i. tv - nrnnon HMnrfwtf 207 Second Streaf ,"j .n i v ,i 1. Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER, Hhowoni tonight or SUn. lny... Mat. 711. iMlH. ,411. f l i J MEDFORD, OltlKION, SAT t J UP AY, JUNK 21, 101.1. i forlytilri1 Yrnr. Dully Kluhtli Vrnr, NO. 78. M'NAB RESIGNS SAYS JUSTICE IS 0BS1CTE0 Federal District Attorney (or Cali fornia Asserts Department of Jus tice Is Slilclilltifl Criminals and Pro. trcllnii Crooks. Serious Ctinrucs Made In Western Fuel and Camlnettl White Slave Cases hy Official Who Quits. MAN KIIASTIHri), Ciil., Jintf "J I. John 1 1, MeNnli today tendered Iiim ritdgiuitlnii to President Wilton ns Hulled Nlnlo district uttnrucy, ! rmiKii ho liinl been ordered liy the nl lonii'y general to postMino (lie trtiil of Drew (Jiuiilili'tll, son of ('oinnils ninncr (lencriil of luiiiiiuriithui A Ciiitiini'tll nml Mittiry I. Dlggs, until it nl imiti. cluirL'cil under lint while ulllVtl IK' I. McNnb's mohsngc to tint pr'shlent mill: I'rolcli An Ignored. "I luue tint honor to tender lit V relgunlinii iih Pull nl Stalo attor ney fur tlin noillicrn district of I'nli fnrniii to lake effect immediately. I inn Informed over my pintosU liy the uttnrucy gonrnil to imwmiii unlit iiiiliiinii tin trials of Mnnry Dilrgs nml Drew Cnmiucltl, imlii'ti'il Tor n hideous I'rimn which Iiiim riiini'il two riHi'tulili lioini'H nml shocked tin1 moral snow or Iho in'oplo of t'ulifnr nlii, nml this nftc.r I hnvo advised llm department of Justice that attempts iiin liri-ii iimde to corrupt llm gov cnnnciil wltncHncH, nml the frii'iitU of the ilcfcmlnnlM tin publicly boasting thai tint wealth nml political promi nence of Iho defendant' relatives will procure my hmul to he stayed through Inniicncc ut Washington. "In those eases two girl were taken from cpllurod homos, hnlllcil nml frightenrd in the fnce of their protects into going to n foreign state, nrrn ruined II II tl ilclimicllCil llV the defendants, lio iilmuiloncil wive mnl lufnntH to i unit their the clinic. l'otoncmcut Ordered. "On receipt of tho attorney gener al's telegram I prepared my resigim tiou to lake effect lit the conclusion of the trial of the Western Fuel di rectors mid llm J. C. Wilson stuck broker cases, holh of which I hinl lit hlltuteil mnl which 1 wished to bring to n successful rnnolusinii. llefnro I cnulil hciuI my loslguntion 1 re ceived nnother telegram from tho department nidcrliig me to jmstpone the oiisos iigilnt certain ilcfcmlnntH or the Western Fuel company nun not to try thorn unions ordered hy the dcpaitment. "In hittqr huniillnlmn of spirit ! mn compelled to neknnwlrdco what I have heretofore. Iiidlnintly refused to believe, iinmoly, that tho depart ineiil of justice In yielding to hi f Indices which cripple mid destroy llm usefulness of this office. In Not Autoumtoii. "1 cnniiot consent to occupy Ibis position iih a tnoro mitomiilon, mid liiivo tlm guilt or inunoeneu of rich nml Mivirfut defendants, who havo Iicpii indicted liy nnhiiiHcd grand jur ies, on overwhelming evidence, deter inliioil in ViiHlilnton on reprosonta tioiiH on hiihnlf of tho defendants (Continued on phko 3.) CALIFORNIA PEAR HAfHAMENTO, Juno 2l.-Th movement of frutt off llm Hiiom mcnlu rivor in on tho rapid liiurouso, mid hy tho oud of tho month or shortly Ihorouflor It In expected that tho season will ho nl its holghth. At tlm present tlmo six iiomiiloto cars urn being shipped from rlnoruuionlo daily, hi'HidoH Hovoral pnrls of earn for coimolldutlmi with fruit from olsowhoro. Tlm firnt hnx from this season's mop of Unrllott ponrn to ho uhlppod ciihI woro Hont from Biuirnmouto yc torday liy tho flnrl Fruit compiiny. Tho poai'ri Woro khiwii In tho orohiivd of lluywaid lljicd in Yolo. LAST HOPE GONE I t 1 I'otler Cliurlloii nml Mix Vlillm. MAM'S I AST "' HOPE GOES WITH BRYAN'S REFUSAL WASHINGTON', .l.iuc l. The lust Iiiiimi of Porter