T'ACJW ViW wrcnKonn mat.; TrwitWH, Mrarwcmr), oimsoon', n?uAY. ,n:w 27, jnia. Trr BOD AD CROSS ROUNDINGONDinON l.Ort AN(ii:i.i.i Chi". .1 21 l.iHIill Clim 11 111) Hint Anderson, llm llvnl IIIi(wiIkIiIx who box twenty iniiiiit her .Inly , nrn fust roundlntc Into condition tinlHV. Ciom hint Iml n liiuklna Innnoliii milled to hi train lug (miiii nmt nrfnrH 11 inwnrd lo any iilin wlin efln rlilit. thw tiorott, which hu mills "Mninl." Aiuloiwin m pursuing tlio hvm (imr itf hl way, wurlilliK tiart) and adding Into iIih host piwalhlu 1 oii.ll I Inn. Ilcltor inflict Unit erot will ho at taint ovau tititty Almnrti Knaliit tl Mwlfnnl flchUr. figuring ih.x ir IMvvra w.ir fighting Anderson. Dm Milean would Im u 3 in I rnvorliM mill, n Grow hna fought niters I Wlit!, mill held him nimrly nvn i i hot It tiecuitfiiiis, iIimmii two nnili4 NUOIllil lumat tll lliUllst-flKhtl i stoik whvu tlu UotiliiK Marl 1915 MO PES! I.OH ANGl.'I.F.S. CM. .In no 27 Willi llm rinnl tffiiMil of Hnnlii t'lui.i Mini Wmn Mnlmi county official In mI low Out tMiitoaiuiiU In (hu tVimm.i I'luilfli) iiutotiiohlU ion fiom l.m Angola to Han Kmnrlwo mi July (. In which MMy earn nrn tutid tn mow through thiMHi iiiuiiIIhm, It ' iWlitad today Hint tint t(He pnrt of inn rnco will nnd nt Rinektou. Tliu ittco Mill t-inl In Hun Fraud en hut It will Iki 11 tour for (hit Inst olio liundrml, miles. Ml tiro It will mil In u Niml contact from Mock ton In Ban PniurlK-n, It In poMlM that tb winning car nmy no on Into Unit I'mnrlm-n IhnIiuiiI n( slopping at Tgiifnrnti. Tim oxwutho eoiiiinltloo In charge (if tin ram linn lIttcrflphil Ikin Francisco iintninnhllo inti thai llm mr will finish nl nny place dm) imiy designate PYT1NS 10 MEET ON MOUNTAIN TOP AI.1IANV. Oto., J mm 27 IIIrIi n.l llm urnat nt Km: I it Cup mountain, highest (Hilnl In tlm Wallowa range, thn Knight of I'jUiInn litis miiiimxr hIII int on llmlr wnlrdwit 'rites, ac cording in (no nuitniineomoiit today .1. I. Owynu, of Pendleton, grnnd nhmiNdtnr of thn order In Ori'unn. Tlio initiation. It Im IioHoumI, will in t ho nmit tinhim oter Imlil In tlm northwest, mid probably In tlio coun try. Dutnllixl plan hnvo not been worked nut. lint Kinsmen IoiIko nt Wallowa. ImA dm project tn charge ami Ik iilnnnliiK somu "thrlllorn.'' It U wilil tlml In iiiicluut thin, IuiIkvk lii'hl llmlr Inlllnllvii nxurclitim on Inrty iliinnpi'H iiml thl mm will ho n ruvivnl of (ho oMcn tlay prnclU T E VIHNNA, Juno 27.-A ilUpiilili from lltilitrniln rpcolvml Imro loiluy nny t ti tit flhtlnr, bntwi'im Hnrvliins uinl nulKnrtniiH In Mtiruilnuln rontlu lieu. Thu Borvlan war offlco immirtH tlml ,lu )i'Hliinlii)' oiiimKitiniiiit tlm Knrvlmm vrnio vlclorluim, It Ih mild Hint u Inrtw fori'o of IIiiIkiuIihih itroHNjul (hu rlvur at llathovutx mid iiltnckml (hu SurvlniiM. Thn fli;lit liiK Ihiitiiil nil dny. Dlimltihuu from Knfln -nml llol criulu Imlluiito (lint holli ronntrluH to (tint thu flKhtliiK nit thu hoKlnnliiK of rnitl war hulwnuii llulKnrlu nml Rorvln. COUNTY C0MMCI1CIAL CLUO TO HOLD MEETING TONIGHT Tlio ('oinumriu'iil rluli will lioljl it inoi'liiiK nt tlm city liull litis uvcuiiiK it H p. in. V. II. (Into iiml ollioiH will ivu hIioiI IiiII.h. Thatcher, Minstrel Prlnco, Doail. KA'HT OHANdH, N. J Juno 27. nmnd Tlmtcliur, (ho noted old-liiiu iiuki'o iniiiHlri'l, ii ilond todny ttt tlu liolnu'of liiu iii'pliow- hum. HIh limt Mi)(mruti'0 was in Nnw OrlomiR Jast, Jifurch with DiiHtiu Fni'iiiiiii jn tlio "f.illlnli'Ht Iluliol." In tlio 80'h Im was out) nC tlm "Ilij; Thrtui" of tlio TlinUilioi'i 1'riniroHO iiml Wont niin IioIh, Tliatuhur ot Ii!h fii'ril nlurt in Ban I'VanoiHco. Ho wn (15 ycnis old. ( . ' U 'I'lnmtro ToulitlK. Throoi tilKhta vuudovjllo Wnyno, tlio Wizard, with UBUiil'iun of 3-rotil fcntiiro fllum; 4 iooIh. 