. ' l i : f t M r ! I IN U t TOMB. TOUR. - MEDTTQRD MATTi TRfflUNE, OTDFORT). ORKflON, VINOAY, ,HTNM 117, HUM. Medford mail tribune mmm 4S( Ml WMi VKHT tNiiAr iir tub KORD I'lllNTINU CO. T NKWHPAI'RII AFTWINOON Th Democratic Tlmen. The Mel ford nan, -i no meurnm Triuune, tu tioutli to OrRnntan, The AbIiIaihI Tribune. Office Mall Tribune lliillillnK. J6-17.il Korth Kir atreetj telephone 76. Official Paper of the City of Mt.tford. Official reper of Jackeou County. OKOnQR PUTNAM, Kdltor and MnRer Rntered rm cconi1-claa matter at Medfonl, Oregon, under the aot of March a, J7. ffETBIORXPTIOH ftiTM. One. year, by "" !" On month, br "' .SO Per month, delivered by carrier In Aiearero, Jacksonville and wn trn.1 ""'"t .89 Paturdajr only, by mall, per ycar 8.00 Weekly, per year- . - i.sn IWOBR CIBCTJLATIOW. DAtty average for eleven months end-In- November JO, loll, J7M The Mall Tribune la on eale at the Ferry New Htaiul, Kan l-anclco. rortland Hotel News Stand, Portland. Portland News Co, Portland. Ore. ,W. O. Whitney. Heattle. Vih. THE WEATHER. LAZY HUSBAND. PUT 10 WORK FOR WIFE SEATTLK, Wash., Juno 27 Taiy husbands ro getting powerful busy hero today following tho first "laiy husband's" Ecntenro Imposed under tho now law by Justlco Frederick J Drown, who nlso happens to bo tho father ot tho measure. Georco RlgRS, v chautrctir, drow first flro undor tho now law, nnd will hnro to scrro 1S2 days for Kin? county, tho sheriff having received orders to put him to work pulling etunips, mending county fences, mowing tho court houso lawn, or whatever work thcro may bo around. Mrs. lllggs is to receive $1 a day during her husband's service. niggs, It nppcars, was fnlrly In dustrious as a chauffeur, but fell flat when It camo to paying family bills. FOURTH OF JULY PROGRAM ANNOUNCED IN FULL Tho July 4th committee announc ed tho complcto program for tho big celebration last night. At 9:30 a. m. things will begin to happen. Boforc this hour tho small boy will probably be waking tho echoes with firecrack ers, but at 9:30 tho celobratlon prop er will commence. This hour marks tho start ot a big automobile race that Is going to bo ono of tho most exciting features ever shown at Hert ford. An hour later a ono-mllo mo torcycle race will bo glrcn and tho contenders aro planning to open up their machines to tho greatest speed. Tho courso will bo on Central avonuo and tho finish at tho corner ot Cen tral and Main. At 11 a. m. a baseball game with Jlontaguo will bo given at tho ball park and novelty contests will bo held on Main street. Moro novelty contests will bo held on Main street at 2 p. sn., and at tho samo hour harness races and bucking contests will bo staged at tho Fair grounds. This last will bo given under tho auspices ot tho Mcdford Matinee club. Tho novelty contests will consist of obstacle auto raco, automobile egg race, automobllo slow raco (on high pear, slowest car winning), automo bllo balancing contest, tugs ot war, ladies' C0-yard dash, sack raco, thrco legged raco, mulo leading contest, novelty boxing contest, boys' C0-yard dash, pio eating contest, Ico contest, greased pig contests, greased polo climbing, potato raco on ponies, sus pended bun eating contest on roller skates, and othor sports of all kinds, concluding with boys' looso chango ucramblo. ' Such things as tho automobllo egg raco and balancing contest no ono but tho Fourth of July coinmltteo liavo ovor heard of before, but thoy Joll tho public to como and tco for tiioinsolves. At 5:00 p. m. will bo held a display of daylight aerial fireworks. This will bo a great feature and worth Booing. At 7:30 a band concert will occur at tho city park la which thrco of tho bands will probably take part. An hour later tho electric parado will start for which wires havo already been strung along Main street. This will bo tho big show ot tho day. Then from 9:30 to bed tlmo tho hours will bo spout with a Grand Mardl Oras colobratlon, Including dancing nnd a general good tlmo. Thoro will bo a baby Bhow In conjunction and Andorson-Cross fight returns ju&t for good measure C00 will bo given In prizes for floats, etc., and llboral merchandise and cash prizes will bo awarded tho winners of tho novelty contests. Pro vision has boon mado for tho