fv ' f f -0 4 f I V f f 't -v i . . ,.;.; : . '.-. , . , , , ,.; , ;-, -. . ',7,Tr.T, ,T-,u-V, 7", '. ', TV' T' v7TT77T77T7T7VVF7TTrr77Yr ,,,.. rtr.,,,4,,?fi!lff(!x w 1 tV V- IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Dr. Murrny, vulrilimry iiiiriu'ini, llllH llMIIII!(l mi (ifflcn In llltl NllHll llvitry NlnlilnN, lln h a kiiiiIiiiiNi nt tint Aiiifrlruii Vtiturliiitry ciiIIuko or Niw York, Mini In IocmUiik Ikiiii poi iiiiiiinlilly, Mini) I'loriiiico Clinton, tlmiKlilcr or Major mill MrM. W. J, ('union, Iimh Jnul Jotiiriioil from (ho ntuto or WllMllllllltllll WllOKI Mill) llllH IM'IUI K'iidIiIiih tit tlio nilillt miIiooU nt (?omiiioioIh, to hiiiiniI ilin Hiiltinuir v" cittloii with hir puti'iiiH who nllt on Wut 12th Mtroi't. You imiii liny u 120,000 urelcliint pollny for I'.T.. iiivorliiK iintoinolillwi, inolornjclo mill roiutitnn rnirltir nr rlilinilH, In Hid Triiviilum' limiirmico roiiiliiiiiy rrom I J. H, Tinny, 2lo tlnr-HKtt-t'oroy litilir., iilioim liiSI. 7U $n,(i(io iiciihlitiit mill Ilfo liixiiritiiro ror $io; mar.o for $17 r.o. h Unimex, dm liimirntiin mini, Minx Vnnllii lltunlllon, who rerun! y rutiiriicil rruiu Kmi IViiiuImmi wlinrn kIiii Iiiin Ihcii 11 iiii of Hugo Miumfolilt, lum oi('ii(iil n pin no Htu 1II0 ut till! North CVniriil. Orelinnl, huiitlnK, :uhtiij and Crntttr l.uko rinon ror Mile t ()nr kliiK A linriuoti'M nlurilu. NuxntlvtiH 111 ml 0 nny nlaco, koil.ik flnlihtriK. 128 Knitt MhIm utriitit. I'lioun a 15 It. Cnrl I'l'iimoii, ulio w.nl to Weed, C.il., iiliout it moiitli ii ko to work In tin Hrtxli mill iluiir factory, nnt with lUlto it painful nnlilniit on hut Hun ilny on tin oxriimlou train liiitwi-oii Wvoil mill Simula Sprlnc. wliwi iio Ml InirtliiK hi" Imck. Ilo lum Ihh'Ii In tint liotiplinl ut W'kimI until yi. tunlny wlmn tin rturniMl to .Mmlfuril mul Mill nttiy until h In hottr. Koitnk rinlithliiK, lml In town, nt WiMon'. (loorKo 14 Htm, I'anninn i-xponl-Hon 'oiuinlMl(iin'r, ri'turncil rrom CitlKornlK Hut font pnrt or lint wo.-k I'ror J N. Mllli-r loft ror I'url I n n it Thiiritilny hvhiiIiik ami inny In rnto nt tint tiitiirou)itf. Mrooiiin -Auk your tlnnlnr ror tho priMlmt of tho Anlilntul fnrtory. OTDFOUD "MATT, TRIBUNE), MEDFORD. OftKGON. FRIDAY, JTN15 20, loin. WeeRs fc McGowan Co. UNDRWTAKMK8 X.ADT ABMirTAITT Hny I'lioiif iJ7 MKlit l V. Wrvln W.l-J.i riionr, A. i:. Orr II7H..M l I'. KuMnrly, who Iimh Iiodii HpiunlliiK uuvoral moiitli at IiIh hoiiuiHfiMiil In Trull ilUtrlrl, hi In Aloilroiil, Mr, mul Mih, lcoro II. Curimiitnr luiM) atrlvoil rrom Now York mid will Hpnid tho mimiiiiir al lliolr riult imti'h ni-ar Modrord, It. II, McUindy wrlto all klniln or Itihiiranco. 401 M, K. & II, blili;. I'hona 'ii'i, .ImnitH 1ltrKlhhon, of Font'n Cn-ok mid Mr, Itownn of Chltnuo, upmit 'I liuriolay aflornoon In Mi'dford, J. M, WiiKni'r, pioprlDtor of tho "prliiK In Kiiilcnint Ormdt illntilcl tliat furnlnlicn Khiklyoii mineral wiititr, mailo a IhimIiiohh trip to Mod ford Thiimday. (JurkliiK ft Harmon, attnllo por tralta, homo portrait, fluid IIkIiU, kodak flnlnhliiK, pout cn.nl work and onlnrnliii:,; I2H Knat Main itraot; tulophoiut 21C It, II. Ii. Kelly, who In ronnt'Ctvd with tho U. H, (lull liuri'Mii, la down from Ori'Kou City. IIii.wmh foimitrly In rliiiri:! of tint liiitcliuiy at tint moiiHi or Klk crmik, llw. Mr. Day, who liaii Junt -it-turned rrom atti'iidmuo on tho I'roi h)tirlan Kfimrul aioieinlily held at Atlanta, (la., ilnllvered a ilitHcrlpHvo adilre.ia nt the 1'rcnliytt'rlan rhurch In Med ford Thutaday eVeuliiK', which wan qnllo InlertMliiK. 