Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 24, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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County Sujicrlntcndont Lincoln
Bavngo, ot Jo80lilno county, nnd
Supt. nnd Mrs. J. Percy Wells, ot
Jackson county, left Monday for Sa
lom to attend tho Btnto board ot
teachers' oxamlnors, ot which they
are members.
J. II. nnd Mrs. 'nolston, who hnve
been visiting nt tho homo ot Mr.
Holston'a sinter, Mm. W. D. Hods
eon, In Ashland, left Monday for
Ban Diego, whoro thoy will mnVo
their futuro homo. Mr. Kolston was
formerly wlro chtct for tho Home
Tolcphono company nt Mcdford nnd
goes to accept a hotter position with
a California concern.
You can buy a $20,000 accldont
policy for $25, covering automobiles,
motorcyclo and common carrlor ac
cidents, In tho Travelers Insuranco
company from E. S. Tumy, 210 Gar-
nctt-Coroy bldg., phono 664. 79
B. T. Staples, P. O. McYVIlllams,
II L. White and son, all ot Ashland,
visited tho Grand View mine, owned
by Mr. White, near Roguo River.
Among Ashlanders In Mcdford re
cently woro G. W. Dunn, C W. Nlms,
8. Saunders, J. R. Wicks, C. F. Rates,
L. Roy Davis, L. L. Mnllt, W. E.
Kcwcombo, A. McLcod, It H. BurnB
and R. P. Cornelius.
$3,000 accldont and life Insurance
for $10; $5250 for $17.50. Sec
Holmes, tho Insuranco man.
C W. Doling, ot Clay Center, Kns.,
a brothor-ln-law of Mayor Elfcrt's,
Is visiting Mcdford with his wlfo.
Ho Is making a general tour of tho
coast seetng tho country.
Insure against accidents and sick
ncsa In tho Travelers Insurance Com
pany. Protection up to $15,000 for
only $15,00. Talk with TUMY, In
tho Garnett-Corcy BIdg.
Orchard, Banting, xtenlng and
Crater Lake scene for sale at Ger-
klng 4b Harmon's atudlo. Negatives
made any place, kodak finishing. 128
East Mala street. Phono 215 R.
Mr. and Mrs, Gage, ot Rogue Riv
er, arrived In Mcdford Monday after
noon and aro guests ot Dr. and Mrs.
II. N. Dutlor.
Mrs. C. Ankcny and her daughter,
Miss Gladys, who havo been making
Mcdford a short visit as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Orth, left for
their homo at Eugcno Monday eve
ning. Mrs. E. D. Thompson and Mrs. C.
Keegan, of Jacksonville, visited In
Mcdford Monday.
Judge Prim, R. D. Dow and W.
R. Coleman wero over from Jackson
ville Monday afternoon.
Kodak finishing, best In town, at
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Reed, of Grants
Psbs, wero ot tho many who camo
to Mcdford Monday to shop.
Miss Opal Daley, who has been at
tending tho Oregon Agricultural col
lege returned to Mcdford during
tho week.
Charles Ellis, ot Jacksonville,
camo to Medford Monday to mcei
his daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Lupcr, ot
Grants Pass, who will visit at tho
county seat.
R. H. McCurdy writes all kinds ot
Insurance. 401 M. F. & IL bldg.
Phone 349.
Judgo J. R. Nell, of Jacksonville,
was in Medford Monday, en routo to
Grants Pass on legal business.
Miss Florence Canton, who has
been teaching school In Washington,
Is the guest ot her parents, Major
and Mrs. W. J. Canton, ot Mcdford.
Roy Johnson, of North Jackson
ville, transacted business in Mcdford
Monday afternoon.
Corking Jb Harmon, studio por
traits, home portraits, flash lights,
kodak finishing, post card work and
enlarging.; 128 East Main street;
telephone 215 R.
Mrs. G. E. Marshall, Misses Ruth
Merrick, Aletha Emerlck and Flora
Gray attended tho commencement
exercises ot tho University ot Oro
gon. Mrs. R. Dland, ot Grants Pass,
visited in Medford and Jacksonville
Monday afternoon.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phone M.
