Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 12, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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lii honor of llii'ir kiicnI, Mm.
Hnnili lllliliv llimwi, or I'ulo Alio,
Cut., Mr. iin MInh llnl, uuvo u wont'
iiiiyaliln iiiiinIiiiiI Mniiitnv oveiilnj;
Ml their lioinii on WVxl Mnln Htirrt,
Mih. lit own In din poHMcHMor of a
lii'iuilifnl l It hiinuio voli'ii mill uiH
iiiohI (jeneiium with her hoiujm. Mih.
Imiuich iiiM'iitiipiiiiliMl iitnl iiIno plnyril
HUM'inl plmut HrlrcliiiiiH w tilch wiru
IjM'iitly enjoyed.
MInh (linri' liiHcplilim llroun, who
IiIih ml ii'liiiiinl from n yi'iir'n utmly
In I'orllmiil, hIiowciI IIki Krnil lin
piovciiii'iit hhn Iiiih iiimlii mill mint,
inoHt I'liiirinlnulv. 'J'Iicho tlirco nn
i'iiiiiiI!mIhiI iiiiihIimiiiih kuvo tnoHt
freely lo llw I'tilrrtiiiiinii'iit of III"
pnity mill Ihi'v worn iiionI lliiuuituli
ly mi!oi'il mnl nppii'fliiti'il.
Tlu lnviti'il curntM wrrn Mr. mnl
Mih. V. I llrown, Mr. mnl Mih. Win.
Imiuich, Mr. mnl Mr. Ziniuirr, Mr.
mill Mrn. Tihtlnlo, Mr. mnl Mm. Joe
Hmwii, Mr. mnl Mm. Jiiul, Colonel
mid Mrn. Munily, Mr mnl Mrn. Mop,
Dr. mnl Mrn, Hinder, Mr. mnl Mrn.
I'mlcr J. Neff MfHilmncH Hnrnli
llihliy llrmwi mnl (loffe, MImnoh
(Inu'it llrouii, Politer of Diilnlli, Cor
ilelln (loffe, .Inliii llnppiii, Mi-HMrn.
Hubert WIImiii, Myron Knot mnl IVd
An old fiiHhlniieil Itiini ilmico was
1,'Keii hv Mrn. Ilurke mnl MIxh Mnhle
Unrke, n their eoniiirv home, lYuliiy
evening. 'I'lie ilmu'i miik it'iwn In n
linrn Mhleli Iiiih Jnt hern coinpli'li'il
mnl wan a tuuM HiiccenHful nffuir.
Quite a inmiher of (he kiiphIh liml
ilinner at (lie eonntrv rtnli mnl mot
ureil ocr lo Ihn Unrke homo after
wmlH. Anioni; Ihoho iireneiit were Mr. mnl
Mrn. IboUilli, Mr. Mrn. Mel'or
iiuielf, Mr. mnl Mr. (Minmller Kkiiii,
Mr. ami Mm. Kenly, Mr. mnl Mrn.
llnilinot Connor. Mr. ami Mrn. (leo.
1)ih:k'H. Mr. ami Mrn. Krnl Cowles,
Mr. ami Mrn Outline, Mr. ami Mrn.
Drowne. Mr. ami Mix. WiiHlilmrn, Mr.
ami Mr. Mmhli'ii. Mr. ami Mrn. IVe.l
HopkiiiM, Mr. ami Mrn. Como i'iero,
Mr. ami Mrn. Womlforil. (leaeral ami
Mr. SooVNinith, Mr. ami Mm. Hob
ert liiihl. Mr. ami Mih. Fred Lenin,
Mr. ami Mrn. A. I!. Heiiinei, Mr. m
Mm. II. T. Fimllev, Mr. ami Mm.
