.i-' t V ' , i I' vr 1 Jeff Has a ' .' GlfAt N PiMfc on OLD SIZ.G, j DON'T fARG not Ul XL ' OFF 10 GETTYSBURG PORTLAND. Ore, .lilito 3.'. F.i muted by tmmiirtli'M of (lm Hpuiil'li Ame'lMiu nr mitl llm nUto mllltlu, utterly iiiik lniiiilr'il veteran of (Ict tyahtirs; fornmd lit lint' at tho eniirt lious hum till afturnomt iuhI mrboi In tlm tin It n ilit to hoard llm icflHl I mlu Hint will lulin (hum Imck Ik t hi reunion mi tlm historic UtllfWlil. Adjutant General Flu mr IihiI chnra.0 of t ho intrude. .Many uf tlm grlstled wurrlnm mtirniMl nutmiHitilliM proffered for llmlr utiHiNiilmicit by elllxeini. del lur ing itiy wuru swml for " h"lf "ill' walk nww If tlmy woro good (or u fllty-mllo hike half u century tig". iimiiii frniii nil nvr Ort'Kon rtimn lu mirly'lii tlio ily to Join thu imriy. Nn ilUllnrtlmi will bo tnuiln M'iii "Vauknim" nml "Juliuiiln" nml nil Mill hunk." WILSON PRESENTS WIFE 28 FINE PE WAHIIIMITO.N Jmu) -'. In com liii'tuorntloii or tlutlr tM-nt ilKhth wftlillni: itiinhorwiry, Mm. Woiulrow Wllaou Ik In kmhhmIoii l oil ay of n ArlBK of twuiityitlKlit inHirU. tlm Htfi of Ihw nnwltlont. Tlio WlUoim ut umrrliHl In Knvmnmh, U.i. Mr. WltMin'ii xlfl lo Imr liualimttl wnH a IWlr of Kolil ruff littttomi with thu , uaI of thu Unltptl filad-H In rnlvj.l (iiimutil. 1 . PHOENIX PHACTLETS Minn Mnry Ultlw.liw, of Myrltu (Tiiick In vUiliiiK Imr ilr, Mw, Murk I't'nic Miii. ('. t Si-oil or N'orlh 1'lfno niv mitl Mm. V. 1 Hmwn 'i .jiuohU of Mm. .1. If. Unillio l WtxIrtiKMlky. Ilnralinl Smltli, nmi of Mrs. Mmui Hiuilli, loft Siilunlay lo H)iuiiil Hib iniiuiuur willi hi uniinliuollmi' nl C'iiii hy, ()moii. (.'. Cnlo of Mrnttimvlllii, wim I'nlli'il liwrc Hit fiml of llm u'nk liy Mm iIhmIIi or liU wiro'H fiilliiT, Mr. It. A. ItoKD. Tlir ('. T. U. will met willi Mm. .1. If. llmU'm Tlinmiliiy nfli'rnooii. Deputy Statu Dairy liiHpi'i'lo? Hlio rook, wiih llu mwt of Mr. nml Mm. H. 1'. (.'up TiH'mliiy. Mr. Klioiimk 1 nilihhiK l' "f mHpi'i'llmi of Houlimru Oiipin ill pri'm'iit. Wliilo Imro on huifiim-M lit took tlm oppor tunity lo ri'iM'W lii-i iu'iUiiiiitunco with Air. Copo, whom ho know in (liihltm, ()in. 'Mr. V. .1. Miller pnsHOil away Sim iluy iiiuriiiiiK nftcr uu IIIiiokh of ov. mill nioiitliH. Monilny iifloinoon Mm. , Mllhir nml Imr iliothur, Mm. Amlrown, lutt with tlm hotly i'r Oukluiul, ('ill., whom In I'oiiipliuui'o with Mr. Miller' wIkIi, it will Im I'li'iunti'il. lluforo i'oiiiIub Iti'io Mr. Miller wan for n iimiihiir of yi'iim a initio Miporiu ti'iulcill. Ilirt Ioiik y'am of Horvit'ii 'it llm nilitcri iiiipairctl Itln Iti'iiltli ami hi' limiKht h rmii'h JuhI north of town, hopiiiK to lTKiiiii hi" Imalth with tlm jitildoor nxiimUo in tltin fiivoialilo iilltiialo. l-'or a liuiii it hot'itii'il uu if Im wiih koIiijj to Hiu't'cctl in tloini; no, hut it fuw nioiitliH auo ho Ihk to ihmliuv until tho cml oaiuc. DiiritiK tho few yearn of his ri'ni tlmii'o httro ho trmiHformcil hirt vaiiuli into oim of tlm most hcjiiitiftil phtren in Iho'valloy, Mr. Miller, win a ipiiut ami itiiiiHHiiuiiiiK jiiutiit iv K"otl nolfthhor anil iineful nillzuu. lfo will ho initi'li iniHHotl in llm eonimitiilty. .' Tlm littln Hon of Mr. mitl Mm. John 'MiihI fell on it kufo a hioiI tiiim iiko ami Horlounly iniurpil IiIh yo. Ho wiih Inkou to tho liOHpital wlturo mt ; , 5sv, -.. ,.. ' - - 1 mn fin w VETERANS Slight Sense of Humor, at That ';'!' ' io. tl I effort 1m lit'lnc inndc (o niivu I ho Nielli. Tin1 fiinornl of llio lull' Mr. h. A. ItiiKi' wih lii'lil from llif I'ri'tliylciiiui cliniili Tiifilny iilli'moon. 