Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 30, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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907 SOfltJ StfHt
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Medford Mail Tribune
Hhowcm tonight THrmlrr
Fair. Miu. .70. Mln. .Irt.
Km-ly-lliM Ywir.
Dolly r.lnhlli Yrnr.
Holiest Day nf the Year Tlicrmomo
tcr nalslnn at Rate of one Drnrcc
an Hour In Chlcau.0 Thirty-five
Doail In Windy City Alone.
Death Lilt In Middle West Nrars One
Hundred Mark Little Hcpe for
Relief Held out.
CIIMUdO, .limn HO. With the
Iheriiiomi'lcr lining thin iilteiiinon at
the mil' nf nun degree hnuily, Chicit
go U Kuellcrliig in Hid holtcM iluy of
tin kchmiii. At iiihiii lliii mercury
tinichiil Oil drgiciu, iiml tint weather
buri'iiii pri'dlcled that it would puss
lint tun inaik before II o'clock.
Thirty-five death from (tin heal,
mil runnling it Henri' of drowning,
lumt been ri'Mirlii within twenty
four bourn. The wrnlhcr fnrccuMor
predict relief before tomorrow.
Till' stifling lll'llt Wllil'll lllllt en-
rlon'd (lin middle went for several
day, dealing ili'iitli iiml prostration
tn Mrnri'M of humans, oiuilitiucil mi
iilmtril tnilay. l.lltle Iihhi for relief
in lu'lil out liy the wrnlhcr forccus-
Thf death lint in tin miililln went,
directly due o the bent, Mninl (inlay
u 80. I'if'j-Hcveu penman hnvn
Hiirouiuhfil in Din cnitgcntfd dnttriet'
here nml twenty-three other who Iiml
hoiiuIiI relief in bench resort from
lin- torriillty. drowning.
Tltrtw iloatlm occurred in Milwati
kec ycKterdoy, I ho tutnl niiiiilii'r of
deaths fnuii the lirat there now slnnd
lug nt 1'J. Mont Hutu KID.OOO per
Hum xpi-nl Kiuiilay in lliu parks nml
nt Ilia beaches.
PITTSIIIIIM, Prt., Juno :il).-Kight
pcrxoiiH fivn Infants nml tlirro
ndiilU -Iiiivp Hiieciimlicd In llio bent
Intro within tin' last twenty. four
hour. Ko relief from Hit' terrific
lorrlilily irt In xiulit.
ST. PAl'L, Minn.. June 30.- Tin
lirat wave wan broken lir Imlnv ly
muling lirri'iriti. Tlu backbone of lint
Iml xpi'll in North nml Smith Dakoln
ami Wenteru Mliiursotii uIm wnH
broken liy (.bowers.
I.OS ANdKLKS, Cut., Juno M. -Churli'ri
II. Kri'iiiilirai'li of Simla llar
Imm, plcmli'il Kiiilty Hi'ih aftornoon
to offfiiiiK n 10(H) hriho to Uuiti'ii
Stali'H Hrnalor John 1). WmkH of
California. Unitud Slates JiuIko Oliu
Witlllmrn Honteni'cil Kiuiiiilirnoh to
two inoulliH in jail iiml $-',n f',u''
"I iliilu'l know it wan whihr,"
Htnh'il Kntauliuu'li on tlio Htaiiil. "I
wunli'il tho pohilion of poHlmiiHtcr
ami know Unit Senator Works was h
lawyer ami tliouj:lit liu wiih entitled to
n fun if 1 could homiro Iiih aid. There
fore. 1 wmto him, iiHkiiiK him to do
Hlrny tlm letter heemiHU it minht j;et
Imiil; to Simla Uarliara and tho hoys
would t;uy me."
A nuniher of Simla Haihnra offi
iiialu ami IniidncHii iiieu iiecoinpimieil
Mreaiihraeli nml tontified as to lilrf
provloim Hood iiliarnolor.
When tho UKi'd defendant fiui Hliud
his )ilca, Judj;o Wolllioru fiald:
"This i indeed n sad eaBC. How
ever, I Ituvo tio nltoriintivo olhor Hum
In paHH arutpneo upon you. It h tho
judgment nf IIiIh court that yon in.v
n fine of $2.0 and orvo four months
in the Simla, Iliulmrii county jail."
