E&qynym Bedford Mail trihunk .alf "'!?,' isniT)VoTin matt; tutbunti, moFonn. ourcootf, Saturday, junf. 28; mm. BBSWW'W'J.J L AVOTWr "TOWiflM BRiflyfflfibiM &" Th Detnocrntla Tim. Th MrtUnrd Moll, Tilt Mtdfard Trltiunr, Th Bouth- m UtTKonbin, Trie AsMaml Tribune. Offle Mull Trtbunn llulMlne. -17-l North Kir strtt; teitpnons i. Offlelnl rnpff of th Cltr of Mrriford. umcini rnpr 01 uncKion lowniy. DROWHS PUTNAM. Kdllor nnd Mnmnter Rnlfroil na Mindcl&sa .matter at Medford. Orrron, under tho act of March I, 1ST. BUBSCTurxxoir atbs. On jrosr, by matt .15,00 On month, by mall .60 IVr month, delivered bjr carrier in Mtxlfnrit. Jarkaonvllla mill Cen tral rolnt ,. , .60 fatunlay only, br mall, per .yr 5.00 weemy, per -ffr ,-,.. . IWOSX CIHCTJIATIOK. Dallr averse for eleven month end ing November JO, 1911, 37S1 MEDFORD MAY SK BIG LEAGUE CHAMPIONS PLAY If bouio Mcdlon! bnscbll fan or magnate is venturesome cnongh lo guarantee $i!oQ or more for a game between tho Chicago White Sox of the American Lcnguo and iho New York Ginnta of the National League this city will have mi opportunely of seeing ''big league" ball soma time this fall when the two great clubs reach Iho Pacific coast on their tout of the world. A communication was received by A. S. Uosenbnum, tho local reprc hesitative of tho Southern Pacific asking if mich nn amount could be guaranteed the two clubs, the money to be given whether the game wne prevented by weather conditions or not. This feature of the proxsition does not look very good, but it h thought that Iho tuoncy will be raised and posted, as n game between two such clubs would draw well and would bo a paying venture. Thq game if arranged will probably tnkc place tho latter part of October as tho White Sox close their league season at Detroit October si. The GiuntA closest Boston September 30. SWEET CLOVER VALUABLE. fancy beef steers fop-ding sweet clover, and discovered HUGH DDN LEADS IN ROSES The Hugh Dickson and Lyons' rose have been mentioned as favorites for a Med ford rose. Ilesidcs thc-e the J. 11. Clark, tho Papa Gonticr, the Pink Killnrncy, and tho Mnrcchal Kcil have their supporters. Tho J. H. Clark is n large red rose, most beautiful; but not so rich in color as tho Hugh Dickson. The Papa Uontier is a deep pink rose with n somenhot clonwnfr.l bud, but rather too thin to be entirely satis factory. Tho pink Killnrncy is nn attractive rose, the chief' objection to it so far suggested is its liability to mildew. Tho beautiful Marcchnl Neil, a yel low rose, most people arc familiar with. It is a climbing rose but should bo grown on tho south side, close to tins houso to get tho best results. Thcbc varieties all have their warm friends, but tho JJugh Dickson Fcems still to bo in tho lead. Much interest is being manifested in this content. Ik sure to cast your vote for your favorite. Tho polls, at tho Exhibit building will be open until (1:00 p. in. July -1th. Any ono who is interested in roues, and who is a resident of Mrdford is eligible to vole. MEDFORD PLAYS AT GRANTS PA Medford plays Giants Pass Sun day afternoon at Grants Pass and a largo delegation ill escort tho tea in to the Psiss to seo what probably will! bo tho most hotly contested of nny gamo played this season. Speaking of (ho gamo the Grants Pass Courier ay: "Miles brings tho old stars Isaacs, Gill, Anil?, Hoi tonand fcovernl now ones, "Shorty" is a sweet and in genious character off Iho hall field, but in playing togs ho is more, than strenuous, upholding his contentious with a vigor and a picturesque elo quence that render tho occasion ex tremely diverting. lfopor will send against Miles the best onm seen in n ,0vnnts Pass uni form this yerir. It i3 extremely prob able, that Mi'lHtyc Oiul "Curly" Wil son will ho tho Grants Pass battery. A flcnwco between Milos and Wil Boii should prove ft raro (rent," THE Clinton County, Iowa, Advertiser or recent (Into contains an article by J'rof. M. L. JMoshei', Clinton count v agricultural expert concerning the value of sweet clover, which grows so abundantly on waste places in the Kogue river viilloy. The following is an excerpt : In Professor Mosher's recent trips Over tho country ho recently dis covered what an Important place sweet clover had ou tho farms of this community-. Ono Held of clover Covered 200 acre and Is probably tho largest one In tho countr. Sweet clover ts much Uko alfnlfa for feeding