Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    hifc -4 . -. . tift?p kw ir . - il,-iiMllllO'li
i I .111 ill l I i t i t i v
Bedford Mail tribuni
:hit kundat
MKoronu r
fell.' Ill Mitin& TrlsjiniCTho Kouth-
" vrnriwiBiii.'niB Asmnna xrinuno.
Offle Mull Tribune Uultdlnr,
North Fir street; telephone 76.
Offttlsit Vmr ot the dtty'of Med tort.
OfTlctat Paper. Dt Jaefcaon County.
UKOIU1H PUTNAM. Editor and Manager
Bntftjrt MeHfetam-tntttM nt1
MKlfonL Orwfon. tindar ta Bet ot
March IJ.Wir ' .
One rrMyfey hfHi; jj
'' MwJrbriV'JaftisonV
trat Paint
Puturrtar only, bjr .mail, tcr yoar 3.00
weekly, per yer:: .,...... - i.
Tho Ohio society requests the pub
iicntion or tho following poem on.
their groat tnothor stnte:
Tbusun'noveT ahbno ion- a country
nt6ro fair ?
Tlmn beautiru. peerless Ohio;
Thcro'fl llfo In a khw ot hor rnrlUod
i alr.i' i
Ohtop tirollftc Ohio.
Her tons ar6' all valiant and -noblo
Her beautiful dnTigNtera arc Just
about rlfehtt
And her babies, God blew Uiom, arc
dear out ot eight,
-- Thatteropt never falls 1b Ohio.
Our'hbrnes arc alight with a halo ot
- ' lovo,
Ohio; contented Ohio.
Wo bask In' Uio' smllen of tho hcav-
on above,
No clouds. ever darken Ohio.
Our groin waves as billows ot gold
In tho sun,
" Tho fruits ot our orchards' aro
equaled by none.
And our pumpkins, some' of thoni,
V weigh most a ton.
Wo challenge tho world In Ohio.
7i- t i? v
Our girls aro sweet models-ot maid
only graco
In this modern Eden, Ohio.
They arc perfect In figure and' lovely
in face.
That's Just what they aro In Ohio.
Their smiles aro bewitching and
winning and sweet,
i Tbelry dresses aro ''stilish, yet mo-1-
stand neat.
A Trilby would envy their cuto llttlo
In beautiful, peerless Ohio.
When tho burdens of llfo 1 aiu called
to lay down,
I hope I may die In Ohio;
I never could ask a more glorious
1 crown
Than ono of tho sod of Ohio.
And when tho last trump wakes tho
land and tho sea
And tho tombs of the earth set
their prisoners free,
You may all go aloft, If you choose,
but for no
Ithlnk I'll Jinr stay 'In Ohio.
- ALDAN V Julio 20. Tho assembly
lust night dofeated-Gov. Sulzer's dlr
ect primary bill alter a fight which
has extended over several weeks and
been characterized by much bitter
iioss and recrimination. Colonel
Iloosovclt aided tho governor In hlB
campaign and tho contest! brotigtit
about a complete realignment In state
politics. Although an old Tammany
man Governor Sulzcr broke with Dots
Murphy of Tammany Hail and ac
cused him of.tryinx to throw tho state
to political plundorors while Murphy
countered with' serious accusation
BgainetithoKowrYorkf executive.
The flghf today In tlio aesertbly
Vvaa close and hard fought but the
forces of reaction won with Murphy's
aid. Although tho governor would
mako no statement tonight closo
friends deelarad tho fight had only
begun and that Interesting develop
ments apulHfba, eatpettad-i , jj.
' ' T
I'ehupa becaiiBo the yoar is 1913,
tho codling moth, reliable llttlo pest,
layod her eggs on the sides of tho
apples this year Instead ot in the
calyx as usual, according to Professor
O'Oara'8 observations,, which moans
a much Jess1 low from-wormr apples
this year, A worm hatched on the
side ot the apple la-jiioro easily pois
oned thau1 pne la tho protection ot
tho calyx. O'Oara thinks that on ac
count or the lato season tho calyx
had nearly closed up when tho cod
ling ,mph was, ready to lay her eggs.
