Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ". PAGE TWO,
O. r, Nutting, of Ornnts Pas, was
n rccont business visitor in Mcutoru
IJr. and Mrs. ChnrleB Dally vcro In
from lllllurcat Orchard Tuesday eve
llert ltnnoy lias removed Mr bll
Jlard tables, e(c, to tho Rmerlck
,, building3 oVKorlli Front, street.
,G. h. Miinson, representative of
tlio Pacific u Paper Co., of Portlnnd,
Is making tlio valley his iiMtnl lslt.
3,000 accident and Ufa Insurance
lor ,$10; 52G0 for $17.50. See
Holmes, tlio Insuronco pan.
jTV.L. Moulton and hla family ar
rived Jrom Sacramento mesony ami
may locate In Medford. Mr. M. 'a
connected with the Producers Fruit
A. 11. Itcnson, of Stockton, Cat.,
Is tho guost of Superintendent 'An
derson, of tho Wcstcrlund Orchards
Ho 'may become a resident of the
Insure against accidents and sick
ness In tho Travelers Insurance Com
pany. Protection up to J IB, 000 for
'only $15,00. Talk with TUMY, In
lib (J&rnctt-Corey Bldg.
A. C. Hewlett and his daughter,
of Eaglo Point, wero In Medford
Tuesday en route to Grants Pass.
II. E. Foster, civil engineer, .has
'been at tho Sterling mine on pro
fessional business for S. S. Ilullls
and his associates.
Mrs. It. P. Kendall has been tho
guest of Mrs. Jos. Polcy, of Ashland,
returning to Medford Wednesday,
Orchard, bunting, nshtng ana
Crater Lake scenes for sale at Cor
king & Harmon's studio. KcgatlTcs
made any place, kodak finishing. 118
East Main street Phono 21S It.
Charles Bedford, who Is conduct
ing grocery stores at Medford and
Ashland, tarried In tho city Tuesday,
E. W. Carden hns returned from
a business trip to San Francisco.
Miss Mary Mce. of Central Point,
was among her Medford friends
Tuesday afternoon.
Kodak finishing, best In town, at
J. C. Aitkin and Clydo Oarnum,
county fruit Inspectors, camo to
Medford Tuesday. ' j '
bJ L. Nowman, who went to Cres
cent City, Cat., some time ago, is
in Medford again.
Col. Gcorgo P. Mlms, h. Lundstroin
nnd "W. K. Parker, of Seven Oaks,
tarried a few hours In Medford this
Gerklng ft Harmon, studio por
traits, homo portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Main street;
telephone 215 It.
Mrs. W. F. Shields visited friends
llvln'g In tho southern part ot the
valley Tuesday.
Henry nansen, ot lloxy district,
mado a business trip to Medford
J. F. Hall rind family and Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Smith, of Sterling pre
cinct, wero In Medford recently.
Mrs. S. B. SlmmonB visited rela
tives living in Jacksonville Tuesday
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapbor, negatives made any time or
place by appointment Phone M.
, Owen Dunlap, John Roberts and
C. W. Brown, of Phoenix, wero hero
on business during tho week.)
Mrs. Fred Lewis, of Antelope dis
trict, has gono to Portland on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Billon Hill drove to
Medford Tuesday afternoon.
, Dr. Kirchgessnor will be at Hotel
Nash oveiy Saturday from 10 a, m.
to 3 p. m. on and after May 24.
Dick Traverse, of Sterling district,
a well-known miner, was la Med
ford and Jacksonville this week.
" Col. nnd Mrs. It. C. Washburn, of
Table Rock, motored to Medford Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. E. Hicks and Mrs. M. Berry,
of Ashland, aro guests of relatives
and friends living in Medford.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sage for men and women. Dr. It.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Gar-
nett-Coroy bldg. Phone KB.
Qilbort Stewart, Jr., who has been
attending the University or Califor
nia, Js at homo near Ashland again.
George Boltz has gone to Jenny
creek with Henry Huenergardt, his
cousin, and will be gone some time.
Prof. Irving E. Vlnlng, of New
York, 'is spending his vacation nt
Ashland, his former home.
2D per contoff on all hammocks
at Shan'lelgu'H Hardware Store. 83
Mayor Von dor Ilqllen and J. '.
