f -. .. ' ,'H rrr MnnFonn matt; trtbuktc, wtjdford, okkoon, monday, juniu 2.1, 101.1. WCOT! THRBH Iff. . Ha.- v i I m ' y W- "Y "ri ,y i y , . ! nS' ' STEENSTRUP SPOKE GO ID F COAST AI 0 0 I'eler Mlui'iiNd'tip, proprietor (if II111 I'uelflo Molor Kupply company ' tin I Huiiilny I'ioiii Detroit where lie iilli'inlcil Hut minimi niei'liiig ol' lint Hnclnty of Automobile. KngineerM. Hcnrtliiig IiIk vIhII, IIic Horlely hciuU Mil tlm following pitMH notice; Whim INiIit Klt'tiiiNtipp, llui only mcnilinr ol' tliu Society of Aiilninu. lilln KiikIiii'iii-w, reMldiiig on Hid I'n elfin CoiinI, imiiiIii IiIn iippi'iiiuuro in Hitlinil for tliu iiliniiiil meeting ninl enilsti ol' tlili hiirloly, lie enuie In liotini I In' hinnnm-hicifiii Kxpintlllnn if ID 15 iinil lint hIiiIo of Oregon, im mi npplu growing country, Mr; HIiii'iiNliiip hnmglit In llni rugineern 11 hunk Hill iif tipple from llm ler rilury nt'iir .Meilfoiil In which liu Iimm located n fruit fin in. At lint meet ink' of tin' S. A. I. i'n ronto on I lie (lly or Drln.il III, ,Mr. NlceiiNtrup Introduced licforo tliu engineer n pniNpiM'tiiH outlining llii' future of tho I'm'ifin i'iml iih ho see II ninl unk ing llio nrgnnliilimi to meet fur 11110 in Hun l'rnnrieti. Ilin remark worn well taken mill ll in very probnhlo llinl llni Koelely of Anlniiiiiliiti' Kn glucer mnl (ho IiihIHiiIIhii of Anlo mobile KngluccrM of Kiiglnuil will again i)tnhitii in IIU.r ni mi iiniiniil meeting iiml llinl IliU meeting will Ih( held on Ilin I'nt'ifiii cmiimI. ' Mlwtittrtip'N Hlnlcini'iil. 'I'lii' follow ill); i tliu ulntruicnt of Mr. SliM-nnliiip nlily mnl before, the engineer mnl heartily npplmnli'il: "In llllfi California will put on tin gruiilowt lniliiNtriitl Kxpimitlun ever hi'lil. To ninny of ymi, Hie fnir ilndf till mii'iiii little, hut no oilier country ever uffriril uch Inilueemenlrt. No fair wiin ever before made an exciiho for olio grand natintiiil Heeuio joy lidc. "Tim opening of tin) I'anmna cnunl will iIImmI tliu lido of Immigration from the cunt to wtvit, liccniixtt tin' thrifty (lititnaiiN or SenndlniiviniiM can Ihi'ii I Mini on a farm in Oregon for le than il wotihl rout In lainl Ihi'in in Minncnotn. Ittvllllrt'C of ("Ollll. ".Most of yoit fall to mtlit! the wonili'rfnl ri'Monrci'H ami vnt tin. Mftllrtl ilnmaiii of the Pacific Count nliitei, lmt jntt hh mirclx' n the sup- ply of motor citrM will iilllmiilcly nti'i'l tliu iIi'IiimmiIh, JiihI iih mm inly lluil gioul country will nlllmnli'ly proviiln Hid gieulcNt iiiai'linl for pIciiHiini i'ihh, Im n country where in coiiipnio Hie hi'ciiIi) womlcr with Hiohii of Nvll.ciniiil would lie to compnrn n I'neknnl with a Hi-unIi. Only pcopln'ihi not know It ami when I liny leniii what 'n liavit out went, Hwllxerliiiiil will Im forgotten ahoni iim ipiiehly iih (Im IIiiihIi will ho for' gollcu. In fuel, I vcnlnrn In pro illnl llinl when our people have learned to mco Ammien fir I, nIciiui ciM like Hid I.iihIImhIm, will Im put Into Mcrvicc helwecn New York mnl Kan I'i iiiicIhco In coinpelilion with Dm new rninnnt hlnhwny now IkiIii projected, Then, iih in ailililioii, the Hcnt of learniiit; ami Ihn hcIoiih of real living will Kiailunlly draw Hie ccnler of population to licyuid