New hull, Mr. ami Mm. M. M. Wool,
Mm. Ilollewnv: MIxmiw l'arwell of
Chieaijo, Dorothy Dimmit, Fimlley
ami Marcarel llnhhiml; Mew. Dun
Clark. IMtvIti Cuilelon, llrooks
Speneer, I'. (I. Hure. AiihIIii Cor
hiii. IMkiiII, Carpenter, Leonard Car
penter. Mint Mnilya I'lther or Oakland,
('ill., who linn lieen tho Knout for
neveriil weeks of Minn Sybil Fish will
return homo Monday In roinpniiy
with Minn Menu Kentner, who starts
for llomiliilti on Hint ilute. Minn
Fisher linn lioen tho Inspiration for
mivurul mniirt nffulni thU week. On
Wednesday afternoon Minn Mnuilo
Newbury of Itomi I. mm entertained
with "fiOO" In honor of MUm Fisher.
whua tho following gnents woro
present: MIhhoh (Unity Flidior, Sy
bil Huh, l.enora Vance, l.iirlmln
Cochrnn, Kthnl (Inthrle, JoHephlno
Hoot, Flora (Irny, l.oiilmi William
hoii, Helen 1'urncker, Caroline An
drews, Irene Hulllviiii, Frances Kin
ney, l.ol KMus, Horn Htilllvnu, Colli
t'rnlo Duel ami Vera OlniHleud.
DecoratloiiH want tiwuut peiin ami
Hlumta iIuIhIih. (lard lionorH wihhi
won by l,olri KnIum a'ml Caroline An
il rows,
Tho Women of Woodcraft, Chryi
aathiimiini circle, and tho Woodmen
of tho World had tholr first monthly
meeting Innt iiIkIU nt their IoiIro
rooniH at whlrlt they Installed otflcon
ami hud a dollcloiiK banquet. Tliu
rooniH woro docorntod for tho ovonl
ami leo croani, cako, Hnltod alinoiidi
and Icod ton woro nerved.
Tho offlcom that woro Instnllod
woro oloctod In May and woro na fol
Iowh: Mm, Oatman, Riiurdlun nolgh
hor; MIbb Mnhol Joiiob, magician;
Mm. Jonnlo ItolllnKor, ndvlRor; Mn.
Muttlo Mcllrlilo, puat Krand advisor;
MUh Kllu II, Million, nttomlnnt; Mm,
ArniBtrniiB, IiibUIo aontlnnl, and Mls:i
(lornldlna Uukos, uuihIcIuii. Mm, S,
ii. Ilonnutt waa tho InatalllnR officer,
MIhh MiuhI Newhury cnlcrtnliipd
WcilnoKilny aftmnoon nt hor home on
ItoxH r.nno In honor of MIhh Clliulyn
Fi-her of Oaldanil, Hwcet pens mid
Sh.irttu iIiiIhch wcio lined Ij'nr decora-'
.100 was played after which dainty
rofroHlniu'iitH woro Horvod. MIhh Loin
KhIch won fimt prlxo ami MIhh Caro
lina AmlruWH coiihoIiiIIoii piizo.
Tho Kiit'blH woro Minnou Uluilya
Fiblicr, I.old KriloH, Vera Olmutond,
Fiiiiici'H Keiiiiy, (,'niollmt AmliewH.
.loHi'phlmi llool, Dont Knllivmi, Irene
HuIIImiii, Helen I'lirneker, I.ueimlii
Corliimi, I.ouIm WillliuiiNoii, Flora
(hay, Hyhll Fih, F.lhel flntliilc, Norn
Vmico mid Kiitlieilne Deuel.
Mm. W. F. HhlehlM eiiterliiliH'd the
(llrlH eluti of the I'ri'MlivIerlnn ehnn;h
In nt week at tho Miuihc, with a
Kliimher paity.
Tho ovi'iiliik' wiih npenl in kiiiiuM
niid, Miiioim foiiiiH of mnuMeinent ami
a very lolly liino wiih enoyei hy nil,
TIioho who enjoyed Mm, Hlileldn' hot
pilality weio MinneH Itnlh Warner,
hnlhiT Waimir, llarel Alitle. FrmiceM
York, I.uellln Yoik, .lean limine, An
nette Wakemmi, Nellie Howard, Itnlh
Nye. Mnhle DmiielM, Itnlh Diiulclx,
Vera I .a ue Maioiy IleynoIdH ami
Mildred IteyimliU,
The exeenliwt coinuiitlee of tin'
flreatrr Med ford eluli hml a iiitetliiK'
Monday at the Med ford Hotel, which
was pieeedeil hy a luncheon.
