Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 19, 1913, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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path Trow.
MtH.;TH Mcdfrrt) Trllion. TtM Pouth
ni Ur9bin.ThA AMtilafid Tribune.
Offte Mall Trlbunt Ilullillnjr. H-St-H
North Kir trt; Mltphon 74.
OfrleJul rtr of th City of Medford.
Official I'aptr of Jack (ion County.
SHOKQR PUTNAM, IMltor and Manamr
Rntcred as Mcond-clas matter at
Mmlrord, Oregon, under the act of
March 8, UTS.
srasaaxFTieir atm.
fl..a mmit .. ..w mall
wnrj mi u mnikMM
On month, by mull.
Per month, rtcllvorea fey enrrtw In
MPuroro, jacKdonviiia ana an
tral Point .SO
PuluriSay ontr, by mail, Per rear. S.00
Weekly, per yr.
.- .ta
Vnudavillo packed tho bouso last
night at the Pflgo Theater in spite of
a down-pouring rain. Automobiles
vvoro lined up on both sides of the
Hlrot for mora than a Dock.
- .Tlit" program was n very iutcret
iiip one. Moving pictures of fln edu
entionnl nature tdiorrinj; the develop
menl of tho Cuttle Midi was of es
pooiul julcrohL
.Inok Symotu opened the vaudeville
program with n monologue which was
mom or less funny.
La Bcrger and her poking dogs
was really a splendid number. Her
different jjosos represented master
pieces of xtatunry and it vrns imitc
mnrvolou In ceo the perfect manner
in "which site has trained her dogs to
pose for n period of crhaps two min
utes without moving n singlo raucle
of, tho body. The lady and her dop
nn) a good repre-entnlion of a mas
tor piece in white marble.
. Alviu & Kenny the fun makers were
also very good. The little dancing
girla were ery cute and dainty in
their work. They aro dancers of
more than ordinnry ability and with
their bright coitumcs and beautiful
scenic effects form nn important
part of the evenings program.
This aftenioon and tonight the bill
will bo repeated and the performance
is well worth seeing.
There is already a big salo for
Lew Fields splendid production of
Hanky Panky which is to appear at
tho Page Theater tomorrow night.
Itolh Weber aud Fields hove Leo
noted for tho splendid manner in
which they produce burlesque. They
enrry more noted staid in one com
pany than any other producer in the
amusement business. Their plays
arc not .usually strong in plot but they
make up in talent.
Representatives of tho various
ehnplora of ifoyal Arch Masons of
tho Rogue valley cites arc in Grants
IJnHs today to attend tho special two
days' special meeting of Itcnmcs
Chapter, No. 28, when 18 candidates
11 of them from Glendalc, will re
ceive tho degrees of tho order.
Tho following progrum will be
carried out; to which nn invitation is
extended to all Itoynl Arch Masens:
.(8:30 a. m. Autos meet trains from
U:00 n. m. Six Mark Master'
degrees in Masonic hall.
12:00 m. Lunch in lodge banquet
12:15 j). m. Auto rides about tho
2:00 p. in. Past and Most Excel
lent Master degrees.
COO p. m. Automobile rides.
tfl:00 p. in. Dinner in lodge ban
quet hall.
7:30 p, m. "Royal Arch degrees.
11:30 p. in, Refreshments.
KLAMATH FALLS, Ore, Juno 10.
-r'fhc wiseacres of this community
hro now pondering over tho causes
for the sudden growth of the loenl di
vot co evil. Twonty-fivo divoreo
itnses nt ono hinglo term of circuit
court menus that within tho past few
jnouths at lonst one out of every 100
families in Klamath county has ho
gnu legal proceedings, to dissolve tho
hplids of matrimony. It would menu
ihnt during tho year one out of every
QH families of Klnmnth county would
Jliul marringo a failuro and seek re
Juf through the divoreo, couit.
