SECOND EDITION Korty.lhlnl Yimr. Unity Idnlitli Yi-ir. TARIFF BILL IS Two Democrats Will Oppose Measure on Final Pnssnno mid Three More Probably Will on Account of Free Sunar, Mnklnrj Result Very Close. Polndoxtcr Supports Dill Caucus May Develope Votes Sufficient Consideration Will Last a Week. WASHINGTON, Jtino 20.--Strut tor HiiiiiiiniiH, chairman uf tint sen ate finance eiuumlllec, presented fo llin dcnincrutlo senate caucus his coiiiiiiilli'v'rt tlrilft of llin tariff hill. Senators ItiniHilttll iiml Tlniriiliiii i!l iiik)iu llio measure on final Pumwcc, Tho attitude uf, Shaft nth mill NcwIuiiiIm, wlm uro ft en murnr imiiii'iiIh, U hcitijr most cloudy watched, If they all oppose tin lull on final pn-imiKn tlm result ill lut rry cIimc. On llin contrary, Senator Poiudelur in ready lo sup jmrl frco MiiKiir mi t hrfloor if lie i needed. SiiniiuuiH today declared ho wits confident Iiml tin caucus would de- letup tin' vote necessary t pas-i the hill anil plaim to of for a rotnlutinii hhnlinu all democrats to It snptort on final piiHujr. Tliu senate cau cus on the. measure will ln-,1 week. 'IV tariff hill iin presented to the drmncrutli caucus committee roll taiiH many reduction. Wheat, sheep. enltlr, wheat Hour. textbooks mill beet anil KttKiir oiiiiQ machinery arc added (n the frre lit. t otlon thread mill yarn arc slluhtlv reduced. Cot (on huiuUvrphinXk and muffler nr reduced from thirty to twenty-five tcr cent ml valorem ami Blockings valued at not more than 7C centa u dozen uro tint from forty to thirty per rent. All hiiiuN, licit1, cord, rihhoiiH mid wehbiii of hemp, flax or ramie am ri'ilnrnl fiotn .Ml to 10 per cent. In the wool schrdulc I'loth, knit fa hrit'N mid woolen piod urncratly am riuisldvriihlv fill, flue blankets hcini; reduced fiotn thirty-five to twenty fio pi'r cent. LIAN MEATS SECURE EASY ENTRY SAN FKANCIBCO, C'nl., June 20. - Importers of AiiNtriilimi meals aro lcloilnus today in hinini? rescinded an object huiuhlo federal Inspection oilier, which threatened to Mop fur ther shipments of frozen moats from tlm South Sous. Copies of news pnper articles exposing tho difficul ties bcliii placed in lliclr way weio telegraphed to Washington hy the Australian meat iiileioHtH with pro tects (a the Oullfomln congressional ili'U'Kiilion from proiniiieiit merchants iiml butchers hero, with tlm result that the inspector! here have re ceived union from tho ngrioulturnl ilepartineiil that they woro to make "tuiniptu inspection" only, mid that the previous order was due to a mis understanding, Tho steamer Vcnliira, uliinli nr rived jCHtorday with '-'- toiiH of 1'ror.uu inoitt from Sydney, din rhaiKeil her onrgo today. 10 QUEEN OF SPAIN MADUII), June. 20, Tho condi tion of Quoon Victoria of Bpuln wau ruiortuil today au satisfactory, fnt IowIiik the hlrth of her ulxth child. l'Mvo of tho royal children uro living, tho fourth IiuIiik utlltbont. Fair Weather Predicted. 1'OHTIiANI), Ore,, Juno 20. Fore eiint: Oii'Boiii Probably fair lo nielli mid Saturday j eiiHtorly winds. WumIiIiikIeii: Showera west to nllil or Siiturdayj fair cast portion tonight ilnd Saturday, south eiiHter ly winds. IN DEMOCRATIC SENATE CAUCUS CHILD Medford PERIS FEARS MOONWAYTO PENITENTIARY Roosevelt Supporter and Organizer of Harvester Trust Says Govern ment's Policy Is to Discourage En terprise and Jail Men. Behind It. Says Government Tried to Create a Record for His Criminal Indictment Which He Expects Is Forthcoming. flllCAOO, .luiiu 2. ThoroiiKhly an;iy at lilt treatment heru today when he took the xlaiul an n witueHH In the (overmiient'ri suit to iHhhoIvo (ho linn enter Irimt, (leorj-u Perkiim deelarrd to the United I'reNN after IiIm hearing' Hint he predieled he would he Indieled mid pmneitiilpd for eriuiiual lidalion uf the, Sheiiiiati miti-tritht law. "I finely believe I am on my way to the penitentiary," Haiti 1'erkiiiH. "That Ik the poliey of the American n eminent toward corporations. It dlxfoiiroKCH tndtirtlrv and enterprit ami belie v en in Jailimr tho men who create the hiu induntrieM. "I orj-anired the International Mar venter conipmiy and heeured for it $111,(10(1,(1011 or IjiihIucxs annually in the exHirt trade, inere-ed the