11. I). Woalnn, coinincrctat photon rnphnr, ncimtlvoa made any tltno or plncn by appolatmont. I'hona M. 1471. Henry l'nno iniiiln a liulnmn trip to Aahland Thuradiiy afternoon. David H Cort-o hna Mold hla rami In .liiHitphlno rounty and rcmovod lo Modrord with hla family. Dr. Klri'liKi'Miier will bo at Hotel Snali ovtry Hnturdny from 10 n. in. to 3 p. m. on and after Mny 24. Mra. I II. Hopklna, or Central I'olnl, Miia niuoiiK her M oil ford frlioula Thuraday afternoon. MIm lllaiii'lut Cox hua Jollied lir mother. Mra It. A. Hmlti, at Chlro, In a llt of Cnlirornla, Vapor bntha and iclcntlflc mat m:o for turn and woman. Dr. It. J. I.orkwood, chiropractor. SO J Oar nntt.Coroy bid. I'hono 14fi. litikit ltaii, Hay Hunch, David Duncan and ('., I. ItrlKKa woro ovor rrom Jncknouvlllo Thumday after noon Chnrlea Keeflnlil, of l.nko Creek, Irnnanrled luiKliieaa In .Med ford Thunday. Izri.OOO Aetna accident luaiiranco for $26 n e.nr. He It. II. McCurdy. aKeiit, 401 M. I'. & II. bldK., phono 3IU. "!) Mlaa rioreiiro Kent, or Henttlu, la In Medfnrd xIhIHiih relnthea and frleiulH Mr, mill Miii, H, Hprout, MrM, W, 0, AhltjnlinKon mid Mlaa Noiil, who lui'vii Imeii vlaltliiK In Medford, arc niolorlni! to Hun Khuu'Ihco via Klam ath KiiIIm, Mr, and Mra. It. K, Hinlth, or Tolo, dlntrltt, wnnj In Mt'dford Tliurailuy. tradliiK with our mnrchanta, I'lral-claHit orcheatra doalrea en KUKomunt July 4th, I'hono !Mf-.;. 7 A. Muniula and W. K. Weavar worn recent IiiimIik'hm vlnltora it .fa;kcouvlllu, T. J. WIIIImimbuii huh returiiiid rrom a ahort trip to tho Wlllamelto v.il ly. MIubch Union Yulo mid llolo'u (Joulo, or Hau Krauclaco, and MM Dorothy Churchill, or Yren, ant I'.lleitlH or Mini Umh W'alther. Capl. W. ItawlltiKa, who roconlly rt'turiu'd rrom Hlutrldan, Wyo., wna n Modrord vlxltor Thuraday, Ho la located near Central I'olnt ror tho prcHellt, John I'olnraon nod (1. V, Dewey, who live near Kokoo Itlver, apunt Thuraday afternoon In MeiUord. Itev. J, M, llutler, or the Catholic church, who haa been vIhIHiik In Med ford, left ror Hut north Thura dny. II. I., Aerlll, a miner who hna o crated In tho southern part of Jo aephluit county ror many yenra, hua Iihii extradited from tho atuto or WnfthliiKtnu on a chnrKo of panlng a fraudulent chuck at Kerby. I. T. (lulllher, of Itock I'olnt. mul Chaa. Tyler or Oold Hill, wore In Mcilfofrd tho roro pnrt or tho week. Turplu lima, or lll Htlcky, and V. WolKomott, or Talent, tarried a to,' houra In MeiHord thla week. It. i:, Neale, of ItONcburK, and John (I Towiiaeml nro Into nrrlvnla In .Modrord. I. A. Hoover, or I'hoonlx dlatrlrt, mid (I. V. Mjor, or Juukaouvlllo, uero In Mcdford Thuraduy. I,. K. Hinlth, repreaeutntlvo r.f Wood, Curtla &. Co.. or Kncramcnto, arrived In Mcdford Thuraday. , Dr. J, P. Iteddy returned from (lrjntH I'naa Thuraday ror n abort atay In Medfonl. Mra. J. P. Meadn, of Tncoma, la vInIHiik her alater, Mra. CummliiKa, or Liberty orchard. C