i MEDTTOHTJ MATTJ TTirRTTME, MIODFORD, OREOON". TminSPAY, JULY 3, 11)13. PTTGKTOm "5 II !.. a. COUNTY COURT Pn,0CEEplNQ3, (Continued from pngo 4) Alfred H. Ten,. U.00 Totui i:i:i,:ih i , '1'av Hobnlii A. i. doikiIiiiii ; -i . r. r. V. II. Hlnghir 2.H9 w, ii. niniiliir 1 IH.02 $ i r.n.-tn Total current i:M'iiit (I. W. A Bur, (iff In) oxpunnn a. ;n (loo. A. Hrlncon, work mi Nlli giatlii oxmnliiiitlnit board in. do (loo, A. Iliitonon & Co,, hii piles iiiiirU'H off he . . y.no II. I.. DeArinoud, printing 9.00 II. M. Collins, work on oiiiiii. board . . 15.00 Jim, M, Cioiiomlllor, Htmnpn for all off It on HO.OO 1. II. Dally, work on exam. board 7.TiO Amy C. Uiiw, rent on office llxttllrri , . . r.,00 (IIiikn R Prildhntniim Co., supplies for clerk' ufflro 2. OK (tlllpK ft I'l'llllllOIIIIIIO (-'"., lo.ooi) Uiiio. wurrnnt 65. 00 (lolil Kill Nov,, printing tor roiiuty ll.r.r. (lolil lllll l.lvory Stable, liv ely hire for Hehco D.OO Iturrlnji Hull Mnrvln Uufo Co., Mork on vault lock 6.00 I). (' llonry. ufflro expenso :t . r t llniimTol. mill Tol, Co.. tn. oiiIioiio fur court htimut . 30, 'JO JiieknnnvUhi I'ohI, printing for nil offlnm. Til. Mi liny Joluifon, lepiilrliig typewriter . r.,00 (I. II. Jones. litliilionn for sheriff office . . i.r.o Mcdfutd Hook Store, sup- pile for nil of Hi oM 11.47 Mcdfnrd Hun, printing county court proceeding 15.20 Mcdfnrd .Mull Tribune. priming ninny not lii' nuil mill com i proceedings H'lHI! Mcdfnrd Priming Co , liookii , mnl supplies for nil offfi. 1.10. Ml UoiiiliiKtnn 'rH'rllor Co . IHiynioiit In full on inch. of typewriter 4 1. on W. II. Hlngler. null ml- VlMIU'tl Oil (Ikpl'OMI ,10 V. II. Slimier, wish it. I- alined for rultlmr rtnni( l."o State of Oiogoti, ram, of feeble niluitcii . . r.o.oo Mn)o II. Well, work on ox- aiiiluntloii board 7.60 J. Peioy Wulln, oxpouno In officii. 3.10 Western Union Tot. Co., IlloertlKo to linylllUI .(111 Carklu R Taylor. pteinluin on sheriff bond.. 87.30 Total JI.117.0S Court limine i:H'iio M. K. Abbott, supplies .. . 1 3 . r. r. Chid. II. Iliin)i), lalior anil nnppllo 1 3 . 7 r. Chan. II. llanyii. lulior on newer 10.00 II. A, (.uugloy, water Instill- inont . , . 13.46 J. A. Nnrrln, Jmiltor. nulnry 00.00 J. A. NorrU. work on sower 10.00 Tola! . . $ 120.75 laii i:M-nM( Dr. It. K. Golden, int'illcal mtoudntiro . . 2.50 Itunif Hlngler, board of prln- oiiorn . . .... 3R.47 J. W. Wllnuu, Jailor salary . 75.00 Tolal . ... 116.97 Care of Poor. Alton (Irocory C., mipnlle for IiiiIIkouIm 7. in (2. N. llovoo, Niipiilloii for poor farm 22.75 Joimit llarrott, moat for poor farm .. ... . 25.C8 Kloitiiui Carpontnr. regular nllowaiiio 10.00 .laH. M. Cronomlllor, rnuli iiilvauti'il for IiiiIIciiIh.. . '.i.'JO Mm. J. ratine into of In- tllKonl . 15.00 W. It. (lurrott, Imllcont mip- plloH 3.70 (iranlto City lloMpltal, aro of ImllKuiitii .. .... 101.00 Mru II. C. (liinl, cam of In- illKontM 0.00 I'. II. Ilaiiptman, IiiiIIkoiiI HUppllCH 4.50 lr. J. lf. Mart, county pliyiw Iclau, nalary . 30.00 N. I.. Illr.li. lilackHiiilililiu: , for poor farm 17.50 M. . .lacoliy, Inillmmt Klip- PIUih . ... 1.10 Mrx. Mlnnlo ICIiulull, allow auco 10.00 .1. P. Noriuiiu, Imrlii-r work ffir poor farm 5.25 .1, N. I'iico, niiporlutDiiiltuit of poor larm. anlary . . 130,00 l'arlflo Tol. & Tol. Co, lolo- phono dill for poor farm 1.50 Joint A. I'orl, Imrlal of Inill- limit 18.00 JohIiuii I'altiTHOii, utock for poor farm 50.30 I'IidomIx Moio. Co., Hiippllim for IiiiIIroiiIh 7.S5 IMiooulx More. Co., Indigent HIlpplloH 7.00 Kilt.or K- Kent tnipplloH for poor fiirm 15.80 Nancy HtHoiuoro, rmtular al- Inwimru w 10. OQ Kiicioil llimrl lloKpltal, euro of InillKi'iitK 104.05 Hacroil lloart MoHpltal, cam of InillKmitH 100.15 MrH. .1. 10. Tlco, roKiilnr iil- lowmico .... i S.OtJ Tim Tokkoi'. HUpplloB for IiullKcmtii 2.00 J. Ij. Tliomilyko, IiiiIIkoiiI HiippllcH 40.00 Talnnt llanlwaro Co., hup- plloa for poor farm 14.80 Talnnt DniK Co,, nuppllon for InillKmttn 11.25 Tnluiit Hrui? ami l-'nr Co., HiipplluB for poor farm. . 11.25 Talnnt Merc. Co., nuppllim 1 for poor farm 45,05 Talout More. Co., mippllnit for luillKootH H 8.00 Ulrlrli llroH,, HiipplloH for -IihIIkoiiIh U.05 Ulrlrli HroH., mippium for Jiill : CQ MrH, Vanco, caro of luillv iiutH 25,00 Vn'niloiHlulH & IIuikiiii, mip ' plloN mnl IIkIiI or poor (drill ...iiiiiiM' mui.