wich of it workmen thirty-two xr cent, iuercuM'd liiti;vly the uuiuher of tlionn employed nnd when I wan culled nl thin hearing the pivenimeut tried to take advantage of me, ipien- tinned me in an inHltiuallii manner nnd tried thii to create a record for my criminal indictment mid trial." I'rrkiux wn on tho htaud thin innniiiij; mid lurinp lib ttimony he cinched rciwiilcdly with AhNiKtaut At torney (lonenil (Ironvenor. He do fin red repeatedly that the In neu ter eoriMiriiHoii wiih formed for the piirpoP of enptnrin foreign trade, not In monopolize the huinens in tho t'nited StalcH. Perkins Maid (ho cori'orntion wan capitalized at .tl'JO.OOO.OOO, half of which had been paid Tor merged pro purlicH mid the rent wiih Hiihserihed to be lined uhicfly to get the export 1 1 a do. (IroHvenor iiHNerled that Perkins' tchlinionv proved the go, eminent'. axriertiou that tho hnr enter trunt coutrolH 81) er cent of tho Americnn busiuenH on tho haiveslin imichiii ery. AKED RIDICULED BY BRITISH PRESS LONDON', Juno lit). Dr. Chatlcd V. Aked, of Sun Praueixeo, who In declaring hi intention to become an American citizen, mild hm notion wiih prompted by n lonjj coneclved dis like of kiii;H, in comiiiK u for mueh Hiiri'iintu coiiunent tuiluy from Kiik llrth uewHpaper writern. Tho Pall Mull (luzette, owned by "Willie Will ly" AhIoi, tho ex-piitriuled Ameri can, Hiiyw: "In (bene eirciunHtiiiieCrt ho could not poHsihly luivo made a more mi forlunato choice, for it in notorioim that thoro Ih no nation under Hoaven which hc(h n higher value on rnyulty than tho United Slate." E BI.ATTI.!.,, Juno 20. Wlillo comuiondlUK tho muny Reed qunlltlea ot tho wKo "which oiifiht not to lo obscured by tho censuro morltod In certain conduct," JiuIro lOvorott Smith today granted tho pe tition for annulment of tho marriage of bin six dnvH' brldo, nuked for by l)r, Plillllp 11. Waughop. Dr. WauKhop ami Mies Nolllu Kloan, a nurse, aunorlutendent of tho Quoon City tmnltarlum were mnrrlod hero Fobruary 4 lutst. Six daya later Dr, Wain-hop filed IiIh annulmont Biilt, nllogliiR ho contracted tho mut rlngo wlillo under tho Influence of druuii mlmlnlHtoiod by hla wife. MEDJTORD, LARRY WATERBURY CHARGE LEAPS 10 DEATH AFTER TRYING TO TAt'OMA, Wash., June 'JO. - Pail iiig In n dchpcrnte atlcmpl to hurl Mrs, Ituth Krmiciri Allen, 11) yearn old, from thu Kleventh street bridge, in the downtown district, I'dward Mpitt, '-'.( yearn old, of Portland, jumped off tho lower xpaii of the bridge early today, Huxfniniui; injur Sen which rcHtilted in his death mi hour later at the county hospital. Mis body did not strike the water, falling on tho dock beiieulh the bridge. The young woman ih at the police Million H'iidiiig au iiuchtigaiioii of the tragedy by the police. Mm, Al len, whose huhbaiid, George Allen, U in New York, declares that Mygott forced bis attentions upon her .until she was driven nhuost to distraction. Sho hajk she traveled from I.os An geles to Tucoimi in nn effort to uvoid him. With her two months old linby Mn. Allen left I.os Angeles nnd went to San Francisco, where hho declares, Mygott pursued her. Later she went to Portland, where her mother is visiting friends. When Mm. Allen arrived at Ta citurn she obtained n taxienb, plan ning to lake n steamer to Seattle. Suddenly Mjgolt appeared and leaping into tho automobile, gave tho driver order to go to the municipal dock. Hero the machine wan stopped and Mygott mm red Mrs. Allen and attempted to throw her over tho bridge. Two men nearby went to her nssistaneo mid beat the frantic man off. Foiled in his attempt to destroy Mm. Allen, Mygott leaped over the rail nnd lauded on tho ground sixty feet below. At tho ho.spital before ho died, Mypitl declared that he was angry at tho woman because hIio left her baby in Portland, lie also said that Mm. Allen vns his wifo and that ho was tho father of tho baby, All this Mm. Allen denies. Sho declares her huhhaud is in Xow York. On tho dead man's person was i found a letter to his mother at Inde pendence, Mo, It rends in part: "For what I am about to do I want to nsk your forgiveness. I expect that I am going to Hell nnd I know you will go to Heaven. I huvo been driven utmost