comfort and pleasuro of everybody. Tho city park will bo open to plcnlcors and thousands of peoplo from all ovor Itoguo nivor valley aro cxpocted to como and bring their lunch. Excur sion rates havo been arranged for .oh all railroads and ft special train will carry homo thoso who llvo north of Medford. PKOPIjK iiro short nionioriod uh regarding tho wonthor. "Then? never was such a wot .luno," is a common ex pression, just as a few months ago "there never was such a dry winter and spring." As a matter of fact there are numerous instances of wet J unes, while official records only begun in 1889. Since then the average has been ,J)S inches rainfall. In 1877 old timers say it rained all summer. In 1S8T the unofficial rain fall record for .Tune was 2.10 inches. .In 1SS8 the unofficial record was 5.20 inches. In !tS!)l it was 2.1)15 inches. In ISfU it was 3:15 inches. In 1S0S, 2.H0 inches. In 15)00, 3.7!) inches. Tn 1912, 2.19 inches. Up to date for 1913 it has been 2.91 inches with prospects of going over the three inch mark by night. A closo comparison with .Tune of a year ago shows that up to date, the month has been almost a duplicate, the wet periods corresponding in date and length. The average mean temperature for June in 1912 was (53.7. Up to date this year it is (53. The heaviest vainfall in anv 21 hours a year ago was 1.04 inches. This June it is .96 inches. Tt will be noticed that record crops follow wet Junes. The same result can bo expected this year. The good done far outweighs the damage. Some of the hay is lost. Some of the grain is falling, but fruit and produce of all kinds are greatly benefited. Tho fruit buds for next season are set ting and the abundant moisture insures a heavy set. Heavy cuttings of alfalfa aro insured. Big yields of corn, pota toes, grain and other staples are in prospect. They are (lying of heat in Chicago and the middle west. They arc sweltering under tho oppressive humidity along tho Atlantic. President Wilson has flown from the heiir, of the nation's capitol to the cool of the White mountain hills. Drought is destroying the fruit and other crops throughout the eastern states, as it has already ruined crop prospects for California. The rain may be disagreeable hut its better than the heat and the drought of the rest of the nation. There are worse things than rain. MRS. REGINALD VANDERUiLT, WHO WANTS TO TOTE A GUN k ssssHrkrsF1' sT BaBBaMBBH.' Jft. jV. J "IvivvE a w jphk. j . ijt. roanr l i'MT vXm V.W . S i .' .$ 0i ' f : r A OAKIi.VNI), (!ul., Juno !J7. - Put nam llrmlli'o Strong, mmi or ti for mer mayor of Now York City and oun tlmo nti officer In tint United States army, who olopod with May Yoht thou wlfo of Lord I'lnnoU Hope, Movoutl yonrs ngu, Is now nUd (o ho Ihlng tlio llfo of a btmrliioiiilini In tho Orient, where ulth ecoron of othcrn once promliuuit In tho nlKht llfo ot tho worlil'n gay rapltuls, ho It. striving to forget tho past. Tourists arriving today from tho Orient brought word of having neen Strong lit tho street!) of Shanghai Tho ono tlmo dandy of tho army and YttNu'TOJST WAHIIINUTON, Jillio 37. Con gnHMt Im considering today a mmmign from President WIIoii leroininenil Ihiil n siilttthlo nipioiilntlou lo iiuulo for the benefit of tho helrit of Angelo Allinuo, n milijcri of Italy who whs lynehi'd In Septenilior, IUI0, at Tampa, l'lorlda. Tim niessngo fol lowed u HiiKgcMtlou fioiu tho Italian government tlmt $0,000 ho paid lo Allmno's IioIih. TIiIh courso was on dorseil hy Secretary llryiiu. imvy set was dressed In n pair of linen hieecheH mid uoro CiiIiicho sail la Is Uncle Sam to Aid Farmers Co-opertive Movements WASHINGTON", Juno 27. A more thorough organization of fnrrainc; nnd the establishment of credit nnd marketing systems on a business ba sis nro among tho objects of tho Ru ral Organization Sen-ice tho latest wrinkle to tho mnny sided Agricul tural department. There is nlso Ihe ever present question as lo what is to be done tojeeep the farmers on the farms, or in other words how follow ing agricultural pursuits as a busi ness may bo rando altractivo from a monetary ns well as socinl stand point nnd thus overcomo tho young man's longing for the city. Dr. Thomas N. Carver, who scr cred his long connection with Har vard