Hy order of the eoininitlec, volen
of thaukH worn Hent to (Iiomo who
rendered their profoHHlomil nervieorf
at the recent "Heller HiiIiIoh" hIumv.
VoteH of tliaiikH were uiveu to the
Moil Tnliiuin and Medford .Sun for
their u'eneroHily in ndverliHiiii: the al'
fair; to IIiohd who loaned the dif
ferent iiitietfH in the Hiiho Show, ami
to thdxe who preKelited the priri'H fr
the Itnliy Show.
At the In-t meetimt of Cliryxan
theiiiuui Cirele, of Woolen of Wood
craft the following offieem were in
stalled: (luardimi neltihhor, Mm, l
II. Onliuaii; mau'ieiau, Mahel .Ihuch;
adior, Mm, .1, II. llelliimer; pant
Krand mhUer: Mm. M. Mellride; at
leuilmit, Kiln II. Mullen: innldo hcii
tinel, Mm. Artnntroiij,", imiHlciau,
(lerahliue lltikex.
The yottuc Indies Aitioun Hilda
cIiihh of the HnptiHt church held ilH
inonlhly iniHionarv meelim; WiiIiick
dav eveuinu' at the home of MImk
OladvN llimmin on ICnthcriue slrcet.
Ah Mix Himuati lenses next week
for Cedar IlapliN, Iowa, the affair
wiih In the nature of a farewell. Shu
iu cirn a nhowcr of many dainty
M!mh Kthel (lullirie cnlertnincd with
a sery pretty luncheon Ihin week for
Mim Svhil Fioli. Mihh Finher of Oak
land ami MUh Maud Newhury. Later
Mneral yininir Imlien cnine and .spent
the afternoon. The afternoon u'licntx
were .MlnneH Helen I'nniekor, Caro
line AmlrewH, Josephine. Hoot,
l.ouixe WiliauiHou and Marie Oaten.
S'lHviul mertitiK of St. Anne'ri Al
tar society wiih ealled for Tuexilay at
.'I o'clock. Plans weru made for tho
iinpniyement of the chapel and also
plans for working ilurint; tho Hum
mer. The ladies will hold a Hale of pic
nic dainties at the public market next
Mm. Helen HiiHkius has none (o
NcMirt for the Hummer. Miss
FraueeH HaHkiiiH will join her later.
Mm. (leorun O'llrien and dnuuhter
ha'e arrived in Sail I)ici;o, when
Mr. 0 linen has 1:0 nc into htisineHH.
Mm. Mvrlle Forbes of Merlin, who
Iiiih been vihitiin; her parents Mr. ami
Mm. D. T. I.nwton has returned home.
Mr. ami Mm. Ashton who have
been vNitim; Mr. ami Mm. Dillon
Hill left this week for Portland.
Mm. Helen C. dale ami children
let! tilts week for Coos Hay, when
tin's will remain for tho summer.
Miss fllml.vH Fisher of Oakland
ami Miss Sybil Fish were kuckIh of
MisH Maud Newhury this week.
Mrn, A. Z. Foam left for Albany
WedneHilav ami will iit Portland
ami Seattle hcfoie reluriiliiR.
Mm. II. K. Curtin now of I.os An
jjelen, hut formerly 11 resident of
Medford, is here on a visit.
Miss niadys Fisher of Oaklamlt
Cnl is tho Kiiest of Miss Sjhil Fish,
nt hur homo near Phoenix.
Mm. IT. 0, Watson ami daughter
of lloHolnirj; are tho kuohIh of Hov.
mid Mm. K. 0, KldiidKC.
Mr. Slantnn (liiffitliH lias koiio (0
Now York, ho will return next month
with Mm. Griffiths.