Brown, ot Eagle Point, motored to
Medford Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. h. 13. Packard, who has been
visiting In the valley, loft for her
homo in Wisconsin tho foro part if
tho week.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phono 3fi7
Night P. W. Weeks 10:!.J.2
l'bpnee fi. E. prr D78-M
Garrett Bros., ot Big Sticky, wero
In MedfonV Tuesday, transacting
T. 13. Daniels, deputy grand o
nlted ruler of tho B. P. O. H., left
for Kugeuo Tuesday evening, to pay
tho lodgo nt that city nn official
Ill b. Mills, of Butte Falls, was of
tho many who camo to Medford Tues
day. Tho Postal Tcl6graph Co.'s office,
located In the Hotel Nash building,
has been enlarged nnd Improvud.
O. B. McClelland and. W. 1 Sud
darth wero over from Eaglo Point
tho foro part of tho week.
It. D. ltoed, postmaster of Gold
Hill, transacted business lit Medford
Tuesday nfternoon.
J. Irving I.eo. of Etna Mills, Cal
president of1 tho Southern Oregon s
Northern California Mining Congress
was In Medford Tuesday.
Mrs. Jcuncsso Butter hns returned
to Medford after an extended visit
In Portland.
J. N. Hockersmtth nnd his daugh
ter wero at Phoenix Tuesday after
S. W. McClendon, A. E. Kellogg
nnd J. I,. Moore, ot Gold Hill, made
n business trip to Medford Tuesdny.
Sheriff Smith, of Josephine coun
ty, has returned from North Yakima,
Wash., with II. I,. Akerlll, formerly
engaged in mining near Kerby, who
has been indicted for obtaining mon
ey under false pretenses.
Miss Jessie Martin, of Grauts Pass,
has been lu Medford taking testi
mony in n enso nt law.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Klncald, ot
Rogue River district, were ot the
many who shopped in Medford dur
ing tho week.
John Brown, ot North Carolini,
who Is visiting his daughter, Mrs.
T. C. Norrls, made a trip to Jack
sonville Tuesday.
Tho Jury In tho case of George
Ferris, an nged carpenter, who was
arrested at Dorrls, Cal., charged with
kidnapping Harriet Fink, of Klam
ath Falls, aged 14 years, disagreed,
standing 9 to 3 for acquittal. Judge
Benson will probably dismiss tho
Miss Alberta Seaman died at tho
resldcnco of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Seaman, of Talent, Monday,
aged 18 years.
There will bo a regular mooting
of Roaraes Chapter No. C6. O. E. S,
tonight. Work and social.
iBargaln Day every Thursday ct
Wonder Store. Watch it.. 2Cc flar
ing tin palls IS.
Toys. Toys. Just got in a large
shipment. Get the children's pres
ents nt Wonder Store. .
Largo shipment of Dishes on way
for Wonder Store.
Tho Wonder Store will have 4th
of July goods. Come early.
Miss Orbla Natwlck returned to
her homo in Medford Tuesday nfter
having spent tho winter in Los An
geles, Cal.
Many new members will be ndded
to the Commercial club at tho regu
lar meeting to bo hold at tho City
Hall Friday evening, June 27, nt
8:00 o'clock.
Remember tho regular monthly
meeting of tho Commercial club will
be hold Friday evening nt City Hall.
The armory Just completed at Ash
land will be tho sceno of a cere
monial to be held by Illllah Temple,
Order of tho Mystic Shrine, Satur
day afternoon nnd evening, Juno 28.
A fino program is being arranged.
Mr. and Mrs. W. it. MacDonald
have gono to Butte, Mont., where
tho former Is engaged In business
They wero accompanied as far as
Portland by Miss Ida Leo Kentnor,
,, Inspector Kelly, of tho Southern
Pacific company's special detective
force, was in the valley this week.
John Arnold and O. Knlps-, tho
agriculturists, transacted business In
Medford Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Rose Whitney has gono to
Oakland, Cal., on a visit with rola
lives and friends.
F. A. Dryden, roprosontatlvo of
tho Remington Arms Co., hns been
In tho valley on business for his
firm. He was entertained by tho
Grants Pass Gun club Sunday and
made a score of 24 points out ot a
posslblo 25. Will Dana scored 23
points and Messrs Hulverson, Cook
and Johnston, 22, 21 and 20, respec
tively. Sam Veatcn, cnlof of the Order of
Railroad Conductors, has organized
a branch ot that organization at
Itosoburg, where about forty con
ductors make their headquarters. 13,
II. Billings and W. B. Johnson woro
chosen to fill two of tho principal
J, L. Moore, who Is in tho employ
of E, G. Perhatn, hq bridgo con
tractor, has been In dlfferont parts
of tho valloy buying horses for his
einployor, who has tho contract for
doing a largo amount of munlclpul
Improvement at Marshfleld. He
bought several teams which have
been driven to Coos county.
