Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 23, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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li. iJKA
.. nl
As Mutt and Jeff Performed
s , - -v, ' :
(W HHCJjoK 'OGPP """ I Ym qnlv TT" I f P&QTT' SOFT. V .. ' T I ' i K , f ' 'v!; ' ,: 1'fiv
nvurD He cNH'T Co f . ,Wvlr cat m n Ocx. ' K m! ' ! ' 'V
.Miiilnue l.lim-.,
ItHytMiijul HuodrlNi. mul Daisy
Pnmktln I.. ClitwiK(il Hint l.)t.n
Heml Collinrison,
William Urn McDonald ami .Mm.
AiIhIIm J. .Iimitlnna.
l' IVm'.
(Milife I'. IInII v. William A. Alt
klna; arttott In nor money. AN
fWvlt and umlnrlHldiiK for hUmpm-
lUHiit; writ ainl trt (fl t of nltnrh-
Find National Bunk or Mvdfonl
va. W. I. Fnire; action to recover
iiMitiny. Affidavit and uiulurlnkliig
(or Httuflhiiintit.
lltum Conger . town of Jackson
ville, ttt til; null to quiet title.
T. It. tVmutllii vs. (. K. Whitman,
ot nl.: Injunction.
hilt Cloeiim vs. Prank ('. Hleeum:
wilt for divorce
iTriiirH" W. Ktarny va. I. W. Berry;
mil In fiirixliiii) tdmtlel'.
1'inlwite ('mill.
Ill tlu mutter of tUo itnh of
Divhl Mini, defeased: filial accniliit
nf administratrix approved; onhr
discharging administratrix ntul
bondsmen upon filing propur vouch
In llig matter of lliu ontntu of John
lliiutlftf, deceased. Oritur appoint
lK appralfori.
In, tliu matter of tlm guardianship
of (lurlaud Lloyd Walker, dunlin
Pierre, Walker ami Lenlnr l.iinfonl
Walker., minor. OnloY revoking
letter of xunrdlatmhlii heretofore In
mi ml to Kitty Benson.
Ill tint matter of IIih estate of lCr
unit K. (Ilurt, iIcimhkiimIv Onlor n
ntipuliitliiK apprnliorn.
. In tliij matter f llo rttaln 'if
jRtuoii CpnU. ihtftMwil. Orilur illrt't't
Itm citation to Iiwiiii to liiitm to liov
0Mimo why rortaln ri-nl properly
thotilil not he folil.
In lm inatler of the imtHle of II.
II. 11rlilflt. ileriiMed. Onler for rl
tntlun to ('.'W. Tilplfllt to hIiiiw
run.) U he Hhoiihl not ln reinoviMl
an aiiinliUlnitor of mihl tmlnte.
In Ilia mailer of the imlnle of l.ulu
IS. Altmn ilei'wnieil. Onler flxlnn
iliUii of hmirliiK on flnnl acroimt ami
illrimUnK puhllralloii of tiotlro.
I In tin; nmlter of the wtnl of I.. A.
MliilmolH, ilm-eaneil. Onler flln
tliiio iiml phiru for henrliiK on
In tlm matter of the tvitatn of John
Jaroh Inler. ilerwmml. Oliler flxlni:
iliitu of flnnl honrlnu ami illrectliiK
pnlilli'itllpn of nutlro thqreof.
, KmIiUii of Kllwihelh K. Hitittli. U
(jeniuxl. , Onlor fixing tlmo ami plaro
on hwiiliiK of final areonnt.
In tho matter of the uimnllaii.hln
Mini iihtnhi of Harry VIHr. minor.
Onler ilheelliiK tlm huIp of ueituln
real nutate,
lit, tliti mailer of tho ifiiiinlhiiiHhln
iumI tlatn or Harry W'nlktir, inlnnr.
Onlor illrunUiu; Uio nlo of corlaln
real untivte. '
Iii,ilm,mattni of tho iftinnllnimhlli
of Walter 0. llnwK, Mlhlreil Hawk.
l,(ui(ur llowk iiml Until ,w- iul"
oih. Oritur nppolntliiK. Glum M.