, "Circuit Judge 1J, JL. Reason t has
just begun (ho Juno term of court and
ITh1 the dockot theto are 25 caso
herein wedlock is declared unhcar
i)dt. Many of the purties have- re
cently come to Klamntlr county.
u lj "!M'j,i:t '. .M u.i j:
ALirrLIS'dtHiMiMw.tnvJU mnko UwiMcdfOrd Fourth
of July celebration the fineat ever hold inn Hiimll
city but everyone must volunteer his or her norviees.
One of I lip ways in which co-operation can bo shown at
least expense, is in the parade. Every store should pre
sent a gala appearance. Every business house should
have a float. Every auto owner should decorato his ear.
There are approximately 300 automobiles in and
around Medford. It costs a little time and energy only to
decorate these ears. Every one of the ear ownei-s should
do at least this much toward making the celebration a
success and this feature alone will go a long wav toward
The proposed rose show by the ladies of the Greater
Medfoid club can bo made a most attractive, feature.
Every one who has roses should bring them.
The special features of the day seem to be in good
hands hut the co-operation of tho'eoumninity is essential to
make the celebration a success. Without this co-operation,
the special features will fall flat.
The controlling idea must be that the visitors are
guests, here to he entertained, not exploited. AVe ask the
people or Northern California and Southern Oregon here
to have a god time as the city's guests and if then is any
one who contemplates a grafting game, lie should bo ex
posed and eliminated beforehand.
The occasion can do much toward creating a friendly
feeling between townsfolk and their neighbors, or it call
do much to disturb existing relations; The eo-operation of
tho community must be forth coming and the day be made
an enjoyable one for all concerned.
Rainfall approximating three
quarters of an Inch felt Wednesday
evening and Thursday morning nt
Mcdford. At Central Point nnd rlviir
(Mints tho fall was a llttlo hc.-nler.
Thunder showers Wednesday after
noon lirought hall In a few lsolntcd
snots, but no damago Is reported.
Great benefit will result from tho
rain. A little nlfalfu hay will bo
damaged, but to other crop tho
benefit Is inestimable. Oraln, po
tatoes, corn and fruit crops will all
prosper by It.
Coming at this season, when tho
fruit buds for next j car's crops aro
forming, tho rain Is of great valuo
to tho orchardUt, as It goes a long
way to providing a good jleld for
next season.
Rainfall for June so far totals
1.35 as agalnt a normal of .60. Last
year was unusual, tho rainfall for
Juno being 2.19 Inches.
- A near-olopemcnt broko tho unro
mantle tenor of tho rainy day In
Jacksonville Wednesday, and had it
not been for tho age of the prospec
tive brldo all woufd have turned out
well. As it Is, tho pretty llttlo fifteen
year old bride, Minerva Withrow, ex
pects to get permission from her
mother, and bo married In tho near
Tho young couplo with as much
zeal as if an angry parent was pur
suing them, drove from their Medford
homes to tho county dork's otflco in
Jacksonville for tho llccnso Wednes
day afternoon. Goblet L. Smith, tho
maa in the caso, was seat to a doc
tor's oftlco for a certificate, and whllo
there tho clerk took precautions to
look up Miss Wltbrow's age In tho
school directory, and found It to bo
but IS, TuIb, of courso, means that
tho young couplo will havo to wait
thrco years or got Mrs. Wlthrow's
consent to tho match.
Kx-Mayor and Mrs. Davidson,
their daughter arid husband;;Mr. and
Mrs. G. Hugney of Wichita, Kan.,
havo Just mado a sevoral weeWrour
of tho whole western country in
their private railroad car and tlfls
Is what Mr. Hagney said about St
to a friend of his In Kansas:
"Of all tho country wo traveled
over in tho 8000 miles, tho Roguo
Rlvor valley Is 4ho cream of it all,
and I wish I could arrange my af
fairs so I could locate there. Med
ford is certainly a pretty city and
has a bright future."
Tho Kansas friend In writing a
resident of Mcdford, says: "Mr.
Hagney is very enthusiastic about
jour volley and, city and says one
cannot 'Bay too much about it.- I
oxpect to coino out aud sco you next
Special Train to CoIcMln.
