207 'tm fmi arm T... rt Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION MMMMMMMMMMMaMI WEATHER1 Fair tonight nnri FrMtiy. Mux. 7... MIn. 49, Ktirljr.lMnl Yr l)lly-i:iKlitli Ymr. i MKDFORD, OKKUON, TIUJHSDAY, JUN10, 1, iftlJI. NO. 70. I HOW SHORTAGE SHERIFF'S OFFICE WAS CONCEALED COnNELIUS J. FORD NAMED AS PUOLIC PRINT Expert Wnnn's Report Shows Money Paid In hy Southern Pacific In March not Entered on Tax Letlijcr as Received Until July. Shortnno Benan In I OK) hut Was Bin nest In 101 1 When Over $10,000 Was Short Total $20,898.50. W. II, Wnini, expert ut-ntinlnut in ployed ly lliu I'oiinly omul lo go umr lln hooka of i sheriffa office f r the pat six yours, has made a pic liuiiuury report, - showing how the lltttlllfCi ill tilt hlll'llff'it III'i'IMIIIIn lotnlhig tUI.OIHI, which former Slier Iff VV, A. Join paid nut of ponniuil funds, iioctimuhilcd. The ii'iMirl iIiich lint say wliti gut Hii' liioiiny, or whin vmih iliinu willi II, imr doe it ncoiiNit anyone. A final ri'ixut will tio made Inter. Itegiiii In tiinii Tim shnrlngc begun in tlm voar WHO. In totaled .'11 111.1(1 that year. In IHKt it grew f-'l.'OO, tlm total diorl- UK" hcing .ftHWn.TtJ. Nenrlv $111,000 nililltioiial disappeared In 11)11, tin1 total shortage at tlm end of tho year totaling tlll.H.'O.ritl. In 11112 Iho'nn minl shortage dropcd down to . I77H, tlm shortage nt the rati of tlm year lolnlliig fJ(l,HtlH.ri0. Tin rrMit explains how F.ipert .1 IK Wilson tins fooled by muuipulu lion liiMt .Inly when he reported nil flinrtno made good. Tuxes to tlm aiaoiini or r-' I. J J .MO luiil been re reived It it t not entered on tlm tax ledger, ami tlm money wns counted n h part of tlm I axon already entered. Till uititii')' wns paiil in liy the Southern Pacific March LM, JOT.', but not entered ns paid In until nftor Mr. Wilson hail counted the cash in July nitli Deputy It. I). Dow. "Thin maul piilntion," Btnton Mr. Wnnn, "not only covered tlm shortage Imt eicn allow t'tl fur a small surplus." Small Amount Dun Jinn Si'vrrnl liiimlrril email errors in en tiles ami collections ivrro corrected ns a result of thu ainlit, ami several liuuilri'il dollars In thio Mr. .lorn from tint county for umiioy paid in for which mi receipts worn diseov rrrtl. Mr. Wan ii nlnn slides that former County t.'lcrk W. K. Colomiiii, "hns fiiilnl thu far to turn over trust funds (n hi Ntici'itKor." Demand Iiiim been made upon Mr. Coleman for the aiiiouul alleged tine, $'J(HI0. Mr. Colo iiiau in straightening up the aeoouiitx with Clerk (Innlner today. R Hki Kb fKwiii, mi H ) mm ! n( HUMAN TIGER REFOGEES FLEE PRESIDENT TO FROM M O'S REN OF N Chaotic Conditions Ohtaln, Accord- Inn to Stories Brouijht hy Ameri cans Murder and Plllane hy Ban dits in Guise of Rebels. READ MESSAGE UPON CURRENCY AVERILL HARRIMAN, SON OF THE LATE MAGNATE, LI8TENIHG TO YALE'S BRITISH ROWING EXPERT No Prospect of Resumption of Nor mal Conditions Rebels Again Up perltand in Many States. Wilson to Personally Appear Before Conuress Next Monday Financial flefcrm Necessary to Ensure Safe ty and Prevent Panics. GETS A REPRIEVE FOR THREE WEEKS HACUAMKNTO, Oil. Juno iy. Jnroli ()inlitlmer, the "hum in llfior," neiilenrcil to linnp: at KoImhii prlHon tomorrow for an iiMitnult u n follow primmer, wiih today Klven ii iinw ImiiMt on lift) by (Invcriior Ill rain W. Johuiiou, when tlm Kovurnor liniietl a three, weekH reprluin for tin condemned man. Tlitj reprluvti w." Krantud follow- lutt mlvlren rereliml at tlm rnpltol hern from tlm clerk of the United Htateit Hnprenm court, thnt Opium lieimer'ii appeal for a revernat of IVderal JiIiIko Van Flrol'ii onler ile nyliiK n writ of error, wan