5 and .c, Vliy jmy inoroT 81 MEXICAN TREATY I WAHIIINtlTOV. Jiltm 27 TIcj Irniily lintuiinu Mrxlui unit Ihn I'nll nil HtiiU-H nrnvlilliiK for nrhllnillnii nf nil iIImiiiIimi xcapt til mm nffuct- I nit iiiillunnl honor, nX)cl tnitiiy, li I not nxiiudiMl tlmt tlm iri'Aty will Im numwi'il, in Imihi until nftor it linmlitiMillnl iiIwjIIoii Hi MoXtco Uhk Iiiuiii Imlil Hm-miNO of (Im full urn uf Iho Aiimrlciin nnrinii(tiit lo ri okiiIxh thn Ihn rlu rftlum In Mux ho, no hIhph towaril A ri'imwul of thn toiiviiiitloii Iiiimi hoxti (iiknu. SEND EXPERTS TO STUDY FOREIGN r-r i WAHIIIS'dTON, Jiiim 27 In nn lli limlloii of tin- fim' HnIIiik of IiicnIh Ki'i'ri'(iir of Ac.rh iilturn Houston l lrttiiiS tttK toilny to nottil two limiinit oi to (urniKii roiiutrldM, which lire xiHlm to tnkit AilvRlilNKn of the rpiluillou In tiirlff lir A. I). M vln, i'hlif of Dm ttiiM'nn uf iiiiUniil ImliiMlrt. innhiihl) will ho ""lit 'o Kniith Amrrl'-n Another nximrl will h. iliiiillul lo Hli'lr iouiIUIoii 'ii Aiintinllii mill Siw oiIniiiI I.OSIiON Jium 27 I'riiuli'r A Itildi Hirnplod linlny dm rvniKttntloii of Allorimy (louornl HI r Itufim lamir II I riiortiHlt mi ii rMiilt of thu Mm rotil wlrtlWM ncmiddl nffoclliiK inOtii hum of dm llrllUli rnhluot. Tlm rtmlKtintlHU will he otflclHllly no- coixd iKtrly imxt wi'ck, It U wild. TEN ITALIANS KILLED IN EXPLOSION IN CANADA KIN'MMTON', Out, Juno 27 Ton llnllntiN nrn dnml nl I'lirluini. follow -liiK mi 'donlou nt tlm t'niindlan I'ai'lfli' rnllioiid roimtrurdon rnmp nnnr tliir. lit projmrlni; n liouvy hlimt, the oxplonlvo Man proimitiiroly not off. EAGLE POINT EAGLETS lly A. C. Ilnwlftt Mr. J. II. !'', wlfn of (Im fpro- iiiiiii In rlmrKu of tlio Cooloy plnco. Jiut nhon town, wont to Medfonl liut Monday on tuiHlnoM mid wan mot horn hy Imr lnuhand In dm nflwr iiunu with lliri'ii ItitttronttiiK lltllo uhlldrHii and wlillu lmro i;nvo mo hlu milHwrlptlon' for thn Dully Mull Trl- llllllH. Mr. IColly, who vm formerly up (irlnlomli'iit of die Rovornmoul hatch nry at l ho mouth of Ulk crook, on KoKuo rinr, ami htm for soino dm Imon In Houth Amorlrn, pntd ollr town n vIhII lint Monday, llo nx proHKi'd hlu Ktirprlso at tlio growth and Improvi'iimiitrt In our town. Last Tiioinlny our oldest daiiKlitor. Mm JnmoH M. I.uIh, who him livon vIhHIiii; im for n fow wcok, roturn od to Imr homo nunr I'ondloton. Mrn. Ilowlod, llnttlo, Minn Lorottn Chil drclh mid mynolf ncronipanlu.l hor iih far im Medford, and aflor I reached Hint city 1 decided to nc loiupimy hor iih far tin drntilH I'iuh mid let Or. I'lndluy rIvo mo auothor nloi'lrl.cal (roadimnl for my yon. On my way down dm rlvor I could not help notlcliiK how woll overythliiB In tlm vi'Kutalilo lino, luclinlliii; dm fruit, looked. Thero wiib coimldo" ahlo hay cut, hoiiid in tlio hwuHi, iinino In tlio windrow mid hoiho In thu hIiocIc mid In boiiio cam-H tlm now crop of alfnlfa wau almost cov orliiK dm nhoclta alun tlio rnuto