Hiiwk an, itiiiinllan,
, In tliu imitlor of tho eiitalo of An
Hiirtltiu Moore, iIpcoiibimI. Hoport 'f
mlnilnhitnilrlx filed. ,
"Mr, iii'hI Mm. KiWInbt of (Inlil
ilill spmll n tiny ifci'iiliy the puist
of Mr. ivml Mn. Iuwh.
i Mrri. winileii mul iliniRhlor re
iiinu,.) Imine to Meilnml Inst Sun
day after Knniillnt,' hhVoiiiI ilnyn tho
riuihI or.ielativoH unit friuiulH.
I AlVt). Ulivl; lii rutunifil Immo
from ('nlifiiinlii nfler Hovurnl weokn
yislb wilji hi'i- himliiiml
M tlm umiuul avlioii! vJUjfUtui
Lo1h Wiik vn-olui'ti'il illa'dtor aiiii
Tom CoolM'lyotvil mul it wna
iiIho ilci'idi'il Knllieritu1 1'oley mliniihl
leneli the aehonl,
MIhm Knloii mill Mrn. (!onk of
C tn Mm (.'reek wniu tlm Kiiitn of llni
(l"ii Ifii'inlH (lie fonij;Mil of llio
w ek.
Mr. mill Mm. HouijjlHililnr upent
T(K'i!ny, dm jcuilii of their iIiiiirIi
ler, Mrv. DiiwiiIioi ry of Sordino
(WH Kink tjrcMlly unrprincil liar
iminy frii'tiilK liy ipili'lly mcIhk to
I'ottlnml where mIiu whs mniTiiul hi
tolin MudinHehi. Her fiieniln, who
uru many lire exlmnlinir In-mty eon
KmliilHliiiim mill lMt wivlit1 to I In"
lll'I'I'.V "MIf Hlllpll.
I.evin fc ltyilev were nrnnl huh
nily Iiiih'iiii'iik vUilor.
.Sliit. Hiikkih mmmI 1'iiilay (he ;iii1
or Mr, .lulin Mnplon.
Knnex Creek IiukIuhmm vl-ilnrn to
(loltl Ilill IIi'im week were, Afr. mul
Mix. l.euU, I'.liner lliniiiliilliiiiii iinl
wife, Mr. (lieenlvof, Mr. Mnnhiii,
Art lloitRi" Mr. Itniker, I'reil Stnitihu
(leorve Slinniip, Mrw. Hdkx') 'r
Kirek, Mr. mul Mr. llotiMholiler,
MiMtoK ICutie mul Mn!ie 1'oluy mul
Wenlher Prophet Konlnr.
WVnllier l'rophet Ioler preilieln
ulomly woollier with rontimiuil hov
rn. The roreiit nilnn ho utoppil tlm
liny cnlliiix for n (iine nt lt iih
up to (he priHiUnt time it Mill eon
tintiCM to rnin whieh mnkiw it very
lnul iih tlinro i a );reiit nmoiiiit of
liny Hint neeiU eariiiK for.
Aila lti;inho(iam mul I.ooua
Stowell were x'veii firt priro in (ho
MOOil teulli, ootl health eonliw.1 frmn
the )aiaiu'lln sehiicil.
I 4
f 4
Mr. ami Mm Kinnk Miller, of
Oiitrtil Point. MiHtit n Home time with
hor Uter, Mra. Jmper Hannah.
Mr. ami Mm. Henry Prunrli called
on I'erry Kovtnr Sunday,
MrH. Daw anil on, Teddy, weiU
lo Medford Momlny to vlutt her hIi
ler, Mm. Hhtiltx.
Mhw Ulitnrlio Dmliy HpenUtlie
week end with Minn Mia lltinnali mid
Mm. Dally.
Mr. Darby, .of Orlffln Crook.
enlUil on hlti vlMlor, MIkh Illanche,
Mm. Johmlon ! makliiK an ox
tended villi with liar datmhter, Mri.
Miih Daw.
Mr. anil Mm. Frank Drown mid
Mr. and Mm. 0irl Von dur Hellun
mid datiKhtur Hiunt Sunday on tho
river. They rnrrlml n -6-lti. wtlmon
homo iih u trophy of tliolr day'u
Mm. Siudov, of KUc Creek, niiplo
u dip to tho vnjloy tho lam of tho
.Iohko ItnKHdiild met IiIh U-yonr-old
sou, Johnnie, at tho train Saturday.
