I I i ii i) i .it ij i 1 i . VI it 40 r r t ff v i r e I g1 "'J-'JC'1-"; .':' '!'.' mm 10 oust ELK CDMPAN Y At il(o Meeting of tlio Ashland city Council last night It wan dccldo! to bring proceedings at onco against (hu Ashland Htrctrlc Light nnd Power company In nn effort to oust thorn front tho city. Owing to tho tact thnt tho fran chise granted this company was "or nn unlimited tliuo li was declared contrary to law arid null and void, and for somo tlmo tho company has br-cn furnishing light in competition with tho city light company without a franchise. Tho city electric company securing power from Arthlnnd creek has been unahlo to sccuro sufficient power at certain times of tho year (6 properly supply tho city and obtained n court decrco compelling tho Ashland Klec trle Light ami Power company to supply power. This decreo has not as )ct been compiled felth but the city ot Ashland Intends to enforce It Tho Klcctrlc Light nnd Power com pany is now owned by tho California Qrcgon Power company nnd It prcs e'ht p'lan3 are sncccsstulty carried out it will rcsntt in tho company compet ing with tho city, furnishing tho city with power for light Tho session of tho Ashland city council last night was long and heat cd. Attorney A. C Hough represent ed tho California-Oregon Power com pany whllo tho city of Ashland was represented by A. 12. Itcamc- of Mcd- ford. ' ! 2000 POUNDS OF CHERRIES SOLD AT PUBLIC MARKET That tho raising ot cherries Is bo coming great Industry in tho Rogue Itlvcr valley, is shown by yestorday's receipts at tho public market, as over 2000 lbs of this delicious fruit were sold. Royal Annes, and Dings as big as walnuts wero sold in vast quantities. Tho Wostcrlund orch ards nlono sdld -(CO lbs. ot cherries. Tho price averaged 7 cents a lb. Besides this, many aro taking ad vantage of tho Wells Fargo express offer to send tho regular twclvo lb. box ot cherries anywhere in tho Unit ed States for $0.4 S. This makes it possible for tho orchardlsts' eastorn friends to get a generous sample of this fruit for n small price and many aro shipping their cherries and sell ing them at a good profit in tho east ern markets'. ' .-. i . wii MANY HQRS PAID PRESiDENTPOINCAIRE MWDirrtnn matt; TnmnNw, MiwFonn, ohioton, w.mw, jpnk 27, nin. NEW FAMS FASHION IS INTEHESTINQ TO SOCIETY LONDON', June 27 A very tired French president donned dress this morning at the conclusion of his tlr.it atnto visit to a forego coeulr), nnd tho London detective force headed u hugo sigh ot roller when the) saw his train out of tho station. There wore no newspaper mon in the presi dent's saloon but it Is credibly re ported that Polncnre worked otf n big sign too, A round of farewell visits with many exchanges ot compliments, "romorclemonts," etc., preceded tho departure In statu from Victoria station. Once more tho llrlgade of' Guards wns stuck for lining the route I from Polncnrc's quarters to the train and several hundred big Life Guards-1 men cursed over having to onco more ' polish up breast plates and helmets thnt they might literally shine on es cort duty. The king nnd president, with the Princo of Wales, druvo in a slx horso stato carriage to tho station and thero wero inspections ot the guard ot honor nnd official leave- takings to bo got through before President Polncnre wns permitted to climb Into tho, special saloon car In which ho traveled to Dover.. Tho farewell handshake was particularly hearty, nnd It was agreed on all side that tho visit has still further ce mented tho "entente cordlalc." n wr r i EXTRA AI IHE ISIS THEATRE Th ' I cather-Rtocklng Tub's" of J, IVuliuoro t'oopor met with such a hearty receplloti from tlio public Hint ho extended thorn over