Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 07, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    207 Second Street , ,fj$
nation HUTm 8s
207 Second Street '
vh MI
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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair tonight unit lWadny.
Mrtvlmiiin .Mfl. Minimum .i
I'nrty.lhlnl Vcnr.
llnlly ICInltlli Ycnr.
NO. 91
First-Second National Dank of Pitts
liiirn Closes Doors Sacramento
Valley Irrlnatlon Schemes Involved
Plans tor Development Slowed up.
NKW YOHIC. July 7 -The fJiltttm
of llui riiitl-Hi'ininl National hunk
at I' itlil mil disturb Willi
Mtl'Ut. It WIIH lUKIUlh'll linrn UN tMI
InoIiiIi'iI en m, having mi bearing o'l
(lio Ki'iiDrul banking Munition.
J. H. mill W. H, ICiiIiii, or PlltH
tinntli, u ro coiijii'ctml with tlio bunk
ing firm or KiiIiii, Loot) k Co., or
Now York,
Tim slock ticker today carried I ho
following regarding tlm bank failure,
at Pittsburgh!
"Tim failure or tint First-Second
National bunk litiil boon tapcrted for
Koiiin (linn, mill In not regarded iih
liiiHirtmit, It fitlluto U iliiu to Ioiuin
on rulliiliiriil Unit linn greatly de
preciated In viilito, Including WhIi.imIi
unit olliur Imuoh."
KACItAMKNTO, Oil., .Inly 7.
I.illll) HIIIlliNlt WIIS Cltl'l'l It V
local hunkers today when limy re
Ci'itl'd UlU IM'WS of till' fllillllO of lilt
l'iixl.Si'ouuil Niilionut Hunk of
1'illsburg. Tlir wore unanimous-,
huwi'wr, In iloeliiring tltut tln bunk
fiiiliiio mnl iirotmlili' icooituislnp for
I hi' Aini'rii'iiii Waterworks Ctmipiiiiv
would hate no serious effect on Hip
latter I'oiii'xni'H liuliliiiKM of i:ill,0(MI
nuri'H of iiigatcd liiiul in tlio vicinity
of Willows, on which mo iilri'inlv
sillied M'M'iul huiidicils (if MIUlll
Oongi V. Peltier, im president
of tin' California Notional Muni:,
xiiiil Unit while In' Inul no offininl
knowlviltiii of I It riiliiiition. lie felt
rcitniii Hint tin) only effect of the
onslorn failure on tlm "Pittsburg
syndicate," or "Knlin project," nt
Willow h, n h Hut Siii'rmiu'nlo Vnllcv
Irrigation mnpniiv I generally
known. would tin to blow up further
plans of ilotclupinoiit. Tim small
judders, who lire, pit vim; for their
limit on I lio in-tulluii'iit plan, 'wore
safeguarded in their equities, lie
mliliil, mnl tlii'in lio need no four of
iiuv losses on llii'ir purl.
l.i'Htor illrkH'iu, Win. '. Myuntt,
Hoy Wyntt ami Churlt'H A. NVmnUi',
of Siiiiih Vullny, urn Im'Iiik kHi'H "
priillinlmtry himrliiK boforn JiihIIco
Taylor Monilny nflurimoii, iittUHiiil
or horBifiiti'iillnif.
IIIcIihdu, who lit 17, mlmltti IiIh
Ktillt mnl liiiplloiitoil tlio oMiors nx
cnit Wooilon, who U ulno u youth.
Ilo hii)'h Hint Myiinlt, for whom ho
worki'il, Imltiroil hliu to luko the
linmm ncriiKH tlio Ciillfornlii bonlor.
Illrknou wiih urrcatoil ill Uorrln,
whom Myniitt formerly lived.
