Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, July 03, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Hedfokd Mail Tribune
ruBMHiiKO r.vnur akti:hnoon
The Democrntlo TlinM, Thn MfiMord
Mini. Tim lueurora xriimnp, ir noum
rn Oregonlrtti, Tho Aattlntm Trll)iinr.
OftlCA Mitll Tribune KullfllltK. 26-J7-1J
North Fir street; telephone 78.
Orflclnl rnnnr of thn Cltr of itciUord.
Official Taper of Jncknon County.
tJltonan; PUTNAM. Editor itn.l Manager
Entered eceoncl-la matter nt
Medford, OrcEOii. under tho aot of
March 1, 1878.
fn vr. Iiv mull . 15.00
()na month. !y mnll - .SO
1'or month, delivered by carrier In
Medford. Jackaonvllla una Con.
Irnl l'nlllt .
PnlunUy onljr. 1r mall, per yr J.00
tvpcKiy, per )tr... . - - - .
Tho Oroiroii Sfuto Immiurnlion
Commission wants Jackson county to
picaro tin exhibit to repro.-ent the
stale in the eastern land .shows this
full. There is no expense other than
that of net tine tho exhibit material
to the tk'M)t. Special shipping tiiRS
will ho forwarded to the Commercial
chili and privafc individuals wherever
requested, which will carry tlio ex
hibits to Portland. It will ho tho
policy to maintain nu exhibit tag
upon each specimen showing the
name of tho grower and tho commun
ity represented, thereby allowing the
credit to full iu tho proper place.
Tho following suggestions are oT
feied exhibitors, by the commissien:
Parking Suggestions
Tho local organizations and grow
er are required to go to no cxpeiuo
other than that of gathering the spec
imens and getting them to tho depot.
We will arrange for them to be
shipped to Portland and will nl.o at
tend to the shipping east- Communi
ties nnd growers will receive the en
tire credit for the exhibits from their
sections. iOur plan will be to main
tain 11 tag on each hH'cimen Miowing
the nnme and address of the grower,
and the local commercial organiza
tion represented.
Consign all exhibit material to tbo
Oregon State Immigration Commis
sion, Commercial Club Uuildiug, Port
land, Oregon. Shipping tags will be
forwarded to tho commercial clubs
later io bo distributed for this pur
pose. Label with these and ship by
KpciiHj nnd Crctllt
Pack with great care. These nro
not ordinary shipments, but arc the
cream of the country Unit nrc going
to compcto against tho cream of the
country froui other states, and they
must not ho him ply thrown into n
iTiito or car promis.cuons.Iy. Last
year many choice bpecimens hnd to
ho thrown away owing to tho fact
Hint they were broken and mutilated
on account of careless packing.
Quality rather than quantity must
ho our motto. We would rather have
n few choice specimens from each
community than tons of inferior sam
ples (hat would bo classed in tho
laud shows as more junk. Every
community should,, however, send
(inlluiliig Wheat Sheaves
Sheaves of wheat should ho gath
ered before the grain is so ripe as
lo-shnttcr badly, and yet latb enough
to ho properly colored. Great care
inimt bo exercised that tho samples
ho selection nt tho most opportune
jiino. Select Inrgo well filled heads
with as long a straw us possible, und
grade with reference to uniformity of
Iho length of heads. It is oven hot
ter to select shorter heads if neces
sary in oidr to gain uniformity.
Strip the straws clean of all blades
or wrappings nnd arrange plumb at
the tip of tho heads. One effectivo
system for securing an even arrange-'
incut of the heads is to select or maue
u long narrow box with no top aatl
with one end knocked out, nnd by
laying the straws in tho box and
gently jarring against tho remaining
end nnd then tying, a poifeet arrange
ment will ho secured. Tho straw
ends may then bo cut off squarely
with a sharp kpiftf.
Iq tjring groat ,cnre must also be
exercised, and especically next to the
heads. 'Do nut Ho too lightly. Do
ljot tio with a hard, sharp twiim. A
largo soft twino is much preferable.
If u sheaf is tied tightly next to the
to plho heads will soon fall over
and break off at tho point bound.
ly wrapping soft paper "V" tho
heads of tho sheave yot will pro
tect against shuttering and also from
illO 5)1111.
