Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 12, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    I r . . . , ',M- ' I'P
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Medford Mail Tribune
. ":
Hhotvcra tonight and Handily
Mux. .NO. Mln. ,18. Hutu. .IK
f)rtytli tnl Ymr,
Dally Klulilli Year.
NO. 96.
t 'l
Ahlrlch mill Fornkcr, Willi Whom Ho
Worked, Knew of His Employment
by Manufacturers Tlioiinji PosIiim
ns llenil of Workers' Ornanlzntlon.
Senator McComh's Private Secretary
Drihril to Furnish Manufacturers
With Copies of Correspondence.
wasiiinoton, Juiv i2.-iiuw
Urn National Association til' .Maim
laelonrcrH used leader of labor
unions, through liim, In re-elect Nol
mmi W. AMt icli senator ftoia Rhode
NIiiihI mill l defeat Kciiulor Me-
'iiiiiiim (if Mn ryln ml For ro-oloelioii
mill William Hughes hh n candidate
for emigre frmii New Jersey In Hill I
wu inli! before the senate luliliv in-
cllgntiug oonunillco lining liv Mnr
I it M. .Miilluill or llulliumrc, seir
confessed chief lobbyist mill strike
lueakcr for llio Manufacture! ' or
gaiiiratinii. 'rin witno described bin mnnipii
Inlion of labor leaders, uml tub! (if
biting prominent union men In Phila
delphia mill Now York to (umiiiiiiUhIi
his purpose,
Asked o tiiimo Hip men who nhled
In bin olilbtal fights, MiiIIimII said:
.Viiiiic Political Aide
"They were Mii'lmv! CoIIIiih ol
Philadelphia, Secretary Ciirlnin of
I be Miiihliug Trades Council; .lni'nb
Cnssiler of Nmv York", Williiiui Ryan,
mi electrical worker of Now York,
ami (leorgc Hurko of Now Jersey
who was tutor iiiitnoil iin deputy col
lector of Ititoriuil revenue."
.Miilluill said Ibo KuTtoiTiil'.Afiinii
fni'tiirern' AxHoeieotloii usually
buekiMl republican candidates in Ibo
After Seiiiilor Mediums wan de
fiiilcd, .Mnrhall Cashing, linn score,
tnrv of the Mnuufucturcrs' Asnein
Hon Mont liim lo "feel bilil out."
Cmdiiug, (be witness snid, told ttl tn
t tin t McCotnus was a eniiilhbite foi
the federal lieueh mill Hull .Miilluill
was In el liim (but bis uilvoeaov of
Ibo elubl boiir bill bail cost liim tho
scnnlopdiip, mn) Hint bo ought to
ieiiiiliafn It ih mlvooat'V of it.
.MiConiio KIihnI I'm.
CtisltliigV letter, which Mulbnll
was ilirooleil to bum, rend: "If bo
hoiii'xilv menus (o lot up, vmi can
proinisp liim to remove nnv obMuolo
to Jii m political ambition."
.Miilluill testified (but be saw Me
( 'iiiiiiim, who trioil lo iiuiko peace with
Ibo Nutloual Manufacturers' Asso
eiulion but refused to ubnuilou his
tiilvoeui'v of ibo dull I hour bill.
WASHINGTON, July 12. An .
ri'Hiill of jealoiiH)' between llin Ken
nto and Ikiiii") lobby Investigating
committees, II.Ih feared today Unit
the surcoHS of tlio prnbo Ih siirltuily
tliroateued. Tint souuto Hiibrominlt
leu, liuarliiK Hint tho special com
milled of tho Iioiihc, of which Hop-
rniuiutnllvo Garrett, of Tennessee, Ih
rlialriiimi, plaunod to "kldunp" Mar
tin M. Miilluill. of lliiltlmuro, whoso
hoiihiiI Intuit rlutrKOH of loliltyliiK by
tho National Association of Matin
facturors caused nubioouuu to Iin Is-
Kiied for hint liy luitli coiiiinlttooH,
mot at D o'clock tlilH tuornltiK l
Kload of at 10:30, tho tlmo orlKlnal
ly ot.
Keuator Ovormau Bout n lottor to
Cluilriiuin (larrott of tjio hoiiKn lo';
liy commlttno poHltlvoly tofiitiliiK to
niloaiiu Mullmll to Ihu Iiouro prolioit.