Hie rocky monntaliiH. Then Ilin lain) of Hie Hiin-ilowiNHca will coino into it own ami Ilin hiuucHt market in the world for pleiiHiiru enix will ho found then!, I'lnnilN for Wet III would, therefore, hciiiii fltlini; that HiIh hody of cimineerH hIiiiiiIi! invnnllale HiIh trcmemloiiM region. Only hy coe Hlmly of their peculiar conditloiiH j'xlxtiiit; on the eonnl can the IrcmeiiiloiiH iioiiliililleM there he fully renlireil. The lamciilahli! upee. tnele of our National government, trying lo jmlun the piiditium of Hie Pacific Count hy dlhciiMHiiiL; it three thoiiMiiicI iiiileM away in the point in proof. The fair will linn;; yon all out there anyway in 11115. As Iho only inemher of the norictv from tho Pn cifle coiinI, I, therefore move that we, nn ineialierM, put nurxclvt'M on record iim heinc in favor of liohliui; our hiiuiuier mcclint; on Hie Pacilln const in IIM." proviiliil the council hIioiiIiI find il adviHiihle to m ar- rnutu: ... - i. .m i - COLESTINC EXCURSIONISTS FIND MANY IMPROVEMENTS LEWISALBERTROSE PIONEER OF VALLEY AT PHI Account weather roinlitioiix the oxciirnion to Cole-tin yenlenlay wan not heavily patroaircd hut thone itiakiiit; the trip rcMirt a splendid time, mnl noted iiiaiiy iinproveiiientK. At Colehlin a ho.v halt alley him heen erect id mnl n shooting gallery. Tim ilmieiiiK pavilion Iiiih heen relmill, xwiiiKX mnl other iimiinumentx iro iilc.l. The Kotithern Pacific in erectiin; a o; depot at thix report which will ho a ureal convenience to IrnvelerK. I.owlrf Alherl Jtime, one of the hcnt iiuoMii ploneeiM of ltojU river val ley, died Kiuiiluy, .limn 212, IDI.'I, at the home of liU (laughter, Mm. .J, M. Kader of Phoenix, (17 yeurw ami ten dli.VH Mr. Idrne Iiiih heen ciJoiiMly ill of riMniioiiH iliiihutoH lor Hcveral im iIIm ii.nl liin death w:m not unex peeteil. I'oni ut ChaileHlown, l,eo county, Iowa, .liinu I'-', I K 1(1, Mr, Itone wan tic only Aon of Ihn Inle Mr, mnl Mix. I.. A. Hone, Sr who camnS'roni ciiHt rrn i'enuMylvaniu ami weie of Kcotch Irinh ilcMccnl. 1 1 in father died where ho wan a few monlliH old. Two yniiM l.iler hin rnolher ht'caiiio the wife of KmerHoii I!. Horn. When Mr. ItiMu w mm nix yi'inx old, in company with hi" mother mnl tcp-father, ho niooHcd the plaiiiH rcaeliiu Itouc river valley in lHft'2. Mr. (lorn Holtled on whtit U now known iih Iho John (lorn orchard on Pacific highway ami it was here that Mr. !toc grew to mat hood. In If71 Mr. I.me vm innrriri lo Miw iNiiliellc CoUoi. i.rly ilaiihler of Ihu late Sii'i'ifl mid (Inldali Co vi", ili'ln -iiilieil pioniiK of South mn Oriuon. Four children were horn to iI.ih iiiiieu: Mrs. Kffio L. Tnylor, Meilford; Mm. 'X. A. .Ioiich, wife of ex-Shciiff .June- of Koh I.m'ic; Mi-. ,1 M. Itader. wife of cx Hlicriff .1 M. Under, of Piioenix, mid I.. A. l(oe, Jr., of Phoenix. In KSHo Mih. I lone died leaving Mr. Ilo-o with n little mothorlcHM lirood of four children to rcii" tnii educate. Mr. Idfrc Kive hi'r.neli' with uiiHclfih li Nolio'i to the li-l; nml I. ah hucco4h fn ly rai-ed hin ehihliuu to Ihtoiiio useful eili.miH. In 1H8H Mr. Ko-e wan aiiiii mar ried to'Mrn, Jemima Dollarhido Cul ver, widow of tliu laic Louie Culver. One child wis horn to thin union, Mm. Claude