5 Threshed grain should ho bright,
plump, and free from all smut, dust
anil weeds, and in. more ndvuiitago
oiihly. shown iji lots., of a bushel or
Alfalfa is a nico exhibit crop if
pinperly jiiw;i ami selected. A finol
JUDOE WOJjYJSUTON has signed iho detjreo in iho ease
,of the United States against the Oregon Sc California
railroad company, whereby the railroad's elnim to two mil
lion neves of land aro forfeited. Xuiuerous objections
were filed by the company to the deevoe as presented by
eoiuibel for the government but after hearing; these were
all ovei ruled. The bond of the defendant whieh had been
previously fixed at the sum of $100,000 was furnished by
the defendant and this will operate as a stay of proceedings
until the decision bv the circuit court of appeals. The
company was represented by 1. R Kenton and the govern
incur bv "B. T). 'rownsend, special assistant attorney gen
eral. and Clarence L. Ivcamcs
The decision is of particular interest to the citizens of
Jackson county for the reason that practically every town
ship iu the county is affected. Over ,H)iSJ000 acres of land
situated in Jackson county are by the express provisions
of the decree declared to be forfeited to the United States
and the title to all of these lauds by operation of the (let
eree passes from the company to the government.
2Toiie of these lands will be sold or can be acquired until
tlV final decision ih appeal. Certain parties tire making
the assertions that they have the right to take filing fees
and that they can secure title to the lands by virtue of mak
ing filings thereon. The government officers desire to
point out and to emphasize tho fact that all citizens who
pay out any money to these alleged locators will lose their
money and acquire nothing on account thereof.
.Many swindles along these lines have been operated in
the past few years and every few days coims news of
fraudulent operations by locators who are still busy reap
ing the sucker crop.
Suffragette Violence
LONDON, Julv :i. "To use force
to subdue a popular ri-iug, nnd nt the
same time to mnko no effort to re
move tho grievance: causing the ris
ing, i to stoke the fires of rebellion
while silting nu tho safety valve."
This i how the HritUh government's
attitude toward the suffragette
problem is characterized by Lady
Sybil Smith, one of the mot zenlou
among the small group of titled
women in Kngland, who aro devoting
tlreir timo and energies to the ad
vancement of the feminist cnue.
"Suffragists, like myself," she said
when interviewed today, "who find
themstlves coneientiou!v unable to
subscribe to real, as opposed to tech
nical, violence (official or otherwise),
can nevertheless feel reioet and ad
miration for the character of those
who, liko Jean of Arc, Humpden,
Garibaldi, and a host of heroic souls
iu the )ast, think violence justifiable
in tho service of a great end and
have lately acted upon tliis belief, to
tho public inconvenience, it is true,
but at terrible cost to themselves.
Notwithstanding the outcry against
the militants, tho average jwrrsoa ap
pears to ho as fur as tho members of
the government themselves from ap
preciating tho true gravity of the sit
uation. "Tho enfranchisement of women is
fast becoming tho one object of the
mot highly educated and ndvnnced
section of tho womanhood of the
country, nnd their demnnd is hacked
by an evor-growing body of opinion.
Hundreds of women of more than
average talent nnd character have
been rendered depornto by long-continued
repression, injustice, and po
stem and a thickness of leaves nro
Iho prime requisites of thij crop. Tho
extrcmu length is, of course, also
Fruits and Vegetables
Most .fruits should bo left on tho
tree until sufficiently colored hut
picked before thoroughly ripened.
Firmness is u great asset in keeping
fruit. Do not pinch u piece of ex
hibit fruit. Do not poKsh exhibit
frhit. Especinllv in tho case of
apples, a natural wax that is a great
preservative is in this way removed,
thereby deteriorating greatly the
keeping qualities of tho fruit. Wo
will polish tho fruit just before plac
ing it on exhibit.
Vegetables should not ho bruised
or marred in any way. Leaf tops
should not ho cut off closer than
three or four inches to tho vegetable
.Most vegetables should ho cleaned
dry rather than washing. In this way
they will keep longer and look
Umvnslifd I'otutocs
Potatoes necessarily are tho best
exhibit material of tho root crops.
Aboto all do not wash potatoes. Jt
is much bettor to clean with a brjisn.
Kileet potatoes of uniform sio ,
commercial potatoes -tho kind tho
housewifu likes not freaks.