II llelmroth mid Wilbur Kline, or Krlfflu Creek dUtrlct, went of Ihoait who trauanrted builueaa In .Mcdford Thuradny. William Chambera, McCready I Iron, and It. Ingram, of Central I'olnt, went recent vlalturri In Mod rord. pnther'a Da" will bo ohacrved at tint i'reabyterlnn church Kuuday, Juno 22, with appropriate h.tvIcch The roue will a)iubolUu tho uvqut. H, U. Van J)ko, of North I'hoimlx, tarried a fw bourn In Mcdford Thuraday nftornoon, K. C. Hoot, Into of I'orlnKo, Wl nrrlved In Medford recotilly and nny locate hero. M. M. Hoot, of Tnblo Hock, apent Thuradny In Medford. Mra. Plorenco Dewey, of Kurek'i, Oal., Ih In Mcdford, tho K'loat of Imr altiter, Mr. U. ". Hnyurt. Bhu la on roulo to her former homo In DoiiKlna county. Mr. mul Mra. Prank Hlllotl worn KuealN of relative llvlriK on Hokikj river tho foro ail ir tho week. II, C (lleaaon wna a recent vlaltor nt Central I'olnt. Mr, and Mra. Johuaou, Mr. mid Mra. Petzticr, It. V, Hoax nod Itobt. (irny, or Portland, reKlatered at Tho Mcdford Thuraday aflornoon. They nro on their way to Crater I.ako to cater to tho tourlata who will vlalt tho park durlriK l bo comlnx canon. (lua Morria, II. J. Taylor nnd J. W. ArniHtroiiK. of Central Point dla trlct, went of tho many who caino to Mcdford durliiK the wwk. Ira TuiiKato nnd C. W. Jackaon. or llulto Palla, apent Thuraduy nli;bt In Medford. Clnretico U. Iteamea, XL 8, dlatrlrt attorney, ami hla aUter, Mra. C. L. Morrlaon, of Cnraon, Nov., wcro on tho northbound train Thurndny eve nlnKi en rotito to Portland. Thoy wore Joined by A. K. Iteamea nt Med ford. MUa Ida Pierce, who has been via UIiik In Kan le Point dlatrlct, left ror Irer homo In tho emit Thuraday evo iiIiik. I PXtJEFIVR Mra. Wllko, wife of tho Oernmn Lutheran inlnlatcr, nnd Mra. V. DowiiIiik aro In Pennsylvania on a vlalt. Thoy will rolurn to Medford durliiK tho aiimmer. (), L. Ireland and A. II, Cornell, of (Iranta Poaa, trnnaacted bualnciH In Medfonl Thuradny. Mia Plorenco (Inrretnon, who hna been employed at tho nowa nnd clunr Htnnd or Tbo Medford, hna Kne to Knleiu. Kilo will naalat Mr. nnd Mra. Ii. J, O'Dull, who have InaiiKiiratod a aubacrlptloii content for tho Dnlly Ktateamon, C. K. Whitney, A. h. Pankoy, IJ. Carrott, and H. Allen, or Central Point, went of thoao who trnnaactid btialneaa In Medford durlni; the week Mra H. II. Patrick, or Hold Hill, vlaltod her Medford friend Thura dny. wore rejected by tho court todny. Moat of thorn bocntiao tho nppllcnnt had property nnd nn Income, but in one enno tho nppllc.-.nt'a huslmnd had Wlilowa Tiintnl Dovn. Hovernl appllcatloua ror widow' penalona under tho now atnte law TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY POIt 8AI.H One medlum-alzed Al naka refrlRerator, practically new. Addrca i:. L. I,avc, It. P. D. No. 2. Central Point, Ore. 82 FOR BAI.lv 20 ncrea in Orlfflu Creek. Improved garden and fruit ranch. I.llllo Kinder, Medford, Ore, It. P. D. No. 1; C9A1. 77 KOH HALK Laying hena. Call 100S Woat Main at. Phono 964-J. 79 deaorteil her, leaving hor det;ttit with aevcrnl amall children. Unfot: tunately tho Inw doo not apply 57 auch caaca. Kugenn Guard. . i ! ..