9t f ff r imnvorm math trthunk Mrcmr.Qnr), otjkoox, .SAT(;HiMy;,TrTXFi.28.jain.. rarq&JTOl MMrnrr '' t FtnlUm U Imrnliy ftlvon (Iml llio iihilnrslKiieil will Mpply to I lin city toutioll of Iho oily of Medford, Oro Kim, at Km next riifliilur meeting on .Inly 1 III 1.1, fur n Unman to unit splrlliitiiis, vliimni nnil mult liiiorn III ilHiiitlt!im Ins llirtn ii kiiIIoii nt Km plum of hushies on loin (i, 0, 7, H, block 20, In mi li city, for it period of iiU moulds, IIOTHfi NAHJf CO. dm til Juno is, iota. '"riirlH" nt Kdir Tliu IiIk fi'litili'n "Tigris" n shown nt tlin Hlnr tliontro Innt night In cor tiitnly n wlntnir. Tim houno wmt puck, oil nt liolh performances, Thin iilctiirn In ii fnnturo pnxturt fun liy tlin tlnln oomimny n tl In complete In four riM-ln. 1 r.OO people urn used In tlin ckhI, I tin phntoplny lioliut prp iluriiil mill NtK"il In ii lavish innnnor. Kovnrnl ncomoi iiro very thrilling, tispoclnlly ho Is tlin rnllroml Kruno In whluli n vory neiifnlloiml rescuo In ninth) nt tlin Innt possible momnnt, l'i addition In tli In four rmil feature, tlinto Ih iiIno mi excellent (Imnnont Weekly on tlin progriuii, making mi extra good Mil, II TliiMiho Tonight. Three iiIkIiIh vaudeville Wayne, tint Wlxnrd, with nminl run of 2-rool fitnrii films; I reels. 5 ami liiu. Why pity iiiornT & Vutliv. All Ihoco Indebted to Dr. II. 15. .Mnirlwui ICstato will (onfnr it grunt favor hjr pnlin: nme nt onto nt KoniiiH 211 nnil sis (limielt-t omy IiiiIIiIIiik, or West Kill" I'hiiriinii-y. -t - .-. .. J Sf. .TB3 VOU HUNT l'Dlt.VIHIIICII M-IH. I'Olt KICNT Furnished np.-irtinonta. Tin i lliirlmti, to (Julnro nt. I'Olt HALE AYXH I'Olt MAI.14 Vnrant nnil Improved prnKiily In llntlit I'aIIn, chonp. Iloniiett limtmuul Co. 01 nut nr,.vi uot;ni34 I'Olt RENT " SI'j Olseii Vlrm-tT nvo rooms nnil Imth; $16 no, Including wnter. Phono r.Sti, or PUO-L. SI I'Olt RENT t room nouso, $5. on per month, Gold ltny Realty Co. I'Olt RENT- My Iioiih. nt KIT. East .Mm I n St.; flno shade mul lawn. H miml'r, ll m not for sale. Hum phrey. M I'Olt RENT -10 room house tear of Fanners & Fruitgrower Imnk, iiillnhto for Iniuliiiiiw, real cMnto. boarding or rooming house, (lold ltny Realty Co., nth mul Kir st. I'Olt ltl!.VT--S-rooinnii muilcrn bun galow, novnr orrntiliul, nil con wmleucos, riMi in, n-rnomcd house, close In. fi-rnomed fur nished bungalow, oloso In; vory mnnoimhli'. J. T. Iltirnv, 117 Jay 111., plionu 1CI-H. Off K. Oakdnlo. I'Olt RENT Well furnished ttvZ room bungalow. 422 H, Lnurol. 9C I'Olt HUNT Motion) huiiKnlow. lawn, pnviul utrtot, i litocku from WnvhltiKlon nrliool. 729 W. Klov finth. 112 I'Olt ItlJNT-Moilorn Klx-room tiuit ttnlow on Hohh Court, mmr Main. Hunt rinoiiiilil(. Call K, 3. Tinny. (Inrnott-Coroy Hilt. m roitltK.NI O IT I CI W KoiMM?N:llKVconVf.'ortnliio"uV flro room with 61ovntnr eorvlro, ntcnm licnt, hot and cold wntor, Low rntt'H. Apply Mmlford Furnl turn & lldw, Co. I'Olt KIC.ST Two conncctliiK offlco roouiM ovtir Dmilcrit ntorc, IAMl lo rn t Ion A. P. Ilurnoit. S5 I'Olt ItK.Vf rilllMitlinn 1IOOMH I'Olt ltr.NT Cloio In rurulahnd rooniH, $1 no mid $2 por w'ik; mm of Imth. Call iilturuoomi, 2U0 H. Coulral. KOIt HUNT Lnruo vlocpliiK roouia, mul modnrn liouaiikooplng npurt imiutH, prlcrM vory rvnKonnhlo. I'll ii no 102IM,. 