w "PAOKTWO. MEDITOKD MATH TOintWR MnmrOKt), OHKfflW, FUIDAV, .ICNK 27, III III, u M Li' j mm I f " JACK JOHNSON SAFER FOR GIRLS pepep IN STORE WORK iHltt ii id i t Arrest Orcferfttl of Dlfl Smoke Who FIeri In (jkfiito From Chloaflo Fol kvni HCtlon (n Bail, Ostcnsl 1 lily Enrotitc to Russia. Wwo False Moustache When He Crossed Border Can Still Proceed . ' to Franco Without Molestation. 'MONTREAL, Quo., Juno 27, On (ho request of Secretary of Stnte llrysn; tho Canadian Rrtveniincnt to day ordered the arrest of Jnek John son, the Amcricnn negro jirirefigliter, 'pending hi deportation as nn 'nn defiirnblo immigrant," if he attempts to remain in tho Dominion. Johnson, who is here, fled from Chicago, following the reduction in his hail from $110,000 to $15,000, os toDBihly en route to Ilnwdn. Johnson wore a false moustache .when lie crossed the bonier. The nn 'tliorities here pay tho big negro can bo 'arrested and deported only if he Attempts to stay in Canada. lie did not cater the Dominion as on im migrant but held through transpor tation from the United States to n foreign country via Canadn. If he proceeds to France he will not bo mo lested. Johnson declares ho will sail on Tuesday. MAN REPORTED DEAD DENIES HIS DEATH tt ' PORTLAXI), Ore., Juno 27. "No sir, I am not dead. I didn't jump in to the water at Seattle, leaving n note to dislrnotcd relatives." Thus ppako Archie Pottys of Port land today and, in very truth, he looked to be a resident of earth rath er than of the land of shadows. Tct tcys is inclined to think his friend, Lc&lio Anderson of San Francisco, is putting a joko over on him, but cannot exactly appreciato tho deli cate vein of humor. Anderson nrrived in Portland to day and denied vigorously that he had left tho messago for Pottcys' relatives. Pottcys said he and An derson recently quarreled and that Anderson later sent him some post cards from Seattle. BAI.T I.AK1C, Utah Juno i? -flirts are snfor walking alone acrooa the country than they aro when working In department stores. Tho Insults which they are ant to meet In many stores aro totally absent when they are on tho road." , These aro tho conclusions or the Misses Frances Leach, IS. and Mnry Coyne, 23, fcmlnlna glob trotters, who are, walking from Denver to San Francisco via tho old Midland trail. They are not attempting to make nay speed records, having left Douver May 12. They loft Urand Junction. Colo., on their western trip a fow days ago. Tho girl declare that tholr effort Is merely preliminary to a moro ex tended pedestrian tour later. If thoy succeed they will remain on the coast for several months and then attempt to walk back to the Atlantic. "My muscles nro hard as nails. laughed pretty Miss Leach today. "A month's walking out In tho open air did that. Wo both worked for our living In n department storo In Denver, and became so run down In health that wo decided a trip of this kind was tho only thing that would permanently restore our health. When wo started I could scarcely walk two miles n day, and now I can do fifteen and got fat on it. Tho girls finished tho first leg or their long Journey Denver to Grand Junction, Colo., a distance of 475 miles. In threo weeks time and ar rived In tho latter city fresh and un wearied. Although both girls have always gono armed, each carrying a small revolver, thoy dcclaro they have been subjected to Insult on'y once. STEEL OFF 10 ASSUME AT S CRATER PARK ENGLISHMAN DEFEATS JOHNSON AT TENNIS ! t USELESS TO GIVE HUSBAND A BEATING SAYS WIFE SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Juno 27. "Couldn't j-ou get some one to hunt him up and give him a good beating, that would mnko a man ont of him, instead of getting n divorcet" was Ike question Superior Judge Dnnnc, sitting for Judge Graham, asked Ger trndo Moody, abking for divorce from Clifford Wright Moody, on the ground of desertion. "Useless," said tho wife, and Judge Dunne granted the divorce. LONDON, Juno 27. In the fourth round of the English lawn tennis championships at Wimbledon today, Watson, of England, defeated Wnl laco Johnson, of America, in threp straight sets, after tho American player had taken tho first f-ct. The scores wcro ,i-o, a-u, o-i, i-o. Maurice E. Mcl.oughlin, of San Francisco, the American chnmpion, was pitted ngainst another American, R. Norris Williams, of Harvard. Mc Loughlin took tho firt two sets, (5-1, G-4, but lost tho third to Williams. 