-. Siskiyou Heights Now m the time to make selection" of lots and traelH in f Ih'h magnificent residence district. SEE JOHN A. TOKNEY ROOM 1, PALM BLOCK POIt HKNT S-room modern house, tlceplng porch, caat front, cbmbl-l nation barn and garage; cheap. 23 Itoao avc. 71 DON 'T STAY GRAY! SAGE TEA WILL DARKEN YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFULLY A Mixture or Hnge nml Kutpliiir Pre tcniM Dandruff and Palling Hair. When you darken your hair wl.n Sago Teu and Sulphur no one enn tell becauan H'a done ao naturally; eenly. It la nlao aplendld to .v moo dandruff, euro Itching acnlp nnd atop falling hair. Preparing thU Wtlxture, though, at home la a muaay"nnd troubleaonio tnak. For about CO cent a bottto ou ran buy at nny drug atoro tho roaily-to-iue tonic called, "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Hair Itemedy." Some drugglita put thla mixture up thcniHchcn but mako It too attcky, ao lualat you want "Wyeth'a" then there will be no illanppolutment. You Just dampen a sponge or aoft brush with "Wyeth'a Sago nnd Sul pher ' nnd draw It through your hair, taking ono amall strand at n time. Do this at nltfht and by morning all gray hald dlaappcara nnd nftcr an other application or two becomes beautifully darkoned and moro rIoi ay and luxuriant than ever. Yo'i will nlao dltifovur dandruff la gone and hair has stopped railing. Cray, faded hair, though no dis grace, Ik n algn of old ago and is ii all dealro a youthful and attract ive nppeanince. gut busy at oncu with Wyeth'a Sago and Sulphur nnd )ou'll look yearn younger. Inquiry shown nil pharmacists In town hero sell Iota of It. SUMMER VACATIONS SEASHORE OR MOUNTAINS VIA TUB Zii rerxnw f to SUNSET lJ"M RQUTC5 iSKUj JCf Benson Tlckcta on Halo Dally Until September 30. 3-Day Ttckoti o.l Snle Saturday and Sunday. FROM TO Portlnnd Newport Oregon City Bnlcm , " Albany s ' " Corvallla Kugena " llOBCbure " Medrord ", A.tilnrw! TO FAItR Tillamook Iltache $4.00 4.70 " " 0.00 " , i 7.30 " , ;" . 7.10 ". - 9.00 " " 12.00 , " 17.0 17.71 r points. Week end tlcketa on TILLAMOOK AND NKU'POItT I1KAC1IK8. Snaaon rare rrom the principal atatlon to Newport or Tlllauook IJeachca aro a rollewa: FAUB $C23 C.-iZ r..tc 4.00 3.75 &.80' 8.7C 12.00 12.00 Corresponding low fares rrom other points. sale rrom various points. SUNDAY KXCUItHIO.V TRAIN ON TUB C. & K. It. It. Leaves Albany at 7:20 n. m., and connect with tho 8. "P. trains 1G and 14 Northbound and No. 13 Southbound. EXCURSION FARES EAST Tickets will bo sold from all main and branch line point In Ore gon to Eastern destination one way through California or via Portland. Stop-overs within limit. TICKKTH ON SALK DAILY TO SKIT. 30. Final Return IJmlt Oct. Hint. For beautifully Illustrated booklot "Vacation Day," and book lets describing Tillamook County Reaches, Newport and other points, as well as Information about Eastern Parea, routes, stop overs, etc. call on nearest Agent or wrlto to John M. Scott, General Pa Monger Agent, Portland, Oregon. 3 V r r ? X V V r r r r r t r x r t ? t t t r T . t MANN'S Mammoth Clear ance Sale MANN'S 3ENTRALAVE. NEARP.O. "' www -www w.www m mwm w CENTRALAVE. NEAR P. O. $20,000 Worth of Clean Up-To-Date Merchandise at Sensational Prices Every dollars worth of Spring and Summer Gooods MUST BE SOLD Our Loss, Your Gain! Be on hand EARLY SATURDAY MORNING before the best BARGAINS are soldi SPRING GOATS at HALF PRICE $10.00 Coats now $12.00 Coals now $15.00 Coals now . $5.00 ....