-iimiiimhi p'lOv "II' , i ii HI .1, A. I'm I, hauling .Ioiioh, iloroimoil, (o Almlfoi'il 7.00 Tolnl fl.Mil.KK Timiuporlallon In lloyn ami ami (llrln Aid .' 35.75 Joint JllnoHii, foirynmn, nal ary 10,00 llmonlcr'N Ofrlcn I'riiit I., (!olvli:, ilopuly ru conltir, lilio 50.00 I'idil Ii, (!olvln, rccorilcr'rt Halary 2ll.lil Tolal 201.00 IIWiIkcn K. (I, I'mliam, pnyniont on llyliuo liililKu i 1,813.60 KoaiU ami lllilulitiayM flnnoriil WiirrmitH Drawn - II. Ilouwnll, HlippllDK 32.34 llimll (i Co,, HiipplloH 26!i.O0 I'lOoniau & Wlloy, HiipplloH 10U.05 lluffalo Xloam llollor Co., HiipplloH 231.70 J. I). Adaum ti Co., roiul iiiipplk'ii , 6.70 V, C. Louver, lalmr ami ox- poiiHO 48,00 Pacific &. K.ihtorn lly. Co,, freight on roiul Miippllon 8.70 .1. (!. Hinllli, lalior ami ox- pon no , 1 11,00 I". T. Ton Vollo, Iriivolliu; i)xmiiihoh on roailH K.00 II. H. U'IImoii, lalior In coun ty ynriU 7.60 Itoxoy Want, Inbor In coun ty yard 21.00 .1. A. Ward, labor In county yatd 117.00 J. V. Drown, moving ami liiNtalllim rock crtmlior.. 300.00 V, C. I.oovur, rtiHh ad- vntirml for frolKlit 7.60 Itimd dlxli lit No. I, .lack Triiit. labor ami tupoiiHo mi por bill filed with clerk . . 1,210.00 Itoad dUlrlct No, 2, H, (I. Van Dykn, labor ami nup- plli'it, an per IiIIIh fllud wltli ulork 571.80 Itoad iIIhIiIH No. 3, A. II. .Iiiiunirmmi. labor u pur bill filed will) Clerk Itoad dlHlrlcl No. I, AV. C. I.eiiver. HllpplleH . (). H. Wolnlier, labor tie per IiIIIh filed with clnrk Itoad illnlrlit No. 6, Nick Kline, labor and mippllttt an per blllit fllod with clerk ... Muilforil I'uriilliiro mid Hardware Co., HiipplloH llond illMilft No. 0, TIioiiiiih Klnuley, labor on romlx .. Itoad dUtilct No. 7, Med foul Concrete Coimtrun t lull Co., HllpplleH . . . I'rnuk It. Null, labor and mipptlcH iih per blllit filed with clerk Von dor llollon llroH., HiipplloH Itoad dbttrlct No. S, J. K. OavlilHou, labor ami hup plon an Xr IiIIIh filed with clerk Med ford Coiirreto Coli Htriictlon Co,, HiipplleH . . It. M. Mr 1,om ii, KiipplltiH., Itoad dUtrlct No. P. John , (trlcvo, labor mid mip- lillew as per IdllH filed with clerk W. C. I.uever, HllpplleH.. Mcdford Concrolo Con Htriirtlon Co., Riippllen... It. M. Mcl.eau, HllpplleH .. .. Itoad dlHtrlct No. 10. W. It. (larrctt, labor ami hup pile an per bill filed with rjerk .. . ". Itoad dlxtrlct No. It, A. It. Knrluirt, labor and hup plIon nn ior IiIIIh filed with clerk Hubbard HroH., Hiipplloi . Medford Concroto ('on Htructlou Co. It. M. Mcl.eau, HiipplloH . Itoad dUtrlct No. 12, W. C. Chnpiuau, labor and Hllp plleH uk por IiIIIh filed with clerk W. C. I.enver, Hiipplleji.... Moilford Concroto Con Mt ruction Co., mippllo.i .. Itoad dlHtrlct No. 13, I). NV. Iloobo, labor i:. O. Haiiilllnn, labor mid Hiiiipllort iih por IiIIIh filed with clerk . V. 0. I.eevi'r, HllpplleH Itoad dlntrlct No. H. Hub bard HroH., HiipjdloH Medford Concroto Con Hlriicllou t'o HiipplloH.... D. M. Pence, labor iih pur IiIIIh filed with clorl; syy.on .13 213.71 206.12 G.30 126.80 27.01 300.02 30.20 813.20 136.00 10.85 634.07 10.10 29.10 55.75 641.95 723.86 5.00 1155.00 28.45 3S3.57 15.00 135.00 10.00 173.50 0.10 51.00 135.00 100.80 Total for rnuiU and blub- wayn $0,017.18 llllli contltiuml, C. II. Natwlck. work on Itoad District No. 7, $7(10.00 IIIIIh illdallowml, Amy U. Dow, rent on offlco fixtures 2.50, 0. A. UAItDNKlt, County Clerk. (.(ItlllNANCi: NO. 7tll. An ordlumiro duclurliiK the iik HCHHiumit on the propurtybennfltted for the cost of laying u (i-liich water main on lleekiiiau uveiiim from Di kotu uvomio lb u point about 000 feet Ho'utli, In Medford, Oregon, and ill meting (ho recorder to entnr a Httitu mmit thereof In thu watermalu lieu docket. ' ' Tim City or Moil fold doth ordain iih follews: Hoctlon 1, Wlioroan, thn city coun cil did heretofore by reuuliitlou de clare ItH Intention to lay a 0-Inch watermalu on lleekmmi uvoiiito from Dakota aveuito to n point about 000 feet' Hontli lu Medford. Ore., and tn Uusohh the coat1 thereof on tiie proi- erty fronting on Hiiltl portion of Haiti Htreut In inniortlon to thu frontage of Haiti property, and fix a time mul place for lioarjug