3-fl. Thereujwn Williams retired from the contest. Willfnms' retirement was owing to nn agreement to have McLoughh'n represent America in the finals. To day's match was regarded as merely n practice game. FRENCH AVIATOR FALLS 25D FEET TO DEATH flupt. Will (1 Steel, of tho ('rater I.nko National park Is In .Mcdfovd on his way to assume office. I'nder Instructions from the Department of the Interior, ho mutt ho at tho pnik July 1. There Is somo interesting speculation as to what will hnppen should Former Supor.ntcudcnt Arnnt rcfuso to vacate, as ho has refused to resign upon tho request of Secre tary Lsne. Mr. Steel says ho has full Instructions to cm or Buch emer gency, but refuses to divulge CTioni. In addition to tho $125,000 to ho expended by the war dupnrtment this season In road construction In tho park, congress has appropriated $"5t0 for Improvements under tho direction of the superintendent, which will bo expended In trails down the crater and In other Im provements. Mr. Steel states that good prog rets is being made on tho roads In Crater Lake park. The government englncors In charge of tho work hau a largo forco employed and moro than n mile of permanent nilshway has already been built. ".Mr. Steel has made application to the government to send somo grav squirrels to tho park as nn experi ment. Thero aro now no squirrels In .!) park except chipmunks and as the gray squirrel ts n feature In all eastern parks and become very tame, they would bo nn added at traction around tho lako and soon become acclimated. Mr. Steel leaves Saturday for tin park, going out on tho 1. & K. to Derby, thenco by stago to Prospoit. From hero ho will bo-driven to tho paric ny James tiriove. The con tinned rains will delay tho park sea son which will probably not formally bo opened until July 15, although meals will bo served and accommo dations supplied July 1. Tho stone Inn at tho lako will bo rushed to completion nt once. FAVORABLE REPOR T 0 HATCHERY AT BUTTE FALLS! USING POSON A E ORCHAR TO OS GRASSHOPPERS STEWART AWARDED CONTRACT TO BU LD . PRECOOLING PLAN T BOOSE 10 TO BE FATALLY ILL FROM DABETS Chnlrmun .1 Frank Hughes, of the date game ami fish euinmltoit nnd Mnstur Fish Warden Kdwnrd Clan ton, who were .appointed a commit tee to report upon a proposed trout hatchery ut llutto Falls, visited Unit rlty Thursday and were very favor ably Impressed both by tho slto of fered and the facilities In proipoet, Thoy pronounce 111k Hutto Ideal fot tho purpose as well as tho pretlluit stream In Oregon. Mrs. Hughes ac companied bur husband. , At llutto Falls tho Inspection pnr-j ty wore shown two slte, one on each stdo of tho rlvor, each nbo'tt half a mllo ntiovo tho city, by Man ager MHIs, representing tho Dowlng timber Interests, who mndu tho of fer. A third slto has been offonul some threo miles above and a fourth by Kdgar llnfor nt tho mouth of Four-Hit creek. Time was too lim ited for Inspection. Supterlntcndont Wilson of hatch cry construction will bo sent livn within a week to makn a moro onrn- fut examination of tho vnrlnus site, as well as of tho Nik Crook hntch ory, and mnku compnratUe estimates of cost. A hatchery will Involve tho Invest ment of sovcral thousand dollars, furnish steady employment for sev eral men mid Insure tho restocking of loral streams with trout. nH well is bo a greot show plaro for llutte Falls. BODY OF NAVY AVIATOR FOUND FLOATING IN WATER CHALONS. France. Juno 27. Falling 250 feet whllo testing a monoplano, Maurice Foulqular was instantly killed here lato today. He was an experienced biplane pilot but this was his first flight In n mono plano. BALTIMORE, Md., Juno 27. The body of Ensign llillingsly, tho nnvnli aviator who was killed in nn aero