Attorney Kuiory, KCiiortil counol U-,
(Continued on ratio 0)
WASHINGTON, July -.-Tho ru
port of Ibo hoiiKO jiulioiary oomiiiltti'o
roooiiuiuiuiliut; tho iiuuhIiIui; of tlin
loHoliitioii iiitnuliicoil by HoproKontu
live ICitbu of (biliioinln, ilirootiiiK
Attorney Ucuorul MoltoynoblM to hiiIi
mil nil papoi'M In tho I)iKKX(Jnmiiiotli
"wbllo hIiivu" ciifio to tho houno oamu
up In llin Iiiiiiho Imlay iih iiul'iuiHboil
biiHiuoHH. The ropliblloini iiioiiiIioih
intend lo air (bo uiihu on Ihu i'loor,
Work of Senate Lobby Probe Sum
marized Exposure Has Discred
ited Occupation, Lessened Influence
Prohibitive Legislation Follows.
How Trusts Secured Lcnlslatlon and
Punished Legislators Revealed to
Country for First Time.
WAKlllNdTON. July I'J.-Heiia-or
Heed of MiMMOiul, ebief crnM
exiMuliier for Ibo hoiiiiIo lobby Iiivom
liiii'tiiii; eommillee lodiiy analyzed
for the United Proxx Ibo ovldouoo no far by tbut eumtuiltei! uml
Kitvi) uhnt be belietcH will bo the ro.
mi1' of bie liiNchiiUtort, llin htulo.
until follows ;
l .luiiieM A. Keed
Tlie lobliv itt c-t ivriitioti uml Hh lit-
lemiiiiit iIiM'biKiiieH Iiiivii (lemon
hi ruled what lui Innir lieeti HUHK'eted
that Hie t.ieul liuaueial intcrcMM
h ive leicllv mid effectively directed
mid controlled IcuiMlutinu. I do not
menu Hint nil lcxitutiou ban thu
been controlled, but Mint the inter-c-U
have been a putoutiul influence
in beyond ipicMiou.
Wlmt IIilileiKc NIiohh.
Evidence plalnlv hIiewm:
I'irhl, that they Iiiimi oppnxed the
eI"clion of moil known to bo opMixod
to their pIiiiik uml dcitircx.
Second, that they have, nccrelly
v'ueu uid nuil Niipport, finiineinl uml
muriil, to thoMc wlio buvo been Mih
jcrvient In Ibeir Iiitorool".
'Iblid, Ibiit they buvo carefully uml
ccirctlv uftccicd pnlilb) Houtimout
ihioudi carefully prepared iu'wh mat
ter xeiit nut IhriHiuli Ihu prcM of the
rourth, thai with ureal nkill they
have carried on u propaumubi witb
their hiMucrt enuueclioiih uml by Huh
iiicuiik toiihl to iufliieuco votes o(
I'il'lli, Hint thev buvo malntulued
obbyiht in WunIuiikIoh wboo buni
iwm it hrh been not only to umler-
Inkc o (litcct a coiirsi) of IcuNlutiou
uml to (iP"m' nil iuiiiiicnl leuiilntiou,
but o tsiilertuko to control Ihu so
.ectioii .i Ihu couiuiillooii of con
'I'ru-t Man i:inplii)Hl,
Sixth, iu one iiinluneo at leal, ono
of tliexo iiilotohlh. tho woolen iiiauit-
fucl'ircr. xucceedcil iu biivim; up.
pointed ns confidential clerk, of the
lepiibb'inn member of tho finuueo
cotiimltteo of tho houato, tho socio
lurv of tho Woolen Munufaclurors'
A i'leiution who performed bin work
ho snlhl'iietorilv that ho wus pro
fontod by hih ompbiyerK, Ibo woolen
maiiufiiclurers witb $lifl(ll).
Seventh, that the Hin;ur iutercntn of
Hawaii, 1'orlo Itieo, l.ouifimm uml
lli boot HiiKiir inlorohlx have mado
i oniuion emihii to provout u reduction
of Ibo tiuilf on hiiu-nr.
Kililh, Hint thero is a community
of iutcrchtK belweeu many of tho pro
tooled induMrioK uml Hint there Iiiir
boon mixed ami expended diieotly
iiiiJ imlireell.v for tin purposo ol
cont rolling puhlio sentiment uml af
fect inu' IcKitlulIon iniiiiy tbutisamls
of dnllurri.
Now UovelopmoiilN Dully.