If. D. Patterson,' who has been at
tending tho annual meeting of tho
National Nureerymon's association,
bold at Portland, is at homo again.
W. Agcr, J. K. Dallllo and R.
Smith, of Phoenix, wero of those who
were In Medford lately.
Charles Owens and E. Stevens
wero down from Roguo River tho
fore part ot tho week.
Harry Treat, Hie nutolst, went to
Grauts Pass Monday evening.
Mrs. W. T. Grlevo and Mrs. Chan.
Prim, ot Jacksonville, tarried a short
time In Medford Monduy afternoon.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Day Phone 227
Night F, W. Weeks 103-J-2
Phones A. K. Orr D78-M
L. D. Dollnrhldo, owner of tho Sis
kiyou mountain toll road, spoilt
Monday night In Medford.
Gcorgo A. Morso, ot Talent, was
ot tho mauy who drovo to Medford
R. 1). Zimmerman nnd Ed. Clem
ens, tho horticulturists, wcra recent
business visitors In Medford.
Dr. Klrchgessnor will be at Hotel
Nash every Saturday from 10 a. m
to 3 p. m. on and after May 24.
Mrs. Molllo Kody has been visit
ing relatives living nt Central Point,
D. E. Hnncy rnnde n trip to Jack
sonville Monday to mako arrange
ments for a trip to tho mountains.
M. IT. McCnll, of Spokane, Is a
recent arrival in Mcdford.
Misses Clara Wyncs and Lucllo
Marshall and Vernon Vawtcr, who
aro members ot tho last graduating
class of tho University ot Oregon,
are at homo again.
Vapor baths and scientific mas
sage for men and women. Dr. R.
J. Lockwood, chiropractor, 203 Garnett-Corcy
bldg. Phone 145.
Miss Lucllo York Is visiting Misses
Margaret and Frances Davidson ( of
Central Point district.
John Mast nnd Louis Colver, ot
Phoenix precinct, transacted busi
ness In Medford Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Whipple, it
Roguo River, mado a trip to Med
ford Monday afternoon.
Roland Smith, of Sterling district.
who has been employed nt J. W.
Snldcr's dairy for some time, leaves
for Canada this week.
$25,000 Aetna accldont Insuranco
for $25 a year. Seo R. II. McCurdy,
agent, 401 M. F. & It. bldg., phono
349. 79
W. W. Harmon has returned to
Grants Pass after a short visit In
Mrs. F. H. Hopkins and Mrs. A.
W. Moon, ot Central Point, wero re
cent visitors In Mcdford.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Klrkpatrlck
returned Monday from a trip to
Grants Pass.
25 per cent oft on all hammocks
at Sbaplclgh's Hardwaro Storo. 83
C. E. Bade, of Portland, a mem
ber ot tho contracting firm ot Hade
Jacobson Co., well known In Roguo
River valley, spent Monday In Med
ford. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Day aro at
homo in Butto Falls again, after an
absence ot several weeks. They at
tended tho general assombly ot tho
Presbyterian church held at Atlanta,
Mrs. Chris Kcnney and her chil
dren arrived from Portland Monday
and will visit relatives and frlcndi
living at Jacksonville.
Charles Buman, A. D. Boardsley
and Matney Bros., wero over from
Applegate Monday afternoon.
H. B. Nye, ot Rock Point, mado
Mcdford his usual business visit
Monday. Ho reports that two Inches
ot rain fell thcro ono nlrh' '".st week
D. B. Rcame sent to Central
Point Monday evening to spread tho
socialist propaganda and repair sow
lng machines.
S. E. Dunnlngton and M. M. Tay
lor wero down from Jacksonville
Monday. Tho latter has becoruo
traveling agent for Headlight oil.
C. E. Jones and E. D. Wilhlto, of
Sams Valley precinct, woro In Med
ford recently on a business visit.