Charlton to cHcane clrndition to Itah to hluml trial for wife murder is toiio toduy, following u pcrfomil appeal hy lii-4 father, .Incite Paul Cliarlloii, to Secretary of Stale Hryau here. Hcyoml mwiiriiin JihIko Charlton thaf the hlate dc partuieiit would iiihtrni't the diploma -lie offieialH In do all in llicir hivit to hi-c Hint jiihticu prevailed at the trial, Hrymi informed Cliarllnii that Hie departmriit wax hclplcHH. Votim Cliurlloii, who id held nl llohokeii, N. .1., in xiiid to lie Hiiffcr iu; from mlvauccd liilicreiilosiH, but it ix iml hclicved that his father uill make mi nppcal to President WiUim on thin m-cotiut. U DOUtJI.AH, Arlx,, Juim 21.- ro pliiK liouitiii on tho dcckH of two Mux Iran wnrnlilpn today, Ulitler Mmiton, Froiii'h aviator, forced llmni to floo from (limyiiuiii harbor and tnko ref iiko In open Hen, lurorilliiK lo Inmir- ety roportH from Ortiz, Souorn, HiIb afternoon, MrtHHou Is emptoycil liy tho Mexi can relicts mid Is mild to hnvo creat ed great Iiiivor iimniiK tho Mexlran forces diirliiK a slx-duy battle at Or tiz. i NAHIIVIM.R, Tenii., Juno 21. Andrew CiuiiokIu'h lft or 11,000,000 Is rejected today by tho CoIIoko of llUbops of tho Methodist Kplscop.il south. After a stormy session tho bishops decided that tho church "could not afford to tin dishonored'' by complyliiK with tho terms of tho donation, which already had boon compiled with by tho board of trus tees. Tho hoiird'H action was ve toed. FRANCE ANNEXES SOUTH SEA ISLES MICI.llOtlHNi:, Australia, Juno 21, Tho trl-color of Franco files today over tho Wiillls Islands, north of tho 'l'o 1 1 nil Kioup, In tho Pacific, accord I UK to a copy of ttio FIJI Times re ceived lioro, Thu pupor says that French audits Induced tho mvttvo chiefs of tho Island to petition Franco for stralKht-out annexation Instead of tho protoctoratu thon ox-latliiK, ARSHPS mm A w B OS m CARNEG E S MILLION WINEGROWERS OF HIT BV TARIFF Protests From Golden State Fall Upon Deaf Ears at Washington Proposition Is to Tax Brandies Used In Fortlfylnn Wines $1.10. Growers Declare Tax Is Deadly Blow to Grape Industry and Stops Manu facture of Sweet Wines. WASHINGTON, Juno 21. Thu (hfiiulcnl MChvdilln of (ho Underwood tariff bill was upproved today by tlm senate cnucim practically uiic.lintiKud us It prtHsvil tlm holme. THi'Krnphcd proleits by thn sweet wluo growers' mtnoclntloiiH of Cali fornia iiKnliint (u, propoHed tariff of $1.10 mi fortlfyliiK br.mdy fell on deaf ear.1 hero today when they reached Hountnr Klmmons, chalriiiiin of the siiiinto flnanco coininlttee. Klminons declared (hero was little rbnuco that tint protests would bo considered. Ho juild: "California wlu itrowom for years hnvo enjoyed urcut irlvllece In thl matter us iiKnlust wlnu makers oUe where. Tlmlr protest was unexpect ed, but I do not believe that, routine now,, li will hnvo any effect." BAN I'ltANCISCO. t'nl., Juno 21. Declaring Hint (bey cannot iiinnu fact urn wine In rnuiitctlttnn with with ensleru vltlciilturlsts and that their Industry will bo crippled lm mensurably, a strong flKbt Is tieliiR launched hero today by the Califor nia (lra)K) (Jrowers' nsioplntlon iiKitlnst tb proposal of Hi-tmtor Pom ercne or Ohio to tax tirnudlci usod In fortlfyliiK wines $1.10 Instead or threo cents. Hesolutlous wuro udopted protesting against tho tax, nml n telegram sent to Honntor Him toons, chnlrmnn of tho finance com inlttee, asking tluit action bo post' poned until rcprciontatlves from Cal ifornia can bo heard. Andrea Hharhoro, n loading mem ber of thn association, said: "If tho tnx is Imposed It will bo n deadly blow to tho grape Industry of California, for It will virtually stop tho manufacture of sweet wines by makklng tbulr cost prohibitive to thu largo consumers." Other members nssnrtcd that tho tnx would result In wiping out two thirds of the production nf nwoot w I