Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 25, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    V si,
flrtgnn Hfsfivfnn? Hdf
207 Second Street 3
filmwtn tonight or Tlmrn
biy. lnt. .MS, Mln. .88.
I'nriy tlilrtl Vimr,
li!ly i;IkIiiIi vnr.
Effort to Shield Attorney General
McRrynolds Pronounced Puerile
Expensive Special Counsel Is Un
necessary and Wasto of Money.
Record of Caso Cited to Show Mc
Nali's Requests Were lunorcd and
Favoritism Playrd.
SAN rilA.VCIHCO, ('"I . Jump 2:.
Joint ,. MoS'nb, fiiiiiit-r Fulled
Hlntcs 1ihI rict attorney In Sim Fmu
iIhco, in a bristling statement hero
today, uttered hU fiiml word In (lit)
department of justice with which he
is no longer connected, hl reignu
linn having been neceiled following
Iiih ehnrgi'H Unit Attorney (Iciiorul
.Mcllcjunlils hindered his wmk.
McNnb chin gen that Hut nlfnruey
gcnciul ntti-mptcd In throttle justice,
ami hum' his rich ami iiiriui-iitial mc
liln-al friends fium jus) ami righteous
"No niiu In California will In for
an iiihtiuit deceived liy the lame unit
puerile defense of llm attorney gen
crul tn I ln president," Hiiid McNnb.
"Ili snys lliat I should have wired to
remind liiai that I Inul three times
warned him that jmnt nnirmrnt would
destroy those eases; that it was
boasted a M-tMMH'iiii'iit would lie oli-laini-il
by iolitinal influence."
Iiit)iil I'morltm
"I iiImii informed tint iil(orn-y gen
eral lliat atiy continuance would lenvo
Ir - this oil ice under tlio stigma or cor
ruption. Tim iittorncy icnoral knew
all this Imt eared not u whit whether
this office wax charged with cor
million or lint, no long oh his rich
mill influential friends wen1 satisfied.
IHh cur which watt su scnsilho to the
priMilr appeals of Sidney V, Smith
ami his linger in the inner loom of
tlie attorney generals oft ice, ami
winch listened to an appeal to pro-li-ct
wealth ami inlluence fiom im
pending danger tT conviction wan
ileal' to mv Insistent warnings that
he wiim dunged with "fixing" the
ruses. (In May -11 hit approved my
conre ami told urn to proceed. On
Juno 'J In wired mo to clop ami eon
liiinc iho "until aiituinu." In
May ha Muled In letter to me that
the evidence wiih complete against
Sidney V. Smith ami Holier! lliuce.
In .linic after it rivuto conference
with Sidney V. Smith which was con
ccalcd from uie, he declined the mime
evidence insufficient ami ordered me
to htop prosecuting Smith mid Itriirn
liccaiino he feared thev would ho con
lclcd ami might he ianocciit.
Nought l'ilHinciiiciil
"lie wantcil nil these eases post
ponl'd with a view that I hey would ha
throttled ami his rich ami' influential
political friend lie saved from jusl
ami righteous trial. Now, roused
liy thu prick of puhlio opinion, lie
cmcsscs his midilou deteiiniiiation
to force "imllicillalo" (rial liy Ilia aid
of Hpecial enlmscl. Why thin midden
paroxysm of virtuous hnstof If it
wim right in. May lo tell ma Iho evi
dence wiih overwhelming, it wiih
wioug (wo wtinkfl Inter to lell inn it
(Cnnttnuoil on pago 3.)
jl.:j. -x-i
HAN ruANCIBCO, Cnl Juno 2R.
William ltmlinond, who declurud
lie rnniu from the Kmurald lulu, niu)
wanted to lie admitted to cIIUduhIiI,!,
when miUeil by Superior .IikIko Colt
ley hero toiluy, who wiih the chief
JiiHtlce or tlo (Miltoil Htatoa, promiit
ly mild "MelteynohlM, Hlr."
"Who Is the attorney Ronornl?''
caiun hack (ho JudKe,
"John McNali, Hlr," roHpomleil the
A rour of huiKhtor went up from
the court room, crowded with would
he eltlzeiiH,
"Unfortunntoly," nnltl .liulito Con
ley, "they do not print the constitu
tion of the United Htatun In the dally
nanerH, or you people would nil ho
Up in those loHsoiiu," I
Democrats of House Discuss Contro
versy Over Dtiduct System of Con
Irolllnn Appropriations Plan Sub
mitted liy Underwood.