On Sunday, Juno 22, tho Southern
Puclflc Company will run a special
train to Colestln, leaving Mcdford
8:30 a. in., reaching Colestin 10:30
a, in.; returning will leavo Colestln
4 p. in. and roach Medford G p. pi,
Join this excursion, speud tho day, In
tho BisklyoiiB.' You will unjoy tho
ride, tho scenery, tho mineral water
and othor attractions. Reduced
rates. Inquire at S. I', ticket office
for paitlculuis.
I'M: rtiJi.
TACOMA. Wash., June 10.
Fri'deriek WcyerhiuMi-er, president of
the Wojcrhneusor Timber companv
w in Tacomn to attend tho annual
stockholders and directors miiding
of the company, which will ho held
thU nftcmoon. Accompanying
Wojcrhneuier in hi priwtlc ear were
his wife, his hou Kudolph and a par
ty of friend.-.
Udirgo S. Long, general mnnager
of the company, said he would re
port today that the rompnny has hold
more timber lands in the last year
than ever beforo hiucc its organiza
tion. Clo-e to thrcc-qunrters of n
billion feet of timber was fold to be
tween forty nnd fifty mills during the
last fiscal year. This is more tim
ber than the United States records
show wns xold from tho government
timber recrvcs, in the combined
states of Washington, Oregon nnd
"Some people hnve the mistaken
idea that the Weyerhaeuser company
is tying up nil the standing timber in
the country. It is the business of
this cimpnuy to sell timber lauds aud
the Miliey of tho rompnny is and will
probably remain so, tint to mnniifac
turo to any great extent, but to sell
ASHLAND Ore., Juno 10. The
farmers of Ashlaud territory met
Monday evening nt tho Commercial
club rooms and perfected n Produ
cer' association nnd appointed u
committee to ascertain the desires of
the producers in the matter of n pub
lic market. They canvassed tho ter
ritory and found the producers al
most n unit in its favor. Last night
they met with the city council nud in
connection with a committee from
thnt body will proceed to work out
plans for a public market, Tho far
mers also intend co-operation along
the lines of building up tho dairy in
terests. OBITUARY
J. 1). McArdle, aged 40, for the
past thrco years a' resident of Mod
ford, and owner of a 30-ucro orch
ard south of the city, died of heart
failuro duo to alcoholism Wednes
day evening at tho Cottago, tho resi
dence of II. M. Cobs, whero ho had
rooms for tho past two years. Ho
leaves a divorced wlfo and two
daughters at Los AngclcB.
Mr, McArdle was a nntlvo of New
York, moving to Minneapolis while
a young man, whero ho was promi
nent in social and business circles.
His death canio very suddenly, as be
was about town Tuesday, Wodnos
duy roornlug ho .reported that ho
felt under tho weather. Dr. Seoly
was summoned. In tho evening Mr.
McArdlo sank Into a stato of coma
and puBhod away at 9:3 o'clock.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho
undersigned will apply to tho city
council of tho city of Medford, Ore
gon, nt its next regular meeting nn
July 1 1913, for a llccnso to sojl
spirituous, vinous and malt liquors
iii quantities loss tbuu a gallon nt its
placo of business on lots 5, 6, 7, H,
block 20, in said city, for a period
of six months,
Dated Juno 18 1913,
UU.U iu Lniiuo
The Northwestern Krult Ktchnngu
Issues tho following crop muiunuary
dated Portland, Ore., June 10.
This Kmiimikq' department of phv
sicitl conditions has been making
strenuous efforts for thu past month
and more, to seeuro reliable rvpotts
from nulhorilntivo sources as to fruit
crop conditions on this continent.
Naturally at this dale, it is not
jmssihlo to muko suro estimates hut
n fair general forecast can be iiiiulu
as you will see.
In iow of tho widely published tc
ports of damages by frost, the re
sult is almost startling. Kvidcntly
there is going to ho n riulo awaken
ing for t!ne who June become im
bued with the Idea that there is going
to bo n great shortago of apples and
other fruits nnd that as a cousequenco
buyers arc going to ruh out to the
northwest and puv old time high
prices. The lessons taught In mar
keting last ear's, crop will surely ho
applicable this season.