t'a to of Ilrowimville, Oregon. In 1H711 Mr. lto-e moved to what in known iih Hie K'omu home on Pa cific highway juM north or Phoenix. Hero he ihmIc hin home for over -10 yearn. Mr. li'iixe wiih known n n mnn of iimpiesdiineil inlegritv mid voiiiul jiulgmi'iil. Ilo wiih gencroux (o a finilt, nlivnyM coilKlilering Ilin welfare of olherrt he fore (hat of IiIh own. Ho woiinl nl'iiro hin ln-t penny with a needy hi ranger mnl wiih a I way m a fililul lo Iho frieudleHM pohHCMHing to u ininkeil degree the pluneer spirit which wiim ever ready to extend lion pilalily ami u helping ham). Mr. Hone nlwiiyM took nn active inlercHl in nil enleroiineH for the im- I hiiilding of hin own community nml Ilin rotiniy in large iih wen. IIchuIch hin children, Mr. Komi; !h Niirvived hy h!x granilcliililreu, Mr. Armond Taylor, Min Miimla New hury, Donnhl Newhtiry, Carl Newhnry. the hint three heing children of Mrn. W. A. Joiich, ami two infant koiih of Mr. Chimin Cain. McHNrn. W. II. (lore, W. K. (lore, J. 0. (lore ami ll. H. Oootn are half hrolherH, Mm. II. (I. Wortmaii of Medford nml M. W H Jaekx of AHmiiy are half-HintcrH. SHOW PLANNED JMJKjJSiSSSj W. c. U. 10 Tl .Iiiiil. 2(1, Mother..' Day W. C. T. U. pregram: jSong Seleelcd Scripture Keading ....Mrx. Leonard Prayer ,, Mm. Pontig Iluet . Mien Velva Wood, MixH Uoulil Heading Mrs. McDonald Talk Mth. Demtniug Solo .....MrM. Ore-Mly Itei'itntiou Mrs. Manning June 10, W. C. T. U. item: The county picnic to he held at; Phoenix wiih Hxtoiieil, on account of the rain. Tho county president, T. A. Howell thing mother and all other who went to he L'xMed wiih not adviHiihle. The local W. C. T. U. Mothers' Day will he held n the home of Mr. I'leinming, on Welch htreet, June -fl, ati p. in. All who will, may come. The following program will ho pre sented after which light refreshmcntH will ho nerved. Crater Lake Rates, The Southern Pacific havo pah linhcd a tariff naming rate of .f'-'S.'JO from Portlaiid to Crater Iikc mid return via Medford. Corrojionding ratos from other Oregon iKiiutH. .Vol Ice. All voters living In South Main prcclnctH can register with Mis Dul ler nt tho Kxhlblt building. HcgU ter now. 73 The lailleu of Iho Orealor Meilford club aro iihiniilng a "Unity Show ' for tho Kotirtli of July. Why iiliotilil Medford exhibit hor llveiitook anil hor chlcketiK, her penm nml hur npplex ami her ronon, with noviir a mention of her moil Important product, tho little oncx? Tho l.iillc have decided without a dlHKcntlng vote that Itoguc Itlvnr valley bnblcH are tho fluent In tho world nml im thero In n goncroim nup ply of thoin, thorn Ih ovcry reason why they Hliouhl bo exhibited ami what day could ho better than ftido pemlonro day? Thin In tho children' era, and theno exhibitions arc ono ol tho best mentis nf helping them. A "Hnby Hhow" no longer means cross over-drc!ied hnblcs, flimlored papas and jealous uinintnas. It means an opportunity to get tho Judgment of experts ns to tho development of tho child. It inny mean a chnnco for n fuller life than tho parents aro now nwnro of, through tho suggestions obtained by comparisons with others and tho correction of somo fault of which they aro now Ignorant. liahlcs deserve every