Mm. W. W. Von der Hollrm and
children of Wcllcu nio spending (ho
Hiiuiiiior at Newport,
Mih. fleor0 Carpenter enteilnined
at luncheon for Mr, ami Mih. II. Von
der Helk'ii of Wcllun.
MUnum Cniolluo AmlrowH and Jo
Hophlmi Hoot entertained nt lunch
eon Hatunlay at tho homo of MIhh
AndrowH, for MIh Fluhor, of Ou'
land, mid Mm,, FIhIi, of Phoenix,
After lunrheoii u vory Informal af
fair wna iilven whim the following
youiiK Indlun woro Invited: M Ihuch
I'lHhor, or Oakland, Flxh of I'honiilx,
Manila Deuel, Oatherlno Deuel, Uvo
lyn Corey, Klhol (luthrlo, Murlo
(IntcH, Helen I'tirucknr, I.oiiIho Wll
llnuiHon, lxounrn Vonru and Mnudu
Ah Friday wnH Medford day at the
Ashland ehmitumpia a ureal eiowd
spent the alleriiooii there ami a spe
cial train left at noon carrylnjr about
fillll. Mm. Mil AmlrewH had chnrKo
of the Medford prnjrmn, which wuh
a ureal mii'cohh.
The Pan Hellenic club wnH enter
laincd Thumdav at luncheon hv Miss
Smith at tho home of her sinter, Mm,
Slnilloii 011 the .laeksouville-Ceiitral
Point road.
A most enjoyable picnic was civon
hv the (luihl of HI. Mark's church,
Thursday at Perrydale, for the .Sun
day school and for Hiohc lakliu: part
in the Doll show.
Mm. I.ydin M. Poirier of Daliilh,
who has recently returned from the
.Sandwich Islands, Is the truest of'
Mrs, W. P. Ojinylc of Dakota ave
The I.ily Undue club was enter
tained Thuisday hv Mm. Itiildcll, at
her home on South Oakdalc. Mm.
Daulop earriiii- off the honors.
Mr. ami Mrs. A. K. Kennies en
terlaineil nt dinner Thursday for Mr.
ami Mm. A. Iliihl of Hoekford, III.,
'.Mr. ami Mm. Hubert Itulil.
fr. ami Mm. fleorge Hoone Cnr
pcriler entertained nt dinner Wednes
day In honor of Mr. and Mm. A. H.
Huh! of Hoekford. III.
Mr. and Mm. J. Hamlin, of Den
ver, who have been the uuests of Mr.
mid Mm. S. P.. Hedden left thin
seek for the north.
Sl Kimnn Wilson of 1m Hrande,
who Iiiih been visitine her roitsinH,
Mr.-and Mm. T. II. Wilson left for
the north Monday.
Mr. C. L. Rohicffilen who was
ealled to California by the illness of
his mother two weeks nj;o, returned
home Saturday.
Dr. J. W. Hohiiison and family of
Oakland arrived hero thin week ami
will visit in Jacksonville, their for
mer home.
Mr. uml Mm. Stewart Patterson
have returned from Chicago where
they have been for the past few
Miss Oladys Ilinman leaves next
week for Cedar Hapids, Iowa, where
she will attend eollcc,e, this coming
Mr. and Mm. John D. Olwell of
San Francisco are visiliuir Mm. 01
well's parents Dr. and Mm. C. H.
Mm. A. N. Hillcbrnml has returned
from Portland, after n month's visit
in that place.
Misses Florence nnd Alfretn Oar
retson have returned fioiu a visit in
(Irants Pass.
Mr. OcorKC Itutr. leaves Rundny for
ireka, wheie he will he in ehnrjio of
a hotel.
Mr. and Mm. Oris Crawford nml
family have returned from a visit in
(lold Hill.
Arm. 0. Kverilt is visiting her sis
tor, Mm. Whiteside, nonr Control
Miss Hn.nk i spendini: n few
weeks with Mm, T. K, Daniels at
Miss .Toi'Kcnson left Wednesday for
San I'rnnoisco whore she will remain.
Mrs, (leorRO Kinsman Ims been in
Ashland nlli'mling tho eliaulaiupm.