Growers should take tho best pos
sible care of their orchards nnd thin
where the set hciivv, so as to pro
duce high grades ns far ns they can
control the crop. Shipping associa
tions should he slroiiKly Hiipjwtcd in
their efforts to systematize tho out
put and exploit its sale.
In condensed form, we cive the re
ports at hand, most of which were
written wilhpi w last two weeks
We nuaiii state that tins report can
not be considered ns nn absolute pro
diction as many conditions nro bound
to chance from month to mouth, and
of these changes, we will endeavor In
keen vou informed. As nn nff-hnnd
summurv. we may unto thnt tluj np
parent net decrease is otilv till 00 to
finnn .mrs of nnnles. or about !1 1-3
per cent of tho IS! 12 rrop.
Camidlnn Prtnlnros
Apple pro.wctH nro generally op
Pear growing sections report con
ditions cry favorable.
Nova Scotia 1012 was orf jcar,
5000 cars. 8000 cars expected 1013.
llritish Columbia apple crop aboc
normal iu 1012. SO per cent of last
year's crop cvpeclPd for 1913.
Pears, 110 per cent of last year
Peaches, some lighter than last
Prune, 85 per cent of Inst jenr'
Apples nrouud Walsonvillc lmll
dnmaged by frokt. Crop not uxeleil
to he over 000 earn n hgninst -1000
iu 1012.
Cherries, about 00 ner cent crop.
Peurs, Itartlett 70 per cent, fnll
nnd winter arictien 00 per cent.
Plums, nil varieties 33 per cent.
Oranges, coming out fairly well. A
half crop expected.
Colorado, Western SIojhj
Apples, spring frost reduced crop
lo 50 icr cent or 1200 to 1500 curs.
Pears, spring frost damaged crop
onc-hnlf. ,
Peaches, winter frere nnd spring
frost did great dnmnge. Prospect
not over 50 per cent crop, or 1)00 cure
r-asterii Part
Apples, prospects nre good for
double tho 1112 crop. 1000 cars of
applcri aro expected.
Pears, doublo 1012 crop expected.
Peaches likewise.
Apples, expect larger crop than
last year except lien Davis. Many
conditions are unfavorable. Compier
cinj 'orcharding in thu stato does, not
amount to muck. . 3 1
Apples, promise the Inrgcst crop in
twenty years, although in restricted
areas there hits alrejijly been a sevcro
drop on account poor polleniation
and twig blight.
Incomplete reports indicate normnl
crops for tho state.
Apples, (15 to 00 per cent of normal
crop. Considerable loss caused by
canker woiiuh. Pears promisu near
ly n full crop.
Apples, noiinul crop of 8000 to
10,000 cars expected.
Pears, 75 per cent crop in sight or
1500 cars. Damago by frost.
Ponchos, May frosts reduced tho
crop approximately one-third. Ciop
now expected 3500 cars.
Apples, lien Davis will ho nrouud
a half crop. Others nearly normal.
Ah lien Davis is about half of all
grown, tho tonl crop will ho reduced
about 25 per cent, leaving prospect of
000 cars.
PcuchcH, in (lip Oarks, full crop.l
TfirURDAY, .WKK, 11),
.""!"l V
KNrwhrrn In the slitlc iivcnige inoro
than 1012.
Apples, n full crcop expected or
Mil) cars. Some older orchard show
a decrease hut new ones miikq up for
Apples, crop will bo about snmo as
Inst ear or 1500 cars. Jonathans
mo heavy while Wiucsups nud lieu
Davis are Unlit.
Apples Thero will bo plenty In
tho northwestern part of tho stato,
or lake district, which Is tho prin
cipal fruit growing dlntrlct. Cen
tral nnd eautorn Ohio wits hard hit
by tho May fructo, and ptiultcally all
fruit was klllod.
Xew York
Apples Western Nnw York Minos
principally ItaMwIns, and thin vari
ety will bo light crop following big
crop of 1913, All other varieties
heavy crop, especially Orconlngs, No
daumgo of note by front. Hlro aud
guucrnl quality expected to bo bet
ter than in or. Aor;tgu crop may bo
!5 per cent of Inst onr.
