1 MTCPTrORP MATH TRTBUNR, MTCDFOttD, OKKflON, THrRSDAY, .TriNIS 2(1, J0J3. "' Wtpl rami tuttr i .: A. j t f f I E; BESET BY SUFFS LOVETT'S STORY I TO HANKY AND PANKY FIND OS BAY ENGLAND" KiNR ATTORNEY DN H . A. A. -- A A " A A ID D BEARS UN CACH MAKE DECIDED HI IWOREDEPORTATIONS AN BURGLARS LOBBY Tim I'm lliuiil Tcli'umin oonliilni tlio fullinvliiir iwoiiiiiil ('C "lu tu" M''l funl liciii m imrcliiiMoil by lint lliinlcy I'unUy company. Two cult Iiciiim plnylii); minimi III ti iiiikh In llm Hlxili Hlrciil window il' tliti Mrlor & rriuik ioiiiiniiy nro lit liiicliiiK Iiiim4' ornwilN, Tlioy nro lliu . a.i ail I II .. .!.,... iiolH (il I ho I, en- mini iiiiimii'iii rone oily i'iiiiiiiniy, playing "l Hi'' 'lolti Tliimlur thirt week, mill liuvu boon niiiiii'il "llnnky" iiiul "I'unUy." Their "trainer," it lll-yimr-tilil youth, 0 foot I) InrliKM lull, Ih enlle.l "l.anky." Tim 1 1 In will lio can led Ity Hid company mi IIh lour IiioiiIi ('niiuiln mill inlo Now York. Tim bourn, rllil woolu oM, worn iiircliiiMci y lliu company in Mcrf rinl. Wlit'ii lliu enmpnny in i It ctl thorn Friday, practically tlio onllio town wiim gathered hforo u window', whore limy wore exhibited. The lit tin Iipiith played mid chimed ouch other up iiiul down n tree In tlio win dow, mid i'iiiini'iI mich it IiiiikIi Unit Dm iniiniiuiT or tlm hIiovv, IMtvnrd L. Ultimo, iii'uollitlril for llii'lr puiehiiHo. It wiik lulu nt night, hut lm drovn four iniloi Into tlm fuothtllN to dicker with llm owner, mi Oregon n I fulfil fniiner, who hud Killed tlm mother hear with mi nx when idio oniuo upon him unexpectedly while h wiim cut ting down n tree. I In Hold the imiIih for $i' 1'iirh, mid limy were turnrd over to tlio properly mmi f tlio hmv mid Imidi'd nhoiird Iho hpccinl Irniti. On tlm trip hero Iho inotiibi'rH of tlm chimin mid ocr.nno lit the idmw viited tlm bnggngo rnr, whore tin1 little hoar, Mill wild, Tor limy hud been in imptUily only n few day, dinned oiii'li other oir Iho 1 rimk-i mill nocnory mid hud it glurioii tluto. Umiii urriving hero it wlngo IimiiiI nt Iho theater, n fmnilinr figure in thin city licoiiiiHu of hln onoriuntm height, iiHHiiuird cliurgo of tlio hour, mid wit hind hy Mr. Illoom to trawl with tlio I'ouipaiiv mid euro for lln'in. Miiiiiikt Itlooui hiiv when tin ontnpniiv mrhcN in Now Yoik ho will dri'nM "Lanky" an mi Oregon trap. mt, limit fniitH iiiailn for tlio hear with thctr iiiiiiioh, "Hanky'' and "I'auky" on thorn, mid lime Iiiiii had Iho cub up Hrnndwav. MAIIHIIFIF.U), Ore, Juiiu UU.--Fitllowlng ""' dibonvoi'v of a hiiiiiII ni'Hi'nal of lillt'H and ii'VnhciH uinl novornl hiiiidicd roiiudH of mniiiuul liiin In Ilia loom of V. .1. IMgownrlh, Hoerotury of tlm Jiidiixliiul WoiKcih of tlio World, ouo of Iho men de pot led fi'oui'Miirtdifiohl hy eltir.oiiH vohtordav. huniiioHrt nifii hoi a art) preparing for further depot InliniiH iih Cant iih a roMlor of iiicuihniH oau ho fhcolmd up. IMkowimIIi and (lrciilor WohIo.v Kxoiott, flint to lm put inlo a luml mid lukoii far down tlio liny lo ho In ii ilcil mi tlio licit 'li wotit niailo pah Holy to IiUn tlm flntf hefom iniihark-inn- After tuo I. V. W.'h jtint ni lived In town won heard to oritieio thn action of Iho ciliotiH went huiidled into another limit and nent after tlio litxt ouo. All wero hidden to nlny clear of MnrHhficld. 