Thy buceess of Oregon's competi
tion iu tho Kastorn Land Show de
fends upon tho high grade specimen!
selected by you. Your co-operation
is necessary iu order thai Oregon
may demonstrate to thousands of
eastern peoplo just what her fcrljjo
soils are capable of producing.
Wo want jotters from you contain
ing questions and suggestions. Wo
aro anxious to assist iu every way
possible. Address Ktalo luiiaigia.
tiou Commission, Portland.
- 1 -T - '
Legal blnuki toi Mo At the Mull
Tribune office. U
United States district attor
Due to Oppression
litical quibbling. Moreover, denial or
free expression, torture of political
prisoners, and severe punishment of
malcontents are turning the long
suffering into relrvN nnd the rebel
lious into dangerous conspirator).
"Tho courage, public spirit, und
intelligence that should he helping to
build up the prosperity of a nation
ime been turned towards destruction
nnd their possessors broken by suf
fering nnd strife, nnd all because a
reform Hint oven its opimuents be
gin to regard as inevitable is wanton
ly withheld.
"There is ono thing nnd one thing
only that drives naturally law-abiding
and well-disposed people to vio
lence, and that is oppression. All
populnr turbulence is n symptom of
indue pressure, due to had govern
ment uhui some iart of the commuu
i'.v m
"In Ihi3 case a large number of
thoroughly patriotic and highminded
pei sons, believing themselves and
what is more to the ) oint, believing
many ether helpless women to he
suffering under an intolerable griev
ance, have resolved at all costs to
make manifest the truth that govern
ment rests upon the consent of the
"For the honor of Kngland, the
government should put a stop to a
deplorable slate of things for which
it is immediately responsible. Tho re
s only ono way of doing so, nnd
that is to givo votes to women. For
years there has been nominally a
large majority in tho houso of com
mons in favor of woman suffrage
Who, then, hut tho government is to
blame for tho fact that women are
still unrepresented 7"
(Klamath Falls Northwestern.)
A deal-is now being negotiated and
will bo consummated iu a few day
whereby Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. Hall
will assume management of tho White
Pelican Jlotol mid tho KlnmntirDe
velopmeat company purchases a linlf
iutcrcst in the Hotel Hull.
Tho lonso held by Messrs. Conway
nnd Ingram on tho Whito Pelican
hns been taken over by tho Klamath
Development company and tho man
agement of this popular oslelry has
already passed into tho hit ink of Mr.
and .Mrs. Hull. Although tho Halls
wil retain tho management of tho
Hotel Hall, a beautiful and comfort
able hotel itself, thuy havo dis-
IKised of oue-hulf of tho "business and
fixtures to tho Klamath Develop
ment company. Mr. and Mis. Hall
hnvo an envinhlo reputation in tho
hotel business, ami siuco thoy will
manago both (ho hosieries, Klamath
Falls is assured o tho very best
service and accommodations to ho
found anywhere outside of tho big
. i i
Notleo Is hereby given that tho nu
ilflriilgnod will apply to tho city coun
cil ut Its mooting to ho hold July 15,
IKK!, for a llcuuso to soil mult, spir
ituous anil vinous liquors In quanti
ties loss than a gallon at Its place of
buHlncus on lot 10, block 11, city of
Moil ford for a period of six months.
Dated July 3, ID 13.
All harbor hJiooh will bo cloned tho
Fourth of July all' day, but will re
main open until 10 I'. M. July Third.
Linemen are busy today stringing
wire from the local Western t'uioit
office to tlio Page Theater whore
bulletins of the Audeivon-t'voso fht.
which tukes place at Los Angeles
tomorrow afteruooji, will be received,
A vaudeville and picture show will
run riuht up to tho timo the fight
starts. Doorx open 'JmO p. in.
llo It remembered, that a regular
term of tho Comity Court of Jackson
County, State or Oregon, was begiui
and huld at Jacksonville In tho court
liouao ot tho said statu on Wednes
day, tho 4th day of June, 1913, tho
time fixed by law for tho holding of
said court, when were present, lion.