ami Is better adopted to this imrt of (he country than alfalfa, as that plant yields tnoro valuable feed In tho western states, where tho drier climate produces a more abundant crop of seed. Professor Mosher believe that sweet clover will become a promlnout factor on tho farms of this county, as tho raining of tt Is profitable, tho yield per aero averaging about n (ou and a half of hay, whllo tho seed runs tiro to ten bushols to tho acre, and is worth $ 12 a bushel. t The dispiscd sweet clover, that grows with such abund ance along the roadside, and on the rocky bars and waste places along the streams ot the Kogue river, is coining into its own as stock food in the middle west, and is being sown in large areas. About .five years auo a large feeder and shipper of in Eastern Iowa eoueeivell the idea oc that, while stock must bo starved into eating this food before acquiring a taste for it, that after the animals become accustomed to it they preferred it to most any other diet, and the result obtained from feeding it was so gratifying that the stock man commenced sowing sweet clover for stock feed. Two years later he topped The Chicago market with a carload of steel's fed on sweet clover, and now sweet clover is a leading stock food in that section of Iowa. Farmers and stockmen of the Rogue river valley would do well to investigate the merits of sweet clover and if it proves a success (is a stock food, many waste places can be made to yield an abundance of food for dairying, hog rais ing and other profitable stoc,k farming. - - ' ASSOCIATED PRESS SACKS SUGAR. npiIK following excerpt from the report of the insidious lobby inquiry is interesting: O. C. Hamlin, who was one of tho sujjar lobbyists lit Washington, wrote to C. 11. Warren, a Detroit sugar manufacturer, concerning tho pub licity which papers In tho middle west had given to statements from tho beet sugar men ami also to a 650 word statement that had been sent out through the Associated Press. "I find that tho Associated Press has han dled somo of our stuff in good shape." Hamlin wrote. "Whllo In Indian apolis I took up tho matter of publicity with tho American Press assocla tlon. This concern furnishes matter for tho country press. It Is not pat ent insldo stuff but goes on tho outsldo of the paper as nows. "After our securing an agreement with tho Associated Press to rnrrv C50 words, tho eastern papers carried only about twelve lines. Havo writ ten to .Mcivuio btono and asked that In tho future tho beet sugar Industry be given at least equal treatment with tho eastern refiners." Warren replied: "I do not think well o' your Idea of writing all the papers that did not carry your Associated Press story. We have found that whenever a paper is unfriendly to tho tariff generally or to the sucar tariff Is approached the result Is nn unfriendly article. You probably will havo to rely on getting out what yon can, and not find fault when everybody does not carry an Interview." If the insidious lobby inquiry accomplishes nothing else, it has at least exposed the hydra head of the Associated Press, and uncovered the Fsjiu role of Melvin Stone. That the big interests had long been corrupting legis latures and judges was not enough, they must subsidize the very armor of the people's safety, the press. If the associated press cannot clean its skirts of this Judas, the newspapers and the people should see to it that its sphere of activity is confined to its master patrons, the trusts. occur (III about tho tutddlv of duly ! Prof. O Onra says, howovor, Hint (ho earlier tho arsenate I applied In July the better. Tho second brood Is not expected to bo very destructive as tho majority of orchards wero swept clean of tho post at tho first spray. He will glvo Instructions later as to thu best tlmo for application. BREEDING ANARCHISTS. fENERAL CHARLES J). ELLrOTT, who commanded f the militia in war with the miners in West Virginia, said to the senate investigation cemmittee: Tho valloys were settled a century or so ago by two typos tho slave owners and tho poor whites. Tho slave owners abhorred work.' Tho whites drifted to tho hill regions, but need later drove them to tho mines. Uut they are natural Americans and havo never been tamed. h.on..tJ5 cayitnllstB camo to invest In West Virginia they figured the cost or building a railway, tho cost of its equipment, tho cost of power, of stores and of superintendents' houses. Ilut the homes for human worko.