No bids wero received for the
purchaso ot tho bond issuo ot 1700,-
000 advertised for salo by tho dt
rectors of Horsefly irrigation dls
trlct in Klamath county. From lot
ters received it Is believed that rc
advertlslng will sccuro favorablo re
C. E. Wlkstrora loft for Sterling
district Monday afternoon. He has
chargo ot the sawmill that S. S. Bui
lis and bis eons aro Installing on tho
mountain east of tho Sterling mino,
nnd will soon bo manufacturing lum
ber with which to rebuild tho flumes
etc., necessary to place that property
In good working condition.
Tho first flower show attempted
In Klamath Falls will bo held In tho
near futuro under tho auspices nt
tho Women's Civic Lcaguo ot that
place. It is tho Intent to bold the
show during the time the Central
Development League holds Its annu
al convention In Klamath Falls.
Tho Beokman prize ot $100, which
is competed for annually by stu
dents ot tho University of Oregon,
was won by Howard Zimmerman, of
Salem, who dollvored an excellent
oration in favor of tho restriction of
Immigration. This contest Is made
posslblo by the generosity of C. C.
Beekman, of Jacksonville, tho plo
neor banker, who has permanently
endowed a fund for that purpose.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Juno 24.
Mystory today still surrounds tho
Identity of tho middle-aged woman
murdered with a beer bottlo in Vcr
dugo Hills Sunday. The finding of
a goldheaded hatpin, bent and twist
ed and stained with blood, shows that
tho woman put up a desperate re
sistance before sho was beaten down.
An all-night search of tho hills and
canyons near tho scene ot tho crime
resulted in nothing. Fifty men and
women have vainly attempted to
Identify tho dead woman. No ar
rests havo boon made.
Mrs. Alum Clay wns Monduy or
derod committed to llio stato inanno.
asylum by County Judjjo Ton Velio,
following n hcnriiiK ns to lior sanity
niul n diagnosis of her ease by Drs.
l'iokcl ami Thayer. Mrs. Clay has
four time prcvlott'My boon committed
lo various asylums beginning twen
ty years ngo in Wisconsin,
Attorney Canton, who nppenrcd in
belinlf of Mrs. Clay, filed notice of
appeal to the circuit court in behalf
of his client, but she was turned over
to attendants from the stnto niylum
Tuesday who will tnko her to thnt
institution on the afternoon train.
Mrs. Clay made tilings warm at
the county jail all Monday night, re
fusing to quiet down nnd Sheriff
Singicr licaved n sigh relief when
the nttendnnts nrived.
J. L. Summers ot Rcdlnnds, Cnl.,
has acquired tho G. W. Dewey ranch
ot 1S4 acres on Evans creek, and ex
pects to occupy It and put It Into a
high stato of cultivation.
Mr. Summers Is very enthusiastic
about tho Roguo river valley and
says ho will pass tho word along to
friends. Ho declares ho Is now pav
ing $20.00 nn ncro rent nt Rcdlands
for land not hnlt as good as this land
which he buys outright at $50.00 per
acre. In tho deal Mr. Dewey ac
quires a close-In apartment house
In Rcdlands valued at $10,000. C.
D. Hoon mado tho deal.
HOY LAKE. England, Juno 24.
In tho final round today for tho
British open golf championship, J.
H. Taylor, a former champion, re
gained tho tltlo with a scoro of 304.
This Is tho fifth ttmo Taylor has
won tho championship. John L. Mc
Dcrmolt, of Atlantic City, N. J.,
chnmplon of the United States,
turned In a score of 315.
CALGARY, Alberta, Juno 24. Al
fred Jnmcs Evans, n young English
man bitten by a mosquito several
days ngo, died from resultant blood
poisoning yesterday. Tho mosquito
punctured tho skin just between the
eyes. Within ninety-eight hours nu
nbeess formed and tho young man
was taken to the isolation hospital,
where ho grew worse, finally passing
away in intense agony.
SAN JOSE, Cnl., Juno 21. Eight
years in San Qucntiii prison is the
sentence under which Frank II.