K. I.. Ton Voile, eountv Judge; W.
C. Leovor, county eommlsalotior; J.
O. Smith, county cointutlonr; U.
A. Oardncr. county clerk: and W.
11. Slngler, utiorlff. when tlio follow
ing luminous was tranenrteit:
Iteport of Jas. M. Croupinlller,
nntifitv Iriviuiii-nr. mIiiiwItil? iiliioitut rif.
eolved during tho month of Mni to
ho $173, 0 1.30, amount paid out of
treasury for same period, ?UI9,
310.33. Keport of Prod L. Colvlg. record
er, showing tho amount of foos col
lected and turned over to tho treas
urer for the month of 51(iy to bo
Keport of O. A. O.irdncr. county
clerk, showing thu amount of fees
collected and turned over to the
county treasurer for tho month of
May to lo $107.10.
Keport of Sheriff W. H. Slnglor
for period from Oct. Int. ID)!!, to
May Hist, 1U13, wnu examined and
Semi-annual report of O. A. Gard
ner, county clerk, examined and ap
proved. II V. MnrrUnll. At. I).. W11R mail-
pointed to tho oftlcu or county health
The following deputhw were ap
proved for Sheriff W. II. Slnuler:
1). D. Good, Ira Tunguto and Sam
Houd of W, II. Slnglcr as tax col
lector was examined and unproved.
An agreement was entered Into
between Jnckson comity nnd 1. J.
O'Oara whereby said 1. J. O'Onra
was employed as fruit Inspector for
Jnckson county for 11 period of four
years, for which servlco Jacktou
county Is to pny $6,000,00 per tin
num. Claims against tho county wore
acted upon as follow, to-wlt:
County Court
D. 11. Cronemlllor, work
with export '....$ 1 1.25
F. L. Tou Velio, county
Judge, salary - l&o.oo
Nottlo L. Thompson, work
win, .nvi.rt ln.r.n
W. II. Wanu, expert 150.00
J. C. Smith, rommlstoiu)r'
W. C. Leovor. commlsidonor
Kilnry 3 LOO
Total - $ 377.7."
('In olt Court
II. II. McCalte, oxpetup iu
Soiuoro - 1 LOO
Frank Kasshafer, crier 33.00
Tom Jernian, grand Jury
wltnos 2 00
Nash Livery Co., livery hire 10.00
Total $
.in Hi Ice Court
Scott Iloyor, ronntahlo tnon
Scott Iloycr. cotulslilo for
Knnkln ICstos, contt'lilo feos
Uankin L'stcs, ronst'blp fees
Itankln Lutes, coait'lilo fees
Geo. Loud, constable, fees.. .
Lola Magcrlo, wltnoits fees
G. O. Talor Justice fcS....
G. O. Taylor, Jiutlro fees....
G. O. Taylor, Justice c.o
G, O. Taylor, Jtmtlco foos....
G. O. Taylor, Jimtlco fees....
G. F. Wertz. Justice fcoa....
II II. Cartnit'll, witness
Tom Stowart. wltnoes
Leo Steers, wltnoM
Loo Steers, witness . ..:
O. W. Train, wltnosa
O. W. Train, witness .....
Don Wilson, wltnow,. ..........
Mrs. Don Wilson, witness..
Charles Wnrron, witness....
M. n. Whipple, witness
Mrs. Don Wilson, wltnoas..
1 00
3 r,o
Total 3 80. Of,
Sheriff's Ofl Ico
J. W. Jonas, deputy 11. lO
W. II. Slnglor, shorirr sal'y 333.33
W. II. Slnglor. exponso 26.05
K. Vr. WHV' deputy 76,00
Total $
Cleik's orrico
F. L. Coleman, doputy
G. A. Gardner, clerk, salary
111. S3
260 00
Total '...$ 316.00
Treasurer's OfO'""
Jns. M. Cronnmlllor. treas
urer, Balary 100.00
Jas. M. Cronemlllor, deputy
biro .)....',. 07,00
Total 107.00
('oroner's Iff 1(0
A, K. Kellogg, oxponso.".:.'.:.. 0.05
C. II. Smith. M. I) exam
ination or Hiking NnllL.. 6,00
A. H. IColtogg, oxpeiiHo 7.K0
Dr. II. I'. .Morrison, coron
er's physician 6.00
A. K. Kellogg, oxpuuso 0,80
Dr. K. 11, I'ortor, .coroner's
physician 6,00
Total 38.06
Hihool HiiM;ilulen(lciit's Office
G, V. Agor, suporvlftor'a
Hillary 120,00
D. O. Henry, supervisor's
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant.