(UIICAllO, July 7. With u Imllot
wound throiiKh tho hunt I, tho holy
nC a man roKlHtorliiK uh J. Henry
Hmlth, of Hun I'ninclHco, wau round
In a room ut tho (treat Northern ho
tel horo today. Ilo loft two uotou,
Omi nddroKMid to Mm. John I.. Halo,
loaC Howard Htioet, Man FranclHco,
read: "To avoid Cathleun, I chosu
HOHMIIU1UI, Oro July 7 Scurcli
Ik IiuIiik mado today for body of Judd
Karly, a ruuclior, who with hid team
and wiiKiin, wiih tiwopt over tho tap
IiIh or tho l)miiua ilvur and drowned
Imforo tho oyoH of IiIh (year-old
Hon, Tho hoy wan the mil wltncMi
to (hu Irunudy,
Planned to Have French Aviators
Drop Phosphorous Domlts on Prin
cipal Btillillnus Phosphorous Tnlic
Planted Stock Exchnnuc Wrecked
LIVKItl'OOL, July . Tim collar
of lint nloek . I i i i m k lid" was pin
liully wri'i'l.oil tmliiy by a bomb.
Sufl'uiguite lili'rutiiiu was foiiml
M'ullcrtil iilmiit iiIPt tint explosion.
LONDON, July l. A suffragette
plot to bum l.oiiiloii Iimh been dis-
entered liv KimiIIiiiiiI Yuril, lu'onrd-
tut; lo I In- rteuing Slmiilnnl. Tlio
paper declared this ufli'iiiiMiu Hint
it wiih pioMinl to Iiiimi set oral
French utiiilnrs 1 1 v uitohh tint Dug Climiiii'll mnl ilmp mnl pli'ixplio
riiH bniubi on tin' priiii'ipnl buililiuk"
in I.0111I011. It i-. hlntnl lliitt ri'ituli)
iixinlotN who wrrr npproiii'liril with
tin' m'Iii'iih' rulucril to liini' un tiling
to do with it, unit untifii'it tlio policn.
Tim Sluniliinl unkciih Hint phos
phor im tube wile pluuti'il liv tin
miiIiIiiiiIh in wiiioiik pints of Iho
-ny. t
OMAHA, Nih., July 7. Tlio purl..
intr plmit of NVImiii, Morns .V C0111
puny. In South O11111I111. 11l11c1l nt
.!. .'jUIMKHJ was Himituiicil m nftor.
noon uilli roiiipti'tii' ili'Htrui'tinu "!'
fin. About noon llmiii'K nturtoil 0:1
tho M'Vi'iilh torv of the iiiiiin build
iiiK, i'iiiim'iI liy fnrlioii in tlio rlova.
tor Hhiift. An hour Inlor I lio roof
foil, mnl tho I if Hi, xhtli mnl xun-ntli
llooi'H WO 10 I'OIIMItllt'd.
CII.XMI'AION, III . July 7. A rnrn
war wiih narrowly avortod horo to
day im tho roKiilt of (ho KIJIIiik or
two moil mid tho woumllUK or two
othorn In a duel butweou n bootli'K
Kcr mid tlio I'ollco. Hay William,
tho bontlcKKor. and I'ollcomiin Thorn
iik DodHworth aro doiid. Clilut of
I'ollco' Alhort Kidlor'n Hiiouldor wax
Hhatluu'd mid unotlior hulliit lo'.li;o.l
In IiIh arm. A liyHtaudor alxo wmt
Kcrloimly wouudod. HopnrU that
Wllllaum wan a tu';io caunoil Intctthu
fnolliiK (IKhIiihI tho liliultB. Tho tlii
iil Hlui'tod when tho polleo atttiuiptml
to arrcHt Wllllamn for boIIIhk liquor
llOlHi:. Idaho, July 7. AocoiiHiib
to announcement today mado by I..
(). Leonard, proHldoul ot tho project
ed Ilutln-llnlHo-Wlnuomucca rail
road, work will bo Iiokuii oil tho road
within rlfteen tiayn,
Ho Btatod thai contracts for Ktad
Ini; or tho rtrut link or the road east
u:u! wcul or II0U0 will bo let within
ten days.
Tho toad Ih Incorporated lor $ 1 0,
000,000, ami Iiiih a iIkIU or way ex
tondliiK from llutto, Mont,, to Win
numitcca, Nov., by wny or II0U0.