222 Roilth Holly rt rout. l()lt ItKNT IIOtlSl.lCKICl'INa ItOO.MH KOUItKNT-"-i''urulHhod hotinoiicop- Im; rooum, Hi;litH, i;iih, 22 1 12. Ninth St. 103 IOIt HUNT MINUKMiANKOUH KTm'lTllNT-lTnmjIiPfl1, InrVo mid Biimll, alfalfa and Knrduu lands, (lold Hay Itoalty Co., tlth mid Kir KOIt URNT .10 room fiirnlnliiid hotol on porcontnc, Gold ltny Itonlty Co. KOH UIJNT Ony hotol In town of 1000; 10 roomn furulflliod, Ad dnjBH C. It., cart) Tiihuno. I'Olt HAMC 1,AT?DS KOIt HAM: fluuill ranch uunr to town, partly Improved, oaBy turiuti. curtain .'111) S. Nowtowu. 80 KOIt HAIi: llitniuutciiil rolluiiu(iih iiiohI, with iupr()Vuuioiitn to ml). Addruiia Joint Turrlll, Doaelu, Oro. SQ I'Olt ham: HOUHKS KOH HAM1 Oil ItKNT (lood 7-rooni moiloru, No, C10 Houtli Central Ht. Uouuo lfl on two lota. AIbo lot mid hum ncrotia tho alloy, A'1 ilrnuH '1 h. Taylor, Medford, I'hono K(l-ltl, 102 1 ' "i"J . ' '. ".V ' . r. "."H"TI I' it llavo Just foinplotod tVo Iovoly now lioiuoH on hoautlful (lonova uvo nuot low lirlunHj, easy torniH, Huinpliroy, 6lD Kuut MufA St. 89 Kockcfelief t4 AAM, r W0i I .kM I li CM UOTO VJ(iM - J I . ' f& i-M 1 J T fljr Tfft., H...J "JISJ nZT. S " "ONCiT VtouttjVCP. HAVfi w,.,,; . PitK,PoCrVCT r r f sW O p B XcsJ I'Olt HA lilt HOU.HIIS KOIt AMJ I room hoimn nod lot 1700 100 onrti mid 1 15.00 put uioiith, (lold ltny Itunlty Co. I'Olt HAI.H- Jiut ii word to tho wlmi wo nro cotuplctliiK nnt l - Immi llful homo In our flno tract on (li'iiova Ave. mid Mlnutotn St. H'.m u pi'acli. Uauy tcriiin, low price ThU In dinilratilo mid will not ho on mnrkul loin:. Ilumiih ny, H1C KntL Main Ht. S5 I'Olt HAM' MIHCi:t,lAM:()UH n)T.ifChniii?o7a""DMroit'LntVt( flml clnna condition, complutoly equipped. Iiar;nlu. Hen A. II. Mil lor, Medford Hook Hlgro. , KOH HAM; Hoyal Ann cliorrlwt. M. 1'rlilcKcr, It. It. 1, llox 12, Or clmrd Ifouno Itoiul. sr. KOIt 8AI.K--1 now with neou plK; iiImo Ihreo InrKO nhontii; on tho Arnmtreiu: ranch, two iiiIIuh ikimI of town, lllllrrivnt Itoad. SI KOH HA1.K Cbcnp, flno rnmp or travollm; wnon. llox 49C, Med ford, And Reed cnddlo. KOIt HAM: -At a linrKnlo, n flour mill stand fur i;rlndlnn flour or for rolling harloy. Kor pnrtlculnrH cnll at Hth and Central nvo. Tho Clark A llenery plant, or nddreiw 1'. O. llox 2C2, Medford. Oro. KOH HAM2- Wiikoiu cheap If taken nt once. 329 N, Hlvumldn. 81 KOIt HAM? Ono 10 horsepower pns- ollnn riiRlno, International tnake: hcuit lined nliout ono mouth; Reed as now; for snlo at n bargain. William Dlilch, Medford, Oro. KOH SAM: 19)3 modol motorcy cled and motor honta nt bargain prlcen, all makes, brand new ma chines, on nsy payment plan; net our proposition huforo buylm; or you will rcKrut It; nlso bargain In used motorryclos. Wrlto us today, oncloso stamp for roply. Address Lock llox 11, Trenton, Mich. 81 JAPANKHIJ l'HHH.SINd 1'AHI.OHH Htemu and dry clenuliiR and iiyo Work. H.itlsfactlon Riiaraiitued on nil work. CentH' buIIh pressed. Hfmclnl attention to ladle.i' Hllks, Iucch mid r1oos, (IooiIh called for and ilollvorud. IH N. Front Ht. I'hono 125. Ill KOH BAM: I.ooso lo.it lodRor syi totns, any stylo oi anailo to order by tho Mnll Trlbuuo blndory. KOH HAM: HoRlHtorort fjcotch Col Ho pupplim blx weokrt old. Kiir IIhIi hull terrlors and urown col lies, All roRlutorod. Htnnton Urlffls, llurrlll Orchard. 