E. A. Hlldreth, of Butto Falls, was
a business visitor Wednesday.
Mr. and Mis, Wm. Oorlg and Miss
Mildred Gorig left for Spokane Wed
nesday, From there Mrs. Oorlg and
duughter go to Arkansas to spend
the summer visiting relatives, and
Mr. Qerlg returns to Medford.
ntratd that ho might ho ono of tho
shootccs, or words to that fftct.
(Signed) 8. I. BUOWN,
WASHINGTON, Chine 3.-l'rel-dent
Wilson Inst night telegraphed
District Attorney McNnblt nt San
Francisco, accepting the Intter's res
ignation, form of which he character
ized na "an Inexcusable Intimation ot
Injustice ami wrongdoing" on tho part
ot Attorney General Mcllcynolds.
Ill a letter to McRoynolds tho prcst.
dent exonerated htm and adopted Mc-
Reynold's suggestion thnt tho Cnmln-ottt-Dlggs
nnd Western Fuel cases bo
prosecuted Immediately by n special
counsel for the government.
Tho president telegraphed McNnb:
M greatly regret you should have act
ed so hastily under n complete misap
prehension; hut since you have given
your resignation In n form ot nn In
excusable intimation of Injustice nnd
wrongdoing on tho part of your su
perior 1 reloaso you without hesita
tion, and accept your resignation to
take effect immediately.
Mclleynolds says ho ordered tho
postponement ot tho cases as ordinary
procedure ot criminal trials without
anticipating any falr-mlndod man
would attribute "malign motive" to
them. This statement was acknow
ledged In tho president's letter to Mc
Roynolds as follews:
"Allow mo to acknowledge with
sincere appreciation your lcttor giv
ing a full account ot tho way In which
tho department ot Justice dealt with
tho Camlnottl-Dlggs nnd Western
Fuel cases pending In California.
"I am certainly satisfied thnt tho
courso you took in both cases was
prompted by sound, Impartial Judg
ment, and clear Instinct tor what was
fair and right. I approvo your courso
very heartily and without hesitation
I agreo that what wo may think of
what has been dono does not relievo
us ot tho obligation to press tho cases
with tho utmost dlllgcnco and cnorgy.
"I approvo your suggestion that a
special counsel be appolntod. I hgjio
you will do tljls without dolay."
Tho White Houso gave out a letter
written to Mclleynolds by Secretary
Wilson of tho department of labor In
which tho latter declared Anthony
Cnmlncttt asked leavo ot absehco to
nttend tho trial ot Ills son before he
took tho oath ot of f Ico as commission-
I or general Immigration.
Wilson stated neither Camlncttl
nor any ono clso suggested ho nsk
postponement of tho cases but ho did
so on his own volition to keep Cam
lncttl In Washington for work In or
ganizing the bureau of immigration.
In a letter to tho president McRoyn
olds recited tho history of tho two
cases and submitted complcto files fn
each case.
(Continued from page 1.)
(Continued from Page 1)
Robert Edeson Is writing an orig
inal play based on California llfo.
Profeor Henry C. Cowlei of. Chi
cago nnil Dr. George E. Nichols of
New Haven, Professor nnd Mm. r
K. Clements of Minneapolis nnd Mr.
George' I). Fuller of Chicago expect
to bo present. A number of Arneri
enn nhytogcogrnphcra mid botanists
expect to co-operate nt tlin various
places visited and some will accom
panying the exctirion for n consid
erable distance. Tlio full list of Euro
pean nnd American member of tho
excursion will lo published in the
Excursion program.
(Continued from page 1.)
within tho forest reserve she could
not hopo to have tho entry reinstated
nnd that any such attempt would on
ly subject her to usolesH exposure,
hardship and expense I tried to get
her to go to her daughter In Chica
go, where she would rccelvo propor
caro and Attention, but she Insisted
on going Into tho wilds of Dead In
dian, declaring thnt hIio would
shoot any forest ranger or any other
government officer who camo on to
tho place.
Four llortoi-H Testify.
Four compotont physicians, ono an
expert alienist of Portland, and three
eminent physicians of Jackson coun
ty, havo all declared her to ba in
curably and dangerously Insano, nnd
In tho face ot this uud tho growing
aggressiveness of tho patient thoro
was no othor action consistent with
duty on tho part of tho county Judge
than to commit her to tho euro of
the state asylum for tho Insane.