chnnco nml tho "Ilahy Show" of tho present day offer many opportunities which no nwnko, up-to-dato parent will bo willing to miss. And ninyhc your hnby will win the prize. Tho details nml preliminaries nro not fully completed, but tho chil dren will bo listed In one of scvcrnl clnsses nml tnnrked according to n definite set of iioints. The mothers nml fathers aro urged now to plan to entor their children and rnnko this Mcdford's first "Hnby Show" a marked success. Fuller particulars will bo given later. Hlluntoit hi t!m flub or tho Principal Theater nml Hhopplng District Itcfcntly Ileilerornleil nml Itcfumlsliril Throughout, nml Itcttrr Kqulppcil Today limn Krcr llcforo Kuro(CAn l'lnn Itoonis without hnth, 91.00 per tiny nml up 1 toon is with Imtli, fiUMl er ilny nml tip S. 1C. CIjAHKI:, Asst. 5lgr. O. J. KAUFMANN, Mntwigcr. NOTICK Notlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned will npply to tho city council of tho city of Medford. Orc gon, nt Its next regular meeting nn July 1 1913, for a license to sell spirituous, vinous nml malt liquors in quantities less than a gallon at its plnco of business on lots G, G, 7, 9, block 20, In said city, for a period of six months. HOTEL NASH CO. Dntcd Juno IS, 1913. SUMMER VACATIONS SEASHORE OR MOUNTAINS Vi'j s.iAi Season Tickets on Sato Dally Until September 30. VIA TUB XH mH --. .x rvcfTiM1 fl SUNStT VpM ilui.na7nAiM squna Ll! - . 3-Day Tickets on Salo Saturday and Sundny. TIMiAMOOIC AND NKWPOItT IIKACIII-M. Season fares from tho principal stations to Nowporf. or Tillamook Dcachcs aro ns follews: ' TO Tillamook Dcachcs FA11B 14.00' 4.70 6.00 " 7.30 " 7.t0 " ' 9.00 ; I2.00 " 17.20 " 17.71 Week ond tickets on FltOM TO FAUB Portland Newport 6.25 Oregon City " C.25 " Salem " 5.15 Albany . " 4.00 " Corvnllls " 3.75 Kugeno " C.h'O " Hosoburg " 8.7C Medford " 12.00 Ashland " 12.00 " CorrcsiKindlng low fares from other point. salo from various points. SUNDAY KXt'UItKIO.V TRAIN ON TIIK C. & K. It. If. Ienves Albany at 7:20 n. m., nnd connects with the S. P.. trains . 1C nnd H Northbound nnd No. 13 Southbound. EXCURSION FARES EAST Tickets will bo sold from all main nnd branch lino points In Oro-' go n to Kastern destination ono way through California or via Portland. Stop-overs within limit. tickkts on Ham: daily to skit. ao. x Final Hctuni Mmit Oct. :tlt. For beautifully Illustrated booklet "Vacation Days," nnd book lets describing Tillamook County Deachcs, Newport and other points, ns well as Information about Eastern Faros, routes, stop overs, etc, call on nearest Agent or write to John M. Scott, Gencrnl l'awnger Agent, rortlnnd, Oregon. ? ? I ? V : f T t T' ? T T t T f y y t t y One Continuous Round of Pleasure From Early Morn to Late at Night Biggest July 4th Celebration IN SOUTHERN OREGON IN 1913 WILL BE T4TT7T Fl ATT TVf TT FlTTIT? Fl f i Automobile Races, Base Ball, Horse Races, Broncho Busting, MARDI GRAS PARADE and Electrical Display at Night, the Grandest Spectacular Exhibition Ever Pulled Off in the State. Other Games and Sports on the Streets During the Entire Day. THREE BIG BANDS ';-. Reduced Railroad Rates J t VI y i y y y ? I y T y y Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv v ,H n