that Ih likely to ho hadly datnaRod by tlio rontliiiiotiH rain, hut thu utaudliii; Kin In unruly IooIch fluo. Wlillo I wiik in OrantH Piikh I, as usual, mot ijullu a utituhur of Call fornlaiiB at tho doctor's offlco that catuo la for treatment for cyco onm, etc., aiuoui; whom wcro Miss Ironu unit MlKrt Mill el Aclcorinan of Yrokn, Mrs, n oo run Ilglf.lit of I.lttlo Simula, California, Mr. and Mm. O'Cnuiinr and daiiKhtor, Miss IMioolio of Mon tiiKtio. MIsh riioeho wiih thoro lmv- WIIV? Full boarlnR ponrH In ton-'acro IiIocIch, l'ow of thoso blocks must bo sold nt onoo. Will glvo you cholcu ot 170 acres, Cotiilco, Oo Anjou, llardott and Hose. Just 2 1-2 iiillos woHt of o'ty'llmlts on Jaclc 8on crook. Host of doop black soil; host noli;hborliootl; Kood road; i;ond biilldtii(r sites. This Is a commorclnl, dlvldon'd paylmt proposition, Two ton-aero blocku will bo sold nt just half prlco. 'This Is tho boat I havo over ufforod you, lu'vostlt;ato this now, 3. 0, lUUN'liH, ' Flrut Nutloiml Haul; Uulldlnu. I EXPRES ODAY HiK mi opurlloii imrforinnl for inn lolu Whlln I wn In Medfonl I WAD nbown n bfintitlfnl mofiilmmt of uri'iui inmhln tKnl Mr O'f'oiiner wm havliiK iimile In thn Oregon drnnlto eoinpnny iiimhlH works lo bniluwl over tho crnvn of his dmiKhlor who wiih drowuud uonr C'orvnllls a fow months aiio, f nlso iiii'i p. A. noiiKherty of Talent who wkh hnvliiK bin cyox Ir'mtcil at tlm hhiiio tlrni I hud initio Irmileil, for Dr. I'IiiiUhV lit it u slnoked around tlio room AIro met a family nf throo by (bo nntim of Hmltli of MonttiKHii mid a MIm f'uha Ariileh of Coralllii, Orn, liotlden Mtvnrnl wIioim nuiiMMi did not lunni I nlwiiyo hnvo h kooiI tluio whn I lio to (IraiilH I'hhh for I moot many famlllnr uaiiiM whom I know In ymirx noun by. Wlillu I wh In Mndforil f was met by a nmilloiiiiin who wa elrciilatlaK u pidltlou RMkliiK tlm county court lo (till mi eltwllon lo voIh ronl bonds Mini h HiifRWlml tlmt I men tion In my Haldol dial wo all will havo to roKlstnr iMforo mo omi vol a or hIrii a twill Ion nud as wo are KoIiik to havo n aoliiiol iiifwduK hefnr loiiK to volt) on Iho tux (lucrtlnti If would bo u (tuoil lcla for us nil to imrlMcr ro n (o bo romly. Jama Viwlnl. a younn man uho Iran homi nttfliidlnit fohool nl Cntr.' I'olul, but llvo on It'ixo creik, v,t In town Woilnianlay. Mo miys tlmt ho Is roIiik to dm (op of (ho ladder bofnro Im quits tuiliool. (looil for Jliumlo. lCENTRAL POINT POINTERS MIm Alio Whipple of Horiio lllv tr Is the Roct of Ml hi liuxel WrlRiit mid MIm Hetwlo Itaudntl this week. ICIinnr Kyln reiuruod Thumdny niornliiK from n threo weeks' visit wllh l.eh.inon and Itlddlo friends MIm N'hKIo U'wln has returned I from Climax where Hho 1ms hen riiNtloatliiK for die mst four vicKks. Mrs. II. N. Al.lrlrli Is vIsltluK at tho oapllnl clly at pn-ieut. tho k'uihI of her paroiitH, Mr. and Mrs. Chn mil n. Dr. Mac M. Dow Is at home ncoln aflur boliu; absent on an onstorn vllt for tho Inst threo weeks. Ployd Kyle left recently for Kid dlits, l.nhiiiioii nud other northern cltlM. Mr. Kyle wilt tnrry with Ills uiiiny friends In dioso cltlos for a number of dtts before returning. Mrs. M. It. KiiKlsitd Has n Moil ford visitor tho first of tho week. Miss l.onoro Unrnntt Is enJoyln:t a Mu-utlon of two weeks nt hor homo In this city after which alio will re sumo her duties ns toachor