Kt 111 pend- Iiik tieforo JuHtlru Vandtivauter. . Oiipeiiheliner wan nentetirrtl to tllo on Juno il, hut a two wi-oKr rvprlme wait Krouted hy tlm governor, llnd tlm Kninti (lino heen upeclflcd In I he Ittlcut, mpilovo, tint execution would liavo taken plncu on July . An n remilt. throw weokn wero Krantod. OpjKinlielmor, undur death watch In hlit rell nt KoUom, expected to hniiK tomorrow. Iitt night ho ro ilimNted iiiiihIc, and the prlmiu pilot. oKraph unit nnt outitldo IiIh cell. unco lio iiNkeil for an encoro to "Homebody Clmi lit tlettlnt; It," ru niarkluK: "I want Frank Kvola to hear that." Oppcuhelmer ntlll exhlhltn a nto IcIhiii coiiNldered remarhahlo. liy prlimu Kunrdn. Ho Iiiih reipientt-d thai no cleriomeu wltneM tho elocution. IKS OFF MENDOCINO HAN' FKANOIHCO, Oil. .fuim 10. WlroleHK inemiHKoH received hero to day nay tlm Hteanmr Itlvomlilo ho IoiikIiik to tho Chan. N'eliuin coin puny, commiiuded hy Captain l). iiIm(, nank off tho Mendocino count thlu inoriilnn. Tho outlro now wiih reuctied hy tho tut; Itolluf, tho nteaui or Admiral FarniKiit HtiindliiK hy to aid ir needed. Tho Hlvumldo carried n l;irK( carKo of luiuhor. Tho ItlvurHldo wan a utool venuol of IfiTi toim not, ownod hy tlm Clum XsiiIhciii hiimhur company of thin city. Him left Kvorutt, WbhIi,, threo dayn iiko with a cnrKO )f lumlmr for tho Houth. Tho VOhroI wiih liullt at Ho attlo In 180S and had hIiico huou on- KiiKod In tho coiiBt trado, LOCKOUT 20,000 CHICAGO WORKERS CIIIOUSO, Juno 10 A criiBiulo ncahiHt orKiiulzed labor wan started hiuo today when tho llulldliiK Con- Hiruciiou i;mployora iiMhoclatlon at noon ordered n lockout iiKalnnt twen ty tboiiHiiiul workora umployed on lao.ooo.ooo ivoith or huiidinKH. a doxeu Hkncrapor aro affected. Tho men nil) ho iliHiulHHcd na noon a a tho payroll aro completed. Hocretary CiiiIk. of tho omployorn iiHHoclnllnn, tin dl that by tomorrow every iitilnulut In tho city would ho locked out, HAN FIIANCIHCO. Oil. Juno I a. - llrliutliiK graphic ntorlvn of chaotic roudltloiiH In Mexico, and t'-llliiK of murder nnd pllhiKO hy handlti In tho Kulno of rnlitdi, forty-four men, wom en ami children arrived hero on tho Ilrltlnh trump utenumr ColllnKhnm, which In lu port today from (luay iiiiih with jr.UO.dOO In gold barn u c.irf.o. Tlm refiiK''""', niimt of whom aro Amerlcntiit, and Include railroad and iiIiiIiik men of MtnndliiK. neru taken ahonrd at (Inayinnit mid .Muzatlnn, where they nay mnny morn aro ntlll wallLiiK for an opportunity to flee from the terrible conditions In the Notithern republic. No regular pat (tenner uteaumr beltiK available, the ri'fuiteen perniinded Captain Khlrley of tho ColIliiKliam, which unuiilly ciirrleM coal and liimtivr, to tnko them away, Tho nhlp'n offlcem Kiilluntly Kino up their iiimrlerH to tho woman and children and coin wero arranged for tho men between deck. From Ibid to Wore. Condltlom In Mexico aro roIiix from bad to worno, accordlns to the rcftiKci.' and there In no prospect of n reiumptlon of normal biulnemi. Thn rebel, who support the pollclcn of tho (lain Mndcro. nro KnlnlnR the upper hand fn many ntatet. Th! federaln ntlll hold (imyninn, hut tho reheln havo taken llermonlllo and Ortli. For dayn whllo Ounyman wan In danger of being taken by tho reb els, moMi nf tho railroad people fled to trains which wero hold with ntcnm up, ready to pull out tho moment tho expected hontllltlen began. Too reheln Kent a wild train loaded with dynamite toward tho (lunyniag yards, but It wan derailed and tho dynamite oxpmacu uoioro any dnmago was done. "For nix weeks beforo tho arrival or tho Colllnghani," nald Mrs. W. F. MrdlnnlH, wife of n Southern