insane over Ituth nnd I don't know what to do." TO BE SHUT OUT WASHINGTON, Juno 20. On recommendation of Commissioner General of Immigration A. Gaminot ti, an amendment to thu regulations is on filo in tho department or labor today authorizing immigration offi cials nt mainland ports "to rojeot ulcus coming from tho insular pos sessions, unless it bhould appear that at tho time of entry thereto thoy were not members of ttio excluded elnbscs or likely to becomo public charges." Tho modification is against tho un restrained admission of Hindus nnd the Malay races of Asia, several thousand of whom nvo in tho Philip pines nnd Hawaii, II. I. Wbllney. Cnptnln ifltMiii. lnrry Wnlfrliurjr. MURDER WIN MALAY RACES Mail Tribune OUISdON, FJUDAY, .7UNE ,20, .19J3. IN POLO CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH TELLS OF BRIBING SAN' FHANt'lSCO, Oil., June 'JO. When the trial of Arthur MncPhee ami Charles Taylor, (u-pended po licemen licensed of complicity in the .f').0,000 Italian bunco ring, nil journed here nt noon today, Maurice DcMnrtini, a convicted swindler, was still on the stand. He told of his career in Seattle, where ho said ho had been buncoed out of his watch, chain mid overcoat by n nc,ro attor ney named Hawkins, who later caused his sentence to Walla Wallu for a term of one to five yearn. Frunk Kolu, under sentence of fic years in I'olsoui, Demartini said, knew of his previona record when he begun bunco operation here in 1910. Preceding DoMartUl on the Bland today, n witness " named Cordano testified that a police official, whom ho said ho could iKiint out, but whoso name is not nmoug thoso already in dicted, secured his release from jail so that ho could finish n bunco job ho had contracted before his nrest. District Attorney Fickert said that Police Captain Kugeno Willi, will bo called as a Witness for the prosecu tion. Michael Qnllo, tho convicted bunco man, nnd Cordano both testi fied that they were told by officers that part of tho "protection mouoy" demanded wus forAVnll. The district attorney lias wired for information us to thu route taken by Cliito ltuvigo, about tho "boy bunco agent," who is being brought bnck from St. Louis in custody, to that the party may bo met mid no timo lost in getting Hnvigo's utory of hii operations here. 1MM AT FOUT 8TKVHNS, Oo.. Juno 20. Although tho body of a man found drowned at tho Jetty near Ahordeen, Wash., has been practically Identi fied as that uf Prlvato James raw ford, star witness in tho court mar tini uf Waldo A. Cotftmun, tho army trial of tho soldier on charges ot sodtttous utterances will nroeood, it wau announced today. Another witness, l'rlvato I.owo, nyso missing, la known to bo 111 In California. Kxcltomont wns caused at tho tort hy tho dlsrovery that John Turner, a wrltor who achieved noto -during tho recent troubles In Moxlco by us ing arrested by tho provisional gov ernment after tho doath ot Madero. had attempted to Interview Cofftuun, but wna intercepted by guards. Kxtra precautions aro liolng taken to provont anyono gaining access ;u Coftmnu's Quarters, GIVES UP PORTFOLIOS MF.I.P.OUKNK Juno 20. Tho cnbi not headed by lAudrew Fisher, pro uder of Australiu, resigned today be cuiiso tho Liberals at tho last elec tion obtained a majority of ono in tho house of lepresenttitivcs over the Lunar party. BUNCO LEADER BUD AND CROSS ACCUSED POLICE STEVENS WITH ENGLAND'S CRACK TEAM. TO WEIGH IN AT JULY 4 1.08 ANOKLES, Cal . Juno 20. Dlckk Donald, malinger for Uud An demon, Medford , lightweight, car ricd hla point In tho weight contro versy hero today. Anderson and Crons will make 133 pounds at noon July t, for their battle. Tho weight quontlon definitely settled In their favor, Anderson and .his manager went to Venlco this afternoon to make final arrungemeuta for Bud's training quarters. Cross, with an eyo to buslnew, asked Andorton to meet blm In an exhibition bout at Doyle's camp Sun day afternoon, saying that a good prlco could bo charged for admission. "I am Inclined to think wo can tettlo our differences In one meet ing," was Hud's only reply. LOS ANGELES SGANDAL IS LOB ANGKLUS. Cal., Juno 20. Flat denial that sho introduced Ma rio Ilrown-Lovy