of thu School nt Cllmnx. Miss Myrtle OIoakoii Is In nttonil mice nt the Kpworlh l.cap.ue conven tion beliiK held In Salem this week. Mliw Olohxnu wns n tlelento of tho local 1 en pue. Hew and Mrs. J. 1'. Hearst loft Thursday ovuntnR for tho stato of Missouri where they will make their periunnent home. MIm Knthorlnn Tutdo Is the Riicxt of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tompkins at their homo nt Willow SprliiK. HiiKh Prlli, wife and children, loft Wedneedny for Wood, California, wlioro thoy will sHnd tho summer. Mm. D. W. Jones or Phoenix vis ited In this city recently. xotiei: Notlco Is hereby nlven that tho tindorslk'ned will apply to tho city council of tho city tof Mcdford, Ore r.on, nl lis noxt rogulnr mcotlnc on July 1 1013, for n llcenso to soil spirituous, vinous nud mnlt Itquora In qunnlltlos less-than n i;nlloti nt Its placo of business on lots Ii, C, 7, 9, block 20, In said city, for n period ot six months. HOTKIi NA8H CO. Dated Juno IS, 1913. Notice. All thopo Indebted to Dr. II. 10. Morrison Kst.tto will confer a jtront favor by paylnc samo at ouco nt lloonis 211 and 212 (larnott-Corey bulldtns, or West Sldo Pharmayy. 1 ' ' ' r- - ' KOU ItKXT PUltMSIIKI) AITS. foTTrkntTu Tho Ilorbou, 10 Qitlncp st. VOll SATiHW)T8 POIt SAM: Vacant and Improved property in junto mils, cheap, llonnntt Investtuoiit Co. ni NEW TODAY A ton-room Iioubo woll located with over an aero of ground, la offoiod In oxchnuKo for mi applo crop. Tho party will tako It all or part In ap ples, and will kIvu a good price for tho fruit, Prlco of lioimo, $3500.00. A Rovou-room rcstdonco In San FranolBco, comout basetnont, s'do walk, tsaniKo, chtckoti liouao, and Kardon, unobstructed fluo vlow of city nud oconn. Will ojichmtRO for property In or uonr Medford, Finely located tract of 20 acrou oast pf Phoenix for oxclmnno for n property In Medford. Thoro is na hotter soil In tho vnlloy. Na house on tlio tract, but In crop. C. D. HOON Koom 13 Jackson County Dank bldp, Tolonhoifo 1037-j; . (OH,',IP,VA0ff) VOIJ plirAIMM -1 p.cwtri Af & Tna-irw,,r-r iwiiwpqr,rv v, t. aa m r, sda . X0 iffiL mi't-m n .sr :t ,r u ygK ) nti hah vrri&o k.j ,w mrmi L- IIJU lg JSfS J1LJI; i'"'""'u""y SF ? ijsw wish Tot ?towMMivmJ Foil UKl HOlHKH I 't) ,.SiV'jI ?""'','?V'?-1. . .Ill:l"1' WA-Vn:rFl:alALT: 1 Hl'SIXIMS UlftKCrOHY KOH HUNT 2J Olson streot; flvo rooms and hath, $15.00, IiicIuiIIuk water. Phono 02U, or U'JO-L. hi I'OIt HKNT 3-roomod modurn' bun cnlow, never occupied, all con veniences, cIom lit. 3-roomsd , houso, close In. .-roomed fur-1 n Ishert butiKiilow. eloso In; very ri'iihotinhle. J. T. Hums, 417 Jay St., phono 1C1-H. Off S. Oakdnle. ' l'OIt HUNT Woll room bunealow. furnished five- 422 S. Latirol. 90 l'OIt Hi:.VT C-room modern, 4-room partly furnished house. C09 W. Jackson, phono 31M-J. S3 FOIt HKNT Modern bunisnluw. lawn, paved street. 4 blocks from Wushlncton school. 729 W. Uter olith. 92 FOIt HKNT Modern six-room bun gnlow on Hoss Court, near Main. Kent reasonable. Call K. S. Tumy. Oarnett-Corey Hlk. S4 l'OIt It KM OITIORH FOH HKNT Largo, comfortablo of fice moms wllh elevator service, steam heat, hot and cold water. Low rates. Apply Mcdford Furul turo & tidw. Co. FOH HKNT Two connecting offlco rooms over Daniel's store, host lo cation. A. F. Harnett. S6 I'OIt iti:.vr I'uitxisnrcn itoo.MS FOH HKNT Closo In furnished rooms, $1.00 and $2 per week; uso of bath. Call afternoons. 