proteHtH nguliiBt tlib laying of wild watermalu on Hit Id piirt of Haiti tttrcot mid the iihiiobh- ment of the cent thereof an afore- Mild. And, wherens, Hiilil resolution was duly pulillHlied and pouted an re iulred by section 110 of the charier of Hiild city, Ami. wIioi'ohh, a mooting of thu council wnrt held at thu tlnio mid place fixed by nnld resolution, for the purpoui) or coiiHiiipring any hucii protimlH, but no protdHU were at nld time, or nt miv other time mudu to or received by thu council to tliu mild laying of mild wnlerinaln or the UKHOHHinuiil or thn cent thoioof, iih uforcHiild, nml Hiild roiiurlt liavlng coimlilored thu mutter nun (looming thy qniu wiiK'nuulu wov turn of tnntnrlal butieflt to mild city, mid Unit till pioporly lo bo nkkoh'ciI thoiofor would ho liuimMUud !icre- liv lit Hi,, mvIjmiI nt if;.. I ribnblii iiiii'iunl of the lonpoctlvo iiKimiiHiuontH lo bo luvlod iignliiHt mtld property did onior nam niiiiii nun. And, whuieiiH, thn rout of unlit watiirmalu linn been and hereby In determined to bo thn mini of fl. 076,20, now therefore, It In hereby further determined thai the propor tionate Hharo of thn coul of laying mild wutoriiifilii of each parcel of , truii, i-t i t f.mllliir fin milil lirlrllnll iif Hiild Htreet Ih tlie nmoiiiit net oppo- WHO I Mil uoricnpiiuu oi encn inrcei in laud below, and that each piece or purcol of laud In benefitted by the laying of mild wulnrmalii to thu full extent to Hie amount ko net oppoilto the dencrlpHon of the Hiune, and that thn rcHpcfllvn miiountH reproHont the proportional bomifltH of Hiild water main to mild rcHpecllvo parreln of Inud, mid nl ho the proportional float age thereof on nalil Htreet, the coun cil iIocm hereby doidjtro each of the pnrrelH or properly derrlbed below to be uiHOHHcd ami each of the witne hereby In aHncHfed the mnoutit Hot opponlte each deHcrlptlou for the rout of laying mild watermalu. The.nauin appearing above each dcncrlptlou be ing the inline of the owner, or reput ed owner, of each lot or parcel. AHHKHHMHNT I'OH A HIX-INCII WATHIt.MAIN ON IH-JHK.MAN AVi:Nl'H I'HOM DAKOTA AVU-NIM-J TO A POINT AIIOUT 300 ncirr houtii, micdkoiid, oih:- (JON. AHHOHKinent No, 1. K. MonnlriB- Iimvmm lul ! hlfirlr 1. Tntlln'K Hoc- oud Addition lo the City of Medford., urogon, Having a ironing" oi hi iciu on the wont Hide of lleekmnii uvomio. an dcm-rllicd In Vol. 82, page 3'.' 8 of Ihe lotiuty recorder'H rcrordn of JarliHon county, rogon; IC foet; ratu JOr. fit in. AHNOHNiiiciit No. 2, Mary N. Wright, lot 22, block I. Tuttlo'H He. oud Addition to the City of Muilforil. Oregon, having u frontage of 4iS fool on the went Hide of lleekmmi aeiiuo iih doHcrlhod In Vol. 02. page 302. of the county recorder'H record or jhokfoii county, uregon; i icoi; rale IMlr, $1 I 10. AnfeHHinonl No. 3 --C. A. Ilamllii, tut 23, block I. Tllttle'M Hecond Ad dition to the City of Medford. Ore gon, having a frontage of 17 fo?t on the went tide of lleekmmi iivonue. iih diwcrlbed III Iteglnlered Title No. lil I of the county recorder' recordu of .Incknon county, Oregon; 17 feel; rate Ufir, J 16.12. AHeHincnt No. 1 Chotiter A. Ilmwii. lot 21, block J. TutlleV Kec oml Addlllon to the City of Medford, Oregon, linviug a irouiage oi n icei on the went Hide of lleekmnii avenue, a h donorlbod In ItegUlered Tltlo No. Ii 6 1 of the county recorder' records of Jnrkaoii county, Oregon; 46 foot; rate anc, ?i3..'o. AHeiHinnnt No. 6. Jiih. A. ltolh well, lot 25, block 1. Tuttle'n Second a.i.HiImii iii ilm Cllv of Medford. Ore gon, having a frontage of 15 feel on the went Hide of iiooKtnnti avenue, an dei-crlbed In Iteglntered Title No. "ir.n nt ill. i r'niiiilv Iti-ciirdnr'n record of JuckHou (Niiinty, regon; 16 feet; rate ai.c, ia.o. AHHomiment No. 0. Joe Saniide,, lot 20. block 1. Tuttle'M Second Addi tion to the City of Medford, Oregon, having a frontage of 19 feet on the u'.i.t lil nt llpikinuti avenue an do- Hcrlbcd In Registered Tltlo No. 1430 of Hie county recorder rccoro oi Jnrkiiun county. Oregen: 49 fcuf, rale 90c. 117.01. AHHcHHtnent .no. Y Joo nampie, lot 27, Mock 1. Tutlln'H Second Ad iitinii to ilm citv of Medford. Ore gon, having a frontage of 49 feet on the went Hide of lieexinan nveiiuc. im dcHcrlbed In Itegimered Tltlo No. 1430 of the county recorder'H rec ord of JackHon county, Oregon; 19 feet; rate 90c: $17 04. Ayi.uniMiiiii 'n k.