Mrs. Krunnbrach, wlfo of tho
piiHouor, Horeamed nml fell in a
faint, Slio wan curried from tho
courtroom uiieoiiRciouH. JiuIko Well
Imi'ii was no affected Hint ho reduced
Urn Hentonoo two months. Tho fino
Hlnmlrt, The mnxiinuiu pennlty for
I lie (iliniw 1h ten yenrH imprisonment
mid a fino of JflOOO.
Representatlvo Dowldc of Ohio Ex
plains Workluiis of New Measure
Federal Reserve Banks Empow
ered to Relieve Striuiiency.
Forced to Act ly Federal Board Upon
Application Business Men, not
Bankers, Control.
WAHIIINdTON, Jiiim 30.- It"
ri'ncntMlte Htniili')' llowlilu, nt Ohio,
toility wroto tint follow Iiik "prlmiir)'
Iimmi of piiuIch nml how tint WIIhiiii
(linen eurreney hill proptmeH to ir
vent tliiim:
tlly .Mtiiiili')' J llowlile, repreiieiit
ntlvn from Ohio.)
A pniilc In ulinply a Kliortm'.ii of
money nt lint (iit-tory. nml It oner
nli'H pri'i'lntly like n iiliiirtiiKii of enm
at it mine. You run do nothliiK h'lt
ilUclinrRo your IiiiiiiIh nml nit ilown
nml think -nml net ready ami nlt
for tlm receiver to take rhurr.n when
tint Imnk Ki'ts remly to miiku tl.o
last iUe.'it.
Iliiiik ItrfiiMi Iiiiii
A iHinlc may prevent ou KettliiK
inoney- even money ou Imvi) nrlii
ally iliionlteil In tho liiiuk ho that
)oii may tie utterly rulueil. You mty
to )euri'lt:
"My kooiIii are In ilemnml every
wliere; tlm men who own mo nr
nootl. I Imvi) their noten. Tint
rommiinlty known Hint I am all
rlKht. Why then run'l I Ret mono)'"'
"You ko over to the Imnk nml auk
for a lonn. Tlm hanker toll you
"that tariff dill l cniulmc troulile,"
nr "(lint New York turn been Uk'H
culiiK on uh-nml ho on.
In n wny that Imnk Im up nKnlimt
It. New York Iiiih Kolteii control.
TJint tinnk hni kooiI rommereliil pa
per, tint It can ilo nolhhit; with II.
If It roulil Ret money for that paper
temporarily nil woulil tie well, hut
It can't.
I'Yitcrnl llffterten llnlillluil
ItlKht hero In where the new cur
rency bill rumen lu. It prov bleu for
the i'Mlalillliment of "feilural re
nurvo" linukM In Hid liUKor rltlon.
Tliemi bitukii have power to Ihhuo
SfiOO.onn.noo In eurreney to tho
needy Imukn. Tho banker o have
Jimt npoken of ran take IiIh rotumer
clnl paper to tho federal re.iervo
liunkH ami i;et nctual money for It.
Hut )ou nro hh)Iiik: "HuppiiMt
that remtrvn hank refunex to net?
Hut the yiuunl act. The bill provide
Hint local renerve bnnkH nlmll bn
controlled by a fedoral board nt
WmililuKlon. Your banker mny up
pent directly to thU board, and, what
li mure, the !ont rciiervo bank will
have three director who rcprciiciit
tho commercial, itKrleulturnl and In
dimtrlal IntercMtM of tho tllHtrlct.
Theim men mutt not bu batikum
JiihI bunluoHH men."
HAN DIIUJO, Cal Juno .10.
IlramllUK tho no-called vlnllantH i.h
"nkunlH" and "lawbreakem" nml uh
HttrtliiK that they had committed
crlmo from Hlmplo itHHault to wilful
murder, Hurry M, McKee and K. 1 1.
Kirk, KochtllHt attorueyH, ndilresiiod
it crowd of Kovoral liumlred perbomt
from tho HtepH of tho county Jail
hero today jimt before cntcrliiK tho
prlfion to Hervo torma for conspiracy
to vlolato tho local btruot HpeitkliiK
Kirk wilt aorvo x montliB and
McKee throo. Kaclt must 'pay it fluo
of ?G0Q,
DKTIIOIT, Mich., Juuo 510. Kvo
duatliH ftom heat nml three, otliora
from drowning huvo occurred in
MiehiKim williiu tho pimt Iwouty-foui'
hniirh, Tlm hot npell 1h e.vpeoled to
ho broken tonight by tliiimlmtonu6.
Z m
J'Jt ' .