Tho statement of S. I, Brown and
W. H. Stewart follows.
Very truly,
"Mr. E. E. Kelly, Prosecuting Attor Atter
ney: Wo, with others, wore present
some weeks ago when I). F. Mulkey
complained to you of Mrs. Clay's
conduct about Medford and made
tho statoment to tho effect that Mra.
Clny was on tho rampage again and
had threatened to employ her gun
agalust certain Individuals In Med-
ford nnd that he, B. F, Mulkoy, was
win lucking. If it was light in May
io tell mo to pioeeetl, il was wroiijt
in June to loll me Io stop. If it was
rigid ii week ngo to order me to linjt,
it U now vvroiu; to proceed.
"One of two thing in true. Either
the nllorncv general withhold from
the president, mv repented mcungv
oT wimitiur that corruption and in
fluence woio dotni.intf tho ensc
mid postponement wit Intnl. or offi
cial Washington U neither pentitiw
nor rp)niiiivo to llio cjiargo of cor
niptioti in It h public sen nut.
Caught Stifling m-
"In hi gmcioit letter to hi nllor
nny general, written for public dis
tribution, Hip president now nys: "I
approve heartily jour snivel inn
Hint under the eiiviimlnnce, special
counsel be employed, the nlilest c
enn ohlnin." nnd Svc must press Hie
cne with the utimM diligence.'
"The attorney general never made
siicli n suggestion until he wn cauglit
stifling the ctics to death, with or
ders io postpone until nuluiiiti. If it
wni proper to postpone tlioo cases
to death mid U'fuse to allow tho
United Stute ntlonicy's office to try
them without cost to the government,
why i it now uceessnry to rush with
hot footed huste to trial with u Ion;;
nrrny of exenivi counsel, 'the ablcl
we Onn obtain.' This spasm of ex
crucintinir virtue should liavo seized
the attorney general a week ngo.
Citmlticul Grlllisl
"The nttonicy general now pro
poses io retain special cotniMd to do
for a princely fee what my office was
anxious to do ns n mutter of official
duty. Tho secretary of labor snys
Caminetti'ti presence was necesnry
in Washington to inform him how to
prevent Chinese from being smuggled
into California. It was unnecessary.
Every smuggler who hns attempted it
is in the penitentiary.
"Caminetti.wns not r. vvitnes and
lie had no right to lie n lawyer for
his son for the immigration he is
sworn to uphold makes this sworn
duty to prosecute violators of Hie
white slave law, not to defend them.
Hi presence was unnecessary, be
cause his sou is nlily defended by
seven prominent members of the
California bar, one (if whom has bceu
so active in his behalf. Hint lit is un
der iiidictfnlnt for lAiberniuj: per
jury to saw niin. Hut whether Citmi
nctti desired to be present or not ban
nothing to do with tho right of the
out-raged manhood mid womanhood
of California to sco hi, son punished
for his wretched mrtl lontlisme crime.
From the beginning Senator Cnmi-
uetti's coiuihc! also have insisted on
withholding from trial the sepnrnto
case ngniiif& Diggs with vliich Comi
nelti hud noihuig to do, but which he
wishes to continue as mi ndviiutiigu
to Jiis son.
Kivlft Conviction Pnsllctcd
"These, aro now to proceed.
Tho evidence which vro gathered
through mouths of toil mid discour
agement in tho face of threats by
hostile sources, social, finuucinl nnd
political, will now be laid be foro the
trial jury mid u conviction will en
sue. It cannot result in anything
hut swift conviction if propcily pre
sented, ns I have no doubt it will be.
"In thus closing the incident, I
Himik Hie jioople of California for the
wurni nnd cordial Rapport of my of
fice. Personnlity hns nothing Io do
with this matter. It is simply u ques
tion of principle. In resigning to
prevent the throttling of Iheso cases,
I did nothing inorc than perform a
simple mid necessnry public duty. If
by so doing I have succeeded in a
small way in awakening the public
conscience mid bringing these promi
nent offenders against the laws of
our country to conviction no mai
ler by whom Hint conviction in oh
laiocd ihen I, shall feel (lint tlio ef
fort hns not been in vain."
hwIiii. llooiiiiKo It Is iKircHMary (o
iism tho Nut on Wodiioiulay morn
ing, tho Hiking Circle will timet on
Thui sdny motnhig. Tomortow thov
lenvo tho park lit UlIUl A. ,M ulid
will walk to .laeksoiivlllo.