no loss than flvo volumes, every ono of vvhloti made a fortune for tho publisher Tho most popular of thoso rturle.t, "Ocorslavor," forms tho basis for n mngnlflront phutoplny that has boon staved by tho Yltiiginph company, and which will bo ptesontod hero on Friday and Saturday al ttiu Isl theater. TIGRIS, FOUR-REEL FILM, AT THE STAR UNLOADING SALE AT AHRENS' TOMORROW A merchandising event of consid erable Importance will bo tho .'atu penduous Unloading Salo" at Ahrens' storo commencing tomorrow and ot which you will learn much to your profit by reading tho pago nd In this paper. Mr. Ahrens has an up-to-dato stock of ladles suits, coats, furnish ings and millinery, advertises to throw tho big stock on tho znarkot at this time to turn it Into cash and in order to do It will cut and slasn prices and Mr. Ahrens docs as ho ad vertises. Head tho ad, mark tho articles you desiro and bo at tho salo early. ALL MOTHERS URGED TO ENTER THE BABY CONTEST Ono ot ttho best features of tho celebration the Fourth ot July in Med ford this year will bo tho liaby Show under the auspices of tho Crea tor -Med ford club. K.ich mother in Jackson county is invited to bring her 'babies. Thoro will bo thrco classes: class A, babies up to ono year; class II, babies trout ono to two j ears; class C, babies from two to thrco years. First and second prizes for boy babies and girl babies in each class will bo given. Or. Marlon will give a short talk ot great interest to nil mothers. These, better baby contests aro be coming very popular in all parts ot tho United States nnd aro of great benefit to the mothers. Each baby present will bo given a certificate testifying how near tho perfoct baby physically and mentally they are. Every mother is urged to brlnjc her baby and help make this contest a success. Those wishing to enter their babies will call up cither Mrs. Fred N. Cum mings, phone 2G5-R.or Mrs. Joe Lc gctt, 333-R and they will give all in formation desired. Tho hours and placo will bo given later. "Tho Doorslavor" tolls n fascinat ing story of tho unreititltted love ot a trapper's daughter for n mighty linn- 'tor. ot nn Indian and his bride, and of tho heroic solf-sacriflce of a girl for those she loves. Tho scene U laid on Lake Osteno, not far from I'tlca, X Y , amid what win nn almost track Iocs forest, abundantly populated , with wild nitltnnts nnd birds. The Thencwet UnrUi tasJiion tint liitHjtlmo r n, Btor). j lno .,rp rmo.j come lo tno ceniera oi Micteiy m i" lutlonary days, when tho colony of lotted Millet ot cvtrv etlv which boiwts n "Four Hundred" ts the ornn metitntUm of the hair with u pearl btthil. Society Uomen in some of the wntcrinj; place alone tlie Atlitiitie const lmve dci'n f.eclt wearing olini lnr onmmoiiK Tho bum! is filled wild jirnrU or similKr imminent nnd Imttml tightly nlmtit tho hair, in some ein-es giving mi effect dKe the Orveiuii. Tlio tunniigenicnt of the Hlnr then tor offers for todii) mid tumnrriMv Tigris," n four reel fenluro prodm. tlott, filmed by tuu ltala tonipanv, who have produced mich big pictures its "Tho Full of Troy," ' Pitlnro f l'lnnies," tte. In this vvtindorfiil pie turo nO expense wits spared, ltiuil people aro UNed In the east, tho wliolo photoplay being produced lit a lavish manner. This picture come direct hero front tho Peoples' thenter. Portland, lifter it niu'ee!)Hfiil weeks run mid iiv. j Iiik to its popularity has been hrinko-l I tltoro for n return vitBiigoiiient, Iti addition to this big feature n fiiitiniont U'eektv will be shown and (he price will remain ns tiiu.nl, 10c HANSEN BANK INSPECTOR FOR STATE OF WASHINGTON SPOKANE, Wash,, Juno 27. W. P. Hansen, of Pullman, is appointed bank inspector of Washington