1). O, Htovomion him boon appoint
cd dlvlulon ouKluuer,
IIIOHI.IN, July 7. It Ih roportod
hum today that KnUor Wllholm Ih
prepared to mmllato In tho roiiowuil
Halkau war, iih far iih HuIkuiIu and
Houmaula aro concerned, Itouinaula
Iiiih officially nollfled Turluiv or tlm
I mobilization of tho Itoiiniunlau iiriuy
Manaucr of Burns Detectives Accused
of Havlnn Induced Witnesses to
Swear Falsely In Trial of Accusscd
San Francisco Policemen.
KAN ntANCIHCO, Cnl., July 7.
Hworn nUiiilioilou that ho i-oimulttod
per Jury at tho direction of William
A. Mumliill, iitnuiiKi'r or tho I'aclfle
dlvlidon or tho W, J. Iluriitt dutvctlvo
npoiicy, In tlm roiuplrnry tiihch, n
nultltiK In tho conviction or Dotocllvo
KorKoimt Arthur Mucl'lioo mnl Pa-
trotiiuin CharlcH Taylor, wiih uindo In
Dlntrlct Attorney Klckort'n orflca
horo today by otilnanu HovIko, tho
hiinro man brought horo from til
I.oiiIk to tentlfy n;;nlnHt tho two inon
Itovlf.o wan tlio only wltiicnn rlalui
Inn to Inn 0 pnld itraft money dlroc'
ly to tho two defeiiiliintH.
"If thin proven true," n-ilil 1'lckort
today, ".Miimtoll will ho churned with
mihormitlou of perjury. II In a nioct
outniKcoiiH rclmnio. .Mucl'lioo a'ld
Taylor urn hcIumIiiUmI to Im hcntuiit'il
today, but I will Interview Mncl'hcu
and auk for a dulny."
MumtKcr Mundell rofuned to tako
tho cIiiuko norlounly. "It In till
bunk," Im ald. "Tho wordn won
put In HovIko'h mouth by l'lckort
I'mnk Dubois, another or tho bun
ronton, told Patiolinun Laplaco to
day Hint ho had "fruuied up" liln
ntory iiKiilimt Macl'hoo, becaums M ic-
I'heo at otio tliun prowuted him from
Htlccemtrully luruliiK a 20.000 trick.
TIiIh Informntlon, coupled with Ho
vIko'i alloKod confoimlon wnn at onro
rarrlod to Attorney (Irady, roiirvnenl.
Iiir tlio drondjiitHwho nnkctl Jim
court for a ntay of Kontcuco until
WudiinNilay to pnrmlt nn Investiga
tion ami tho atay wiih crnntcd.
I.OS ANOKl.KH, Cal., July 7.
"Tho hiimau mouth In 11 inonanorlo
or bactvrla. Tho devil, not Oha
Netherxolo, Introduced tho houI kins. '
TIicmo aro the, doclaratloiiH or tho
ltov. J, Whltcomb DroiiKlier, minis
tor or Templo HaptUt chiirih, who
admitted tho liopolehHtiohB or any
orumido nKnlntt oHculatory practl:o
at thu hniuo time ho sounded a warn-
Iiik or Hh daiiKurH.
"Jacob klKHed HiicIiiidI, and llftod
up IiIh volco and wept,'' Dr. HroiiRh-
or mild. ' When a youtiK man klHHoH
IiIh IiohI Klrl, tho weeping la post
CIIICAOO, July 7. With tho race
badly batteted and brulHoil, tho body
or 11 riiHhlouably droHsod woman was
round In tho Victoria hotel hero to
day. Death wan duo to asphyxia
tion. Tho end or a rubber tubo Icndlaj;
from a mm Jot, wiih round bound
tightly about tho head. Tho woman
bint night registered with n man nt
thu hotel, as John Hmlth and wife,
Tho man loft tho hotel ut m'd
nhUit. Tho police think tho girl wau
beaten Into uiicouhcIouhuohs and then
tho tubo tied about hor lips,
NKW YORK, July 7. Trwublo in
llio HalkniiH mnl tho fnilnro of u
l'itlsbuit,' bunk affected tho Mock
market tint hliglitly today. Hear
piohnuro reluxod and the Hliht looses
Hiirtluiin'il early were ninilo up when
.l.miO.OOII uo, wiih tnKcn fur l'urix.