.Mnt I
TlioiiiJind i of old Mililicrri of both
lliey arrive for their reunion lictwec
battle ra-Mil il Hut the fiftieth anniv
WASHINdTOK, Juno 30. -PreM-dent
WiNon was plened today over
tlm latest development! over the "in
hidiotiH lobby" iiiventintluii. He (old
the iiewflpiipcrmrn at today's confer
ence that the lobby in out of husincx.i
no fnr an national legislation in con
cerned. The president iiiMintx that it
Iiiih censed to emharawi the adininis
tration. nnd that, when llio present
invcMiptlinu ciiiId, lohliuc ns n
profession will ho extinct. Ho re
fused to iliscusri details but indicated
he intended ho impiiry slmuld bn
The president believes that tho
I'hiirccii nRitinst JiuIko Hubert S.
Lovett nml other, that attempts had
been made to hold up Wnll Street in
terest, nnd oilier rhnrj;cir ought to
bo probed to tlm bottom. He admits
the lobby probe ban benefited the tar.
iff bill, Allying tbero is no longer tho
slightest apprehension regarding tho
I'nderwooil bill nnd that it tvill pas
in even more drastic form thnn was
originally planned. Ho civen credit
le, the lobby probo for Ibis charge in
ClinilAMH, Wnali., Juno 30.
Formal rejection of tlm governmont'H
offer to tho Cowllts Indian to allot,
them laud lu tho Qululault country
In on Ita way to Washington today,
following a council held hero ycatur
day lu which the tribe decided that
to iuIiirIu once, more with their for
mer enemies, the Qulnlaulta, would
moan constant blckerlg and posallilo
A counter propoHltlon U mado to
Hid Interior department, which U
that each adult CowllU Indian shall
receive $5,000 caBh uh his aharo, and
each minor $-,500. Tho money duo
Irresponsible!) would bo paid out dur
ing it period of ton yeara, or cntrum
ed to it Kunrdtan who would attend
to bucIi expoiiKua as tho education
and maintenance of the. chlldroit
would entail.
NBW VOKK, Juno 30. Tending
wiih light nnd stoekH moved uncor
tninly in lliu early session. Cnundintt
Paoifio dropped it point, nnd most of
tho notivo BhitrcH woro lower, Union
l'acifio being down 3-1. Traders
held off for definito howb from St.
I'ntil regarding the, exact torma of
tho Ilarrimitu dissolution plan.
Ilondrt were irregular. The innrkot
closed heavy,
OIHMION, fONIMY, ,JtTN10 ,'U), V.m.
Maif t ":
tV.i Aa'V
if,,,' -
ridiH in the ('ml war wi'l k over the crmiml dimwit in this picture when
u July 1 nml 1. In the wheat field liown in thin picture the hcrond dny'j
er arv wil hrn o 'her the men who fought (iuinst each other thut ilny.
WASHINGTON, June 30 Scarc
ity of largo manses of credit, rather
thnn "dearth of cold, hard, cash," Is
tho cause of tho recent tiillura cf
large bond Issuos, says Iteprescntu
tlvo Uukeley. of yilo, a vctornn
member of tho homo l)ankliii;"ct)iii-
CommontltiK for the United l'reis
upon the testimony of J. 1. Morgan
Hint tho call of money exceeds tho
supply, Uukeley took Issue with tho
"Too much capital Is now tied up
In fixed Investments," lie said.
"Klxod capital Is worso thnn capital
lu an unproductive field. Kixed In
vestment Issues lately huvo not beta
absorbed and large Issues of bonds
nro In tho hands of underwriters,
who have been tillable to thorn
along. This condition obtains In Ku
ril po hIso. probably oven In greater
force than hero.
"It Is due. I believe, csieclnlly In
lluropo, to tho fact that great masses
of capital were spent lu tho llnlkan
war an utterly unproductive field.
It took years to overcome similar
stringency following tho pouring of
money Into tho Ilusso-Japaueso war.
"Tho present condition nppears to
mo to be a lack of large mass credit,
rather than a scarcity of cash. Tho
actual circulation of currency In
this country has decreased very lit
tle, fluctuating from time to time."