I'Jioiics hi. 17 wiiiT-17-J'B
,1inbu!uu"u Service Deputy Coronor
irKSDAY, ,W,Y :, 101
salary 120.00
J. Percy Wolla, school Bupt.
salary 100.00
May II, Wells, deputy.' 33.7C
Total 433.73
Fruit Inspector's Otfleo
1', J. O'Oara, salary: i. 1 10. (lit
P. J. O'Oara, offleo oxpomjo 1 1. 1
T. F. Smith, deputy, salary 11 1.20
Total $ G7B.3.1
Assessor's (iffleo
P. II. Dally, deputy 3(5.00
A. II. Pinker, deputy f.2.00
Cliauneey Ploroy, deputy... 100.00
W, T. Orlevo, ussossor saPy 13R.00
W, T. Grieve, minding ox-
pensos 32, r.O
Katlo M. Orlove. deputy 05.00
Clint Unllntlu. deputy 100.00
S. C. Godlovo, deputy HO.QO
(I. F. Hall, deputy .. SL00
P. M. Jiiuiiuy, deputy 108.00
Goo. Loud. Uiipuur S.S.00
A. W, Moon, deputy uti.oo
Ktta Piirkopllo, duputy 05.00
Jay Torrlll, deputy OS. 00
O. Winter, deputy tOS.OO
Total -....$ 1,21 7.S0
Tav. Collection
W. II. Howon 7S.00
Guy Harper "
12. O. lloKsolt fl.SS
AllotMio Klnisliury 7S.00
Mlnnh. Kelly 78.00
Luke Itvau, rent or building 2ft 00
M. P. Schmidt 78.00
(Continued on Page Five.)
Wo curry n very cnnipluln lint of
iitniwrlu. turn miriulu, ruiur, tc,
ml tin nil einsss of iiiilniNti'rhitf A
cporliil 111.111 to look ultnr till work
rxoliiNlvoly mitt will Klvn im uo'xt
itcrvlcn im In puimllilo lo cyt In nvrn
tlio lurKi'it cllb's.
Wooks & McGowaii Co.
"Mow did Iho OI11I know that"
Hy making our store worth inore to
you wo make It worth, more to us.
sZPzT) -'.
&&r vMJim.
t IW WW J w.
0g :&)
Not our bleu of a "saro and .ine"
Hut ir wo mint celebrate IbU wny
botter havo a good supply of salve,
lotions and remedies In the honw
Only thoio or tried and known
worth fliil a plnro 011 our shelves
nnd counters -o this Is tho bct
place to get them.
Haskins for Health
Wliat'5 Wrong?
do you Know?
- want to know?
It's a pertinent ?
the tcmlble course-
flKcrtalu Hid cause'-
Wccan tell you.
My methods or touting aro corrob
orative and accuratu. You tako no
chailces bore.'
A (rial will convince you.
Hullo 1-2. Over Duel & Co,
ftfoihir's Friend
in Every Homi
Comfort nnd Safely Assured Dcfore
tbe Arrival or tho StorK.
In linninnii of American homrci llicro
is a uottioor Aiouicrs i rami nmt lots uiu
1 iiiniiy a woman
thrniiuh llm tryluit
orot'iii, iinveu ncr irom
liilfferliii: nnd pnlil,
kept her In licnllli In
advance o f haby's
coniln;;, and and a
woinlcrfnl Iiilliicaco
Iu UcvMoiiltiif u love
ly dUposUlon la tlio
There Is no other remedy so truly a help
to nature. H relieves the pulu and d I scorn
furt ciiiisrd by tlio strain 011 tbu IlKauiciitir,
3iak( pliant IImho fibres mid intiKeles which
nature Is .'Xiuiiillng ami iuothea the la
fluiniimtlun of breiut glumly,
.Muther's Frknd U an cslcrnnl rcmcily,
mid nut only baiihdioii all (lUlrcx.i In ml
Vance, luit iiMiiiefl a upcedy rccovory fnr
thu motliAr. Tims Iim Iiccomkm a lunlthy
woman v.llh nil her wlrcimlli prevorved 10
Iboroiijtlily in Joy iho reiirlua of her cldbl.