23C 8. Central. it FOH HKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonablo. Phono 1U24-L. 222 South Holly street. FOIt ItK.NT llOUHKKKKPlXa KOOMS FOH HKNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, lights, gas. 23 1 1-3. Ninth St. 103 FOH SALli LANDS FOH SALK Small ranch near to town, partly Improved, easy terms. certain 319 S. Newtown. 80 FOIt SALK Homestead rollniiulsu iiicut, with improvements to sell. Address John Turrlll, llcaglo, Oio. l'OIt SAIti; 1IOUSKS FOH 8AL10 OH HENT tlood 7-rooni modoru, No. 510 South Central tt. Hoiiso Is on two lota. Also lot nml barn across tho nlley. Ad dress T. L. Taylor, Mcdford. Phone S0-H4. 102 FOH SALK- Jurt u wotd to tho wUo wo uro completing tinothor beau tiful homo In our fluo tract on tienovu Ave. and Minnesota St. it's n peach. Knsy terms, low prlco. This Is doslrnblo and will not bo on market long. Humph rey, 815 Kast Main St. SG FOIt 8ALK MLSCKLIiANKOUS FOH SALK Chalmers Detroit auto, first class condition, completely equipped, bargain. Sou A. 11. Mil ler, Medford Hook Store. FOH SALK Soft drink concessions Fair around, July 4th. O. O. Hoovor. S3 FOIt BALK Hoynl Ann cherries. W. M. Frldogor, It. R. 1, Uox 13, Or chard House Houd. 80 FOIt SALK 1 sow with sovon J.lga; also threo largo shouts; on iho Armstrong ranch, two mlloa cast ot town, lllllcrost Road. 81 FOIt SALU Chcnp, flno camp or traveling wagon. Rex 495, Med ford. And good saddle, "ITS A SAD STORY, MATES1' niJoinTwoHi ' TOutAMy FOR BAM-Oood bicycle frame. Phono 7-1-M. 85 l'OIt SALS At a barpaln, a flour mill stand for grinding flour or for rolling barley. For particulars call nt 14th and Central avo. Tho Clark & llcnory plant, or address P. O. Dox 3C2, Medford. Ore. FOIt SAI.K Wacon, cheap If taken ut ouco. 329 X. Hlversidc. Si FOIt SAI.K Ono 10 horsepower uas- , ollno engine. International make; been used about ono month; good , ns now; for salu at a bargain. 1 William Ulrich, Medford, Oro. FOH SAI.K 1913 model niotorcy i clos and motor boats at harcnln I prices, all makes, brand new ma chines, on easy payment plan; got j our proposition beforo buying or 1 you will regret it; also bargalus i In ussd motorcycles. Wrlto us today, oneloso stamp for roply. I Address Look Hox 11, Tronton. Mich. S4 JAPANKSK PRESSING PARLORS Steam and dry cleaning and dyo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on nil work. Gents' suits pressed. Spocial attontlon to ladies' silks, luces and glovos. Goods called far and delivered. 114 N. Front St. Phono 125. 114 FOH BALK Ring Cherries; address Potter and Uoold, Phono 2S-H-2. S3 FOH BALK Loo leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo oi mado lo order by tho Mall TrlbuDo bindery. FOH SALK Ox heart cherries now ready; taking orders for Royal Ann nnd llliick Republican, extra flno. Call 7-F-12. FOR SALU Registered Scotch Col lie puppies six weeks old. Eng lish bull terriers and grown col lies. All registered. Stnuton Grlffls, Uurrlll Orchard. 97 FOR SALE 2 good teams horses, weighing 2500 each, for salo at a bargain. For particulars phono Wostorfleld, 19-Fl 84 FOIt SALK Lottor heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at the Mall Tribune FOR SALK CHEAP C dining chairs 1 dining table, 1 drwsor. 