Tho llurriuiiin group was weak,
(heat Northern Ore dropped two unit
three tpiiiilerii ami I'uiiiidiau 1'iu'lfio
u 1 u',
llomU W'l'I'O iiik.v,
Thu iiiudcl (.Tum'il went..
nHntfnHnCnnnl't '
1 t .r-nrjp-z 1
Mnrv ! Join, n teaeher in Hit
Normal College of New York State,
in on her wny in explore homo un
known purl of Columbia ami
Alanka. She has invented n suit of
eorilurov for the purpose. Two In
ilimi Kiinlcs will lie' ber hole com.
panioiih on the joitriti'.v, hut the yuuu
wommi mivh he fs not afraid.
Kwi'iikV (Iiiii Store wan 11 warded
limt pno in the business iioats in
the Fourth of July electrical paratK
The float represented 11 eampiu and
l'ishiim hccue with water falls and
euuip fire roaring ami ituglors busy.
Second prio was won by J. II.
Kikis nml (.'. S. hobo's flout repre
sentina: the Cresocnl City Taint Co.,
a Miip lahollotl "Crescent City."
Thin! priro wns won by tho Moil
ford lee I'o.'s llonl, n hue cuke of
ieo in which was fiuxuu an Ameri
can fhi);.
The Oak (lroe school won firt
prixo for school flouts nn illuini
nuteil oak Rrovo in which were swiu
n children Miigiui; nml frhoutiu in
Karl (ladilis t-courcd tho irizc for
the best decorated automobile. W.
W. Kifert for the best decorated
siut;Io ilriiiitr horse mid bmw, Will
lCuipp for tho best decorated tcniu
ami biiKU.v.
The Women of Woodcraft, Crysaa.
theiniim Circle, won first pri-o anions
tho fraternal loduco. The float was
benutifully decornted. It was tie
hijjncd liv Jtrs. l'crl. Itodiaea won
second place with a float represent
ing nn Indinn pow voy, escorted by
niarehiny; braves.
WhangdooiUe iii?es were won liy
Louis l'uhl !j1.'), Kiclinrd Salter, $111,
Thomas Mat hows, Jr., $.". Host in
dividual make-ups were awarded as
follews: First, Thomas Mathows,
Jr.j .i.') order Model Clothinj; com
pany; second, ltichurd Suiters, $lt
order, Warner, Worlmiin & (lore;
third, 'J.'t feet gulden hoso, Shap
leigh llardwiire eoinpuny,
Miv, Satehwcll won first prise for
liidicf.' ridinir Mrs. Handy of Jack
sonville -ooond unit Mrs. llazclriKK
$3,500,000 ESTATE
LONDON, July 7. The jury in tlio
Siiekville-Scoll will ease returned i
verdict lute todtiv Imldiiii; that the
will of Sir John Scott was duly exe
cuted without any undue influence,
or fin ud on llio putt of Lord Lionel
Sai'kvillc or Lady Josephine Sack
ille. This menus Hint Lady Sack
villa will reeclvi' 11 In'ipicst of $!!,.
eIng's winner
Parkfson Seeks to Enjoin Secretary
of State From Procecdlnq Day Bill
and so Tylnp up University Appro
prlatlons for two Years.
SAI.KM, Ore., July 7. Contend
Ing that the Day bill providing for
a Hpcclal reiercuilun: election this
fall, In unconntltutlonal, A. C. Lluuy,
u former member or the legislature,
ami attorney for I'arklson who tn-
crrcii niiiK lnaKing nppropriniio'u
for tho University or Oregon tod'y
commenced a suit In tho circuit
court hero to restrain Secretary or
Htato Olcott from calling tho elec
tion. According to tho program outlined
Jutlgi) Galloway Ih to Issuo a tempo
rary restraining order, and then
tlrst us tho attorney general, Craw
ford, In defending tho secretary or
state Is to Intcrposo a general de
murrer. The court will bo asked lo
uvcrrulo this mi that the stuto may
appeal Immediately to tho supremo
court, and an early decision be to-
in tne cmplaint tiled it is con-
tended that tho Day bill In uncon
stltutlonal, because It docs not nunio
tho measures to bo voted on at that
special election nnd because no ref
erendum petitions wero filed when
it becamo a law.