ST. PAl'L, Minn., Junu 30.Uenr
ing tho endorsement of President Wil
son nml Attorney General Mcltey
nobis, tho Southern Pacific-Union
I'neifio merger dissolution plan was
presented to the United States dis
trict court hero today. It provider
fir tho snle of $38,000,000 of South
ern, Pacific stock to tlio Pennsyl
vuiiiti railroad nml tlio ncccptnuco by
tho Union Pacific of $12,000,000 of
Ilultimoro nnd Ohio railroad stock in
WASHINGTON, Juuo 30. Tho
American reply to Japan's latest nolo
regarding California') nuti-nlicu Inml
law is completed today and will bo
forwiuded to Tokio within a few
days. Government officials flatly
decline lo intimate what tho answer
D 1
nfi j '
mi i'tl
- 7itrr f
. a.
i iMI
I.OS ANGKLKS, Cab. Juuo 30.
Hunt artielcs of ai;reciiieut '.ire to be
-igned today for the I.ench Cross
Dml Anderson twenty round go,
Kchcdiilcd for July 4. An argument
is expected over the rides to govern
the contest, tho rest- of the business
being merely perfunctory.
Hoth Cross nnd Anderson put in a
hard day's training yesterday under
a burning sun. At Anderson' Ven
ice enmp Hud went over his spnrrins
partners thoroughly, mauling them
around without mercy. Tho Medford
boy is fchowing more cleverness nnd
giving more attention to tlio finer
points of boxing than ever before.
Critics sny thut he is a greatly un
proved fighter since his lust nppcar
mice here, nml that his condition
could not bo better.
"I feel sure of myself for tho twenty-round
route," said Cros today af
ter his workout. "The climnto hnfan't
hurt mo nml I am ready fur n real
DOl'GLAS, Ariz., Juno 30. Guny
mas fallen, uecordiug to tho consti
tutionalist junta here.
"Kverything is in our bunds," was
tho cryptic message received from
Guyitms by way of Hermosillo. No
confirmation of tlio report has been
DOUGLAS. Arin.. Juno 30. Fears
that Didier Masson, tlio French avia
tor and soldier of fortuuo lias been
killed or seriously injured, nro en
tertained hero today in tho rebel
camp at Qunymas, Mexico. Under
firo wlnlo making a notour over tho
oitv. Mnssou's aeroplane was seen to
lurch nnd descend rapidly within tho
federal lines. Nothing has been
beard from him emco.
Firo from tho federal garrison
ceased suddonly nbout midnight.
Fenriuc mines, tho rebels mado no
advance, however. Part of tho fed
eral earrison already has embarked
on the wnrship and a transport in
the harbor. It is thought probable
that tho fedorals, realizing thut hope
of liohlimr tho oily was gone, huvo
mined tlio streets surrounding tlio ar
senal and are prepared to quietly re
treat on the approach ot tho rebel,
filing tho mines ns thoy B
Representative of National Associa
tion of Manufacturers Gives Names
of Legislators Subservient and
Those Punished for Opposition.
Special Session of Insidious Lobby
Investigators Called to Probe State
ments Made by Mulhall.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Juno 30.-
Former Congressman .James Watson
admitted hero today that tho Nation
al Manufacturers' ristoclUlon paid
him for working lu behalf of a tar
iff commission 'luring tho special
session of congress In J909. Ho de
nied, however, that the association
had contributed to his gubernatorial
WASHINGTON, Juno 30. An ex
ecutive bcislon of tho committee In
vestigating President Wilson's "In
sidious lobby" charge to consider A
lurid story of alleged lobbying told
by Martin M. Mulhall, ot Baltimore
was called here today by Chairman
Overman. It Is alleged that Mulhall
for many years was tho active "field
agenj" and lobbyist of tho National
Association of Manufacturers and In
an article published In New York
nnd Chicago newspapers, under 'htf
sworn signature, Mulhall gives tho
names ot congressmen whqm bo al
leges were "subservient or who
wcro punished for their opposition
to legislation favored by the assocl
ntlon. ( ...--
Mullmll Subpociincil
Mulhall has been subpoenaed to
appear beforo tho committee July J
It was announced today that further
ubKenas will bo Issued later, In
cluding ono for John Klrby, presi
dent of tho National Manufacturers'
"We will sift this whole affair to
tho bottom," said Senator Overman
today, " and call cveryono named
by Mulhall. I do not want to ex
press nn opinion concerning tho
truth ot Mulhall's story, but it Is to
circumstantial In detail that It must
bo threshed out minutely. Tho com
mltteco does not proposo to leave
In tho dark any detail ot tho Inter
esting narrative.''
fiomiH'rs Confirmation
Senator Overman expects to rc
celvo all tha documents which Mul
hall alleges ho has In his possession
to support his charges.