Kvery day Ik Iii'IiikIiii; new duvol
opmoulH, Urailually tho facts are
IicIiik' laid boforo tho puhlio. No ono
can predict oMiotly wbat may yet In)
developed, but uh u robiilt of this in
vestigation, thoKo thbiKH will hnppen:
Tho woik of tho lobbyist having
boon exported, bo will bo discredited
uml bis iiitluouoo Kioatly loKSoned.
LcK'islution will bo ouuoted which
will render tho work of tho lobbyist,
if not impossible, at least more diffi
cult. Iu my opinion, lobbyists will bo
rcipiircd to resist or uml to present'
themselves boforo a committee ol
ooiiKiTHH in I heir Into obaraolor.
hetch-hetchy plan
WABHINdTON, July 12, Tito
Iioiihii commlttoo on public lamia vot
ed HiIh mornluK to report favorubly
u lilll Ki'autlUK Ban Krunoluco watur
ilKlits for u municipal mipply In
llotclt liotoby valley of tlio YohoiuIIo
National iit'(,
JTraneis JSowes .Sotyt.
JcshIo Wilson has picked out n
yeuui: lawyer for a husband, a votm;
man now employed in (bo office ol
the ditrie attorney of New YorK
county, who looks so much iiko her
father that tho chief difference in
their appearance is found In Ibeir
nes. IVuiicN Howe Huyro is the
sou of it railroad builder. Ho baits
from Pennsylvania, but Home time
uso iiiudc up bis uimiil (but ho would
like to study law. v entered tho
oftico of tho district tilloruoy us u
clerk while bo studied. f bits not
yet been uilmillcd to Ibo bar, hut ;s
utmost ready for bis final OMimiun
lion. The wcdditii; will likely (tike
plaeo iu the full.
NKW YORK, July 12. -Tho prob
lem of human i'liuht is solved today,
neeordiui; to announcement by Chris,
topbor .1. Lake, whoso sou, Simon
Luke of Bridgeport, Conn., is tho in
ventor of a Huhmanuo torpedo boat
now in use by tho United States navy.
Constructed on no entirely now prin
ciple, tho l.ako aeroplane does not
depend on its velocity to remain in
tho uir. Father and son have been
woikiiur on Ibo problem for tunny
yours. Spenkini; tit tho Aero club ol?
America heio, tho older Lake snid;
"This uoroplnno will absolutely rovo
lutiuoir.0 aeronautics. It cannot full.
It Is uhsohitcly stable and always
touches eurtb or water ri)-htsido up,
It is like a cut, comint; down on nil
C1I1CAUO, July 1'J. DckIiiiijiik lo
diiy, iiiarriiiKO licenses caif ho . ob
luiiioil tit any hour of Ibo day or
niejit in Chicuuo. Hut tho lovesick
couple Hint decide, on tho pluno nt
midnight must travel twelve miles to
tho homo of, Deputy NCouutv Clerk
Mack in South ChioiiKo to wl the
"No matter what hour of tho iiIkIiI,
I'll bo on hand to issue licenses,"
said Mack, who oiu'inated the twenty-four
hour. ninrriuKO liijeuso bur
eau. It's it kooiI Ibiui; to buvo the
license bureau rijjht nrouml tho oor
uer when tho question bus just boon
popped, Women still ohmu;o their
nuuer: rnuDtno
WASHINGTON, ,nly l'J.Tbo
linttsc probe tl? fi'uliotis lobby
cburues lieuiut beru today. Chair
man Garrett is preparing lo dolvo into
tho by-paths of .Martin M. .MulhallW
narrative. Ho flatly denied rctwrtrt
of frioliou witb the senate commit
tee, snyiiij: the house reeosnixeil the
seunto's prior ribt to .MttlhiiUV tcst't-'
Tho house lobby committee mot this
moriiiui;, but the members were un
able to do anything uml ndjourncd
to this afternoon. Mulbnll and J. H.
Mc.Miehael, former chief page of tho
house, were summoned but did not
At an executive session of the
lioitso committee, the senate was
criticised for 'hamperiuj;" the house
Chairman Oarrctt wrolo n formal
not to Chnirmnn Overman of tbi
senate committee inipiirint: about tho
wtlnessoH not tieeded immediately by
the scuuto and whether those would
be available for the house probers.
NKW YOHK. July 12. Cuiindian
Paoifio opened two points higher to
day, nud tho Koucrul trend of tho
stock ihnrket wns upward. Trmlin
wus very dull, nJmo..t us stngiiniit as
yesterday, which was the dullest day
in seventeen years. Loudon bought
uirKO DiocKs oi lunmiinn l'uemc
which stock continued firm through
out the short session hero. Hethle
brtu rose ,,
llonds were steady.