JoIiiiiiIii liaa Uien. komK to helioot at
tho liiHtltutliHi for tlur llllnd at S.i
tern, lie Ik u vury blight boy mul
IiIh frleiulH are very much pJenftad
In tho in pi (I pi'OKro.sH ho Ima made
In tho hint year.
Joo Martin, of Upier,1tonuo ltlvor,
wim In Medford tho flmt of tho woolc,
Mr, mid Mm. MaiiHtluld mul plilV
ill on niiloed up (n thulr Hiinunor
homo on tho old l'.Uno plueo Tiiuh
day. I.eo Caton wim tho victim of nn
iinfortiiuato uciideut Sunday,
Kull IicarliiK lienrrt In ton-acro
IiIocUh. Fow ot theao.bloclCH must
ho, cold ut onro. Will i;lvo you
cholt'o of 170 uereii, Comlco, Do
Anjou, Hart let t mid Dose. Juut 2
1- inllon went of city llinltm on Jack
son crook. U"8t of deep htaclt volt;
boat uolKhboiiiood; Reed rondj roo'I
biilldlni; niton. Tli hi la commorclal,
dlvlileiul pnylnt! propnaltlon. Two
teii-iu'io lilockH will bo aold nt juut
half piico. TIiIh In tho beHt I liavo
over offered you. IuvoHtlKuto tlila
' KIraL National Hank lluUtltiiK.
at Meadow Brook
homo kicked hlin In tho inoutli mid
broke tlinxi tcrath and out hU fmi
no It wiu iiuuofuiary to tnke tlimo
htlteluirt (o iilojo the wound,
I'ntii Stowtdl mul oUter Mlw Dolly
Npeiit Wi'ilnuadity with Mr. mid Mm.
Henry French. t
Thuro Ik no mo of flHliorinon o
IMjdttiig to catch nuy moru fiih in
the rher nit Mm. Henry Kraueh mul
Mine Dolly Stowell uro ontchliiK tliem
mi ft iih thoy loiiiii up tho river.
Mliw Cnffnvu mid Mm. i'olvr Iletz
ohIIhiI on tho Hannah alitem Sun
day. Itny Whllely spmit Tlmmlny ovo
UliiK ut tho Deheimor 0i rniifh.
.Mr. Miirtlii, of Aihhiud. upent u
coniilo of darn ftehliiK on tho river.
Mm. Aaron Smith write from
Cnuyotivlllo that they are enjoying
the rain. Mr. and Mm. Aaron Smith
ami hor niothor, Mm. M. 1". Stowell.
are oti their way (o tho cuuit. WednQmlny n evere liall
tnrm cnum up tliu rlvor mul went
north. Tho hnlUtnnoM were from
tlm Uo of ui.irlilim to threo-foiirtha
of nu Inch by over nn Inch In length.
it wiih tho womt wo Imvo uvor
neon. Tlm hnllHorni rained kcv
eral tenniH to run nwny.
Davo I'enco'H mad crew worn rann'it
with their teauia :n tho womt of tho
MIm Ulnnchn Dnrhy cloned hor
school l'rlilny with n nice proKrnm.
Sho had liar nclioolrooin tastily doc
orated with feriiH, roioH mid nyrliiRii.
MIm Hula Houston called on Mm.
i'uter Uetx Tuondny.
In tho Iteoco Croek dlntrlrt Henry
Krencli, director, and W. i:. Hnuunel,
clerk, were re-elected, and In I.nurol
Mm. Jottlo Clnruo, clork. and Grant
Mathnwfl, director, woro rv-ulocttd
at Moiidny'M nnnual ichoul mootln:;.
Tom Dawron and Mm. Fry were
leceitt vldltom to the valley.
Clarence MlddlchiiHhcr pent Sun
day In Medford.
.., i .
W. it. llyrum, of Tablo Hook, vvnu
nhoppliiK mid calling on friends .hero
tho hint of tho weok.