'l'lm mt i'i with I'liiiiliiiilcil dv H'1'. Mr. Slui'liU of Miiironl iiHil'il hy Dr. .1. K. lliilllic Tito Muiiilt't from tin' l'irt l'rilili'riuii oliuri'li of Moil font iiiik Mr. Konu' fnvorilf li.vmiin, Mr, HIiuIiIh ioIju very Inni'liiiiKly "f (lot lif'i' nml infliiiincc of tho ik'piii'titl hiiinir hi Hojoiirn of nixly-onc yMr in llm vnlliiy, lln kmi1,(' of Hie ynirt h liflil ilil'ifri'iil olfiit'i in tlilM cone iiiiimly nml hi- rrciil low for (lie I'lfwItvlfriHii i'Ihim'Ii. The Imily uai Ih'hI lo ri't in llif I'lmi'iiix ri'iiii'li'ry. Mi-h. (Iciuu'it .Mcl'lnin wiih cnllfl to Cnlifnniiii Monilny ly I In' ilciitli of lirr Kruiiiliiiullirr, Mm. Ilnrvcy. I WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETSI .... Mm. Mover wn in (Vlittal l'olut lllUt, Wl'l'lj. Mm. Molfuy iiiototi-il to Conlrnl l'olut on luwiiioM. Mr. O'llaia Iuih lirou iilhprdiitK IiIh ort'hanl in thin tliMrict. Tho S. I'. t'oiapaiy hnH improvoil Seven Oak ftnlitm with u mat of piiiat. Mm. V. Lenthem r thiii ilintrirt rcltirui'il the foiepart of llm week from llio IIom' l'entival ami reort it cry plemtaut trip. Vim woulil havu thounht llm erowi hml eatarrh at the way they eronketl nt tin' tatt of tarietl corn. tlrnnj," iiiet'tiBK Satutiluy eveniitj; nl the Mtltnol litniMn, Juno UB, 1U1II. Mr. nml Mm. Karl Heft ami Mr. nml Mm. Hoy NiehoU inoloreil to Mi'ilfiir.l I'rltluy ovenlnir, nml cnjoyicl llio llnukv I'aitky purfuruintii'o. Mum Minn I.uIk nml MIxm Uorllu linnton of Nowhurj,', Ore., am via iliiiB Mm. Thoiup'ioti for a month. Thin wutik Mhw Tut Ho or Central Point ii their Kiii-hl. An nrlieh' In the Kurnl Now York er ntnttw, ihlt Iuih provetl to he the t'oltlent June for fifty yearn. Front on .hi no Oth th'Htroyetl real iptaiiti Hen of fruit ami Kiinlcii efopt in Southern Nuw York. Not ho here) Mr. nml Mm. Sam Murray wero iwllom in Willow Spring Stimlay ami wero mirpriiiM at the elimif,'es in HiIm tlihliiet in the past few yearn. Mr. ami Mm. .John William nml family tlinetl at tho homo of Hugh Taylor hint Stimlay. The eohl weather keepi the earn haek, hut it will jump when the huh filially warms up. So keep tlm ettl tlntor working ami do not ctowl. HeathpiaiteiH for rvKihlerliti; u Willow SptitiBH is located at Mm. D. Mi MoKiiKM'r'H homo on Seenio no ittie. All itialifietl to vote ploano rej;iHter at onee ami he prepared for any election. Mr. Freemati of Central Point wits out iuHpeeliiiB the work doiieiu the prjitio oicluml. EDEN PRECINCT MiHg Klhurin. Hoamnn of Talent, died of tiihereulonirt Monday morn ittfT huriiil Tuesday in Stearn'rt cento, lery. MIhh Seanian )vas llm ilaunlitcr of Mm. MAO Terrill Seaman. She leaves to mourn hor untimely death WHY? Full hearlnK ponru lu ton-ncro IiIocIch. Fow ot tltoHo hlouku must ho Hold at unco. Will Blvo you eholeo of 170 ttcrca. Comlco, Do AitJuii, llnrtlutt ami Hose. Just S 1-2 mllca went of city llmltu on Jack Boa creek. lUwt ot doop black boII; bout iiplithhorhood; good road; roo1 InilliUiiK iiltou. Thla Id a commurclal, dividend imylitK proposition. Two loii.itero hloeku will ho Bold nt Jut half price. Thla In tho heat I have over offered you. nvontlt$to title now, .1. 