- chaK. II. Mur rey, lot 28, block I, Tuttle's Second Addition to the city oi .Moiuoni. tiro goit, having a frontage or 40 feet on the went Hldu of lleekmmi nveiuie, n dcHcrlbed lu lteglHtered Title No 1154 of the county recorder' record of Jnckmui county. Oregen: 49 feet; rate 9fic. $17.01. AHHesHiuent No. 9. -Clnra K. Nol ,.. ii.i "'i lilurk 1. Tuttlo'H Second addition to tho City of Medford. Ore gon, having a rrontage or v ieei on tho west Hide or Hook man iivenuo, an decrlbed lu lleglntered Title No. 1420 or tlm county recorder' record or JackHon county, Oregon; 19 foot; rate atic, 17.0 4, ABBoHHinont No. 10. l'red M. hum pie, lot 30, block 1, Tuttlo'H Second Addition lu the City of Moilford. Ore gon, having u frontage of 19 feet on the went Hide of lleekmnii iivenuo. iih described In HeglHtercd Title .No. 1 128 of the county recorder' record of Jackson county, Oregon; 49 feet; rnto yoe, $17.01. AhHOHsnient No. 11. S. It. Jones, lot 31, block 1, Tuttlo'H Second Ad dltlnti to the City of Medford. Ore gon, having u frontage of 61 feet On the wont Hide of llooknuui nveiuie. n doHcrlhod In Vol. 09, Page 213, or tho county recorder' record or JnckHon county, Oregon; 51 feet; rate 90e, $18.00. AiiHOKmnout No. 12 K. H. Ilalla day. lot 32, block 1, Tattle's Second Addition lo tho City of Medford, Ore gon, having a frontngo or 61 reel on tlm went nldo or lleekiuan iivenuo n deucrlbod In Vol. 99, Page 020, of tho county recorder' rocord or JnckHon county. Oregtw; 61 foot; rnto ORc. $48.90. Auui.uuminii 'i IS. Mrs. M. J. Powell, lot 33. block 1, Tuttlo' Sec ond Addition to tlm City oi .Moiuoni, Oregon, having u frontngo of (it reel on tliq weal bIiIu or lleeknuin nveuuo iih described In Vol. 05, Page 220. or the comity recorder' record or WHY? Full bearing pour In ton-noro block. Kow or thoBO block must bo Hold at ouco. Will glvo you cholco or 170 ticre. Cornice, Do Anion, llnrtlott mul Uoao. Just 1-2 mile west of o'ty limit on Jack son crook. Host ot deep black noli; best neighborhood; good road; good building Bite. Ths I n comniorclnl, dividend P(i)'liK proportion. Two ton-acre block will bo void nt Junt half prlco. TIiIb U tho bent I Imvo over offered you, inveallgiito (hi now, J, 0. DAIINKH, rirt Nntlviunl i)uiK UultOlu. ,Iih. knoll county, Oregon; 51 feet; rate Oor, f IK. 90, AHHCHitiuent No. 34. Jtobt. It. Ilriico, lot 31, block I, Tutlln'H Sec ond Addition to the (illy or Medford, Oregon, having a frontage of 61 foot on thi) wol Hide of lleekmmi avcuiio a dcficrlhed In Vol. OH, Page 28, or the county reuirder' rocord or Jitnkron county. On;oti; nl feet, rule l(lc, ? 18.90. At'Kuieiit No. 15, -Ilobt. U. Ilruce, lol 35, block I. Tuttlo'H Hec ond Addition lo the City of Medford, Oregon, hnvltiK a frontage of 51 feet on the went Hide of lloitkiiinu aveiitn, tin dencrlbed lu Vol 98, Page 28, of the county recoidor'n record of lacknon county, Oregon; 51 feet; rnto Olle, $48.90. AmjcMiuieut N". 10. I., M, Phil llpn, lot 30, block 1. Tuttlo' Second Addition to the City or Medrord, Ore gon, having a rrontage of 51 feet on tho wet nldo of llcekinan nvotiuo, nn denerlbed lit Vol 100, Page 220. or the county rw order' record or JackHon county. Oroxou; 61 rent; rale 9fic, $18.90 AwMHinent No. 17. V. II. Pitch er, lot 37, block 1, Tuttlo'H Second Addition to the CJiy of Medford, 0--pon, having a frontngo of 00 feet on the went nliltJ or lleekmmi avenue n described III lleglnteri'd Title No. 1114 or the count) recorder' mcordn or .Inckwm county, Oregon; 00 root; rato 9Cc, $57.00 AHHOHHinont No. IK T. H. Pitch er, lol 38, block 1, Tuttlo' Secind Addition to the Hit or Moilford, Ore gon, having u frontage of Co fwt on the went ride of lloekmnn avenue, a dcHorlbod lu Iteglntered Title No. lilt or tho county recorder' record or .lacknuu county, Oregon; GO reel; rate 90c, $67.00 AHHOMinont No. 19. V. II. Pl't er. lot 10, block 2, Tuttle'u Second Addition to the City of Medford, Ore gon, having a rentage of 49 tntt on the ouhI nldo of lleekmnii avenue, nn described III ItoK.ntorod Tlt'e No. 1 1 1 1 or tho county roomier' rioord of Jnckmin county, Oregon; 19 feet; rale 90c. $17.01. AHHeineiil Nm. 20.