Mm. J. D. Parker nnd Miss IMunia
Carroll Imvo returned from n inontlis
vlult in ModeHto, Cal., mul othur
Mm. Klllntt nud dmmhtor, MIhs
Mlldren Klllott, are BpondliiK u few
dnya with J. I'. IIonKlund and fam
ily at Willow HprlmjH.
Tho momiuremmit social glvon un
der tho muplccH of the Uebekah nnd
Odd FellowH lodgOH,' was n Very on
Joablo nffnlr. A wont excellent pro
Kruin wna rondered and a very de
licious luncheon comlstliiK of pine
apple puddlnt; nnd enko van served.
A lurtw iiuiuher of Central I'olut
roalenta attended tho play, Hanky
Funky In Medford Friday ovonliiK.
Mlaaoo Katherlno and Margaret,
Foley of ICanos Creek, spent Satur
day hore with rolallveH nnd
Mr. nud Mis. Newman and .fam
ily, of Medford. visited n few hours
UO. uqrea of tho choicest ot (and,
all in crop jual cast of Vhoenlx, Is
nrfered for 1100.00 per ncro, Oiv will
take property In Mydford to tho' val
ue of 13700.00.
Ualnnco may run on the plnco for
tliroo yeura It deatred.
A Binnll bualnosB property In .Cen
tral l'olnt KwoHimt, location, la? for
Halo for J 1,500.00 or will o.V'hnuge
for ncreaRo cloao In. '
SO acres in uper Sam's Valley.
SO ncrea Iiiib boon cultlvntod anil the
balance easily cleared and practically
all ia farm laud. Thoro la n Good
well, u four-room liouso, milk house,
oroliard nud boiiio othor improve
menta. It la offered nt $20,00 per
aero, or would consider ft trade- for
property mound Grout Falls, Mont.
Hoom 12 Jackson County Ilnnk bide
TulopUono 1037-J
w(h Mm. lif Frlol In this ally re
cently. Mm, I. J. Ftirkoypllo U ipcndlnst
thin weak in AnVlnuil.
(Sront prclmrutloiiH uro nmlnr wny
now In Ceiitni Point 'for tho hold
Iiik of nn olil mitld'A convention. Doth
yontiK mid old uro koIiik to partlcl-
pnto in thin affair and H promliraa
to he one of tlm tnoHt enjoyable nud
well attended orcnts ercr held In
th! city. There will bo about fifty
or sixty of the vnlley'n moat akllloil
nnd clover rokldentH taking part In
tlm convontlon mid thoy uro working
with Knmt zhiI to put li on buforn
tho piddle Wodnenday, July 2. It
will ha held In tho Y. M. C. A. nud
tho proceeds will b for tho bonoflt
of that luitltulion.
Mm. WlUon nnd Mian Smith, of
Arizona, who have born apandint; the
aprliiR montlin with Mm. Klllott and
ihinyhtur, have left for San Diego.
Cat., whoro they will villi for n few
weokH Unforo returnliiK home.
Mr. nnd Mmflloy Cortim and child
and Miss Uuby Corn in, of KtiKeno.
nro tho quests of Mr. nnd Mm. Victor
Hnmell in tho Biihurba of tlils-city.
Mm. T. I). Uom, Mm. Newman,
Mm. Chna. Clark. Mm. Wayne, Seo-
vcr Claude White. C. Fankcy, CIiif.
Dunton, Inin Uobb, James . lloss,
llnrtzoll Holmoi, Iiwroncu Nlchold,
I'M Musty wore anions the tunny who
vlMlted lu Medford Sunday afternoon.
Shrlncr, Attention!
Ceremonial pension nt tho Ashland
Armory, -Saturday l M., Juno 28.
livery mouiuor ot Hllluh Temple
should be there, am! sojourning sons
of tho desert, wheroso'cr dlapomod,
nro cordially Invited to come and be
ono of tia In air tho festivities ot tho
gathering. Vyr your fez, your
green nnd white onrd, nnd your bap
pleat Mintlo, also bring your wives,
slalom, mothers, daughter, and any
ladles to whom you can lawfully lay
claim, tor special arrangements are
being made for their entertainment.
Tho Armory hall ia largo nnd
roomy, and tho commissary depart
ment well stocked with provision.
To those who nro wlso I need not
say more. WM. M. COIA'IO.
Fast III. FotM for the Committee.