0, UAUNICH, Ffrtit National llnttU Uuildlni;. rr. : v f a-hcmj - ) " :" : .""o " I a? . ""iQ "c.you. """ZTZZLkim (vHA,riui5i rJr' up md Give , v v- "S- ,Y V ' TrRDFORB MATTJ OTITBUNE, MTCDFORT), ORFXION, WEDNERDAY. .TONE 25, 1013. i ; ' ,. jl . . . t i . . . I two hrothi'M, a molher ami a host of fri rii lln. , Dt'iilli han elnhned Iwo of our moHt rcNify1i'il eilir.enH near Phoenix hint Sunday. J W. Miller who resided on the eiiNt hide of Hear creek, mid who hnx hct'ii HiifferitiB' from tuher i'iiIiihIh for more than a year, pawni-d away on Sunday morning. Tlm re main were lu'coinpmiicil lo Oakland, (,'al., hy hi wifit and hor molher, for itrematiou. It. A. lto.e who linn liven nt hi ilniifhlrm, Mm. Joe Kndem, for tlm pant year, ami who lum Htifferctl 80 long nml patiently, wa peacefully re lieved hy death Sunday exeniug at ix o'clock. All of hi children were ut hi hctliile n weru his two liroth em, W. M. nml J. H. (lore. Mr. ltoc wn laid lo rent licsido hi wife in the Phoenix oemeterv on TttcHilny at -:)() o'clock. Mr. Hoho wn well mid fnxorahly known, hriug one of tho early pioneer of Ihe valley. Tin many old nclller will lie pained to leant of the denth of Mm. M. Harvey at Chieo, Cal. .lame Htrvey, her husband pnMfil nway Mime ten yearn ago, nml was taken lo Chieo from Talent for burial. Mm. (1. C. McClaiit, ti f:rnuddaui:litcr, left l'lmeitix Sunday afternoon in ntiNWer to n telcKnim. Mr. Harvey in another of tlm early pioneer of tin valley. Mm. Hull of Medford wiih n uttesl at the home of Mm. I.illio ltlavkwood of Phoenix lnt Sunday. Mr. nml Mr. W. M. High of Doris Cnl wore kiiuhI nl C. Curey's lnt Friday n were Mr. and Mm. 11. C. llinh of the Talent hatchery. . Harry Lynch of Talent wn in North Tnlonl on btihlnos Tuodny. (leorire Curly who live north of Phoenix i building n now lmuo upon hi property. The gardener of thi part nre be Kiuuiug to dig Home fine now pota toes ftir market. (Jeorgo Hubert is upending- thin week in Fern Valley with hi daugh ter, Mm. Lent Hughe. Mrs. W. (L Messenger of Applrgnto valley, enmo up on Tuesday morn ing' motor to attend the funeral of Mr. Hosp. BUTTE FALLS Mm. J. E. Day with her mother re turned from Portland Saturday. They express thcnisulvc a glad to ho homo again. Ml Kilitlt Fredenhurg returned from Jacksonville Saturday where hho ha been ntli'iiding teacher' ex amination. Tito entertainment ami sooiul in honor of the return of Hev. mid Mr. Day, which wiih iosImiupi1 heeauso of the ickties and death of Mr. Oheiichain will bo given Thursday evening ut tlm ntttcntbly hall of llm school building. Keo, Knty and "lion" lluehnnnn NEW TODAY SG acre ot tho choicest of land,' all lu crop just cast ot Phooitlx, Is offered for 200.00 por aero. Or will tnko'proporty In Medford to tho val ue ot 13700.00. llnlnuco tuny run an tlio plnco for throo yours If doslrod. A tunnll uiiBlncua proporty In Con- trnl Point. Kxeolloitt location, Is for. Halo for flGOO.OO or will oxchango for ncrougo closo In. 80 ncres In upper Barn's Vnlloy. 