today, to succeed W. L. Moliuudro, of Se attle. Tho appointment was an nounced hero by Governor Lister to day. Hantcn will tako office on July i. SEATTLE OFFERS FREE DOCKS TO UNCLE SAM SEATTLE, Wash., Juno 27. Ily an unanimous voto of tho Seattle port commission, tho government o the United States Is today given fro use ot piers, docks and othor hnrbor Improvements here. Ilultdlng of the government railroad lit Alaska, It is expected, will require outfitting ?f government vessels and transports here. In tho resolution offered by Commissioner Bridges, tho sccrctarv of war is invited to send a represent ative to confer as to sites uud plans tho government tnny desire, tho coin mission agreeing to construct sitr't harbor Improvement. Now York as under tho control of n Hrltlsh governor. Indians nt th.it tlttto rontued far and wide, and when on tho warpath, constituted n serious iftennco to any small body of whllo men. IJeerslayor bad been brought up by a tfltio of Dotawnret nttd wKh therefore ivoll versed lit Indian forest tore mid woodcraft. How ho used his knowledge ntid by his personality saved r. wholo family from massnero Is well (old In thin, ono of tho finest Iwn-pnrt productions that has been Been on tho moving picture screon for some time. FOR CRATER LAKE PARK TO SAN ritANCISCO, Cal., Juno 27. Hearing tho greetings of Govorner Johnson and Muyor Itolph, 50,000 spcclnl Invitations to Spaniard to attend tho Purtola festival horo In October are on their vvny today to United Statos Consul Frederick V. Dttmont, at Madrid. A mctsago from Portola Commis sioner Pcnnimore, !n Philadelphia, received toda), says that ho has thu promise of Mayor lllankonbitrg to do nil In his oor to sccuro tho loan of tho liberty bell for tho 1915 fulr In San Francisco. Tho muyor offered to go personally nud hold himself responsible to Philadelphia for tho safe return of tho relic. NEW MANAGER IN CHARGE PR00UCERS FRUIT COMPANY J. II. Itnndolph, tho now manager for Oregon, of tho Prodticera Fruit company, with headquarters In Med ford has taken charge nud will not only continue tho. business hero but cxpocts to greatly enlarge their busi ness In tho northwest nnd especially In Mcdford. Mr. 1'andolph hat been with the company several years, un derstands tho business thoroughly and will no doubt be popular anion.; thu growers ot thts valley. The civil mttnlry dill, iccentlv siKiicd by the n'0Midciit, eouthiiicd the follow dig Oregon ifi'iiw: For the (oiixliiiflinn of mails uud bridges in ("niter LitLke utitlniiiil pink, .7."i)(lllll, fur the ptoteelioit of the purl., $7, Mtlj tor eouliiiiiiiitf the Federal buihliii' ut The Ihilb-H, $.,0I0; for continuing I lie public hiiibliiu ut Mfilfotil, $10,11110; for moving (he wentlur bull from the ctiHtomhoii!o nt l'orlliiui! to a place wIhto it etui he neon Itv i-hippiiig. $."tll). AUCTION SALE .It'.Vl; l!M, IIMII ut UttIO P. ,M No. Ill) NOIITK flJ.VI IIAIi AVE., Next to PiiWitl'flM'. The entire lollerllou or blind puliitliuw li Iho nrtlst. W. (1. Melioiiiibl, will bo sold wllliout reoervo to thu lilnhest bldderH for timli A few of Iho utibJi't'lH No I Nn. 2 No. :i No No No No. No Thu milium hunt1 and A Country Home, it Jinnuii pululliut. t'nuailliiii duck Pines, I tr. .00. Tho Flint Frost, IIU. 00. I. AIkoiuii l.ttko, i)r..oo f. Tho llonreo Meudow ylt, 00. il - Moonlight on tlio tlnit I'liuiiilluii Pliilns, f Vn.Uli. 7 -Cows lit the Mitisli, lln. 00. s -The IiiiIIiiiih' Pumdlso, $06,00. No. 0 Autumn on the Mike. $100.00. No 10. Vhofi, Evening Window lll, feeillug uround. $PC 00. No. II India Muld lloinewiird Hound, $no,00, No 11'.