Partial confirmation of Mulhall'
chargo of an attempt to approach
Samuel tiompers was given this at'
tornoon at the headquarters ot tho
American Federation of Labor hero
Attention was called to a meeting cf
tho federation at Norfolk, Yn In
(Continued on page 3.)
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Juno 30.
That sores of Minuoapolis men
and women nro blitves to heroin was
tho startling fact brought to tho at
tention of city officials today, when
the parents of David Vinll, asked to
have him committed to tho sUtu farm
for inebriates. For two years the
youth 1ms been a slave to heroin. lie
has wnstcd away until lie is little
moro (haii it skeleton. Physicians
sny n heroin fiend seldom lives long
er than five years.
It was revealed by tho fiends that
they had formed n club of twenty,
each being bound by oath to fur
nish "snow" to tlio others wbonevcr
ho hnd liny money. Mora than a
dozen "nov clubs" nro known to bo
in opornlion in Minneapolis. Many
of tho members nro high school stu
dents nnd members of good families.
While heroin is similar to mor
phine, it is milder in its effects.
About twice ns much "snow" is re
quired to give tho sumo result ns n
dose of morphine A peculiar fea
ture of the drug is that its victim
irtwnys craves society nnd seldom is
iilouo when lie goes on n debauch, I
NO. 85.
Department of Agriculture Completes
Soil Descriptive Map of Valley
Finds Forty-two Kinds of Soil
Opportunities Neglected. u
Grain Growers Exhausting Soil With
out Effort at Remedying What
Soils Are Suited for Crops. ,j
The department of agriculture has
just Ins ued tho report on the soil
sfirvcy of tho Medford area, Oregon,
made by tho bureau of soils, Tho
territory surveyed covers G4 squaro
miles and lies In tho central and
west-central parts ot Jackson coun
ty. The area consists ot two parts,
tho larger one embracing the lontc
and generally narrow- lowland belt
locally known as tho Rogue river
valley, and tho lesser part Includes
a portion of tho Apploguto valley ly
ing south and west of tho mala part
of tho area.
Tho cllmato of tho area Is describ
ed as moderate. Tho summer days
are warm but seldom hot and tho
summer nights aro always cool and
comfortable. Tho winter tempera
tures are not severe, tho lowest rec
ord In the valley being about 3 de
grees below zero and tho average
minimum temperature during tho
winter months Is about 31 degrees
above. Tho moan winter precipita
tion Is 8.3, spring 5.1, summer 2.3,
and faI 4.6, and the annualmean la
20.2 Inches.
Kofi Map In Colon
The report Is aeeompaated by a
soli map In colon showing1' tho loca
tion and extent ot tho different
type of soil found during the .sur
vey, ns well as tho locations of
churches, school houses, roads au
streams in tho area, nnd la Illustrat
ed by photographic scenes showing
typical types of agriculture In tho
"That a thorough orcnurattan nf
tho soil Is a necessary factor In tho
production of any crop seems gener
ally to bo too well known to call for
comment," says tha report, "but tho
fact romalns that a largo proportion
of tho rarnionj In this section entire
ly overlook this pbaso of tho Ques
tion. It has been demonstrated re
peatedly that continued shallow and
Inefficient plowing and cultivation
Invariably results In docoreased
yields, and that within certain lim
its deeper plowing nnd thorough cul
tivation will result In nt loast
maintaining tho nverago yiold. It not
actually Increasing It.
KxliauMtlng Soils
"The continuous cropping of tho
(Continued on Page ()
SNOHOMISH, Wash., Juno 30.
Of seven men who woro taking it "spin
around tho blook," two uro (lend nnd
three herioindy hurt todtty following
tho wrecking of their automobile
shortly bofoie 1 o'clock Sunday
morning, when it was hit by n switch
engino in the railroad yards here.
The dead : . '
Ken Henning, 3."!, shtnglo weaver.
Pert Carson Wells, 20, logger.
Tho injured tiros Bort Michaels,
Frank Morgan nnd Frank Hlncs.
Tlio mitomobilo wna owned and
driven by Michaels, n suloonkeepor,
who invited the others to tuko u rido
shortly nfter tho closing hour.
On nrriving nt tho Northern Pncifiu
crossing thoy found that the street
was closed on the cast side of tho
truck nnd, MioluiolH was turning on
the right of way, there being flvp
tracks nt this point, when the engine
bucked down upou them. The auto
mobile was carried fifty feet,Uei(
ning was cut in two and Well
crushed under the machine,
K 0
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