Parly Leaders and Heads of Dl Com
mittees to Fix Fiscal Propram for
Session, Under Proposal,
WASHINGTON, June IW.-lly mi
nenlicliiiing liuijoiily, Iho demo
einlic limine caucus voted thin alter
noon In ahiilixh tin1 I'liiled Slalcn
couit of commerce.
di'liioeiatlc riiucUN tlilii alleraooii
oted to miMalii flee' In the
tariff hill.
democratic iiicintiern of the hoimo
met In ciiiiciim today lo iIIkciihh (lie
rontriiverny over tlio "huduet" hjh
teiu of (onlrollliiK appropriation! liy
roiiKrcmt. Majority Leader Under
wood preiieutcit the liudKet plan pro
imred hy a Hpeclnl rauciiM roinmlttee,
irodliiK for a "Hperlul mtlert" com.
mllli-i', rompoHcd or Iho party lead
em and heads of the IiIk rommlttveii
of the hoiie, wIioko duty It Hhall in
to make the uronn npproprlatletiM (It
tint federal rneancH. This commit
tee would allot the maximum minis
to the ri'Kular appropriation roinmlt
tee mid present mutually it romptetn
fluent proKrnm.
Underwood believes that the sen
ate would lo morally bound to on
servo Iho limitations of npproprfa-
lions set hy tlie budget committee.
tf literal democrats. It was until. In
tended lo demand that tlio raucus
raise the emliarKo aKitlnst any Ii-kIs
latlou at the ircseiit session of ron
Kress except the tariff and currency
hills and emergency mutters.
WASHINGTON, June 125. Willi
only the 'nature nvcr" and l. I..
Meuuell, reprcseiitiut; urination in
lercsiH of Slnnislniirt county, Cal., in
opposition to San Francisco' $75,
0110,000 I letch-1 letchy icservoir pro
ject n whole lnit of cahinet officers,
eouj;reshnieii ami oilier interested
ursoiiH met today at the piihllo
JiiiiiIh eomiuitee for final hearings on
(he hi scheme.
Interest in the fij-ht of San Frntt
eisco to net a pure wilier Mipply wit
nesses (old the coiuittce, is one of the
hie; things in California. Secretary
of Auilc'idline Houston came out flat
fooled for the piossil!on.
"f'oii(;iess,"he said, "cannot nf
ford lo stand in the wav of San Frau
isco'rt growth, even if Hie proje't
should injure the forests or Iho land,"
though lie said he believed the I etch
I letchy reservoir would do neither.
"Domestic conservation," ho eon
tinned, "and the health and sanita
tion of the people me greater Ihan
forest conservation. The removal of
the forests may even help the Yoso
mile valley."
Scereetnry Lane also voiced np
provnl of Sail Francisco's plan.
primp hampi nFFFATs
I.OS ANflKliKS, Cnl., Juno
25. Kddio rnmpi, lh" San
Francisco hnutniuwcijjht de- "
featcd Charley Ledoux the "
French huutain. "
l 4 l-f lf4
QMAIIA, Noli., Juno 25. Buffor
Iiik from ptomaluo polsonliiK, Wil
liam A, IMnkortoit, the noted detect
h'o, lu all at n hotel hero today.
lMiilioit'oii, whoso condition Is not
considered diiiiRoroiiH, waa stticlteu
wlilln mi n It-iiln mi i-onln from (llil-
cuuo to Uunvor, I
New York ha ju t lioen n vice
miiwir who would Micceeil Mnor
William J (laynor wcie he mcapaci
tilled, f'ol Ardolpli l Kline, hum a
liieinher of the lnmr dof aldenneii, has
ascended to that Misilimi hy virtue
of the rciiKiialioii nf John I'urroy
Mitchel, who has heroine collector of
WASIIINOTON, June 25 A spc
cienl pniseeiitnr will be apsiiuleil lo
day, aceoidiiiK to a statement issued
from the while house, to take charge
of the while slavery eases against K.
Drew Camioelti ami Maury I. Diggs
ami the .suit against the Western
Fuel eompniiy for "alleged j-hort
weights and overcharges. It was be
cause he was ordered hy the attorney
general to postpone these trials that
United Stales District Attorney John
Ij. McNali, of San Francisco, re
signed his office.
The only instructions to he issued
to the special prosecutor, it was de
clared at Die while hoii-e, would he
to immediately complete the prosceu
tioiis. The Diggs-Camiuelli cases is
on the calendar in the 1'niled Stud's
district court in San Francisco July
8, and the Western Fuel case for
July 15 in the same court.
MAItHIIFIKLI). Ore., Juno 25.