--Ituth W. Cor netlu. lot 18. block 2. TutUoN Sec ond Addition lo the City or Medford. Oregon, IirvIiik a frontage of 49 loot on the ennt Hide of lleekmmi avenue, a dcKcrlbed lu ItoRtnteroi' Tltlo No. 1217 or the county recorde, r'oon's of Jarknon county. Orogon; 19 'eel rate 90c, $17.01. AHHonHineiit No. 21.--Until W. Cor notliin. lot 14. bloik 2. Tuttlo See- oud Addition to the City or Medrord, Oregon, having a froatai;f of 4 J Hot on tlm ennt nldo or lloekmnn avenue, an dencrlbed In Iteglntennt 'lltlo fto. 1217 or the county recorder' leeord or JuekMin county, Oregon; 49 feet; rnto 90c, $47.01. AHieHHinont No, 22. John fl. Wil nou. lot 13. blork 2, Tutti'i fteond Addition to tho City r Mml'inl, Ore gou, luivlnj n frontago or 19 root oi, the eant side or llookinnn nvcuue. n dencrlbed In Itoglntered "Itlo No. 1071 or the county recorder' rnunN of Jackson county, Oregon; 49 foet: rato 9'ic, $47.04. Anenmont No 23. K. V. Hunt ley, lot 12, block 2, Tuttlo' Sfrond Addition to tho City or MciHord, Ore gon, having a rrontage or 49 feet on tho ennt nldo or llcekinan avenue, a dencrlbed In Itcglntered Title No. 1208 or tho county recorder' record or Jacknon county, Oregon; 49 root; rate 90e, $47.04. AtwoMinient No. 21. K. W. Hunt ley, lot 11, blork 2. Tuttlo'H Second Addition to the City or Medrord. Ore gon, having a frontngo or 49 reel on the eant aide or lleekmun avenue, nn dencrlbed In Iseglstered Tltlo No. 1208 or tho county recorder' records or Jacknon county, Oregon; 49 reef, rnto 9Cc. $47.01. AflsonHniont No. 25. S. II. Menrn, lot 10, block 2. Tuttlo' Second Ad dition to tho City or Medrord, Oro gon, having a frontage of 49 root on tho eal side or llookinnn avenue, a described III Ueglntered Tltlo No. 1219 or tho county recorder's record or Jackson county, Oregon; 49 foot; rate 90c. $47.01. AHsesHinent No. 20. S. II. Menr. lot 9. blork 2. Tuttlo'H Second Ad dltlon to the City or Medrord. Ore gon, hiivlng a rrontage or 49 root on tho otiHt tide or lloekimui nvonue, an dencrlbed In Ueclntered Tltlo No, 1219 or tho county recorder' records or Jacknon county, Oregon; ta ieei; rato 90e, $47.04. AHnenHinent No. 27. S. D. Moars. lot S. blork '.'. Tuttlo' Second Ad dition to the City or Medrord, Ore gon, having u rrontage or la reel on tlm eiiKt ldo or llookinnn avenue, an described In UegUterod Tltlo No, 1219 or tho county recorder' record or Jackson county, Oregon; 19 icot; rut. one. $17.01. AHHOHHinont No. 28. Nora 1). Ury- hoii. lot 7. block 2. Tuttlo' Second Addition t the City oi MeiUord, Ore gon, having u frontngo or 49 feel on tho east blue oi iieoKiunii iih-ihiu, ns described In Ucglstorcd Tltlo No. 1309 of the county recorder' record of JnckHon county. Oregon; 4a root; rate 90c. $17.01. Assessment No. 29.--:'. W. Menr, lot 0, block 2. Tuttlo' Second Ad- .lltloo o he C y or Meiirorii. uro gou. having n rrontage or 50 root on the eant Hide or llooknuui avenue. n iiiiscrllioil In Ucgistered Tltlo No 1218 or the county recorder'H rocord NEW TODAY A party listed three liouto In Se attle Ono ot lx rooms with a $900.00 mortgngo; otto of sovon rooms with u $1250.00 inortKiigo, and one ot eight rooms, clear. Ho will trade any or all ot thoso prop ortle for n property hero. Thoso hounoa uro routed ami nro In ovory way deslralde, and a Hill description can bo had at tho otftco. A good seven room house In San Francisco, nightly view of city and ocean. Want to oxehaugo or n proiiorty In or near Medford. 40 acres throe mile from Phou' nix, good (.oil, good houso, mul liujr lu ponr and upplea, Interact with penchoH; 8 acre lu alfalfa, mid good spring on tho plnro. NVIU noil for $0,000.00, liaU ciiru. C. D. HOON llnnm 12 Jacknon County Hank bldg Tt)l0JliOU0 IQ37-J of Jncki'oii county, Oregon; 60 feet; rnto 9fic, $18.00. Antemiuictit No. -10 Joo Sample, lot 6, block 2, Tuttle'n Second Ad dition lo the City of Medford, Ore gon, having a frontngo or CI foot on the 03Ht nlile or llenkmnn nventie, nn dencrlbed lu Itoglntered Tlllo No. 1 120 of the county recorder' record or Jacknon county, Oregon; 01 feet; rate 90c, $68.50'. Annennuiont No. 30. Joo Sample, lot I. block 2, Tuttle's