Pears Heavy ciop, 20u per cent
of last ear.
Plums Pair crop.
Peaches About frt per cent of
last year, but up to normal averago.
Cherries Damaged In soino local
ities. drapes Damaged to sonto extent.
Oregon (Rogue Itlvcr Volley)
Apples Home ttpplo treos that
boro heavily In It 13 will only hnvo
half crop. Young orchards will
inoro than mako up tho shipment rf
Inst )cur, or 5BH cars.
Pears A 3S per cent Increase Is
expected, or 400 cars.
Poaches 75 per cent of normal
Prunes SO per rent of normal
This eslliunto takes Into consider
ation a loss by frost of approximate
ly 00,000 boxes.
Willamette Valley
Apples Most of tho apples In
this district aro used locally and in
by-products. Outsldo shipment will
not exceed 00 cars. Crops will tto
lighter than last onr.
Pears Average crop will bo nor
mal. Hood ltlwr District, Including Mos.
icr, Whit" Salmon and Tlio Dalles
Apples This Is tho off year for
soiuo old orchards, but voungcr or
chards aro uxpected to bear enough
to bring total crop up to that of
1912, or around 1200 cars.
Prunes Normal crop,
KuMcrii Oregon
Apple This will bo nn off ymr
for HenDavis, (Inno nud York Ini
lcrlaU, whllo Rome Duality and somo
other varieties will show an ln
crcaso, probably an nvcrngo of 7f.
per cent of 1912 crop. No frost
rours Two'thiros crop on ac
count of too much r.tln whllo bloom
Prunes Half crop.
Cherries Full crop.
Apples It is expected that Albn
mnrlo Pippins will bo n good rrop,
or 70 per cent of n full crop. Red
varieties only ono-thlrd of a full
PearsVery light.
Poaches Mostly caught by tho
frcoze. Possibly a quartor rrop.
West Virginia
Apples Home districts will hnvo
full crop, others wcro damaged by
frepzo severely. Prfibablo tho stato
will havo SO per cent of full crop,
Poars. Peaches, Plums aud Cher
ries Hudly damaged. In soma lo
calities entirely wiped out. t
Washington WcmiK Insi District
Apples 4328 cars aa against 349ft
Pears 139 cars, as against 200
ill 1912,
Peaches 410 curs, as against 191
In 1912.
Apricots, Plums and ChorrJos
732 cars, or 78 per cent of normal.
Yakima Valley
Apples A great many trees born
so heavily lust year that they did
not bloom this year. Probable crop
CO per cunt or 1912, or 41000 to 4000
Pears Frost damngo will roiluco
this year's crop to about 200 cars.
Poaches Home frost damago re
ported, but not very genornl, nud
tboro may bo 1C00 curs this year.
Priinos Will bo light crop, prob
ably less than 100 cars,
Cherries Half crop on account
frost. Probably 20 cars.
Walla Walla
Fruit crop expected to nearly
equal crop of 1912. v
Fifty por emit of normal, or 80
curs of applos, Othor fruits heavy
Hpoknno District
Applos Damaged by frost In somo
spots. Crop will bo llghtor than in
John ;A. Perl
Undertaker .
Lady Assistant,
Phones M. 17 anil I7-J.2
Ambulance Hervlco Deputy Coroner
Sinca LydSa E. Pinkhntn's
VcRetnblo Compound Re
stored Her Health.
Louisville, Ky. "I take great pleas
ure In writing to Inform you of what
l.yilln h rinklmufs
Vegetable Com
Hiund has tlonn for
me. I was weak,
nervous, nnd cared
for nothing but
tdecp. Now I ran
go abend with my
work dally and ftl
ten yennt youngrr
tnnnnerorni started
taking1 your tncdl
clue. I will ntlvlio
any" woman to consult with you Imforo
going to n doctor."- Mrs. ini?h vvtt.
US, 229 Hank St., IaiuIsvUIo, Ky.
'Another Sufforor Itollowii.