20 acres hns boon cultivated nmV tho balauco easily clonrod and practically nil Is furm land. Tltero Is u good woll, n tour-room house, milk house, orchard ntul boiuo other Improvo montB. It Is otforod nt 20.00 por jioro, or would coiiBldor n trado for property around Great FuIIb, Mont. C. D. HOON Hoomia Jncksou County UtinU bldg. TolopUouo 1037-J nponl IiihI week with friend in the oountry. Mr. Jeffrey made it biisinr trip to Meilforil Iiihl week. Mr. mid Mr. Poller of Anliland came up in their car and .apcat .Sun day with Kdgar Smith nml family, re turning .Mommy. The gardciiH and nlirtibbcry in tbiR vicinity are lookim; fine, tho rcult of hummer liowcr of the p.tHt few w eek. IT tiiiitki:. Tt Theatre, progrum for tenlRht: "Two'ii Compnuy, Tlirco' n Crowd." Htrcot K co n on, Yokuhama, Japan; "llroundluiui Huilriuii"; "Tlio (5lrl Ilntk Kayt"; Cenernl Kcott'n Prod Ik'" Special inmilc. S mid lOr; Why pay inoro? Kl netici: Notlco Is hereby Riven that tho undomlgncd will apply to tho city council of tho City of Medford, Or gon, at It noxt rogular meeting nn July 1 1913, for a llccnto to sell Rplrltuom, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less thnn n gallon nt It plnco of buBlnesn on lots 5. C, 7, S, block SO, In nab! city, for a period of six mouths. HOTHL NASH CO. Dated Juno i$, 1913. von m:vi -uousks IFOK KKNT 3-roomcd modern bun I galow, novor occupied, nil con- vfjiiiuncei, ciom) in. ii-roomeu hoiiNo. close In. C-roomed fur nished buiiKalow, closo In: very runsonnble. J. T. Hums, 417 Jay Ht., phono 1C1-U. Off S. Oakdalc. FOR KKNT Woll furnished five room bungalpw. 422 S. Laurel. 90 FOR KKNT 5-room modern, t-room partly furnished hoitso. C09 W. Jncksou, phono 391-J. 83 FOR RKNT Modern bungalow, lawn, paved street, t blocks from Washington school. 729 W. Elov onth. 93 FOR RKNT Modern slx-room bttn gnlow on Ross Court, near Main. Rent reasonable Call K. S. Tumy. Gaructt-Corey Ullc. St FOR ltENl HOUSKKKKPINO HOOMH FORKKNT FnruUhedoiwekeoiw lug rooms, lights, gas. 234 K. Ninth St. . 103 FOR KENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms; lights, gas. 234 K. Ninth St. 82 FOU KKNT FURNISHED APTS. FOR RKNT Furnished npartments. Tho Hcrbcti, 10 Quince st. FOR KKNT OlT-ltmS 0 .t-wf- '-,'tf FOR KENT Large, comfortable ot tlco rooms with elevator sorvlco, steam beat, hot and cold wntor. Low rates. Apply Medford Furul turo & Hdw. Co. V01 KENT FUKNlSHim JtOOMS FOR " iuiNT Closo Til furnishod rooms, 1,C0 and 'i pur week; uso ot bath. Call attornoons, 23C S. Central. FOU RKNT Largo sleeping rooms, nud modern housekoqpluK apart roonts, prices vory reaoonnblo. Phono 102G-L. 222 South Holly trcot. FOIt SAT.1S ItbTS FOR SALE Vacant and Improvod proporty In Uutto Falls, cheap, llonnott InvestuiQut Co. 91 FOK HAttK LANDS FOR SALK Small ranch nonr to town, partly Improved', easy tonus. certain 310 S. Nowtowh, 80 FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment, with Improvements to sell. Address Johu Turrlll, llongle, Oro. 85 FOU SALE HOUSES FOR BAM'3 "OR RENT Good'roonv modom, N6. 