While tlio crowd on the wharf gang
"America," three liiduslilal Workers
of tlio World this morning were put
Into gasoline launches and forcibly
taken down the hay, after the wholo
business district had declared nit
hour's holiday. Thef-o men wero
taken from Ja(l and marched to the
W. J. lMgworth mid Wesley Kver
ett, who had been arrested after Imv
lug made speeches, wero tlio men
driven out of town first. Later In
Iho tuornlng, Fred Huberts, another
I. W. W., was arrested and sent after
IiIh companions In a speed launch,
A parade formed at the Chandler
hotel and proceeded nuletly to tlio
Jail. Four men went In after tlio
prisoners and emerged with tho men,
one on each side, Then tho men
wero placed behind tho flag bearer
lu the procession uud tho wholo party
moved toward tho wharf.
2Ci.- Dean and McNainnra, extradit
ed from the Uultdd States in connec
tion with tho famous Dank of Mon
treal robbery hero when $271,000
was stolon, wore yesterday brought
before the grand jury which returned
true bills against both on a charge
of theft. Tho bank robbery wiih not
mentioned lu tho Indictment. It Is
expected that tho tvlal will not be
gin heforo Tuesday not, when a
petit jury will bo drawn to try tho
Attorney General .McRcynolds States
That Satisfactory Apcement for
Dissolution of Union and Southern
Pacifies Has Decn Offered.
Wilson Considers Protests to Cur
rency Reform Bill Advanced hy
Bankets Conference Arrantjcd.
WABHINOTO.Vf June 25 Attor
ney (iciicrnl MclteynoIdH miiioutic d
this afternoon that a i.itlnfaf lory
agreement had been reached In re
gard to the dissolution of tho South
ern Pacific ami Union Pacific, in
roiiipllntice with tho United Rtatn.i
Kiipreiuu court dccfslon ngaliut the
merger of llarrlman railroad. The
announcement was mndo following a
long conference between Judge ItoV
ert H. Ixivett, chairman of the Co
lon Pacific executive committee, and
the attorney general.
President Wilson will consider to
night objections to tho admlnUtrj
lion currency reform hilt, to he In
troduced In tho house and senate
within a few days, ndvnnccd by hank
era affiliated with the American
Hankers association. A conference
has been arranged for tonight hy
Itcprcseutatlvo alas, of Virginia.
Senator Owen, of Oklahoma; Ceorgc
M. Iteyn'olds, president of tho Con
tinental Commercial atlonal Hank -if
Chicago; John Perrln, of Iai An
geles, mid A. II. Hepburn. Tho
hankers are expected .to urge that
tho boll will bo streiifkhened along
cerlulu lines.
Itcprcseutatlvo Henry, of Texas,
discussed tho hill today with tho
OTTAWA, Out., Juno 25 At least
ten persons wero killed outright
when thu Western Impress on tho
Canadian Pacific railroad, loadeJ
with Immigrants, was wrecked this
afternoon threo miles west of Ot
tawa. Four coaches plunged down
a stoop embankment Into tho Otta
wa river. It Is reported that ten
bodies already have been recovered
and the total fatalities are fearod to
have been heavy. Tho accident was
caused by spreading rails.
Hallroad officials say tho fatalities
will not exceed fifteen, and that not
moro than twenty wero Injured.
Tho ten bodies recovered wero nil
those of foreigners who occupied two
colonist cars. Tho train carried pas
sengers who arrived lu this country
on the Allan liner. Prctorlan, which
loft Glasgow Juno 15.
CHICAGO, Juno 25, TnkiiiR a
hand in tho labor wnr hero tho busi
ness architects association today
adopted resolutions requesting tho
building employers' association to
suspend their order which lias locked
out thousands of workers. The reso
lutions suggested mbilrntinn of tho
present trouble mid tho creation of n
pcimuiicut local hoard of arbitration
in handle all labor disputes which
may come up in Chicago.
LONDON, Juno 23. Aviator Hob
ert Slack flew across thu English
Channel from Franco today bringing
to President ltnymoud Poiumuo tho
latest newspapers. Poiucaro is in
London on a statu vihlt lo Kin;:
Princess Olgu (, n I(tisinn
princess of twenty-two, has iiisaji.
pea red from her hotel in New York,
and Kussinii secret xiliep ami spies
mo making n frantic hunt for her.
She ran off from her husband in
.March and came to this country with
Mime monev nml n lame number of
jewels. !.en her money had gone
she pawned her jewels.