Ilomnyor. Texas." I sulfcrod terrl
lily with n displacement nnd bladder
trouble. 1 was In misery all tho tlmo
and could not walk any distance. I
thought I novor could K cured, but my
mother advised me to try Lyilln l.I'lnk
ham's Vegetable C'ouixiuml nnd I did.
" I am cured of the displacement and
tho bladder trouble Is relieved. I think
the Compound Is tho finest medicine on
earth for suffering women." Mrs.
Viouv Jasit.h, Uomayor, Tuxnn.
If you want special adtlro write to
Ljtlls i:. PtuVham Medicine Co. (roufl.
dfutlsl) I.tiiii, Mass. Your letter nlll
be opened, trad and ausiierrd by a
wouiau ami held In strict ronlldrucr.
The Anllrr04t'l' hnVrn Into
III-. ti -- wir Mnmir !
rily lur Hip Irrl ( r Utull.-r
miltin. X iMclimil S I r.,ivwtirri. 'V H-iintTf I Rl I
AiMtm AUm S. llmlrU lV. N
Tbc Mutt ttho put III K K Iu t 1. 1.1.
ir voi' f..v m.'.iD. vor cv hi:
a coon txmic
Wo will show jou how. Take an)
recipe for caku, muffins, biscuit
or pastry, follow directions
and uio
Crescent Baking Powder
Tnku all the tlmo
ou want to mix
It, and let It stand
ten or flltceu tiilu-
uti beforo bak
ing, if on wish, It
will bu nit thu bet
ter. ciu:!'i:nt" b
two power units
TO RA1HH Till'.
. tir.c Pull I.b.
Ask Your Grocer
CrcMCiit .Manufacturing Co,
Seattle, WuhIi.
W. I. VAWTRR, President.
H. It. LINDLHY. Veo I'rost.
C. W. M'DONALD, Cashier,
Capital and Surplus
oi:xi:iui, HAMviNc
n uh i m:hh
Oldest Bank
in city Of Medford
Stoam and Hot Water
Heating '
Alt Work OuarnoWfid
l'rlocn itousoiittulH
30 Xowsrd Block, Xatrsnc on OtU IL
jbuui ruvui .
I Ajl f 1 r J 1 1 1 ffl
4.444 .4 4444"C"M"t"H-H"r-f4"
Tin: mi,ni: vi;imm.o
llloKi'itph Drama.
tiii: hash nerm: count
A KrrenmliiK Comedy.
Pliiuot II. Uuitttputih.
Diuiiih aud Utfects:
D. M. Haiklus.
MallneiHi Dally.
ComliiK Friday
nn: tmtiicicv vow
In Two Units.
' I).' It. MSD .V CO.fl
Offlro ttHrtslrs.
MeiUord Mall Trlbudo llulhllur:.
Phenes: Office, (ill. Rcxldeitco C,tl.
Whonovcr ou sa au)thliiK sny
somcthiiiK worth whllo. Hay
'.Mciirord Hakciy Co.1. fr .Mo."
The ipiallly will lirlnn a ploatmut
V2 H. e-iiirl
Official Photographor of tho
Mcdford Commercial Club
Amateur Jinishing,Carla
Panoraiiiio Work
Interior niul oxlurior viowa
Flash lights
Negatives mado any timo
and any place by appoint
ment. 208 E. Main Phono 1471
iww-rKu i . i .1
tw?" notci in tne
City. Running disuillcd
ice wntcr in ench room.
European Plan, a lu Gtrlc
Tariff on Rooms
12 rooms - $1.00 each
CO roomi .... 1.60 rch
GO room - - 2.00 each
00 room itb pilule bath 2.00 each
60 room ttlth pilule tith 2.B0 each
30 lultei, bedroom, par
lor and bath 3.00 each
For more than ono nueit add $1.00
extra to tho above rate for
each additional gueit.
Reduction by week or month,
Managwht Chttttr W. KttUy
., Luuaoo o( Grill aud Dining Room. ,
B I l3stIfH V J " k iisssssssssssssssssi
riffirT' Beit.
i ii ! :h lllliA and moat
" 1