l'aclflc employe, "wo lived on tlm beach bo low CuaynniH In u sort of tent city. A largo party of railroad people de cided It wan nnftir thoro than In our homed In tho city, whllo tho town wan lu danger of being attacked and taken by tlm rebels." ItuninivM Demoralized. J. A. Jennon, of Ban Franclnco, who In lutorcntcd In a 7.000.aer ranchero In tho groat Yaqul valley, mild hiihlucHn on tho entire went coast In virtually demorallied. Tho on posing forwa of fedorals nnd robots ho nald, havo binned buildings, dyu limited brldgon nnd left a trail .f blood ivherover thoy havo gono, levy lug trlbuto In tho way of provision and horncs, O. Kohrer, owner of hotols nt (liinymaH and Canauea, thinks tho days u( tho iltiertn government nro numbered. Follows the Regional Reserve Bank ing System In Matty Features Excepting- Government Control. WASHINGTON' June, 111.- IW. ileiit Wilhon eotiiilrlnd llpw uftctnooii final urrungetiicuirf for imttiuc through liiit program of eurrency re form, lie hopcH to personally rend Inn mi'KHnge to country in (he Iiouku on .Monday. Party Jpadero hay it will lie impotxiljle to pust tho eur rency hill at the HKeial M-fsinn. It wrnt learned today that the preni ilcnt'H mcKHiigu will declare that the currency nnd tnriff nrp twin necchi- tii'M and that fiuuuciiil refonn will eiiniiru to lite country f-nfety from druftir cuIh in the tnriff duty and forestall a "iiinuufuctlired panie." Tho eomproiniio cufrcney hill fin nlly ngreetl iixni folIowM the "region al ri'M'rip" liaiikiiiK ijti-m in inauy u itH featurci', except that govern ment control it annum!. It dividew the country into fifteen rocrvrx, eneh with a overniiitf board, mid nil under a central rocrve hoard in Wn-hlnglon. The Ikmuc of $.')00,000, 001) in emergency currency, hnnv UK)ii federal, hlate nnd local bontlrt, in nulhorized. FEDERAL JUK RECORD LIBERTY OP PRESS t ninntfnn M1 fftninininininK nHDltVnHiHHiinininininiV ninininininininininiB w .1 SI t3kk 7.P rSMttjr & nnnnnnnnnnH d Vl '$7K$a& SltillkiiiiinP 3 ipb vslHnP9Dk v 'VnaMnnnnnnBnnw BniJISBL, WK'flmtV ' SW. - BK.if V I 4 93CsMnnQnEaBBl jjSC3raByMt7yiSWiBI nbiHLHEBlHnBkbniH M 10 Nb'HI TOMMY MURPHY nucnn inraipio NORTH xmaii- LOSES LIFE IN IMITATION OF ISS.DAWN Male Suffragette Trfes te Stop Race Horse at Ascot Will Die Waves Revolver and Votes for WMten Flag In Freftt of Runrrfnji Herie. Knocked Down ami Trampled (a Death Jackey lWnjtrl-Klrtfl Witnesses the Affair. Arerlll llarrlmnnii, (J. M. 3lcIjigeo,i, lint-court (itihl. If Vnlc doeitn't win (lie nnnunl rat-e willi Ilnrvunl, for uhich tho ctcwh nt the two iiniveriticn are now train. iiiK on the TlinmcN river lierc, if will not he for luck of concho. .With Ayerill Ilnrriman, miii of the pent rnilroad operator, in executive charge, n host of nthiMTH nru teaching the KHh how lo row. Vounjr Ilnrriman, uho will thin month he urnduntcd from hit uniicr Uy, him heen k'cii eoinplelo chnrsu of (he rowing jioliey of Yale. The IJlue onrwiieu Imie been quurlerei nt OnlcK Ferry, on the Tlmincs riicr, for work, and nro now putting on the finiidiini: touches for their mutual nice with Hiirinril. which will he fought out on June 'JO. EXTEND RAILROAO SHERWOOD TO 0 BFACH INCREASE REWARD FOR GLENDALE BANK ROBBER (IMINDALK, Ore, Juno 30. Tlm (llendiilu Klnlo Hank linn wirod tho bondinj,' omnpniiy to innrciiHO ita ro wurd for I lui impluro of itoy Diuumud In .t.")