$6.00 ....$7.50 $18.00 Const now .,..$9.00 $20.00 Coats now ....$10.00 $25.00 Coats now ,...$12.50 SPRING SUITS at HALF PRICE $13.00 Suits now .. . $7.50 $18.00 Suits now ... .$9.00 $20.00 Suits now $10.00 $25.00 Suits now $12.50 $00.00 Suits now $15.00 $33.00 Suits now $17.50 20 OFF ON DRESSES $3.00 Dresses now $2.40 $4.00 Dresses now. $3.20 $5.00 Dresses now $4.00 $G.00 Dresses now $4.80 $S.0O Dresses now. $6.40 $10.00 Dresses now....$8.00 20tf OFF ON ALL PARASOLS CLOSING OUT CHILDREN'S DRESSES AW do not intend to carry Children's Dresses any longer. We have about 100 left, sizes 2 to M yeurslnade of fine Percales and Ginghams, these will elose out Sat urday at tho following prices: 3()e Dresses now 19 75c Dresses now 39 $1.09 Dresses now 98t4 $2.50 Dresses now..$1.48 $5.00 Dresses now..$3.48 $(.00 Dresses now..$tt.98 HOUSE DRESSES Just received 100 new House Dresses made of Percales and Hatists, $2.00 values Sat- f OC urday, each nly) SILK SALE 3(i inch Tub Silk, now patterns, ehoap at jpi.j.'), snio price a yard 89c Pongee Silk, imported 2(J inches wide, $1.00 grade, special a J0f yard 00L 20 OFF ON EVERY WAIST IN THE HOUSE Sensational prices on "Wash Goods. Every yard must be sold at once. Best Dress Prints, now patterns, P now n yard C Post Cotton Chal lies, now patterns, now, a yard Cf onlv v Best "Washing Ging ham made now Qj a yard L New Batistes in fancy figures 0 now, a yard O Linen Piuish Suit ing, all colors IJa a yard Mrt Flnxons, all colors, for salo Sat- 4 Cg urdav, a vard. lw C x Linen Suiting, nil cold's, 35c grade ! now, only a OQ V yard C jk Cotton Corduroy, y all colors, 3uc OOj f grndo, a yard. C LONG GLOVES & "Kavser's" 1(1 hutlon Chamois I ami liislo Gloves special Sal urday, a pair, 48c A, I V "Kayser's" 1(5 hutlon Silk X Gloves in all colors, $1.25 QO fy grade now, a pair vOX i I X ' lv'jivHni''H" 2.00 irancv Silk Y .' ' ' Gloves 1(1 button, now df AQ ! a pair : V-I.IO day a yard... HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION! Look up Those Bargains Saturday TABLE DAMASK 29c TABLE DAMASK 50c grade Satur- QQ TABLE NAPKINS $1.25 grade Sat- OQ, urday, a yard 0v BED SPREADS Large Size, $2.00 grndo on salo Satur- (M iQ day, each. '10c grade,, Stit urday, a yard.. SHEETS 72xi)0 bleached, QA0 GOo grade, Sntd'y...WtJL OIL CLOTH Colors onl', 25 grndo, a yard 19c SNAPS For Saturday Only Colgate's Talcum Pow der .12 Clark's 0:N. T.Cotton, 7 for 257 5c Wash Rags 3 5e ITandkerohiofs 2 25c Belts 5 25o Collin's 10 HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR SALE Women's nnd children's Fast Black Hose, Qj a pnir i wC Women's nnd children's fancy lloso, up to 4 P 35c values, a pnir...lwC Boys' heavy ribbed hose good as most 4 F 25c grades, pr IwC Women's sleove less Vests, 15c f Ap grndo 1VL All of our Women's 35c Vests on salo 00 Saturday &' -- ii i Womon's Union Suits, nil styles. Special 00a Snt., nsuit JC tnt i EMBROIDERY AND LACE SALE 5000 yards fine Val. and Linen Laces, up to 20c val ues, on snio Saturday, P a ynrd wC Baby Irish Flouncinga, 27 inch, $1.25 grndo, C a ynrd wt F ,': fr4lXW'X'i ri V