WASHINGTON'. Juno 2D. Clifford
Plnchot, fornier chief forester, at
tended tho IIetch' llotchy hearing to
day bofore the house public lands
committee. Heforo the hearing, it
wot) sslij that he would take tho
utanrt In support or tho bill grant
ing, a rosorvolr slto In Hetcli Iletchy.
vnUW to Pnn Francisco for n immli
rljutl water supply.
. KM
Br 'rArrtir la " .
Ill jh1 On- ,'
. .. HI
. , , M'NAB'S CHARGES. ,
uiii has seized upon n very good occasion to do a Jittlo
grandstanding, play a little, polities and make himself
prominent by berating his superiors and resigning offiee.
Probably effective results could have boon accomplished
withouttho publicity but Hint would not have advertised
Mr. MVNab, who is said to bo n gubernatorial candidate.
At the same time, there is ,110 justification .for tho ac
tum of Attorney General Me Reynolds in delaying or order
ing tho delay of the Caminetri-Diggs and Western .Kuel
company trials. That a, serious mistake was made is
.ncktfowicdggd Vy thp appointment of a special prosecutor
wiiu iiisirucH0,us u) nisii uie uriius.
But while Mr-MeReynolds made a mistake, it does not
necessarily follow that the mistake was .due to corruption
or a desire U thwart justice, as charged by McNab. ic
Reynplds states ,tllat ho ordered the juostp'oucmoiit of tho
cases as orauiary jjivccuure ol tTiuuuai inais wiiuouc an
ticipating that malign . hiotives would be alleged as tho
cause, of 'ljis.aution..,
Aylitm i,i,s c9ijside,rcd that there are several thousand
similar.cases ponding, the explanation is plausible. There
is no evidence to beiir out McNab's charges of ulterior
motives. TJ :::
LDrKS of tho. C( renter Hertford club have a most com
. , ' inciidaWe cxhpit flf .l'oscs on display at Jie Conuner
eial clu): Citizens are. asked to call aurt east a vote for
j "
their .favorite, variety in .the
official rose.
Thp Indies hiyc rtetcrmjjicd to make Medford famous
for her roses.A preliminary .uiove is the selection of a
typical rose to .ho called, the Mxjrtforrt rose, which can be
planted nrofuselv alonir curbs and hedires rturint? the
.coming fall, winter and spring.
it is a matter ot importance as well as of pride to select
tne rose not only best adapted, Iiardiest and vigorous in
this .climate, but the most beautiful as well a rose that
symbolizes the Medford spirit
.the vnllev.
Don't fail to interest yourself in this subject and help
the ladies to a suitable choiqe.
1 i
TTELP make the Fourth of July celebration the greatest
success of any celebration yet attempted by doing
your share.
lilvery child shquld turn out and march in the school
children's section of the parade.
Every auto owner should put Ins or her car in tho pa
rade, decorated as much as possible.
Every merchant and manufacturer should have a float
of some kind. Every one of the numerous lodges should
also be represented. , '
Tlic special features will 'be handled by committees but
the main features depend upon the community's co-operation
for success.