510 South Conlrnl at. Houso is on two lots. Also lot and burn ucross tho alloy. Ad dress T, L, Taylor, Motlford, Phono 8C-R4, 102 FOU 8AMJ IIOUHKS FOIL HAI.i: Just a word to tho wlo wo uro completing nnothor beau tiful homo lu our firm tract on (lcnnva Arc. and MlnucBotn Rt. It'n a pencil, l'acy terms, low price. Till I doulrublo and will not ho on market long. Humph rey. 815 Kant Main St. 80 VOH KAf,lv-r-MIKCi:UiASi:OUfl FUIt HAM: Soft drink concessions Fair Ground, July tth, C. C. Hoover. 83 FOU BAM: Iloynl Ann chorrteit. W. M. Frltk'gcr. It. It. 1. Dox 13. Or chard Houso Uoad. SC Ili:i) CimitANTfl For Halo Mrs Win. Haiti. Phono G27-X. 82 FOR BALK 1 bow with iovcn pigs, also thrco largo shoats; on the Armstrong ranch, two miles oust ot town. Hlllcrest Itoad. St FOIt BAM-Oood blcyclo frame. Phono 7-Ft. 8B FHBK DIIIT Ilcst sediment, nil loam. Humphroy, East Side. 81 FOIt SALK Registered Guernsey mitt, s years oiu, eou oi uuua i. It. nrlyn nntfrniit.v In Mlnnoitntn. March SO. 1913. and producing witmn si pounus uuttor oi too winner In a ) ear's centest: may bo seen nt Uaglcy ranch. Talent. Ore. 81 FOR SALK At a bargain, n flour mill stand for grinding flour or for rolling barley. For particulars call nt 14th nnd Central nre. Tho Clark & Hcnery plant, or address P. O. Hox 302, Medford, Ore. FOR SALE Chcnp, flno camp or traveling wagon. Dox 495, Mod ford. And good saddle FOR SALE Ono 10 horscpowor xaa- ollno engine, International make: been iiird about ono month; good na new; for salo at u bargain. William Ulrlch, Medford, Ore. FOIt SALK 1913 model motorcy cles and motor boats at bargain prices, nil makes, brand now ma chines, on easy payment plan; got our proposition before buying or you will regret It; also bargains In used motorcycle. Wrlto us today, encloso stamp tor reply. Address Lock Hox 11, Trenton. Mich. 84 FOR BALE Remington standard typewriter No, 8 Invtslblo writer, 14 luch carriage, never been used; cheap. P. O. Hox 147, Jackson ville. JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS Steam and dry cleaning and dyo work. Satisfaction guaranteed on all work. Gents' suits pressed. Special nttentlon to ladles' silks, laces nnd gloves. Goods called for and delivered. 114 N. Frout St. Phone 125. 114 FOR SALK Ulng Carries; nddross Potior nud Goold, Phono 25-11-2. 83 FOR SALK One medium-sized Al aska refrigerator, practlally now. Address J. L. Lane. It. F. D. No. 2, Central Point. Oro. 85 FOR SALE Gentle, saddle pony and good saddlo, S35. Call at ranch, one-half milo west ot Phoenix. J. H. Lyons, Phoenix. SI FOR "SALE Looso leaf ledger sys tems, any stylo ot imado to order ty the Malt Trlbuno bindery. FOR SALK. Ox hoart chorrlos now ready; taking ordors for Royal Ann and Dlack Republican, oxtra flno. Call 7-F-12. FOR BALE Registered Scotch Col lie puppies six weoks old. Eng- nsu unit tumors nnu grown cot lies. All registered. Stanton Grlffls, Durrlll Orchard, 97 FOR SALE 2 good teams horsos. weighing 2500 each, for salo at n