Further It Is contended that tho
legislature can only call a apccl.l
election to havo tho people pass on
measures enacted by It.
The Mnutuguc ball team three time
victors nter Medford departed for
their home town this morning on No.
111. The Montague manager secured
a strip of bacon, with the scores of
the three games printed thereon,
which is 11 mute repetition of the
nhrusc made fninoin bv Joe flans
when, after winning a fight he wired
home to his mother in Ilaltimerc: "I
am liringiuc home the bacon."
The Moutiipie club wan composed
of classy ball players who conducted
themselves in a gentlemanly manner,
both on the field nml around U10 city.
The Medford fnu while loyal to the
home club hnvo no regrets to offer
except that of not huviiii; a btrouj;
enough team to induce the return f
the Montague boys.
CLKVKLAND, Ohio, July 7.
"Hoso bushes In tho Lord's garden."
This Is tho way John D. Rocke
feller and the older mombers ot tho
Kucllu Avenuo liaptlst church are
reiorrcd to hero today by tho ltov.
W. W. Bustard. Its pastor. Tho oil
magnato smiled pleasantly as I)r,
Hustnrd eulogized tho old mcinbora
ot IiIh congregation at yesterday's
"Thoso whoso interest Is only su
perficial," continued tho minister,
"aro llko slips stuck In tho ground
to wither quickly."
WINDSOR, Vt., July 7. President
Wilson who arrived hero from Get
tysburg, Pa., gavo himself today to
relaxation from oftlcial eaten aud
worries. During tho foreuoon, lio
was out on tho golf links, covorlng
tho course with Frank Konnody, a
biscuit manufacturer of Hoston.
Frances Howes Hayro, of Lancas
ter, Pa., who Is engaged to Miss Jy
slo Wilson, Is a member o( tho prus
Idcut'K party here, With Arthur Ted
castle, of Hoston, ho was out on thu
golf links this inoiulutf.
Senator Cummins Introduces Bill
Makinn Maximum Penalty of $5000
or Five Years Imprisonment to
Cover Cases Like Mulhall's.
WASHINGTON, July 7. In tho
senate today a bill was introduced by
Senator Cummins, ot Iowa, tnaklns
the Impersonating or a federal offi
cial a felony puntubablo by a maxi
mum penalty of tlvo years' Imprl.-,
onment and a flno or $5,000, or both
Cases like that of aniar como direct
ly under the provisions of tho bill.
One section of the Cummins bill
Is aimed at conditions similar to
tnoso disclosed by Martin Mulhall of
Baltimore, a former agent of tho Na
tional Association or Manufacturer,
concerning Influences alleged to havo
been exerted to encompass tho elec
tion and defeat of certain members
of congress. The bill makes It nn
offonso Improperly to Influcnco n
member of congress, or to sneak or
wrlto raise statements that such In
fluence had been brought to bear.
SALEM. Ore., July 7. Announce
ment was made by Krncat It. Illngo,
is attorney of this city, and who
has been named special prosecutor
for tho state by Governor West, that
wr'aaatttairnU mtlth weeE
to restrain Secretary of State Olcott
from referring to a vote or tho peo
ple the workman's compensation act.
because or fraud in tho petitions ask
ing for the reference that bo will
appear before District Attorney Ev
ans, of Multnomah county, tomorrow
and ask that ho havo the grand Jury
or that county probo Into the fraud
In connection with tho petitions and
Indict tho guilty parties.
Tho civil suit will bo filed in tho
circuit court hero this week, Jiut
as soon as Rlngo can prepare tho
necessary papers, and will bo brought
In tho name of the district attorney
or this district. Of this suit Rln?o
will havo full charge. Ueforo tho
grand Judy In Portland, however,
ho will only appear as a friend of
tho Initiative and referendum and
ho will Insist upon tho prosecutions
being mado wherever fraud appears.
Tho Medford Lodge ot Elks plan
nn old-fashioned picnic at Colestlu
Sunday, July 20, Special rates havo
been made by tho railroad and nil
tho concessions at tho retort secured.
There will bo all kinds ot amusing
contests and sldo shows and a good
time Is guranteed to all. The pro
ceeds will go towards tho Elks build
ing fund.