97 KOH BAM3 2 Reed toama horsos, woIrIiIiir 2IiO0 onch, for snlo nt a bargain. Kor particulars phono WeHtcrflold. 19-K4 ill KOH flAMC Lottor hoafls nna rany stationery, prlntqd, oiiRravofi or omhossoil, as you wish at tho Mnll Trlhnno. WHY? Kull honrlnR poara In ton-ncro hlockR, Kow of thoBo blocks inu'it ho sold at onco, Will rIvo you cholcn of 170 ncroa. Comlco, Do Atijoii, Ilnrtlott ttud Hose. Just 2 1-2 mllOH wost of o'ty limits on Jack son crook. Host of (loop black soil; boat nulghborliood; Reed road; Reed b'ulldluR alios. This Is n commorcldl, dlvldond payluR proposition. Two ton-acro blocks will ho sold n( just half prlco, Thlu (a tho boat I lmvo evor tiffui'cd you. InV6utlgat6 this now. J. O. IlAllNKS, m ' First National INuilc IIulhlltiR. Don't Work, So lCALTIV aOUKt TO feocuGrauueK, D6f&r ttfuUAo vHH v. 7 3 $ rti I mr srr ktzazyA ,m A OMWk SiA'AxsIujs X .aijv "ll.lCtt zmsp: . T.'X -'ar'. -w Wi ll P - i -1 COCKCFCLLCR A WK SHOULD r ? . r uu )f I'Olt HAM-MlhCI'.MaM:oUH KOIt HAM-: HnnchcB, ncro tractn, town property, from 5 per aero, upwurdii on C and 10 years tlnio. Cold ltny Itunlty Co., Sixth mid Kir. KOIt HAM: (lood I'hono 7-KI. hluyclo frame. KOIt HAM-: 1 Holt traction engine mid plowH, nearly now, for onc thlrd prlco. (lold ltny Itcnlty Co. KOH HAM: CHKAl' 0 dlnliiK chnlrs 1 dlnliiR table, 1 drostier, 2 three quarter mid 1 full bod (complete), 1 kitchen cabinet. 1 o.ik dish cup board, 2 centre tables, 1 sanitary couch, 1 blue flnmo oil stove, 1 phonograph, l Htelnwny piano. 1 ran ciirIiio (1 b. p.), 3 prunlni: snwH, lawn mow or. variety small tools, Economy fruit Jars, 1 barrel sprny pump. Cll H. Hlvursldo. Si KOH HAM: Silver plated slldo trombone with case, 12.00. Tel ophono tiOCX. SI KOIt HAI.K Mlsol -l-pnss. runnbout. flno condition, G now tires mid tubes, electric llRhts, HveeiIometer. other oqulpiniMit. $210 for quick Halo I'hono 91 CJ. St KOH HAM:-0NI: roml roller, Rnso linn, for ouo-thlrd prlco. nearly now. Cold ltny Itcnlty Co, "ifc ---r hi:m wantkd fkmaIjK WANTiciJ" ClrlTor Reneral hoiisc work. Mrs. Wm. Iludgo, nil West Tenth Ht. WANTIOD Woman to tnko charfio of roomliiR hoiit.0. 3S Houtli tlrnpo Htroot. 8 1 II Kill WANTIj;: MAI.K. WANTIM) I'nckors dcilrlnR omploy ment with tho It. H. K. & 1'. Assn. durltiR season of 1913 should res istor and receive number at office, 18 W. Main st., or Miss Marian HtmiilclUf, l'hoonlx. WANTi:i MIHCKMA.r.t)UH WANTi:i) "'TO YliY al'uJtiiTnXiioiiy mid cart. Tho IlalRht Studio, . Phono 170.H, 11C. Laurel St. 85 WANTHO Hovon or ulRht doxon furtllo duck orrs. V. O. llox 0S1, or phono 1079-X. WANTICD-To trndo 1.000-lb, R-year-old horso for 1300-lb. Pay cash difference. John Wlntor, Hosa Lnno. SO I'Olt KXCIIAMfK KOH lixCHANlli:--1nrqiij"o"i7roiiorty $11,000, for well located acreage, prefer unimproved. C(ark Healty Co. . NEW TODAY A ton-room Iioiiho woll jorntud with over mi ncro of Rrouud, Is otforod In oxchmiRo for an npplo crop. Tho party will tako It all or part In np p!6s, mid will rIvo a Reed prlco for tho fruit. Prico of houso, $3500.00. A sovon-room resldonco In Snu Krnuclsco, ceniont basement, uV.o walk, RariiRO, chlckon house, nnil Rardou, unobstructed flnu vlow of city and ocoan, Will oxchnnRo for proporty In or nonr Medford. Kluoly locntod tract of 20 nctca oast pf l'hoonlx for uxchmiRo for n proporty In Medford. Thcro s no hotter soil In tho vnlloy. No uouso on tho tract, hut In crop. C. D. HOON Itoom 12 Jackson County Dank bldp. Tolonuouo 1037-J .J I - liW CH E " V7 Why Should I? I jj j. i " 'I ( - " "- -t I ' . ' jr ZJ& : vUi ,' V l t y Tcfrc,?''