FOU URNT Furnished apartments.
The llerbnn, 10 Qulnco V
Uy0': .'.-.-FOU
ItKNT lIqu?ol;c,epliiB rooms
with bntu and gas. 345 Nortn
room bungalow.
fnrulahed five
422 S. Iuirol.
FOU ItKNT- 5-room house nud bath
at 2 It) Olson St., $15. including
water. Phono OtlO-I. or C20. 79
FOU HKNT- Until Septeu'iber 15,"
Completely furnished ' nloilorn
house, beautltul locution, five
mlKu from town. It ox II. Y., Mall
Tribune. 7'J
FOU KKNT 5-room modorn, -i-room
partly furnished Iioueo. tJOU W.
Jackson, phono 301-J. S3
FOR HUNT Modern, 'bungalow,
lawn, pavnd street, l blocks from
Washington school. 710 W. Klov
enth. 92
FOU UKNT -Klght-room mudorn
liouse, -I largo bedrooms and clos
tH, hullt-lu chluii elobot, fireplace,
screened porch, lawn,, a.hade, eg
otnhlo garden, garage, cement
walks and payed btreet, ono. block
fro.m Oakdalp, Knqulro C21. West
Klovoiith atreet,
FOU UKNT Modorn Blx-room hun
galow on Itosa Court, near Main.
Ueut reasonable. Cull K. S. TumyS
Unriiett-Coroy Ulk. 81
li"OK ItKNl oiariuis
FOR UKNT LaTgo, comfortnblo ot
tlco rooms with elovator Borvlco,
Btoiun heat, hot and cold water.
Low rates. Apply Medford Furni
ture & Hilw. Co.
FOU SAM'3 Vacant uiuV Improved
Pioporty in ditto Fals, cheap.
Uoutett Investment Co, 01
B'OIl UKNT (Meno In furnished
rooms, $1.50 nnd $2 per wt-ok;
lino of bath. Call afternoons, 23C
S. Central.
FOU UKNT Largo sleeping rooms,
and modern bouxokeeplug apart
ments, prices very reasonable.
Phono 102Q-L. 222 South Holly
FOU BALK Oil UKNT Good 7-rooni
moileru. No. 510 South Central fit
lioiixo Is on two loin. Also lot
nnd barn nrroMS tho alley. Ad
dresH T. I. Taylor, Medford. Phono
8C-JH. 102
FOIt SALK A bargain In a home:
a H4x-room, two story, new. plas
tered house on a largo lot and un
encumbered. Ownor will sell for
only J'jOO. Pay Just $50 cash and
$15 per month and own your
home. This la tho best bargain
In Medford. nil on K. S. Tuniy.
Garnott-Coroy blk. S0
FOit SAwt 3ii.sci-:MaNi:ou.s
FO?r "s.VlK UeglsteVcd cliornEcy
bull, 3 years old, son ot Iluda T.
II, prlzo Guernsey in Minnesota,
March r.O, 1913, and producing
withlu 33 pounds butter ot the
winner lu n year's contest: may
be feen at Itagley ranch. Talent,
Ore 81
FOU 8ALK At a bargain, a flour
mill stand for grinding flour or
for rolling barley, tor paitlculars
call at 14th and Central avo. The
Clark & Henery plant, or address
P. O. llox SC2. Medford, Oro.
FOU SALK Cheap, flno camp or
traveling wagon. Ilox 495, Med
ford. And good saddle.
FOU SALK First class St. Berries.
Call 10C0-M. SO
FOU SALK Ono 10 horsepower gas
ollno engine. International make;
been used ntiout ono mouth; good
ns now; for sale at n bargain.
William I'lrlch. Medford, Oro.
FOU SALK 1913 model motorcy
cles nud motor boats at bargain
prices, all makes, brand new ma
chines, on easy payment plan; get
our proposition bofore buying or
you will regret It: also bargains
in used motorcycled. Wrlto us
tpday, enclose stamp for reply.
Address Lock llox 11, Trenton,
Mich. S4
FOU SALK Huntington standard
typowrltor No 8 invisible writer,
14 inch carriage novor been used;
cheap. P. O. llox 147, Jackson
Steam and dry cleaning and dyo
work. Satisfaction guaranteed on
nil work. Gents' units pressed.