The Nation's President
It Is a great thing to,deqlop clmr:
actor to that point iwhere, it. may. bo
said of a person; "His word Is as
good as his deed." In Wood row
Wilson wo must rccognizo a president-
who'lsifaltufut to the trust Im
posed upon him. Ho waa elected to
tho highest position of honor in our
country becauso at tho outset tho
.majority of our people placed in him
their confidence
Tho president of tho United States
hau great power, yet ho Is not an
autocrat.' Congress may pass h
certain measure, and even though
tho president placo his veto upon It,
tho legislative body may pass it over
Ills veto and mako It an act If they
so doslro, and will do so It ho bo a
man who lacks their confidence. Wo
will all' admit at tho start that wo
would far rather placo a taun In of
fice upon Vhoso Integrity wo can ro
ly',, orcn though- hio Judgment at
times may be erroneous, than ono
whoso actloiiB wo feel wo must con
tinually watch' for fear that ho will
work out somo legislation detriment
al to our best Interests. If ho bo a
man who is really bad at heart, who
Is long on seductiveness and short
on Integrity, who may possess a pow
erful, magnetic, pononal Influence
In addltlonl It stands us in stead to
bo vory watchful lost be so adjust
tho governmental balance whoel of
our machinery, congress, as to causo
It to work In synchrony with tho
governmental main spring, tho prcs-
Ideal and, puua gauge, aldjsruifton In
- V1- ' '' ' I' i ''-''-i mm ..,'
NEW YORK, Juno 2C The
f22G,000 breach of promise and
maintenance suit, of Miss Mao Sul
livan, filed in tho Supreme court
against Arthur I, Hoe, son ot tho
late Robert K. Hoe, niultl-mllllon-alro
printing press manufacturer,
will be fought to a finish, 'according
to announcement today by Hoo's sec
retary. Miss Sullivan, who is 21
yours old, alleges that Hoe promised
to marry her after maintaining her
in nn apartment nt tho rate of $f0,
000 n year. She Insists that their
friendship was purely platoulc
voting contest now on. for an
and typifies the beauty of
tho otberwlso peaceful minds of our
In Preslent Wilson wo havo not
this to fear, however. Ho Is a man
of keon Intellect, a student ot politi
cal affairs, a follower of tho Chris
tian faith, and theroforo ono In whom
wo may roposo groat confidence. Ho
possesses character in the hlghost
degree His energies aro concentrat
ed upon tho affairs of government.
Ho Is peering Into ovory nook and
cranny of our Institutions to discover
wherein betterment of our conditions
can bo affected. For tho second
1 1 mo during his administration ho
has appeared on tho floor on con
gress to deliver his own message on
a subject of vital Importance to ev
ery ono of us currency reform. lie
causo of ita great Importance nnd tho
fact that his mind has been so ac
tively and' thoughtfully- engaged In
tho solution) of this problem, lio did
,not dare tleicgato tho delivery ot his
thought to nnothor for fear that tho
Intonation might bo misdlrectod or
tho emphasis misplaced.
Ho realizes that we must havo i
moro clastic currency systom, ono
which canjlx mado oftnoro practical
use' in a ttmo such ad tho present'.
Tho condition of tho country is
sound, but there aro switches and
curvca along tho track which need
greasing In order to reduce tho fric
tion so that tho cnglno ot cornmerco
may speed along wfth no groat Ions
ot time nnd' effort.
Juno -24, 1913.
KASIIVlLLi:, Tonn., Juno 25.
Mrs. Anna Dotsou is under sentence
here today ot five days in jail for
manslaughter in killing Charles
Cobb. Mrs. DoUon admitted Illicit
relations with Cobb, and said she
had vowod It ehe'could obtain divine
forgiveness, and it she were not sep
arated from her husband, alio would
kill tho man who had "wrecked her
Legal blanks lot sale at tho Mall
Trlbuoo office. tf
Mail Otder Trust Covers Nation
lly ConproxMitnn Clyde II. Tuxrniior.
WASHINGTON, June 'J5.-So si
lently ami insidiously Hint tho grout
public is n yet utmost mmwuro of
ilH )reonco, n new Irut is exliuul
iujr its tnitncli's out over lliu coun
try. It i tho mail order trust. Al
ready its !trnulm slip is IttfJiU'niiijj
about ttio million Hiunll town uml
country mcrotmuts who lire tlm lutein
bono of nnliomil prosperity.