?? .'MtAs.mrU W ' M5?' JMiutiJ..&M7 S' ' AVpJWfr&Mi R-OCKEFEULER DON'T WOI 50 WHl 5HOUL0 I ? von kxciianei: WIM- KXCHANCJi: 10 acres pears, with or without house, for Med ford bmiRalrJw. C. Ii. A., Mall Tribune. KOH nXCHANOi: Seattlo ncroarfo for automobile, llox G73, Med ford. IXIST I.OHT llrasii huh cap from front wheel In or near Medford. Kinder lenvo nt this office. Chas. I'nlm. LOST. STHAYKl) OH STOIiKN Drown horeo branded SS ono rlRht shoulder, white strip on nose, " welsht 12C0 lbs.; .1-jer-old'rnare, whlto strip In face, branded n on left shoulder. WulRht 1300 lbs., has barb wlro scar on left hock joint. Address John IllKhani, Central Point, Ore.. It. K. 1). No. 2. 87 LOST A number six tun colored shoo between mouth of Llttlo llutto creek and Medford. Lenvo lit Mnll Trlbuno office. BIO.VKY TO IiO.5 TO LOAN $1000 to $1000 to loan on improNou rnncn property, a. L. Cross, llutto Kalis, Oro. 89 MONHY TO WAN On city and closo In ranch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block, phono 3CS. HL'RIXI&S IIlti:OTOHY AbstrnctH HOHUK H1VKH VALLKY All 8TKACT CO.. No. 0 South Central. Accountants D. H. WOOD Uonoral Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable flguro; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno hldR.: phono 0C1; resi dence phono 531. Attorneys POHTKH J. NUKK. WM. P. MKALKY AttornojB-ut-Law, Hooius 8 and 9, Medford National Hank bldg. A. 13. HKAMES, LAWYKH Coroy bld&. -Qarnott- W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main Btrcct, Mcdford, Oro. Win. M. ColvlR QcorRO M. Roberts coLvia & itonnHTH. lawyurs Medford National Dank nulldliiR. Auto Siiiplles. LAHHH AUTO SPHINQ CO. Our blR secret In making aprlnRS Is tho tomporlriR, Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest nnil boat equipped plant )n tho Pacific northwest. Uso our uprliiRS when others fall. Sold undor Ruarantco. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland. Oro. Clilropmctorti DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, uorvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Qarnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and scientific mnssaRO given; ndvlco In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy, Lady at tondaut. Phono, offlco 946, resl donco G71-R. i)R. A, R. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso B. Hodgos MoQlianqThorapUts, Chiro practors, Spondyotherai)lats, Theso ayatoms, Including dietetics, ura tlvo Rymmiatlca, hjdrohernphy, oto,, prodiico roaulta In both acuto and chroulo dlsoasos. Consultn tlon freo. 230 North Rartlott St., noxt door to M. 13, church. Hours 0 a, m. to G p. in. Other boars by appolutmout. I'hono U7-J. 1' X Vftift2&&fY, ,y IHj'BIXKSS mitKOTOHY Dentlsu DIt. W. SI. VAN 8COYOC Ult C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnclt-Corey bide., sulto 310. Mcdford, Oro. Fhono 85 C. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICII Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Mcdford, Orcson. Terms reasonable Resl donco phono 1C1-J. Offlco Jack son County Hank building. ' GarlMRe aARHAOi: Get your promises cleaned up for tho winter. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono G25-L. F. Y. Allen. Notnry l'ubllc IIELCN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lie. Bring your work to mo at the slRn of tho Mall Trlbuno. Printers mul Publutirrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the best equipped printing offlco in southern Oregon; book binding, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians and Aiirgcons DR F. G. CARLOW," dYC'eVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-117 Garnett-Coroy bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 420 South Laurel ut. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and Burgeon. MYRTLE J. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practico limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main Phones, offlco 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practico limited to eyo, car, noso and throat. Eyes scion tlflcally tested and glasses auppllcd Offlco 22S East Main St., Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Phono. E. II. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack- son County Ilank bldg. Office phono 43-R; resldonco phono 58-ft. DR. MARION Physician and sur geon. Stownrt bldg.. corner Main und nartlett sts.; offlco phono 27, rosldenco phono 27-.T 1. DR. MARTIN O. RARnER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotol. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR, R. W. CLANCY Physician and Burgoon. Phones, offlco 36, resl donco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. W, W- HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 30,1 Qarnott - Corey building. Phono 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon, Ovor Hutchison & Lums den, 215 R. Main St. Phono 77. Stenographers ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stcnographlo work dotio quickly and woll. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 1C South Fir St. Phone 315. ,PrIcos right. Service guar a'nteed Veterinary Surgeon DR. MURRAY. VETERINARY BUR GEON, graduate ot tho American Votorlnary CoIIoro, N. Y, City. Offlco Nash Livery Stablo. Puouo 173. cowg Fix with .' TONCE - hp.v! VI HO Do Vntj THWii YoU ARfi? ' VmV AINT YOO AT -? BORROW TH(VT (51 iocK Ptue Tlmo works quick changes In tho growing girl. Plg-tallS and short skirts aro soon forgotten fn tho nin turcr charms of tne debutante. Sometimes though you will acho for a plcturo of hir Just as she romped In from school or play. Think how she would llko one too, In nftcr years to show her friends and possibly her children. Make the appointment wjillo tho thought s fresh In your mind. I nm tho photographer in your town. 11. C. MACKEY K. Main nml tVntrnl, Medfortl, )w. Draperies W carry a very complete lln of draprlcH. faco curtain, tlxturen. (o, and (to ail clavsra of unholittrinB. A rprclal man to look