(l(l( tlccliuiiiK tho rink too pent for poBHii men to vvntiiro in piirsuil. II in believed horn Hint Dianiond'H iippeuranco nt Whlnkoy Crook ycH lerduy wan merely u blind to make tlm puiHiioTH hcliovo ho inlomlod to oroHH lo tlio (lold IJench oouutry. Khuiiff Qiiiim h wnltltiK nt West Fork for pack Iioi-hoh nnd iiioiiiiIh o tnko llio I mil iiK'iiu, I RIVERS IN PINK OP CONDITION SAYS LEW HAN FIIANCIHCO, Oil. Juno 10. .loo l.ovy, Joo Hlvera' innnugor, arrived today from I. oh AugoloH and from now on lllvoru will train under his personal auporvlslou for tho Unlit with Itltchlo on July 4, Levy wns not iwrturhod hy tho "o- porta that Itlvora had boon hitting tho high apnta along tho bench and wiih confident that lib) boy line been taking good enro of Himself. "I heard from Joo ovory day that f whs. away,'' said Levy. "Tho ro- portH VeachliiB I.oh Angolea did not worry mo at all, 'i want Joo'a frlonda to know thnt when ho utops Into tho ring ho will bo lu tho best condition possible. If condition wins, thou Joo h winner light now," OF AUSTRALIAN BEEF KAN FltANCISCO, Juno 10, De claring they nro being hnniporod hy an order Issued last week by tho fedoral buroiiu of animal IndUbtry, officer of tho Union and Oceanic stoamnhlp companies threatened to day to abandon nhtpmouta of Aim trallan fiozon nieata to tbla country, OBtabllshed two months ago, and which woro xpoctod to materially roduco tho coat of living. Sovoral promluont butchers and inorchuutB of Han Francisco havo Joined In an appeal to tho California delegation In Washington to havo tho order re scinded. Heretofore only u few carcusos of ouch Bhlpmont woro Inspected and tho moat was rondy for distribution and consumption within twonty-four houra after arrival. Undor tho now ordor, each packago must bo Btrlppod for Inspection, entailing grent loss of thno nnd nxpeiiRe, COI.OIIAIJO Sl'KIN'aS, Colo., June 10.- Uefeudiug tho right of newte pnpers to criticise the courtn, n pap er on "Tho Liberty of tho Press" ly United States District Judge Smith Mel'herson of Iowa was read nt to day's HosMon of the N'ational Press association, in convention here. Judgit MePherKon wiih unable to he present in pernon. I he paper, which was tho feature of todny'H nession, ulsn disiMiosoil tlio California-Japanese land Inw eontroicrsy, dcclnriug thnt stales' rights nru suhordinnto to treaty obligations. "A judge must command respect. He cannot command respect hy be coming n reduce, or liy ivcuriui; n silk hat, or n morning rout n white tie, or hy (speaking in uitternl tones. To -ny ho should ho honest ia under stood. It is not much to tho credit of a man to lmvo said of him that he in honest. "Wo nro frco in discussing the president of tho United Stntes. So should wo ho in discussing the courts. Such criticism is helpful rather than harmful. "Some courts in the past lmvo un dcrtnkeu to punish newspapers be cause of articles criticising tho courts. That practice is npw vir tually obsolete. N'o judgo over yot maintained his dignity hy bringing nu editor hoforo his court nnd pun ishing him because of nnimndver sions through llio columns of a news paper." PORTLAND, Ore.. June 10. Hy tho extension of tho Northwestern Pacific railway north ivnnl from Sher wood, Cnl., to Shivelv. Cnl.. nnd tin.. building of n new line from there to (lold llcach, Oregon, the Santa Fe Soulhcni Pacific interests expect to liuvo n Portlnud-S.in Francisco con nection nlong tiie water's wise, it was nunoiinocd today. It is understood thnt tlio Santa Fe will havo jurisdiction only ns far north ns Kurekti. Tho two roads jointly own the North Western Pa cific nnd the Southern Pacific ex pects io use me iitnus recently au thorized. The course of the line from Gold Ilench nortliwnrd has not been decided, it was said nt railroad hend quarters. 