Miss Afartjaret Shearer of Olon-
dalo is visitiuir fiieuds in Medford.
, Mr. and Mm. L. Ooliner of Port
laud nro visitiiiR in Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. K. N, McKennv Imvo
Kouo north for a Hhnrt time.
MIhh Alum Hoscly mid MIhh Norn
Qiiorliu of I.u OrosKC, Win., uio lliol
A tnoHl onjoynhlo li re
ported hy tlio COO or more Mtdford
Ites who nttrtmled tho Clinut.-nipia
cxerclNCH nt AhIiImiuI I'rldny, It v,nn
hy far tho lurKeiU crowd cvjr mint tali city and In an Mr next of
tho nooil will felt hy tho pcoplo of
Medford for hor sister city. That It
wna appreciated wnH tcHtlfled hy tho
reception accorded.
Mm, AmlrowH ami tho miiMlclaiiH
ntalntlnK. tho Medford hum) and tho
Commercial club nro tho recipient
today of hearty rom;rntulntlonH on
tilt) HtirceHH of tho ocrnHlon. Amour,
(bono 011 tho apodal truln from Mod-
ford were:
W. B. Lnno. F. W. Ooodlc Will
Ooulder, B. C. lloimett, John A. Nor-
HtiR. V. WIlHon Wallo, Hurt L. fltull,
!:. C. Hoot, B. J. llratnoy, K. I.
HtraiiK, H. If. Howi'll, Lawrence
Itukea, C. W. DollriK, Clay Center,
Kniia.; It. C. IliirKcaH, Itnlph Hran-
don, Bnrl Hubbard, Jamc Vanco, Jr.,
Mm. J. Wold, Norah Ouortlu of Ii
Crosse, WIh Alma Honoly of La
Crowe, Win., Jonua Wold. 0. W. Dick,
A. S. Hoienhnum, W. K. laaaci, Q. T.
Foyea, (), It. Chaffee, I. O. Bast, J. A.
WcNtorlund, B. M. Andrews-, F.L. Ton
Velio, C. M. lloardman, M. A. Under,
W. W. Blfert, Jno. F. Whlto. W. J.
Canton nnd wife. O. N. Wllnon and
wife, a. W. Prlddy, J. 8. Frnzeo of
Hvnttlo, H. II. Graham nnd wlfo, Mm.
0. A. McArthur, Mm. It. W. Alter,
Mm. Wilson Agur, Mm. Anderson,
Mm. Ollvo Day, Mm. T. J. William
Bon, Loulao Williamson, Helen
HtraiiK, Helen Drown, Mnry H. Orr,
Hnnnah Merlins, Mm. Chna. St ran c.
Mm. O. N. Wilson, (Seo. A. Jnckaon.
Sarah A. Jnckaon, C. I). Hoon and
wlfo, Flora Gray, Mrs. Helen Hni
king, Helen Clnro Ilaaklna, Mm. J. M.
Hoot, Mrs. Bd Andrew, Mr. and Mm.
J. M. Vnn Tntiol. Mr. and Mm. H.
Humphrey, Mrs. LIIJoRrnm, MnbcL
Jones, Jena Hnnacn, Volncy Dixon
and wife, Helen Roddy, Florence
Hcddy, Nell Corum, Chrlitlno Jncoba,
Mm. Geo. Andrews, Geo. Andrews,
Weston F. Shlelda, Mrs. Wcaton F.
Shields, A. L. Cuslck, Cnthcrlno Cu
alck, Mm. Illrdeen Myers, D. It.
Churchill, Bltzaboth Netherland, W.
W. McDonuld, M. J. I'arrott, Mrs.
J. II. Daley, M. B. Gray, Mrs. M. D.
Hanker, Florence Htudehakor, Mrs.
John Ashpole, Mm. Frank Isaacs,
Mario Bltcrt. Mrs. Will Harnum,
Ethel Blfort. Mrs. W. W. Elfert, Jim
Will Doling, J. Cotter, Mm. S. I.
Potior nnd son, S. C. George, Mm.