after this work exclusively and will glvo as good service as In possible to gt In evea tho larrcst clttca. Week3 & McGowan Co. IT ALL DEPENDS On what you uso to ralso tho dough. You May Gain a Reputation) for rich, moist, but fcathorly-light broad, muffins, cakes and pastry, It you uso Crescent Baking Powder Tho two power units In it mako Its good work cer tain ono begins to leaven when you mix tho dough, tho othor when you put It In tho oven. 25c Full Lb. Ask Your Grocer Crescent Maiuifitcttirlux Company Seattle, Washington The Perfect Baby Of The Fufurt ASlmpleMethodThntllasaWonderful Influence upon The Future Infant.' Too much cannot bo said for a wonderful remedy, familiar to many woracu as Moth ers rrtcua. It is more cloqurnt in Its action than all the health rules ever laid down for tha guidance ot oxpectaut mothers. It is au exteruul apnllcatlou that spreads Its Influ ence) upua all tho foril. muscles, liga ments nnd tendons that natura calls Into play; they expand without pain, without strain. , . Mother's Friend must, therefore, be con sidered us a direct lullucnco upon tho char acter und disposition of the future genera tion. It is a conceded fact that, with nau sea, pain, uenousuess nud dread banished, there Is stored up such n'u nbundauce ot healthy energy as to bring Into bclus the, highest Ideals of those who fondly tbeorUo ou tlio rules that Insure tho comtug ot the perfect bahy. .... Mother's Friend can bo had of any drtig cfet at $1.00 a bottle. It Is preiwred by llro'dfleld Regulator Co., 1H) Lamur RMg., Atlunlp. Oa. Write them for au lastnlctf lvo book to espectuut luuthvrs. ' "-Fi. v- 'in ' i '..:' m Kihfci)w) yysjr'' "y xMviB iKjl& BBfifTlil ffl I SBVtJM.I liviBn 1 t By "Budu Fisher' Nse r ' "i R.OCKEFELLER POWT VOKK; SO WHYSKoaLtftj MissVcnitanarallton -PIAITIST. 4 .'.I Ptilril of Hugo Miuisfcldfc ITas Opened a Studio ati 616 NORTH CENTRAL Bittner's Real Estate & Employment Bureau FOR SALE If , 2-rootn nungalow", cioso In, lot -15x130 ft., screen porch and garden. Price, 32C. C-rooni house, barn, -i of an aero ot ground, water piped on ground, very sightly placo. Price flfiOO. Terms. FOR EXCHANGE 17 aero bearing orchard, near R. R-, fair buildings, for Cal. Income property. Prico $12,500. 1C0 aero stock ranch, good f room house, good outbuilding. Irri gation, 70 acres saw Umber. Price, $1,000; want city residence. 70 ncro ranch, 38 a. C yr. apples, 9 a. pears, bat. alfalfa, good build ings, fino placo; vvant Intohio prop erty In any largo coast city. Price, $30,000. llousb for rent, furnished and un furnished. BUSINESS CIIAX&R3. Crop on i5b ncro ranch, 8 a. In peaches, MJ a. In apples, l a. In pears, 2 a. In alfalfa; crop and out buildings. Price. $350. Good team, wagon and harnens, hack, furniture of 4 -room house, 05 chickens, C turkeys, nil for $375. EMPLOYMENT Ranch hands. Girls and women for general houfio. Wood cutters, $1.50 per conL MRS. EMMA BITTNXR lies. I'hono 1000-X Phone M3tt. Opposite Ntsh Hotel ROOMS a and 7. VMM BLOCst. The Medford Warehouse i GENERA! STORAGH Oregon's Most up-to-dato Flre-p'roofj Warehouse with Rurglir-proot Vault.' For rates' apply . . T "l l-UJM MEDFORD REALTY IMPROVEMENT CO. -& tWkm i - m H i i . .' i I. ' W V