The mull order trust tuts utipiluliKod
women tuitl' cliild labor. It hits capi
talized piismi labor. It has itupi
tnliscd itiisfoiluuo. It hits capita
lized vice. It has turned nil those.
thitiRS into dollars riollnri which
should have found ihoir way into tho
tills of the country merchant, in
stead of tiowiuK into the trust's Wull
street lioiuil.
One mnil order limine recently in
crciiKcd its capital stock from $.100,
000 to flO,000,000. A new $10,
000,000 merger r mail order honies
has boon formed. Wall Street finnn-
ciers, inolmliuc; the Jlorptn linnkiitp
firm, has hnd charge of both theso
financial operations. Still another
mail order lin, with 03 ncrts of
floor space, mado n net profit of
$17,000,000 last year.
It is uvidcduti Ihati the greedy yos
of the cront mail onlur financiers
are turned tiisui the entire retail
business f the Untied States out
side of tho groat cities. It is nlso
plain that n gii;nutio. trust is rapidly
fonninjr. The smalt rrtuil merchant
is facing ruin. That tliu grip f thu
ortupiiH is already heiuc; Xctt is
bcinjr felt is liowu by the ivtptilntion
statistic. Nearly 7000 small tnwiW
loftt populnliou in the census of 1010,
It is declared that sonielhiiip inur.t
he dodn, liy tminedinte legislation, or
tho parcel jnist wilt not he the com
plete blo-situ: H ouht to lie. It is
assorted ddtdhed solution of tho pro
blem will he in the form of n heavy
tnx on mail order hnHiness. This lax
To tho Editer:
The writer has no desire to en
ter Into a controversy with tho Mall
Tribune over socialism. Tho editor
of that papor has a "flood of words,"
also he has Ideas; but does not stick
to tho text in the dl-cusslon ot so
cialism. Socialists aro Indeed dreamer.
Their vIMon Is of n better social
state where equality of opportunity
shall prevail where tho worker,
either with brain or hand, shall ro
cclvo tho "full social valuo" of tho
product of his toll. Such a stato U
not lni088lble. Thn dream may
come true: nnd It Is a growing be
lief that tho socialist dream will In
great measure bo realized.
When socialism Is established,
"grafting agitators," tho '(sinister
"syndicalist." "strikes," "sabotlsm,'
"dynamltlugs'' and other deplorable
fen tu res ot tho present will ceaso to
exist for lack ot that sort of Incent
ive which makes them thrive now.
When an orderly nnd democratic In
dustrial system Is established, pres
ent chaotic conditions will ceaso to
exist with attendant evils but not
till thon.
Any nvorage adult realizes the In
herent inequalities of humanity,"
which doubtless nlwayH will oxlst;
and that "thero can bo no other
equality croatcd or assured by gov
ernment" than equality of opportu
nity which is what socialists aro
striving for.
In ndvanco of tho- co-ojioratlvo
stato, tho socialist does not attempt
to say what recompense ttbu Vina,
chnnlcnl toller" or tho Vcroativo
genius" shall receive; but states each
should havo, as near as posslhlo "the
full social valuo" ot what he pro
ducps. ,
It Is difficult to understand how
an Industrial democracy such us so
cialists propso can bo held as "tho
tyranny of the soclulist state' oven
though Herbert Spencer wail author
ity for surh an idea,
"It Is a favorite" and truo "so
cialist saying tliut labor creates .ill
wealth" moaning thereby, that hu
man Intelligence nnd energy applied
to natural resources produces all
necessities and luxuries termed
wealth. Human Intelligence and la
bor prodijeo machines, which even
tually will reduce manual labor to
a fraction of that necessary now,
The laborer, by brain und hand,
therefore creates thu machine, in
creasing man's power over nature,
and his, ability to cruata wealth.