to Millionaire George 11. Illxby, of Long Dcach. for Im moral purposes on the witness stand hero today by Mrs. Joslo Rosenberg, awaiting trial on chnrco of pander ing. rs. Itosenbcrg was called as n defense witness In tho trial ot Mm. Kllrnbeth Kspcy, accused of contrib uting to tho dependency ot tho Levy Bin. Mrs, Hoscnbcrg declared that tho Jonquil apartment house, whoro sho was tho proprietress, was not of bad character. On cross examination, sho refused to nnswor any of Prosecutor Mc artney'a questions regarding her con duct toward Miss Levy, sajing she would answer thorn at her trial latir on. DIE IN TORNADO TALLAHASSB. Fla Juno 20. At least two negroes aro known to bo dead today and elghtoen others possibly woro killed In a cyclouo which visited this section. Fishor men report also that a tidal wave swopt Marsh Island, on tho Florida Koys, whero several -persons wcro drowned, Most ot tho fatalities oc curred in sections Inhabited 'by tho blacks. C.CATT Ill'DAPKST, Juno 20. Sun Fran eisco ami Berlin aro rivals hero to day for the next international suf frage congress. Mrs. Sewell today urged Sun Francisco's claims in a speech, which wns loudly applauded. The congress today formally eon finned tho oleetion of Mrs. Carrie Chnpiunim Cutt as president. To night all the members of the gather ing will he taken nn a moonlight ride on tho Danube, NOON Jrnnnn HIstfwMenf 207 Second Street .' FINISH BATTLE 25,000 to 30,000 Building Workers Locked out in Windy City on $30, 000,000 New Bulldlnos Now Under wayStarvation Plan Adopted. Both Contractors and Unionists Pre pared for Long Struwle Neither Side Contcmplathe Concession. CHICAOO, Junu 20. Twenty-five thousand to thirty thousand build ing workers wcru lucked out here to day in pursuance of the expressed determination of tho building trades employers' association to break unionism in Chicago nnd the city faces the moht serious building strike since 10(10. When they reported for work this morning more than 20,000 workmen employed on .30,000,000 worth of new buildings throughout tho city, were told thut they were no longer needed ami were paid off. Practic al ly every bit of construction work in the city is suspended and the thous ands if idle men throng the union headquarters where their leaders are laying plans for whut promises to be a fight to the death between unionism and the "open shop." IJIg ItuIMlngs Affected. Construction of mnnv skvscrancrs has been stopped by tho strike among them the $300,000 Conway building, the Continental and Commercial Na tional Hunk, und two big additions to the 'Marshall Field department store. Heside the 20.000 workmen dis- jniyed, Jronijg.OOQ . to 25,000 other workmen will bo unectcd by the en forced idlcuens in structural work. The lockout affects more men than any other strike or lockout in thu city's history. The employer' association today declares freely that their plan is to Starve out" tho union men. They will not attemnt to euinlov non-union men. but will allow iovcrty and hun ger to fight for them in the strug gle. "We are iu n belter poMtiou to wait than tho mou," said Secretary Craig of tho employers' association, todav. "If tlm buildinir trades coun cil does not settle the trouble wo will not allow n sinclc man to work. Our members are under bond to keep their contract with tho association and if any locked out union men arc emnloved. tho contractor employing them will forfeit his Jjond." Marblo Workers Start It. Thu uetiou of tho marble workers on tho Continental Commercial Na tion Hank building in quitting becnuMj tho Thomiteou-Sturrctt company, the contractors ou tho building, per mitted non-union men to work ou another job precipitated tho big lockout. Tho unions vestcrduy and today made no attempt to stop tho look out, and It. II. Haulon, becretary of the Building Trades Council, says that organisation is prepared for a long fight. No extra police precau tious aro being taken, us Chief Mo Weeney expects no serious disorder. Officers of the Carpenters anil Buildom' usociation, tho Master Plumber association and tho Musoiis and Builders' association, all of which urn indirectly offiliated with tho employers' association, which