Drcischmcycr, who admitted em
bezzling $100,000 from estates left in
bis care, stands todny. He will bo
sentenced nguiu on Friday for for
gery, the two sentences to run con
currently. ana
NEW YQRK, Juno 2-1. Bound for
tho west to take up farming lands,
1371 fanners and their families aro
hero todny, having arrived from Hun
gary nnd Austria on the slcnmer Car.
pnthiu. Families of a dozen mem
bers nro not uncommon in the party,
out Eaturday night on tho advlco of
componlod tho immigrants.
(Continued from page 1.)'
Wilson's cablnot officer. Ho admit
ted that ho Is anxious to know what
action tho president proposes to tnko
on his resignation.
"When I know that I will know
what to say, said tho district attor
ney, "and If I mako tho charges of
which I havo spoken, you may bo
sure they will ho worth listening to."
McNab, whllo ho did not go Into
tho matter at length, plainly shdwod
nls gratification at numerous tele
phoned and tolcgraphod expressions
ot support und stated that ho had
heard of protests being made to
President Wilson by public bodies
against the acceptanco of his resig
nation. Ho would not say whether
bo expected his resignation to bo ac
WANTED Woman for house work
tew hours a day, East SIdo. Phone
C7C-R. j
Socialist Defines
To the Editer:
Referring to Trihutio editorial Juno
21st, "What's Tho Difference.'
Your eoricspondent lins infoimn
lion thnt tho Olcndnlo hunk robber
wits not n socialist patty member.
Whether he was or nut, hns nothing to
do with socialist ethics nnd princi
ple. Ilis not finds no authority in
socialist teaching.
The socnlist constitution mid plat
form exnres. what socialists slnnd
for. These were submitted to tho
party membership for referendum
and adopted ill t,hclr present form 5
clauses not approved wens rejected.
The editor is challenged to show
that the socialist party adocatos
"syndicalism," "direct action" or
"sabotage." It is not denied that
many socialists believe in using these
methods to combat injustice nud vio
lence perpetrated iion labor in in
dustries where long hours, bad work
ing conditions, insufficient wages
nud "speeding up" twist. Theso
methods hnve been used by labor
unions in their conflicts with capitol
prior to tho founding of tho socialist
party, and independent of socinlists
sinco then. Socialism is not respon
sible for such form of "direct nction"
which is but the natural and immed
iate effect of the cmie the exploi
tation of labor by capital under tho
capitalistic system.
Tho editor is sensitive over tho
question of "confiscation." United
States history is but n record of con
fiscation. Tho revolutionists confis
cated the original states from Eng
land. We confiscated vnst territory
from Mexico, nnd the slaves of thu
south, all by anned force.
Our nnturnl resources nnd our in
dustries havo been confiscated by u
combination of fraud nud of legnl
procedure. Tho result is concentra
tion of wenlth and power in a few
hands, while tho mnsscs nro property
less victims of tho industrial system
we ponnit to exist.
Socialism advocates "collective
ownership" nnd "democratic control"
of industry; a "co-opcrativo common
wealth." Roth purchnso ruid "con
fiscation" nro suggested methods of
effecting tho change; tho referen
dum to determine methods.
Many socialists belicvo collecthe
ownership of natural resources (gift
of nature), nnd industry, (which no
individual, but which society ns n
wholo hns hmucht to its high stato
Siskiyou Heights
Now is the time to make selection of lota mid
tracts in this magnificent residence district.
Makes Summer
Cool and
Bakes Broils Roasts
Just as well as a regular coal range. No odor.
SttJ in bulk and
the Difference
of efficiency), should ho established
through so-cullcd "confiscation";
such individuals holding thnt such
nu act would ho but restitution to
the people of that which is their nat
ural birth-right nud that which thoy
havo cieatcd, nud which hns hceii
confiscated from theni by tho pres
ent owners.