J. I. Wiso, Mm. C. Phillips, Dernlco
and Harry Gilt, Mm. J. S. Gill, Neva
Samuel, Lttcllo Koontz, Gua Samuels
and wlfo, F. H. UelllnKcr and wife,
Mrs. Helen Howe, Mr. nnd Mm. Ches
ter Parker and child, J. N. Hockor
smith, Mrs. C. Tlco, Mrs. C. T. No.),
Mm. II. B. Koontx, M. M. Herman
nnd wlfo, A. W. Sollendcr, Mrs. M. L.
Alford, Mrs. F. W. Hollls. Mrs. T. W
Mllea, Chas. Nlckell. Hollo Nlckell,
Nun Nlchell, A. K. Wnro, H. H.
Smith and wife, B. A. Andrewa, G. O.
Taylor, It. Woodford, A. M. Wood
ford, ltuth Woodford, Claud Moon,
Mrs. Lottlo Howard, Florence Kin
cnld, Mm. F. Hnxloton, Mm. T. B.
Scott, J. H, Terrlll, Jess Taylor, Mm.
II. Ooodnlo, Mm. D. J Stout, Mm. L.
Brsley, Mm. C. L. OsscnbriiKRo, Mm.
G. Bhlem, G. B Iloos nnd wlfo, Mm.
J. F. Lawrence, Mlsa Elsie Iawrence,
Mm. B. Hutler, B. Duller, R. H. nu!
lock, Mrs. J. J. OasenbrtiRKe, Miss
Ella Mnnlo, Mm. J. W. Antlo, Miss
Lorane I.nwton, Miss Marlon liar
um, Mm. W. F. Gouldor, Miss Helen
Lawton, Mm. Mary Yockoy, Mm. W.
C. Klnyon, Mm. Nora Slowing, It. L.
Mcllrldo, wife and son, Clarenco
Meeker and wife, II. L. Alford, L. A.
Williamson, Carollno Andrews, Jose
phine Hoot, Gladys Lamar, Gbraldlnu
Mlkacho, Mrs. Jesso Ovordorf, Mrs.
A. L. Armstrong, Mrs. M. Seaman,
Mm. C. Dufflold, Miss Pearl Colllnn,
Miaa Nelllo SeodRln, Lucy Gilbert,
Dr. F. G. Carlow, Dr. Eva M. Carlow,
Hnlph Dufflold, Mm. J. B. McDonald,
Mildred Reynolds, Margery Iteynolds,
S. S. Smith nnd wlfo.
(GrnnU Vnn Courier.)
Dr. Hcddy nnd Chief Engineer
Harmon left for Portland Thursday
night to meet Han Frnnclsco pnrtlcH
thore nnd comploto tho Oregon atnto
orgnnlrntlon of tho company that li
preparing for the construction of the
railroad from Grants Pans to tho son.
Tho Incorporntlon papers will he filed
nt once, It being necessary that scp
nrnte Incorporntlon bo provided for
each California nnd Oregon. It be
ing nn Interstate railway.
To denote, tho broader lines upon
which tho now corporation propopm
to operate, the name of tho new com
pany will bo changed from that of
tho Grants PnN & Crescent City gh
It hnH been called thus far in tho ne
gotiations, to tho California, Orcgoti
& Bnstern, this nnmo coming from
tho fnct Hint tho lino originates In
tho two const states, nnd tbnt It In
reaching eastward, whpro It will ul
timately connect with transcontinen
tal lines.
Mayor Smith, nt the Instnnco of
Mr. Helm nnd tho California pcoplo,
tins been looking nt different avail
able suites of office rooms for en
gngetnent for tho new eompnny when
It opens headquarters hero as It In
tends In tho nenr future.
Railroad matters nro progressing
ns rapidly ns Is possible with tho
great amount of detail to develop
nnd mnnnge, nil the Interested par
ties bending their best enerie to
bring tho orgnnlzntlon to a pjlnt
where actual construction cm com
mence nt tho earliest possible date
Ghoicfi liuilding ito with beautiful view oC
jf(!(lfoi'd niul valley. .Tusfc ensfc of Hfcdfont city
liinifH in best roHulcnec section of Medford.