Hecond Ad dition to tho City of Medford. Ore gon, having n frontnlte of 01 fecr on the eant nldo of lloeksnnti nventie, nn dencrlbed In Ueclntered Tltlo No 1 130 of tho county recorder' record of Jacknon county, Oregon; 01 feet; rnto 90e, $58.50. AWMHtnent No. 31. C. A. Ulnn- berger. lot S. block 2. Tuttlo' Sec oud Addition to the City of Medrord. Oregon, having n frontngo of 01 feet on the eant nldo of Ucoktnan avenue. iih described In Ueglntored Tltlo No. 913 of- tho county recorder' record of Jacknon county, Oregon; Gl foot; rate 9Cc. $58 6C. Awiennmont No. 32. C. A. Ulnn- liergor. lot 2, block 2. Tuttle'n Sec ond Addition to the City of Medrord. Orogon, having a frontage or 01 feet mi the oanl nble or Iloukman nvonue, n dencrlbed III Ueglntered Tltlo No. 919 or the county recorder record of Jnrknnn county, Oregon; CI feet; rato 9Cc, $58.50. Awomont No. 33 C. A. Ulna- borgor. lot 1. block 2. Tuttlo'H Sec ond Addition to tho City or Medford, Oregon, having a frontage of 01 feet on the eant aide of Ileckmau avenue, an dencrlbed in Ueglntered fltlo No. Jiv oi ino couiiiy rocoroorn reconiH or Jacknon county, Oregon; 01 feet; rato 90c. $58.50. Section 2. And It I hereby or dered mid ordained that tho several ttMtcflHinentH and the lien thereof be entered In thu Wntermalu Men dock- ut of nnld City, und that thereupon notice bo given to tho owner or re puted owner or nnld property and that thu name ho enforced and col looted In the msiinnr provided by tho Charier or the City Tor tho collection or aweHHiueiilM for tho Improvement or htrcetH therein. Section 3. It I further ordered that tho notice above provided be publlnlied mm time l:i n uewnpaper publlnhed and of genoral circulation lu nnld city lu tho manner provided by Ordinance No. 713 or mild city. The roregoltiK ordinance wn panned by thn city council or the City or Medrord. Oregon, on the 1st day or July. 1913, by Hie following vete: Porter aye; Mitchell aye; Campbell, nyo; Stewart, aye; Millar, nye. and StimnidrvlKo. nyo. Approved July 2. 1913. W. W. HIFIIUT. Attent: Mayor. K. T. I'OSS, Itecorder. Notice To the owner, or reputed owner, or each jiarcel or property described In tho toregolng ordinance, a named therein, and In tho Hen declared by said ordinance, as recorded In tho docket or City Liens: You aro here by notified that tho assessment de clared by the foregoing ordlnanco hn boon mado mid the Hen there for entered In tho City I. Ion docket, and tbut tho name 1 duo and you aro hereby required to pay tho aruo to tho city recorder within ton days from the service ot thl notice, which service I mado by publication or tho fotcgolng ordinance mid thl notice once In n nowspnper published and or general circulation In snld city, pursuant to an ordor or tho city council of said city. K. T. FOSS. Itecorder or tlip City or MeiUord, Ore. FOIt IlKN'i IIOUMUS FOU 11KNT My homo nt 815 Katt Mnlu St.; flno shndo and lawn, lie member, it' not for salo. Hum phrey. S9 FOU KENT Well furnished five room bungalow. 422 S. Laurel. 90 FOU KENT Modern bungalow, lawn, paved street, 4 blocks from Washington school. 729 W. Elev enth. 92 FOU KENT FtmMSIIIJI) A1TS. FOU KENT Furnished apartments. Tho Ucrbcn, 10 Quince tt. FOIt KENT FUltXlSlintl 1XOOMS FOU KENT Largo Bleeping rooms, ami modern housekeeping apart ments, price very rensonnblo. Phono 102C-L. 222 South Holly street, VOll KENT HOUSEKEEPING KOO.MS FOIt KENT Suite or nicely fur nished housekeeping room; bath; gas; lower floor. 729 W. 11th. FOU KENT Furnished housekeep ing room, lights, gas. 231 E. Ninth SU 103 FOIt KENT 2 furnished housekeep ing rooms lu u now modern houso. Including gas, 3 block from P. O. Phouo 372-JJ. FOIt HEN! OFFICII Foil KENT Largo, coinforta"bio"oN flco room with olovator Borvlco, utomn beat, hot and cold wutor. Low rutes. Apply Medford Furni ture & Hdw. Co, FOIt KENT MISCELLANEOUS FOUENT Good Btock ranch. 