bottla to-tby.
It will not only save and mako
It grow, but give it tho beauty you dculre.
('bar I is Htrang, llrugglst.
PageTheatre, Wed. July 23
Tito AH'ssi's. Sliulicft luki' ploa.suu ami pntlo in
f Cdi
(by Arnutngt'iiit'iit vitli ('luiHcs I'toIiiiiihi)
Iu August Tlitmms' nmstpiilranm tl" hnmtl humanity
unit tm dtmlilo Htiintlnrd of uiorality
"(I'watorthA'ifTlio Witching llour'v" Alan Dalu
"A triMiuMitlous tlu'iut'.M ('hicago IntiT-Oi'imn.
"A lift for tlio Amorioan thoator."
Chicago MvaniiiKM'
"Miggosltlraniaof thosctison." Chicago Anitsncait
"Oroat support iiifr company since t lit) heritor Wal
laolc days." New York Sun.
A Yoar nnd a Half in Now York
JOvcry deail tf the original 'tilth St. production.
.Mr. Mason makes his appearance Ktiuultaiieotisly
ith the rise of t lie curtain.
Prices- 50 Oonts to $2.00.
Seat sale ojiyii.s at box office .Monday, .1 illy li 1st.
It ncaai the Orlilaal and Geaula
Tha r4-Drlnh it M A
Rich roillc, malted grain, in powder form.
For infantt.invalid tnd growieg chiUraa.
Invigorates nuratnq Piotbara innl tU aged.
More healthful 'titan Ja. 'r cofae.
TahanaautisMttita. Aalt'M-NIHtMCi
i-. ; -- '.i.T .i j(a l cu.
i.Nsl'ui: i:vi: coah'oiit jiv oi:t.
i.v a Kiirit-o.v iti:t(ni; uoj.m; on
voiru VAOATIO.V.
im,l ,..,
Tlio good iimlltlcs of KIiui-oiih
nro tiiiiibaslxtsl vvicji you have
Hlitir-oim fitted here."
Page Theatre
Wednesday, July 16
Assinted by Charles Dano & Co. iu
l(-Clever lVople 1(!
JOnferlliinors JJe Luxe
In Songs
Clever Mil" IlirlnUut dnnrer nud iiluger,
Latest Aui mat et I Kvciiis
Tliroo Shows Wodnosday2:30, 7:30 and 9:10
"Popular I'j-ices: Matinee lo and 2o cents, box seatH
50 oonts; evening, 'Jo and Jlo cents, box scats 150 cents.
Moying Pictures Saturday and Sundays Only
Special Program for These Nights
Dr. Rickert
Jlyoslght Specialist
Oyer Douol & Co.'s.
Siskiyou Heights
No is tlio tiino to mako selection of lot3 and
tracts in this magnificent residence district,
Gut this out and tack by your Telephone
Viit3y Fuel Co., Tel. 76
Successors to Koieksloin
No,v Yard corner Fir and "West Second Street
Dry Wood by the Tier, Cord and Car Lots
Paints, Oils, Varnishos and Wall Papor
For your Tinting, 1'aintiijg and I'apor lunging Seo
Phone 243 J 32 8, Central Ava,