TIu'h site can bo purchased for $200 down.
Long time and easy terms on balance.
Medford, Oregon.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Wall Paper
For your Tinting, Painting and Pnpe'r ITanging Seo
Phone 243 J
32 S. Central Ave.
Cut this out and tack by your Telephone
Valley Fuel Co., Tel. 76
Successors to Ilciekstcin
New Yard corner Fir and West Second Street
Dry Wood by the Tier, Cord and. Car Lots
Should Profit by Mrs. Hur
ley's Experience Her Own
Story Here Told.
Eldon, Mo. "I was troubled with
displacement, organic inflammation nnd
xemalo weakness.
For two years I
could not stand on
my feet long- at a
timo and I could not
walk two blocks
without enduring
cutting and drawing
pains down my right
slda which Increased
onco a month. I
have been at that
timo purple in tho
faco and would walk tho floor. I could
not lio down or sit still sometimes for a
dny and a night at a time. I was ner
vous, had very little appetite, no ambi
tion, melancholy, and often felt as
though I had not a friend in the world.
"After I had tried most every fe
male remedy first, without success,
my mother-in-law advised me to take
Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound. I did so and gained in strength
everyday. I havo now no trouble in
any way and highly praise your medi
cine. ltadvertisesitself.M-Mrs.S.T.
Hurley, Eldon, Missouri.
Remember, tho remedy which did
this was Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound. For salo everywhere.
It has helped thousands of women
who havo been troubled with dlsplace
ments,inflainmation,ulceration, tumors,
Irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
that bearing down feeling, indigestion,
and nervous prostration, after all other
means havo failed. Why don't you
try It?
gnosis of Mm. K. P. Schmidt on
Not til Orange sheet.
Min Ktholyn of Ahhlniul is Hip
guest of MNs Julia Fielder.
Tho College p'ub picnicked Friday
in Ashland canyon. ,
With Medford trade ia Medford made.
1). It. WOOD & CO.
Otflco Upstairs.
Medford Mall Trlbuno Uulldlng.
I'houos! Otflco, Oil. Itoildonca 534.
(Astronomer, Iloynl University of Pa
Scientific Astrologer
Celebrated Psychic-Palmist
(Full I.ifo Rending $1.00)
Five Languages Spoken
Medford, Ore.
Pdrtlancfr fanaK ttol
Med fa the Excellence;
Situated hi the flub of Uio Principal
Theater and Shopping District
Itetently Redecorated and Ilcfurnlslied ThroHghoat,
and Better Equipped Today than Ever Ueforo "!"
European I'lnn
Rooms without bath, 91.00 per day and up
Rooms with bat", 92.00 per day aad HP
G. J. KAUFMANN, Manager.
N. K. CLARKE, Asst. Mgr.
Leave Medford 8:00 a. m. Reach Medford 6:30 p. in.
Good Fishing Excellent Hotel Accommodations
Pitted Ucuwtf!
Against Afaintt
Substitutes Imitations
Round Package
rm nMiiTB
t4m In tiM forgMt. Ml
qulMMd and sanitary Mated
Milk plant In tha waHd
We do not make "milkproducttE
Skim Milk, Condensed Milk, etc.
at ti Original-Genuine
Mad from pur, fulI-or milk
and the extract of Mleot moltad tfraia
reduced to powder form, aoluble ia
weter. Beet fooddriak for all aM
Usad a avar tfca Waaa'
atJeme 5otfaJvuttfatrt
Requlrea careful though and tho proper confidonco la firm, to
warrant absolute satisfaction. To noto tho proper comparison
you must Inspect thorn from a largo and well selected stock, such
as I am able to show. In thU way you becomo thoroughly fa
miliar with values and feol assured of safo and economical buy
ing through my binding guarautee.
l''ino Wiitcli nnd Jewelry
Mi:roiii, ori:o.v
' xiiii ji:wi:ij:h
Dlaiuonil Hettlng and Ka
grlK lonti Uih
t t