Socinlim nnd socialists, stand for
and advocate a radical change in
our social system. When tho ma
jority is conveiled to socialism, it
will delcnntuo how to effect the
change from onptulim to socialism,
lu conclusion 1 submit to the edi
tor's thoughtful consideration tho fol
lowing definitions of secialism:
"The uthies of Socialism are iden
tical with tho ethics of Christianity."
Encyclopedia Uritaunica.
"Socialism is a theory of society
that advocates a more precise and
harmonious arrangement of tho so
cial relations of mankind titan that
which has hitherto picvniled."
Webster's Dictionary.
Mcdford, Ore, .lime U;i. ll'KI.
Mora rain Is predicted tor tonight
and tomorrow. Present Indications
nro for soxeral days of wet weather.
Only .0.1 Inch precipitation fell at
Mcdford Monday night nud Tuosdav
morning, but over an Inch hns fallen
nt Ashland nnd lu tho Applcgato.
Tho rain began nt midnight nt Ash
laud nud slnco then I hero has been
n continuous downpour.
Dumngo to buy Is reported In
ninny sections. Grain liny on tho
desert has suffered as well ns alfalfa
liny lu tho valley proper.
Duke of Sutherland III.
I.ON'DO.V, Juno 'J I. Tho Duko tr
Sutherland is critically ill today. Mo
is confined to his apartments nt
Stafford IIouxc,
All voters living In Medford South
Main precinct ran register nt tho In
hibit building lu afternoons ot each
day with MIhh J. llutlor.
HEsIhiI JiilHsfFN
iBbk9' BB KitiHci
Oil Cook-stove
food. , Dealers
nearest agency
A muss meeting of business men
hns been culled for 8 o'clock to
night at tho city hull by tho Tom Hi
of July committee. At this meeting
committees will repot t progress and
it will ho definitely divided whether
(0 go 011 wllh arrangements or to nr
raugu a compromise with (linnls
Pass wheichy tho Medford celebra
tion is lo bo given up this year in
cousidciation of suppmt I'uiiu (1 runts
l'ass for n celebration next year.
All business men 1110 rciiieslcd to
ho on baud.
John 1. l'lyun, well nud favorably
known in Medford and Southern Ore
gon, as representative of (ho lllake
McFatl company of I'otlluud, will not
hu seen oil his regular monthly trips
hereafter, liming received a promo
tion. Mr. Flynn will be in tho Port
laud offices hereafter, in general
charge of traveling salesmen and in
charge of the fine paper depot tineiii,
siieccediug tho Into Mr. Robertson.
Tho promotion is u well merited one
and Mr. 1' is in the receipt of
congratulations throughout tho state.
Mr. r-'lynn married a Mcdford girl,
daughter of W. It. Stevens, formeily
of Deuel ft Stevens, now a mer
chant of Albany.
More Showers Predicted.
PORTLAND, Ore. June 'A Fore
cat: Oregon and Washingten:
Showers went tonight or Wednesday,
probably fair cast portion tonight and
Wednesday; smith to west winds.
Th Jiy Of
Cim?ng MilfurJmd
AWonJerful Rtmedy That Ian Nslural
Aid and Relieves the Tension.
Mothers Prlfnil Is I ho only remedy
known that Is nblo to rrach all th illnVn-nt
purls Inroltrd. It I
n twiu'trntlncntrrnal
fU'pllrnlloo fcflrr thn
formtiln of a notrl
faintly doctor, and In
lriraimrrrry iuncte,
nrrve, tliwun or ten
dun IllTolVdl.
Ily Its dally uo
lliero will Is) no pain,
no diatrnu. no liautrn.
no duns r of Inrrrntlon or oilier ncelilrnt,
and thn t"rlml wilt ti ono ot supremo com
furt anil Jo; fill anticipation.
Mnthvr Prlrnd U ono of tint nrratrat
of all helpful IntluMicr. for It ml rlilM
birth of all Its agonic anil dansor, illniwla
all tho doubt and dread, nil enm of fear,
and thus enable Ilia mind and body to
await the crcntrat event In a woman's Ufa
with untrammeled stailnraa.