The market closed dull.
LONDON, July 12. Kitty Marion,
who hurlod u package of suffrngo
literature through a, window of tbu
homo nffiuo yesterday, was ar
raigned iu court this afternoon. She
refused to pav a fine, mid was sent
to llollowuy jail. As sho was led
away, sho sheuted: "Not only will 1
go on a hunger strike but 1 shall re
fuse to lot them put mo out of jail
when 1 am released."
' Showers Predicted.
PORTLAND, Oic, July 12. Ore Ore
eon: Showers tonight or Sunday;
light variable winds,
Crusliinn Defeat of Bulgarians at
Seres Reported by Combined Forces
Who Occupy City Bulgars Ex
pected to Sue for Peace at Once.
Before Retreat, Two Hundred Greeks
Alleged to Have Been Subjected to
Unspeakable lndl(jnllles.
ATIIKN8. July i:-CrunliliiR de
feat of Unitarian troopx nt Bore by
n combined Greek and Hervlan force
wan claimed In official dlnpatchcn ro
reived at tho wur offlco here today
from tho front. Tho UroekH occupy
ho city and It Is believed hero that
llulgnrla will Immediately duo for
Iicforo retreating from Seres, the
IlulKitrlrms, It I charged, subjected
two hundred decks. Including hlijh
churchuien. amout; them n bishop, to
unspeakable liidfKtiltles and then
murdered them. The Greek com
mander of the Sixth division disin
terred a score of corpses to confirm
his charges.
NO.MH. Alaska. July 12. With
thirty Alaskan (loirs and two C horse
power launches, purchased here to
nid tbcin in explorintr the far north,
the Cmiiuirmi jsjTitr exiilorn'tinn cx
peditiou under Vilbjamar Stefnnsseu
will sail from here Into tonight or
Sunday. The hour of sailintr dc
pends on the binding of tho bnhjiicc
oi iou tons oi com wuieit win ue
carried by the Iuirluk us n dceklond.
Ono of the Iniittches purchased
will be parried by the mtxilliury boat
Aliixkttn, which will enrrv the south
ern party, under Dr. If. if. Anderson
to Victoriitland.
Two other arctic expeditions are
fitting nut here nud will sail soon.
Ono including several eastern scien
tists which will sail on the Polar
Hear nml Frank Kleinsohmldt's er
peditiou which will leave about the
same time.
SANTA CRUZ, Cal., July 12. Af
ter working nil night on tho brush
fire which is sweeping down the
Newell Creek ntrtl Love creek can
yons, the five hundred firefighters
shortly before noon today an
nounced that the flames wero under
The summer resorls of Olon Arbor
mid Hrtiokuey were endangered
throughout the night, but were saved
by backfiring. Residents fled from
their homes last night but returned
today. '"
CHICAGO, July 12. The diamond
necklace, purchased by Jack Johnson
tho negro pugilist for his first wife,
who committed sulcldo, ami was con
fiscated by federal nuthorlttos, was
sold at public auction today. It was
bought by Harnett Uros., joweletr,
for J2.100.
LONDON, July 12. Jtiok Johnson,
tho negro pugilist, arrived hero to
day from Paris. Ho reiterated his
declaration that bo does not intend to
return to (ho United States,
V 0 A
Charles 0. dates, the son of bis
father, dabbed front .Minneapolis the
other day on n special train while n
story was in eirciNntion Hint be wns
ruunlti from his father-in-law, who
wns snid to hne whipped him in n
cafe, lint be denied that he bad been
whipped, nml iniii-tcd there wus no
one iu New Work who could do that.
Contract for C000 railroad tics
has been let to the Trail Lumber Co.
by S. S. Uullls to bo delivered by
September. Tho tics are for tho
first section of the Intorurban trol
ley Hue to be constructed from Med
ford to Siskiyou Heights.
Mr. Uullls returned this week from
the cost where he-Tlaed orders for
steel rails and rolling stock for fall
delivery. It is his Intention to rush
construction when tho material ar
rives. Mr. Dullls Is equipping a sawmill
on tho headwaters of Little Applo
gate to get out timber for tho Ster
ling mine flumo and ditch, which It
Is proposed to rebuild.