lies. CAMIIOHNH, Kngland, Juno 21. A baud of suffragettes inarching from Land's Kud to London to Join In n general demonstration woro ninbbod, beaten nml rottou-eggod hero today when thoy ntTcmnted to hold n meet ing In tho pulillc square Many of tho marchers narrowly escaped seri ous Injury. Finally tho women took refugo In a hotel, whero thoy wero virtually as prisoners (or sovorat hours. I.ator they escaped through n roar door in dlsgulso. SLAYER OF MIFFS TAKES 01 LIFE 8POKANH, Wash., Juno 21. Tel ephone advices received by tho sher iff hero say that li. J. Kthol, who killed two deputy sheriffs near hU homo ut Kthol has committed sui cide by shooting himself through tho head. This was tliu culmination of hourir of slego by tho posse. L I Mrs Sohofflein, who has ohnrgo of Iho children's lAiurlh of July puriulo rcipiostH nil Kohool children to moot ut -I o'clock Monday nftovuooii at tho hic,h Holiool to nrtniiKo tho pro Kimu. Kvory child in tho city is re (iticatud to hu pvoticnt. CALFORNA MB TO ACT CIJRNEIL WINS T RACE AT IE Pennsylvania Second, Columbia Third, Wisconsin Fourth, Washing ton Fifth and Syracuse Sixth- Latter Wide of Course. Thousands Line Banks and Cheer Victors of Annual Intercollegiate Regatta Weather Is Ideal. I'OlWIIKtiKI'SIK. N. V June ai. -JiiMlifyinj; expcctutiouH CornellV huky fonr-onrcd rrew uon the fours here litis afternoon ill the inercol- Icginte regatta, doin Ih." course in 10:17 official time. Tho result was nnnoiinced ns fol fel fol eows: Cornell first, Pennsylvania second, Columbia third, Wisconsin fourth, Washington fifth und .Syracuse sixth. Columbia and Syracuse, rowed wide, of the rourso when Hearing tho fin ish and It was at first reorted that these two crows wore disqualified. Tho Judges, however, placed them In tho order In which they croKfd the Hue. Thousands on thousand lined the river mid miw CorpcllV triumph. DitriiiK' tho first mile Conch Court ney's four laid buck, but in the lnt half Cornell jumped into the lead mnl won witli cmc. The weather wns wnrm, siinhiney und the water iih hiiiooIIi iih u mill pond. Knrly in the inernifii: the weather wns threatening but oon after sun up thu sky cleared -flftJ-wll wus fav orable. At the stnrt of the rnce Wn.-ihinc-Ion htruck n gnit of forty strokes tho others gvttitiK awny nl 110. At tho half-mile Syracuse, Columbia nml Cornell wero fightine; how mid bow. At the ntilo Washington hud dropped hnck four If ngths and WiscouMti wns thn'C lengths behind. Townnl tho Inst of tho firxt mile Cornell urn dun liy forped into the lend und shook off Pennsylvania nml Syracuse, the Inttcr getting out of tho course. At Hint lime Washington wns Bplashinj: hniwlcssly nml Wis cousin also was in bad hhnpe. Cornell won fresliinnn eights, Wis comdn second, Syracuse third. DR.E.Si)N PASSES AWAY AS Dr. II. K. Morrison, n well known nnd popular physician, nml a resident of Medford for tho past eight years, died Friday evening nt tho Snored Heart Hospital from nn operation for nppeudieitis performed Wednes day. Ilo had hud appendicitis be fore nnd only n couplo of days before tho Hcizurc, took calomel in nn ef fort to prevent tho operation. Sur geons found tho operation hud been too long delayed nnd gangrene hud ulready tet in. This, and not tho bliook of tho operation, is given ns tho cause of death. Dr. Morrison wns taken to Hio hos pital Tuesday nnd Wednesday tho operation was decided upon nl n consultation of physicians. Dr. Picket wiik Hiunmoiicd and performed tho operation. Tho latter wishes to correct tho published report that ho was with Dr. Morrison nt tho ttmo ho wns stricken or know anything about tho chso until half mi hour be fore tho operation. Dr. Morrison vb n nutivo of In diiuin nnd lived thoro beforo coining to Medford in 11)01. Ho leaves n widow, sister to A. H. Miller und daughter of Mrs. Walter (lore Nominations Conformed. WASHINGTON, Juno Ul. The senate confirmed today tho following iiomiuntieus: Thomas Nelson Pngo of Yirgimu, ninlmssndnr to Italy. Pleasant Slovall, minister lo Swit zerlaud, William Qoucnlvs, minister to Cuba, A mam RES OPERATION Two Leading Can Should Pope lV V Ifi i -iW TKtK', 9iJ ,'JBl'''vi. jki'JiJ?'