university to becomo head of Ihe new department sen-ice, paid to day that ho took the job "becauso it will solve for the farmers all tho re maining age-old problems that ltesc tofo'ro havo proved the great stum bling block in tho perfection of American fanning methods." The plnn is a new one. It will be in an experimental stage for somo years to come. Professor Caner 6ays the plan is tho right one, but admits frankly thnt it will tako many months of digging nnd effort lo get Ihe system running truo to form. Professor Cnner, therefore, has been lonliie to make nny statement regarding the plnns and workings of tins new department. Hut todny ho consented to explain somo erf tho ob jects and purposes of his department to the people of tho country through tho United Press. "Tho movement wo are launching heie," wiid Professor Cnncr, "is, in my opinion, ono of Ihe grcntest yet undertaken by this government to im provo tho miner's financial, physical nnd social condition. Let mo say at llio slajt thnt it is no detriment to the American fanner that he hns not solved hese problems for himself. He hns had enough to do lo plant his crops and then gamer them. Ho has had no time for cxcriment. Ho hns had but sennt timo to orgnnizo with ins co-worKcrs io market tits crops lo best advantage. Wo will do litis for him by gathering all necessary dala to which ho enn refer at n glance. It has long been recognized that disorganization hns been (ho greatest weakness of ngriculturc. Such a condition is natural because of the vast number of fanns nnd bo causo of the isolation of most fnrms. The farmer hns learned to cooperate better with nature than with men and he hns not learned how to cooperate along financial and social lines. "Wo will organize suneys lo get at tho basio facts regarding organ ized rural ngencies. Wo will try to bo Ihe medium between tho farmer nnd the financier from whom Ihe the fanner wnnts credit. In this ro fcpect wo will perhaps uso a great deal of the information being assured today by tho American Agricultural commission, which is studying rural credit systems in Gcnunny nnd other huropenn cities. Wo will Mudy lo calities for tho best means nnd man ner of transportation nnd wo will gather data regarding the best mar kets for certain surrounding fann districts. We will gather information concerning farmers' . organizations nnd wo will study even tho rural edu cntional systems in mi effort lo bel ter them. All these facts and data will be disseminated among the six millions or more fanners of tho coun try without any cost in money or lime lo themselves, at different intervals and in such a manner ns to appeal to the fnrmcrs. Ms-r ..'' 't siF Jl v n jflk '"'. a:.m.-a i: -! !1 Never mas a sheriff more surprised than was liltlo iTitlitis Hnrbitrger, sheriff of Ihe most populous county in tho Tuiled Slntes, when Mix. Kcg innld Vniiderhill, wife of ihe young est of the Vattdorbill heirs, slipped into his office nud asked pel mission lo "lole a gun." Thnt is, Mrs. Vniideihill nokod Ihe sheriff lo appoint her n deputy, which in New York is one of Ihe ways of gelling the legal right lo carry a pistol. The sheriff hns appointed hundreds of deputfes, who enrry large gold Imdges and pistols. The sheriff was so anxious (o neeommudale Mrs. Vandcrhilt that ho utmost made her a deputy sheriff despite tho law. Hut warned by his counsel that a woman cannot become a deputy sheriff, ac cording lo the New York statute, he refilled with letir in his eves. GRANDMOTHER USED SAGE IEA TO DARKEN HER FADED OR GRAY HAIR m !' Mluil With Sulphur It MnKcs Sulr tie for about TiO cents Somo dniK- WHERE TO GO TONIGHT TONIGHT .sofc, Itcmitlfiil; Ones Unuiliuff. The uso of Sjko nud Sulphur for resturliiK faded, gray hair to Its nat ural eotor dates tiark to grandmoth er's time. She kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glonay and abundant with a brow of Sai?o Tea and Sul phur. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance tills simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. Hut the brew lug at home Ik mussy nud out-of-date. Now adit) sklllsd chemists do this better than our- yohc. Hy asking at uy drug store for tho reaib-to-imo product called -W)eth's Shko nud Sulphur Hair Hmcly" J ou will net u large hot- Klti make their own, whlih usually too Htltky, mi Insist upon Kettltut Wjelh'H, which run be depended up on to lostoro natural color and Ixmu ty to the lutlr and Is splendid for dandruff, dry, feerlili, Itchy neatp and fulling hulr. A w oil-known downtown driigKlst says his customers Insist on W el It's Sage and Sulphur, "iieenuse, thoy say it darkens no naturally and evenly that uotiod) eau toll It has been ap piled It's so easy to lino too. You simply dampen a spotip) or soft bruih and draw It through )our Imlr, taking ouo strand at a time Do this at nlRht nud by mortlliiR the Krn lutlr disappears; after another application or two. It Is restored to Its natural color and looks k1os, soft ami ntitiiidanl WASHINGTON, June 27 If Pres ident Wilton turns up at tho White Houso office ono of thoso mornings with "his faco swelled up llko a b.it looa" blame It on tho Tumulty kids. All eevon of that famous Juvenile, aggregation have 'em. Papa Tumul ty, who Is known to fame as tho president's secretary, hasn't Kot 'em yet, but ho s tnklng n big spoonful of vinegar dally.'lt Is not known on what does tho. president relics fiir prevention. It is the mumps. The Latest in Fans J - .'...v.. NEW YOItK. Juno 27. Slnco tho palmy days of Cleopatra, tho ran has been a fad of fashion, and a weapon or flirtatious woman's wiles. Of courso thoro aro fans and fans. Hanking first In popularity Is tho baseball fano a la American, a typo affected soloy for out door sports. Kor tho ovonlng toilette howovor, tho ran of tho moment is built or natural colored ostrich plumes mounted on tortlso shell or Ivory, it Is of Gargantuan proportions and serves to screen admirably tho too gonerous display of snowy bosom ro- vealed by tho next-to-nothlng even ing bodices. Tho unblo plumes of black ostrich, and alao tho snow white nro lovely with either Ivory or nmber sticks. Thoso ostrich feather tuns pro regular lu shapo, but n stunning ono of quills Is graduated from ono sldo to tho other with an Ir regularity or lino most bizarre. Hand painted funs of gauzo aro be ing revived along with thq crazo tor all things quaint and old fashioned. They remind ono of tho dainty patch ed and powdered Marquises of Louis XVI's court. Most ot tho painted fanH aro tiny toyllko things, scarco, largo enough to veil my lady's furtive yawn. Ex quisite old laco fans or Hrusael's and Tlmo works quick ennngo in tho growing girl. Plg-tnlls and short skirts tiro soon forgotten lu tho ma turor charms of the debutante. Sometimes though, joti will -ache for4a picture of hnr Just ns she romped In from school or play. Think how alio would llko one too, In after years to show her frlomls and possibly hor children. Mako the appointment while tho thought s fresh In your mind. I am the photographer in your town. ii. c. m.ci;i:v j:. .Main and Central, Mcdford, On. HI ISIS THEATRE Special Frogrammo for Friday and Saturday the: deerslayer Vitagraph Special Feature in Two Parts hrillinir tale of Hie Pioneers :md I lit) Indians lip new and unset! led dins of America. PAT THE COWBOY FOOD INSPECTION A WRECKED LIFE 'p MUSIC Matineo Daily EFFECTS Admission C-10 Cents PAGE THEATRE Complete ('Imago Todny Tim 101 IIIhou t'eaturu TAPS Tremendous Civil War drama com pleto lu two parts. This Is ono of tho most sensational features oVer pro duced. tin: whem: tiiuth Tho adventuress louche Jimmy's Heart nud Pocket Hook A cor kin.: good comedy, (im:n wiiiti: in r Tin: kuci;ioat j An entertaining comedy, Continuous show from 7: 30 to to. Prices S and ID cents any Heat Pntitnges vaudeville nvery Wediioti day and Thursday, Muttuco 2:. 