Special attention to ladies' silks,
laces and gloves. Goods called for
and dollvorcd. 114 N. Front St.
Phouo 125. 114
FOIt SALK lllng Cherries; address
Potter nud Goold, Phouo 25-U-2.
FOR SALK Ono medium-sized Al
aska refrigerator, practlally now.
Address K. L. Lane. H. F. 1). No. 2,
Central Point, Ore. S2
FOR SALK Laying hens. Call 1005
West Main struct. inl0,,Q .jgi.j 70
FQU SALK Gentle trnddlo pony nnd
good sadtllo. $35. Call at ranch,
ono-hnlf mllu wost of Phoenix. J.
II. Lyons, Phoenix. ' 81
FOR SALK Loos,o loaf ledgor iyi
tems, any stylo' ot snado to order
by the Mnil'TrJbuno bindery.
FOU SALK-r-O heart chorrioa now
ready; taklug orders for Royal
Ann and Ulack Republican, extra
fine. Call 7-F-12.
FOR SALK Good snddlo pony and
saddle- cheap; can bo Been at" Nash
Livery. Uox 11, X., Mall Trib
une 79
FOR $.AM:-rUlegi8tert!d Scotch Col
Ilo puppies six wooks old. Eng
lish bull torrlora and grown col
lloa. All registered. Stanton
Grlffls, Burrill Orchard. 97
FOR SALK 2 good toams horsey,
weighing 2500 each, for salo at n
bargain. For particulars phono
Westorflold, 19-F4 84
FOR SALK Cherries. Choice Black
Republicans, Royal Ann, Ring, Or
egon, Black Tartarian; to boo on
ground la to buy. Know what you
nro getting nt Crandalt Orchard,
R. F. D. No. 1, Box 99, Medford.
out King's Highway, nnd Inuncdl
utoly south Geo. B. Carpenter hill,
Ready last of weekv 79-
FOU SAI.I' Good self-feed hsy
liress, cheap. Kegar Uaueli 80
FOR SALK Legal blanks, tresspass
notices, for sale or rent sings at
the Mall Trlbuno.
FOR SALK Uttor heafls and fancy
stationery, printed, engraved or
otnboucd, as you trlah at the
Mall Tribune.
FOR SALK Ordofs tnkon for Royal
Ann. Oxhenrt, Jllack Republican,
Ulack Tartarian cherries. Dr. W.
R. Stokes, phono C7-J-1. CO
WANTKD Packers desiring ompjoy-
moat with tlio II. It. F. A IV. Assn.
during season ot 1913 should reg
ister and rccclvn number at office
18 W. Main st, or Miss Marian
8tandcllff, Phoenix.
WANTKD 'Want "to "purdiaso smaR
rcsldcnco on west side. Must bo
find and a Bnrfp for cash. Phono
WANTKD Seven or eight dozon
fcrtilo duck eggs. P. O. llox CS1.
or phono 1079-JC.
WANTKD Wood sawing; has good
machine; glvo mo a call, from C
to 9 p. in. Phono 3S4-R. S3
WANTKD Angora goats. Dox K.
A. II.. Mall Tribune SO
WANTKD Brood sows unit- young
pigs. Address Bx. 12, caro Mall
inuunc. si
WANTED TO BUY 10 acres or
in oro of grain hay standing. Phone
bUl-J-3. t
TO .TRADE What have you to
trado for eastern Colorado prop
erty? A. a. Baker, Diamond
Rooming House 80
Poland China boar. R. D. 1, Box
73, Central Point, or phono Far
mer 14-184.
WILL EXCHANGE 10 acres pears,
with or without house, for Med
ford bungalow. C. B. A., Mall
LoST Rctwcon Mldvnlo Orchard
and Medford, ladles emb. linen
hnndhay. Finder leave at this of
fice or phouo 201-111. and receive
ampio reward. SI
LOST A cameo broach. Auyono
finding samo return to Bank ot
Jacksonville, or Medford Mall
Trlbuno and receive roward.
on Improved ranch property. A.
L. Crow. Butte Falls. Ore 89
MONEY TO LOAN On city and
closo in ranch property. C. A.