290 ncre to loaso for term ot year. Inquire or Chirk Uonlty Co., Med rord, Ore. FOIt SALE HOUSES Hnvo Just completed two lovely new home on beautiful Oonoviv ave nue; low price; eny terms. Humphrey, 816 East Mnln St. S FOU 8AI.K Hy ownor. neat well built four-room bungalow, with bath, screen porch, built lu book cases, cement walks, east trout, corner lot 60x140, fine toll for garden; everything prnrtlrjilly new; woodshed und chicken houso TuruiH, but no trade. Address, I', ll.i IM" oMw van HAtiKnnuHM 'Oil HAM-3 Oil UKNTUood 7-room modern, No, 510 South Central nt. House I on two loin, Alun lot and barn neron tho nlley. Ad drew T. Taylor, Medford. Phono 8CU4. 102 KOIl HAI.I-: 1 1,000 ennh buy mod ern 0 room liounn, cont $1,800, AflilrM Mall Tribune, "X M." 1I2 I'OIt HAiiY--lionutlful nine-room bunMOlow on mrner llnrtlott and Jaoknon, for $30.00 tier month without Interest. For liiformntlou cnll at ISO North llnrtlott St. . . FOIt HALF. ITS FOIt SALB Vacant mid Improved property In lluttc Falls, cheap. Dennett Investment Co. 91 FOIt KAMv MISCKMjA.VKOI'H FOU 8AI.K A flno young pedigreed fHimilo Angorn cat, color orange. No ont ever hid more cleanly hab lln; rati bo keiit In house with perfect Rafety. i'liqnc 3 13-It. Anh- lanu, Oregon, or r. o. nox r.n. FOU 8AI.K Second hand Fnlrbankn npray outfit In flrnt-claca order Slglohnrdt, C7-U-3. 92 FOU SAMJ Two good cow, ono tlilreo-fourthn and ono nno-hnir Jerney; freih In Soptcmbur, 715 South King street. 89 FOU SALK Cheap, nil kind or fur niture: munt be nnld this week. 229 North Ulvcrnido. 90 FOU HAM-J Span mules, hnrnoss and wagon, Ono hundred dollar. Phone 1CF11. Address C. Carey, Talent. FOU SAMJ Derrle Tor carmlDR. Call 0q0-M, or Uootb 7, Public Market. 110 FOU SALE Letter head and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or omhoHsed, oa you wbih at the Mail Tribune. FOU SALE Ono 10 horsepower gaa ollno cnglno. International make; been used about ono month; good ns now; for salo at a bargain. William Ulrlch. Medford, Oro. JAPANESE PUESSINO PAULOUS Steam and dry cleaning and dyo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Cent' suits pressed. Special attention to ladleu' silks, laced and glove. Goods called for and delivered. 114 N, Front St. Phono -125. 114 FOU SALE looso lest lodnor sys tem, any stylo oi snado to order by tho Mall Tribune bindery. FOU SALE 0 dining chairs. 1 rock er, 2 ?i bed complete 1 full bed complete, 1 bureau, 1 kitchen cab inet, 2 center stands. 1 phonograph 1 feather bed, 1 alfalfa seeder, 1 set single harness. 1 saddle, 1 pair chnpps. fill So. Illvcrsldco. 08 FOU SALE 1 good cow. Willow Springs, 2.a mile N. west Cen tral Point, on Sconlc Ave. Mr. McNassor, Phono 14XXX2. 90 FOU SALE UCBistored :otch Col Ho puppies six weeks old. Eng lish bull torrlcr mid grown col li oa. All registorcd. Stanton GrlfflJ. Uurrill Orchard. 97 FOU SALE A flour nnd feed busi ness that I ti paying proposition. A good chance to add ono or mora linen. This I nn exceptional op portunity. Owner hn other busi ness requiring his time. Inqulro on promises, at Cold lllll, Oro. 89 FOU SALE At a bargain, n Hour mill stand for grinding flour or for rolling barley. For particulars call at 14th and Central Ave. The Clarl: & Ilencry plant, or address P. O. Box 302. Medford, Oro. FOU SALE Sly famous Jorsey cow. Prlnula Do Kol. Just fresh; excel lent holfor cair, Thl cow pro ducc 7 gallon milk per day, test ing 0. M. Walsh. Uth and Holly, Phono 312. 89 WANTED SITUAt IONS WANTED Embroidery Tvork, hom stitchlng mid children' sowlug to do. 129 South Holly. 90 , HELP WANTED FlIMALE WANTED "Olri for general hoiibc work. Mrs. Wm. Uudge. Oil West Tenth St. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework; good wage. Mr. Guy W. Conner, Siskiyou Heights. S9 HELP WANTKfc IALE WANTED Packer desiring employ ment with tho It. H. F. & P. Assn. during season of 1913 should reg ister' nnd rccoivo number ut office, IS W. Main st., or Mis Marian Stundclirr, Phoenix. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To buy Hinall runabout buggy, rubber tired. Phono 349J2 220 S. Laurel St. ' WANTED Seven or eight dozen fortllo duck eggs. P. O. Uox 081. or phono 1079-X. LOST LOST A number six tnn colored shoo between mouth ot Little llutto creek and Medford. Lenvo nt Mall Trtbuuo offlco. MONEY TO LO.J TO LOAN $1000 to $1500 to loan on Improved ranch property. A. L. Cross, Uutto Fulls, Oro. 89 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo lu much property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O, block, phono 3C8. ' HUHIXESS DlllECTOItV Abstract KOGUE KIVEIt BTHA0T CO,, No. VALLEY All- 0 goutU Central. UUHINF.SS llllttXTOUY Auctioneer WltiMAM tI.UICIf I.tcenned Anit tlonoer for tho Olty or lilroht, Oregon. Term rertnotiablK ltl dnnco phopo 101-J. Office Jack son County Hank building. rrJriri -. .mitrrrlrt3tnJKa,MrrKzxrrzi Attorney PO UTKU J .1kfKvm. p? mi: A Si Y --Altornoyi-rtl-l.iiw, Uoomn 3 una 9. Medford National Hank bid. A. IJ. UIJAMKS, liAWYKIlOnrnott Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney nttd Courf nellor nt Law, 123 Kant Maltt street, Medford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg Ccorgo M. Uoborts COLVIU & ItoniJUTS. LAWYEUB Medford Nntlnnnl Hank Itiilldinx. Auto fiuppllm. la iii i: it ""auto "s p tm Nca67ir big-secret Jn tnnking spring In tho tempering. Wo nro operating tho InrgCHt, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwent. Uflo our spring -when others fntl. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore. Accountnntjj D. It. WOOD Hcncrnl Accountant Your books audited and kept for a rennonnbto figure; your business solicited. Offlco, MeiUnrd Mall Tribune bldg.; phono 001; resi lience phone 034. Chiropractor. DU. U. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve npeclnllst. Jlooma 203-204-205 Oarnctt-Coroy bldg. Vnpor baths and scientific massago given; advlco In dietetic, medical gym nastics, hydropthcrnpy. Lady at tendant. Phono, offlco 945, resi dence 571-U. Ml. A. It. IIEUCL'S. Dr. Loulne E. Hedge Mcchano-Theraplst. Chiro practors, Spoudylothcraplst. Tlicso systonis. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy. etc., produco result In both acute nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion froo. 230 Noith llnrtlott St., next door to M. E. church. Hour 9 ii. m. to 5 p. m Oilier bears by appointment. Phone I7-J. Dentin bi DU. DU W. M. VAN SCOYOO C. C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Carnett-Coro bldg., suite Medford, Oro. Phono S56. 310, Garbage GAUBAOE Get your promise cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbaga wagons for good service. Phone C2G-L. F. Y. Allen. . Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic, llrlng your work to mo at the sign ot tho Mail Tribune Printers nnd Publishers MEDFOUD PUINTING CO. has the best equipped printing otflco la southern Orogon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians nnd Burgeons du?"fT GrluowT" DU?EVA MAINS CAULOW Ostcopathlo physicians, 41C-417 Garnott-Corey bldg., phono 103 C-L. Itcsldence 420 South Laurel st. DU. S. A. LOCKWOOD PhyBlclan and surgeon. MYUTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D Prnutlco limited to disease ot women. Offices 232 E Main; Phones, offlco 814-J-2; res., 814. DU. J. J. EMM ENS Physician nnd Burgeon. Practlco limited to oyo, car, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Orrico 22S East Main St.. Hours S:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. Phono. E. II. P1CKEL, M. D. Orrice Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phono 43-11; rcsldonco phouo OS-It. Pit. MAUION Pliysiclan and sur geon. Stewart bldg., corner Main and nnrtlott st.; offlco phono 27, residence phono 27-J-2. DU. MARTIN 0. HAUIJBIt Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DU. It. W. CLANCY Phyalclan and surgeon. Phonos, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J, Offlco hour 10 to 12, 2 to 0. DU. W. W. HOWAHD Osteopathic physician, 303 Garnott-Corey building. Phono ?04-M. It. J. CONUOY, M. D. Phyalclan una Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison & Lums don, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77. Stenographer ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm blockr. Stenographlo work dono quickly and well. Transfer EADS TUANSFEU & STQUApH CO. Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phone 315. PrlcoB right. Service guar antend, ' Voice Culture. OIlXcrjOSEIU Art of Singing. Available for con tort mid church. Uenldeuce studio 1207 Went Main Hi, Phone 4 S3. Veterinary HuriieoH im." m iiuit ay. vmtkuin7?iY OEON, gradiiRtB ot (He Aimt Vnturlnsry - College. N. lYJ C OtflevNa!i Llvwy HUblfi P 179f 9 'irt WinT ' .'I . n .ai l y ml fti