called the lockout, assured tho union men today that they would not par ticipate. Both sides to tho struggle will hold meetings this nfternoou lo considur the situation. SEATTLE PORT FREE TO UNCLE SAM SKATTLE, Wnsli., Juno 20. An invitation will be extended by the Seattle poit commission to the fed oral government to usu tho Senttlo hnibor for any nnd all put poses free of tolls, wharfage or dockugo charges whatever. This was contained in a resolution submitted to tho board by Commis uioner Bridges and tho mntter will bu acted upon next week. FOR OPEN SHOP ON IN CHICAGO , a i-t WEATHER Probably Wr tottljeHi ini Saturday. Miu. .M7. Mt. Ai NO. 77. Crimson's Husky Oarsmen Give Sans of Eli Most Disgraceful Defeat in Years Former Finishes Strong and Fresh While Latter C&HapM. Handicapped by Short English Strska Yale Falls Further and Further ie hlnd Losing by a Dozen Lettfth. NBW LONDON, Conn.. Juno ,20. Harvard's husky oarsmen Kara Yalo ono of tho worst defeats of Ha aquatic career hero this afternoon when, before a groat throag which lined tho Thames, the crimson var slty eight, rowing strong and easy, crossed tho finish, lino more than n dozen lengths ahead ot the blue. Tho timo was, Harvard 21:42; Yale, 22:30. Ynlo's Crew Collapses. Harvard's' crow, models of rigor and efficiency, crossed the tlnUh lino absolutely fresh. They went never extended. Yale eight, on the contrary, had rowed their hearts out and their stroke collapted In his shell as It swept across the finish line, so far behind tho Harvard shfcll that defeat was almost disgrace. From the very moment when the opening gun, at 3:45 gave tee sig nal. Harvard was not a moment tn danger. With the first few strokes the crimson forged to the front, aad at the mile they were so far Is the ,. lead that the thousands of watcWers saw clearly that the raee,wH rap tlcally oyer. Beading easily, .to' the long smooth stroke.' which ,la tradi tional at Harvard, the crimson gi ants fairly lifted their long shlnlag shell out ot the water t&eaiafe i JHH.Ve and fast ar their pace waerte etP servers on the bauk and the- tugs which lined the course, saw they wcro rowing well within th'emtelvia and had plenty In reserve. English Stroke Fatal. As they came down the course, Yale bent with true bulldog pluck to the work. Her eight tugged ad strained, but handicapped by a short choppy stroke. Imposed bj their En glish roaches, they tailed to gain and simply tore out their strength against the deadly effectiveness ot the Boston men. Losing ground with every Inch their shell traveled the Yale men stuck grimly to their stroko, working like demons, If they could not win, to cut down the dis tance ot their defeat put their lim it had been reachod, and eyen In the last few hundred yards, despite the most desperate efforts, the crim son pulled steadily away and crossed tho lino fresh and strong, and vic tors. v The official time qI the freshman eights rowing race today was: Harvard 10:41; Yale. 10:45. W. W. Crocker, ot Uurllngame, Cal,, Yale's stroke," who collapsed, and F. L, Stephenson, Yale's num ber thrco, aro both la bad shape. ADMITS KILLING WE WITH BASEBALL BAT SAN FKANCISCO, Cal., Jutio 10.1 Edward Honey, in tho city prison, admitted today that he killod Mary Henoy, his wife, by hitting her oyer tho head with u basobnll but and then cutting her throat with a pioketknifo in their homo, hero. Then ho slashed his own throat and wrists with- a kitclieuknife, but his injuries wore slight. Ilcney said ho and bis wifo wero in tho midst of u pleasant con versation when be was suddonly seized with an impulse to pick up tho bat and smash her skull,' Ho had been drinking. FALLS INTO LAKE ERIE IN AIRSHIP; IS UNHURT 111 -! - CLEVELAND, Ohio. Juno 20. Weldon B. Cook, an aviator of Oak land, Cal., is fully recovered today from tho bhock of a plunge into Lake Erie with bis biplane. While flying to Euclid Beach his machino became i isah oil iiml n unifcii into mo water and sank. Ho rose in a few min utes, nearly exhausted hut uninjured, und was rescued by jnotorbpaW. HARVARD WINS EASLY ANNUA RACEWITH YALE t" 9 i A1 ' i f .h l' i' I A t4c-Vi -(- Ttwva-. ; - k . V V'WMiiT.,VlMt,'W i iwt v.