1'or ttix weekn the I. V. W.'h Intvo heeit i'Iiiimmk liirinoil in the uz'mz eniiipf hcroahoiit mid uro miid lo have threatened moil who reftiHod to join their hi tike, Imyeolliiitf IiiihIiiomh men who icftiNcd mipport. After the Heeoiiil hoat had heou put down (ho hay, the linxinenH men called on the proprietor of a oiuar nlore wluie tlio I. W. W.'h havti Iteeit con KrepttiiiK and told him hMiipalhirein it well iik ineiuherH iniKht expect do porlitlton uIno. WIFE OF MUTT AND JEFF, CREATOn, INJURED ATLANTA, (In., June 'Jil.- Paulino WoIhIi, ainloille netrcfK, wife of Hud Fisher, the caitotiiiixt, creator of Mutt anil .loff, Ih reeovorinj; today front a nerioiiM acoulent. In a ilark lialhrooia, ,io t-tiuiililed with a kIiim pitcher, fell atitl cut her throat. ntc ti.xii: mi:iii'oiii iAV AT ASIII,.M CIIAt'TAfgrA Tlio merchant nint otltori arc ox peeled to ninko Meilfonl iluy July 11 nt tlm AmIiIaiiiI ('Iniutnutiiiii u IiIk event, nail all who run nlmulil ntteitl and tnlai their plettlc ltinrh. Mr. 1M Autlrow lm ctmrRo of thn nr rnitKluK of n proKrnni (or that dnr which liiMiircH It Nticre. LONDON, Juno 20. Tlm rocont pliiclui: of extra nlnlit wntcliuieti on duly In uinl arouiid IliickluKluiui I'al iicn wan not duo altOKotlior to roam or a HiirfniKotto attack. It wiim le.'itiiitil toilny thai HcoU IiiiiiI Yard hail tcielveil a tip, fol lowlin: tla pulillo miuoiincutiinul or tlio ro-valtiiitlon or tlio coiilnnlii or Iho pillion at l7,r,(IO,000, thai tlio KiitiK of Intel nalloiial crook wlihlt In tlio IiihI row wei;kn lm Iidcii ion- iliictini; oxtoiihlw) (iintnilloiiH In tlio fiKihloniililo WohI Kmt hail plaitned to litirKlnrho the kluit' London rol iloiae. Tlm aiithorltlc rontililvri(l tlm Information r mifriclont valuo to Jiutlfy itnt only tlm ntroiiKthunliiK of tlm ordinary Kiittrd, hut also .in Improvement of Urn inuro or Ivrn nn tliiintcd incchiiiilriit ilovko out. ployed at tlm pnlaeo iiKiilimt pohhIIiIu liuiiRfihrunkurH. A complete, now y. lent of electrical alarm ha Imcti liiHtallcd, Willi rixlurcB al each of tint wIiiiIomh on Dm Harden alili of tint liullilliiK. WEST STANDS PAT ON HONOR SYSTEM KALKM, Ore, Juno 'if,, (iovcruor Wont toda characterized a a ma llcloii Ho the Hlatoiaent that lm Ii.nl nlmudoucd tlio honur nyntom at tlio Mlato pcultoutlary. Ho mild lm not only had not ahni'idotied It, hut wait mora fully convinced than over th.it It wit the proper volution of reform In peiinl Itihlltutlom. WEDDING BELLS LOH AN(5I:LI:.S, Juno 20. John J. Ilolaud, ni;o 44, and Mary 1'. Policy, net) 37, both of Med ford secured a inarrliiKo lli-cano hero 0Mtcrdny. Mr. Ilolaud I eiiiilnod hy thn HIr I'litc Lumber compnii), rcxIdltiB on Dakota men no. HI brldu reldod nt 700 South OraiiKo with relative. With Medford trade l Mcdford mml Ni:W YOKIC, Juno 20.