Jibitli(;r'M F1I1111I cun bu liml ut nay ilrict
Hlvrn at $1.00 a bollle. Wrlln In llnolllchl
Kcgiihttor (.'0., 2'JI Irfiiuur lli Atlanta,
(In., fur llislr fn bovk. ViIto to-day, U
U Mtt liulrucllve.
mS 41t i.
j- . I 1 v
m -f
1 no raov A-
IBr v9'
Pupil or TlrttfO ManyColtU
lias Ont'iiptl a hJiutlio al
Second Hand
One UntltH'sltiiij,' JJoadslor.
Ono 'l-passtMior Jlniuk.
One o-pnssoiiKPi Tat'lcson.
Ono D-pnsstMioi' PromuM.
'Above col's will bo sill al,
ti bai'aiti.
C. E. Gates
For Good Short Cake
that I re illy ihnrl, you will find
1 . IndlHpousnhlo. li
works venly and
iiurtly and keupn
tho raise In sus
tK'Uvloii until tho
tako Is linked.
S)v PLIt Lit.
Alk Vour Giiiccr
Cri"srent MauuractitrliiK Company
Seattle, Washington
Aim tuai im you ll maUo o
(I'lnw nw.i) with hakliii; day mid
ImoIiik brend wo bake
ou'll save Iu work,
You'll mho Iu fuel,
Vou'll mivo In wvtw anil tear,
'llio Win Id won't seem onc-lmlf so
And you'll havo ttoml lukcry fate.
-l South Central.
Biltncr's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
10 ncros. nil ln,cilUvn(loii; 0 room
hoiiiic, larKO bam, other oiiH)udluKs,
Kood soil, IVi miles from Mod ford.
Will take somo city property, Prlcti
f 1000.
100 acre stook rannh, 16 acres In
cultivation, 30 acres pnsturo, 70
acres saw timber, Kood house and
outbulldliiKs, will lake somu city pro
perty. I'rlcu 11000.
II acres, 1 mllo from town, i:ood
soil, no bullilliiKH. Prlco $1(100,
10 acres close to town, no Im
provements, good .location and soil.
Pike $1360.
13 aero orchard, trees from 3 to 0
years old, Iioiiho and fiirm build
lues, part uudor IrlKntlou, closo to
Medford, Prlco $160 pur aero.
0 room modern Iioiiho, kooiI lot,
paved street, Kood location, $1)60.
6 rtioni modorn houuo, 7 lots,
prlro $1600,
Piano, food as now, $100,
Philio, kooiI condition, to trade for
Hovoral teams, wagons and baruesit
$376 to $360.
Houses for rent, furnluliod nnd 1111
furulshud. KMPLOYMKNT
Wultrcss, $30 room and lmanl.
JJIiln and womou for touoral houno
Man and wife on ranch,
Woman cook on ranch.
Wood cutters,
ltaiieh Hands,
lies, Phono 100D-X Phouu N.1H,
Oppolio .Nash Hotel
IlOOMil 0 lutj .7, P4LM IlLOOJC I
, r
iiitoNciio millV and tiu: i:-
IVatmliiK G- M. AiidoiKOU
licit) Tonioinnv
tin: v.ori ecu
lllograph ludliiit Hioiy In Two Partn
c i AR
For Love
of the
I real 2-reel Kay Hue feature.
2 oilier good piuiurcs.
A Spocial Program
i sensational and tlirillin
feat nro
Classy ('oiuedies
Always Ton Conts.
D. It. WOOD .V CO.
Offlro Ppxtalrs.
Medford Mali Tribune llulldlm:.
Phones: Office, Gil. Iteflblonco 631.
Willi .Metirortt Triulu Is .MetUoitl .Made
Phono us jour orders for
Milk, .Cream,
Butter, and
tcu (ir.c Pint H()OAiti:
Our HIGH (lltADIJ Iro cream will
ploaso you. Sold Iu iiuantltloH of
3 calloiiH and up.
Wo havo our own twlco-u-day do
Phono UIIS
With .Mi-iKonl Trado Is .MeiUonl Made
E. D.Weston
Oi'fioial Photographor of tho
Medford Comraorcial Club
Ainalour finish iug
Post Ourds.
Intorior and oxtorior viows
Flash lights
Negatives mado iinv,tImo
and any pluiw by apppijt
niont. r ,
208 E. Main Phono 1471