plane flight near Annapolis nnval academy last week, was found today, flouting on tho water near the place where his machino btnick. MILLION AND A HALF ESTATE LEFT BY HOBART PATERSON. X. J., Juno 27 An estato of $1,4G7,9C2, yielding an an nual lncomo of about $100,000, was left by Garrett A. llobart, lato vice president of tho United States, ac cording to nn accounting presented today to tho surrogato's offico hero by tho trustees. COPPER RIVER RAILROAD MAN KILLED IN ACCIDENT CORDOVA, Alaska. June 27. L. M. Price, Mtpcrintciidcnt of bridges of the Copper River railroad, is dead hore today following the wreck of a inolor speeder when it struck a horse near l'lnckhurtic. Price nnd (Jcn ernl Siqicriiitcndi'nt Cnleli Corner were riding on the hpeedcr. Corner ccncd injury by jumping. KID PLAGG MAY MEET FRANKIE BURNS NEXT SAN FRANCISCO, Pal., June 27. Kid Plngg, the Knn Joaquin Val ley lcightwcight, may bo selected to meet Frankie Hums before tho Oak laud Wheelmen next mouth. Mulclt makcr Rohan luw undo Manager Wolff nu offer ntid tho hitter will givo liiri answer tomorrow. Plngg Iiiih never crfonncd hero hut ho ha made quite n reputation in the ul ley. ROOSEVELT GETS PERMIT TO PACK A WEAPON Arsenical poisoning for Krafshop pers Inn been resorted . to on nn oxtonMvo settle by the lloguo ltlvor Ciinnl company to mvu their orthsrd on the so'CiiIIimI dundrt friuu grass hoppetii. As n leiiult mllllomi of graslioipor mo dead and lh round Is strewn with tho dond and tho d)tug hoppers. Ileo tuvit havo boon busy nuivlux lllvi'S from tlm vlolnltv for fiuir llwil tho poison may kill the Ween, Uiomthi this Is unlikely. Nevertheless, tho npinnsis io not intend to tnko n oliance. Chief Deputy (litmo Wnrdou Hundr made nn Inspection of tho district Thursdny to find out whether uuiir nnd game birds hud Veen iiffpetetl. but was unable to find a single do ul bird. Tho hatch of graibopHir U the IiIkkosI In 'ars. Th wet wostlmr prevents deutriietlou by tire, the iisunl moans nnd It Is either a tpio tlou of poison or stripped orohurdt. Jllle. Mlgnon Newuhi made u stu eos ul her first uppitirniico before it Purhditit luidieiiee in "It llurliiere." Contracts were let Thursdny b by tho ItoHiio River Fruit ntiil. Pro duct asstitilittlon roiMlm ttjiuitrunllou of a pre-ronltug plum with n caita city of 101) ours stiimuc TUo hulhl- liiK w cost f lU.QiM), will he 0' two torlN In helttht. Iiitvw cohcrei fouudstlou. tile walls nod mlllwoik Interior. It will bo loratsd ut the JiiuctJoii of tho Hilt nnd llnrrliiiHii lines, ut tho north rlty limits, wlh trarh faclllttos fnim onch. It. J. Stewsrt win Mwarded tho routruet for tho IiiiIUMiik; Clllmi Clitunhers Co. for tho cork limtnlhi tlou;, tlie Vitlenn Iron WuiU tor tho mfrlKonitliig pltuit; tho l).nnlsoii com)Hin.v, of Portlaml, for tho ttttsM Tho first floor will ho finished sud uulppod for iifrlMtrntlng 00 can of fnt.lt. The MHstud floor will ' iimhI for dry skumko. A ssHlon. JlNid, nt tho north ond. will lis uti for nporatlHK, packlnn and reviv ing fruit. Under It. In too basement, will bo loeated tliB mnehliiorir. Iloiuls fur tho building wore ap proved by tho stockholders. Illlllo llurho will uto "Thn SOIIk" llBNllI UOXt SHIISOU AlllB- V. J. llnosry, rH'(Mil,v iiiljudgi'd iimunii mid nu liiMiiito of Ihu (JrcHOii liiwiiio ii'vliiRt, U ipoluihly dilnlly III from dlnhstU, noconliug o lottms rwohfil Itv Idx dutinhlpm rrm lis innwvw 1'or aonio lluiu .Mi. Heotoy iM il H llUtfiiHK sort! mi Ul letf wfiieli hit dHvclupcd gniigrtMie. The MUms Itoom-y Hindi' aiqiHen tloit tfi tliB ertnuly oonrt I'lidity to Iw sent to visit thsli' nttlior njid Im with li in mid t'ounlv .Indue Tou Wile pur chased ticket o Hrtli'in fur tlisiu, They leave l'Wilv ovwilng. The women have enrrled out llmlr M lioi's iiipoi4Non lo the enmity's loud hiiihlluy opcinlioiis, hut IMduy iirrendeii'd nod titueteil lh iwiut Iv to irhiilld (he tetuni seordliig lo nurteui(it- iiiiulf ln-l Miuler uiul whodi Mr Itou-i-Y In It irtjiidiuli'd, JACK DOUGLAS TO GO THREE RUUNDS WITH ATTELL SAN ritANCISt'O, t'i, .Iiiih !i7. Jnek