KOSKllUIta, Ore., July 7. Ac
cording to District Attorney lirowu,
ltny Diamond, tho man alleged to
have held up the Glcudulo bank, ami
who was returned hero from Gold
Beach, Ore., where his capture was
effected, litis announced his inten
tion to plead guilty when his case
comes to trial.
Diamond seems to maintain n
cheerful mood ut all times and ap
parently doe not toulizu tho gravity
of his alleged crime,
WASHINGTON, July 7,-Frcder-iok
IVnticId, of Pciiii hvlviiuia, today
was iioinlimlcil lo he American tun
hiuitudiir to Atulrlu.
Criminal Prosecution for Impersefia.
tors Indicated When Lawyer
Waives Immunity Becomes Con
fused Resenting Charges. ,
WASHINGTON, July 7.' Tint
criminal prosecution of thoso coti
ccrucd in the impersonation of con
gressmen in connection with lobby
by Wall Street intcroals mny !
nought by the sennto lobby investigating-
committee was indicated today,
when ICd ward Lnutcrbnch, a promi
nent New York lawyer, was nsked to
waive any right to immunity boforo
he was examined by the 'probers.
Robert S. Lovctt, chairman of tho
Union Pacific executive board, testi
fied several days npj that' Lnntcr
bach telephoned him for n retainer
in order to "grenso tho wheels" for
certain legislation in Washington.
Lnutorhneh, under cross examina
tion by Senntor Reed of Missouri,
said he had conferred with David
Lamnr, n New Wwrk stockbroker,
who admitted week that h6 had
impersonated Lnutcrbnch nnd certain
congressmen and others in telephone
conversations with New York finan
ciers and railway magnates
Kept ha Dark
Lnutcrbnch said these inferences
followed Lnmnr'g examination by tho
lobby committee, but ho protested
Hint ho had sought Lamar because
the latter had kept him in the. dark
regarding impersonations of, ccrtaiu
Senntor Heed pressed tho witness
po hard concerning what passed nt
his conference with Lamnr that Lau
tcrhach became hopelessly confused
nnd finnlly pleaded: "Plcaso. let
Lamnr tell what he said to me."
The witness described at length his
dealings with Morgan nnd company,
lie said when ho first henrd of Hi)
house resolution to investigate tho
steel trust he saw J. P. Morgan per
sonally. The monoy king, ho said,
referred him to Charles Steel, a mem
ber of Morgan's firm, bat the latter
refused to do anything to stop the
Resent Blackmail Talk
Lnutcrbnch hotly resented intima
tions that his motives in seeing Mor
gan worn not pure.
"Senator Heed," ho shouted, "yo:i
aud many others seem to bo filled
with tho idea of value, value, value I
You do not seem to realize Hint per
sons can do things without some ul
terior motive. You suggest black
mail. I resent that suggestion. I
was absolutely honest and disinter
ested in this matter."
Luuterbach was extremely nervous
when ho took tho stnud. Chairman
Overman rend to him tlm testimony
of Lewis Cass'Lcdyurd, in which it
was declared that Lnuterbuch claimed
he represented Speaker Champ Clar!f,
Senator Stouo of Missouri and other
democratic, loaders.
Lnuterbaeh formally waived im
munity. Then ho rcud his original
testimony and denied that ho knew
about Lamar's impersonations of
(Continued on Page 4)
PORTLAND. Oro July 7.---With
15,000 portions, faces uplifted, Blue
ing "God bo with you till wo meet
again," lu uwolllng harmony, the
second World's Christian Citizenship
conference, which has been In nosslnti
horo since Juno 30, was concluded
last night at tho Multnomah stadium.
Among thu speakers at the con
cluding session wore Kg Poon Chow,
ot Canton, whoso address flamed wlli
thu patriotism ot thu now China. Ilo
concluded with:
"Tho only redeeming feature In
tho history of our dealings with
Chrltlan nations Is the history ot our
doallng with tho United States. 0U
has been our kind Uucher utid our
foster mother and may, thu Chinese
republic nover In Its future do any
act that will make Hw United HUtt
regret that she helped to lift up and
ediicutti China and bring it Into lk
congress of nations."
, 1 1
i m