Tho nutural and Just conclusion
Is that labor, having created all
wealth, Including tho machine, should
own und control what It has pro
Doos tho editor contend tlm for
society to "confiscate" natural re-
Lady Assistant.
riiojif M, 47 anil 47-.T-3 '
Atiibulanco fiorvlco Deputy Coroner
JUNE 25,
1J. . L
would, it Is contended, (end In stop
tho expansion of tho mail husiiirs,
nijd to reduce its present fonnhlnldo
siro. Tho money thus collected would
ho spent for mad Imlldinj; or other
local improvements in tho districts
which coutiihutcil to tho mail onlfr
luiiisos. ,
The small retail merchant is tho
prop of distrihuted piospoiity, nnd
tho growth of tho mail order tiust
sorves no comiiiou ptod. Iloic is u
riuoiplo which woiks eut: "If you
spend your money whom you got it,
you will ho tihlo to get it where you
spend it."
Through a system alio nd vert is! dc
cnmpnip,u, Ihc mail order capitalists
linvo souulit to poison tho public
mind against tho small merchant,
Tho people have licon told that there
am too many merchants, nnd that
their retail method arc wasteful mid
costly. Hut I would point out the
other side of (lie iptcstiou.
Tho Chicago ioo investigation
showed that fiO.OOO women employes
of muil order houses aro existing on
starvation wagrn. ninny of thnn ho-
inu; dtiveii by poverty to lives of
sliniuo. Tho mail order houses am
rtho urcnt .distributors of piiiou.mnde
goods, 'lhoy uro tho exploiters of
Mnisfortuue, hiiyiue; much of their
goods at banknipts' saes.
Hut who takes nn iutonwt in local
affairs and has u hand in the up.
building of communities? Whose
goods am assessed for the tiuos to
pay for local improvement f Wlio,
when the crops have failed or the
strike is on, nnd there is no cnsli to
scud nnny, extends the credit which
enables tho community to lit oT The
local merchant and not the Wull
Street owned mnil order house.
We want cheapness, a lower ooit
of living,' lluil is what wo uro nit
working for. Hut we do nut want it
nt thu expense, of the women wage
slaves of Chicago and of the million
little merchants of this country.
as Argument
sources and Induntry to ls democrat
leully mnnaged for tho "common
good" Is n parallel cas.o with tho
bank robber stealing funds (or Mils
own narrow selfish benefit?
Tho socialist platform expresses
tho Hoclallst position on public ques
tions; any fair attack on tho tenets
of socialism will bo aimed at tint
Why erect n bogey label It "so
cialism," and then swat tho fantast
ic fnko linage, -when n reputation
may be acquired by showing tint fal
lacy of Its platform, which la thu
autographed portrait ?
Medford, Oro,. Juno 2T,, ID13.
St. Helens Hall
Reiident and Day School for Clrlt
ta rhartmnt HMmcl W-Jk IUhM (frl.ll
C.IIxl.l.. A. 4. nit SIM.Urr Dril..H,
Hull, Art. SlmtlM, EnamMIU AM, IMlMIK ),
ar'lK. rrculaM!w
' THKNirreit fcuriiiituittOrrirffS)
SI. llrlu Hull
A .WATCH will run withoul
oil or cleaning longer than
any other piece of machin
ery but it needs both occasion
ally. wwpssjfnf A
If you will consider that th'c rim oE
the balance wheel travels over fifteen
miles k day, you will eot grudge your
watch 'a specie of oil and a cleanlnK
once a year. It wilt increase tho
life and accuracy of your watch.
Lcavfi yaw jalch with ju ia-j&
the Waltham, Elgin,
Howard, Hamilton,
Illinois, South Bend,-
and Rockford
movements in all the
sizes. Also the new
Gent's Thin Model
Full Dress Watch.
. , ...