You wilt find It on aln at all ilnu atnrr
at Sl.00 n bottle, or the drusslat will gladly
get It for you. Mother's friend la prepared
only by ilia IlrnilneM Itegulator (V, 17
IjHnnr Hide, Atlanta, (Jn., who will mall
an Inatructlvr book tu expectant lautbertf.
Wrlto for It to-day,
shows our
3 -burner shoe.
We also
sell slovcs of
I, 2 and
Does not taint the
everywhere. Our
will furnish further
But Lydia E.Pinkfiam't Veg
etable Compound Restored
Mm. LeClcar's Health
Her Own Statement.
Detroit, Mich.--"I nm rdatl to dis
cover n remedy thnt relieve mo from
my sulrnrlng and
iiolns. For two yearn
sulTered hcurlni;
down pains and got
nil mil down. Iwint
under a norvoun
strain and could not
nloep nt night. I
went to doctors hern
In tho city but thoy
did not do mo any
l'lnkhnm's Vegetable Comound adver
tised, I tried It. My health Improved
wonderfully nud I nm now qui to well
again. No woman suffering from fn
undo ills will rrgret It If sho takes this
medicine." Mrs. Jami-m O. LeClkau,
330 Hunt St., Detroit, Mich.
Another Owio.
Philadelphia, Pa. "Lydia D. Pink
bnm's Vegetable Compound Is nil you
claim It to Im About two or threw
days befoio my periods I would got bml
backaches, then pains In right nnd left
sides, nud my head would nclie. I called
tho doctor and ho said I had organic In
ibunmntlnn. I went tohlm for n whllo but
did not get well so I took Lvdln E.TInk
bnm's Vegetable Comund. After tak
ing two bottle I was relieved and finally
my troubles left me. I married mid
hnve two little girls. I havo hnd no re
turn of the old troubles. "Mrs. Own,
Uoutx, 2C50 S. Chadwlck St., Phlla.,P,
If your hair Is too dry brittle color
lew thin Mringy or fulling out uw
l'.AiUlatl Sage now at once.
It atop Itching KMtp, cIcanK the h.tlr
of dint and exce-uive oil, remove tland
tuff with one application, nnd make tho
hnlr doubly beautiful -aoft flulfy
abundant. Try a Uc bottle ttwlay.
It will not only suva your hair and make)
It grow, but give It tho beauty you dnite.
l'IIAItl.i:S KTItANO, OmikkUI.
A OtUlalUIUIIa(KrlfkHf h
HiaMurS Traasle. TeelMn
ll.riai. Tb.t Mrrak Ml laid.
T,UMti. tniJhMn. At .11 !' '
Don't accept s.i.i.1- iU.i ruhs. Addis
tflltubtlitula. A. 3. OLMSTED. LaNoy.N.Y.
J'upil of Iliifjo MniiHfcltll
JTaH Opened a Studio at
616 North Contral
On what )ou imu to mlmi thu
You May Gain
a Reputation)
for rich, muUt, but featliorly-llKht
broad, muffins, en Ilea nud pastry, If
you lino
Crescent Baking Powder
Tho two (tower
units In It mnloi
Its ttood work cor-tuln-
ono IiokIiih to
leiiMin when you
mix tho doiiKhi tho
othor whou you put
It In thu oven,
l'5c Pull Lb.
Auk Your tironir
mh ymm
ssfl IT 1 1 1 1 ft 1 M . ml
t'rcHrcnt MnniifiictiiiliiK Company
Koalllo, WmdiliiKton
1'JG-. i;rAim.Ti
fa-H'n "-ti
LI "-7? - - -vcj-jS-J
II v ...
This is what many havo uald ot
my offices uftur trylUK In vutu ut
othor pliioen to Kot rollof from lOyu
Rtrulii nnd Ilouducho.
If your oyoH ucoil nttontlon, or
your kIuhhos nro not clvlng K"od
results, coino hero and not rollof.
No ilopo used.
Bulto !!!,
Ovor Ditol & Co,