-s woro constructed from debris with loss consideration than was given tho stables of tho bank mules! In theso sunless valleys, bound by walls of Iron, thcro Is no local trans portation, there uro no stores, no theaters, no amusements nothing but alcohol, , The mine owners couldn't tame these "naturalised Americans" as they did the Huns, Italians, Slavs and other foreigners imported to take their places but they have further brutalized them by their savage efforts. The constitutions, both slate's and nation's, have been suspended, troops used in time of peace and the bayonet of might superceded the court of .justice and. men ruth lessly shot down like wild animals. What could Jifc hold for these toilers except endless toil with drunken debauches as recreation '( Irc'itiiient such as that of the miners of West Virginia kes natural Americans anarchists. mill GIRL'S ELDERLY J.0VER Kd Ilicc, 40 yenrs of ago nnd over, with two daughters 15 and 10 years of age, who took poibon Sunduy be cause he was in Jove with 15-year- old Minerva Withrow. duughter of "Wild Hill" and was jeulous of her attentions to younger men, is rap idly convalescing at the Sncrod Heart- hospital. Twice previously ho hits .attempted suicide. It was rtt first supposed, before he regained consciousness, that lie was. the man who last week twice sought a mnrringe license to wed Minerva, nud tho elder lover in tho report given out, was confused with the younger, ,Golj(tt Jj. Smith. Tho Intr tcr, though in love with the girl, made no attempt to take his own life. Odd Fellows, Aweatiou. Important business noxt Monday night ami installation of officers Monday night, July 7. All brothers welcome. 12. W, DIMMER, USED SKELETON KEY 10 ENTER HOUSES District Attorney Kelly has re ceived a complaint from C, II. Jilakc and Mablo Illake concerning tho ac tions of Mrs. Alzlra Clay, recently adjudged Insano. Mr. lilako says, among other IIimks: "Mrs. Olay has jroptatodly torn down fences und entered locked houses with a skeleton koy. Has cut a now road to her claim through my field, although she has On equally good ono, which she lias travolod for eight years or moro, which no ono bothered In any way, "Tho wholo neighborhood Is in droad of her." SECOND SPRAYING 3EGIN AFTER JULY FOURTH Many of tho Rogue Illvor fruit growers havo Inquired of Prof. O'Oara recently In rogard to tho noxt spray. According to presont Indlca- 1 4ln1J ttin nirntm.illDn .. tr. .. nt ..., ... VlHltlllg wiwiMlMinin iiunii mil KUl "III tiiQir spray engines until after July fourth ns tho second hatching will not Johm A. Perl Undertaker Lady Asststant. M 8. ItAIITMOT Phones SI. 47 and -17-.I.U Anibulniieo Servleo iH'puty Coroner Tkc Man Who Put tfee E Kw In FE E T , Lock for Thl TmJfXUtk rtc lure ou the Lattl ntica buying ALLEN'S FOOToEASE Thl Antltttttlc iMmln tor Ttn. ?rJ-JUrft. ilr. Arhia -ctt. Sohl fttu-. AIXO,SW.Kli.VJ."' m IrJ-Mw. Wliats Wrong? ourc)c7 or jour rIums? i! ynu know? .- want to know? It's a pertinent ? the sensible cmiw nsccrlaln the csiim.--Wccan tcllyoti. mmmmmmmmmmammmm My methods of testing nro rorroh oratlvo and accurate. You take no chances here. A trial will convince you. DR. RICKERT Sulto 1-2. Over Duel & Ci. WHERE TO GO TONIGHT STAR THEATRE TONIGHT TIGRIS I-Wool Sensational -Feature Tomorrow THE BROTHERS Drama THE SPEED KING Great Kevstone Coined v THE GOOD WITHIN Drama BARRED FROM MAILS Thanhouser Coined v TONIGHT And that Is what you II make lit doing away with baking du und buying bread we bake. You'll sate In work, You'll save In fuel, You'll save In wear ami I ear, The World won't seem oiie.bulf so trucl, And jou'll bato gootl bakery fare. MEDFORD BAKERY DELICATESSEN 12 South Central. Si HAVE YOUR WATCH . CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A .WATCH will run withoui oil or cleaning longer than any other piece of machin ery but it needs both occasion ally. .