- The KviMitmt of Llfo. R.00. No.. 13 A sketch - The Primpeclors. No, II, dltow lllteli In Autumn, No l'i On Lake Superior. No 10 On tho Great Divide, (li wondniful p.itiitlug), $96 00, And over 10 other lu'iiutlful liuiiil piilutliigs, prices from $ I.PfO to $60 00, Wo would like to cull to ottr tiutlco'tho filet that every picture in thin eolh'etlon vnn Hindu front tint tiro. Tlio nrtlKt, vvtm Is well known through nil eastern Mil ton mid Cnitniln, hpent tho pnst ten years far b'trk lu tlm Interior rioinetliium biiudredH of mll-'s from tin, while man, except oieiinloiinlly a IliiiUoit Hay fur trader. Tho money ohulood ftotu thlii sale will bo Hpent In painting the uitttiritl bentltles of Itogue Itlver, ('inter Lake uud points of Intercut oil tlio reserve, tliih will luko about three yeiirs, ('. E. WIIINMMt, AintliMieer. M. J tk .wtt)tK N rfrtjiliilii t.ltflwt.MJ jHKT" SUSQEX K l4 Sizes yU 2 for 25c Front 2 In. hffK Buck IN In, AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OF HAND PAINTINGS W. O. McDonald, tho artist who has a collection of his hand painting nn exhibition In tho room next to tho post offlco, will li.ivo a public salo ot tho paintings Saturday at 2:30 p. m. Tho collection couslsts ot views from tho scenic spots of tho United States aud Canada visited by Mr. Mc Donald and Is a very Inturestlng col lection. This v.111 bo an opportunity to got beautiful paintings chcenp. Tk A f. m b. m E. .k a A . A a.. nlmlutM wMe awrrt at IimiI 9cct too ( Spills asj Sutaoci i&uoa'i rvtUi tt. lite Jit l Ids Silver Collars llu th UO'vad UctfMluihl DtttosUi, tmX la no other eu. OCO. P. IDC A CO., TROY. N Y. Alio Mohrt of ,. Vilri m Mumnnx nil1 g ASSOCIATION IS FOR PREC00LING PLANT At a lneetliig of tho stockholders of tho Koguo Itlver Valley Fruit nnd Produce nss'n yesterday, tho issuing of $10,000 worth of bonds for a now storage and prccoollng plant was vot ed on nnd carried unanimously. The need of prccoollng and storage facil ities Is so urgent that there was no opposition whatever to tho Issuing ot tho b6nds. With -Med fort 1 Trade Is Mcitfonl .Made Phono us your orders for Milk, Cream, Butter, and Buttermilk. out nthktlv n:i:sn nrr ti:k (ine cut ketaiii: Our 1IIOII (IK A I)K Ice cream will please you. Sold In quantities Sf 2 galloiiH and up. Wc havo our own twlccaday do livery. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY Phono UOH With Mcdford Trade li Mctffnnl Miule ROUND TRIP FARES to (lie Seioiut World's Christian Confi erence vln the f a ! t t iiir ll6liN3tT 0 I OCOIHIMIAMAl I I t IIQUTta I I McrfX to Portland, Oregon June 30 to July 6 Albany (round trip) Corvallls " " Siilein M " FAItllS I'ltO.M ... $.1.10 l.tigmio (round trip) .. a.60 Jet. City " . . 'J. 00 llarrUburg " " $ I.M0 L30 4. IS all othur points. ONI! AND OMt-Tlllltll faiii: Tickets will bo sold from nil points south of llonoburg June 3?30, July 1st to 0th From KuiobiirK and nil NiiitM north In cluding hniiiuhoM, points on tho C. & i: P. It. ft N. uud S. F. O. A. V, Juno .10, July 1st to Gilt. Final return limit July 7th. THE GLORIOUS FOURTH will bo celebrated In various towns In Oregon and a ono nnd one third faro for louiid trip will bo in effect hotwicn till stations where tho ono Any faro Is $0,00 or less. For detailed Information, train rervlre, etc, call on uenrest agent, or address. JOHN M. HCOIT, (,'encrnl IWcugcr Agent, Poitbiml, Ore. lrM'V'M.4'M V I STAR Theatre Today and Tomorrow 1500 PEOPLE IN THE OAST SPECTACULAR AND THRILLING (4 t- yf Ap!ifr STUPENDOUS AND SENSATfONAL h r -, TIGRIS" FOUR REELS rM . ,.M. firl' ' v- ir i ' r A GREAT FEATURE PRODUCTION IN POUR MIGHTY PARTS PA. m, V1 -"' ' k No raise in admission n:, o w's L '. STAR THEATRE ALWAYS 10 Cents Matineeat2i5pm. Todav and Tomorrow ? Y ? f f f t y T t T t .? t T T T i V " a.1 i