bargain. For particulars phono Wosterftold, 10-F1 84 FOR SALE Legal blanks, tresspass notices, for bq!q or rent sings at the Mall Trlbupe. FOR SALE Lotter heads and fancy stationery, printed, engraved or embossed, as you wish at tne Mall Tribune. HELP WANTKD FKMALH WANTED Girl for general house work, Mrs. Wtu. Budge, GU West Touth St. WANTED Girl for general house work. Mrs. Wm. Budge, Gil West Touth St, HKM WAXTi:i FIlMAltFt WANTKD Woman for house work few houra a day, KastSlilo. Phone G7C-R. HKftP VANTKSMATtB WANTKD Packer desiring employ ment with tho It. R. F. & P. Assn. during season of 1913 should reg ister and receive number at office, 18 W. Main St., or Miss Marian Standcllff, Phoenix. WANTKD MIBCKMjASF.OUS WANTKD Want to purchase small rtsldunco on treat sldo. Must be flno and a snap for cash. Phone C39R3. WANTKD Seven or olght down fcrtllo duck eggs. P. O. Box 681, or phono 107U-X. WANTKD Wood sawing; has good machine; give mo a call, from C to 9 p. m. Phone 384-R. S3 WANTED Drood sows and .young pigs. Address Ux. 12, caro Mall Tribune. 81 WANTKD TO RUY 10 acres: or more of grain hay standing. Phone S91-J-3. 83 FOR KXCrtAMK FOR EXCHANGE Incomo propcrtr $11,000, for well located acreage, prefer unimproved. Clark Realty uo. FOR SALE OK TRADE Pedigreed Poland China boar. R. D. 1, Dox 73, Central Point, or phone Far mer 14-184. WILL EXOHANOE 10 acres pears, with or without houso, for Med ford bungalow. C. D. A., Mall Tribune. LOST LOST A number six tan colored siioo uetwecn mouth ot Little Uutto creek and Medford. Lcayo at Mall Trlbuno office. LOST Milan straw hat, slxo Mi. label on Inside "Mado especially for Lipman. Wolfe & Co., ot Port land, Oregon." Finder plcaso re turn 8amo to Hales Music House for reward, lU W. Main. 81 LuST Dctwoen Mldvale Orchard nud Medford, ladles emb. lluen band bay. Finder leave at this of fice or phono 201-R1, nnd recelro ample reward. 81 LOST A cameo broach. Anyono finding same return to Dank ot Jacksonville, or Medford Mall Tribune and receive reward. MONEY TO LOAM TO LOAN $1000 to $1500 to loan on improvou rancn property, a. L. Cross, Rutto Fulls, Oro. 89 MONEY TO LOAN On city and close In ranch property. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C8. I1USINESS DIRECTORY Accountants D. It. WOOD General Accountant Your books audited and kept for a reasonable figure; your business solicited. Office, Medford Mall Trlbuno bldg.; phono 6C1; resi dence phono 534. Attorneys PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY -Attorneys-at-Lnw, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank bldg. A. E.REAMES, LAWYER Garnett Corey bldg. W. J. OANTON Attorney and Coun sellor ut Law. 133 East Main streot, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIO & ROI1ERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Dank Building. Auto Supplies, LAHER AUTO 8PRINO CO Our big secret In making springs is the tomporing. wo are operating too largest, oldest and host equipped plant In tho Pacific northwost. Use qur springs whon others fall. Sold under ' guarautoo. 