- IMwnrd Lautnrbacli, u prottiliiout Now York lawyer, denied today tlio Htatuumut or Unhurt H, I.ovett, cha.(uiaii or tlm Union Pacific railroad cxccntlvo bmird, before tlm lobby In vent I Rat lin: couiiiiltton In WnhliiKtn thnl nu effort had been mado lo hnvu hi fit retain Lauturbai h "to Krcaxo Iho wliool" ami prevent iiniloaaut m;l tatlou In coiiKreuit nt;nnl tlm merit- or dlMiolutloii plan now buforo tlm departmuut of JiiHllrc. "I do not recall t:ynv, that I dc ftlrcil to bn of norvlco to tlm t'nlon Pacific' ald Lnutorbnch. "I never Raw Lovott but otiro In my life, and that wan when ho nuked tuo to rep resent tlm llnrrlmau Intcro) In III iKntlon with thu llllnol C'eutVal rail road." Ittitcrbnch declared ho Intend to demand a hearing buforo tlm lobby prober. i Born. Horn To Dr. and Mm. J. W. J. Marlon, S4C WchI Hocond Htrcot, at noon Wednesday, Juno 20, a no von and otic-half pound boy. Mother and child both doInK well. To Thi Young Eiptctant Moiher Women of Experience AdvUe the Use of Mother's Friend. TVrc N Rome trepidation In tlii mlndi 3f int wntnrn In rrsnrd to motlirrlxxL I lie loaeltu; to mm-h-m I uflra centra dlctrl hy the fear of Ulttrnu. Hut lliore need bo no rucIi dread In rirw of tlio fact that wo have nn effective rem Cxljr In what l knunrn n Mother' Kricnd. Tlil I nn externnl mipllcsition Hint ban a wonderful Inllucace nnd control orr the muncttlar IImuc of the nlHlomen. Hy It dally um; the munclf. conl. leiidnn nnd ligament nil Kcatly eimnd wltbuut the llglitct Rtrnln : there I no pain, no nan ea, no nen-ouineim ; what a dreaded n n ncvere ph)lcnl ordeal becotnes a calm. Rcrrne. joyful antlclpntton. In nlmnflt eery community there an women who have um.il Mother' l'rlend. and they nre the one that recovered quickly. Mother" l'rlend I prepared nfter the formula if n notnl family dK:tor by tha llndfietil Heeulntor Co.. 'ZV1 fjimnr IHJc. Atlanta, tin. Writ litem for their JURtrue tlre Uk lo cximMitnt mother, iou will find Mother1 h'rlenM on al by all druj ir irl Tt () n ! title. t ? ? f t ? t t t i j. ! t t f t ? T r r r r r Y T r v T r r T r t T T Do You Know Why A LARGE RETAIL BUSINESS HOUSE IN CHICAGO PAID A SMALL GROCERY $2000.00 FOR THEIR TELEPHONE NUMBER WHICH WAS 2 BECAUSE IT IS CONCEDED TO BE THE EASIEST TELEPHONE NUMBER IN THE WORLD TO RE-MEMBER. Y ou Can't Forget It! mm$m.XHXK &t I ? ? I ? ? I T4 f t .? t t T ? T t t t T T t T T t T T T T t J? One Continuous Round of Pleasure FromEarly Morn to Late at Night Biggest July 4th Celebration IN SOUTHERN OREGON IN 1913 WILL BE i HELD AT MEDFORD Automobile Races, Base . Ball, Horse Races, Broncho Busting, MARDI GRAS PARADE and Electrical Display at Night, the Grandest Spectacular Exhibition Ever Pulled Off in the State. Other Games and Sports on the Streets During the Entire Day. ,;$ ,y ' A' THREE BIG BANDS Reduced Railroad Rates t '? I '.' X t T i i iX. r iT IZI x iX X .. ATA. A. '$xtxxixxxx