10 FIGHT ANDERSON TILLAMOOK SELECTED FOR G. A. R. CONVENTION NKWPHRO, Ore., Juno 10. Threo organisations of Oregon Vetornns, tlm O. A. It., W. it. C, nnd Ladies of the O. A. It., closed their enenmp incut hero today after selecting Tilla mook, Oregon ns th placo for tho next gal liming in 101-1. Snmucl W. Taylor, of Kugeno was elected com munder hy n henvy vole. LISBON, Juno 10. Tho Portu guese government decided today to reduce tho legation in Home and also tlio coiisulutes nt Herlin nnd Madrid. 1 1 lie legal ion nt Itio do Janeiro is to bo olovuled to tho rank of nn em hnssy nnd tho omistihito at Oiintniueln to n legation. A legation in the republic- of Pnnumu is to ho created. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., June IS. Champion Willio Ritchie ulrcndy is making plans for tho future. Ho is supremely confident Hint lie uill de feat Rivers mid after thnt battle will do about four weeks of theatrical work. Then ho will ho ready to talk business for n Labor Day or Ad mission Day bout, possibly with tho winnor of tho Murphy-Anderson bout in August. A long rest will follow this fight nnd on Thanksgiving Day I... ..ill 1... .....!.. . !.. .!.. , iv mi, uv iL'iiuj iv uuill oeivuil Ills title. Tlio ouliug on Nolun's ranch Bene fitted Ritchie greatly, hut ho did not tnko on ns much weight ns lio had expected to. Ho has slifficteut sur plus pouudugo, however, to work, on when hu begins training, nnd nntici pntes no trouble in getting down to 1.14. Ho is ns brown as n licrry nnd looks strong nnd full of vim. FIRE DESTROYS BREWERY IN SPOKANE; LOSS $100,000 SPOK'ANK, Wash., Juno 10. Kn tuiling n loss of $100,000 tho old llenco brewery, now part of tho Spo knno Brewing nnd Malting company's property wns destroyed by fire last night. Practically nil tho machinery and fivo hundred thousand gallons of brew extract, to havo been browed to dny, wero destroyed. Mrs. William Fishback nnd son, living beside the brewery, narrowly escaped burial be neath tho debris when the tall tower fell, SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl.. June 19. f When Promoter Jim Coffmth re turns Irora nSntu Cruz next .Monday or Tuesday he will at once take up me tictaiis ot the proposed IJud An-dorson-IInricm Tommy Murphy match, which is as good ns fixed for August . Malinger Dick Dolinld nnd Cotfroth'prnotinlly closed the deal hero yesterday, when thoy held a long conversation over the long dis tance telephone. While nil of the terms were not agreed to, very little stands Mween them nnd ns Iwth nre anxious to make the mulch they will not permit n little diferenco to stand between them. Donald is extremely anxious to nine uis boy iwrlunn here, ns it would givo his northern admirers a better elmnee to take in the fight. "Much Inrger delegations would come from Portland nnd Medford to Sun Friiucisco thnn would go to Ias Angeles, becnuso of tho snviug in time and expense," suit! Donald before leaving for Ijs Angeles. "For that reason San Francisco suits me fnr better than the south." Donald has n Labor Day or Admis sion Day fight iu sight and for thnt reason nsked Cuff roth to set tho Anderson-Murphy fight for early iu August, to give n Hud n chance to rest and get into shape for his Sep tember bout. JANITOR GOT OP LONDON, Juno 10. Emtilatlrio; tho feat which cost Mum Emily D.1 yldson her life during: the running of tho Derby, nn unidentified "malo suffragette," durlns; tho running ot tho Gold Cup race at Ascot today, at tempted to stop August Delmont'a horse, Tracery, whllo ho was head ing; the field. The man was knocked down nnd fatally Injured. Despite tho efforts of spectators to stop hlra, tho man ran In front of Tracery waving; his arms, In oho hand a revolver and In the other a suffragette