('- ! --f '' f ,' . . ,i,V'iVfV'''' V, o 1 FETCH EIGHT mDFonn matt; trtbunk Mrcnronn. cmrcriON. vptday, ;htw 27, mm. fffi-i ffl4MM"M4"K"X M firli'M trn t t tty- l f r ' X Y Y Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y i Y Y Y Y T T X X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y T Y Y Y T Y Y Y X Mf. 1 j Stupenduous Unloading Sale Ladies' Cloaks, Suits, Furnishings, Millinery SALE, BEGINS SATURDAY, JUNE 28 h " f worth of newest Spring merchandise to be thrown on the market just at a time when yoa need the merchandise I T I II II I most, but the backward season has left us with too much merchandise, which MUST be turned into cash in the shortest possible time. Prices will be cut and slashed to pieces as never before to give the desired effect! This will be a real sale one that'll cause the most suspicious buyers to wake up and get action on their dollars and cents, which will work overtime for them. MERCHANDISE TO BE SOLD: Ladies' Clonics, Suits, Skirts, Dresses, "Waists, .Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Millinery, Muslin. Underwear, in fact everything to bo found in an up-to-date stock of ladies' fur nishings and read' to wear garments. 24 Silk Dresses $11.95 - This lot consists of pretty Foulards, Mcssa lines, Pongees, Paquin Poulards, Taffetas and Faille Silk, all desirable styles, sizes li to J0, actual values to $27.00, unloading sale $11.95 One lot of Evening "Dresses and Silk Dresses also a few Bedford Cords at One-Half Prico Bedford Cord Dresses . This season's most popular material in .a very smart stylo, cream, brown, French blue, $18.50 and $20.00 values, unloading sale price" $14.98 Lingerie Dresses All tho beautiful Lingerie Dresses in voiles, batistes and mulls in white, pink and blue, arc reduced One-Fourth' to One-Half Wash Dresses Largest line of Wash Dresses ever shown in Mcdford at prices that will interest you, neat Street Dresses as low as $1.39, $1.89 ?2.89, $4.50, $4.98, $5.45, and by easy stages up. Hand Bags at One-Half Price More, than 400 ITand Bags to choose from in cvory concoivable leather, Seal, Walrus, Pin Seal, Tapestry Bags, , ii-ie Drf ro unloading sale at 11(111-1 1116 Wo cannot enumerate everything that you will find on sale here, but come see for your self, you will not be disappointed. LEAVE EVERYTHING GO AND COME TO THIS SALE. IT WILL MEAN $ TO YOU. Wm J- u. 180 Tailored SUITS and COATS AT REDUCTIONS OP 331,, 50 AND MORE This is a tremendous reduction when you ,slop and consider what good values we have offered throughout tho season ami means a considerable loss to us but cost price has been lost sight of, our object now is to turn the surplus into cash. 28 Tailored Suits One lot of not all this season's styles, but strictly dependable materials and workmanship, values up to $30.00, unloading sale .'....$7.50 One lot of Tailored Suits, this season's best styles, values $18.50 to $22.50, unloading sale price $10.89 Your unrestricted choice of any Tailored Suit in stock, ac tual values to $15.00, unloading sale $19.69 Long Stvlecraft Coats in serges, mix tures, etc., $13.50 and $M.50 Coats, unloading sale $8.95 One lot of pretty mixtures and blue serge coats, $15.00 and $10.50 values, unloading sale, prico $10.89 Others $11.98, $13.95 Pretty "Diagonal and Ralind and Bedford Cord Coats, values to $l5.00, unloading sale price nt $19.69 SHIRT WAISTS REDUCED Every Shirt "Waist in stock will bear- a special ticket, reduction 20 to 50. You find hero principally such well-known brands as the Royal. One lot values to $2.25, unloading sale 98 One lot of pretty "Waists in voiles and Jawns, Dutch and high necks $1.19 Dress Skirts $3.98 118 Dross Skirts marked at a radioulous low prico to oloso them out quick, the lot includes Panamas, Chiffon Panamas, Serges, Diagonals and Voiles, some of those are out on fuller lines than the present vogue, but every one a dependable gar ment, colors black, navy, brown, wine, tan, grey, cream, etc., actual values to $15.00, Unloading Sale Price $3.98 If S Coats One lot of vory dainty styles in mulls and voiles, low and high neck $2.50 and $11.50 values $1.79 "Royal Middy Waists which are never sold" for less than $1.50 and $1.75, unloading sale $1.19 Others are priced by easy stages at $2.49, $2.89, $3.49, $5.45 up. l I itiii'iiitininfl I tiiriiniiiiinfl I I li nltliili'HiiH 19 Willi v jHliffiSIBr' 120 of the most upto-dato Ladies' Tailored SUITS to lie sold at about One-Half Price and Less 240 Untrimmcd Shapes All this season's best stylos in Homp.-i, Milaus, Neapolitans, etc., in black, white and tho season's most favored colors, values to $7.50, unloading sale $2.49 Trimmed Hats Reduced Every Trimmed Hat in the shop has a .spe cial ticket, some are reduced one-third, oth ers one-half and some a groat(doal more, go they must. Flowers Reduced '. One-Fourth ChildrensDresscs, JuniorDrcsscs Closing out these lines at prices less than the raw material. Children's dresses, tho bet ter make, good heavy materials, wide hems, well made, as low as , 98f Others $1.19, $1.58, $1.98 up. Niagara Maid Silk Gloves Hi-Hutton Gloves in black and all colors, special 98 Chamisette Cloves in long or 2 button lengths, special 48 2 button Niagara Maid Silk Cloves, spe cial : 48 Kid Cloves, our regular $1.75 Portia Clove, special $1.59 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR At. unloading sale prices, reduction 20 to LA GRECQUE CORSETS 'At unloading sale prices. HOSIERY 'At unloading sale prices. , y. MANY ARTICLES ON SALE THAT COULD NOT BE ENUMERATED ON THIS SHEET. ? X X X Y X Y Y Y Y X X Y Y Y Y X Y X X X Y X X Y t X X X Y Y Y X X Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y X Y Y Y X Y Y X X h;;4 -i.L