l)niihi, the Sun I'miii'luco limit mil. i hclieiliiU'd In go I fii niiiiidi 'llh Yoiniif Alio Aitfll. or SI. lonU, nl 'I'll km. F.nk, Mniilsiw. on .lulr !. NEW YORK. June 27. Magistrate Corrigan confirrayd roportu todny that Colonel Theodoro Roosevelt and District Attornoy Whitman have per mission to go nnncd. Judge Corri- gan said ho "took a ohuiieo" when Warner Oliind has been engaged by tho pemiitH were issued and did mt Robert Campbell to play Robert Hit- demand ccitificntcH of good charae liard'fl nle in "A Fool Thoro Was," 'tor. when thnt play is sent on tour noxtj I AllL'USt. (With Medford trado Is Mcdford mndo. On the Fourth of July .you'll want ts bs appropriately ahd comfortably attired. No matter whers you celebrate the day, you'll feel like a gentleman oh pleasure bsnt, if you wear ons sf our handsome, Cool Summer Suits We are dsalers of the finest of cletltes, ready-to-wear. Our garmsnts ars scientifically tailered to draps your form and look llks good clothes should look. Their elegance cf workmanship, fabric ahd styls, is never surpassed not sveh at double sur price by the highest class custom tailors. Have us show you the models 4 ahd 65. The one place in tQwn where jqu can buy dependable high grade merchandise and know you are paying the right pries. Model Clothing Co. '4H$tM$HgM' M.M, Store Dept wajst and Hosiery Clearance Q0 M.M. Dept. CllU Store CLEARANCE OF ALL SPRING AND SUMMER WAISTS BEGINS SATURDAYEVERY ONE TO BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE. WHEN YOU SEE THESE OFFERINGS YOU WILL, SAY, "WELL, I CAN GET TWO FOR THE PRICE I EXPECTED TO PAY FOR ONE." BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIS SALE YOU MAY HAVE AN ASSORTED OUTFIT OF P.RETTY SUMMER WAISTS FOR ABOUT THE MONEY YOU EXPECTED TO PAY FOR HALF THE NUMBER OF GARMENTS. . 5J) Every $1.23 Waist in the storo has boon out to 59. These offerings are made from the best India linen and Persian lawns, lace and embroidery trimmed; in every re spect worthy of your attention; less than half price to close; all sizes, 32 to 44. 98 Every $2.00 and $2.50 Waist in the storo reduced in price to 98. To miss tin opportunity like this is really extravagance; values worth $2.00 and $2.00, only f)S: sizes 32 to 44. Every Waist out on tables, marked in plain figures. Ladies Wool Dross Skirts, large selection, 1 Tirinn. L'ijt ' $1.49 Every $3.50 Waist in the entiro store has been brought out and placed on the sale tables at $1.49. Dainty tucks, niecklin laces and insertions, medallion ef fects; beautiful styles and effects. S2.49 We have priced ovovy $5.00 Waist in the store at $2.49. Thin storo has nlway? been the shirt wtist center because the wo men folks know the prettiest and newest waists are always found here; sizes 31 to 42. i ' 10- INFANTS' HOSE 10-.... 25c lace lisle infants'-Hose, 4 to 4 sizes, only f .."...10 9SUMMER HOSIERY SALE 9 We have just roceived another shipment of those splendid fast dye, seamless black Nose for ladies. These stockings are the regular 25c hose, only they are seconds from the mill, ;jifst a drop stitch here and there; it really takes an expert to find tho defects; serves and wears as well as regular 25c hose; sizes 8V! to 10; on sale beginning tomorrow morning and throughout the week, pair....9- . N 10 WHITE LACE HOSE 10 - We have about, eight dozqn laco lislo Hose on hand, sold at 25c and 35c pair, closing out extra bargains, at , 10$ !; M'OALL PATTERNS , . .FULL STOCK Ladies' Suits going at just y2 regular prices. Wash Ribbons, No. 1, 50 a bolt. 1S0 PLAIN LISLE COLORED HOSE Those are full fashioned, double heel and too; 8 (o 10 sizes; sky blue, willow green, wine, dark and light grey, tan; sold in regu lar stock at 35c, io close out 180 30 LADIES' SILK EMBROIDERED HOSE 300 Theso are regular 50c and 05c goods, em broidered in colors and black dainty fig ures; fast colors .' 300 Summor Parasols marked at npcclcal prices. M. IM M i . Department Store REST ROOM SECOND FLUOR r r T t ? ? ? t ? r T T f ? T t T T f t T I X T T i FOR GOOD GOODS 4' Mfr4MfrxX"tKKK Successors to Meekers'