-!vj&0!jrv W If you will consider that th'e rim of the balance wheel travels over fifteen miles a day, you will not grudge your watch a speck of pi! and a cleaning once a year. It will increase the life and accuracy of your watch. Lcavs your Hatch with us to-jjjy, I CARRY the Waltham, Elgin, Howard, Hamilton, Illinois, South Bend, and Rockford movements in all the sizes. Also the new Gent's Thin Model Full Dress Watch. Martin J, Reddy 'rni: jrcw;;rKit Near 1'oMofflco PAGE THEATRE Complete Clisngo Tmlity Tho 101 IlUou Feature TAPS Tremendous Civil War drama cum pleto In two parts. This Is ono of tho most Bonsatloual features ever pro duced. tiii: whem: TitiiTii Tho adventuress touches Jimmy's Heart and l'ooltot Hook A rorklug good comedy. OI.KN WHITH IN THU SCAPIUiOAT An entertaining comedy. Continuous show from l'rlcca C and 10 ccnls- :30 to 10. -any seat I'autngcs vaudovlllo overy Wednes day nnd Thursday. Matluco 2:30; children l&c, adults 25c, 3Sc and COc. Hvenlng first show 7:30, second 9. FIRE INSURANCE 1). II. WOOD H CO. Office Upstairs. Sledrord Mall Tribune Iliilldlug, I'hencs: Office, 011. Hoaldenco C3I, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Beating All Work UuaranlMid l'rlcen lUmonaliU COFFEEN & PRICE ts lowftTA Blook, Xntrno on Sth Hi Vimti PhoB 4 E.D.Weston Official Photographor of the Medford Commercial Club Amateur Finishing y Post Cniyja Panoramic Wprk Portraits Interior and exterior viowf Flash lights Negatives mado any time. ana any piaco py appoint tnerit. 1 208 E, Main Phone 1471 r ' IT V.n IP pip Wn m IBHWflK m y llJxcRrveKs ., V rSrtssriooti , , prtssrioow Hi S t Have' You Tried the FLOUR That's Guaranteed to Satisfy? Why tnko tho risk of spoiling your week's baking with a flour you nro not sum of when you pay no more for a flour that's guunintced to glvo you perfect baking results. DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR will Imko ho mo! delirious bread ou ever timti'il. It makes whoUnniun bread. It's (ho (lour Unit's backed by Iho stromal guarantee ever given with n flour. There are no strings to this guarantee -It's simply thbii You try tho (lour; If you're not satisfied tell your grocer to call for It nud ho will refund thu full purchase price of tho flour; no charge for what you havo tried In testing It. And the guarantee Is bucked by ono ot tho strong est mills ou tho 1'nclflc Coaut. Order your next sack yf I'lour by calling for "Drifted Hnow," Al uuy grocers. SPERRY FLOUR CO. Cut this out nnd tuclc by your Telephone Valley Fuel Co., Tel. 76 .Siuvi'H.sors lo ItVicLsli'in Now Yard corner Kir nnd West Second SI reel Dry Wood by Iho Tier, Cord nnd Car Lola EXCURSION PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY TO BUTTE FALLS SUNDAY, JUNE 29. Lonvo Medford 8:00 tt. in. KYnch Alodford 0:30 p. in. FINE OUTING IN THE MOUNTAINS Good Fishing , Excellont Hotel Accommodations ROUND TRIP $1 ROUND TRIP AUCTION SALE JVSV. 'JIH, lUlll, at 'JUKI V. ,M No. 110 NUUTII ClINTItAIj AVI., Next to I'oktofriie. Tho entire rollcrtlon of bund paintings by the nrtlxt. W,. O. MrDonald, will bo sold without reserve to tho highest blddurs for cash. A few of tho subjects: No, I. A C itry Home, a 1100.00 painting. No, 2. Canadian Jack I'lnes, f U..O0. No. 3. -Tho l-'lrsl Krost. 135.00. No. 1. AIkoiiiu Lake, $05.00. No. 5. Tho lleareo Meadow, $;5.00. No. 0. Moonlight on tho (I real Cauudluu I'lulns, U'G.OO, No, 7. Cows In tho Marsh, ir..U0. No. K. Tho Indians' I'aradlso, $05.(10. No. 0. Autumn ou the Luke, flOti.no. No, 10 When livening Uhadowu Tall. Thu mooso Jiuut and feeding ground, IU5.00. No, 11.- India .Maid Homeward Hound, 150,00. No. IS. Tho Kvonlng of Mfe, $S5 uu. No. 13.--A shotrh --Tho 1'rospectors. No, II.- -Vollow Mlrch in Autumn. No, 15. On I. u lui Mupurlor. No. 10, On tho Great Divide, (a wonderful painting), 05,00, And over 10 other beautiful hand paintings, prices from $1.50 to $5o.004 Wo would llku to call to your uiitlco tho fact that overy picture In this collection was mado from nature, Tho nrtlst, who Is well known through all eastern states and Canada, spent tho past ten years far back In iho Interior, soluetlmmt hundreds of in I leu from tiny white man, except occasionally a I Indium Hay fur trader. Tho money obtained from this sale wilt bo Hpeiit In painting tho natural beauties of Itoguo Jllver, Crater Lake and points of Interest on tho reserve, which will take about three yearn. O. C. WlllHIilvll, Auctioneer. Get this idea of rough, high proof, strong whiskey out of your head or it will get you---play the devil with your nervesruin your digestion. Why punish yourself? Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable Ilnttlcd at drinking strength. Sold everywhere and costs no more than any other good whiskey, jW. J, Van Schuyvcr & Co., General Agents Portland, Oregon i ft t ft