SAN FRANCISCO, Ciffi, July 12
The four-mnstcd tramp schooner
J. II. Liinsmmi lies nt the bottom of
the buy off Harbor View today, fol
lowing a collision about midnight
with the steel coasting steamer Fran
cis H. Leggett. The Luusmnn was
lying nt anchor and the Leggett was
titiing to sea on n voyage to Astoria
when the accident occurred. Cup
tnin Wcithuunt and bis crew of three
men of tho I.uusmun were rescued by
a launch. Tho Leggett was prac
tically undamaged. A hole four feet
deep wits torn iu tlio wooden bull of
the LuiiMiiau, which, immediately
sank, weighted down by her cargo of
coal from Australia.
roltTLAND, Ore., July 12. Af
tor suffering terrible agony for two
days, Frank M. Griffith, a prominent
automobllo dealer, Is dead hero to
duy from hydrophobia. Griffith was
bitten by his pet dog five weeks ago
but suffered no 111 effects until two
days ago, when ho wns taken with
convulsions. Kvery treatment for
tho rabies knowu to modlcal sclonca
was tried In an effort to savo Grif
fith's life, but :to no avail.
NKW YORK, July 12. State Su
preme Justice lloff todity denied
former Police Lieutenant Charles
Hooker, sentenced to diu for thu
murder hero of Herman Rosenthal, a
gambler, u new trial,
nt mm
Committee of Conductors and Train
men Ratify Walkout Vote Taken
Last Week on Eastern Railways
Demand Increase In Pay.
Sub-Committeo Named to Attend
Conference at White House Next
Monday and Talk With Wilson. .
NKW YOItK, July 12. Willi
sanction of a walkout practically a
foregone conclusion, tho commlttoo
of one thousand of tho Ortlor of
ftallwuy Conductors and the Uroth
crhood of Hallway Trainmen met
hero today to ratify a strlko voto
taken by about 100,000 members of
the two organizations on forty-two
eastern roads. Wnother tho strike
order will be Issued today or tumor
row Is as yet uncertain.
Tho commlttco met In tho Engin
eering Societies building. The morn
ing session was devoted to receiv
ing reports of the men In chargo of
tho balloting. It has been known
for several days that tho referendum
resulted In about 9-1 per cent of tho
members favoring a strlko unl
demands for Increased wages worn
met by tho rahroads. Tho chiuro
of an eleventh hoar peace offering
from the railroads Is considered e -treraely
It was authoritatively stated that
the commlttco of ono thousand will
namo a sub-committee to attend .a
conference at the Whlto House in ,
Washlrigtoh next Monday to dlscusi j
with President Wilson and a'.i.
mltteo of railway managers propii-d
amendments to the Erdtnan,.arblirr.
Hon act.
The commltfa failed' to reach. any
decision at tho morning session as
to ordering a strlko. Another ses
sion will he held this afternoon, but
deflnlto action may not bo decided
upon boforo late tonight.
No chances of a dictaphone being ,
installed in the meeting ball were
taken by tho committee. To guard ,
against such a possibility, no an
nouncement was mado of tho place
of meeting until tho session began In
Webster Hall.
WII.KERBAKRE, Pa., July 12.
An application by District Attornoy
Dlgclow to exhumo tho body of Allco
Cblspell was granted today by Judgo
Henry Fullcrt. Henry Johns, la
whose company ou the night of July
tho girl was last seen alivo, Is hjlil
bn suspicion. The body was
floating Iu Harvey's lako the follo-'-Ing
An expert will bq brought from
Now York, It it ctatud, to perform a
now autopsy. Tho petition of tho
district attorney alleged that the
first autopsy, porformed by Dr. ll!g
gins, was unsatisfactory. On tho
theory that the girl was deud whou
her body was thrown Into the lake,
tho prosecutor demands that tho
stomach and lungs bo ro-exumlned.
MEXICO CITY, July 12. Threats
to blow up tho Unltod States embus
sy wero received horo today by Am
bassador Henry Lane Wilson lit un
anonymous letter. It was referred
to the Mexican foreign office for In
vestigation. TEACHERS TO MEET
SALT LAKK CITY, Utub, July 13.
Tho directors of the Nntinmi! Kdu
I'litionul Association, in coiivcutiou
hero today, selected St. Piiul, Minn., ,'
us tho meeting pluoo for noxt year''1'
convention. Tbu board also cboVu
Oakland, Cal., for (ho 2 0 1 " convention.
1 00.000 MEN ON
, 1
' f
r .