flag. Just as the horse struck him be cried out something about Miss Davidson and went down in a heap under the horse's hoofs. - Tho attempt occurred about six furlongs from the flnlh lla. King nnd Qarra Be It. The man who attempted to stop Tracery was injured in full sight ot King George and Queen Mary. Jockey Whalley, Tracery's rider, uninjured. The Injured man has not yet been Identified. The Gold Cup, richest stake ot the Ascot race, meeting, was won today hy.J3lr Thomas Pllklngtoa's Prlnco Palatine at odds of 4 to 7: Lord Derby's Steadfast, at 100 to S, was second, and Samuel Fairs? 'AlephcT, 10 to 1, third. The Gold Cup is one of the most coveted trophies of tho Drltish racing world. Including thq cup and tho cash prlxe, the value ot tho event was $20,000. The distance was two and a halt miles. ' King George and Queen Mary headed a royal procession from Windsor Castle to Ascot. A bril liant nsscniblago witnessed today's events. Tho meet will close Satur day. Witnessed' Htory. Eyo witnesses of the exploit said four men ran In front of Tracery as the horses thundered down tho course, one ot them carrying a flag and a rovolver, attompted to atop tho Oelmont entry, sheuting: "Stop or I will fire." He was knocked down. One of tho fallen man's as sociates picked up tho revolver and held tho crowd at bay until his two uninjured companions escaped. Then ho throw uway tho revolver and fled. Jockey Whalley was thrown to tho turf and painfully, but not seriously, hurt. King George callod tho In- rjured rider to tho royal stand and asked him about what had hap pened. The Injured "malo suffragette." was taken to a hospital, whore It' was found that his skull was frac tured. Physicians at once performed an operation, but stated that the pa tient has no chanco to recover. STEAM ON HOT DAY SEVEN KILLED CHICAGO, Juno 19. Firemen wero callod hero today to put out tho fires under n rumbling boiler that threatened to explode whllo fifty apartment house dwellers, with tho aid of tho police, took up tho tearch for George Jones, colored, who still thinks ho Is tho Janitor or n flat building at 1J948 West Twolfth stroot A friendly bartender engaged ueorgo in conversation lust ulght nnd piled him with drinks that wero cool. Jletween two high ones ho edged iu tho romark that tho wea therman predicted a startling change thut would bring freezing tomper.ii turo beforo morning. Tho mercury was topping tho ninety murk and all Chicago was 8iitItorlng. Hut George hurried to his flat nnd began Industriously shov ollug coal. Ho shoveled for nn hour and returned for unother cool one. At midnight tho riatdwollors be gan dreaming or Satan and his abode. At t A. M. thoy uroso, drip ping wot, nnd loft. Soma spout tho night with neighbors and others wont to hotels. They promlso to make it hot for George. mo WRECK VALLEJO, Cal Juno 10, Seven persons nro known to havo been killed and many Injured in a head on collision of two cars ou tho Napa Valley Electric company's Uho two miles north ot Vullejo ut 10 o'clock this morning. Four bodies havo boon taken from tho wreck, but only dno Identified. That Is of Ed. Judgo.a baker of Vnllojo, Tho cars wero running nt a high rtito ot speed and collided on a curvo Among the injurod aro J. Wilson, Vallojo real estato dealer, and Mrs. Itoonoy, ot Vallejo. JAPANESE ENVOYS CALL UPON PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, Juno lO.Acoom panied hy Ambassador Chimin,' Messrs. Ilmkfi, Knmaiyn mid Soycdu, tho Jiipaneso cuvoyn j America," culled on President Wilson today, This nfternoon they wore entertained luncheon hy Seoretnry Urynu. y If T I M i i i ,-i. i. "i ii a! i r, '