26 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Ore, Abstracts ROGUE RIVER VALLEY AB STRACT CO., No. 0 South Central. P3R1T5BWH. By "Bud" Fishier" Kt'SIXKHS DIRECTORY -1 Auctioneers William iii.nrntr i.inniaii n. M f W Honeor for" tho City of Medford, Oregon. Torms reaaonabln. RimI donco phono 161-J. Office Jack non County Dank building. ' Clilropraciom DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Rooms 303-204-205 Oarnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massage gtTenj advice In dietetics, medical gym nastics, hydrop(hrapy. Lady at tendant. Phone, office 946, resi dence C71-R. J)R- A. It. HEDOES. Dr. Lonli B. Hodges Meibano-Theraplsu, Chiro practors, Bpondylotherapisti. Thee systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gyHanastle. Jiydrs-tberaphy, etc.. produce results In both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. 230 North' Barttett St., next door to M. .K. church. Kahh 9 a. m. to C. p. m. .Other. tv n by appolntmenL Phong U7-J. , Den thus DR. W. M. VAN BCOYDC DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentists Garnett - Corey bldg., suite 310, Medford. Ore. Phone 8SI. Garbage GARBAGE Get your premise cleaned up for the wlntir. Call on tho cltr i?arhare ntnni tnr good service. Phono 635-L. F. Y. Allen. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Not nnh- uc. uring your work to me at the sign ot the Mall Tribune. Printer and Publtsaers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the oost equipped printing oftica 1st southern Oregon; book blading, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Physicians and Surgeoaa m. F. 6. OAKLOW, " DR? TsVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phone 103G-L. jteeldenea 420 South Laurel Ht. DR. 8. A, LOCKWOOD Physlclaa ami surcann. MVRTIiH S. LOCKWOOD, K. D. i-racuco limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Mato. Phones, otflee 814-J-2; res., 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physlclaa and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Byes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Office 328 East Main St.. Houra 8; 30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PIQKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Bank bldg, Oftlea phono 43-It; residence phone 68-R. DR.. MARION Pnyslclan and sur geon. Stownrt bldg.. corner Mala and Bartlett sts.; oftico phone 27, resldonco phone 27-J-2. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian nud siirgoou. Office Falsa block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANQY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5, DR. W. W, JIQW.ARD Osteopathia, physician, 303 Garnett-Corey. building. Phone D04-M. R. J. CONROY, Mi D.-i-Phys'leJaB and Surgeon. Over Hutchison ft Lutaa deo, 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. Stenographers ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palta bloek. Stenographic work .dona quleklf, and woll. .- i ' Transfer EADS TRANSFER & 8TORAGK Cd. Office 10 South Fir St. Pkow 816, Price .right. Bervla Raao an(nna. Veterinary SHrgeoa DR. MURRAY. VETERINARY BUM GEON, graduate of th Awerleaa Votorlnary College, N. Y, City. Oftico Nush Livery gtable. Paws 173. '!- J i W