McArthur, room 3, P. O. block,
phono 3C8.
D. R. WOOD Gonqral Accountant
Your books audited and kopt for a
reasonable figure; your business
solicited. Office, Medford Mall
Trlbuno bldg.; phono GC1; resi
dence phono 534,
Attornoys-at-Law. Rooms 8 und
9, Medford National Bank bldg.
Corey bldg.
W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun
sellor at Law. 123 East Malu
street, Medford, Ore
Wtn.'M.'ColvlK GeorgoM. Robert?
Medford National Bank Building.
Auto Supplies.
big secret in making Bprtngs is the
tempering. Wo nro operating the
largest, oldest and best equipped
plant in tho Pacific northwest. Use
our springs whon othors fall. Sold
undor guarnntco. 20 North Fif
teenth St., Portland, Ore.
Abs tracts'
STRACT CO., No. 0 South ContraJ.
By "Bud" Fisher
, D
WILLIAM ' ULRICH-2-Llcended Auc
tioneer for tho City of Medford,
Oregon, Terms reasonable. Resi
dence phono 1C1-J. Office Jack
son County Bask building.
DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor.
nervo specialist, Roams 203-204-205
Oarnett-Coroy. bldg. Vapor
baths and scientific matmago given;
advice in dietetics, medical gym
nastics, bydropthoranr. Lady at
toadanL Phono, oLMce 945, resi
dence 571-IL .
i)IL A. IL HEDGES, Dr. Lotilao K.
Hedges Mechano-ThoraplsU, Chiro
practors, Spondylothoraplste. These
systems, including dlototlct, eura
tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thorapby,
etc.. produce results in both acute
and chronic diseases. Consulta
tion free. 230 North Bartlett St.,
next door to M. K, church. Hours
9 a. ni. to 5 p. m. Other boars by
appointment Phono ti 17-J.
Garnctt- Corey bldg., suite 310,
'Medford, Oro. Phone 856.
GARBAGE Got your premises
cleaned up for tho winter. Call
on tho city garbago wagons for
good service. Phone G26-L. F;
Y. Allon.
Notary Public
HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub
llc. Bring your work to me at the
sign of tho Mall Tribune, ,
Printers and Publishers
best oqulpped printing office in
southern Oregon; book .binding;
looso leaf ledgers, billing systems;
cte Portland prices. 27 North
Fir St.
Physician and Surgeons
MAINS CARLOW Ostpopathio
physicians, 416-417 Garnott-Curoy
bldg.. phone 103G-L. Residence
420 South Laurel st.
DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Phystclaa
and surgeon.
Practico limited to disease, of
women. .Otflcos 233 B Main.
Phones, oftlco 814-J-2; res., 8H.
DR. J. J. E1IMENS Physician, and
surgeon. , Practico llmltod. to eye,
ear, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien
tifically tested and glasses puppHed
Orflco 238 East Main St.. Hours
8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone.
E. B. 1UCKEL, M. D. Office Jack
son County Bank bldg. Office
phono 43-R; residence phoue G8-R.
DR. MARION Physician and BHr
geou, Stewart bldg.. corner Mala
and BarHott uts.; oftlco phoue 37,
rosldenco phono 27-J-2. i
und surgeon. Office Palm
block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours
10 to 12, Mo 4. Phono 110-J.-
DR. R, W. CliANOY Physician and
Burgeon. Phonos, offlco 36, resi
dence 7 21-J. Office hours 10 to
12, 2 to 5j ' 1
DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia
physician, 303 Gnrnott- Corey
building. Phono 904-M.
R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and
Surgeon. Ovor Hutchison $ Liiuis
don, 215 13.' Malu St. Phone 77.
Stenographers J
ELLA M. OAUNYAW Palm" bloek,'
Stenographic work done quickly, '
and well.
zru-j 1 , mt
Office 10 South Fir St. Pbeue
315. Prices right. 8ervie gir
antnnd 4
'" '" i1 an 'ii ! iiitwJiian n Jw?Mi.ySSyBC!
' Veterinary Surgeon j
, GKON. Kradiinto ot tho AatorlMtH
Veterinary College N. " Y. . aty,'
Off ico Nush Llvcvy SUiblM'Jww
173, )
j ;