2 threo qunrtor and 1 full bed (complete), 1 kitchen oublnot, 1 oak dish cup board, 2 contro tables, 1 sanitary couch, 1 blue flamo oil stove, 1 phonograph, l Stelnway piano, l gas engine (1 h. p.), 3 pruning saws, law u mower, variety small tools. Economy fruit jars, 1 barrel spray pump. Gil S. Riverside. 84 FOR SAI4K Ricyclo. Excelsior tnnko good ns now. Call tit Diamond Hotel. Prlco $27.50. S3 FOR SALE Slhur plated slldo trombone with case. ? 12.00. Tel uphouo OOC-X. 84 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Packers desiring employ ment with tho H. R. F. & P. Asau. during somum ot 1913 should reg ister and receive numbor ut office, 18 W. Main st or Miss Marian StundcJIff, Phoenix. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS VVN"mr'TOrYShoUami""pony and cart. Tho Haight Studio, Phono 170-R, 110 Laurel St. 85 WANTED Wnut to ptiuhaso small rcsldonco on wost sldo. Mast bo flno and a snap for cash. Phono 539R3. WANTED Sovon or olght dozen fertile duck eggs. P. O, Dox 081. or phono 1079-X. WANTED Wood sawing; has good machine; glvo mo a call, from 0 to 9 p. m. Phono 384-R. 83 WANTED TO DUYIO ucros or more at grain hay utnudlng, Phono 0P1-J-3. S3 vRrtHpvotit YotTi ."VPTAPMij- Al WANTKD Otrl for Rencral house work. Mrs. Win. Hudgo, Cll West Totith fit. FOIt K-CTLME FOH KXCHANOB Incomo property $11,000, for nell located ncroaKC, prefer unimproved. Clark Hcalty Co. FOH SALK OH TKADIS Pedigreed Poland China boar. H. D. 1, Dox 73, CentraU Point, or phono Far mer 14-184 WIUj KXCHANOE 10 acres pears, with or without house, for Med fonl bungalow. C. li. A., Mall Tribune. IX)ST LOST lira hub cap from front wheel In or near Mcdford. Finder leavo at this offlco. Chas. Palm. LOST. STRAYKD OR STOLEN Drown horso branded S3 ono right shoulder, white strip on nose, weight 1250 lbs.; 3-year-old mare, White strip in face, branded U on left shoulder, weight 1300 lbs., hss barb wlro scar on left hock joint. Address John Dlghnm. Central Point, Ore., It. F. D. No. 2. 87 LOST A number six tan colored shoo between mouth ot Llttlo Unite creok and Mcdford. Leavo at Mall Trlbuno offlco. MONEY lO l.OA.1 TO LOAN $1000 to $1500 to loan on Improved ranch property. A. L. Crots, Dutto Falls, Oro. 89 MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo in ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 3C8. DUBININS DIRECTORY Accountants D. It. WOOD General Accountnut Your books audited and kept for a reasonablo figure; your -business solicited. Office, Mcdford Mull Trlbuuo bldg ; phone GG1; real don'co phono 531. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P, MEALEY Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms S and 9, Mcdford National Dank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Garnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney nnd Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Mcdford, Oro. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roborta COLVlU & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Bank Building. Auto SuppllCA. LAHHR AUTO SPRING CO. Our big secret in making springs la tho tempering. Wo nro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant tn tho Pacific northwest. Uso our springs wheu others fall. Sold under guarantee. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Oro. Chiropractors DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnett-Coroy bldg. Vapor baths and sctontlflo massage glveu; ndvlco In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydroptherapy. Lady at tendant. Phouo, offlco 945, resi dence 571-R. Sit. A. It. HEDGES. Dr. Loulso E. Hedges Mechano-TherapUts, Chiro practors, Spondylotheraplsts. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thorupby, etc., produce results lu both acute nud chronic dlsoasorj. Consulta tion froo. 230 North Dartlott St., noxt door to M, E. church. Hours 9 a, m. to 5 p. in. Other hears by appointment. Phono '17-J, : v mt Vri A t&JPJ ntr ,K mf Dentist! DR W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR a C. VAN BCOYOO Deutlata Oarnett-Corey bldg., suits 310, Mcdford, Oro. Phone ne 85S. Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO.. No. C South Central. Auctioneer WILLLVM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for the City of Mcdford, Oregon.. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phone 1C1-J. Office Jack son County Dank building. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premlsea cleaned up for tbo wintor. Call on tho city garbago wagons tor good service. Phono C25-L, P. Y. Allen. M Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKKY Notary pub lic Bring your work to me at tua sign ot tho Mull Tribune Printers niitl I'ubltsticrs MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tho best equipped printing office In southorn Orogon; book bludlng, loose leaf lodgors, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physlrtaai and Surgeons DIL fV 6. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 103G-L. Residence 420 South Laurel st. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician nnd surgeon. ,-MYRTLB 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D. rractlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, offlco 811-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician nnd surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, car, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested nud glasses supplied Offlco 22S East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. tn. Phone. B. D. PICKEL. M. D. Offlco Jack son County Dank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARION Pnyslelan and sur geon, Stewart bldg., corner Main nnd Dartlott sts.; offlco phone 27, rcsldouco phono 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. DAftDER Physi cian and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nash 'Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. R. W, CLANOY Physician and surgeon. Phones, otflcq 30, reel denco 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. W. W, HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnett-Corey, building. Phono 904-M. It. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and, Surgoon. Ovor Hutchison & Iiums don, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77, Stenographers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm blook. Stonographla work dono quickly, and woll. Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGK CO, Offlco 10 South Fir St. Phow 315. Prices right. Service guar- miieHii. Veterinary SurjteOH DR. MURRAY, VETERINARY BUR GEON, graduate, of the Amrlm. Veterinary Colkn N, V, OHV Office Nash Livery Stable. Wmm, fii , (I ,,. ' l ffl