H. E. Mulkoy, delegate eleol to the
Head Ciunp session of tlio Woodmen
of tho( Wot Id, Colorado Springs,
vvhi'rc convenes icpiescnliiiives from
the nine 1'noifio cons stales lodny,
received n wire" from Head Consul i
Honk Hint ho litis boon selected one!
of the live number of Hie receipts'
mid dislinrsnivMil committee which!
convene len dn,v iiheud of Hie tegu
lar enmp session to utidlt tlio hook
mid iccouiiIh of the order uud form
tilnlo ruort with recommendations.
The Head Camp session convenes ou
July 'JH.
With Mcilfoul initio Is Medford mndo.
TIIW DAIildM, Ore, .limn UK.
With tho Columbia ilvcr icectllug ut
the rule of limit ly olio runt u day,
tho locks weio icopoiiml for boat
travel lodny and Irnfflo will ho n
slimed to I'oillnuil. Tho ilvcr stago
hi now rtvo mid oiio-linlf font lower
Hum a week ngo.
The Swimming C'lrrlo of tho High
school organisation met this morn
ing nt the Nntutorlum for their (
"How Din Tin: itiitn know
Tho truth Is good enough for us--lieuco
our honest values.
,MNi; 'A, tfllil, at UiftO l. M., Xo. Ml NOItTlf CK.VIIt.Vli AVI).,
,et to I'oHtofllt'c.
Tho entire collection of hmiil paintings b the iiiUmI. W. (I.
MeUoiinlil. will be sold without ichcivc to tlio highest lilihlois for
ciihIi. A few of the subjects'
No. 1 - A Coiiutrv Home, a I tun 00 pnllithiK. ' '
No 'i Caimilbiu .hick I'lnos, tr. nil.
No !l Tho Flist Froit. :tf.,00. '
No. -I Algoiuu l.uko, llft on.
No. fi. -Tho llenrco Meadow, Jxfi.rtO.
No. ft -Moonlight on tlio (Irtmt Cauaillnu I'httut, $n.0.
No. T Cows lu tho Marsh, iHfi.utl.
No S Tho Indians' 1'ainillitc. fun 00.
No U Autumn ou tho l.ulie, IIOD.UO.
No, 10 --When livening Hhiulowu Full. Tho moOo hunt Mini
feeding mound, $IT no.
No, 11. linllii Mnld Homeward Hound, Inu.oo.
No 1'-' Tho Evening or l.tfo, $i!R (10.
No 13.- -A sketch The I'lo.liieclori.
No II Yellow Hlrch lu Autumn.
No If, Ou Lake Hupcrlor
No 111. tin the (I rent Divide, (a wonderful iwlnttuit), Sl)fi 00.
And over 10 other beautiful hand paintings, prices from $1 P.O
to jr.o.oo.
We would lls to caII to vour notice tho fact that ever)' plcturo
In this tollecllon was made from nature, The urtUt. who In well
I. now u through nil eastern stales and Canada, spput tho past ton
oars far buck lu tho Interior. HOinetlmi.s humlreiU of miles from
ii in white until, oxrept ocrimloiittlly a lltidion tiny fur trailer. Tits
mono) obtained from this salt will be spout lu ualnllnr. tho natural
biautles of Itoguo Klvcr, Crittpr Lake mid points nt Intercut on Urn
lonerve, which will tukc uboiii tbico jturs,
C. i:. WIII'ihHIt, AiHtloueer.
act bit?
This Is biting time for Inserts
and Insect bites are very dangerous
Might poison tho entire sjstcm.
Put on Merltol Antiseptic right
away! licit for any kind of timet
bite. Draws off tho pottoti Immedi
ately disinfects thoroughly.
Keep n bottle on hand will keep
you out ot danger,
"Tho sweetness of low price rel
dnni equals the bitterness of poor
Haslrins for Health
Mfdfnrit, Oregon
Both roprosontatlvo of tlio wliolo-
somo cordial spirit of tho West
and tho in hotol sorvico
Granta Pas3
Both under tho mauagoniont of tho
wJ""" ' " X it X w- X X" ! r"
With Medford trado is Medford mndo,
The Medford
Orogoit's Most up-to-date I-'Iro-proof
Warehouo with llurglar-proof
For rates apply
a man places his
life insurance with
a friend, because of
sentiment attached
The companies I represent
will stand on their own merit
after sentiment has subsided
R. H. McCurdy
401 M. F. & H. Building telephone No. 349
tUf'' ? V A- .A . 4
4 --
i a I ni a-i t iu -4 , f $ e i