& jBwaCr i iHHbHI rfjiJSnfetWli-tlBlBIIWB - rAIM2LNAL 'AXSITKI.1.1 THREATEN TIE-UP OF ALL BUILDINGS NOW UNDER WAY CIHCACO. Juno 21. Union men from Mulno to California aro await ing thu word from Chicago to tlo up construction througut tho na tion, In sympathy with tho workeri locked out here by tho Ilulldlng Con struction Ktndoyers' association, ac cording to President Simon O'Do i nell, of tho Hnlldlng Trades Council. "I havo heard from tho lending unions of tho country." O'Donncll said today, "and all that Is necessary Is for us to give tho word. They feci that wo havo been unfairly treat ed and havo offered co-operation. Tying iip si much work woulil crip ple, tho country. Wo will hold out until the last minute before taking such drastic action." HOTEL BURGLAR GIVEN TEN YEARS .SAN KIIANCISCO. Col.. Juno'il. Owen C. Conn, tho $50,000 sF. Fran cis hotel burglar, who confostcd to several dozen burglaries In towns about San Francisco bay, was sen tenced today by Judgo tninno to servo ten years In the stato rlenltcu tlary at San Quentln. Conn, who was caught "ntlii n chaso during which ho was snot by tho police pleaded giillty. Mrs. Kathorlno Popo, whom tho police said was Conn's accomplice horp, was brought from Detroit to testify against tho prisoner. Sho was hold for u tlmo on a charge of withhold ing knowledge of Conn's actions from tho authorities, but recently the enso was dropped nnd following plea of guilty tho woman was re leased. HARVARD DEFEATS YALE AT BASEBALL NRW HAVEN, Conn., Juuo 2!.--Harvnrd downed Yale in bnsehnll hero today, tho crimson trimming the bltio six to five after n tight game. Scere: II. II. K. Harvard 0 (1 'J 1 1 1 f U I I I I t I M M I I ttl U M Hutteries: Fclton, Hitchcock nnd Young; Oilo, Drown, Scott nnd Dur dette, Hunter. " Umpires: Kelly nml Steiumnn. SCOTTISH SUFFRAGETTES BURN COLLEGE LABORATORY ST. ANDREWS, Scotland, Juno 21. Suffragettes early today burned tho L. Mutiiio Laboratory nt tho university lioro. Many valuable records nnd instruments woro do st royed. ILLINOIS FAILS TO PASS INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM SPRINGFIELD, III,, June. 21. Tho Illinois legislature ndjourned hero nt fi o'clock this morning, An initiative nnd referendum bill before, it failed to pass, didates for Pontiff Pius X Pass Away i rJ ' . JT CAIIDIXAL KAMPOi,r,A FEMALE THIEF SEEKS RELEASE BY LONDON. Home Secretary McKon na has not yet seen fit to glvo Allco Hall n "ticket of leave." The prisoner, who Is not a suf fragette, but a cook, convicted of stealing several hundred dollars' worth of Jewelry from various houses whero she was employed, has been on a hunger strike in Holloway Jail for tho last fortnight. When tho judgo sentenced her to threo years Imprisonment, tho same sentenco recently given Mrs. Pank hurst, Allc Hall declared; Tline' years didn't ruean even threo week for Mrs. Pankhurst, and It won't mean nny more for tne. Tho anf fragottcs haven't any copyright on hunger striking. I shall take no food until I am released." Thus far she has kopt bcr word. THREE YEARS FOR WHITE SLAVERY ' SAN FRANCISCO, Co!., Juno 21. Karl Fullcrton was sentenced by United States District Judgo Farrlng- ton hero today to threo years in San Quentln prison and to pay a flno of 1100 for bringing to San Francisco from Soattlo for Immoral purposes, Miss Verna Scranton. District At torney John McN'nb made no plea for tho accused man. It was tho tes timony of tho woman borselt that convicted Fullcrton. Sho testified that, deceived by a promise of mar riage, sho had been