J. Frank Hughes, member of tho
state gamo and fish commission," Kd-
ward Clnnton, master fish warden,
and Chief Deputy Warden Sain San
dry arrived In Med ford Wednesday
to order n new fish ladder at Gold
Kay and to look over the proposition
of selecting a slto for a trout hatch
ery on Hlg Hutto creek. They will
probably visit both Hutto Falls and
tho Klk Creek hatchery heforo de
termining upon n final report, ns It
has also been proposed to enlarge
tho Klk Cieck plant Instead of build
ing n new one. Tho party will meet
sportsmen of tho valley at tho Med
io rd hotel tonight.
SAN FrtANCISCO, Cal., Juno 25.
Ominous sllenco that has prevailed
since Judgo Clayton llorrlngton, spe
cial prosecutor for tho United States
department of justlro, sent a tele
gram to President Wilson bitterly
criticising Attorney General Mclley-
nolds for his action In reference to
John U. .McNab's resignation ns Unit
ed States district attorney, Is caus
ing much comment In local official
Persons closo to Judgo Harring
ton say that It Is practically certain
that ho will bo dUmUseU from office,
and that another explosion will oc
cur If such action Is taken.
President Wilson, lu accepting
MeNnb's office, criticised McNab for
making charges against his suporlor
officer, llorrlngton went much fur
thor. E:
OKANTS PASS, Oro., Juno 2C
Tho man arrested at Aslilaud yes
terday, thought to bo A. L. llaker,
wanted hero on a charge of passing
fraudulent checks, proven a caso of
mistaken Identity mid linker has not
yut boon apprehended. llaker cashed
checks nt local business housoa Sat
urday night, drawn on tho bank it
Itoguo Hlvor, tho checks being signed
by O. Owens. Tho cheeks wero ro
turued dishonored and warrant for
Hukor'a nrroat followod.
Greatest of European Scientists to
See Crater Lake and Inspect Big
Forests of National Park Due to
Arrive in Special Car September 2.
American Phytogeorjraplilc Excursion
With Foreign Savants as Guests
Ccmlnjj Here,
I'rofcsor O'Oarn Iiiih received the
itinerary of the transcontinental cx
cornon planned hy the holanists of
America to entertain the most cele
brated botanist and scientists of the
old world. The excursion will visit
.Med ford September 2 nml he taken to
('rater Lake on iuivitation of the
Commercial elub of Medford, return
ing September ..
The excursion is called ''The Amer
ican I'hylogeographic Kxcursion."
The Kuropenu participants will nr
rive in New York in tlie latter part of
July. The New ork Hotnnical Gar
den will be the headquarters in the
metropolis. On July 30 the excur
sion leaves for Chicago, where eight
days will he spent. Thence they are
to study tho forests of Michigan and
After leaving Chicago, the excur
sion make its first stop nt Lincoln
to examine the prairie region. Then
a stop is made nt Akron, Colo., in the
heart of the great plains. The flora
of Colorado, Utah mid Wyoming will
he inseeteil on the way west-
A day will be fpent nt North Ya
kima mid from Tacoma side, trip
will he made about the sound coun
try. Mt. Taconm will be climbed to
inve-tigate the Alpine vegetation.
Says the anneuncement:
"From Tncomn the party will pro
eeed southward on Tuesday, Septem
ber 2, mostly vin the Southern Pacific
railroad, stopping tree days nt Med
fonl, Oregon, for tlie puqs'se of sec
ing Cmter Lake, ono of tjio most re
markahle geological features of
America; nt this point there will be
further oortunity for the study of
coniferous forests. It is planned to
reach San Francisco, Cnl., on Sunday
September 7; a week will be upcnt in
this part of California under the
guidance of n joint committee of ho
tanical staffs of the University of
California mid Lelnnd Stanford
Junior University. Tho chief events
in this region will ho excursions to
Yosemito National Park, to the Mnri
Ksa Orove of big trees (Sequoia gi
gmiten), and to a redwood (Sequoia
sempevirens) forest.
Tlie return enst is by way of tho
Grand Canyon und New Orleans.
Among the foreigners who will at
tend are tho follewing:
Or. II. Itroekmmiu-Jerosch, Zurich,
Fran Dr. Ilroekmnuu-Jerosch, Zurich,
M. Corthay, Geneva, Mr. C. B. Cramp
ton, Edinburg, Prof. Adolph Engler,
Perliu, Dr. Ove PnuNen, Copenhagen,
Dr. Kdunrd Rubel, Zurich, Prof. Carl
Schroter, Zurich, Dr. T. J. Stomps,
Amsterdam; Mr. Stomp, Amster
dam, Mr. A. G. Tnnsley, Cambridge
Mrs. A. O. Tnnsley, Cnmbride, Prof.