10; children 16c, ndutls 2.1c, nr.e and nuc. Evening first show 7.30, second !. Draperies Wo curry vry romiill tin f OrMTli-, Un rurlsl'i. fliltirr. rlc, slid (In nil clnotr ii r iiiilieliiirrltiir A sprflftl limit In iok urirr Oils work mrlimUrly ninl Mill uivn " Ki"l arvlrt rn In imimIIiIo lu gl til nVou (tin InriiPlt Utlrn. Wook3 & McGowan Co. Cut this out nnd tack hy our Telephone Valley Fuel Co., Tel. 76 Successors to lfcicUslein New Yard corner Mr and Weal Second Street ' Dry Wood hy the Tier, ford and far Lois FIRE INSURANCE I). It. WOOD .V CO. Offlxi Ppxtslrs. M nil ford Mall Trllmiio llulldlug. Phenes: Office, Oil Uesldeuro C3I. PLUMBING Stoam and Hot Wator . , .. ,, Boating . All Work CninrntiJ 1'rlrra ItimtiinaliW COFFEEN & PRICE S3 Howard tlloekj Entranna oa ilh Ik Soma rtiuna atk. Rheumatic rJlood is Whole Story : .t..t t i Dradccl Artlcuuf IUumtum CiutJ. sunimor ovonlng gowns, and It Is only a mnttor or taste or poeket-book whether thoy bo weo or hugo. Quito tho newest shapo tor tho llttlo fans Is a thrco sided effect llko tho hair of, a hoxagoa or two sides shooting upon a piquant point in tho mlddlo Instead of tho graceful rurv el soml-clrclo of tho regular fan. Floral runs or violets, lilies or thfl volley, roso buds or forget-mo-nots on stem green sticks aro scented with their poper perfume and when closed cunningly, simulate a corsage bou quet. Curiously wrought and har barbarlcally Jeweled fan chains p.s well as strands or tiny ponrls aro In voguo ror tho Lilliputian haublo fan?, hut woro chains do rlgous ror tho hugo teathor runs. Jog chains must needs bo pressed Into service. id PP Zs-h PORTLAND, Ore., Juno L'7. Fore cast for Oregon ami Washingten: fihowers tonight or Saturday; var iahlo winds, mostly westerly. John A. Perl Undertaker Lady Assistant, 28 8. UAUTLKTT Phones 51. 47 and 47-J-3 Venotlan point .nro fnlry llko with ' Ambulance Service Deputy Coroner Vou Will IVrl l.lkr nil Arrnl.nl Aflcr Lalct; S. H. M. There ts n li :t of p'n. powders, tuMeln nud whut not for ill' uiuallsin, but Oi'y all lack the II rat cnuutillul g boltiK u ii a I u nil moillcltio, To begin with, rhcuinuimm la utrnply a nurno Klven to di-fKiiatft u vurloty of iialns, biiii can uiuy im raucneil hy irrl Kuiink mo enure iiiooi aupply with a naturally aaalmllutlvo untlilolo. Truo, the nalna may ho eimed with nar. coUcm or tho iioMu may be noutrulUuil for tho lime In-line, lint such methods merely tcmporlza und do not evt-n load in n corn. Tiiero is but ono standard rheumatism rumlv. uml Ih anhi in nil dru,' stores urnlor tho ttumo of H H H, It contulns only puro VBKtali elements and Is nhioltitely freo of mer cury, loillile of iiotnah or ursenlc, and hna proved a wonder for every form of rheurnutlam. The recoveries of all typoi of rhou. mntlsm by tho iuq of H. H. H. la a nno Irlhulo to the natural olllcacy of this remarkable mmllclne, for It la aaalml late.1 Juat uh nuturally, Jtmt un apoclll rally, und Jtut uh wtll onlalncd na the moat acceptable, moat palatable nnd most reudlly digested food, Do not fall to Ket a bottle or H 8. 8. to-day. You will be astonished ot tho results. If your rhouinutlam la of audi a nature that you would like to consult a irreat specialist ronflrtontlolly, write to Tho Medical Dept., The flwlft Specllto Co. 137 HwUt )Mfi., Atlanta, Oi h ' Siskiyou Heights Now is ilm Hiiip lo limlcp sclcclioii oT 1(fI and IraclH in thin niagiiifiri'iiL rosidoiico iliulriut. " SEE JOHN A. TORNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK NOTICE OF OPENING J. H. FIRES The oldest painting contractor in Mcdford has oponcd THE PAINT SHOP Carrying a full lino of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Wall Paper at 32 South Contral St., ono-half block from Main. E. D.Weston Official Photographor of tho Mcdford Commercial Club (Amateur Finishing Post Cards Panoramic Work Portraits Interior and exterior views Flash lights Negatives made anv timo and any placo by appointment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471 EXCURSION PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY TO BUTTE FALLS SUNDAY, JUNE 29. Leave Mcdford 8:00 a. in. Uracil Mcdford 0:1)0 p. m. FINE OUTING IN THE MOUNTAINS Good Fishing Excellent Hotel Accommodations ROUND TRIP $1 ROUND TRIP IliiiliiM ByTkaaarjTv - J W a-'Waaaal Bcift located nnd most f) o pu 1 nr lotcl in the City. Running ditftillcd ice water in each room. European Plan, u la Curtc Cafe. Tariff on Rooms 12 rooms, 60 rooms BO roomi CO rooma wild pilnl bilk 91,00 each 1.50 each 2.00 each 2.00 each 30 aultei, xtla pi , liecli lor and bath room, par 3.00 each For more than ono pueit add $1.00 oxtra to tha above rates for each additional gucit. Reduction by week orf month, fifannntmtnt Chtitir W, Klly F.G.ANDREWS Lobboo of (Jrjll anil Dining Itnotn. k JT tf & i'tfl1tMjVUj ' ' "m-V W Vj WK.J t0 W v 4tt h.h4 1