Martin J. Reddy
Tin', imi'KLRK
Near 1'pHtuffjco
SBu m - BS
fJM'tLI) Ltl
, T'l " '
A l'rco I'rcscilpilon Vim Can Prepare
At Your Own Home
Many women tnko poifoel emu ot
their faio and clothes, ot iiegluet
their ImiidH. Itoiigh, ivit hands are
uliuust as unuttractho us lll-kei'l
It Is a sliuplo, easy matter' to keup
your Intuits smooth and bunuttfuli
Tho following prescription, which
)ou can compound at our own homo
Is famous for thu marvelous, Instan
taneous results iti gives;
(let fioni our ilnigKbU ono ounce
of Kulux Compotiud. Cut It In a
two'Oiineo bottlti. add a ipinrtor of
nn ounce ot witch haxul, fill with
water and shako well.
You wilt ho surprised at thu result
when applied tu jour hands, units,
.face, nock or shoulders, lllomlslius
ot every kind dUiippcur us It by mag
lc Freckles, tun, rutigli akin, course
pores )lold iiiRtunOy tu this npplloa
tlou. It Is dcllclousty cool and sooth
ing ami is not affected by prusilrt
tlou. It will not rub off. This Is tho
proscription of n famous Parisian
beauty i
Time works quick chango l the
growing girl, l'lg-tnltn and short
skirts aro soon forgotten In tho urn
turer charms of thu debutante.
Somutlmou though jou illl actio
for a picture of bur Just as she
rumitud In .from sellout or play.
Think how sliu would llku ono ton,
In after yearn to show her friends
and possibly her children. Mako tho
appointment while tho thought s
Irtish in your mind.
I am tho plintogruphcr In your town
ii. a macki:v
I!. Main ami Central, .Mnlforil, Oro.
lal TrterariMle
f Glands; Now Well
If you sro a salTrrrr from OlsnituUr
TalwKaloili, or kniiw of surna ou
mictnl. It might tu w.ll lo lutMllsol.
till. rt, HUorv tho wrllrr lHrt flr
rear or unrlu. Ii fuuu.t iwruiaurnl
rUrf hi1 rull trmtrrr lu liraltli lir
u.lni Kkiuin'a Altfrmlv, n innlltln
which lua brrn fHccllTo In uiauy rsirt
of Tubrvlobit-
T iJirniloo HU I'hlli l'.
"Ontlcmtu l In March, lwu. I waa
taLcu alcb uml tnj tlorlor ironnnnTl
my ra TuUrrrulotla In Itin Ulanila.'
Mistical Urtim-nt ill J not brlp m. ami
on inr doctor'a aJlcf, I wrnt In a boa.
pllat lo bo oiwmtr-1 mon, but Tvt-t
only temporarr, I lo.t alrvastri, ami at
llinoa would bare rolit urnl noil fetrr.
In April, 1010, 1 r.lurnnl lu lb hoitillal,
but I ho continual otwratlona wcro not
biirrltlns? M"
"In lb nirnlliiis a frlrml of mlna
ailflirt) lkianh' .Mtrrattvc. ln II
60O.1 for TlllMrisitnala Til woumli
In mr neck wrro till iqrn anil In a
rrlsbtfnl condition wbrn I atarlM In
lakn II. Adrr Uilntf Iwo tinttlni. I
foiinil I wa linirnitnr. bavlni; salnfil
wrlubt, conlcl rat, anil m alile lo aWp.
I contlnuvtl ulne II until I waa wrll,
wlikh waa In NoTamlxr, 1910. Ilrfom 1
took III iniMldtw. I bail Ihrm hnnor
rbasral alnco I hat lfn laklHR II, I
bars not bail any (la, Narttabrr 11,
1910. I alartrd lo work, anil alnr tint
lima I bar not lo.t on tlay'a Work
throuub alckara. I can blsblr rrrom
BirnU Kckroan'a AlliTitlro to anjona
who la auffrrlnir from Tubrrrutoala or
Olaoil Trouble. proTlillnu Ihry tak,ll
aa illixMul, I will Kladlr crrr.nil
wllb any parly ilrdrtn- furlh.r Infor
mation of wbat tho mwilrtnti illil ror ine."
isworn HiDAnilt) JOSIIIMI II. WIDTH.