C, Von Tuheuf, Munich, Mr. G. Cln
ridge Druce, Oxford, Prof. George
Klebs, Heidelberg, Dr. F. J. Lewis,
Kdmnnton, Or. G. J. Tnufiljec,
Among America pliytogeoc;rnphora,
(Continued On pugo 2.)
MAHSHFIKLD. Ore., June 25.
In sptto of a desporata fight to save
tho property, tho sawmill owned by
tho Kaudolph Lumber company at
Dullards, a small milling settlement
on tho lower Coqulllo river, waa to
tally destroyed hy flro early toduy.
Tho loss will exceed $75,000, par
tially covered by Insurance. Several
thousand feet of lumbor on t)o wharf
was menaced, but the steamer Grace
Dollar Buvod this before the flames
spread to tho docks. Tho houses cf
mill employees nearby woro snvod,
though many caught fire from flying
embers, Tho mill probably will bo
rebuilt at unco.
n o
Present Prosecutor Takes Issue With
Predecessor Over Clay Case
Sheriff Refuses to Turn Woman
Over to Asylum Authorities.
Appeal Taken to Higher Court by At
torneyWoman Making Life Mis
erable for Sheriff and Jail Inmates
Dcsplto tho facjthat no undertak
ing had been filed, as required by
law, and simply a notlco of appeal
from Judgo Ton Velio's findings filed
by W. J. Cnnten, attorney for Mm.
Alxlrn Cloy, which docs not act as a
stay of execution, Sheriff Slngler re
fused to turn tho lady ovor to stato
asylum authorities Tuesday, and sho
Is making life mUcrablo for tho sher
iff and tho Inmates at tho Jackson
ville Jail.
Mrs. Clay has four times previous
ly been committed to Insano asylums
and spent a considerable portion of
her time there. Sho Is suffering
from "dementia precox," which has
its latent and actlvo periods, and be
comes moro aggressive with ago.
District Attorney Kelly has writ
ten as follows concerning the case:
To The Kdlter:
Kelly vs. Mulkcy.
Tho Sun this morning printed tho
following lotter from B..F. Mulkey;
"To tho Editer: I noticed In Mon
day's Sun that I had been threatened
by Mrs. Clay and I would llko to
dony this chnrgo. I have never to
my knowledge beea .threatened eith
er to dlo or suffer at the lady's
hands and whoever gave this Infor
mation was misinformed. Will you
kindly print this denial and oblige.
Just why Mr. Mulkoy should have
published tho foregoing letter I am
at a loss to understand, unless It is
an attempt to discredit tho action
of the county Judgo and the physfT
clans who recommended tho com
mitment of Mrs. Clay to the Oregon
Insano asylum.
Mr. Mulkcy was In part responsi
ble for tho filing of n complaint
against Mrs. Clay by tho offlco of
tho district attorney.
Mulkey Was Seared.
Soveral weeks ago I met Mr. Mul--key
In tho Quit cigar store and thorn
In tho presence of a number of peo
plo ho stated to mo that ho had Just
met Mrs. Clay In tho Manhattan Cato
and that sho was again on tho ram
page and was threatening to got her
revolver Into action against cettaln
citizens of Jackson county. I do
not recal the Individuals who vteto
montloned as coming directly under
this threat, but my recolloctlon is
that the circuit Judge and hor lato
husband woro included In tho list;
and I havo a distinct recollection
that Mr. Mulkoy was somewhat
alarmed lest ho might bo ono of
tho "shootees," as ho oxpressod It.
For a period of several wooks pri
or to this Mrs. Clay's aggressions
bad been accentuating. Some years
bo f oro sho had taken up a home
stead entry In an Isolated section of
tho Dead Indian country, which tho
government lator canceled, taking
tho land Into tho forest resorvo. Last
spring Mrs. Clay doclared to me that
sho Intended to tako possession of
her homestead entry and although I
advised her that slnco tho land waa
(Continued on page s.)
NEW YORK, Juno 25. Tho stonk
market opened moderutely aclivo uud
The early trading waa .hesitating
but gains predominated. Tho widest
change in tho first hour was a loss
of 1 3-8 in Virginin-Cnrolipn. Chem
ical. Union Puoifio led it rnlly witli
a ono point rise but heavy soiling
checked tho ndvnneo. Chosnpeuko
nud Ohio dropped 2'4. Trnding bo
enino very dull until buying in the
IIurriinniiH hwi u ft rejKirt that tho
government would approve the disso
lution plan, llouds yvoro Irregular.
Thu niurket closed dull.