taken from one town to nnother by Fnllerton, who continually tried to Induce her to ou ter resorts.' Fullcrton would have been sent to the federal prison on McNeill's Isl and but for Its overcrowded condi tion. CARUSO MUST PAY ROME, Juno 21. Enrfico Cnruso must pay for tho trousseau of Elisn Oanelli, who sued tho tenor for breach of promise, according to a decision of the Miluu court of ap peals. Tho girl lost her ease, but tho court holds that Cnruso must pay iior for tho limited wediug outfit.. H'KITTRICK SUFFERS $100,000 FIRE LOSS M'KITTRICK, Cal., Juuo 21. Practically tho entire business dis trict of. this city was wiped out by a disastrous fire early toduy. Tho total loss was $ 100,000. MoKittriek is in tho west side oil district, n few miles west of Dukors ficld. Several of tho firo fighters woro seriously burned, nono fatally. Showers Predicted. PORTLAND, Ore Juuo 21.r Weather forecast. Oregon, hIiowoj-k tonight or Sunday, south to west winds. HUNGER I ABOLISH SALE 01! MAR OF LIQUOR IN LAND Senator Works Introduces Constitu tional Amendment to Prohibit Man ufacture or Handllnn of Baoze In United States. Says Only $72,000,000 Invested In Distilleries ami Only 84W Persns Employed In Industry. WASHINGTON, Juno 21. Fore casting an nttempt lo pass legists- lion abolishing tho manufacture, or sale of liquor in tho United State, Senator Works of California intro duced in the senate today a constitu tional amendment designed to exter minate the distilled liquor business. It is proposed to absolutely prohibit the manufacture, distribution nnd sale of distilled spirits. Deer and wines are exempted for tho present, but tlieso also will bo included later. Senator Works explained that any attempt to abolish other than dis tilled liquors at this time would work n hardship upon wago earners in liquor manufacturing establish ments. He said only .$72,00p,000 wm invested in distilleries, nnd that not more than 0100 persons wero cm ployed in the industry. Works called the revenue received by tho govern ment from the liquor traffio "blood money." Pcnntor Smoot made a speech nt- Iacking the correctness of'thb fita istics on which the democratic tar iff bill is bftfleU ... President Wilson today sent -Ihe following nomination!? to tho senate.: ': Minister to The Netherlands nml Luxembourg Dr. Henry Van Dyke of New Jersey. Minister to Bolivia John Orear of Missouri. Receiver of public moneys nt Glasgow, Mont. Edward Harga daine. ' Register of the land office at Qlas-. gow, Mont. Thomns Jones. The senate was in session less than two hours today. A motion by Sena tor Kern of Indiana, was carried, ac cepting tho invitation of tho Gettys burg reunion commission to send Vfco President Marshall and nine senators to attend tho celebration next mouth on the historic battlefield. ;T LETTERS FRANKED BY T WASHINGTON, Juno 21. Abuse? of tho franking privilege through which tho sugar trust recently dist semiunted $10,000 of literature nt public expenso, is to bo stopped, ac cording to u bill introduced into con gress today by Senator Kenyon. Kenyan proposes the cntiro aboli tion of tho franking privilego for members of congress nnd othor pub liu officials. Ho proposes n scheme through which the iiostmnster gen eral shnll issue free stamps to tho favored ones nnd shn.ll keep clos1) check on tho amounts' used. T IS MOSCOW, Russia, Juno 21 Phys ically and financially wrecked, Oen erul Stoessol, tho defender ot Port Arthur, Is roported to bo on tho vergo of dcatb horo today. For somo tlmo past ho has been partly pnrnlyzod, and a few dayB ago ho , ontlroly lost tho power of speech. Lately his country estate and man-' slou had to ho sold to pay his debts, and ho is now being sheltered nnd maintained by an officer who se'ryekl ns his adjutunt tu the Itusso-Japuu- oso war. GAR T OVERMEN PR ARTHUR'S HERO DING t f u H M y m - t