Krkuan'a Allcrnllt l rnrcllr la llron.
rhttta, Aalhma, liar Kcrar: Thrnat anil
Luna TrnublM. and In anbullillntr Hi
ayat.m. Dora not contain polaon, nplatr
or habit forming rtrtiir. AU for hoaklrt
Irlllnc of rrcorrrlea ami writ to Ikkman
I.aboralorr, rhlUiUlphla. I'a for ?l.
daac. lor aalo b all UaJlus drug glata
Officii Upstairs,
Medford Mall Trlbuuo Uulldlag,
Phenes: Office, Gil. Rvsldunco n34,
Pupil of Hugo numfoldt
, IfitH Opened a Studio at
G16 North Central
Steam and Hot Water
All Work.OwaraiitMa,
'" ' Prices lloasoimbls
M owaa aioek. atranc oa U BH,
Sow "toon .
Wa carry a vory comploto lint ot
droporlua, lacs' ourUlna, fixtures, etc.,
anil do alL clasaoa of upliolnturlnif. 'A
poclnl mun to Ipok nttor this work
eialimlvttly and will glvs ns trood
aervlco as Is poaalblo tu gat la uvau
thu lurgcat cities.
Woelw & McQowan Co.
n lIIllIL",
' iLi.1. nnww
wiUR1? poj ao
n t i
aaaaa a .
The Black
Spoctncular Two-Bool
iJ Oilier .Kino Pliolopltiyn
Coming Friday, Saturday
Kour-Hoel Ktmturu
I !.!
Il0)'ts raiuuuri MustoridiKii
I Hellt; IVaturo lu Tmo 1'nrts. , '
Iorrrixd it ovi'.u on oaoa
ratno tumuiiy
X Music i:(fctn ; ;
Coming ThurMliiy ! ',
AliKAI.I IKC'H Mt)Tlli:U.IN.
ii.wv : ;
(otio .stain ouiy) . : ;
4 ! I
Bittner's Real Estate
& Employment Bureau
l'Oll hai.i:
room bungalow, rlosn In, lot
15x130 ft,, screen porch nnd garden.
1'rlce, I32S.
I'l-room Iiuiino, barn, ). ot an arro
of ground, Hater piped on ground,
very sightly placo. I'rlto llflou.
17 arm bimrlag orchard, near It.
R , fair buildings, for Cal. Incomti
liroiierty. l'rleo $l-,u00.
100 aero stock ranch, good ri
room hotiHu, good outbuilding, Irrl
gullou, 70 acres saw timber. Hrlcu,
li.OOo; want city reslduticu.
70 urro ranch, Jfi a. G r. applos,
0 a. pears, hal, ulfnlfu, good build,
lugs, fluo placo; want liiromo prop
erty lu nuy Inrgu count city, ,.ltrlce,
$30,000. '
HoiiKo for runt, furnUlied nnd tin
fumliihcd. l ' ' '
Crop on Iti Mi nrro ranch, K a, n
pimclis, llj n, In apples, 1 a, tu
pears, 2 a. lu alfalfa: crop ami out.
buildings. Price. 1300. "
(lood team, wagon und harnes'i!
hack, furnlturo of l-romii housn, OH
chickens, 0 turkeys, nil for $37C.
Itnneli hands.
Otrlti and women tor Konoral
Wood cutters, ?t.C0 imr cord.
ltcs, rjono 1Q00..X .riiimo. H0,
OpiKlto Jiunh, Hotel
E. E). Weston
Official Fhdtograplibr of the
Moclford Commorcial Club
i 1 t m
'Amateur PinialitTig
PoptCards , ,
Panoramic Work
Portraits .r vt v 4
Intorior.and oxtoiior vie we
Flash LightM
Negatives mado any time
and any placo by appoint
mont. - 'h . . i. i
208 E. Main Phone 1471